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Worksheets Name

Gas Laws
Total questions: 20
Worksheet time: 10mins
Instructor name: Angie Collins


Gas Laws

By Angie Collins

Gas Properties
Indefinite volume: fills the container ​
Takes the shape of the container (same as a liquid)​
Has mass (all matter has mass) ​

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Which is a quality that only gases display?

a) Can be compressed b) Spread out to fill all available space

c) Take the shape of their container d) All of these


Gas molecules have no mass

a) Fales b) True


Gas has no definite volume

a) True b) Fales

Kinetic Molecular Theory

1. Gad particles have volume and empty space
a. Large number of particles far apart most of the volume is empty space
2. ​No attraction or repultions between the particles.
a. The Kinetic energy overcomes the attractions forces
3. ​Particle are in constant, linear, random motion
4. Collisions are elastic - no kinetic energy is lost in a collision
5. ​Kinetic Energy is directly proportional to temperature

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How do gas molecules move?

a) in a circular motion b) in an orderly fashion

c) constantly and randomly d) in straight line paths


Some text here about the topic of discussion


Which container will have lower pressure?

a) second container b) First container

10. Boyle's PV law : When _______ is held constant, the pressure and volume of a gas are ________

a) temperature, inversely b) mass, equally

c) mass, inversely d) temperature, equally

11. Boyle's law : The pressure and volume of a gas show a _____ relationship.

a) Direct b) Inverse

13. Whose law states that as pressure goes up, volume goes down?

a) Charles b) Mazias

c) Boyle d) Aglow

14. Charles' Law States...

a) As Volume goes up temperature goes up b) As Pressure goes up volume goes down

c) As Pressure goes up temperature goes up d) As Pressure goes down volume goes


15. You leave a soccer ball outside in the winter. Will the ball end up flatter than it was before?

a) No b) Yes

c) Only if it has a leak d) Only if it's REALLY cold


17. As temperature rises ___________.

a) an atom's kinetic energy decreases b) an atom's kinetic energy increases

c) an atom's kinetic energy stays the same

18. The more energy that particles have, the ___ they move.

a) faster b) slower

20. The Ideal Gas Law is understood as: PV=nRT. How does the Ideal Gas Law explain how a hot
air balloon rises in the sky?

a) V is constant, so as T increases at a b) P is a constant. So as T increases as the air

constant n, pressure increases causing the is heated at constant n, volume of the
balloon to rise. balloon increases causing it to rise.

c) None of these d) P and V are kept constant, so as T

increases, n must decrease causing the
balloon to rise.
Answer Keys

1. n/a 2. n/a 3. d) All of these

4. a) Fales 5. a) True 6. n/a

7. d) in , constantly 8. n/a 9. a) second container

straight c) and
line randomly

10. a) temperature, 11. b) Inverse 12. n/a


13. c) Boyle 14. a) As Volume goes up 15. b) Yes

temperature goes up

16. n/a 17. b) an atom's kinetic 18. a) faster

energy increases

19. n/a 20. d) P and V are kept

constant, so as T
increases, n must
decrease causing the
balloon to rise.

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