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1. Define and understand quality customer service;
2. Understand reasons of prioritizing guest satisfaction;
3. Recognize the guidelines in providing great experience for guests;
4. Realize how technology can help improve hotel guest experience;
5. Understand and develop organizational culture in the hospitality industry;
6. Understand the Customer Relationship Management.

• Quality customer service is an experience of feeling valued or heard.
Sometimes it's an intangible component of why a guest may prefer one
tourism or hospitality provider over another.

• There is something about quality customer service that you often can't put
your finger on - but you know it's there.

• And it's a critical factor for tourism success, both as a means of ever-
increasing customer expectations, and as a way achieve business

• As any hotel operator knows, you are only as good as your guests’ think you

• Guest satisfaction should be a top priority at any hotel property, whether

you are managing a large chain of corporate hotels or you operate an
intimate property in a quiet location.

• If you are looking to improve hotel guest service, you will want to consider
some new and innovative ways of boosting your guest satisfaction ratings.

• Your guests can be your most powerful marketing tool, or your biggest

• Guest satisfaction is a clear indication of your hotel staff's ability to provide

the experience that is expected when they book a stay at your hotel.

• A positive guest experience is one of the best ways to continue to build

your brand.

• Recognizing the importance of guest satisfaction, it's important that you
actively work to improve the guest experience at your property.

Guideline #1: The guest experience begins long before they arrive
Guideline #2: Respond to guest feedback
Guideline #3: Connect with your guests on a personal level
Guideline #4: Use guest feedback to make future decisions

• Technology is playing an increasingly prominent role in the experience of any
guest at a hotel.
• It's important to have booking technology available that allows your guests to
book directly.
• Hotels can invest in a property management system that includes a booking
engine as well as a channel manager.
• Utilize a website creator tool that allows you to design an appealing, responsive
website that focuses on the user experience but that also can easily be updated
and maintained.
• Use technology throughout your hotel to enhance the experience that your
guests enjoying during their stays

• Customer Relationship Management (CRM) are tools used by businesses to select
customers and maintain relationships with them to increase their lifetime value
to the business.

• Let's take a closer look at one tool that tourism and hospitality businesses
are increasingly using as part of their CRM strategies: rewarding customer
• It has been proven that it is much less expensive for a company to retain an
existing customer than acquire a new one.
• Loyalty programs pull together several of these elements to help a business
identify, maintain contact with, and reward frequent customers.
• If you can focus on bringing joy to guests, you'll be truly superior in the art
of the guest experience. After all, your job in hospitality is all about them -
their joy and their overall experience.

• Organizational culture refers to the beliefs, values and attitudes that define
a company.

• Managing your hospitality culture, then, is crucial if you strive to make the
right impression every time.

✓ Hire and Train with Care
• To create the hospitality culture you want, it's important to define your
mission and values.
• Find people who are committed to these principles and your concept of
a service culture.
• Once you have employees in place, nurture the positive qualities you're
looking for, being sure to lead by example.

✓ Foster Commitment
• When you hire people who fit well with your culture, you’re more likely
to secure a long-term commitment from them.
• Invest in developing employee skill sets by sending employees to
conferences and continuing education courses.

✓ Develop a Story
• Writing a history of where your company came from and where it’s going
can make your employees feel as if they’re part of something important.
• It can also help your customers to understand where your values come

✓ Bring Your Story to Life

• Start with your concept of a service culture. Then brainstorm, how to make
it real.
• Your plan may or may not include employee perks such as free day care
and bonuses.
• Decide what values are most important to you.
• Then make plans that ley your employees actually live them.

• Arenas, C.D. A. (2019). Quality Service Management in Tourism and
Hospitality Industry. Philippines: Edric Publishing House.


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