Volume 1

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1. A beautiful life does not just happen; it is built.

2. A believer is one who believes what it takes to cast out satan.
3. A body cannot be dead to sin without the operation of the Holy Spirit.
4. A break in prayer is a break in Christ Jesus.
5. A Christian is known by his love.
6. A Christian is to be under the control of the Holy Spirit in the same manner
that a drunkard is to be under the control of wine.
7. A Christian must choose to do what is right everyday even though it is
contrary to what you naturally want to do.
8. A Christian should keep his body and mind pure and clean because he is a
temple of the Holy Spirit.
9. A Christian should pray everyday and be in an attitude of prayer at all times.
10. A Christian’s life comes from Christ Himself.
11. A disciple of Christ is the same today as then.
12. A God given command on the inside of each person is to become more and
13. A little example can have a big influence.
14. A man without life is a man without the Holy Spirit.
15. A mentor is a teacher in your life.
16. A mentor is anyone capable of growing and increasing your life.
17. A miracle is not an end in itself, it is a means to an end, which is the
salvation of your soul.
18. A real Christian is anyone who depends on God’s grace and put’s his trust in
Christ alone for salvation.
19. A sense of righteousness brings an awareness of authority
20. A sense of righteousness brings an awareness of power
21. A sense of righteousness brings an awareness of self-knowing
22. A sense of righteousness gives an awareness that your sins have been
23. Admitting you are guilty, acknowledging your sin, then trusting in Christ’s
sacrifice will make you clean or whole within.
24. After you have planted a seed, you believe it is growing before you see it
grow – that is faith for you.
25. All power in heaven and on earth has been invested in that name Jesus
26. All the punishment Jesus received before and during His crucifixion was for
your healing – spirit, soul and body.
27. All who enter the number of the body of Christ do so because they are
baptised in the Holy Spirit.
28. Allow God’s Word to channel your way, never allow circumstances to dictate
your direction.
29. Ammunition selected by your enemy is a clue to his fear of you.
30. An effective witness not only knows God but shows God.
31. An effective witness not only knows his faith but shows his faith.
32. An important reason for baptism in the Holy Spirit is power for witnessing
for the living and resurrected Christ
33. Anointing does not work through plans, methods or machinery – it works
through suitable men.
34. Anyone can buy or sell the Bible but not it’s holiness.
35. Anyone can confess Jesus Christ but it takes grace to believe in your heart.
36. Appearance sells; appearance discourages.
37. As a Christian, thank God you do not have to be under circumstances.
38. As He hung on the cross, Jesus was actually made to be a curse for you – as
your substitute.
39. Ask God to give you the grace to stay far from sin and close to Him.
40. Ask the Holy Spirit to take more of you because you are not strong in
41. Be a good giver – first to God, and then to your fellow men.
42. Be conscious of Christ’s presence in everything.
43. Be ready to go through a little discomfort to experience a new level in life.
44. Be sure that those in whom you trust are led by God each day.
45. Beautiful people are those who mirror Christ – let the beauty of Christ be
seen in you.
46. Because I am a believer, whenever I open my mouth the Spirit of Christ
Jesus flows out of my belly and people around me get healed, saved and
47. Because of sin, satan has legal right over you.
48. Because of the Holy Spirit, we have the privilege of talking to God Almighty
in our prayer.
49. Because the apostles knew Jesus Christ, they knew the Holy Spirit.
50. Begin to believe God’s Word is true for your life if you are going to be
victorious in your confrontation with satan.
51. Believe in Christ, redeem the time.
52. Believe was inclusive of all the apostles did to accept Jesus Christ as their
Lord and Saviour.
53. Beware of good intentioned people around you giving you advice from the
human point of view.
54. Broken focus is the real reason men fail.
55. By an act of faith, you begin to think not of your sins and shortcomings but
of your righteousness in Christ Jesus.
56. Choose your friends with care, you may become what they are.
57. Christ believed is salvation received.
58. Christ is looking for full time followers, not part time followers.
59. Christian homes don’t just happen, they are built.
60. Christian means Christ like.
61. Confess your supremacy over satan – he knows he cannot rule you any
62. Confession is the real faith talking.
63. Conversion is once in a lifetime, Christ-likeness is forever.
64. Correction makes a leader.
65. Correction makes future possible.
66. Crises cannot break the one who relies on God’s strength.
67. Darkness stands for the world of falsehood and light stands for the world of
68. Dedication and discipline are the fruit of victory.
69. Devils are going out because I have commanded them to go in Jesus’ name.
70. Divine anointing is performed by God Himself on all who have the wonderful
privelege to be His children.
71. Divine holiness is by the Holy Spirit.
72. Do all you can to obey what the holy Bible is telling you now!
73. Do not build your future around your past.
74. Do what is good to change the bad you see.
75. Do you know that someone has been waiting for you for a lifetime?
76. Don’t change your confession every other day.
77. Don’t doubt your faith, doubt your doubts for they are unreliable.
78. Don’t have faith in faith, have faith in the finished work of our Lord Jesus
79. Don’t murmur and rebel in your hour of adversity – trust God in every trial.
80. Don’t tell me what you feel, tell me what you know – tell me what you
81. Draw on God’s resources and your life will become better, not bitter.
82. Dreams crash daily on the rocks of temptation.
83. Each man has to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, otherwise
Jesus’ death cannot save him.
84. Education is not a criteria for the anointing
85. Education is not anointing.
86. Effective prayer can only happen through His Word, by His Spirit.
87. Every believer is a proclaimer.
88. Every receiver is a sharer.
89. Every Christian is a missionary, evangelist and a witness.
90. Every Christian has received a ministry of reconciling God to man through
our Lord Jesus Christ.
91. Every Christian is a missionary, evangelist and a witness.
92. Every person you meet today is trying to change their life in some way.
93. Every successful person wants to be loved and admired but your enemies
and critics will never leave your reputation unstained and untarnished – you
must rise above that.
94. Every Word of God is Spirit and life.
95. Everyday our Lord Jesus Christ faced hundreds of sick and afflicted people
who screamed for His attention.
96. Everyone can clap after the miracle but it takes faith to clap before the
97. Everyone can own and read the Bible but it takes the Holy Spirit for you to
98. Everyone has limitations – everyone is handicapped in some way.
99. Everyone has received something from God that is capable of reproducing.
100. Everyone hurts somewhere – perfection eludes us all.
101. Everyone makes mistakes – mistakes are correctable.
102. Everything big starts little.
103. Everything God makes is a solution to a problem.
104. Everything in the absolutes of science and technology is falling apart, we
simply must return to God and the Holy Bible.
105. Examine all things in the light of God’s Word.
106. Faith acts now
107. Faith believes now
108. Faith receives now.
109. Faith cannot take a day off.
110. Faith focuses on God instead if your problems.
111. Faith focuses on Jesus Christ and His suffiency.
112. Faith is expecting Jesus Christ to do what He promised to do.
113. Faith is not a feeling.
114. Faith means our movement towards God.
115. Faith must act on God’s Word.
116. Faith must always accompany prayer.
117. Faith requires you to speak them before you feel or see them.
118. Faith will make you operate in the dimension in which God operates.
119. Fathers asked our Lord Jesus Christ to pray for their children. The children
didn’t want to leave His presence.
120. Fight the good fight of faith by regularly taking into your heart the Word of
121. Find comfort in knowing that true fulfilment comes from doing the will of
122. First and foremost Jesus Christ was a soul-winner. That is what He came
for, lived for, died for and rose again for.
123. For faith to be consistent, it must be based on something with more
stability than your feelings.
124. For the Holy Spirit to live in you, your body must be dead to sin.
125. For you to have any relationship with God, it must be through His Word,
by His Spirit.
126. Forgiveness makes future possible.
127. Freedom from sicknesses and diseases comes from knowing the Truth.
128. Get rid of pride so you can receive God’s wisdom.
129. Give Jesus time! The results are working themselves out slowly but surely.
There must be seedtime and summertime before the autumn reaping.
130. Give, and receive more of what you plant.
131. God Almighty delights in hearing the prayers of His righteous children.
132. God can only use you to heal through His Word, by His Spirit.
133. God cannot answer prayer without miracle.
134. God chooses grace rather than works.
135. God chooses what we go through, we choose how we go through it.
136. God does not give us a Spirit of fear but a Spirit of sunshine.
137. God does not need a majority to fight His war.
138. God does nothing without His Word.
139. God freely gives His grace to those who rely on His Word.
140. God gave us the Bible to teach us the way of salvation and how to live for
141. God has given you all the armour needed.
142. God has given you weapons that no power of satan can withstand.
143. God has prepared those to receive you when you are at the place of your
144. God honours men who plan.
145. God in His supreme creation made man for His own glory.
146. God is a Healer and He has never changed.
147. God is a witness – He can never lie.
148. God is in the house through His Word, by His Spirit – you are that house.
149. God is Spirit – without the Holy Spirit, you cannot relate with Him.
150. God is the Creator of everyone, not the father of everyone.
151. God says that what you say will become a visible reality in the natural
world if you steadfastly hold fast to your confession of faith.
152. God says, “Health to all flesh”.
153. God speaks to our hearts, not to our ears.
154. God speaks to us through His Word, by His Spirit.
155. God wants to work wonders through suitable men.
156. God’s children should bear a likeness to their Father.
157. God’s love does not keep us from trials – it promises to see us through.
158. God’s power cannot work in our hearts unless our will is obedient to God’s
159. God’ standard for perfect obedience was reavealed in His Son, Jesus
160. God’s time is the best.
161. God’s will is for you and I to prosper in all ways.
162. God’s will is for you to physically healed and spiritually saved.
163. God’s Word cannot become health to the soul or body before it is heard.
164. God’s Word is for everyone but God’s Spirit is not for everyone – it is for
those who obey God’s Word.
165. God’s Word is powerful and God’s Word keeps you pure.
166. God’s Word reflects His character.
167. God’s Word refreshes our mind and God’s Spirit renews our strength.
168. Good morals lead to holiness.
169. Good news is the message of righteousness. When you hear this message,
it will cause faith to rise up in your heart.
170. Grace is the opposite of merit.
171. Grace is undeserved favor.
172. Great men simply have great habits.
173. Greater is He that is living in me than all the forces that can be arrayed
against me.
174. Hard times are not meant to impair us but to improve us.
175. He did not have poverty of His own. He took away yours and blessed you.
176. He did not have sickness of His own. He took away yours and healed you.
177. He guides you through His Word, by His Spirit.
178. He has qualified you – it is not your work, but your faith in His work.
179. He is my only confidant, never a Friend like Jesus Christ.
180. He loves you just as much He did those during the time of His earthly
181. He loves you, He dies for you, He reigns in power for you, He still prays for
182. He provided your health by carrying away your diseases.
183. He says what He means and He means what He says.
184. He teaches us through His Word, by His Spirit.
185. He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases. By His wounds I am
healed. I am free from weaknesses and diseases because they were all
carried by Jesus Christ for me.
186. He uses our faculties to express Himself to others.
187. He uses our faculties to express His purpose to others.
188. He wanted to breathe in you
189. He wanted His energy to be poured through you.
190. He wanted His instinct and nature to be evident and obvious in you.
191. He wanted His wisdom to be deposited in you.
192. He wanted you to know what He knows
193. He wanted you to feel what He feels.
194. He wanted you to see what He is looking at.
195. He was at all points tempted like as we are, yet was without sin.
196. He was not only an embodiment of Heavenly Father but also of Heavenly
197. He was speaking to those who would believe His every Word.
198. He was unable to do any miracles in certain towns, villages, cities,
countries, homes – the people doubted.
199. He was unjustly nailed to a cross so that you could be forgiven of your sins
and have a life that is fulfilling.
200. He who wants to be great must first respect great men.
201. He who wants to be respected must first respect the power above him.
202. He who wants to be served must first serve others.
203. Healing, salvation and all of God’s blessings have been paid for and are
offered freely.
204. His appearance makes him a man: Mr T.B Joshua; his works make him a
205. His defence was quite simple – the written Word of God.
206. His desire for you is to enjoy the full privelege of being part of God’s
207. His gospel is quite simple.
208. His mission should be your mission.
209. His power and effectiveness are even greater today then during the time
of His earthly ministry because He can present in all places at all times by His
210. His power has not stopped just because He is no longer visible in our
211. His victory gives us victory.
212. Homelessness is man’s condition without God.
213. Honour God in your word and deed.
214. How could Jesus Christ justly do it – except by substitution?
215. How foolish to neglect the preparation necessary for this inevitable
216. How I feel has very little to do with how I am.
217. Human point of view is limited and cannot understand God.
218. Human source cannot understand God – because human source is limited.
219. Human spirit fails unless Holy Spirit fills.
220. Humble yourself and put on God’s wisdom.
221. I am here today because I defeated the devil through Jesus Christ – but I
know I was defeating him for than just me – I defeated him for you.
222. I am not afraid of anything because He is by my side.
223. I am not the healer, I know the Healer – His name is Jesus Christ.
224. I believe the Bible is true because of all that has happened since the
resurrection – why should anyone question so much evidence.
225. I believe the prayers of 30 years ago are not lost. We may not see the
results of our labour or sacrifice immediately but in due time they will
produce much fruit.
226. If a Christian is to know a happy life, he must learn how to plant.
227. If a Christian is to know a prosperous life, he must learn how to plant.
228. If a Christian is to know a successful life, he must learn how to plant.
229. If a sinner could be saved he must believe Jesus Christ loves him and died
for him.
230. If a sinner must know Jesus Christ, someone must point the way.
231. If Christ Jesus is your Lord and Savior, a new body, a new soul and a new
spirit await you one day.
232. If God gives you a vision and it is opposed by men, do not reduce your
vision – stay in the will of God.
233. If God is not on duty, satan will be on a duty.
234. If human pity could have rescued you, you would have been rescued by
235. If human sympathy could have saved you, you would have been saved by
236. If human help could have helped you, today your blessings would be
237. If Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, you have no excuse for remaining
as you are.
238. If only I can get you into Jesus you will be victorious.
239. If satan keeps a person sinning, he has authority over his life.
240. If the one who overcomes is inside of you, you will overcome obstacles
daily by acting on God’s Word.
241. If you are a real Christian, your life will be a help not a hindrance.
242. If you are born of the Spirit, you will do everything through the Spirit.
243. If you are complete in Him, you can do nothing without Him.
244. If you are going to follow Jesus, you are to stay in faith.
245. If you are not seeking God’s righteousness, your prayers will not be very
246. If you are suffering today – the answer is God’s Word.
247. If you cannot control your circumstances, control your attitude.
248. If you cannot relate with the Holy Spirit, you cannot relate with God.
249. If you cannot stand up for Jesus Christ, you certainly will not be able to
stand against satan and his agents.
250. If you decide your direction, God will give you the energy for the distance.
251. If you do not deny yourself, you cannot follow Jesus Christ.
252. If you don’t hear from God, you cannot talk for God.
253. If you don’t hear in your heart to do so by the Holy Spirit and you do so,
you are grieving the Holy Spirit.
254. If you don’t march with God, you can’t march for God.
255. If you don’t take your time to be holy, you can never be holy.
256. If you don’t want to end in failure, be sure to begin with God.
257. If you focus on your past, your present is in danger while your future is
258. If you have not asked God to take you past appearance to the heart, you
have not looked deep enough to the heart.
259. If you love freely, the Lord will send someone to love you freely.
260. If you make an excuse for sin, your sin will not be excused.
261. If you must… then think first and …
262. If you need a companion, Jesus Christ is the most reliable one.
263. If you practice, the practice can fail you – but a call from heaven cannot
fail you.
264. If you put your problems into God’s hands, He will put His peace into your
265. If you say you are born again and you are not, you never will be.
266. If you struggle in His own name/ time/ way – your struggles make you
267. If you take Jesus Christ at His every Word, you will see the same results
the early disciples saw.
268. If you tremble on the Rock of Ages, the Rock of Ages will not tremble
under you.
269. If you turn to God once, He will turn to you a million times.
270. If you want to enjoy the good life, you must learn the value of God’ Word
on your lips.
271. If you want to honour Jesus Christ, you must honour Him with your
272. If you want to speak the Word of faith, you have to refrain from speaking
anything negative.
273. If you want your business to succeed, you must really believe in that
274. If you’re looking for a more convenient day to accept Jesus Christ, that
day may never come.
275. If your hands are full of money and your head is full of information but
your heart is empty – your life is very empty.
276. If your heart and mind are filled with God’s Word, you will talk that Word.
277. If your life depended on knowing the Holy Bible, how long would you last?
278. In His death for us Jesus Christ has provided every blessing man can
desire or require.
279. In prayer to God, we learn to put on Jesus Christ as our righteousness.
280. In the message of righteousness, there is no judgement or condemnation.
281. In the moment of decision, ask for the inner grace to choose as Christ
would have chosen.
282. In the presence of God, there is deliverance, healing, blessing, protection
and salvation.
283. Instead of being against poverty, make a tangible contribution in the life of
someone who needs help.
284. Instead of criticising our sick society or our fellow men we should do what
is good to change the bad we see.
285. Integrity cannot be proven, it can only be discerned.
286. It is better not to be rich than to be rich without peace and comfort.
287. It is better not to receive a miracle than to receive it and lose it.
288. It is by His Words, you can do His will.
289. It is every christian’s greatest opportunity in life to share the good news of
our Lord Jesus Christ with others.
290. It is foolish for anyone to waste his or her entire life on those who do not
celebrate him or her – move on! Jesus Christ did.
291. It is God’s Word working through His Word and Spirit that brings about a
new birth.
292. It is God’s Word coming out of your lips that produces an overcoming spirit
in you.
293. It is God’s Word that teaches a believer how to please God.
294. It is impossible to give for God’s sake without receiving
295. It is impossible to love for God’s sake without being loved
296. It is impossible to plant without reaping.
297. It is not a matter of combining your strength with God’s strength – it is a
matter of total and complete removal of your strength in order to put on
God’s strength.
298. It is not just all up to God, certainly it is not just all up to you – it takes
both God’s ability and your willingness to bring about the new birth.
299. It is our responsibility to confess our sins and receive His mercy.
300. It is possible for you to have a special friendship and closeness with God.
301. It is not how long you live, but how you live your life that counts.
302. It’s not the amount of prayer you pray, but the faith you put into your
prayer that counts.
303. Jesus began in a stable but He did not stay there.
304. Jesus Christ believed in His product
305. Jesus Christ came to restore the relationship and fellowship between God
and man.
306. Jesus Christ came to save us, to preserve us, to heal us and to make us
307. Jesus Christ confessed who He was, so we must confess who we are in
308. Jesus Christ described the Holy Spirit as Rivers of Living Water that would
flow from the innermost being of believers to meet the needs of others.
309. Jesus Christ deserves our one hundred percent obedience.
310. Jesus Christ did not labour to appear truthful – He simply was truthful.
311. Jesus Christ discusses your future.
312. Jesus Christ had a sense of destiny.
313. Jesus Christ has given us a mind and the ability to choose between right
and wrong.
314. Jesus Christ has given us the Word of God as a special weapon that satan
cannot withstand.
315. Jesus Christ is confessing me right now to the Father because I am
confessing Him before men.
316. Jesus Christ is standing on trial still.
317. Jesus Christ is the answer to all fundamental issues of life.
318. Jesus Christ is the owner of your future.
319. Jesus Christ kept His attention on His goal.
320. Jesus Christ knew He would be betrayed but He continued doing what His
Father wanted Him to do – because He loved people and wanted to obey His
Father in heaven.
321. Jesus Christ knew the power of habit.
322. Jesus Christ knew the truth. He knew who He was and what He was about.
323. Jesus Christ loves us and cherishes our company.
324. Jesus Christ never allowed what others said about Him to change His
opinion of Himself.
325. Jesus Christ never commissioned anyone to preach the gospel without
commanding them to heal.
326. Jesus Christ never disconnected Himself from those who made mistakes
with their lives.
327. Jesus Christ never hurried.
328. Jesus Christ never judged people by their outward appearance.
329. Jesus Christ never looked back.
330. Jesus Christ never rejects anyone who asks for healing.
331. Jesus Christ never strived to look good – He simply was good.
332. Jesus Christ never struggled to have a good reputation – He had
333. Jesus Christ never tried to succeed alone.
334. Jesus Christ never wasted His time with perishable things.
335. Jesus Christ permits you to correct your mistakes.
336. Jesus Christ plans for your future.
337. Jesus Christ receives repentant souls – He loves them and welcomes them,
the worst of sins can be forgiven.
338. Jesus Christ refused to be rushed by the emergencies of others.
339. Jesus Christ sent back the Holy Spirit to His followers to make them
effective soul winners.
340. Jesus Christ stands for those who live for Him in absolute holiness.
341. Jesus Christ stayed focused on His goal.
342. Jesus Christ taught His disciples to disconnect themselves from any place
that did not see their worth or value.
343. Jesus Christ took time to develop people’s skills.
344. Jesus Christ took time to rest.
345. Jesus Christ walked where people walked.
346. Jesus Christ wants us to pray as if He is the One praying
347. Jesus Christ wants us to preach as if He is the One preaching
348. Jesus Christ wants us to teach as if He is the One teaching
349. Jesus Christ was bread to the hungry.
350. Jesus Christ was water to the thirsty.
351. Jesus Christ was a companion to the lonely.
352. Jesus Christ was a roadmap to the lost.
353. Jesus Christ was a tommorow a thinker – be a tomorrow thinker.
354. Jesus Christ was and still is a soul winner – the greatest soul winner the
world has ever known.
355. Jesus Christ was hurt when others were hurt.
356. Jesus Christ was moved with compassion when He saw people without
faith and hope.
357. Jesus Christ was not hidden in the palace.
358. Jesus Christ was reachable.
359. Jesus Christ was talking to simple fishermen.
360. Jesus Christ went where He was celebrated, instead of where He was
361. Jesus Christ’s message is very challenging.
362. Jesus is not only my strength – He is by my side.
363. Jesus is standing on trial still. What will you do with Jesus? You can be
false to Him if you will – you can be faithful through good or ill.
364. Jesus never consults your past to determine your present.
365. Jesus possessed something that could eliminate sorrow and hardship.
366. Jesus promised His life in our mortal flesh.
367. Jesus promised you can defeat satan by the blood of the Lamb and the
Word of your testimony.
368. Jesus said He would do His work through believer’s while He is with the
369. Jesus used fear motivation on the Pharisee’s that were threatening Him.
370. Jesus used reward to motivate His disciple’s.
371. Keep pressing in His name, in His time, in His way.
372. Keep them in the world but keep the world out of them.
373. Learn the value of God’s Word on your lips.
374. Let God’s Word abide in you and you in it.
375. Let the Bible be your Book of books.
376. Let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth.
377. Let’ be known as people who are for the good, not just against the bad.
378. Life is meaningless without Jesus Christ.
379. Life is not fun and games.
380. Life is too short to waste our time on things that are perishable and have
no lasting value.
381. Listen to Jesus: Jesus said, “Let the weak say, ‘I am strong’; let the poor
say, ‘I am blessed’; let the sick say, ‘I am healed’”
382. Listen to your mentor – sit at his feet.
383. Live a life of investment, not expenditure.
384. Live every day as if it were your last.
385. Live your Christian life the same way you began it – by trusting Jesus
386. Look to the cross where the price was paid for the blessing you seek.
387. Love everyone, trust only God.
388. Love is the greatest Christian virtue.
389. Love is the real measure of true spirituality.
390. Make a decision to say as David, “Set a guard over my mouth O Lord;
keep a watch over the door of my lips” (Psalm 141:3)
391. Man cannot discover new oceans if he does not lose sight of the shore.
392. Mankind is designed to think, talk, act and plan with God.
393. Many people fail today because they talk failure, think failure and really
believe failure.
394. Many people work for Jesus Christ but very few are willing to be His friend.
395. Many store the Bible on their shelves instead of in their hearts.
396. Many today accept the name of Jesus Christ but not the life of Jesus
397. Mercy is given freely to those who give it freely.
398. Mind management is the first priority for the overcomer.
399. Miracles were the proof that the scriptures were true then, they still are.
400. Move towards anyone who increases your life and move away from anyone
who decreases your life.
401. My obedience is the only proof of my faith in Him.
402. Never a sickness Jesus Christ cannot heal.
403. Never a disease Jesus Christ cannot cure.
404. Never a problem Jesus Christ cannot solve.
405. Never a burden Jesus Christ cannot bear.
406. Never a Friend like Jesus Christ.
407. Never a Healer like Jesus Christ.
408. Never boast of what you do for God – boast instead of what God does in
your life.
409. Never confuse these two – God desires abundant life for you, satan wants
to kill, to steal and to destroy.
410. Never let gold become your god.
411. Never make the Bible say what you want it to hear.
412. Never stay where you are not valued.
413. Never stay where you have not been assigned.
414. No Holy Spirit, no life
415. No Holy Spirit, no helper.
416. No Jesus, no future.
417. No man can tame the tongue.
418. No matter what happens, no matter what comes – Jesus is there to see
you through.
419. No one can do like Jesus Christ unless he lives like Jesus Christ.
420. No one is hopeless whose hope is in Christ Jesus.
421. No power, no Christian services.
422. No sin, no satan.
423. No state of being is as rewarding as living in tune with God.
424. No suffering, no success.
425. No wounds, no pearls.
426. Nobody really knows you more than yourself.
427. Nobody will be able to stand before Jesus Christ and say, “I could not be
saved because I could not understand the Gospel” – the way has been made
428. Nothing is more important in living the good life than learning the good
429. Nothing makes us love a person so much as praying for him.
430. Obeying God at first seems hard until we come to see that all He asks is
for our good and makes life full and free.
431. Once there is doubt in our faith, we are saying what we feel about Jesus.
432. One life for Christ is all I have; one life for Christ is so dear.
433. One’ input determines one’s output.
434. Only God Almighty can determine whether one sin is greater than another.
435. Our duty is to keep God’s commands, God’s duty is to keep His promises –
in God’s way of doing things these two things never conflict.
436. Our plan of strategy against satan’s military strongholds is the Holy Bible.
437. Our tongues were given to build people up, not to rip them apart.
438. Our union with Christ is the basis of our unity with others.
439. Packaging is deceptive.
440. Pardon: the key to abundance.
441. Patience is the power that forces deception to reveal itself.
442. Paul Apostle said that the essence of the true church is Christ in you, the
Hope of Glory.
443. People always fight what they do not understand.
444. People today are clever in hearing the message, but they are never clever
in obeying the message.
445. Persecution is a tonic to the anointing.
446. Planning is the starting point for any dream or goal you possess.
447. Practice the presence of Jesus Christ in you.
448. Pray as if everything depends on God by looking to the cross.
449. Prayer for any special object must be followed by an attitude of absolute
trust in God that He is now working out the answer.
450. Prayer is an expression of your belief.
451. Prayer is the shortest route between your heart and God.
452. Prayer is to the spiritual man what breathing is to the natural man.
453. Prayer should be an expression of believing. Because we believe, we ask.
If you don’t believe, don’t ask.
454. Put on the new man by renewing your mind with God’s Word and
submitting your body to the authority of that Word.
455. Read the Word of God as if your life depends on it.
456. Rebuilding you requires your attention.
457. Receiving salvation is a matter of faith.
458. Refrain from speaking anything negative. If you must speak, think first
and talk about whatever things are just, noble, upright and of good report.
459. Rest time is for receiving. Work time is for giving. You need both.
460. Righteousness gives the ability to be set free from fear, guilt, inferiority
complex and condemnation.
461. Righteousness is a gift from God that is actually received at salvation.
462. Righteousness is Christ Himself.
463. Righteousness is for all who believe, not for all who confess.
464. Righteousness is right standing with God.
465. Righteousness is the breastplate of a Christian prayer warrior.
466. Salvation and all of God’s blessings are for whosoever wills.
467. Salvation is to be set free from sin and it’s penalties.
468. Satan does not come to you physically and say, “hand over your sword” –
he comes through doubt and unbelief in your heart.
469. Satan has nothing on you as long as you keep yourself.
470. Satan has nothing on you as long as you recognise the righteousness of
God in Christ Jesus.
471. Satan has nothing on you as long as you have the name of Jesus Christ.
472. Satan has nothing on you as long as you are not talking in your own
473. Satan has nothing on you as long as all of heaven is there to back up that
name: Jesus Christ.
474. Satan is a destroyer of life. His sicknesses are thieves of money,
happiness, time, joy and effort.
475. Satan is no match for the name of Jesus Christ.
476. Satan rules the world through sin.
477. Say only what is in accord with God’s Word.
478. Seed is anything that can multiply and become more.
479. Seed is anything you possess that can benefit others.
480. Seed is powerless until it is planted.
481. Seeing what God says will produce and increase your faith.
482. Settle all accounts today – you cannot bank on tomorrow.
483. Show me your mentor and I’ll predict your future.
484. Sickness and disease may test you but they cannot destroy you – because
Jesus has been tested.
485. Silence cannot be misquoted.
486. Silence is the best answer for a fool.
487. Sin brings affliction while confession brings freedom.
488. Sin is one of the things that gives satan authority over a person.
489. Sin is the food of satan.
490. Sin is unrighteousness- it is not pleasing to God.
491. Sin no more.
492. Since you are born again – never think or talk on the level of your old life.
493. Someone needs something you possess.
494. Something beautiful/ wonderful/ giant is created that would not have been
possible without a wound.
495. Sometimes you act more like His enemies than His friends.
496. Spend time with the Lord and your time will be well spent.
497. Stop imitating people and start imitating God.
498. Stop taking journey’s into yesterday.
499. Stop thinking of where you have been, start thinking about where you are
500. Success begins somewhere.
501. Success begins with someone
502. Success does not start with fear – it starts with boldness.
503. Success has to do with challenges.
504. Success is a collection of relationships.
505. Successful people are simply problem solvers.
506. Take Jesus Christ at His every Word. He spoke the truth – He’s not out to
confuse us.
507. Temptation is the presentation of evil. It is the opportunity to choose
temporary pleasure rather than permanent gain.
508. Thank You Jesus Christ – I am glad you made it possible for me to be
509. The age of miracles have not passed. The Miracle Worker is still alive.
510. The apostles of old were able to accomplish all they did because they had
an understanding of God’s ability inside them.
511. The authority and power come when you are not talking/ standing/
preaching in your own name.
512. The authority in the name of Jesus Christ cannot come alive when you
have sin in your life.
513. The bank of miracles is in heaven.
514. The baptism experience of the Holy Spirit would not leave man’s spirit free
to choose.
515. The basic work of the Holy Spirit in salvation is to impart new life into the
heart of a believer – thus making him a child of God, all by faith.
516. The basis of our union with one another is our unity with God.
517. The Bible is more than long ago events and ancient wisdom – it is His
message of grace and truth to us today.
518. The Bible is the only book that can transform, all other books can only
519. The Bible says Jesus shows Himself strong on behalf of those who depend
on Him.
520. The Bible says the gospel of Jesus Christ is power to salvation for everyone
who believes.
521. The church is a house where God lives.
522. The church is made up of those who are truly born again – followers of our
Lord Jesus Christ.
523. The cost of disobedience is greater than the cost of obedience.
524. The cost of disobedience nothing compared to the cost of obedience.
525. The day you get angry at your failures is the day you start winning.
526. The day you get angry at your sin is the day you start to live a righteous
527. The disciples of Jesus Christ were men of credibility and they paid for their
faith in Christ Jesus.
528. The evidence of Jesus Christ is lives changed.
529. The fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins makes it
unnecessary for you to suffer sickness, disease, affliction, crises, sorrow,
setback, poverty, failure – for by His stripes we are healed.
530. The Father gave the Spirit to make us like His Son.
531. The final destiny of the church is to be with our Lord and Saviour
throughout eternity.
532. The first place you are to prosper is in your spiritual life.
533. The first thing our Lord Jesus Christ told us to do when we believe in His
name is to kick the devil out of our lives and others.
534. The follower of today can be the leader of tomorrow.
535. The gift of God in your life will make you best among equals.
536. The glorious message of the gospel is that God has provided salvation for
everyone who accepts His Son – Jesus Christ.
537. The good life is clearly set before you – accept it and expect miracles.
538. The graveyard is full of people who failed to resist satan.
539. The greatest mistakes will happen because of impatience.
540. The Holy Spirit acts on the soul to produce the virtures of Christian
541. The Holy Spirit affects your words.
542. The Holy Spirit completely changes our lives – this is called being
converted or born again.
543. The Holy Spirit does as He wills.
544. The Holy Spirit enters into our personalities and we become a new person.
545. The Holy Spirit enters our lives at every point.
546. The Holy Spirit glorifies our exalted Lord and Saviour.
547. The Holy Spirit guides you into an understanding of the truth as revealed
by the Scriptures.
548. The Holy Spirit has a mind – we who have the mind of Christ can only
cultivate His way of looking at things.
549. The Holy Spirit has been active in the earth since creation.
550. The Holy Spirit has wonderful gifts to give but very few bother about them.
551. The Holy Spirit helps the believer in his prayer life.
552. The Holy Spirit helps us in overcoming sin
553. The Holy Spirit helps us to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.
554. The Holy Spirit is a divine person we obtain upon repentance and baptism.
555. The Holy Spirit is a Gift from God we receive upon repentance and
556. The Holy Spirit is the best influence.
557. The Holy Spirit is the fulfilment of a Christian.
558. The Holy Spirit is the life of Jesus Christ.
559. The Holy Spirit is the only means of growth in our Christ likeness
560. The Holy Spirit is the only means of growth in your christain life.
561. The Holy Spirit is the seal of authentic identification.
562. The Holy Spirit is the secret of the good life.
563. The Holy Spirit is the very Spirit of Truth, the great teacher and guide into
all truth.
564. The Holy Spirit never dwells in an unholy place.
565. The Holy Spirit opens our eyes to what is promised us in Christ Jesus.
566. The Holy Spirit produces rivers of life, joy, love and power to flow out of
your spirit to the needs of others.
567. The Holy Spirit provides God’s Word which is proclaimed by men of God.
568. The Holy Spirit regenerates and renews life.
569. The Holy Spirit shows us how wrong our sins are.
570. The Holy Spirit teaches us how to apply God’s Word to our lives and
571. The Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus Christ to the believer.
572. The Holy Spirit uses God’s Word to bring peace to our hearts.
573. The Holy Spirit worked with the Father and the Son to create the world.
574. The Holy Spirit, at the time of our need, brings to our remembrance the
words of Jesus Christ.
575. The Jesus Christ I know is Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
576. The key to receive is to speak what the Lord has put in your heart.
577. The kingdom of darkness manufactures sickness, disease, affliction,
poverty and hatred.
578. The Lord just wants somebody to be there, that is why you are there.
579. The Lord that created us now dwell in us.
580. The love you give, the forgiveness you show, the patience and forbearance
that grace your life will surely produce much fruit, perhaps long after you
have forgotten about them. Give God time! They are working themselves
out slowly but surely.
581. The message you have just received is challenging you to seek first the
kingdom of God and His righteousness. Jesus said the things you need will
then be added to you.
582. The mind always resents things that are difficult to master.
583. The mission of the church is to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
to the four corners of the earth.
584. The more you read your Bible, the more effective you will be for God.
585. The multitude of people fail today because they talk failure.
586. The only key is to believe His every Word.
587. The only price you can pay is sin no more.
588. The only way to keep yourself out of the world is by regularly taking the
Word of God in your heart and obeying the message.
589. The only way to make your joy everlasting is to put the words “sin no
more” into practice.
590. The only way you can show you are His disciple is by showing in your
manner that Christ lives in you.
591. The part of me that hurts is just a shell, the real me is just fine.
592. The position of God in your life is peace and comfort.
593. The position of God in your life is power.
594. The presence of power shows the presence of God.
595. The present only is yours – don’t wait until tomorrow.
596. The price has been paid for the blessing you seek.
597. The prisons are overcrowded with people too weak to stand against satan.
598. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to make you do things as if Jesus Christ is
the One doing them.
599. The right to pray and receive answer has been given to every believer.
600. The secret of your future is determined by the seed you sow now.
601. The seed you sow can create the future God has promised you.
602. The things of God, no one knows except the Spirit of God.
603. The very foundation for receiving answers to your prayers is to base your
faith on the fact that Jesus Christ died to provide what you are asking for.
604. The victory is in our faith – in our believing, confessing and receiving.
605. The way has been made plain.
606. The way of obedience is the way of blessing
607. The way of obedience is the way of success
608. The way of obedience is the way of a bright future.
609. The Word of God is seed that comes into your heart and causes faith to
610. The Word that mixes with the Spirit of God is food for your soul.
611. There are no shortcuts to happiness unless you live a holy life.
612. There are people who fight for God and people who God fights for.
613. There are two types of people in life – those who eat to live and those who
live to eat.
614. There can be no loving without giving
615. There can be no giving without receiving
616. There can be no planting without reaping
617. There is no believing that does not express itself in confession.
618. There is no place to rest the body in the spirit.
619. There is no way you can maintain the blessing of God without faith.
620. There is only one ground for claiming His blessing – By His stripes
621. There is only one ground you can claim: He bore your disease and suffered
for your pain.
622. There is power in your mouth – the belief in your heart is released by faith
out of your mouth.
623. There was one proof then, there is one proof now – miracles in His name.
624. There is a time for everything – a time to talk and a time to listen, a time
for movement and a time for staying still.
625. This I did for you, what have you done for Me?
626. This is not a perfect world.
627. This is the mystery of grace – God takes unlikely people and puts them
into His palace for eternity.
628. Those who are led by God’s Spirit are God’s Sons.
629. Thousands fail in life because they are unwilling to make changes.
630. Throughout human history, champions have had their names soiled and
631. Time in Christ’s service requires time out for renewal.
632. To accept Jesus Christ means to accept the nature of God.
633. To achieve greatness is not as difficult as maintaining it.
634. To be like Jesus Christ – that is our goal.
635. To experience God’s Spirit is to experience God Himself.
636. To hope is to look forward to a heavenly home that will last forever.
637. To know God’s power, you must know your weakness.
638. To know God’s presence is to know God’s power.
639. To know Jesus Christ is to know His power.
640. To know life’s purpose is to know life’s Creator, and to know life’s Creator
is to know peace and comfort.
641. To know the truth is to know Jesus Christ.
642. To live the good life, you must drink at the good fountain.
643. To read the Bible with devotion is to pray.
644. To receive God’s Word in your heart, it requires openness and hunger for
God’s message.
645. To receive is to become part of His world of truth, morality and peace.
646. To stop hearing rumours, start praying.
647. Treasure His Word today and forever more.
648. Trials are the soil in which faith flourishes.
649. Trials are not meant to impair us, but to improve us.
650. Trials, temptation and persecution cannot break the one who relies on
God’s strength.
651. True faith, or divine faith, when expressed in prayer, is a force that has
God behind it for it’s accomplishment.
652. True humility means total dependence on God for everything.
653. True joy comes from loving Jesus Christ.
654. Trust in yourself and you are doomed to disappointment.
655. Trust in your friends and they will die and leave you.
656. Trust in Jesus Christ and you will never be confounded in time or eternity.
657. Two believers are better than one – if only they are one.
658. Unanswered prayer stands between you and your faith.
659. Uncommon peace is a gift from an uncommon God.
660. Unfaithful friends are an epidemic
661. Unless the blood of Jesus Christ covers you, you are wide open to satan.
662. Until a person is willing to admit they are a sinner in need of salvation, he
cannot receive the joy of forgiveness and freedom.
663. Wars are fought because of ignorance and fear.
664. Wars begin because of words.
665. We always reap more than we plant.
666. We are blessed to bless others.
667. We are commanded to ask for things, believing that we shall receive them.
668. We are in warfare; don’t let satan catch you unprepared.
669. We are saved by grace, through faith.
670. We are saved to save others.
671. We are serving Christ when we are serving others in need.
672. We are told to ask for wisdom/ healing/ blessing – but let us ask in faith,
nothing wavering.
673. We can know we are saved when we believe what the Bible says about it.
674. We cannot know anything about God without the Holy Spirit.
675. We cannot see the heart but the Lord can.
676. We have the Holy Spirit, not because we have some emotional sensation
but because God’s Word plainly so indicates.
677. We mirror Jesus when we stop taking journeys into yesterday.
678. We must know the benefits of calvary before we can appropriate them by
679. We need to develop our relationship with the Holy Spirit by daily reading
the Word of God and acting on it.
680. We only have victory over satan when we work/ walk in the Spirit in Christ
681. We overcome when we don’t look at where we are coming from or what
we are but at where we are going.
682. We persecute Jesus Christ with our weakness.
683. We receive at our obedience a gift from God – the gift of the Holy Spirit. I
do not say a part of the Holy Spirit, a measure or a manifestation. What I
mean is the gift of God.
684. We who are born of the Spirit have no excuse for remaining as you are.
685. We who have trusted Jesus Christ for salvation have been assured, not
only a safe passage to heaven, but also everything you need to live for Him
here and now.
686. What a God we have to worship, what a Son we have to praise, what a
future lies before us.
687. What a means of blessing is the look of faith to Christ Jesus – there is
light, life, healing, guidance, wisdom – in fact, everything.
688. What an amazing grace, what an amazing trust – to act on His behalf!
689. What happens in your mind will happen in time.
690. What is happening here is an extension of what has already happened in
691. What Jesus says is yours is yours.
692. What makes the Bible different from all other books? It is the only book in
the entire world that is wholly inspired by God Almighty.
693. What we are asking for – it all begins with the way Jesus saved us.
694. What you are crying for has already been done.
695. What you are expecting has already been done.
696. What you are keeping to yourself is killing your future.
697. What you are waiting for has already been done.
698. What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.
699. What you receive from God comes as a result of you actively reaching out
and claiming God’s promises.
700. Whatever a man sows, that he reaps.
701. Whatever you possess today is enough to create anything else you will
ever want in your future.
702. When everything looks bad, God is good.
703. When God’s power comes upon you as it did on the disciples on the day of
Pentecost, everything about you will be affected by the Holy Spirit.
704. When I lay my hands on the sick, they are recovering because I am acting
on His Word.
705. When it is all over, will you still be standing for Jesus?
706. When Jesus Christ saw Peter’s excitement, He instructed him to do what
he had never done before.
707. When men were hungry for wisdom and knowledge, Jesus Christ taught for
708. When people turn against you in spite of all you do – remember Christ’s
709. When the truth was ignored, Jesus Christ was silent.
710. When we are converted, we have the very presence of God in our hearts
through the Holy Spirit.
711. When you accept Jesus, you are accepting light.
712. When you are born again, the Spirit of God enters your life to put an end
to your past and give birth to your future.
713. When you genuinely born again, satan has to listen.
714. When you are itching to get into action, it is the hardest thing in the world
to wait.
715. When you decide what to do, how to do it will emerge.
716. When you have the mind of Christ, you have an independent mind.
717. When you move with the wise, you become wise.
718. When you open the Word of God and read, you are hearing God talk.
719. When you read the Bible, you are reading the Holy Spirit.
720. When you receive His mercy, you begin to see the guilt and condemnation
you deserved fell on Jesus.
721. When you receive Jesus Christ, you will get His ideas, know His opinion of
yourself and others, work with His projects, see life as He sees it and see
yourself the way God sees you.
722. When you step out of faith, you are no match for satan.
723. When you talk carelessly/ negatively, it is because your heart is that way.
724. When you talk right, you are training yourself to think right and act right.
725. When you think or talk failure, failure will hold you in bondage.
726. When you wait in faith, whatever you demand, whatever you speak to in
His name, He promised He will do.
727. Where there is no Holy Spirit, evil spirit reigns.
728. Where there is unconditional love, the wound of one is the wound of all.
729. Whether victims or perpetrators, accused or accusers, we all stand in
helpless need of divine forgiveness.
730. Whether your sins are great or small, Jesus Christ is able to forgive them
731. Whoever desires can be saved.
732. Winners are simply ex-losers.
733. Winning does not start around you, it begins inside you.
734. With a right standing with God, your prayers will be effective.
735. With Christ Jesus, you can face life’s final deadline with confidence.
736. With the gift of righteousness, you are set free from sin and it’s guilt and
condemnation and you become a servant of righteousness.
737. With the Holy Spirit in your life, your days will be ordered by God.
738. With the righteousness of God in you, He is for you, He is on your side, He
deserves your best.
739. With your words you constantly paint a public picture of your inner self.
740. Within the name Jesus Christ is access to all the blessings of heaven.
741. Without a lamp to your feet and a light to your path, you will walk without
direction and without the Father.
742. Without an attitude of repentance and faith, God’s power cannot work in
one’s life.
743. Without the Holy Spirit you cannot grab the truth in God’s Word.
744. Words are the bridge to your future
745. Words are the standard of your faith because they express what you really
746. Words become God’s Word when they are affected by the Holy Spirit.
747. Words can move mountains.
748. Words created the world and words create your world.
749. Work as if everything depends on you and pray as if everything depends
on God.
750. Yield to the Spirit and be Christ filled
751. You are a solution to somebody with a problem.
752. You are created to change somebody.
753. You are declared free. The condemnation and guilt you deserve fell on
754. You are here to solve a problem, you are there to solve a problem – find
the time to show others.
755. You are not an accident – it is the promise of God to give birth to you. Live
your life to please your Creator.
756. You are not saved because you feel saved – you are saved because you
put your faith in God’s Word and acted on it.
757. You are the focus of everything the Holy Spirit will do today.
758. You are the greatest product of the Holy Spirit.
759. You are what God says you are.
760. You ask and do not receive – means that you ask for selfish, classic and
material reasons, not for the salvation of your soul.
761. You can act on His behalf through His Word, by His Spirit.
762. You can count on God’s Word being good. It cannot fail without God
763. You can only do things to please Him through His Word, by His Spirit.
764. You can only give what you have.
765. You can pray as if He is the One praying through His Word by His Spirit.
766. You can see what He is looking at through His Word, by His Spirit.
767. You cannot be fulfilled without God’s Word.
768. You cannot claim God’s blessings because you have suffered so long, you
have been faithful to the church, you want to work for Him, you come from
a far place.
769. You cannot identify the truth if you are not born of the Spirit.
770. You cannot know God’s opinion of yourself and others without His Word,
by His Spirit.
771. You cannot possess what you are unwilling to pursue.
772. You cannot receive forgiveness until you receive it by faith in the cleansing
power of the blood of Jesus.
773. You cannot talk contrary to God’s Word and win His blessings.
774. You carry Jesus along when you possess his character.
775. You do not have because you do not ask – you ask but you do not receive
because you ask wrongly.
776. You don’t know God by your feelings but by His Word, the Holy Bible.
777. You have a right to say what God says, if He has said it in His Word, then
you can confess it, knowing that God will make it good.
778. You have faith to be saved before you become a Christian.
779. You have not committed the unpardonable sin.
780. You have to believe what you say.
781. You must allow God’s Word to confirm every situation.
782. You must be reborn by a spiritual miracle to become a member of the true
church of Jesus Christ.
783. You must partake of the trials of Jesus Christ. Jesus is standing on trial
784. You need God and you need people.
785. You need more than what money can buy – what you need is in the name
of Jesus Christ.
786. You need to ask yourself: will I be around in the next moment? Let this
question prompt you to live faithfully for our Lord Jesus Christ now
787. You preach through His Word, by His Spirit.
788. You teach through His Word, by His Spirit.
789. You that follow Jesus Christ must follow him in spirit.
790. You will do everything as if Jesus Christ is the One doing it, through His
Word, by His Spirit.
791. You will not, you cannot rise above the level of your words.
792. You with God are a majority.
793. Your command is to put on the whole armour of God.
794. Your conscience is the communication point, contact for the Holy Spirit, as
well as for satan.
795. Your faith should not stand on the wisdom of men but on the power of
796. Your future begins with whatever is in your hands today.
797. Your gift is what God will use to bless others through you.
798. Your gift may not be needed by everybody but it is definitely needed by
799. Your gift will make room for you to meet great men.
800. Your success and happiness depend on your willingness to help others
solve their problems.
801. Your joy is determined by doing what you love.
802. Your life depends on knowing the Holy Bible.
803. Your life will always go to the level of your words
804. Your life will always go to the level of your thoughts.
805. Your mentor can be older or younger than yourself – listen and sit at his
806. Your personality, body and everything about you is the design of the Holy
807. Your thoughts can drive you towards people or drive you away from them.
808. Your troubles may point you to death and destruction but God’s Word
points you to life.
809. Your weakness can be turned to strength for God’s glory.
810. Your will must be obedient to God’s will before you can discover yourself.
811. Your willingness plus God’s ability brings about the new birth.
812. Your words reveal the kind of heart you possess.

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