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Lyonesse, The Elder Isles, and certain characters are creations of Jack Vance, and Copyright © John Vance

& Spatterlight Press.

Used by The Design Mechanism Under License and With Permission.

Suldrun’s Garden: Copyright © 1983, 2002 by Jack Vance

The Green Pearl: Copyright © 1985, 2002 by Jack Vance
Madouc: Copyright © 1989, 2002 by Jack Vance

This edition of In High Dudgeon 2020 by The Design Mechanism Inc. All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part
by any means without permission from The Design Mechanism, except as quoted for purposes of illustration, discussion, and game play.
Reproduction of the material in this book for the purposes of personal or corporate profit, by photographic, electronic, or other methods of
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Investigating the Dudgeons 3 Non-Player Characters 29
Beginning the Scenario 6 Baron Molecricket 29
What’s Going On... 6 Beldwain, Low Dudgeon Elder 29
An Offer of Intrigue 7 Black Tam Shandy 30
Chaylot, Low Dudgeon Elder 30
The Investigation 8
Cluge the Charm Seller 30
Following Up the What’s Going On Encounters 8
Euridyce Ganch 30
The Village of High Dudgeon 11 Knacker the Smith 30
Places of Note 13 Ma Twalon 31
The Inn 13 Melench the Innkeeper 31
The Smithy 14 Messalina Ganch 31
The New Mill 14 Olias 31
The Fields 15 Plovid the Landlord 32
The Twott Acre Practice Camp 15 Renya 32
The Village of Low Dudgeon 16 Semmence the Smith 32
The Seven Horseshoes 16 Vespule the Baker 32
General Investigation 17 Typical Local 32
Places of Note 18 Typical Charcoal Thug 33
The Tavern 18 Typical Man at Arms 33
The Village Well 19 Games Master Notes 34
The Smithy 20
The Bakery 20
The Sawmill 21
Midsummer Meadow 21
Renya’s Cottage 24
Ambush at Twott’s Acre 27

Rewards and Recriminations 28

Chapter Name

his scenario focuses on the neighbouring gratitude of Low Dudgeon and, possibly, the friendship

T villages of High and Low Dudgeon. Every

year at midsummer, the two villages engage in
a friendly contest of games: tug o’war, races, and so on.
of a fairy.

Where are High and Low

Every year for the past 10 years, High Dudgeon has
won; sometimes by a significant margin, sometimes by a
hair’s breadth. The villagers of Low Dudgeon suspect
The villages can be placed in any kingdom of the Elder
foul play, even though none of the High Dudgeon
Isles the Games Master wishes, although we
competitors appear to have cheated (at least in any
recommend avoiding North and South Ulfland, and
noticeable or provable way). Magic is suspected, and
Scola. Blaloc, Caduz, Dahaut, Dascinet, Godelia,
when the characters arrive in Low Dudgeon on the eve
Lyonesse, Pomperol, and Troicinet are all good
of the games, they are employed to discover High
candidates. The villages should be within a few days’
Dudgeon’s secret to winning.
walk or ride of a major town, and there should be a
In reality, High Dudgeon is completely innocent. It
nearby woodland, or part of the Forest of Tantrevalles.
isn’t that High Dudgeon consistently wins, it’s because
Low Dudgeon consistently loses. Eleven years ago, a
fairy of a nearby shee became utterly besotted with one
of the Low Dudgeon villagers. She spurned him, being
Twelve years ago, a fairy, Olias of Hillhollow Shee was
besotted herself with her childhood sweetheart. The
hunting sunbeams in the nearby forest, when he caught
fairy has therefore cursed the villagers of Low Dudgeon
sight of a beautiful young woman bathing in the river.
to always lose out to its neighbour. In reality, it’s not just
She was captivating, and Olias lost his heart the
the games that Low Dudgeon loses at: anything that
moment he saw her. That afternoon they frolicked and
villagers from Low and High Dudgeon compete over, be
flirted, and Olias believed that the girl, Renya, was as
it sales at the local market or the favour of the local
much in love with him as he was with her. For several
baron, Low Dudgeon always comes out worse. But
blissful days in that long, hot summer, Olias and Renya
given the prestige of the midsummer games, the Low
met in secret, walked, dallied, kissed, and spoke sweet
Dudgeon villages fail to see the bigger picture and are
nothings into each other’s ears. One day, Renya failed to
convinced that High Dudgeon is somehow
meet Olias in the shade of the old yew tree that was
manufacturing its success.
their rendezvous spot. Olias waited, but fairies are not
It is up to the characters to get to the bottom of the
known for their patience and, in the end, he went in
situation, and possibly lift the curse. Of course, they
search of her.
may choose not to, but if they do, they will earn the

Creeping to the outskirts of the village, he came across
a large meadow where many people were gathered,
watching a succession of contests. A great feast was in
The Dudgeons
High and Low Dudgeon are about 8 kilometres apart,
full swing, with musicians, dancing, ale and mead connected by a well-worn road of ancient cobbles and
flowing, and at the centre of it all, the games where two packed earth. They are similar in size, consisting of 150-
villages competed. In the midst of the throng, Olias 200 people, and are reasonably self-sufficient. Low
spotted Renya, dancing with a young man. The dancing Dudgeon works the local forest for timber, makes
turned to flirting, and the flirting to kissing. The young charcoal, and fishes the River Dudge for eels and pike.
man competed in several of the contests and was on the High Dudgeon has lots of farmland, and in recent years
winning side each time. Renya cheered him, hugged has been given extensive grants and permissions by the
him, danced with him, and it was clear that she was in baron who rules the region, all part of the prize for
love with him. Heartbroken, Olias returned to the winning the annual midsummer games. Each village has
woods and started to brood. Two days later, Renya a tavern, a smithy, places to buy locally sourced
eventually appeared in the shade of the old yew tree. provisions, have things mended, stable horses, and so
Olias was cool with her. She explained that the games on. They are a pair of typical, idyllic villages that go
had started and it was something she enjoyed; about their daily business with few cares for the outside
something everyone in Low Dudgeon enjoyed. She did world. High Dudgeon is clearly the more prosperous:
not mention the young man, and when she tried to grow the buildings are in good repair, spirits are high, crops
intimate with Olias, he withdrew, explaining that in her and livestock thrive, and life is good. Low Dudgeon is
absence he had continued hunting sunbeams, and now almost the opposite: it is on the shabby side, struggling
had enough to weave a fine cloak for himself; he would occasionally, and with a generally dispirited people. It
be returning to Hillhollow Shee immediately and that doesn’t attract many traders these days, and hasn’t for
their dalliance was over. Renya pleaded, but Olias was the best part of a decade. It gets by, and the villagers of
implacable. She fled in tears, and Olias watched her go. Low Dudgeon look upon High Dudgeon with distrust
That night, Olias returned to Low Dudgeon and and envy. The High Dudgeon villagers cannot
broke into the smithy. He took seven horseshoes and understand it: they have done nothing wrong; but if
then went around the village, securing each horseshoe, that’s how Low Dudgeon wishes to be, then so be it.
prongs down, in places one would never think to look. Just outside Low Dudgeon is a large, flat meadow
Then he uttered the spell known as Bidorke’s Pithy where the midsummer games are held. For three days,
Restoration (Lyonesse, page 320) in its reversed form, and starting on midsummer’s eve, the meadow is
cursed Low Dudgeon’s luck to steadily ooze away, transformed into a fairground. Entertainers arrive, and
dripping out through the downward facing prongs of local traders set up stalls with all manner of festive
the horseshoes, ensuring that, until the curse is lifted, wares. The annual games have been held for as long as
everyone in Low Dudgeon suffers failure in anything of anyone can remember, and it is the one time of year
importance that they do. Then, love-lorn, Olias when everyone’s spirits should be lifted – and, for a short
returned to Hillhollow Shee. time, they are. Low Dudgeon seems to win the early
Every so often, Olias remembers Low Dudgeon and, contests, but gradually, over the course of the three days,
when the mood takes him, he returns at midsummer to High Dudgeon wins more, and, as it has been for the last
observe the games and relish Low Dudgeon’s defeats. 10 years, High Dudgeon emerges victorious overall. For
Renya is still there. She married her young man, but the a few years, it was tolerable; but in the last three or four
marriage lasted only a year and a day before he ran years, Low Dudgeon has become more and more
away with an exotic dancer who had come to the games, resentful, and this year, Low Dudgeon aims to do
leaving Renya husbandless and bitter. She is still something about it.
beautiful but has never remarried. Every relationship Maps of the two villages are provided nearby, and key
she has tried to secure has failed for some reason, and locations are listed in the village descriptions starting on
now she has given up, and resigned herself to page 13. Notable non-player characters are described
spinsterhood. And every year, Low Dudgeon loses at the for each location, and their statistics can be found in the
games, its luck drained, the horseshoes and the curse Non-Player Characters section starting on page 29.
working their sad magic.

Map of the Area

prime pitch in Midsummer Meadow; a couple of
Beginning the rooms at the tavern; or a shared room in Renya’s
tidy, comfortable cottage.
Scenario • Success: the characters secure cramped but clean
lodgings either in the tavern stable, a cramped and
The characters arrive in Low Dudgeon a day or so
ahead of the midsummer games. The weather is lump pitch in the meadow, or various outbuildings
gloriously perfect: sunny, warm, with long, hazy days. scattered around the village.
All kinds of folk are descending on Low Dudgeon and • Failure: the characters are in cramped, dusty,
setting up tents and awnings around the perimeter of makeshift lodgings such as a woodshed, under some
Midsummer Meadow. Some are staying at the local eaves, or on the floor of the tavern (which becomes
tavern, but space is limited, and to make extra coin, the a communal dormitory at the end of the day).
locals of the village are renting out spare rooms, attics, • Fumble: Low Dudgeon is full. The characters are
out-houses, chicken-coops, and anywhere else that sleeping under the stars, under hedges, or wherever
affords a little shelter and privacy. Prices are far higher they can find shelter. They’re praying it doesn’t
than they should be, but given how much entertainers rain.
and stall holders can make from the three days of the
games, it may be worthwhile. Have one of the Over the course of the next day, while preparations
characters make either a Commerce or Hard Influence are being made for the midsummer games, the
roll: characters have time to wander and explore, or simply
idle away the hours. Each character can roll 1d12,
• Critical Success: the characters secure reasonably
receiving one of the results on the What’s Going On
good lodgings in a location of their choice: either a

What’s Going On...

1d12 Encounter
Low Dudgeon locals are grumbling about High Dudgeon’s run of success in the games. There is mention of cheating
or magical help. Low Dudgeon locals are bitter and resentful.
A local claims that the wizard Tamurello paid a visit to High Dudgeon a few days ago. Not for the first time, either. This
local didn’t see Tamurello personally; they heard it from their brother, who has a cousin in High Dudgeon, and it was
the cousin’s friend’s sister who saw someone who she swears was Tamurello. People nod sagely and agree that it must be
A number of Low Dudgeon men are watching a striking young woman running errands around the village. She is in
her late 20s with beautiful auburn hair and deep hazel eyes. She attracts a lot of quiet admiring comments and
3 compliments, but none of the men seem prepared to engage with her. “She’s foresworn men,” someone says. “Husband
ran off with a dancing girl from Ys after one of the games a few years back. Renya’s stayed single ever since. Shame,
The character, while strolling around Midsummer Meadow, catches a glimpse of a shadowy figure just inside the tree-
line, watching the preparations for the games. If they investigate, not trace of anyone is found. But a little while later,
4 the figure is spotted again, this time on the edge of the village, in the shadows. Investigation finds nothing, but the
character is sure someone is secretly spying on the village. (Games Master note: this is Olias, and he’ll be around for the
whole of the festival, watching the games, watching Renya, but never making himself known).
A scuffle breaks out between a group of High Dudgeon and Low Dudgeon villagers. It starts with insults, then some
shoving, then punches are thrown. It’s nothing serious, and others soon intervene to break it up, but one of the
combatants, a Low Dudgeon charcoal maker, mutters: “them cheaters won’t win this year. We should see they don’t,”
and indicates the High Dudgeon group.
A tall, thin man, with a long nose and a flamboyant hat embellished with a garish feather, has set-up stall in the meadow.
He has a trestle table on which are displayed a variety of brooches, amulets, bracelets, rings, torcs, and headbands. Most
are cheap looking. A hand painted sign hanging above the man’s small tent states in bold letters: ‘Lucky Charms
Available. Reasonable Rates. Good Fortune Guaranteed.’ He attracts quite a bit of interest, especially from Low
6 Dudgeon residents, and he is an extremely convincing salesman, convincing quite a few to part with their florins in
exchange for one of his items. If the character succeeds in either a Commerce or Deceit roll, they notice that the man
never once claims that any of the charms are magical, but is extremely adept at giving the impression that they are. The
long-faced fellow is doing well in this line of business, and each evening treats himself to a very good meal in the tavern,
where he has rented a room.

What’s Going On?

What’s Going On...

1d12 Encounter
A group of High Dudgeon villagers, clearly participants in the games, are commenting on the bad feeling among the
Low Dudgeoners. They can’t understand their own good fortune over the past 10 years, and seem to genuinely
commiserate with the Low Dudgeoners’ lack of success. “Perhaps this year will be their year,” one of them says. “Then
we can put all this nonsense behind us.”
The character notices that several of the High Dudgeon competitors, practicing for the games to come, perform some
kind of ritual dance before and after their practice. It involves lots of jumping around, with high stepping, and a panting
8 sort of chant. At the end, they gather in circle, bend low at the waist, stretch out their arms so all their fingers touch,
and then straighten in unison and cry ‘Hai Hai Hai!’. If questioned on the meaning of this ritual, they become evasive
and refuse to explain it.
During a practice session, one of the Low Dudgeon Donkey Jousters falls from his mount and badly breaks his broom-
lance arm. The Low Dudgeon Donkey Joust team try to put a brave face on things, but this is a grave set-back. They
need a replacement, and quickly. Would the character like to help them? It’s easy to learn! Dangerous? Not at all… well,
not usually.
A wizened old woman wearing a tattered shawl and knotted handkerchief for a hat offers to tell the character’s fortune.
She does this by feeling the lumps on the character’s head, and examining their outstretched tongue. If the character
agrees, she charges a florin in advance. She goes through the process, making a few comments such as “oh dear. Oh,
that’s not good,” and tutting and shaking her head. When she’s through, she says nothing, refunds the florin, and starts
to walk briskly away. If confronted, she refuses to say what it is she’s seen, but offers by way of advice: “I’d avoid being
alone, if I were you.”
In the tavern, the character overhears someone making a book on who will win this year’s games. The odds are in favour
of High Dudgeon; the odds on Low Dudgeon are miserable. Even a few Low Dudgeoners are betting on the High
11 Dudgeon winning. One or two reckless souls are taking the Low Dudgeon odds, in the hope of making a killing. Does
the character want to make a wager? If Low Dudgeon does win, the character will net 50+1d100 florins. If High
Dudgeon wins, then they’ll win their original stake back, plus 2d6 florins.
The character notices that above the lintel of the main door leading into a cottage (it just happens to belong to Renya),
obscured by the ivy winding its way up the side of the building, is an upside-down horseshoe, its prongs pointing towards
the ground, which is clearly bad luck. Closer inspection shows that it is stuck there by unknown means, and no amount
of prizing or pulling will shift it. Renya has never noticed it before, and when it is drawn to her attention, she simply
frowns, chews her lip, and wonders who might have put it there. “My good-for-nothing husband or the slattern he ran
off with,” she speculates.

table below. Characters can duplicate results, indicating matter of some discretion.
that they experience the same thing, but likely in At Chaylot’s cottage – a pleasant thatched house at the
different ways or at different times. edge of the village – and over dandelion tea and very
Keep a note of which character has which encounter: good honey seed cake – Beldwain and Chaylot explain
there are opportunities to follow-up on most of them that, for the past 10 years, High Dudgeon has, as the
later in the scenario. characters no doubt know, won every single midsummer
game. A few times would be fine, but every year? The
folk of Low Dudgeon train harder and harder each year,
An Offer of Intrigue but to no avail. They suspect High Dudgeon is
There are plenty of outsiders in Low Dudgeon right employing magic of some form: either a magician who
now, and they mingle freely with the locals. There is is helping them in the run-up to the games, or some
obviously something about the characters that interests form of spell cast before each contest. There are plenty
one particular pair of Low Dudgeon elders though, of rumours, but no hard proof. This is the last chance
because, after the random What’s Going On encounter, Low Dudgeon has to redeem its honour. Chaylot fears
the characters as a group are approached by a man and that if High Dudgeon wins this year, there’ll be a riot.
a woman. The approach is made wherever appropriate: Certain elements in Low Dudgeon have been agitating
in the street, in the tavern, at the place of lodging, or for a violent response if High Dudgeon win, and as
even in the meadow. The pair introduce themselves as elders of the village, Beldwain and Chaylot want to
Beldwain (the man) and Chaylot (the woman). Both are avoid any confrontation. It will likely bring the baron’s
middle aged, business-like in demeanour, but polite with soldiers down on Low Dudgeon, and likely be the end
it. They want to engage the characters on a private of the village. If the characters will help find evidence as

to how or why High Dudgeon keeps winning, they can simply takes twice as long as usual. If the roll is a
pay 500 florins as a reward. If the characters want to try Critical Success, the characters ask the right
to haggle, then Beldwain goes up to 700 florins, but no questions in half the time.
more. They can pay 100 florins in advance, with the rest
on proof of High Dudgeon’s secret. The descriptions of each of the three main locations
Assuming the characters agree to help, Beldwain and are given later in the scenario. However, certain of the
Chaylot suggest that spending a day or so in High encounters from the What’s Going On rolls earlier can
Dudgeon might uncover something of use. Low also be investigated, and these will provide additional
Dudgeoners are easily spotted by High Dudgeoners, leads to help uncover the truth behind Low Dudgeon’s
and while High Dudgeon claims it has nothing to hide, success.
they’ll plainly be on their guard for Low Dudgeon spies.
Outsiders like the characters might have more luck. The
two elders stress that the characters have three days to If any characters are magicians, Magic Sensitivity (see
get to the bottom of this mystery; if they haven’t Lyonesse, pages 202 and 309) uncovers nothing in
uncovered anything by sunset of the third day of the either High Dudgeon or Twott’s Acre: if the competitors
games, then it may be too late. of High Dudgeon are using magic to gain their victories,
Of course, keeping tabs on the High Dudgeon then it is either extremely well masked (something only
an arch mage like Murgen or Tamurello could achieve;
competitors in the games is a good strategy too. They
or a very powerful fairy), or none is being employed at
used to camp in the meadow until things started to get all. This is not the case in Low Dudgeon: a successful
really strained, and so now they camp and practice Magic Sensitivity roll detects that there is some kind of
midway between the two villages, in a field known as spell at work throughout the village. It’s impossible to
Twott’s Acre and travel down to Low Dudgeon each tell what the spell might be, who cast it, or how it was
morning for the games. What are they hiding in Twott’s cast, but the background magical emanations are enough
Acre? to point the investigation on Low Dudgeon and take it
away from High Dudgeon.

The Investigation Following Up the What’s Going

There are three key areas of investigation: High
Dudgeon, the camp at Twott’s Acre, and Low Dudgeon On Encounters
itself. The characters can choose what order they pursue Given their task, the characters may wish to follow up
for their investigation, and whether or not to split up or on the things they encountered in Low Dudgeon earlier.
act as a group. The clues that can be found at each The section below expands on the meaning of each
location are summarized below. Finding them is a encounter, and provides some valuable clues the
matter of talking to different people and using different characters can use to get to the bottom of the mystery.
skills. Naturally, it is simply impossible to interview
everyone, but that really isn’t necessary. Hours of
Encounter 1
investigation can be abstracted by a few simple skill rolls, Low Dudgeon locals are grumbling about High Dudgeon’s run of
as follows. success in the games. There is mention of cheating or magical help.
Low Dudgeon locals are bitter and resentful.
• Streetwise or Research points the characters to
This should now be well known to the characters.
the right people to talk to. If either roll is a Failure,
Nothing further to follow up on this encounter.
it simply takes twice as long as usual. If the roll is a
critical success, the characters find the right person Encounter 2
in half the time.
A local claims that the wizard Tamurello paid a visit to High
• Perception or Folklore uncovers something Dudgeon a few days ago…
material in a location. Again, if either roll is a Asking around in High Dudgeon reveals that this is
Failure, it simply takes twice as long as usual. If the completely false. Certainly no one has been in the
roll is a Critical Success, the characters find the clue village and announced themselves as Tamurello, and
in half the time. more to the point, the Goblin Fair in the Forest of
• Influence or Insight can be used to extract Tantrevalles is taking place at the same time as the
additional information from people the characters Dudgeon midsummer games, and the notorious wizard
talk to. Once more, if either roll is a Failure, it is known to attend the fair every year. The chances that

The Investigation

he would forego the Goblin Fair for the Dudgeon equipment or gameplay. Such blatant sabotage would,
villages is extremely remote. And, trying to follow up the under the rules of the game, result in Low Dudgeon’s
friend of a cousin’s sister leads to blank looks and immediate disqualification, and if the characters take
chuckles if pursued in High Dudgeon. more time to overhear the conversation held by this
group, they eventually hear someone say: “Better not. If
Encounter 3 we cheat, we’re as bad as they are.” The rest of the
A number of Low Dudgeon men are watching a striking young group grudgingly agrees.
woman running errands around the village…
Renya isn’t hard to find, and indeed, the character Encounter 6
may even be lodging with her. A beautiful but A tall, thin man, with a long nose and a flamboyant hat
melancholy woman, she does not like to talk about the embellished with a garish feather has set-up stall in the meadow.
past, but it is there are plenty of gossips who will tell the He has a trestle table on which are displayed a variety of brooches,
characters how her childhood sweetheart, Ronulf, amulets, bracelets, rings, torcs, and headbands. Most are cheap
married her some 10 years ago, and then the very next looking.
year, left her for some floozy of a dancer from Ys. A The purveyor of luck charms can be found most
successful Insight roll establishes a connection between evenings in the tavern where he eats a splendid meal
the time of her marriage and the time when High and then starts a game of cards, using his own, dog-
Dudgeon started to win the games. Gaining more eared deck. A successful Hard Gambling roll, or
information from Renya is dealt with on page 24. Formidable Deceit roll, spots that he’s cheating, but
covering it very well. On the matter of High Dudgeon’s
Encounter 4 success, he knows nothing; this is the first time he’s been
The character, while strolling around Midsummer Meadow, to the games. “I simply heard that there was a village in
catches a glimpse of a shadowy figure just inside the tree-line, need of a little luck. If you’ve run out of luck, and Low
watching the preparations for the games… Dudgeon certainly has, then you have to make some,
Olias is close by and watching what goes on. With his don’t you agree?” If someone buys the charm seller
cape of sunbeams he can easily melt away into the some drinks, or succeeds in an Influence roll Opposed
forest, using the summer sun to hide him from view, but by the charm seller’s Willpower 68%, he expands on
he is never far away, and divided his time watching the what he means. “Did you notice the gatepost as you
games, watching Renya going about her business, and, enter Midsummer Meadow? Someone’s embedded a
if any of the characters try to apprehend him, watching horseshoe in it the wrong way up. There’s another
them too. Give the characters plenty of chances to embedded in the eves above the tavern stables. Who
suspect they are being watched, or that this mysterious would put up a lucky horseshoe so that the luck runs
figure is not far away. Giving chase or tailing Olias out?” Tying this revelation together with Encounter 12
requires a successful Formidable Athletics roll, or a should spur the characters to look for other upside-
Hard Stealth roll. If successful, the character catches a down horseshoes. If not, the charm seller might casually
glimpse of a tall, handsome, blond haired youth with add, “I’d be on the lookout for others, if I were you.”
long purple hair not unlike the colour of lavender:
indeed, there is a lavender scent heavy in the air as the Encounter 7
characters follow him. The trail is lost in the shade of an A group of High Dudgeon villagers, clearly participants in the
ancient yew tree in the woods not far from Low games, are commenting on the bad feeling among the Low
Dudgeon, but the lavender scent still lingers. More on Dudgeoners. They can’t understand their own good fortune over the
Olias is given on page 26. past ten years, and seem to genuinely commiserate with the Low
Dudgeoners’ lack of success.
Encounter 5 The folk of High Dudgeon are genuinely perplexed at
A scuffle breaks out between a group of High Dudgeon and Low Low Dudgeon’s bad fortune, although certainly proud
Dudgeon villagers. It starts with insults, then some shoving, then of their own victories. If engaged in conversation, one
some punches. It’s nothing serious, and others intervene to soon of the High Dudgeon villagers remarks that High
break it up, but someone mutters: “them cheaters won’t win this Dudgeon hasn’t been training any harder, or doing
year. We should see they don’t,” and indicates the High Dudgeon anything different. “In fact, I know that the Low
group. Dudgeon lot probably train harder than we do, and they
This suggests an attempt by Low Dudgeon always do well at the start. Then it just all seems to fall
malcontents to nobble High Dudgeon’s players, apart later. Can’t understand why…”

Encounter 8 Encounter 11
The character notices that several of the High Dudgeon In the tavern, the character overhears someone making a book on
competitors, practicing for the games to come, perform some kind of who will win this year’s games. The odds are in favour of High
ritual dance before and after their practice. Dudgeon; the odds on Low Dudgeon are miserable.
The curious ritualist dance is nothing more than an The bookmaker hails from Lyonesse Town and has
elaborate warming-up and cooling-down exercise. It’s attended the Dudgeon games every year for as long as
borrowed from certain Celtic tribes in Godelia, and any he can remember. While he won’t give the characters
character from Godelia or a Celtic cultural background any information that would inform which way to bet, he
soon recognises its origin. Nothing sinister here. Move does know a lot about the history of the games, and
along. accurately notes that High Dudgeon started winning ten
years ago. Before that, victories more or less alternated.
Encounter 9 Sometimes High would win a couple of years in a row;
During a practice session, one of the Low Dudgeon Donkey sometimes it would be Low. “The longest winning streak
Jousters falls from his mount and badly breaks his broom-lance was only three games, and that was Low Dudgeon.” He
arm. remarks. “You can’t help wonder if there’s something
One might suspect foul play – a tampering with the fishy going on, but if there is, I’ve never seen evidence
tackle used to secure the saddle to the donkey. However, for it. There’s talk of magicians helping High Dudgeon,
a successful Mechanisms or Ride roll; or a Hard but that’s all bitter gossip. Never seen a magician in
Perception roll, finds that the buckled and strap on the High Dudgeon once, although I did see that Desmëi in
saddle belt is simply old and worn and likely to slip at Lyonesse Town, once. But that was when I was a lad.”
some point. Donkey Jousting is further described on
page 23. Encounter 12
The character notices that above the lintel of the main door leading
Encounter 10 into a cottage (it just happens to belong to Renya), obscured by the
A wizened old woman wearing a tattered shawl and knotted ivy winding its way up the side of the building, is an upside-down
handkerchief for a hat offers to tell the character’s fortune. horseshoe…
The old fortune teller is Magic Sensitive, but only very If the characters aren’t aware of the significance of an
slightly. She has picked up on the curse resting on Low upside-down horseshoe, then a successful Easy Folklore
Dudgeon, but incorrectly ascribed it to a curse resting roll means they realise it’s a symbol of guaranteeing bad
on the character. If questioned further (at a cost of 1d4 luck. Renya was unaware of it and can’t think why
florins, or a nice hot meal and a pitcher of ale), she tells anyone would put such a thing above her door. She
the characters that “there’s magic here all right. I can ascribes it to her husband, Ronulf, who ran off nine
taste it in the air. It’s strong by the meadow, by the years ago with an exotic dancer from Ys, but when she
stables, by the well, by the smithy, by the baker’s, by the thinks about it, she also remembers that immediately
sawmill and by the spinster’s house. But you shouldn’t be before that year’s games, they were very happy together
alone…” Now, while the fortune teller has incorrectly and there was no sign of trouble. A successful Influence
ascribed the curse to the character, she has correctly roll (which can be augmented with Eloquence)
identified the points where Low Dudgeon’s luck is encourages her to speculate a little more on that fateful
draining. Olias has embedded an upside-down year, and a little before it. Provide the character with two
horseshoe at each of these places (see page 16) , and if clues from the list below. If the roll is a Critical Success,
the characters spend 1d10+10 minutes investigating, then provide three clues. If the Influence roll is a failure,
and succeed in a Perception roll (which they can then only provide one clue. And if a fumble, then no
augment with Folklore, having spoken with the fortune additional information is forthcoming.
teller), they find the embedded horseshoes. If the
1. “We’d been sweethearts since we were seven.
Perception rolls are Critical successes, then the time
Ronulf was always shy, and it was me who made the
taken to find the horseshoe is halved. To find the
first move. He was always tongue-tied around girls.
spinster, all the characters need to do is ask Beldwain or
I never did understand how he’d pluck up courage
Chaylot. If they are lodging with Renya or have already
to go off with a dancer like that. Not like him at all.”
met her, then a successful Easy Insight roll means they
realise who the fortune teller means. 2. “Ronulf left me, and that was the second year Low
Dudgeon lost the games. Been losing ever since,

The Investigation

too. It’s like our bad luck

started around then…”
3. “Me and Ronulf started really
going steady the year before. I
was just sixteen! Didn’t know
my heart, and that was the
same year that I…” and Renya
catches herself and changes
the subject. Something
happened in the year before
Ronulf ran away, and in that
same year, Low Dudgeon lost
the games. She’s thinking, of
course, about her flirtation
with Olias, but she won’t speak
of that out loud. Getting her to
discuss it requires more effort,
described on page 25.
4. “I’ve never given anyone cause
to wish me harm. Never. Never
looked once at someone else’s
husband, and I’ve had many
offers of courtship, I can tell
you. I’m through with men. If
someone as sweet natured as
Ronulf could up and off with a
woman like that, no man is to
be trusted. I’ll stay on my own,
thank you.”

One thing that talking with Renya

does do is cause her to remember the
dalliance with Olias, even if she
says nothing (at this stage) to the
characters. Over the course of the
next couple of days, Renya takes a
couple of trips back to the forest,
retracing where the two met and
frolicked. Olias watches her, but
does not reveal himself.
Occasionally she calls his name
when in the shadow of the old yew tree. If the
characters follow her, they see this, and perhaps they
catch a glimpse of Olias spying on her – although at this
The Village of
stage, they are unsuccessful in any attempts to confront
him. Should they ask Renya who Olias is, she becomes
High Dudgeon
A typical agricultural village, in typical Elder Isles
very evasive and very defensive. If pressed, she may
countryside, High Dudgeon is only known as such
become angry. She only reveals the truth when the
because it is slightly uphill from Low Dudgeon. Of
characters have discovered the seven horseshoes and
course, in the past decade it has prospered at Low
presented her with the evidence.
Dudgeon’s expense, but even though it has grown a little
wealthier and acquired more land, it has barely changed

in terms of population or facilities offered. There is an Dudgeon takes the best part of a full day, leaving time to
inn, a smithy (which is also a provisioners), a mill (which travel to and from the village, enjoy a leisurely lunch,
grinds flour for Low Dudgeon as well as for High), and and perhaps waste a little time in speculation or idle
a few other small trades. Mostly though, it is a farming chatter with locals.
community growing a variety of subsistence and cash Here’s what the characters learn through the
crops that are sold at the market in the nearest town or abstracted investigation process:
city (depending on where Games Masters locate the
Dudgeons). Streetwise or Research
The village stands at a crossroads, and so tends to be • Plenty of people have been through High Dudgeon
a little busier than Low Dudgeon, reflected in the fact en-route to Low Dudgeon for the games, mostly
that it has an inn rather than a tavern, with bigger vendors, entertainers, the usual charlatans
stables and more rooms for rent. It is still a small, quiet, (someone mentions the lanky purveyor of ‘luck
parochial town though, and its inn is small and pokey charms’ noted in the encounters earlier), and a few
compared with the larger big city affairs. visitors from further away who make the journey
During the three days of the midsummer games, only for the midsummer tournament. If there have been
a handful of people are left in High Dudgeon; most any wizards, magicians, sorcerers, warlocks or
troop down to Low Dudgeon either to participate or witches though, they’ve failed to make themselves
spectate. Thus, visiting High Dudgeon just before the known. The lanky charm purveyor did perform
games start is the best time to gain more information. some card tricks to amuse the local children, but
If the characters stipulate they intend to investigate a not what one would call ‘real’ magic.
specific place, such as the inn, then refer to the places • There’s strong sense of disappointment that
noted below for the information (and disinformation; relations between High and Low Dudgeon are
there are some red herrings); otherwise, you can abstract souring. The two villages were always very close,
the investigation of High Dudgeon as outlined in the but things have definitely deteriorated with each
three bullet points noted in The Investigation section High Dudgeon victory. They villagers know that
back on page 8. Thoroughly investigating High

Village of High Dudgeon

some in Low Dudgeon think they’re cheating, but especially as he was captain of the tug o’war team
they are insistent that they’re not. They have for several years. He doesn’t compete anymore –
nothing to hide and have frequently told Low not since the woman rebuffed his advances.
Dudgeon this. And it’s not as though Low Dudgeon • It becomes clear that the locals genuinely are not
are poor performers in the games: they just seem to hiding anything. If they are, then they are all, to a
suffer from bad luck. tee, highly accomplished liars. Cheating on the
High Dudgeon side, magical or not, is going to be
Perception or Folklore
exceedingly difficult to prove.
• High Dudgeon exhibits nothing that could be
considered out of the ordinary. It’s certainly more
prosperous than Low Dudgeon, and it doesn’t have Places of Note
the slight shabbiness of the other village. But this
doesn’t appear to be down to magic; the people can The Inn
be seen to be taking a pride in their community. The Broken Windmill Inn is so called because it is built
People are tending gardens, repairing fences, from the ruins of an old mill that collapsed during a
whitewashing walls, fixing shutters, and so on. storm 50 years ago. The place is said to be haunted, but
• Searching for signs of magic – charms, sigils, that’s largely a rumour spread by subsequent owners to
enchantments and so on – draws a blank, save for drum up additional trade. The landlord, Melench, is a
one peculiar carving found in one of the beams in middle aged, beady eyed follow who, for reasons he
the inn, directly above the fireplace. It was installed doesn’t care to share, detests Ulflanders, especially the
when the fireplace had to be repaired about 10 South Ulfish. Any characters who are Ulfish detect a
years ago. This deep, swirling pattern could well be distinct coldness when Melench hears their accent, and
a magical focus of some form, and no one in High he tries to charge then double for any food or drink
Dudgeon knows its origin. Some of the locals claim bought.
that kissing it increases one’s personal allure, while Despite this irrational loathing, Melench is reasonably
others say kissing it makes the teeth rot. Neither is talkative and noncommittal about the Low Dudgeoners.
true. The pattern is merely the work of woodworm, Of course, he hopes that High Dudgeon maintains its
active when the tree was standing, and then winning streak, but if they don’t, well, probably for the
exposed when cut (at the sawmill in Low Dudgeon, best, because from what he’s heard, Low Dudgeon has
as it happens). been getting quite upset, and it wouldn’t be good for
trade. Melench isn’t one to miss a trick though, and if
Influence or Insight the characters ask if any magicians (known or suspected)
• Certain locals, tired of Low Dudgeon’s growing have passed through or spent any time in High
bitterness, believe that Low Dudgeon is the Dudgeon recently, he asks what it’s worth, and when
architect of its own misfortune. “Maybe they upset paid with a florin or so, leans in conspiratorially and
the Hillhollow Fairies, due to all the wood they says, “Well, there was this one fellow. Wore a green cape,
cut,” someone speculates. If the characters follow and had a sort of a wand thing tucked into his belt. Sat
up on the fairy angle, an easy Folklore roll soon over by the fireplace all night. Kept looking at the
uncovers that there is, indeed, a fairy shee known as strange sign etched the wood (the woodworm trail,
Hillhollow somewhere in the woods close to Low noted above), and made a drawing of it in a little black
Dudgeon. But the fairies rarely show themselves; notebook. Left the next day and paid more than he
the shee is small, and unconcerned with the mortal needed to. Magician type, if you ask me. Might have
world. In fact, no one can recall the last time a fairy been that Murgen in disguise.”
was seen. This is rot of course, and if the characters corroborate
• The blacksmith of High Dudgeon, Semmence the the story with any of the Broken Windmill’s regulars,
Thewed, was, for a time, quite smitten with one of they chuckle and say that Melench is really referring to
the Low Dudgeon women, whose husband had Bostock the Poet (the wand being a goose-quill), who
abandoned her for some dancer from Ys who could stops by every month or so on his way to visit his aunt in
perform some erotically interesting routines with the large town. If Bostock’s a magician, he could start
scarves and root vegetables. He was always up and by magicking-up some decent poetry, because the stuff
down to Low Dudgeon, and he’s worth talking to – he composes is pretty dire stuff.

The Smithy with the dancer. “Odd, that. Ronulf was devoted to
Renya, and who wouldn’t be? Most beautiful
Run by Semmence the Thewed, the smithy also serves woman between here and Daffdilly Bay.”
as the local store and provisioner, with that side of the
business being managed by Semmence’s brother, Thin • If the characters roll a Critical Success in the
Giddly. Semmence is certainly well named: he’s the size Influence roll to learn what they can from
of an ox with massive arms to match, and a deep voice Semmence (or Thin Giddly), the smith makes a
like a breaking thunderhead. Giddly on the other hand, strange remark: “Mind you, Low Dudgeoners have
is as round and fat as a prime porker, and has a some odd ways. I mean, that lucky horseshoe nailed
disconcerting squint. The smithy is busy: people on their above the sawmill’s sign. I mean, it’s upside-down!
way to the midsummer games have brought horses in to Why would anyone nail a lucky horseshoe upside-
be shod, have repairs made to various bits of down?”
ironmongery, and a dozen other tasks to keep
Semmence and his apprentice, Duff, occupied for the The New Mill
next three days. On a successful Influence roll, After the old windmill collapsed during a storm, a new
Semmence will talk to the characters directly; if that one was built a little way outside the village, and it is run
fails, then Thin Giddly talks to them instead. by the Ganch sisters and their half-cousin, Forynd. In
• Semmence fell for the beautiful spinster Renya a reality, they are a ménage a trois, with Forynd spending
few years ago, back when he used to compete in the one night with the older sister, the next night with the
games as captain of the tug o’war team. He visited younger sister, and the third night with them all
Low Dudgeon several times a week, hoping she together. A Critically successful Insight roll observing
might accept him as a companion. She was always the three together picks up on this strange relationship,
sweet to him, and Semmence thought that they although overtly, they display no public signs of
might have taken things further, but there was a affection. Messalina Ganch, the older of the two sisters
sadness to her that stopped her committing. In the by five years, runs the day to day workings of the mill
end, Semmence stopped visiting and now can’t with Forynd, while Euridyce Ganch makes collections
even visit Low Dudgeon, because seeing her brings and deliveries. Her rounds take her down to Low
back all kinds of painful memories of what might Dudgeon frequently; she delivers flour to Vespule the
have been. This huge man has a heart as soft as a Baker, who is perhaps the best bread-maker in the
cloud, and is clearly deeply affected by the failed region, and claims to have a sourdough starter brought
romance. to Hybras from Emperor Caligula’s own bakery. The
Ganch sisters have little to say about Low Dudgeon, but
• He does know about Renya’s husband absconding

Village of High Dudgeon

do remark that Vespule is one of those who is very bitter

at the ten-year losing streak. One of the contests is speed
pie eating, and it’s one where the High Dudgeoners
The Twott Acre
routinely win. On the last delivery, just a week ago,
Vespule made some barbed remark to Euridyce about
Practice Camp
Midway between the two dudgeons is a field, just in
how easy it would be to start buying flour from
front of the tree line of Hillhollow woods. This is where
somewhere else, if High Dudgeon kept on humiliating
the competitors from High Dudgeon have established
them. “More comments like that,” Messalina says, “and
their practice camp for the games. It makes it quicker to
Forynd here will go down there and knock Vespule’s
get to Low Dudgeon for the games themselves than
block off.” Forynd, who looks like he’d have trouble
hiking all the way between the two villages, and it helps
knocking the skin off a rice pudding, nods his head
build morale among the competitors. The Low
seriously and repeats “Yeah. Block off. Yeah.” Messalina
Dudgeon competitors have their own practice grounds
(it’s her solo turn tonight) gently pats his hand, while
close to Midsummer Meadow, so it’s not as though High
Euridyce gazes at him admiringly. Again, if the
Dudgeon is doing anything different.
characters succeed Critically in an Influence roll, or
The characters, if they approach the camp, are
happen to say anything about upside-down horseshoes,
treated with suspicion. There have rumours of Low
Euridyce frowns, scratches her armpit, and then says,
Dudgeon resorting to tricks and sabotage in an attempt
“Come to think of it, I’m sure I saw a horseshoe fixed to
to break the High Dudgeon winning streak, and anyone
the wall above the flour store.” She can’t remember
unknown to the High Dudgeon competitors is viewed as
whether it’s prongs point up or down though.
a potential troublemaker. Trying to talk to anyone in the
camp results in the character(s) being asked to leave, and
The Fields then forcibly ejected if necessary. With around 50 or so
The fields extend in several directions behind the main High Dudgeoners present, the characters are really in
buildings of the village, and there are still some people no position to argue.
tending the crops. If questioned directly (Influence roll),
they can reveal the following: However, it is possible, using Stealth, to take up a
• A few people of High Dudgeon are beginning to sneaky position in the tree-line or one of the hedgerows,
feel uncomfortable around the games, and suspect and quietly observe. The characters gain one fact from
there might be trouble this year. The grumbling is the below list (choose randomly) for every 15 minutes
getting louder and the comments snider. they watch from hiding.
• If there was ever a magician in High Dudgeon,
don’t you think there are better things to use magic 1. There is no evidence of any magic being
on than winning a few stupid games? Four years performed, although some of the warm up rituals
ago, there was an outbreak of apple mites that are a little odd.
almost decimated the orchards, and the year before 2. There’s a distinct mix of competencies. The tug
that, the drainage in the south field had to be o’war team looks tough to beat, and the Cat
completely re-dug. That’s what they’d have a Wrangling competitors are especially nimble.
magician cast spells on; not waste it on who wins at 3. The speed pie eaters are obviously fasting in
Cat Herding. preparation for the main contest, but the log tossers
• Mind you, you get some funny folk turning up for are in fine-fettle, even though the distances
the games. The normal traders are alright, but the achieved may be a bit lacking (a different technique
charm sellers and fortune tellers can be a bit might help).
peculiar, and one year there was that fellow with a 4. The donkey jousters though, have sluggish and
third arm in the middle of his back, who charged temperamental mounts, and don’t look at all
two farthings to see it and three farthings to touch comfortable. The blindfold hop-racers, especially
it. And that one time when someone had a spider- the women’s team, are not especially fast; and the
baby and charged a florin to look at it (several of eel catchers seem a bit on the squeamish side.
them shudder at the memory). The farmers
5. On a successful Perception roll, another figure can
wouldn’t be surprised if one them might be a
be glimpsed among the trees, watching the
magician, and casting spells during the games to
practicing. There is faint waft of lavender too. After
make Low Dudgeon lose.

a moment or two, this additional spy melts into the there are certain other things one can uncover,
trees and is gone. There are no tracks, but there is a described in the sections that follow.
definite lavender scent in the immediate area where
the figure was seen. The Seven Horseshoes
6. The High Dudgeon competitors occasionally scout As part of his spiteful plan to punish Low Dudgeon,
the perimeter of the camp, checking for potential Olias of Hillhollow placed seven upside-down
spies. As the checkers get within a couple of metres horseshoes at strategic points around the village, as
of where the character(s) is hiding, they are follows:
summoned back, and fail to notice the spy in their
1. Attached to the base of one of the gateposts leading
into Midsummer Meadow, where the games and
7. As evening draws in, a wagon appears from the fair are held. The horseshoe is covered by long
direction of High Dudgeon. Euridyce Ganch has grass, but a successful Perception roll if one knows
brought a barrel of ale from The Broken Windmill to look in the vicinity soon locates it.
for the competitors to enjoy with their evening
2. Above the lintel of the main door to the stables
meal, which is being prepared in one corner of the
attached to the tavern, on the inside, and almost
practice camp: a full roast pig, turning on a spit over
into the eaves. It can’t be seen from outside, but if
an open fire, which smells wonderfully delicious.
anyone is lodging in the stables, it can be noticed
8. If there is any cheating going on, it’s impossible to accidentally on a successful Perception roll at
spot. Perhaps there is some performance enhancing Formidable grade; or if one is looking for a
elixir in the ale that arrives from The Broken horseshoe specifically.
Windmill, or contained in the basting liquid of the
3. On the inside of the village well, on the north side
roasting pig, but the characters witness no form of
of the wall, about a metre from the rim. It’s moss-
foul play.
covered and rusty by now, but if one is looking for
it, quite distinct.
4. The smithy’s horseshoe is located on the rear-side
The Village of Low of the building, facing a disused water trough for
horses. It is at knee height and partially covered by
Dudgeon weeds.
5. The baker’s horseshoe is above the lintel of the
Where High Dudgeon is an agricultural community,
Low Dudgeon cuts wood, saws, makes charcoal, and outside storeroom, and partially obscured by some
fishes for eels in the River Dudge. Crafts are based sacking that was tacked to the eaves to prevent rain
around woodworking, but there is also a smithy, and getting in. When the wind blows in the right
Vespule the Baker, once a native of Port Posedel, is direction, it can be seen.
reputed to be the best bread-maker outside of Ys. Even 6. The sawmill’s shoe is attached to the swinging sign
before the string of defeats, Low Dudgeon took the outside the main entrance; or rather, attached to
midsummer games more seriously than High Dudgeon, the beam the sign swings from, and on the side of
and it was Low Dudgeon’s founder, Old Father Cibble, the sign facing away from the main direction of
who came up with the idea to celebrate the arrival of traffic. Unless looking closely at the sign, it’s easy to
midsummer. In those days, the fairies of Hillhollow miss.
Shee sent a team or two, but that ended when 7. Renya’s shoe, the very last to be placed, is located
Hillhollow Shee decided that its fairies were getting too above her cottage door, obscured by the ivy.
‘heavy’, and withdrew from manifestation.
Shabby compared to High Dudgeon, Low Dudgeon is None of the horseshoes are attached by nails,
lacking sparkle. Colours are drab, people a little more although on a casual glance it seems they are. They are
listless, buildings a little unkempt. Low Dudgeon, if placed magically, and no amount of physical force will
anything, feels sad. They live for the midsummer games, remove them. However, if one wills the horseshoe to
and so continually losing them is a bitter blow. come away, while gently holding it, it can be removed
Investigating Low Dudgeon can take place at any easily. Willing a shoe free requires a successful roll of the
time, and the What’s Going On encounters provide character’s Willpower, Opposed by Olias’ own
several avenues of potential investigation. But of course, Willpower of 34%. Each attempt drains a Magic Point

Village of Low Dudgeon

(which is felt by the character as a tingling sensation accusations about High Dudgeon. Led by a pair of
followed by a brief numbness in the fingers, and a loss charcoal burners they meet nightly in the tavern to
of speech for 1d3 minutes). Multiple attempts are spread dissent and foment a violent confrontation
permissible, but each costs a Magic Point regardless of with High Dudgeon at all costs. Their support
success or failure. A Folklore roll suggests that willing the builds as the games wear on. The ringleader is
shoe to detach might be the way to do it, if the shoe is Black Tam Shandy, a small but tough charcoal
indeed enchanted. burner who wears a permanent scowl and is
Every shoe successfully removed has a cumulative missing two fingers on his left hand.
12% chance of alerting Olias. If alerted, he comes to • The scuttlebutt has it that if High Dudgeon wins
investigate and is forced to make himself visible. Should for an eleventh time, a mob will gather on the road
the characters approach him, see Confronting Olias on between Low Dudgeon and the camp at Twott’s
page 25. Acre, and confront the High Dudgeoners once and
for all. Black Tam Shandy will lead the mob, and on
General Investigation his signal, attack.
• The results of all the games going back for at 25
Here’s what the characters learn in Low Dudgeon
years are available: Beldwain is the unofficial
through the abstracted investigation process:
archivist of the village and he has a copy. Going
Streetwise or Research back over the wins and losses for each year shows
• A small, but increasingly vocal group is responsible that on the first day of the games, Low Dudgeon
for spreading increasingly hostile rumours and tends to be in the lead. On the second day, the losses

mount, and by the third day, there is no hope of
recovery. A further Bureaucracy, Gambling, or Places of Note
Research roll also notes that the Low Dudgeon
losses are consistently down to misfortunes on the The Tavern
Low Dudgeon side, rather than good fortune on the A sprawling ‘L’ shaped building, The Hollow Hill Hall
High Dudgeon side: competitors trip; equipment is run by the husband and wife team of Plovid and
fails; players contradict each other and argue… Ursula Buckle. On the face of it, they are a happy and
there is little to suggest or prove that magic is the jovial couple, deeply united in the welfare and comfort
culprit. Furthermore, High Dudgeon doesn’t win of their customers. They smile at everyone and each
by an outstanding margin: it’s the accumulation of other, exchange jokes and ribald comments, and are the
small things that lead to Low Dudgeon’s final life and soul of the tavern. Behind closed doors, they
defeat. loathe each other to the point of murder. The hold their
vicious arguments in whispers, throw callous insults at
Perception or Folklore each other with abandon, and while Plovid might be
• There is talk among some locals of trying to make smiling and joking with customers while at the bar,
contact with Hillhollow Shee to see if the fairies Ursula beside him beaming with pride, she is, under the
might use their magic to help Low Dudgeon win. counter, away from sight, digging her fingernails into his
There is a firm belief that High Dudgeon is using thigh hard enough to draw blood. A Critical Insight roll
magic, and if they can, why can’t Low Dudgeon? might notice a certain tension between the two, but to
• A (very) few people are wondering if maybe the the world at large, they are a loving and devoted couple.
problem lies with Low Dudgeon. It isn’t a popular This enmity is the result of years of simmering
view, but a (very) few people note that things haven’t resentment, exacerbated by Olias’ curse on the village.
been going for the village generally in other areas They no doubt loved each other once, but now they’re
for the past 10 years. Is it the case that the village is likely to kill each other at some stage. Plovid doesn’t
cursed? If so, by whom? It’s easy to lay the blame at believe that High Dudgeon is cheating; naturally, Ursula
High Dudgeon’s door, but is it fair? is utterly convinced that they are, and should pay for it.
To customers, it is light banter; in private, the barbs
Influence or Insight come out.
• Low Dudgeon’s losing streak started exactly ten During the midsummer games, the main hall of the
years ago. It’s become worse every year since. tavern is turned into a makeshift dormitory, with rough
Perhaps the source of the problem is in Low mattresses made of old sacking filled with hay coming
Dudgeon rather than High Dudgeon? Nine years out from the stores. A couple of spare rooms are
ago, the biggest scandal was when Renya’s husband available for rent at extortionate rates, but afford a little
Ronulf ran away with a dancer from Ys, and privacy and are relatively free from the lice and weevils
everyone agrees that this was most peculiar given inhabiting the sacking mattresses. The stables are also
how devoted Ronulf was to Renya. available for sleeping, but anyone paying to use them
must find their own space and make their own
• One of the villagers, Mildreth, the wife of the
arrangements for bedding. There is plenty of hay on the
charcoal burner Black Tam Shandy, happens to
raised platform above the stalls themselves, but the
make a cryptic comment in the course of
stables are hot and smelly, and appeal only to the very
reminiscences about the events of the last 10 years.
“Course, everyone feels so sorry for Renya after her
In terms of catering to the masses, The Hollow Hill
husband ran off, but she’s not so saintly. I know it
Hall specialises in eel. It comes in many, many forms
for a fact.” She remains tight-lipped on the specifics
and is always the central dish of the day, all day, every
unless a character can succeed in making a
day. Mushrooms, watercress, wild garlic, sorrel, and
Formidable Influence roll Opposed by Mildreth’s
nettle soup also feature on the menu, served with good
Willpower 58%. If so, it appears that Mildreth saw
bread from the village baker. Plovid is in charge of
Renya and Olias flirting in the woods just before the
brewing the tavern’s ale, which is very strong and very
midsummer games a decade ago, and while she
hasn’t connected Low Dudgeon’s bad luck with
As is common with a tavern like this in a small village,
Olias, her sympathies towards Renya were shaken.
gossip is easy to come by, goes through multiple degrees
She’s never said anything until now.
of exaggeration, and is then released into the wild to

Village of High Dudgeon

risky as the midsummer games wear on.

If the characters are on the tavern on the
eve of the games, there is a 25% chance of
a brawl between High and Low
Dudgeoners starting. This increases by 15%
each night of the subsequent 3 days of the
games, meaning that by the evening on
which the games end, there is a 70% chance
of a fight occurring. Such a brawl involves
2d6 brawlers, roughly equal in both sides,
and pulls-in and additional 1d6 outsiders,
which may include the characters. This is a
typical fisticuffs bar room brawl, but if
anyone draws weapons, things can rapidly
escalate as the rabble takes steps to arm
itself with chair-leg cudgels, table-leg clubs,
and broken bottles. See Black Tam
Shandy’s Charcoal Thugs, on page 33 for
sample bar room brawlers.
As mentioned earlier, the stables are
where Olias fixed a cursed horseshoe, on
the inside of the main entrance, close to the
eaves. If one is sleeping on the hay platform
above the stalls, one is almost directly
parallel with the horseshoe, but of course,
it’s easy to overlook how it’s been fixed. But
anyone spending the night here may, as they
wake up (and make a Perception or Folklore
roll) happen to notice an upside-down
horseshoe and wonder why someone put it
the wrong way up.

The Village Well

Ten metres deep, the well is in a traditional
style of a waist-high perimeter wall with a
stone shaft dropping into the well waters
below. It is covered by a gabled housing that
holds the bucket and winch. The well is
about two metres in diameter.
In times past, it was customary to offer
thanks to the spirit of the River Dudge
before dipping a bucket, but only the most
cause confusion and dissent. The chief topic is the superstitious bother any more. It’s a shame, because the
degree to which High Dudgeon is cheating, which well does indeed have a spirit: a naiad (see Lyonesse,
magician they’ve bribed to magically aid them, and Halflings and Twixts, page 413), and she is aware of all
detailed speculation on how they managed to get the magical happenings in Low Dudgeon. She knows that
Ska somehow involved. The few High Dudgeoners who Olias made the curse, and why he made it. She also
venture into the Hollow Hill Hall tend to leave fairly thinks, somewhat peevishly, that is serves the Low
quickly, or attract withering stares and a few cutting Dudgeoners right. Once, she was worshipped almost;
comments from certain Low Dudgeoners, which now, she’s no more than an afterthought. Naiads love to
increases the tension. So far, no fights have broken out, be adored, and when they’re ignored, resentment soon
but that can rapidly change, and becomes increasingly

follows. and very keen not to let Knacker down. He constantly
When in the vicinity of the well, have a character threatens to find a new apprentice, a boy, if she doesn’t
make a Folklore roll. If successful, they see one of the learn to get things right first time, every time. In truth,
older residents drawing water, and before lowering the Shanna is a little scared of Knacker, but at least he
bucket offering a quiet prayer. If questioned, the villager doesn’t beat her. If he tried, she’d find some creative
says it’s just habit, but some believe that the well once uses for the tongs and nail punch they use every day.
had a spirit. Shanna is very observant, and she has noticed, or
If characters happen to make an offering of thought she noticed, a strange figure lurking just at the
something personal, speak nicely, and show the spirit tree-line of the village a day or so ago. She didn’t have
some respect, have that character make either a time to investigate and hasn’t seen the figure since, but
Customs or Courtesy roll. If successful, the naiad if she does again, she won’t hesitate to try to get a better
manifests as a small, childlike mermaid with silvery hair, look. Shanna can easily be recruited to help the
wide, fish-like eyes, and pronounced lips. She will, in characters. She likes to feel useful, and if she thinks
time honoured fashion, answer three questions honestly there’s a conspiracy or plot to be involved with, she’s
before disappearing, so if the characters do manage to ready to help. She also knows about the upside-down
summon her, they should choose what they ask carefully. horseshoe on the horse trough behind the smithy, and
In relation to Olias, she says that he is heartbroken, and knows there’s a similar one in the stables of the tavern.
only if his heart is mended, and his true love restored to She’s never though anything of it before, but now
him, might the curse be lifted. She can also point out the someone’s come to mention it.
horseshoe Olias embedded in the wall, and mention Shanna knows all the local children, and if rewarded,
that it has six sisters, all as forlorn as she. can get a good number of them involved in the hunt for
The naiad isn’t inclined to appear to any of Low further horseshoes, which creates a Find Horseshoe skill
Dudgeon’s residents; or at least, not until they’ve “all of 75% for the group. The children she recruits involve
said sorry properly and shown how much they love me.” the Twalon children (see The Sawmill, opposite), and
What she means by this is at least two thirds of the the shoe attached to their sign is one of the first to be
village making an offering of something personal and found.
ensuring that every time they dip their bucket, they offer The last thing either of them expect is the horseshoe
their love and thanks. If they do that, or sincerely to be found magically cemented to the old water trough
promise to, then the naiad will tell some like Beldwain behind the smithy. Naturally, Knacker identifies it as one
or Chaylot what she knows of Olias and Renya: of the seven purloined all those years ago, but has no
otherwise, it will be up to the characters to do the idea how it came to be there. “Probably a High
convincing. Dudgeon prank,” he says. “Those bastards will do
anything to beat us.” Knacker is very firmly in Black
The Smithy Tam Shandy’s camp, and will be one of those in the
Knacker the Smith is not as huge and burly as ambush party when the games have ended. Hidden
Semmence of High Dudgeon, but he compensates in beneath some old coals sacks in the smithy are several
precision for what he lacks in brute force. Knacker can sets of iron knuckles he’s been making when Shanna
size a horseshoe precisely at a glance, never makes a isn’t looking (or so he thinks: she knows everything that
mistake when making the shoe, and is known to be a he’s up to), and these are destined for the fists of Black
perfectionist. He’s been Low Dudgeon’s smith for some Tam’s Charcoal Thugs.
18 years, and he remembers well the morning 10 years
ago when he found some scoundrel had broken into his The Bakery
smithy and stolen seven perfect horseshoes that he had Vespule the Baker is a bellicose man of considerable
to make all over again. If shown one of the shoes girth, a ruddy face, and peculiar rolling gait, almost as
around Low Dudgeon, he recognises it instantly, and though he’s being kneaded by giant, unseen hands.
can even identify the horse it was intended for. Knacker Vespule originally comes from Port Posedel in Blaloc.
is feared when it comes to tavern Quiz Night at the He left there, he says, for a simpler life. In reality, he fled
Hollow Hill Hall. the place because he brutally murdered the master
His apprentice is Shanna, a 14 year old, red haired girl baker he’d been apprenticed to, and stole his prized
who wants nothing more than to be a blacksmith. Or a sourdough starter, which was indeed brought to the
knight. Or a Squire to a knight. She’s eager to please, Elder Isles from the bakery of Emperor Caligula

Village of Low Dudgeon

himself. There is still a reward for Vespule’s capture, adept with chisels, routers, and reamers; and the Twalon
although after 27 years, few remember the terrible offspring, ranging from Elder Twalon down to Little
crime. The widow of the slain baker is still alive though, One, tend to all manner of chores and duties. The
and would recognise Vespule in an instant, despite the Twalon family aren’t exactly sure how many there are in
enormous belly he’s since developed. the family: Ma Twalon always seems to be pregnant,
There’s no doubting Vespule’s talent: his bread is and its possible there are thirteen or fourteen children in
fabulous. Conversely, the man who makes it is a stain on total. She knows them all by sight though, and so is sure
humanity. An arrogant bully, he scolds his bakery staff no one is missing.
with an acid tongue, and doesn’t much care who sees Grandpa Twalon is the brains behind the sawmill.
him do it. He loathes the High Dudgeoners, but that’s The mechanism that powers everything came to him in
more because Vespule is simply a nasty piece of work. a dream, he says, and while it took five years to put
He enjoys taunting Euridyce Ganch of the New Mill in together, it’s worked flawlessly ever since. Mind you, he’s
High Dudgeon; threatening her with ordering his flour the only one who can repair it. After Grandpa Twalon
from somewhere else brings him great joy, and he knows dies, the machinery, if it ever does fail, will fail for good.
that he can get away with it. This is the Twalon’s most closely guarded secret.
Were it not for the fact that Vespule and Black Tam With so many Twalons, quite a number of them are
Shandy hate each other, Vespule would no doubt be participants in the games. The trunks for the Lumber
among those intending to break some High Dudgeon Tossing contest are provided every year by the Twalon
heads should they win again. As it is, Vespule’s wise mill, and Second Eldest Twalon is the current record
enough to stay back. Any violence is likely to be quelled holder for Lumber Tossing. His great rival is Watt
at some point by the baron’s soldiers, and Vespule isn’t Gabney of High Dudgeon, but while they are rivals,
so stupid as to put himself in harm’s way like that. He’s they are also good friends, and the Twalons are above
well aware of Black Tam’s plans of course; people love bad sportsmanship and grudges. It’s a shame Low
to gossip when they buy their bread. It’s also crossed his Dudgeon has lost so consistently, but then, Life Comes
mind that there’s more profit to be had in dropping a in Lumps, as the Twalons say. They don’t bear any ill-
quiet word to the baron than being involved in any will towards High Dudgeon, and stay out of the
violence. Vespule would love to see Black Tam swinging simmering arguments down at the Hollow Hill Hall.
from a gibbet, so, when the moment is right, he’ll be Almost Youngest Twalon, a bright-eyed boy of seven,
delivering a gift of his finest bread to the baron’s tent knows that there’s an upside-down horseshoe on the
during the games, and making mention of some wrong side of the saw mill’s sign post. He also knows
worrying things he’s been hearing. there’s one on the gatepost to the meadow, and one
Vespule is also aware of the inverted horseshoe above the door of the spinster’s house, because he’s kept
attached to the outside flour store. He’s tried wrenching an eye out for them. He’s tried telling others, but it’s
it off, but it’s nothing’s worked. He intended telling always so noisy in the Twalon house, with everyone
Knacker the Smith about it, but forgot. It’s not talking over everyone else, that it’s hard to make
important; he doesn’t believe in all that ‘bad luck’ yourself heard. It’s no matter. Almost Youngest Twalon
business. You knead your own luck in this world; just like is certain the horseshoes aren’t all that important.
kneading bread. Although they are odd…
The Twalons are a joy to be around. Friendly,
The Sawmill boisterous, noisy, helpful, busy. They’re the one family
Run by the extensive Twalon family, the sawmill that has been an undemanding friend to Renya. Ma
processes much of the timber cut from the forest. The Twalon visits Renya frequently, taking several children
huge cutting shop is filled with an ingenious array of in tow, and Renya visits the Twalons too. Ma Twalon
pulleys, cogs, levers, and belts that power several large knows Renya’s sadness, and also understands that
wood saws used for paring down tree trunks into planks. there’s something in Renya’s past that she’s covering up.
The Twalon family work harmoniously, tending the She was forever playing in the woods when younger, but
mechanisms, planing and shaving rough cut planks into now never sets foot in them. Ronulf ’s betrayal clearly hit
smooth, level boards, and working miracles with trestle- her very, very hard.
powered lathes to turn all manner of shapes. Grandpa
Twalon is a master carpenter, as are Pa Twalon, and
Uncle Twalon. Grandma Twalon and Ma Twalon are

Midsummer Meadow • Catch-the-Dagger: Dagger is thrown directly upwards;
competitors aim to catch them with a clapping motion. Ties
On the far side of Low Dudgeon is Midsummer broken on fingers lost.
Meadow, where the annual games take place. Entry is
via a large wooden gate in the rickety perimeter fence • Donkey Jousting. Like traditional jousting at a tilt, but on
separating the meadow from the rest of the village. In donkeys and using broomsticks
places the fence has collapsed entirely, and no one really • Eel Fencing: Fencing, but using live eels. Competitors use a
cares; it hasn’t been used for grazing in decades. variety of techniques to send their eels into a trance that makes
Olias placed a horseshoe in one of the gateposts at then go rigid, and then fencing commences. Three strikes to the
about ankle height. Long grass and a clump of dock chest or head wins.
leaves cover it, but pushing them aside easily reveals it • Egg-Drop Racing. A race around the perimeter while
presence. clasping an egg between the buttocks. Breaking the egg results
Currently the meadow is packed with tents, carts, and in disqualification.
wagons that line all four sides of the perimeter. On the • Endurance Squatting: Competitors assume a squatting
grass beyond the meadow are yet more tents, filled with position and maintain it for as long possible. Record is two
people who have come from far and wide to watch the and half days.
games. Entertainers of all kinds, mingling with traders,
have turned the inter-village contest into a complete fair. • Foot Wrestling: as above, but using feet.
Music plays, jugglers juggle, hawkers pitch their wares. • Turning: Competitors without teeth trying to scrunch their
In the centre of the meadow, marked out by an inner faces so that their chins touch their noses. Points scored for
perimeter of loose rope, is the contest area, where the style and chin/nose overlap.
games take place. • High Jump: How high one can jump from a crouch.
The games range over three days. Although the High/ • Knuckle Cracking: Competitors take it in turns to crack their
Low Dudgeon contests predominate, visitors can try knuckles down on the outstretch knuckles of the opponent.
their hand in informal ‘all comers’ contests. Thus, if Points scored for sound made, and how much the opponent’s
someone wants to try their hand at Donkey Jousting, arm moves. Flinching deducts points
they can. These all comers contests are just a bit of fun;
the matches between High and Low Dudgeon are • Log Tossing: See how far a 6 metre-high pole can be thrown
serious affairs, and never more serious than this year. – a bit like Caber Tossing
• Low Jump: Really, limbo dancing.
Games Without Frontiers • Precision Farting: Judged on ability to hit a particular
The games are as follows. There are separate contests musical note. Additional marks for musicality and aroma.
for men and women, and some contests consist of a
• Spear Lobbing: Like the javelin event, but using a boar spear.
series of heats, leading to a final between heat winners:
• Speed Pie Eating. Pies are made from fermented eels and
• 100 Yard Dash: a standard foot race.
extra ripe cheese.
• 200 Yard Dash: a standard foot race.
• Tug o’War: the traditional team sport with sets of eight on
• 500 Yard Relay: Team members are placed at 50 metre each side attempting the pull the others over a central point
intervals. A live eel is passed from one to the other.
• Turnip Bobbing: Like apple bobbing, but the barrel is filled
• Arm Wrestling: the traditional sport with turnips, live eels, and offal.
• Blindfold Hopping Races: As described. Can hop on right or
Games Masters are invited to invent more.
left leg. No changing legs mid-way. Must complete three
circuits of the perimeter No mechanics are given for these games, but if the
• Boulder Carrying: Carrying a succession of heavier and characters end up participating – either in all comers
heavier boulders over a longer and longer obstacle course. contests, or being invited to join a High or Low
Dudgeon team, abstract the outcome using one or more
• Buttock Racing: Competitors shuffle along on their backsides,
Opposed skill rolls with appropriate difficulty grades.
attempting to be the fastest over a 200-yard distance
Log Tossing for instance, is going to be Brawn based, as
• Cat Wrangling: Fifty annoyed cats are let loose in an is Arm Wrestling. Knuckle Cracking is likely to be
enclosure; competitors herd them into a sack. Most in the sack Endurance and Hit Points based, while Precision
in the shortest period of time wins. Ties are judged on number Farting might be based Athletics (or left to the experts).
of scratches. The point is that the games are bizarre, sometimes

The Games

painful, and sometimes dangerous. The High and Low they are cynical and bitter. They spend much of their
Dudgeoners practice for these events and make them time in the meadow, congregating near one of the ale
look easy; but something like Catch-the-Dagger requires and cider tents, mugs in hand, drinking steadily from
a nerves of steel and quick wits, especially in the finals, dawn until dusk. They watch the games, especially the
where multiple daggers are in play. dangerous ones, and a few of the men compete. Mostly
All the games attract spectators, cheerleaders, they watch the High Dudgeon competitors, observing
hecklers, and sideline critics. Some games get more weaknesses and strengths, and quietly discussing tactics
spectators than others (usually the more dangerous ones, for the ambush they intend to set when the games are
although Precision Farting is always popular), but there finished. Eavesdropping on the Charcoal Thugs is
is always an audience. And through it all, the perimeter possible, and can help thwart any surprise an ambush
stalls and trade stands have something to offer. For three might spring. However, if anyone is caught, they will be
solid days, there is a huge amount of revelry and merry- discretely followed by one or two of thugs and, when
making, although this year, everyone is aware to some alone and at an opportune moment, beaten soundly,
degree of the very serious undercurrent between the dragged into the forest, and tied up in one of the remote
two villages. charcoal lodges so that they can’t be of any more
For added spice and interest, there are also con artists, hindrance. If this happens, there is a chance that Olias
pickpockets and cut purses working the crowd. If the sees what is happening and may come to a character’s
characters spend any length of time in one place in the assistance in some way: Olias hates the Charcoal Thugs.
meadow, they may well be targeted.
The Baron
Black Tam’s Charcoal Thugs Baron Molecricket is the noble in charge of the district
A group of 8-10 hardcore hooligans, these men are where the Dudgeons lie. He is responsible for collecting
professional charcoal burners who spend days or weeks rents, tithes, policing the roads and adjudicating in
in the the forest tending their charcoal furnaces. minor disputes. Moderately wealthy, reasonably
Hardened by life outdoors and the rigours of the job, influential, Baron Molecricket is a middle-aged man

with a dowdy wife, a pair of semi-useless sons and one she was perhaps 11, and her mother passed peacefully
daughter of marriageable age. He’s looking for a three years ago. For a year, she shared the cottage with
husband for her, and hasn’t had much luck. If any of the her mother and husband, Ronulf – until Ronulf had his
characters is of a noble background, or looks remotely head, heart, and loins turned by a blond haired, blue-
noble and wealthy, then Baron Molecricket considers eyed trollop from Ys. So now Renya lives in the cottage
him a potential son-in-law. alone. She takes in washing and needlework from
He, the dowdy wife, useless sons, and marriage-ready around the village, helps Ma Twalon with her ever-
daughter travel down from the baronial pile by carriage expanding brood down at the sawmill, and occasionally
for the final day of the games. Baron Molecricket makes has to deter a would-be suitor from either Low or High
a bog-standard speech praising the skill, dedication, Dudgeon (most recently Semmence the Smith).
talent, and pain threshold of the competitors, wishes Renya is extraordinarily beautiful, and she seems to
both sides well, and then goes and places a bet on High grow more so with age. Of medium height with long,
Dudgeon. He’s not really a gambling man, Baron full, auburn hair and hazel eyes, she is impossible to
Molecricket. The family watch with varying degrees of miss. When younger she flirted outrageously with the
wry amusement and boredom, although the useless sons village boys, but always kept her heart for Ronulf. He
like the donkey jousting, and, for some odd reason, the was never the most handsome of the village lads, or the
marriage-ready daughter enjoys the eel-fencing. His most athletic, or the most intelligent; but he was always
wife hates the lot and spends most of the games getting pure of intention, and he and Renya enjoyed an easy
squiffy on apple wine. friendship that blossomed into love. The men of the
A tent is erected for the baron and his entourage, village were also envious of Ronulf, and perhaps some
which includes six men at arms armed with swords, light of them had a part to play in introducing him to that
crossbows, and long spears. These are pretty competent dancing girl. So when Ronulf left her, she was utterly
fighters, and dedicated to saving the baronial family’s heartbroken.
skins. Attacking the baron is a sure-fire way to Her dalliance with Olias the fairy was nothing more
experience the joys of impalement. than a harmless flirtation, she thought; a young girl, on
During Baron Molecricket’s stay, it is customary for the edge of 17, and clearly desired by a fairy! What girl
him to hear petitions. There is usually a queue of local wouldn’t be flattered? They did nothing more than talk,
people with various complaints at the back of the tent, play games, and kiss now and then; nothing more.
and in the afternoon three or four are chosen at random Renya’s heart belonged to Ronulf, although she never
(i.e., they’ve bribed one of the men at arms beforehand) explained that to Olias. After all, fairies know
to have their petitions heard. Vespule the Baker always everything, don’t they?
ensures that he is heard by sending one of the bakery So her brief fling with Olias that fateful summer was,
urchins to deliver several loaves of wonderful bread, a to Renya, nothing more than that. At the end of the
basket of pastries (which mother and daughter adore), games she went back to Ronulf and, that autumn, they
and toffee apples, which the useless sons like. This married. There were no children, although they tried,
generally gets him a private audience with Molecricket, and that has always nagged Renya. Is that why he ran
and an opportunity to cause mischief. This year, it is to away perhaps? Because she was not as fecund as Ma
let the baron know that Black Tam Shandy is plotting Twalon? Ma Twalon said not to worry, but Ma Twalon
armed insurrection and bloody mayhem upon the High had nothing to worry about.
Dudgeon competitors. There is a 55% chance that And so Renya is alone. She has shunned intimacy with
Baron Molecricket is paying attention and actively men. All men. Only heartache results. If Ronulf were to
decides to do something about it. This means leaving reappear, he would be told coolly and politely to go back
behind three of his mean at arms to keep an eye out and to Ys and whatever life he’s made for himself there.
arrest any troublemakers. If things get really out of Renya is happier alone, without complications. She
hand, they are to send word, and Molecricket will send rents rooms in her cottage every midsummer, and sure
a dozen mounted warriors to break some heads if enough, every year there’s some man who makes a pass,
necessary. but she can see the signs a mile away and has her
defences ready. Renya smiles sweetly, is always polite,
Renya’s Cottage always firm, and always, always declines. The baron
Renya has lived here all her life. Her older brother and came one year, and she though he would be a hard man
sister moved away some time ago. Her father died when to refuse; but somehow she was able, and the baron
went away and never bothered her again.

Renya and Olias

All this is Olias’ doing. His curse prevents any other community.
man from having Renya if he cannot have her. She does
not know this, not does she suspect it; but if the It takes 30 minutes for each of the characters’ rolls, so
characters’ investigation brings matters to the fore, and the whole conflict plays out over two hours.
Renya is confronted with the pattern, she suddenly
understands, and is furious. • If the characters score zero in their rolls, they have
been clumsy in their attempts to coax the truth
Confronting Renya from Renya. If they score higher than Renya, then
Renya is the key to this whole mess. To lift the curse, she tells them either enough of the story (see the
there needs to be a reconciliation between Renya and History section at the start of the scenario) for them
Olias; the characters are the ones who need to bring it to piece together what happened, or all of it. If
about before the end of the games, or horrible violence Renya scores higher than the characters, Games
will ensue. Masters should choose which parts of the history to
The first step in this process is for the characters to offer the characters, based on the difference in
learn what part Renya plays in all this. Hopefully the scores. But the characters should know that Renya
clues they’ve collected during their investigation is holding back.
establishes that something in Renya’s past connects her • If the characters need to do something else to get to
with Low Dudgeon’s situation, but they need Renya to the complete truth, they can show Renya the
be honest about what happened with Olias that horseshoes they’ve found hidden around the village;
summer. Getting her to open up shouldn’t be take her to visit the naiad (if they’ve met her); or let
impossible, but neither should it be easy. Getting Renya Renya know that Black Tam Shandy is planning an
to open up should be a handled as a Social Conflict task ambush of the High Dudgeon competitors. Any of
(see pages 480-481 of Lyonesse). The characters need to these things will help Renya understand that now,
make four of the following rolls, in any order: after all these years, she has to be honest.

1. Customs: to frame their petition correctly in ways Once the characters understand that the fragile
that Renya will find hard to avoid. relationship between Renya and Olias is at the core of
2. Influence: to coax the truth from her piece by this whole mess, they need to find Olias, and bring him
piece. and Renya together.
3. Insight: to accurately judge Renya’s mood, and Renya may already be on the lookout for Olias, but
avoid simply angering her. the fairy, still bitter after all these years, has no intention
4. Willpower: Renya can be obstinate; the characters of revealing himself to her. The characters are going to
need to overcome it. have to engineer a meeting of some kind. Here are the
ways in which it can be done.
The four rolls can be made by one character or
several. If any of the characters have an appropriate 1. The Findthing Searchfor cantrap, cast successfully
Passion that might offer a more appropriate substitute with the object being any fairies in the vicinity of
for one of the above rolls, then by all means use it. Rolls Low Dudgeon
can be augmented by either Passions or Eloquence. 2. Find and remove horseshoes, forcing Olias to come
Renya also gets to roll four times, as follows: and investigate.
3. Persuade the naiad to ask Olias to reveal himself;
1. Deceit: to avoid exposing her brief flirtation with this requires a successful Courtesy roll or Hard
Olias. Influence roll
2. Love Ronulf Passion: to convince the characters 4. Go to the old yew tree in the forest, where Renya
that she has always loved Ronulf and Olias used to meet, call his name, and make a
3. Willpower: to withstand the questioning. successful Hard Courtesy roll, or Formidable
4. Loyalty to Low Dudgeon Passion: this is Folklore roll. If the characters convince Renya to
handled differently. If she succeeds in her Loyalty accompany them, the skill rolls are one grade easier.
roll, the score counts against her, because in her
heart she realises that to help Low Dudgeon, she Confronting Olias
must reveal the truth. If she fails in her Loyalty roll, Like all fairies, Olias is fickle, driven by strange whims,
then the score counts in her favour, because she is extremely particular, prone to flattery, and easy to take
able to place her own needs above those of her offence. He is still smitten with Renya, and despite the

directly. He is prepared to remain in the
characters’ presence for precisely 30 minutes
(an absolute age for a fairy), so they need to
work quickly. If Olias is threatened by force,
he defends himself and uses his magic to
punish the characters. He will also never lift
the curse.
The characters need to convince Olias to
life the curse. All he needs to do is utter
Bidorke’s Pithy Restoration and touch each
horseshoe; but convincing him is going to be
another Social Conflict test, using the
following skills for the characters, all at a
grade of Hard.
1. Customs: to re-establish the old trust
that once existed between Hillhollow Shee
and Low Dudgeon
2. Eloquence: to flatter Olias, and
break down the armour of insouciance
3. Folklore: to introduce an
understanding of fairy protocols into the
dialogue, that Olias will appreciate
4. Influence: to convince him to do the
right thing.
Olias has his own rolls:
1. Deceit: to try to cover his true
feelings for Renya
2. Insight: to anticipate the characters’
3. Willpower: to resist the characters
4. Punish Renya Passion: self
• If the characters win the contest,
Olias agrees, grudgingly, to lift the curse, but
fact that 70 years have passed in fairy years since he first only when a year and a day has passed. The
met her, his love for her is undiminished. Sadly, his characters should be careful before accepting this:
desire to punish her for favouring Ronulf has clouded Olias means fairy years, which equal seven mortal
his judgment, and that desire for punishment still years. A Folklore or Insight roll should alert the
prevails. characters to the catch in the promise.
Olias wrongly blames the games on what happened. • If Olias wins the contest, the curse must remain;
By his reasoning, if Renya hadn’t gone to watch the however, he is willing to reconsider if Renya agrees
games, she would have forgotten Ronulf and remained to become his lover, as she had promised, and
with him. So, he is punishing the games as much as he return with him to Hillhollow Shee.
is punishing Renya. He is enjoying the suffering and • If the characters won the Social Conflict round
resentment Low Dudgeon is experiencing. Fairies can with Renya earlier, then she makes a Loyalty to
be like that. Low Dudgeon roll at a grade of easy. Succeeding
If successfully summoned to the characters’ presence, in the roll means she accepts Olias’ terms.
Olias is sullen, insouciant, obstinate, and contrary. The • If Renya won the Social Conflict exchange, she
only human he has any time for is Renya, and his desire makes a Loyalty to Low Dudgeon roll at a grade of
to punish her means he does not intend talking to her Formidable. If the roll fails, she rejects Olias’

Ambush at Twott’s Acre

conditions and storms away. If Renya should opt to leave with Olias, the fairy
• If Renya is not present, then she needs to be beams, dances, picks up Renya in his arms and swings
convinced, brought to the shade of the old yew tree, her around, proclaiming: “You shall be a princess! I
and reconciled with Olias. have a palace! Do you like palaces? You shall have
everything; dresses, cakes, wine, servants – whatever you
Should Renya reject the terms, the characters have
want. My father and mother and 74 brothers and sisters
one last chance to try to convince her that this is the only
will love you as I do! We shall rule, and we shall…” And
way to bring Low Dudgeon’s woes to an end. This can
as they whirl, they fade together into the shadow of the
be done in the following ways:
yew. Never to be seen again, and Low Dudgeon’s curse
1. Impress on her the impending violence Black Tam lifts. If the games are underway, by the time they have
is planning; taking her, on the final night of the ended, Low Dudgeon will have won, for the first time in
games, to where the violence is going to take place, 10 long years…
or where it is going on, will move her to acceptance:
she does not want blood on her conscience.
2. Let her know that if the elders of Low Dudgeon Ambush at Twott’s
discover the truth, that Renya could have saved the
community, how will her life be if she does not? Acre
Ostracism and possibly worse might follow. If the curse is lifted before the end of the games, Black
3. Convince her that life with the fairies could be Tam Shandy and his Charcoal Thugs, along with the
wonderful and magical; her life now is empty and other dozen or so malcontents from Low Dudgeon, are
listless. Perhaps she can find love with Olias. forced to abandon their plans to beat seven shades of
excrement out of the High Dudgeon contingent, and go
4. Enlist the help and encouragement of Ma Twalon
and get steaming drunk instead. There’s always next
(who always sees the common sense point of view)
5. Any other creative argument the characters can Should the curse prevail, Low Dudgeon loses, High
construct not covered by any of the above. Dudgeon wins again, and Black Tam and his assorted
thugs slip quietly away from the meadow to take up
Note that Olias will not force Renya to come with him;
positions along the hedgerow between Low Dudgeon
he is not about to ensorcel her or abduct her. Indeed, he
and Twott’s Acre. If the baron has despatched his men
expresses his wishes with a certain diffidence; but, in the
at arms, they wait in Twott’s Acre itself, ready to either
same proximity, the characters can tell that, despite the
intervene, or send for help.
anger Renya displays, and Olias’ vindictive insouciance,
If the High Dudgeoners have been forewarned of
there is a mutual attraction. The body language of both
trouble, they have taken a little time to arm themselves
indicates it, as do the words they use. Olias, ageless and
with makeshift clubs, a couple of boar spears taken from
exotic, is a creature of beauty, and so is Renya: older,
the games, plus stones, rocks and packets of gravel.
wiser, and more mature. They complement each other.
They march together up the road in a confident file, and
Renya demands to know if Olias was behind Ronulf ’s
are ready to give as good as they get.
betrayal. He claims he was not. It was the waning of
If they are unaware, and too busy celebrating, Black
Low Dudgeon’s luck, rather than anything Olias did
Tam and his rabble wait until the High Dudgeoners get
directly, that brought Ronulf and the dancer together.
within 10 metres or so, and spring their ambush. Volleys
Olias swears it was not his doing or intention.
of stones and slingshots come from either side of the
If, in the end, Renya refuses to go with Olias, the fairy
road taking the High Dudgeoners by surprise.
shrugs, offers a deep, deep sigh and says, “then so be it.
Meanwhile, five or six Charcoal Thugs armed with iron
The curse shall last a year and day and then lift. I will
knuckles, wooden clubs, and iron bars emerge from
not return here. I care not what happens to you, what
their hiding places behind the High Dudgeon lines, and
the villagers will do, or what anyone else does. Why
attack from the rear.
should I? Why should I?” And he fades into the shade
All hell breaks loose, as a violent melee ensues between
of the yew tree, and is never seen again. The curse lasts,
the two groups. The violence is bloody: gouging,
as indicated, for a further 7 years. The horseshoes, if
stabbing, broken bones, and little care for who gets hurt
removed from their hiding places, magically return
or how. The characters, if they intervene, need to pick a
there, and disappear magically when, at last, the curse
side, and end up facing either a Charcoal Thug or a

High Dudgeon Thug (see page 33). It is chaos as the
fighting becomes fierce, and it carries on either for
1d4+6 rounds until the men at arms intervene (if
deployed), or the Curse of Low Dudgeon takes effect
and, true to form, Black Tam and his hooligans start
losing to the High Dudgeoners. As the fight goes against
them, some start to flee, others hide, until, at least, Black
Tam finds himself surrounded by furious High
Dudgeoners and is forced to either surrender, and take
the kicking of his life.
Renya and Olias might intervene too; much depends
on how and when they are reconciled.
No one should die in the Twott’s Acre Ambush, but
people will definitely get hurt, and the violence causes a
rift between the two villages that can never be healed –
not even by the games. High Dudgeon refuses to
participate any longer, and Low Dudgeon’s fortunes
drift and falter over the course of the next 7 years (or
forever, depending on what happened with Olias).

Rewards and
Remember Beldwain and Chaylot, the Low Dudgeon
elders? They were looking for proof of High Dudgeon’s
cheating, convinced that there could be no other
explanation. If the characters manage to help get the
curse lifted, the elders try to renege on their obligations,
and only offer half the agreed amount (because
discovering that Low Dudgeon was the source is not
what they want to hear). If the curse prevails, and High
Dudgeon win, they insist on only paying a quarter of
the agreed amount because obviously the characters
failed to provide the evidence of chicanery that was so
clearly present. Renya might be able to convince the
elders otherwise, if she comes clean and shows that the
characters are truly not at fault here.
So there may or may not be a happy ending. Should
the characters reconcile Olias and Renya, Olias gifts the
characters an acorn that seems to glitter in the sunlight
and glows amber in the moonlight. This acorn marks
the bearer as a friend of Hillhollow Shee, and so a friend
to fairies (for a time). Showing the acorn to a fairy
obliges that fairy to help the acorn bearer (although not
necessarily anyone else). They may also receive payment
from Beldwain and Chaylot, and even be feted by the
village of Low Dudgeon in celebration of their victory.

Who knows how things will turn out?

ery few of the non-player characters 78%, Eloquence 68%, Endurance 20%, Evade 40%,

V encountered in this adventure are going to be

engaged in combat, with the exception of
Black Tam Shandy’s thugs and some of the villagers,
Folklore 56%, Lore (noblemen) 56%, Lore (Politics)
75%, Oratory 55%, Perception 45%, Research 50%,
Willpower 40%
should a barroom brawl break out, or the ambush at
Twott’s Acre take place. Most non-player characters Passions
need only be defined by their skills, and so that is what Covet Power 66%, A Quiet Life for Me 60%
we have given here. If more detailed statistics are
needed, such as Hit Points Attributes, then use the Combat Style
People section on pages 426 and 427 of the Lyonesse Nobleman (rapier, buckler) 30%
rules. Detailed statistics are given for typical thugs,
villagers, and men at arms later in this section.
Otherwise, the most important skills and Passions for
Beldwain, Low Dudgeon
the main non-player characters are listed below. Don’t Elder
hesitate to add any additional skills you feel may be Balding and rather pompous, Beldwain seem to be in
needed, and don’t forget that non-player characters, just the grip of a perpetual cold, with a running nose and
like the player characters, can Augment one skill with frequent sneezes. He isn’t contagious, but he is
another skill (or a Passion), if needed. somewhat unpleasant to be around for long periods,
Non-player characters are listed alphabetically. especially as he has an annoying habit of concluding
each sentence with a humphing sound.
Baron Molecricket Skills
The local bigwig, Baron Molecricket really just wants a Athletics 35%, Brawn 33%, Commerce 75%, Craft
quiet life. He doesn’t like anything that upsets the (Carpentry) 75%, Deceit 55%, Drive 55%, Endurance
equilibrium, and hates having to exert himself unduly. 30%, Evade 40%, Folklore 66%, Influence 64%,
But, if things come to it, he will flex his muscles; or Perception 53%, Streetwise 42%, Willpower 40%
rather, send his Men at Arms to do the flexing on his
behalf. Passions
Skills The Art of the Deal 66%, Loyal to Low Dudgeon 60%
Athletics 30%, Brawn 33%, Bureaucracy 66%, Deceit

Combat Style much money as he can, in whatever way he can. His
charms and amulets are utterly bogus of course, but he
Self Defence (knife) 35%
never let that stop him.

Black Tam Shandy Skills

Athletics 55%, Brawn 33%, Commerce 90%, Courtesy
A ghastly little bigot with a chip on his shoulder, Tam
60%, Customs 63%, Deceit 80%, Drive 55%,
Shandy is a sour faced man who likes to agitate and
Eloquence 84%, Endurance 48%, Evade 40%,
cause trouble. Like most bullies, he’s brave when
Influence 64%, Insight 88%, Perception 53%,
surrounded by his sycophantic thugs, and an abject
Streetwise 62%, Willpower 75%
coward when confronted alone. One can place more
trust in a slug. He lost two fingers on his left hand when Passions
they were badly burned in his charcoal pit.
Seize the Day 66%, Adore Luxury 70%
Skills Combat Style
Athletics 40%, Brawn 43%, Craft (Charcoal Burning)
Well-travelled Rogue (Rapier and Dagger) 77%
90%, Endurance 60%, Evade 40%, Folklore 56%,
Influence 68%, Perception 35%, Stealth 75%, Survival
77%, Track 68%, Unarmed 70%, Willpower 34% Euridyce Ganch
Passions Simpering and matronly, Euridyce lives in the shadow
of her sister Messalina, and agrees with everything her
Bully the Weak 66%, Hate High Dudgeon 60%
sister says and commands. Despite her demeanour, she
Combat Style is an expert in erotic arts, much to the delight of cousin
Woodsman (hatchet, knife) 60%
Chaylot, Low Dudgeon Athletics 40%, Brawn 20%, Commerce 75%, Courtesy
53%, Craft (Milling) 55%, Craft (Techniques of Erotic
Elder Satisfaction) 65%, Drive 55%, Eloquence 56%,
The epitome of the middle aged busy-body, Chaylot Endurance 40%, Evade 44%, Folklore 65%, Insight
commands a lot of respect in the village, but mainly 44%, Perception 63%, Streetwise 60%, Willpower 35%
because he makes it her business to pry into everyone’s
business. She might have respect, but few actually like
her. Erotic Pursuits 75%, Love Gossip 60%

Skills Combat Style

Athletics 30%, Brawn 33%, Bureaucracy 66%, Run Away 55%
Customs 75%, Eloquence 68%, Endurance 20%,
Evade 40%, Folklore 60%, Insight 76%, Oratory 55%,
Perception 45%, Research 50%, Willpower 40%
Knacker the Smith
Meticulous and careful, little escapes the keen gaze of
Passions Knacker the Blacksmith. He is also one of Black Tam
Gossip 66%, Know Everyone’s Business 60% Shandy’s supporters, believing that High Dudgeon
needs to be taught a violent lesson. Hawk-faced and
Combat Style hawk-eyed, he cuts a sinister figure in the gloom of the
Self Defence (distaff) 35% forge.

Cluge the Charm Seller Athletics 55%, Brawn 60%, Commerce 80%, Craft
Tall and fox-faced, Cluge is a cunning chancer who (Blacksmith) 90% Eloquence 42%, Endurance 58%,
always manages to come up smelling of roses. This is his Evade 51%, Folklore 70%, Insight 75%, Perception
first time in Low Dudgeon, and he is keen to make as 84%, Streetwise 68%, Willpower 70%


Being Precise 90%, Hate High Dudgeon 75%
Messalina Ganch
Unsmiling and cool, Messalina does not suffer fools
Combat Style gladly, having enough to do with her sister, Euridyce,
and cousin Forynd. She is an astute businesswoman, and
Hammer and Tongs (Hammer, Tongs, Knuckleduster)
is not afraid to stand her ground with anyone. Her eyes
seem to be fixed in a perpetual frown, and if she ever
laughed, it was many years ago.
Ma Twalon Skills
Matronly Ma Twalon is the mother of the immense
Athletics 54%, Brawn 66%, Commerce 98%, Craft
Twalon brood. No-nonsense, practical, organised, and
(Milling) 75%, Deceit 55%, Drive 55%, Endurance
overflowing with homely common sense, Ma Twalon is
60%, Evade 40%, Folklore 62%, Influence 74%, Insight
suspicious of grifters, gossips, backstabbers, bullies, and
64%, Perception 53%, Mechanism 64%, Streetwise
those who take advantage. She is apparently scared of
42%, Willpower 80%
no one, and simply by folding her arms and tapping her
foot, she can command the respect of armies. Even Passions
Black Tam Shandy is afraid of her.
Loyalty to High Dudgeon 80%, Loathe Chancers 60%
Skills Combat Style
Athletics 58%, Brawn 41%, Craft (Run Household)
Self Defence (Bale Hook) 35%
106% Eloquence 56%, Endurance 70%, Evade 34%,
Folklore 80%, Insight 90%, Perception 69%, Willpower
90% Olias
Passions Olias is a fairy of Hillhollow Shee. Vain and peevish, he
likes to get his own way, and is prone to dreadful sulks
Love Family 99%, Care for Renya 87%, Hate Idiots and
when he does not. The king of his shee, King Arazmian,
Bullies 85%
has reprimanded him many times for this behaviour, but
Combat Style still Olias will not med his ways. He is obsessed with
Renya, but intent on punishing her, and everyone
Fold Arms and Tap Foot 86%
around her, until she chooses him over any other lover.
Despite his nonchalant cruelty, when he gets his way,
Melench the Innkeeper Olias is usually joy and charm, quickly forgetting any
Jovial with an easy manner and twinkle in his eye, grudges he may have held.
Melench is a complete rogue (but a likeable one), and Skills
keen to extract as much money from unwitting
Athletics 69%, Brawn 44%, Endurance 54%, Evade
customers as he can, without causing offence.
74%, Fairy Magic 75%, Folklore 56%, Lore (Forests)
Skills 76%, Perception 45%, Willpower 34%
Athletics 40%, Brawn 60%, Commerce 75%, Courtesy Passions
53%, Eloquence 56%, Endurance 60%, Evade 44%,
Love Renya 90%, Punish Renya 74%, Enjoy Sulking
Folklore 65%, Insight 70%, Gambling 33%, Perception
63%, Streetwise 60%, Willpower 55%

Passions Combat Style

Fairy Duellist (Rapier) 52%
Covet Money 66%, Love Gossip 60%

Combat Style Spells

Bidorke’s Pithy Restoration, Chavnarsa’s Indolent Ease,
Not in My Gaff (Fists, Headbutt) 55%
Findthing Searchfor, Fociador’s False Lead, Perrabi’s
Spurious Curse.

him has people scuttling for safety. He hates Black Tam
Plovid the Landlord Shandy, and if there is any trouble between the two
The landlord of Low Dudgeon’s tavern, Plovid spends villages, and Shandy is involved, Semmence makes it his
his private time feuding with his wife, Ursula, and business to punish the little upstart. Of course, he
plotting intricate ways of doing away with her (horrible, continues to carry a torch for Renya, and quietly
but she’s doing exactly the same), while in public he is remains hopeful she may look favourably on him.
the genial tavern host. Plovid has a talent for saying the
right thing to the right person, in the right way, making Skills
them feel welcome and listened to. Athletics 55%, Brawn 88%, Commerce 60%, Craft
(Blacksmith) 85% Eloquence 28%, Endurance 66%,
Skills Evade 51%, Folklore 70%, Insight 48%, Perception
Athletics 40%, Brawn 60%, Commerce 75%, Courtesy 44%, Streetwise 70%, Willpower 77%
75%, Eloquence 70%, Endurance 44%, Evade 40%,
Folklore 65%, Lore (Customer Psychology) 80%, Passions
Insight 77%, Perception 63%, Streetwise 70%, Love Renya 75%, Loyalty to High Dudgeon 75%
Willpower 48%
Combat Style
Passions Fists of Steel (Unarmed) 80% (1d4 Damage Bonus)
Loyal to Low Dudgeon 60%, Loathe Ursula 88%

Combat Style Vespule the Baker

Not in My Gaff (Fists, Headbutt, Cosh) 51% Portly, cunning, and a bad seed all round, Vespule
believes his talent for baking gives him license to abuse
others and cause trouble. He likes to have influence, and
Renya has cultivated his relationship with Baron Molecricket
Blessed with startling beauty, cursed by a vindictive fairy, carefully. Of course, if any knew of his real past, it
Renya leads a sheltered life in the village, trying to avoid would be a different story.
the attentions of would-be husbands and casual
admirers. She is quiet, demure, and prefers the Skills
company of her friend Ma Twalon and the boisterous Athletics 36%, Brawn 60%, Craft (Baking) 98%,
Twalon family. She is feisty when angered though, and Commerce 72%, Courtesy 80%, Eloquence 76%,
has a deep sense of making things right. Endurance 40%, Evade 30%, Folklore 55%, Lore
(Psychology) 76%, Insight 75%, Perception 60%,
Skills Streetwise 66%, Willpower 56%
Athletics 41%, Brawn 33%, Craft (Needlework) 95%
Deceit 36%, Eloquence 51%, Endurance 36%, Evade Passions
40%, Folklore 66%, Insight 60%, Perception 56%, Hide Past 75%, Look After Number One 90%
Research 50%, Willpower 61%
Combat Style
Passions Unarmed 44%
Avoid Relationships 75%, Love Ronulf 48%, Loyalty to
Low Dudgeon 70%
Typical Local
Combat Style
Unarmed 30%
Athletics 40%, Brawn 43%, Endurance 60%, Evade
40%, Perception 35%, Stealth 43%, Willpower 34%
Semmence the Smith Passions
Massively built, and the epitome of the strong and silent
type, Semmence leaves the talking to his brother, ‘Thin’ Loyalty to Village 75%
Giddly, and concentrates on working red hot iron. Few Combat Style
try to mess with Semmence, and usually a snarl from
Barroom Punch-Up (Fists, Feet, Chair Leg), 55%


40%, Perception 35%, Stealth 43%, Willpower 34%

Villager/Barroom Brawler
Action Points 2
Loyalty to Village 75%, Fear Black Tam Shandy 60%
Damage Modifier None
Combat Style
Magic Points 12
Thug Life (Fists, Club, Knuckledusters) 65%
Movement 6 metres
Initiative Bonus +12
Typical Man at Arms
Armour None
Man at Arms
1d20 Hit Location AP/HP
1–3 Right Leg 0/6 Action Points 3
Damage Modifier None
4–6 Left Leg 0/6
Magic Points 10
7–9 Abdomen 0/7
Movement 6m
10-12 Chest 0/8
Initiative Bonus +13 (–5 for armour) = +8
13–15 Right Arm 0/5
Armour Half Plate
16–18 Left Arm 0/5
19–20 Head 0/6 1d20 Hit Location AP/HP
1–3 Right Leg 0/5
Typical Charcoal Thug 4–6 Left Leg 0/5
7–9 Abdomen 8/6
Charcoal Thug
10-12 Chest 8/7
Action Points 2 13–15 Right Arm 2/4
Damage Modifier +1d2 16–18 Left Arm 2/4
Magic Points 12 19–20 Head 6/5
Movement 6 metres
Initiative Bonus +10
Athletics 57%, Brawn 58%, Courtesy 53%, Eloquence
Armour Leather Apron 2AP 43%, Endurance 60%, Evade 44%, Folklore 40%,
Insight 33%, Gambling 33%, Perception 43%, Ride
1d20 Hit Location AP/HP 62%, Willpower 40%
1–3 Right Leg 2/6
4–6 Left Leg 2/6 Loyal to Baron Molecricket 65%, Love Battle 60%
7–9 Abdomen 2/7
Combat Style
10-12 Chest 2/8 Militia (longsword, heater shield) 70%
13–15 Right Arm 0/5
16–18 Left Arm 0/5
19–20 Head 2/6

Athletics 40%, Brawn 43%, Endurance 60%, Evade

n High Dudgeon is intended to be a light-hearted on it, either immediately or later in the scenario. It helps

I scenario with a serious moral dilemma thrown in

for good measure. It includes a little physical
confrontation now and again, but at its heart, it’s an
build relationships, atmosphere, and vital information
the characters are likely to find useful.

investigation, with the characters piecing together a Establish Relationships

number of clues to unravel the source of Low Most of the non-player characters in the scenario have
Dudgeon’s misery, and the reason behind it. some useful information to impart, either about the
While the adventure gives the characters plenty of horseshoes, Renya’s strange history, or the High/Low
scope for how they structure their investigation, there Dudgeon relationship generally. Get the characters to
are a number of tips Games Masters should be aware of speak with locals in both villages, and build-up some
to help the scenario to run smoothly. profitable relationships that can be used to help keep
momentum in the plot. These are small communities:
Introduce the Horseshoes everyone knows everyone else, and rumours soon
Early spread. Some suggestions:
Although they are hidden, establishing the strange Semmence the High Dudgeon Smith: his courtship
motif of the upside-down horseshoes at an early stage of Renya hints at something sad and wrong in her past.
helps the characters understand that something is amiss He’s keen to help, even though Renya may not come to
in Low Dudgeon. It also gives them a reason to love him.
investigate other locations, and come into contact with Shanna the Apprentice Smith: Knacker’s apprentice
lots of the non-player characters. Finding them all is one of those teenagers who is searching for her
shouldn’t be too easy, but introducing them as a clue purpose in life, and keen to prove herself useful. She
early on may help the plot to advance at a swifter pace. bridges the gap between children and adults, and we all
know that children can sometimes get themselves into
Follow Up on the What’s Going places where adults might be a little reticent. Making
On Rolls good and creative use of Shanna can be a real help for
the characters.
The additional information on pages 8-10 is a great way
of introducing clues and useful information to be Black Tam Shandy and Mildreth: Black Tam is a
followed-up. Make sure that each player gets to roll on classic thug and troublemaker, and his wife, Mildreth,
the What’s Going On table, make a note of their saw Renya and Olias together all those years ago.
encounter, and ensure there’s an opportunity to expand Knowledge is power, but Mildreth is the sort that likes to

show how much she knows, and having a loose tongue turn out to be true; however, the wizard has nothing
in the vicinity of the characters can aid them in to do with anything that has happened.
uncovering the truth. • The horseshoes carry a maker’s mark; however, it
Ma Twalon: No nonsense Ma Twalon is a great ally in just so happens that Semmence’s mark, and
getting Renya to divulge what truly happened. She is Knacker’s, are not dissimilar (a coincidence, but
kindly and caring, but having such a large family to there you go). The characters may deduce that the
manage, she is adept at keeping people in line, cutting horseshoes have their origins in High Dudgeon.
through obfuscation, and making sensible decisions. She Either Semmence or Thin Giddly can confirm that
also cares for Renya, and wants to see her friend happy the mark is Knacker’s. If the characters do not
again. believe Semmence, Knacker or Shanna can
confirm it.
Have Olias Lurking Around
The fairy who is the cause of Low Dudgeon’s misery Live Play Videos
enjoys returning to make sure his curse is effective. The You can find a detailed play through of this scenario on
characters should catch sight of him from time to time, Inwils’ YouTube channel. It shows how the story builds,
or catch sight of something, even if they are not the use of characters and NPCs to establish and build
immediately aware of who, or what, Olias is. And of relationships, and how to manage the use of Passions,
course, if they interfere with the horseshoes, Olias soon stage conflicts such as a bar room brawl, and implement
knows about it, and makes it his business to see just who various aspects of the rules.
is poking into his affairs.
Pre-generated Characters
Don’t Let Failed Rolls Slow We have made the characters used in the Live Play
Play video (Madam Neneveh’s Festive Fellows) available as a set of
A potential hazard with investigative scenarios is that pre-generated characters to help speed up the game.
failing a crucial roll when looking for a clue can cause The characters can be used as they are, customised as
things to grind to a halt. To prevent that from needed, or used as inspiration for characters the players
happening, ensure that a failed roll means that while a create.
clue is found, it may take longer, or attract some form of
unforeseen consequence. Make good use of the Success
But... Rule on page 195, which sure that skill rolls that
are off by only a few percentiles are mot miserable
failures. And don’t be afraid to hand some clues out
without the need for a roll; keeping the story flowing is
every bit as important as rolling the dice.

Run Interference
There are those in Low Dudgeon who want an excuse
to take violent retaliation against High Dudgeon: Black
Tam, Knacker, Vespule... Despite the characters
working for Low Dudgeon’s benefit, these
troublemakers are intrinsically suspicious of outsiders,
and are likely to enjoy interfering in the characters’
investigation; or using the characters to further their
own agendas.

Throw in Some Red Herrings

Offering up some red herrings adds variety to the
scenario, but too many become frustrating and slow
play down. Some herrings worth considering:
• Rumours of a magician in High Dudgeon may well

All is not well in the village of Low Dudgeon.
For 10 years now, Low Dudgeon has consistently
lost the annual midsummer games to its neighbour,
High Dudgeon.

How can this be? High Dudgeon must be up to no good.

Perhaps a sorcerer. Perhaps underhand tactics.
Perhaps something in the water.

It is down to the intrepid adventurers to investigate, and

get to the root of the matter before things turn ugly...

In High Dudgeon is a complete adventure for the

Lyonesse roleplaying game, for 2-6 characters.
The scenario includes all
maps, encounters, non-player character details, and
Games Master notes.


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