Ideal Gas Laws - Quizizz

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Ideal Gas Laws

Total questions: 24
Worksheet time: 1hrs 10mins
Instructor name: Robert Goodson


In order to convert to Kelvin, you add ______ to the Celsius measurement.

a) 732 b) 372

c) 237 d) 273


What is 50 C in Kelvin?

a) 50 b) 223

c) 100 d) 323

100 degrees Celsius is equal to _______ Kelvin.

a) 273 K b) 373 K

c) 173 K d) 0 K


If a balloon is cooled what will happen to the volume?

a) Volume will decrease b) Volume will not change

c) Volume will increase


Which of the following would increase the (gas) pressure of a system?

a) Increase the Temperature b) Pump in more gas

c) All of these d) Decrease the volume


The following graph shows ____ relationship.

a) Direct b) Inverse

Boyle's law : The pressure and volume of a gas show a _____ relationship.

a) Inverse b) Direct


In the ideal gas law, which variable represents the gas constant?

a) R b) V

c) T d) n

Calculate the volume that a 0.323-mol sample of a gas will occupy at 265 K and a
pressure of 0.900 atm (make sure you use the correct R value).

a) 7.81 L b) 4.36 L

c) 4.63 L d) 7.18 L


You have a gas that has a pressure of 2 ATM and a volume of 10L. What would be the
new volume if the pressure was changed to 1 ATM?

a) It would stay at 10L b) 5 L

c) 20 L d) 1 L

A sample of gas with a volume of 30.0 mL at 25.0oC is heated to 50.0oC. What is the
new volume of the gas?

a) 15.0 mL b) 60.0 mL

c) 32.5 mL d) 27.5 mL


A sample of oxygen gas has a volume of 150.0 mL when its pressure is .947 atm. What
will the volume of the gas be if it is lowered to a pressure of 0.658 atm and the
temperature remains constant?

a) 72 mL b) 144 mL

c) 216 mL d) 288 mL

Determine the Kelvin temperature required for 0.0470 mol of gas to fill a balloon to
1.20 L under .998 atm pressure.

a) 107 K b) 307 K

c) 207 K d) 0 K


Three gases, Ar, N2 and H2 are mixed in a sealed container. Ar has a pressure of 255
torr, N2 has a pressure of 228torr and H2 has pressure of 752torr. What is the total
pressure in the container?

a) 483torr b) 1235torr

c) 270torr

A container is filled with H2, and H2O. Calculate the partial pressure of H2 when the
pressure of water is 17torr. The total pressure of the gases is 750torr.

a) 767.5torr b) 42.86torr

c) 732torr


Determine the number of moles in a container of gas at STP with a volume of 99.2 L.

a) 4.43 moles b) 2222.08 moles

c) 76.8 moles d) 22.4 moles


Determine the initial temperature of a random gas when the initial volume is 2.2 L and
it is cooled to 88K with a volume of 0.85 L.

a) 34 K b) 0.029 K

c) 227.76 K d) 0.021 K

18. What is STP?

a) 0 Kevin and 10 ATM b) 273 Celsius and 273 ATM

c) 0 Degrees Celsius and 1 ATM d) 1 Degrees Celsius and 0 ATM


Adding more gas molecules to an equal size container held at a steady temperature

a) Increase the pressure because the b) not affect the pressure.

molecules will be moving faster.

c) Increase the pressure because there are

more molecules, and therefore the
sides of the container will be hit more

20. Which formula would you use to solve the following equation?
If I have 23 L of Ar at a pressure of 12 atm and a temperature of 200 K, and then I
increase the pressure to 14 atm and the temperature to 300 K, what is my new volume?

a) Not enough information is given. b) PV=nRT

c) P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2

21. Which formula would you use to answer the following problem?
At what temperature will 0.654 moles of neon gas occupy 12.30 liters at 1.95

a) Not enough information is given. b) PV=nRT

c) P1V1/T1=P2V2/T2
22. When using the ideal gas law (PV=nRT), how does the type of gas being examined affect
the outcome?

a) Using an isotope or an ion will change b) Because each gas has a unique
your results. molecular mass, that difference needs
to be accounted for.

c) It has no affect--the formula is a good d) You need to pay close attention to the
approximation for all gases. type of gas--Helium and the Noble
gases use a different equation

23. According to Boyle's law of PV, at constant temperature, as the pressure of a given
sample of gas is increased, the volume will –

a) Remains the same b) Decrease

c) Increase

24. What variable should be placed in the blank to complete the following expression of the
ideal gas equation: PV = nR___?

a) temperature of the gas in Kelvins b) boiling point of the gas in Kelvins

c) density of the gas in g/cm3 d) temperature of the gas in Celsius

Answer Keys

1. d) 273 2. d) 323 3. b) 373 K

4. a) Volume will decrease 5. c) All of these 6. a) Direct

7. a) Inverse 8. a) R 9. a) 7.81 L

10. c) 20 L 11. c) 32.5 mL 12. c) 216 mL

13. b) 307 K 14. b) 1235torr 15. c) 732torr

16. a) 4.43 moles 17. c) 227.76 K 18. c) 0 Degrees Celsius

and 1 ATM

19. c) Increase the 20. c) P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2 21. b) PV=nRT

pressure because
there are more
molecules, and
therefore the sides
of the container will
be hit more often.

22. c) It has no affect--the 23. b) Decrease 24. a) temperature of the

formula is a good gas in Kelvins
approximation for all

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