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Name : __________________________ Subject : FRENCH

Class : Primary 2 Day/Date : Wednesday, 20th September 2023

Choisissez la réponse correcte en croisant (X) A, B, ou C

(Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, or C)

1. How do you say ”I” in French?

a. Je

b. Tu

c. Vous

2. The Flag of France is……




3. Which French subject pronoun could replace ”Madame Élise” ?

a. Il

b. Elle

c. Elles
4. Which French subject pronoun could replace ”Megan and I”?

a. Tu
b. Vous
c. Nous

5. Which French subject pronoun could replace ”Jackson and Kenzo” as the subject?

a. Il

b. Ils

c. Elles

6. The tourist attraction in this picture is........

a. La tour eiffel

b. L’arc de Triomphe

c. Le Musée du Louvre

7. If you want to say ”I have breakfast” in French, you would say…..

a. Je prends le petit déjeuner

b. Il prend le petit déjeuner

c. Nous prenons le petit déjeuner

8. ”I take the bike” in french is….

a. Je prends le vélo

b. Je prend le vélo

c. Je prenons le vélo

9. ”Nous …….. à l’école.” (We go to school)

a. Vais
b. Allez
c. Allons

10. ”……. allez à Paris.” (You go to Paris). Which Subject Pronoun is suitable for this sentence?

a. Tu
b. Vous
c. Nous

What is the French traditional food in this picture?
a. La baguette
b. Les croissants
c. Les fromages
12. If Madame wants you to listen, Madame would say….

a. Écoutez
b. Répétez
c. Regardez

13. The appropriate command for this picture is……

a. Regardez
b. Écrivez
c. Lisez

14. If Madame says ”Répétez”, that means….

a. Listen !
b. Repeat !
c. Read!

15. The appropriate command for this picture is….

a. Lisez
b. Écrivez
c. Répétez
Traduisez les mots ci-dessous en français
(Translate the words below into french)

1. Good Morning =

2. I=

3. She =

4. He =

5. Thank You =

6. They (m) =

7. They (f) =

8. Repeat! =

9. Read! =

10. Listen =

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