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Refer to a periodic table of the Elements to help you to answer these questions.
1. a) Name the group 7 element which has the smallest atoms.

b) Name the group 7 element which uses just four energy levels to contain all its

c) Give the atomic number of astatine, the bottom element of group 7.


d) State two properties of astatine atoms which are deduced from its atomic number.


e) Name the group 7 element which has the palest coloured vapour.

f) State the colour of bromine vapour.


2. The symbols of one isotope of four of the group 7 elements are shown below.
19 37 81 127
F 17
Cl 35
Br 53
a) Chlorine has another common isotope as well as the one shown above. How are the
two isotopes of chlorine different from each other?

b) State the number of protons in an atom of the iodine isotope shown above.

c) State the number of electrons in an atom of the chlorine isotope shown.


d) State the number of electrons in an ion made from the fluorine isotope shown.

e) State the number of neutrons in an atom of the bromine isotope shown.


f) What is the common feature which is shared by the structure of all the isotopes
shown above ?

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