02 My Journey Through Human

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My Journey Through Human

As our semester comes to an end I really learned and gained more knowledge about this
course, Human Relations. Different topics were being tackled, and these are the following:
Introduction to Human Relations Principles and Concepts, Cultural Diversity and Global
Contexts, Conflict Resolution and Collaboration, Ethical Considerations in Human Relations,
Effective Leadership and Team Dynamics, Building and Maintaining Positive Relationships,
Adapting to Change and Innovation. This topics are all discussed by the lovely students of
Human Relations where everyone did their best to make it understandable. The professor as
well, did her part to make sure that everyone can hear and listen to whatever the students
discussed or tackled in their respective topic. It feels like the students been together for a very
long time because they collaborate and execute their plan in discussing the topic they’ve been
assigned by the professor using the internet as they make it online.

Let me enumerate the learnings that I get from all the topics discussed. Lets start with
the first topic, about Human Relations Principles and Concepts, that it refers to the fundamental
ideas and practices that govern interactions and relationships among individuals within a social
or organizational context. I was able to know that these principles are essential for
understanding and improving communication, collaboration, and overall well-being in various
settings. And here are some of its key concepts: teamwork where you have to collaborate and
cooperate in the team, leadership that reflects being an inspiration or role model to the group and
should be effective decision maker, motivation that is giving recognition and incentives for those
individuals who show their effort and best in their respective task, adaptability that is being flexible or
open to change and learn to embrace opportunities for personal and professional growth, diversity and
inclusion where diversity is respecting and valuing differences while inclusion is creating environment
where everyone feels welcome and included, conflict resolution that is where there is mediation in
which there is discussions between conflicting parties to reach a resolution, time management is when
there is prioritization and effective planning, ethics and integrity is when there is honesty and
transparency, and work-life balance is balancing our work and personal life. It
reminded me to think of the betterment of all and to always consider others in making decisions
especially if you are in an organization and in your community as well. It remind me also that
when I am the leader in a certain organizations listening to others opinion or ideas are very
important, as they say two heads are better than one.
The second topic is Cultural Diversity and Global Contexts. It reflects the dynamic and
interconnected nature of our world. Embracing and understanding this diversity is essential for
fostering cooperation, mutual respect, and effective communication in an increasingly globalized
society. With its key concepts like the following: cultural awareness, cross cultural communication,
globalization, cultural intelligence, diversity and inclusion, global business practices, cultural sensitivity in
education, cultural diplomacy, legal and ethical consideration, global leadership, technology and global
connectivity. With this, I am reminded to respect the uniqueness and differences of the people
around us not only in our community but all over the world. This will also reminds us that we are
not alone and not having the same culture and a diverse religious beliefs, appreciating that
society is made up of many different groups with different interests, skills, talents and needs.
Accepting others identity wont just give us the benefits of having friends but it gives us the
benefits of to be loved and loved thy others.
The third topic is Conflict Resolution and Collaboration, these are essential components
of effective interpersonal relationships, teamwork, and community engagement. They involve
the processes and strategies employed to address conflicts and promote positive interactions.
In both personal and professional settings, the ability to effectively resolve conflicts and
collaborate with others is a valuable skill set. These processes contribute to positive
relationships, increased productivity, and the development of thriving communities and
organizations. And these are the key concepts for the Conflict Resolution: communication,
understanding the issue, empathy, negotiation and compromise, conflict management styles, third-party
mediations,establishing ground rules. For the Collaboration, these are the key concepts: team building,
effective communication, roles and responsibilities, conflict prevention, celebrating diversity, continuous
improvement, recognition and appreciation, technology and collaboration tools. I am able to assess
myself that being a team worker or cooperative in a group is
very important thus it can affect the output of the team or organization that I am with, so I better
choose to help and assist in any organization that I belong to. Effective leadership can be
brought upon the organizations it will reflect to your constituents the actions you work on a daily
basis, the decision you made can be very crucial since the group is your foundation to a
harmonious work so that conflicts can be solved on an effective leadership. Being on a situation
where conflicts arise effective interpersonal relationships, teamwork and community
engagement are very essential to a collaboration of solving conflicts rise upon the organizations.
The fourth topic is Ethical Considerations in Human Relations, that refer to the principles
and values that guide how individuals and organizations interact with one another. Its key concepts are
the following: respect for individual dignity, honesty and integrity, confidentiality, fairness and equity,
inclusivity and diversity, professional boundaries, employee well being, corporate social responsibility,
compliance with laws and regulations, conflict of interest management and whistleblower protection.
It made me
aware that these considerations are crucial in maintaining integrity, fairness, and respect in
human relationships, whether in personal, professional, or community contexts. Considering
these ethical principles in human relations fosters a positive and respectful environment,
building trust and enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities. It also contributes to
the development of ethical leaders and responsible global citizens. So I have to always remind
myself to always respect myself to also give respect to others that I encounter in my everyday
life. Accepting one’s individual rather than discriminate or hate the one because he/she is
different from you is a society that I want to be with. Respecting yourself first is an effective way
of act before respecting others, with that you will understand each others opinion and ideas. The
harmonious way of living start by respecting your family, friends, colleagues and you neighbor.
The fifth topic is Effective Leadership and Team Dynamics. It showed that these are
critical components of achieving success in various organizational settings. Here are its key concepts,
with Effective leadership we have the following: vision and goal setting, communication skills, lead by
example, decision making, inspiration and motivation, adaptability, empowerment, conflict resolution,
coaching and development, and ethical leadership. In Team dynamics its key concepts are: team
building, clear roles and responsibilities, effective communication, trust building, diversity and inclusion,
collaborative decision-making, conflict resolution, recognition and appreciation, continuous
improvement, team empowerment. Effective leadership combined with positive team dynamics creates
a synergistic environment where individuals are motivated, engaged, and working collaboratively
towards shared objectives. This approach contributes to organizational success and employee
satisfaction. I realized that if I become a
leader, I should set a good example and always consider the needs of my team because
without them I cannot function effectively. Effective leadership could be determined whether
your organization or company is doing well, because if someone is effective as what leader
you are the company or organization are rising up above or if it is doing well. Someone who is ready to
listen because you are their leader is somewhat an every, ones needed, the skills to become an
effective is the one who lead their organizations or company while listening to others opinion or
The sixth topic Building and Maintaining Positive Relationships, this is crucial in various
aspects of life, including personal relationships, professional interactions, and community
engagement. We have the key concepts of Building Positive Relationships and these are the following:
open communication, empathy, trust, respect, positive attitude, shared activities, conflict resolution,
and support. For Maintaining Positive Relationships we have also its key concepts, and these are the
following: consistency, adaptability, resilience, appreciation, quality time, reassurance, boundaries,
humor, self-care, and forgiveness. Building and maintaining positive relationships require ongoing effort,
commitment, and a genuine interest in the well-being of others. By applying these principles,
individuals can create a supportive network and contribute to a positive and thriving community.
So considering all these, I am trying my best to build positive and healthy relationships with
other people. Listening others opinion can be very effective on a communication in
building and maintaining positive relationship. Putting ourselves to others situation will
make the environment harmonious as well as we understand each others opinion and
The seventh topic is Adapting to Change and Innovation, it is crucial in today’s dynamic
and rapidly evolving world. Whether in personal or professional contexts, individuals and
organizations need to be flexible and open-minded to navigate change successfully. It has its key
concepts, and these are the following: mindset shift, flexibility, resilience, effective communication,
collaboration, leadership support, training and development, feedback mechanisms, celebrate small
wins. In Fostering Innovation we have also its key concepts and these are the following: cultivate a
culture of innovation, diversity and inclusions, encourage experimentation, technology adoption,
customer- centric approach, cross-functional collaboration, innovation metrics, leadership support,
continuous improvement, and entrepreneurial mindset. Adapting to
change and fostering innovation are interconnected processes that require a proactive and
forward-thinking approach. I should take in to consideration that by cultivating the right mindset,
embracing new ideas, and creating an environment that supports experimentation and learning,
individuals and organizations can thrive in the face of change and contribute to continuous
improvement and innovation. Embracing the changes and rather innovate it, is a complex job. In
todays technology where human works are not needed especially to an industrialized company
where robots are made to do the job is very intimidating because it’s a lack of trusts and its not
humbling to say that far in the future where humans are no longer needed. But the advantages
of this technology can be very effective as well like for example I am writing this essay it makes
it easy because I am only typing the words in my keyboard and suddenly it appear on the
screen in my laptop and then after this I will turned in or submit this essay to my professor
online via google drive/classroom where we are required to pass this on tomorrow it is very easy
and a very convenient way of passing a work, rather than writing it on my paper and erase it if I
have a mistakes on writing the words then after doing it I will go to school and passed it
personally, the difference of technology are wide in choosing the traditional way of doing a task.
I believe that technology can both advantaged and disadvantaged.

These topics widen my horizon to understand myself and others to have a better
relationship with them, these topics also opened my eyes that not everyone have the skills to
solved every conflict and also not everyone are kin enough to listen the others opinion or ideas
rather than express their thoughts on the story that they only hear . It will help develop myself in
communicating with other people and this serves as my guide in dealing with other people with
diverse cultures and environments. Im so grateful for the knowledge and experience that I
gained with the help of our professor that also generously imparted her knowledge about this
course. Also, This course makes me realize that its not easy to do the task when you can only
hear it, but rather you listen to it. Human Relations involves different aspects of feelings like
acting as a leader on a group or society or in a company and also in the organizations or the
one who resolved conflict to have an effective collaboration then accepting one another even if
you have different background and also adapting to change happened in technology these are
just one of the many topics that been tackled throughout the semester that has been learned.

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