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Azpired Inc.,
7th,8th & 9th Floor,
Park Centrale Bldg., Jose del Mar St.,
Cebu I.T. Park, Cebu City, Philippines


Source Destination Requested By

Work From Home/Work From Home/Work From Home/Work From
CEBU/Cebu Exchange Tower/11th Floor jose licayan

Purpose Ticket#2024011212000275 — L1 | Oracle | Gate Pass request for Ira Mae Centino

Asset Category Brand Model Quantity Serial No Assigned To

Peripheral (Laptop
Dynabook PA5352E-1AC3 1 G71C000LS310 L901L07B2TCB Ira Mae Centino
Laptop Dynabook Dynabook Portege X40-J 1 Y1199900H Ira Mae Centino

I/we hereby declare that all items have been checked, and the information provided on this Gate Pass is true and complete. I/we shall
bear the liability accordance with the AZPIRED Inc. policy. In the even of any loss or damage, I will report the details to the IT Asset

I completely understand and realize that by bringing Company/Client Asset outside the company premises I will be held responsible
for any damages or if the asset will be lost/stolen. I will be fully responsible to pay for this item at a price requested by the
company/client and other charges like licenses and of the like.

By signing this ‘Mobile Device/Laptop Usage Agreement’, I agree to the following terms and conditions of use and accept delivery of
the Mobile Device and I confirm that the information given in this form is true, complete and accurate.

Victor Reusora Vilmore Ariola

Prepared By Approved By Guard On Duty
12-01-2024 14:14:24 12-01-2024 14:16:50

Employee Signature

AZI/INTTR/00019680 Page 1 of 1

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