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Government of Guyana Ministry of Public Works $ TENDER DOCUMENT For PROCUREMENT OF WORKS MISCELLANEOUS ROADS 2023 Phase 9 (C) Lots 679-988 REHABILITATION/CONSTRUCTION OF MISCELLANEOUS ROADS - REGION NO.4&5 VOLUME I Bidding Procedures, Works Requirements and Conditions of Contract September, 2023 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Contents SECTION {1 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (ITB) ~ eee senennntaninnnnnnes YT SECTION {ID DATA SHEET (BDS) orsceneensens SECTION IV: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (GCO) nner sevens 1D SECTION V: SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (SCC). ee) SECTION Vi: DRAWINGS vss 37 SECTION VIl: CONTRACTOR'S BID wenn sen 386 SECTION VIII: BILL OF QUANTITIES savisewennnnnniitininnnsnnentn ‘SECTION IX: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS seeremnneninnnn in SECTION X: EVALUATION CRITERIA sweinoneree ‘SECTION XI: SAMPLE FORMS. STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS The Cooperative Republic of Guyana Ministry of Public Works INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) ‘The Ministry of Publie Works invites sealed bids for the following: Miscellaneous Roads Phase 9 (B)— Region 4 and 5 ‘Lot | Rehebilitation of Barima Avenue Road, Georgetown Region 4 Georgetown 530278800 | 680 Lot | Rehabithation of Bus Shed Rosd, Cummings Lodge Region # Cunnmings Lodge | $48,507,000 | 68 Lot | Rehabilitation of Sith Street, Cummings Lodge Region 4 Cummings Lodge | $34383,700 | 682, Lot | Rehabilitation of Fourth Fila Curimings Lodge Region 4 Goring Cs | STEIS900 | Comningstodge | SIGIIRSON | ot | Rehabilitation of Seventh Field Cummilngs Lodge Region 4 Cummings Coege | $16139500 | —~ 685 Loot | Rehabilitation of Ogle Airsirip Road Region @ Oale $165, 168,200 686 Lot | Rehabilitation of Clay Brick Road (North of Rellway Line) | Goedverwagting | $61,096,700 u 687 | Goedverwagting Region & ot | Rehabilitation of Workshop Street (Parallel to Middle Street) | Goedverwating 6331230 | —— 688 | Goedverwasting Region 4 Lot [ Rehabilitation of Clay Brick Road Gouth of Railway Line) | Goedvervating 315052550 | 689 | Goedverwagting Region 4 Lot | Rehabilitation of Goedvewagiing Housing Scheme Road Network | Gocdverw $60,115,100 Vv 90 | Region 4 ‘Lot | Rehabilitation of Sparendam New acheme Main Access Region @ | Sparendam STREET] on c {Lor | Rehabiltation of Sparendam New scheme Rosd Network Region # | Sperendam $101,364.30 oo ae Lot | Rehabilitation of Sparendam New scheme Back Street Alley Region | Sparendamm S55009300 | 693 [4 : ‘Lot | Rehabilitation of Sixth Cross Street, Better Hope Region 4 Betier Hope $18,357,450 {~ 698 ee ‘Lot | Rehabilitation of Last Steal, Beier Hope Region @ Buster Hope F850 695, «| Rehabiltaton of School Road (South of Rallway Lina) Viyheid’s | Viyheids Last sian $4 Lust Region 4 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION II- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Annadale North, East Coast Demerara, Region 4 {Lot | Rehabilitation of Main Access Road, Vryheids Lust (Between public | Viyheid’s Lust 57.3540 A) 697 | road ad railway embankinent) Region 4 Tot | Rehabilitation of Jackson Stee, Veyheid’ Lust Phase? Region é | VoheNTs Last $28,440,500 | 698 peer? Lot | Rehabilitation of Hibiscus Seat, Viyhelds Lust Region @ Vigholds Last SESSA | 9 98 Lot | Rehabilitation of Back Siret, Vays Lust Region @ Vayheids bast SAAT ISO 700 beeoroos Lot | Rehabilitation of Road Network Success (South of Railway Line) | Success BOSSE | osc: 701 | Region : res Tot | Retabitaion of St Sos wre Sosa ~ Ba wk GOPAY | Tossa TIBET | 4 oY 702 | Region + pay Lot | Rehabilitation of First cross Hreat Sucssse ~ Wester side GOPR) | Susoess TORO |, 5000 703 | Region 4 : Lot | Rehabilitation of First Cross Stet, LBI (SOPR) Region 4 Tar STATS | spon 104 Lot | Raa of Sane ad a oF avay Ts eran UBT | CT BBR pal 705 | Read and Sideline Darn) LBI Region 4 SPP tax [Relbiliaton of Second Cross Steet Betoeraging (GOPR) | Batevenwaging |_—S13I35R | yy 1)| 106 | Region + oe Lot [Rehabilitation oF Third Cross Steet Betterverwagiing (SOPR) | Beterverwagting |] > 812613400 a 107 | Region 4 | Lot | Rehabilitation of Gusmina Road Alley, Beterverwagiing (oath of | Boterverwaging | $81 445,000 — oe 708 _ Railway Line) Region 4 24) kk Ron te Trap SEO co 9 7 | Lot | Rehabiltation OF Sweat Parallel To Agriculture Road, Mon Repes, | Mon Repos TOSI | ce 710 | East Coast Demerara, Region 4 7 Lot [Rehabilitation OF Sixth Street, Won Repos Nort, East Coast | Mon Repor SERBTE | o¥ 711 | Demerara Region 4 Lot | Rehabilitation OF Fist Street ARer The Staton, Vigilance, East Coast Or a [7a [pei Region 4 pio {Lot Rehabilitation OF First Sweet Afer The Staton, Vigiance, East Coast | Vigianee SSEATODIE yoo 713 | Demerara Region 4 5 1 | ei of FSG STMT Ve Ea [WORDNET 714 | Coast Demerare, Region 4 ys Lot | Rehabilitation OF Second Gross Sweat Moffat Drive, Vigilance, East | Moffet Deva PORTION ace 718 | Coast Demerara, Region 4 Pe, Tot | Rehabiiation OF Third Cross Steet Moffat Drive, Vigilance, Eas IST | ooo) 716 | Coast Demerara, Region 4 7 Lot | Rehabilitation OF Fourth Cross Street Motfet Drive, Vigilance, Eat TOTTI | Loose 717 | Coast Demerara, Region 4 : Lot | Rehabilitation OF Fifth Cross Street Moffatt Drive, Vigilance, East | Moffet Drive $52,990,585 les oY 718 | Coast Demerara, Region 4 Lot | Rehabilitation OF Sixth Cross Steet Mofiat Drive, Vigilance, East | Motfet Drive BETS 719 | Coast Demerara, Region ; Lot [Refabiiion OF Access Rand To Annadale Prinary Sahoo, | Annadale TEATOT| s a STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023, Lot SECTION II- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Rehabilitation Of Back Street Courbane Park, Lasgnan, East Coast | Lasgan $75,397.66 721 | Demerara, Region 4 Lot | Re iitation Of Brusche Dam, Buxton, East Coast Demerara, | Buxton ‘$35,815,862 _ 722 | Region 4 Lot | Rebabiitatian OF Pump Raed, Baron, East Coast Demerara, Region | Bawion Biss030 | m3 [a Lot | Rebabiftation OF Sesondaxy School Sire, Buxton, East Coast | Buxton waIaRs | 724 | Demerara, Region 4 Lot | Rehabilitation Of Last Cross Street Company Road (U.H.S), Buxton, | Buxton $35,035,928 i. 725 | East Coast Demerara, Region 4 Lat [Rehabilitation OF Second. Cross Sueet Company Read (LHS), | Bunton a 726 | Buxton, East Coat Demerara, Region 4 Lot | Rehwbiliation OF Fist Crs Sweet Company Road (CH), Bixton, | Buwlon Ba wAIST 727 | East Coast Demerara, Region 4 - Lat | Rehailation OF Fist Cross Sueei Company Road (RIS), Buxton, | Buxton DST aaS 728 | East Coas Demerara, Region 4 Lot | Rehabilitation OF Eleventh Steet Daze Howing Schone, East] Buxton rd 729 | Coase Demerara, Region #4 Tat | Rehabilitation OF Barwell Svea Bunion Region @ Basin SES 70 Lot | Rehabiation OF Ford Stel Bunton Region ? Bao soma | 7 ni] Lat | Reno OF Tap Set non Regan Buxton SI6RAOTOS ra Lot | Rehabilitation Of Governor Street, Buxton Region 4 ‘Buxton $27,545.910— | m3 Lot | Retabiitation OF Opie Sweat, Buxton Baxton Sib aoT TS ne ot] Rehabilitation OF Pan Dam, Baron Region @ Baron $i0n0605 75 ot | Rebabiitaton OF Fiat arose wee Phase 1 (east to wea) NOPR, | Melanie ToL aaa 736 | Melanie, ECD Reg 4 | r Lot | Rehabilitation OF Fst crow area Phase 2 (eat to wes) NOPR, | Mlaia sass] / 737 | Melanie, ECD Reg 4 ‘ Lot | Rehabilitation OF First cross street Phase 3 (east to west) NOPR, | Melanie $12,200,048 38 ECO Reg ‘ Pise ion OF Ta Gross Siet (Noni To South), West OF | Melanie Bisa m9 ‘Access, Nope, Melanie, €.C D, Region 4 Tot tation OF Melanie Access Roed NOPR (Phase 1), Melani, | Melanie Tae | a0 | ECD Rega Lot | Rehabilitation OF Melanie Access Road NOPR (Phase 2), Melanie, | Melanie $13,864,199 741 | ECD Reg 4 Eor | Rehabilitation OF Melanie Acoer Road NOPR (Phase 3), Mélanie. | Melanie TGA haz | ECD Reg Lat | Rehabilition OF Melanie Rosse Road NOPR (Phase 4, Meloni, | Melanie 313 864159 743 | BCD Regs Lot | Relabiltation OF Welanie Acsse Road NOPR (Phase 3), Melani, | Malanie FREI as | ECD Regt STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023, SECTION Il- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ‘$13,328,105 a BRET] Tabiliation OF Second Crows Suet Pass 3 (Ean To Wen) Nope, | Melee 515 328,05 ele, EC. Region 4 Rehabilitation OF Second Cross Street Phase 4 (East To West) Nopr, | Melanie SITaT2G5 | x ela, CD. Region « fatliaion OF 2nd Cros Suet Phe 1 (Nar To Sau), We} Meanie SaaS | OF Mele Access Read, Nope Meee, ECD Region | Rehabilitation OF 2nd Cross Street Phase 2 (North To South), West | Melanie 97,785,060 || Otel Access Road, NOPR, Melanie, ED. Regions ‘Rehabilitation OF 3rd Cross Street Phase 1 (North To South), West | Melanie ‘$11,978,201 e (Of Meanie Acres Ron, Nopr, Mela, .C.D. Region 4 Rehailiation OF Sd Cross See Phe 2 (North To Sout) WEF | Wai sam Nelai Aces Road, Nop, Melanin, ED Regions Rehailiation OF st Cress Set Phase 1 (Nor To SOWBY, WEE | Wan STUHR Of Mele Aces Ron, Nop, Melis C.D. Region ‘Rehabilitation OF 4th Cross Street Phase 2 (North To South), West | Melanie ‘$7,785,060 OF Mele Access Road, Nop, Melis, B.D. Rgion 4 Teainon OF Ferry Roed Bachelors Adventure Region 4 | Bachelors TASTE |y Sor Avene . eh OF Ora Road Baieon rene Rist; BSS BRITT eh d/ Advent aon OF Wain Rand Bacio Ava gion? Bars Sg 7OTO7 ise orem Dockers BORIS avert TERRI OF BRS Ron ag RON Tardis saa Tablinon OF Brother Moore Paris Region @ Tae aT IGT Teabiiaion Asem) Sireet Andale Eat Chat Daas, [DATE STE Region 4 Keabifaion Eig Svee Dane Woasng Sahara, EST C6 | Deals DS J Demerr Region #4 * Rebifoon Eigheo Siext Dazzle Hoang Se, Ean Coa | Dale SST 163 | Demears, Region 84 Tet | Reablaion Fifth Sees Delo Howtag SEGRE, Eat On| Dual SCART 764 | Demerara, Region #4 Tot | Relation OF Fis Succ Dae Rog Sone, Ea OR Daa soa DWSS_| Demerara, Region #4 6 [Rinne esa Se a Fa eae ORS SETI Coast Oumar, Rin a i" Lot | Rehabilitation Nineteen Street Dazzle Housing Scheme, East Coast | Dazzle $28,205,940 767_| Demerara, Region #4 Tat | Reebiltaton Of Nath Seat Dale Rowing Schone, Ea Coat | Dao STAC 768 | Demerara, Region #4 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023, SECTION Il- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS fr Lot | Rehabilitation OF Seventeen Steet Dazzle Housing Scheme East | Dazzle. $25,008.080 769 | Const Demerara. Region #4 ‘Rehabilitation OF Seventh Street Dazzle Housing Scheme, East Coast | Dazzle ‘S27.416,025 Demerara, Region #4 Rehabliation OF Sinien Set Dazale Housing Schone, Eat Coast | Danis BARS Demerara, Region #4 Rehabilitation OF Tenth Stel Dazze Housing Scheme, Eat Coat | Bae TIDES Demerara, Region Ha Rehailiton OF Third Sweet Daze Wouiing Soham, Bait Coat | Dale BATTS Demerara, Reon #4 al Rehabilitation Of Thom Set Dazale Howing Scheme, Eat Coat | Dae BERD | Demerara, Region #4 rat Rehabilitation OF Nineien Steet Dazzle Wowing Sekene,” Baa] Deeds wT] Oy Coes: Dernerara, Region #4 Rehabilitation OF Twente Skeet Danze Housing Scheme, Eas] Deaie BSI] Coast Dereras, Region =< Rehabliation OF Tweniy Second Sie Dace Wouitig Scheme, ] Beale waa | 7 y tsi Coast Demerara, Region # 7 Twenty Third Steet Dazzle Housing Scheme, East Coast Demerara, | Dazzle EROS Region #4 -— Rehabilitation OF First Cross Sweet, Beirut, Eod Region 4 Beirat SMOG] Tahabiaion OF Fourth Main Strom Beit Bed Region @ Beat STOEL | [ee T ReFaiaton OF Grant Road, Bat ESV Region # z sera shaban Of Sesand Cros Sie etn, Ea Region @ Beir wears Rehabilitation Of Second Main Street Beirut, Eed Region 4 Beirut $93,725,783 v Behabiation OF Ted Mala Sen Beta, Fed Region @ Bain pases | hab iarion OF Sideline Dam Phave 1), Fouls ECB. Region | Fouls a Thain OF Sideline Dam (PFaRe 2), Fouls, ECD Region? | Fouls [pase v Tehabiaon! Conition OF Ft Saat (sek 20), Haslnglon! | Enmore area 756 Golden Grove, C.D, Region #6 —_—— | Rehabilitation OF School Street, Enmore, Eel. Region Fh Enmore $500,006 | | " Rekabitaon OF Enmore Nain Road Geconal Rept), Enmore, | Ene BESTEST Vv | E1C, Region #4 Rehabliation OF Hope West Getional Repai@), Enmore ECD, | Enmore $52 998,350 ‘ tion/ Construction Of Pay Office Street, Enmore, E.C.D, | Enmore Pasture ‘$16,578,460 eos ' Rehabilitation! Consudion OF Rg Sue, Enmore: ECD, Region [Enmore Pace STATO SOC 5 | | STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION Il- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS @» Lot | Rehabilitation’ Construction OF Scrap Iron Street, Enmore, E.C.D, | Enmore Pasture $20,662,640 ol 793 | Region #4 < Lot [ Rehabilitation” Construction OF Enmore Pasture, Enmore, ECD, | Enmore Pasture | — $10@003815 794 | Region #4 Lot [ Rehabilitation” Construction OF First Street, Blosiom Scheme, | Blowsom Scheme | S24 001.016 795 | Enmore, E.C.D, Region #4 Lot | Rehabilitation” Construction OF Second Steet, Blossom Scheme, | Blossom Scheme | $28324,319 A 796 | Enmore, £.C.D, Region #4 je Lot | Rehabilitation’ Construction OF Third & Fourth Street, Blossom | Blossom Scheme | 857,198,582 Kew’ 797 | scheme, Enmore, E.C.D, Region #4 Lot | Rehabilitaion/Consirucion OF Burial Ground Sreet, Logwood, | Logwood SR TZSTO h 798 | Enmore, E.C.D, Region #4 Lot | Rehabilitation’ Constracion OF Lit Bay Str, Logwood, Enmore, | Logwood $23,067,510 799 | E.C.D, Region #4 4 Lat | Rehwbiliaion” Consiacion OF Gun Siren, Logwood, Enmore, | Lagwood SAREE lySoen: Vv 800 | £.C.D, Region #4 Lot | "Rehabilitation Of Ist Cross Steet, Doch Four, East Coast Demerara, 32,641,220 801 | Region #4, jposh Four NIK Lot } Primary School Road, Clonbrook, Bed, Reg.é ‘Clonbrook SHERTESTT 202 ‘Lot | Rehabilitation OF Gross Street T, Section B Clonbrook, East Const | Clonbrook SPA 355.200 803 | Demerara Region M4 1° ooo Tat | Re ion Of Cross Siret 1, Section A Clonbrook, East Coast | Cionbrook $22,906,580 804 | Demerara Region #4 = pees Lot | Rehabititation OF Cross Street 2, Section A Clonbrook, East Coast | Clonbrook SAE oS 805 | Demerara Region #4 Lot tion OF Cross Street 3, Section A Clonbroak, East Coast | Clontrook ‘314,084,206 t 806 | Demerara Region #4 Ini Lot | Rehabilitation OF Main Road, Clonbrook, East Coast Demerara, | Clonbrook $13,739:000 807 | Region #4 {Lot | Rehabitiasion OF First Bridge, Anns Grove, East Coast Demerara, | Annis Grove $3,419,300 ® 808 | Region #4. ANY ot | Rehabilitation OF Second Bridge, Anns Grove, East Coast Demerara, | Annis Grove $3,247,800 809 | Region #4. or | Rehabilitation OF Third Bridge, Anns Grove, East Coast Demerara, | Anns Grove $5245 800 i 810 | Region #4, [Lor Rehabilitation OF Eastern Boundry, Anni Grove, East Coast | Ann's Grove FESR). oo 811 | Demerara, Region #4. ‘Lot | Rehabilitation Of Middle Street, Anns Grove, East Coaat Demerara, | Annis Grove 327,693.288 812 | Region #4. See Lot tation OF First Sweet, Anns Grove, Bast Coast Demerara, | Ana's Grove $51,039,390 813 | Region #4 iseeo ‘Lot | Rehabiltation OF Second Stet, Anns Grove, East Coast Demerara, | Ann's Grove BET, 796 B92 814 | Region #4, aoe Lot tion OF Third Street, Anns Grove, East Coaat Demerara, | Anais Grave $1805 066 815 | Region #6, sre, Lot | Rehabiiation OF Fourth Street, Anne Grove, Eust Coast Demerara, | Annis Grove FIST] oo aM 316 | Region #4. >< STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023, SECTION II- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS tot tation! Construction OF First Street (North, Good Hope, ss 2. ECD, Region Ht coed Hee Lot ittion/ Construction OF Seventh Street (North), Good Hope, | Gaod Hope 315 254,194 866 | Mabsica, C.D, Region #4 Lot | Rehabilitation OF First Street (Sout), Hand En Veldt, Wahalva, Bd, | Hand En Veldt $38,754,076 867 | Region 4 Loc | Rehabilitation OF Second Sireet (South), Hand En Veldt, Mahaiea, | Hand En Veldt $38 562200 868 | Eed, Region 4. Lot | Rehabilitation OF Third Steet South), Hand En Veldt, Mahal, Bed, | Hand En Veldt FET 869 | Region 4. Lot | Rehabilitation OF Fourth Street (South), Hand En Veldt, Mahalee, | Hand En Vela $3522 870 | ed, Region 4. Lot | Rehabilitation OF FiRh Sweat (Sout), Hand En Veld, Mahalea, Bad, | Hand En Veldt $42,308,304 371 | Region Lot | Retbiltation OF Sith Siret (South), Hand En Vel, Mahaloa, Esd, | Hand En Veldr FR IBGH 372 | Region 4. ‘Lot | Rehabilitation OF Middle Walk, Hand En Veldt, Mahaics, od, | Hand Bn Vel 583,518,703 873 | Region 4 Lot | Rehabilitaion” Construction OF Seventh Street, Voorzigtghted | Vooraigtidheid SESE ATS 874 | Gones Town), Mahaica, Bed, Region 4. Lot | Rehabilitation! Construction OF Sixth Steet, Vooraigughteid Jones | Voorigtdheid $45,234,620 875 | Town), Mahaica, Eed, Region 4 Lot | Rehabilitation/ Construction Of Fifth Steet, Voorzigtighteid (Jones | Voorzigtdhead HS 25A RO 876 | Town), Mahia, Eed, Region 4 ‘Lot | Rehabilitation! Construction Of Third Steet, Voorzighaieid ones | Veordigtdheld B6BO0.TET 877 | Town), Mahaica, Eed, Region 4 Lt | Rehabilitation’ Construction OF Second Sree, Voorigighield | Voorigidhela S52 958510 878 | Gones Town), Mahaica, Ecd, Region 4 Lot | Rehabittaion/ Construction Of First Sires, Voorzighighterd Jones | Vooczigtdhela 52540 879 | Town), Mahaica, Eed, Region 4. ‘Lot | Rehabilitation! Construction Of Evergreen Alleyway, Voorigtighied | Voorigtigheia $19,912,287 880 | (Jones Town). Mahsica, Eod, Region 4 Lot | Rehabilitation’ Construction OF Lancasier Sweet, Unity, Mahaiea, | Veorzigiiheld SRE HOS 881 | ECD, Region 4a Lot | Rehabifitation/ Construction OF First Sueet, Unity, Makai, ECD, | Voorigtidheld 319,796220 882 | Region #4 ‘Lot | Rehabilitation! Construction OF Well Road, Unly, Mahaiea, ECD, | Veorzgtaheld 313,060.16 883 | Region #4 {Lot | Rehabilitaion OF Dhanaram Singh Stee, Bagatelle, Diamond, EXC, | Bagatelle $33,308204 884 | Region #4 Diamond Lot | Rehabiliaion OF Bagatiele Sueet, Diamond, ECD, Region #4 Bagatelie- $24,021,600 885, Diamond Lot | Rehabiltaion OF Rambo To Gibz See, Bagatele, Diamond, ECD, | Bagatelle- $2,988,350 886 | Region #4 Diamond Lot | Rehabilitaion OF First Stes, Bagatelle, Diamond, EC-D, Region M4 | Bagatelle- SORES 887 Diamond Lot | Rekabititaion OF Fourth Siveat, Bagatelle, Diamond, ECD, Region | Bagatelle SRDDE SE 83 | a4 Diamond STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION Il- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS $18,098,664 Bagatelle, Diamond, CD, Region | Bagatelle 09 Diamond Cot] Rebaiaan OF Aa To Paka Se, Bagel Diamond, ECD, [Bagel TAA 50 | Region aa Dimond Tat] Rehabition OF Casanat Dart Mai Road, Cane Grove, Matai [La Bon Pere ~~ SS0ST7930 191 [BCD Regions Huey [Cor PRehbiliation OF Lennox Sew, Ca Bon Pre, Hay, Cane Grave [Ca Bor Paw ~| — SIGATORTE 892 | Mahaica, E.C.D, Region #4 Huntley Lot | Rehabilitation Of Tony To Anthony Street, La Bon Pere, Huntley, |La Bon Pere - $10,349,067 493 | Cane Grove, Main £0, Region 4 an at Retain OF Rasa Man Stet, La Gon Par, Honey, Cane [La Son” Pere ~ | —S0955305 494 | Grove, Mataea. CD, Region Ba Hunt ‘andr - Baga Se, Marys Hope, Sratiavon, ECD, Regan Mt [Marys Wape ~| — $AC304, 190 n* | satiavon Taiaiiatan OF Taibo Sire, Marys Wope Srahavon ECD, [Marys Hope =] — 51665428 jon Seathavon Rehab ion OF Teacher George Sweet, Mehile-Vignia, Makaha, | MeWile ~| — S285084 ECD, Region #4 Virgina Tetabiliation OF Soue Man See, MVE Vig, Mahuta, [ Mevile” —~] — S08335087 #52 | Eee, Region bs Vigiia eebilation OF Bards Da, Mabie. Vig, Makan, ECD, [Melle ~] S47 00935 gon 8 Vigna Rehbiiatan OF Mido Walk, Saywah-Grany Fe, Cane Grove, | Saywah = Gaany | — S22948534 Mahaica, E.C.D, Region #4 Field Rehabilitation Of Crabie Walk, Saywah-Granny Field, Cane Grove, | Saywah - Granny $25,609,625 Matin, 6, Region H field Rehabilitation Of Pokre Street, Saywah-Granny Field, Cane Grove, | Saywah - Granny ‘$21,018,711 ice, BCD, Region Fld etabilttion/Constucton OF Lao Grek Main Aazes Read, Los | Lo Crk Saag Same Regn x ion/Construction Of Collage Road, Kuru Kuru, Region 4 | Kura Kuru $103,483,538 atoeConsraston OF Ft Sra, Teh, Regn] Timah BORAT | «Sooo Rehabilitation/Construction OF Back Street, Timehri, Region 4 Timehri $30,139,998 Les 9° TahaiatonConawton OF Fowl Foot Aly, Seid, Region 4 | Sostyke BI | a Rehabilitation/Construction Of Narine Road, Soesdyke, Region 4 ‘Soesdyke $24,726,240 Ls on2¢ Rehabilitation/Construction Of Loncke Street, Soesdyke, Region 4 ‘Soesdyke $33,738,548 Dpfsia se Lot | RawatonConamicion OF CharesSchene Ft Svea | Den val BOREL ppv 911 | Soesdyke, Region 4 at TRetaifiston/Conatacion OF “GharesSchone Fist Sweat] Den Havel BOREL c0 912 | Soesdyke, Region 4 ; ; ase STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023, SECTION il: INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. Lot | Rehabilittion/Consirction OF Charies Scheme Second Steet,| Den Huvel $50,360,656 913 | Soesayke, Region 4 Tot t Coverden, | Coverden STOWE ou Lot | Rehsbliation/Construcion OF Clarks Boulevard, Coverden, Region | Coverden wor | ois 4 Lot | Rehabiliation/Consiruction OF Ferguson Swen, Coverden, Region 4] Coverden $18,765 080 916 ea Lot | Rehabiliation/Consirocion OF Phowsix Stet, Land OF Canaan, | Land OfCanam | S20308900—] 917 | Region & —— Lot | Retabltation/Constroction OF First Gross Seat Land OF Canaan, | Land Of Canaan | $21,390,165 918 | Region 4 —— Lot | Rehabiltaio/Constaction OF Second Cross Sweet, Land OF | and OF Canam | S300 |, 919 | Canaan, Region 4 Lot | Rehabiltation/Consrution OF Third Cross Siva, Cand OF Canaan, | Land OF Canaan | —SiS@DEDO]- 920 | Region 4 Lot | Rehebilitatton/Constocion OF Fourth Cross Stee, Land Of Canean, | Land OF Canaan | S25 08200 1 91 Lat Ton/Consirution OF Peter Jalsngh, Sara Fohanna, Region | Sara Johanna SISTA | ~ o2 |i tot iow/Constustion OF Regent Siret (Eaa, Supply, Region | Sopply TBAGG RES 923 Lot | Rehabiliation/ Consiraction OF Rogen Set (West, Supply, Region | Supply 20504500 |» sz | 4 e— Lot | Rebiiatan/ Contain OF Send See Fak Wondcn BE Oden OTEis | — SEAT] 25 | Right, Garden Of Eden, Ebd, Region 4 Lot | Rehabltation/Consiruetion OF Daniel Steet Supply, Region @ | Supply 3a iT8aaT 526 = Lot | Rehabiliaiion/ Consiaction OF Marine Sirot Friendship, Region # —] Friendship Tae] 27 Lot | Rehabiliation/Consroction OF Pamcham Siret, Friendship. Region | Friendship sas | sas [a Lot | Rehabiltaion/Corstoction OF Paricham First Gros Suet, | Friendship a 929 | Friendship. Region 4 oa Tot | Rehabiltation/Consiraetion OT First Sret, New Hope, Region @ | New Hope WERT | 930 v Lot | Refabilation/Consirucion OF Second Sire, New Hope, Region @ | New Hope STE | on Lor | Rehabiltation/Constaction OF Last Seat Kanevile, Grove, Eba | Gove vere) 932 | Region Lot | Rehabltaion/Constction OF Fourth Swen, Grove, Ebd Region @ "| Grove BRAS 933 je— Lot | Rekabiltaon/Corstoction OF Fie Bridge First Corner Left, | Diamond BIRA961a | _/ 934 | Grove,Ebd Region 4 5 Lot | Rehabilitation OF island Read Covent Carden, E6d, Region @- Covent Garden | SIS 05856 935 ' ot | Rehabiiation/ Construction OF Prosepat Main Access, Prospaec, Ed | Prospect TRDASS 936 | Region 4 10 WN Sy 3 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION II- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ‘Rehabilitatior/Construction Of Second Bridge second Comer After Lot Herteling $29,408,568 937 | S-Tumn, Herstelling, Ebd Region 4 | 5SO3> “Lor [ Rehabilation/Consiruction OF Second Bridge Third Comer Round | Herling SRT 988 | About Hersltng Bb Region 4 pose [es [Retiadonconsein OF Sem Brie Fit Cone |Hesang SOATITE v ( 539 | Heraelling Ebd Region Lot | Rehabiltation/Consrection OF Second Bridge Second Comer | Herteling SAN S68 940 | Herstelting, Ebd Region & Lot | Rehabilttion/Constrction OF Second Bridge Last Sieet Block | Hevselling OTB |, ows 941 | V,Herstling, Ebd Region 4 ; ot | Rehabilitation/Construction OF Second Corner First Cross Street | Farm $53,953,088 (da oom’ far Road Network Lot 1, Farm, Ebd Region 4 Lot | Rehabilitaton/Construction OF Second Comer First Cross Sweet | Farm SOMOS oo ool (SR) o83 | ond Network Lot 2, Far, Ed Region 4 ; Tot | RehsbiltationConstruction Of Second Second To Last Comer, Road | Farm BRITE | of oxo 944 | Network Lot 1, Farm, Ed Region 4 Tt | Rehablitaion/Constuetion OF Second Second To Last Comer, Road | Farm FI REIO | has 1945 | Network Lot 2, Farm, Ebd Region 4 ‘Lot | Rehabiliatiow/Construction OF Hertelling Access Road Leading To | Farm KISETE | Coos dS 946 | Farm, Ferm, Ebd Region 4 Tot | RehabitaionConstructon OF Fourth Steet Farm, Farm, Ebd | Farm BIG0NGET 947 | Region 4 c @) Lot | Rehabilition/Constraction OF Road Network Block One Lot 1, | Providence BORAT | Goes 948 | Providence Region 4 Lot | Rehabilitation/Construction OF Road Network Block One Lot 2, | Providence $62,157,270 D> 949 | Providence Region 4 Lot | Rehabltation/Consiracion OF Road Network Block One Lot 1, | Previdence HORST | coe? ‘Ofphase 2 Backlot (Profit Area), | Providence $86,828,700 Joo 951 | Providence Region 4 Lot | Rebabltation/Constraciion OF Comer Perpendicular To Mecha Main | Previdence SE DSOST | yeyovor 952 | Access Road, Providence Region 4 Lot | Rehabilitation/Construction Of First Comer Block A, Providence | Providence $89,502,840 | eyo? 953 | Region Tt | Rehabilitation Construction OF Fa Sopermarket Comer, Providence | Providence SIRES lee 954 | Region 4 “Tar RcaaionConracion OF Wan Fu Sapna Cot Baad rae BERTSRE | so 955 | Network, Providene,Ebé Region Lot | Rehabilitation’Construction OF Round Aboud Road, Block Ge, | Providence SBITASS oor 956 | Providence,Ebd Region 4 Tot | RehabilatinConstroction OF Second Comer Right Block A, | Providence BIR go 957 | Providence,Ebd Region & a Lot | Rehabilitation Construction OF Fins’ Comer Right Block B, | Providence AAW basso 958 | Providence,Ebd Region + Lot | Rehabilitation of Street i OeKendren East & West, DeKendren, | Dekendren BIATSIO —|qSaos0t 959 | Dehoop Branch Road Region 5 e ‘Lot | Rehabilitation of Church Steet DeHoop Eat & West, Dehoop, | Dehoep HOSTEL seg op) 960 | Mahaica Region § STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION Il- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Rehabiltation of Steet in Broeken-waterind East & West, BOOKED | Hah 312,616,890 961 | waterand, Dehoop Branch Road Region $ 325 | Rehabitiation of Gibbons Avenue, Region 5 Stratche Campbell | 57856580 555 | Rehabilitation of Canal Dam Revetmemt Perth Region 5 Perth Sisal? 524 | Rehabilitation of La Reasonable, Masicony Region $ Mahaicony STREET Lot | Rehabilitation of Main Entrance and First Cros Street Chester Chester $24,138.420 965 | SOPR, Chester, W.C.B Region 5 Lot | Rehabithation of Contination of Wester Sielin Britannia NOPR, | tannia $36,042,980 966 | Britannia, W.C.B Region 5 ‘gy | Rebabittation of Huntley Stret, NOPR, Mahsicony, Region 5 ae Lot | Rehabilitation of Continuation Golden Fleece easter eleline (NPR) SOTTO 968 | Region 5 50) | Rehabilitation of Second Cross Steet, Gelladrum (SoPR) Region 5 rea 57 | Retabittation of ist Cross Street, Tempie (SOPR) Region 5 $59.206,770 12" rehabilitation of Middle Walk, Tempie (NOPR) Region 5 eae $2; | Rehabitiation of 2nd Cross Steet, Phase 2, Hope Region 5 $53981.790 12 pettilaon of Tid Cros Steet SOPR), No. 29 Region S| N0.29 sie7a270 Lot | Rehabilitation of Third Gross Steet East of Ceimishae), No.7 |, $35,226,170 974 | Region 5 oe ot | Rehabliatton of Cemeiery Road, Secon © Firebrace, Hopetows | Home ST 975 | Village Region $ lopetown Lot | Rebabiliation “of Main residential access Road, Milde Walk] Oo er $35 SI ESO 976 | Onverwagt Region 5 at ot | Rehabilitation of First Cross Sweet, (fom Western Sideline Dam © | Og. ong $60,546 650 977 | Eastern Sideline Dam (NOPR) Ondermeeming Region S — Lot | Rehabilitation of First Cross Street, (from Middle Walk to Western Lovely Lass $34,198,640 978 | Sidetine Dam (NOPR) Lovely Lass Region 5 Lot | Rehabilitation of Steet opposite Fort Wellngion Hospial, For Peon wana SVATT DAO 979 | Wellington, W.C.B Region 5 por elie) Lot | Rehabiitation of Sweet Behind Fort Welingion Polis Stan, FOR |e; Wetinguog | 84180800 980 | Wellington, W.C.B Region $ {at [Reeifaion of For. Waligin Form to Woe Road Re MAT on wetingun | SATE ea 0 of Dam Street, SOPR, No. & Region 5 Nos Sr Lot mn of First Cross Street Back Dam. No.3 Vilage Region | 1° 5 $76,788,680 on Lor | Rehabiliiion of Banga Sweet, Big Ward Wash Bay, Do Edwards | De Edwards $38,064,900 2 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION Il- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Tae je of Road Sireet Within the village Bo) xs Tad | Secon A Region 5 a | Rehnitation of Walkway in Caton Tre (NOPR) Region 5 Coven Tee TiaTAO RO es Tat | Rebabiation oF Waheda Stet, Zoonp-am Hoop, Bainon Region | Zoonpeniop | STS2800 sae | 5 Tat | REtabaaon of Evelyne Crow Set, ZooenTiosp. Blain | ZaorgenHoop | STATES 7 | Region § ‘ot | Rehabilitation of Lot 30 OW Road Golden Grove, WCR Region 3 Golden Grove] SIOSTTTD et 1. Bidding wil be condvcted throuyh the National Competitive Bidding procedure specified in the Procurement Act 2003. 2 Imerested Bidders may obtain further information from, inspect the hidding document. and purchase a complete set of bidding documents at the Ministry of Public Works (address (1) below) from September 19, 2023. Bids can be purchased ftom 09:00hrs 10 16:30hrs, Mondays to “Thursday's, and on Friday's from 09:00 to 15:00 hours, A complete set of the bidding documents, in English, may be purchased by interested Bidders at address (1) below upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Five Thousand Guyana Dollars (GYS5,000.00). The method of payment will be cash, or by manager's cheque payable to the Portnanent Secretary. Ministry of Public Works, Guyana, Qualification’s requirements include but are not I submit valid Certificates of Compliance from the Gi Insurance Scheme (NIS). Bidders must register via (9 be added tw NPTAB Contractors lst. ited to: Bidders registered in Guyana must na Revenue Authority (GRA) and National Bids shall be valid during One Hundred and Twenty (120) days of the date of bid opening Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address (2) below on Friday, September 29, 2023, at 09:00hrs. adress (D ~ Purchase and Inspection adress (2) - Submission and Opening ° | of Bids: ‘The Accounts Departinent, ‘oun, tne Be the Cimon, Rear eee Maa Naina Precwenent ad Teader le ues Administration Board, | Georgetown Ministry of ‘Tel: (592) 223 1847 nanee, (592) 223 6070 E-mail: procurementws e@gmai Main & Urquhart Streets, | Georgetown, Guyana. STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION tl- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 2.8. SECTION II INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (ITB) A. Introduction Scope of works and Source of Funds The Procuring entity (identified in the Bid Data Sheet and hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”) for the execution of the Works described in the Bid Data Sheet and therefore funds indicated in the Bid Data Sheet. Eligible Bidders This Invitation for Bids is open to all contractors from any country, exclusive of those prohibited by the legislation of Guyana or by another intemational agreement the participant of which is Guyana, A bidder may be an individual or legal entity, or a combination of any abovementioned forms with a formal intent to enter into an agreement or to operate under an existing agreement in the form of a Partnership. Government and municipal enterprises may only participate if they are legally and financially autonomous, and if they are legally eligible to carry on business. Bidders should not have a conflict of interests, should not be associated (nor have been associated in the past), directly or indirectly, with any firm or any of its affiliates that has been engaged by the Employer to provide consulting services at preparation stage of the bidding documents, technica! specifications, project and other documents to be used for procurement of works in accordance with this Invitation for Bids or being proposed as Engineer under this Contract. A Bidder or any affiliate that has been engaged by the Employer to perform consulting services at preparation stage of the bidding and other documents shall not be entitled to participate in bidding, and if conflict of interests is found, bidder’ bid shall be rejected, Bidders should provide information on legal status, place of registration and principal type of business; a license to execute the works specifying identification number and validity period, and a written power of attomey of the signatory of the bid to assume obligations on behalf of the Bidder. ‘The bidder should not have more than one improperly performed procurement contract, within the past two years preceding the commencement of the present procurement proceeding. The bidder should not be insolvent, bankrupt, their property should not be controlled by judicial authority, their cases should not be commanded by court or by the person. appointed by court, their commercial activities should not be suspended, and they should 4 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023, SECTION ll- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 29. 2.10. 241, 2.12 2.13. 3 3a. 32. 33. not be a subject of such judicial proceedings. ‘The bidder should fulfil the tax and social insurance fund liabilities in Guyana, Bidders, and their management personnel within three years preceding the commencement of procurement proceedings should not be associated with giving false information or a mistepresentation as to their qualification information for the purposes of entering into a procurement contract, Bidders should provide information on the total annual volume of construction works executed for each of the last two years. Bidders should provide information on major items of construction equipment proposed to carry out the Contract. Bidders should provide information on the qualifications and experience of key management and technical personnel proposed for the Contract. Qualifications of Bidders Information on bidders’ qualifications is to be included in Annex No. 9 “Qualification Information” to be incorporated in the bid. A bid submitted by a partnership or syndicate consisting of two or more firm partners should comply with the following requirements: 3.2.1. The bid shall include all the above-listed information for each partnership or syndicate partner. 3.2.2, the bid shall be made up and signed so as to be legally binding on all partners. 3.2.3. one of the partners shall be nominated as being in charge, and his authorities should be confirmed by authorization to be signed by the authorized signatories of all partners. 3.2.4. the bid should incorporate a formal agreement of partnership (or a letter of intent to establish one) which specifies, inter alia that all partners shall be liable jointly and severally for execution of the Contract, and that the partner in charge shall be entitled to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners, and all operations on the execution of the Contract, including payment shall be done exclusively by the partner in charge. To qualify for award of the Contract, bidders should meet the following minimum qualifying criteria, and provide the following information and documents with their bids: 33.1. Average Annual value of construction work executed over a period as specified in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), and should be not less than a value as specified in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS) 18 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION I INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 4. Al 5. SA. Tl. 3.3.2. to own or to have the possibility to lease, hire, etc the esseatial construction equipment listed in the Qualification Information form; and ITB Clause 2.18 3.3.3. Managers and line employees with experience in executing works of a similar nature and size for not less than 3 (three) years; or as specified in the Bid Data ‘Sheet (BDS) ‘One Bid per Bidder Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid, either individually or as a partner in a partnership or syndicate. All bids involving the Bidder who submits or participates in more than one Bid (exclusive of subcontractors or permitted or required alternatives) shall be rejected from participation in bidding, Cost of Bidding ‘The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the bid. ‘The Employer shall not be responsible or liable for those costs. Site Visit The Bidder, at the Bidder’s own responsibility and risk, may visit and examine the Site of expected Works and its surroundings. All information obtained by the Contractor individually while visiting the site, may be used by him to prepare the bid and enter into the Contract. The costs of visiting the Site shall be at the bidder's own expense. The bid submission means that the Bidder has examined the Site of future Works and has accepted all the existing conditions. B. List of documents included in the bidding documents Content of Bidding Documents ‘The set of bidding documents includes the following: Section I. Invitation for Bids Section I Instructions to Bidders (ITB) Section I. Bid Data Sheet (BDS) Section IV. General Conditions of Contract (GCC) Section V. Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) Section VI. Drawings Section VI. Bill of Quantities Section VII. Technical Specifications Section IX. Qualification Information Section X. Sample Forms & Contractor's Bid Form ti, Form of Bid Security ti, Form of Performance Security 16 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023, SECTION II- INSTRUC“IONS TO BIDDERS 712. 8.2. 9. ou. 92. 10. 10.1. tx, Form of Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment ». Form of Power of Attorney for signing the bid ‘The Bidder shall examine all instructions, forms, conditions and technical specifications incorporated in the bidding documents. Failure to provide all information required in the ing documents, or submission of a non-responsive bid may result in rejection of his bid. Clarification of Bidding Documents A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Documents may notify the Employer in writing at the address indicated in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS. The Employer shall respond to any request for clarification received earlier than the number of days as specified in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS) prior to the deadline for submission of bids. Copies of the Contracting Agency's response shall be forwarded to all Employers of the Bidding Documents, including a description of the inquiry, but without identifying its souree. ‘The Pre-bid conference will be conducted aecording to decision of the Employer and, if 80, at the time, date and address indicated in the Bid Data Sheet. Before the conference Bidders may address the Employer with questions for the conference, and at the conference may ask any question and receive answer to the questions submitted regarding the bidding documents. All information obtained at pre-bid conference, requests of potential bidders related to clarification of the bidding documents, and responses to them shall be recorded by the Employer, and by the results of conference, a record is made and promptly communicated to all Bidders who received the bidding documents in order to enable bidders to take them into account when preparing their bids. Amendment of Bidding Documents In special circumstances, at any time before expiry of the deadline for submission of bids, the Employer, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to request for clarification forwarded by the Bidder, may modify the bidding documents by issuing addenda to it. Any addenda issued shall be a part of the bidding documents and should be sent to all bidders who received the bidding documents from the Employer, which may be done by using fax or electronic message. Bidders should confirm the receipt of each addendum in writing or by fax or electronic message, and these addenda shall be binding, In order to give Bidders enough time to take into account the amendments introduced while preparing their bids, the Employer, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for submission of bids. C. Preparation of Bid Language of Bid ‘The Bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents related to this Bid that is exchanged by the Bidder and the Employer, should be written in the language "7 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION Il- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. Mn na. @ ©) © @ © o ® (h) 12. 12.1. 122. 123. 124. specified in the Bid Data Sheet. Documents Included in the Bid ‘The Bid prepared by the Bidder should include the following documents: filled in Form of Bid qualification information and documents confirming that Bidder has @ sufficient qualification required for the execution of the Contract in case if his bid accepted priced Bill of Quantities and priced list of consumable materials Bid Security provided in accordance with ITB Clause 15 General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract (signed by Bidder page-by-page); Alternative offers (at the Employer’s request) ‘other documents to be filled in by bidders in accordance with the requirements indicated in the Bid Data Sheet Power of attomey for signing the Bid. Bid Price ‘The Contract is applicable to the whole amount of Works listed in priced Bill of ‘Quantities and list of priced consumable material price presented by the Bidder in its bid. ‘The Bidder shall indicate the rates and prices for all kinds of works included in the Bill of ‘Quantities, drawings and specifications. The kinds of works for which no rate and price is entered by the Bidder will not be paid for when executed, and it is considered that they are included in the rates and prices for other kinds of works. ‘When determining the bid price, the Bidder shall take into account the total value of labor, materials, plant, instruments, water, heat, electric power, transportation, machinery and ‘equipment, and other services which are required during and for completion of the construction works. Al duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the Contractor under the current legislation of Guyana shall be included in the bid price. Waivers on duties, associated taxes and levies for specially imported mat 13. 13.1. Is to be used on the project shall be at the Client’s discretion. Bid Currency The Bidder shall submit all documents on mutual settlements and shall indicate the bid price in Guyana Dollars. 8 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION II- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 14. 141. 142. 15, 15.1. 15.2. 153, 154, 15.5, 15.6. Period of Validity of Bids Bids shall be valid during the number of days indicated in the Bid Data Sheet after the date of bid opening. The bid with shorter validity period should be rejected by the Employer as non-responsive to the bidding documents. In exceptional circumstances, the Employer may request bidders to extend the period of validity of their bids for a certain period. Such requests and responses to them shall be made in writing, and may be sent by fax, telex or electronic mail, A Bidder may refuse the request on extension of the period of validity of his bid, without forfeiting the return of security. A Bidder agreeing to the request will not be required nor permitted to modify the bid but will be required to extend the validity of bid security for a period of not less than 2 (owo) weeks after the expiry of the extended period of bid validity. Bid Security ‘The Bidder should provide, as part of his bid, the bid security (not more than two percent of bid price) in the amount and form specified in the Bid Data Sheet with a validity period of not less than 2 weeks after the expiry of a period of bid validity. ‘The Bid security should be expressed in the bid currency, or in another freely convertible currency, and shall be a bank guarantee issued by the bank located in Guyana or by local correspondent bank in case when the security is issued by the foreign bank, or in any other form permitted by the Bid Data Sheet, such as debenture bond, cash, shares accepted for public transactions, certificates of deposit to bearer or promissory notes. All bids not having a security shall be rejected by the Employer as non-responsive to the bidding documents, ‘The bid security shall be returned to unsuccessful Bidders as soon as possible but not later than fifteen (15) days upon the expiry of bid validity period, or after furnishing the performance security by successful bidder. ‘The successful Bidder shall receive the bid security after the signing of Contract pursuant to ITB Clause 34, and after furnishing the performance security (in the case when required). ‘The Bid security may be forfeited: @) _ ifthe Bidder: i. _ withdraws his bid after the opening during the period of bid validity specified in his bid does not agree with the correction of arithmetical errors in his bid. (b) incase of the Contract award to Bidder, if this Bidder fails: i, to sign the Contract on the terms and conditions specified in his bid, in accordance with ITB Clause 31, or 9 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023, SECTION II- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 16. 16.1. 16.2. 16.3, 16.4, 7. rat 173. 18. 18.1. ii, to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with ITB Clause 32. Alternative offers at the request of the Employer ‘The Employer may request in the Bidding Documents for bid submission taking into account alternative conditions. In this case all requirements of the bidding documents are applied to alternative offers to that extent as well as to basic offers. The alternative offers shall not be considered, unless allowed or required in the bidding documents. If so, allowed by the Bid Data Sheet, the bidders wishing to submit the bids, taking into account the alternative conditions must also submit the bids that comply with the requirements of the bidding documents, including the basic technical features as indicated in the drawings and specifications. In addition to submitting the basic Bid, the Bidders shall provide all information necessary for a complete evaluation of the alternative conditions by the Employer, including design calculations, technical specifications, breakdown of prices, proposed construction methods and other relevant details. Only the altematives of Bidder who submitted the lowest evaluated Bid in accordance with the basic requirements of the bidding documents shall be considered by the Employer. The Bidder, in his Bid, shall indicate the basic price of works to be executed, in accordance with the requirements of the bidding documents, and individually the price of Format and Signing of Bid ‘The Bidder should prepare J (one) original hardcopy and Two (2) electronic copy (flash drive only), copy should be an exact PDF version of the hardcopy. Bids should be clearly marked as “ORIGINAL OF THE BID” and “COPY OF THE BID” accordingly. In the case of discrepancies between them, the original shall prevail The original bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Bidder or by a person (persons) having all authorities to sign the bid and obligations under the Contract, Permission to sign the bid should be specified in the power of attorney to be provided with the bid. All pages of the bid where new information, change or erasure inserted should be initialled (signed) by the person or persons signing the bid The bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures or overwriting, exclusive of the cases when the Bidder needs to correct errors which should be initialled by the person or persons signing the bid. D. Submission of Bids Sealing and Marking of Envelopes with Bids ‘The Bidder shall seal the original and each copy of the bid in separate envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL” and “COPY.” The envelopes shall then be 20 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION Il- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 18.2. The outer envelopes shal (@) __beaddressed to: The Chairman, National Procurement and Tender Administration Board, Ministry of Finance, Main & Urquhart Streets, Georgetown, Guy: ‘and as also specified in the Invitation for Bids: (b) bear the name of the Proj Rehi n of Miscellancous Roads 2023 Phase 9 (C) Regions 4&5 Lots 680-983 "DO NOT OPEN BEFORE" (09:00 hrs. on Friday, September 29, 2023) and as also specified in the Bid Data Sheet: © 18.3. 18. 19. 19. 19.2. 20. 20.1. 2. 2a. Name and address of the Bidder in the inner envelope If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required by ITB Clause 18.2, the Employer will assume no responsibility for the bid’s misplacement or premature opening. Bidder must submit valid certificates of compliance from Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and National Insurance Scheme (NIS), and VAT registration (where applicable) Deadline for Submission of Bids Bids must be received by the Employer at the address and on the dates specified in the Bid Data Sheet. The Employer may, at his discretion, postpone the deadline for submission of bids for later period by modifying the bidding documents, and in this case the validity period of all rights and obligations of the Employer and the Bidders shall be extended subject to the changed deadline date. Late Bids Alll bids received by the Employer after the deadline for submission of bids specified by the Employer shall be rejected and returned to Bidder unopened. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids ‘The Bidder may modify or withdraw his bid after the bid submission, provided that the Employer will receive a written notice of modification or withdrawal of the bid before the expiry of determined deadline for submission of bids, duly signe by an authorized representative, and accompanied by a copy of the authorization. Fr STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION tl- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 21.2. 213. 214. 22.2. 22.4. 225. 23.1. ‘The Bidder’s modification or withdrawal notice should be prepared, sealed, marked, and sent in accordance with the provisions of ITB Clause 18, In this case the outer and inner envelopes shall be additionally marked “MODIFICATION” or “WITHDRAWAL”, as appropriate. A withdrawal notice may also be sent as a telegram by telex or fax with a subsequent written confirmation though post-office not later than the deadline for submission of bids. No changes should be added in the bids after the expiry of the period determined for bid submission. No bid may be withdrawn or modified in the interval between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity indicated by the Bidder on the Bid Form. Withdrawal of the bid during this interval may result in the Bidder’s forfeiture of his bid security, in accordance with ITB Clause 15.6. E. Opening and Evaluation of Bids Opening of Bids by Employer The Employer will open all bids in the presence of bidders” representatives who wish to attend it at the time, on the date, and at the address specified in the Bid Data Sheet. The bidders’ representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance, The envelopes marked as “WITHDRAWAL” and “MODIFICATION” will be opened first and read out. In this case the bids for which a withdrawal notice has been sent in accordance with Clause 21, the envelopes shall be retumed to Bidders unopened. ‘The bidders’ names, the Bid prices, including alternatives (if altematives permitted), price reduction specified in the Bidder's bid, information on the presence or absence of required Bid Security, information on the presence (absence) of tax debts and debts of social insurance payments will be announced at the opening. No bid may be rejected in the bid ‘opening, exclusive of the late bids which should return to Bidder unopened. Bids (and modifications sent pursuant to ITB Clause 21.2) that have not been opened and read out at the opening shall not be accepted for further evaluation, irrespective of circumstance. ‘The Employer shall maintain the minutes of Bid opening where information to be disclosed to those who are present and to be promptly sent to the Authorized State Procurement Body is included. Confidentiality Observance and Contacting the Employer Information relating to the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids, and recommendations for the award of a Contract shall not be disclosed to other persons interested in this process until information on award of the Contract will be given to all Bidders. 2 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023, SECTION Il- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 23.2. 23.3. 24. 25.1. 25.2. 25.3. 25.4. No Bidder shall contact the Employer on any matter related to his bid from the date of bid opening and until the date of contract award, exclusive of requests for clarification of the bid. Any effort on the part of any Bidder to influence the Employer’s decision on the bid evaluation, bid comparison, or the Contract award may result in the rejection of this Bidder’s Bid. Clarification of Bids During the bid evaluation, the Employer may, at his discretion, request the Bidder to give clarifications on his Bid. The request for clarification and the response should be given in writing, and in this case no change in the price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted, exclusive of the cases when required to correct arithmetical errors discovered by the Employer during the evaluation of bids in accordance with ITB Clause 26. Preliminary examination of Bids Prior to the detailed evaluation of bids, the Employer will examine the bids in order to determine whether they meet the eligibility criteria; whether there is a bid security, whether the documents have been properly signed, whether they are substantially responsive to the requirements of the bidding documents. A substantially responsive bid is one which satisfies all the above provisions without a material deviation, reservation or omission. A material deviation reservation or omission is one: (@ which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the Works. (6) which limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding Documents, the Employer's rights or the Bidder's obligations under the Contract, or (6) whose rectification would affect unfairly the competitive position of other bidders presenting substantially responsive bids. They concem, for example, such important provisions as the bid security, bidders’ qualification information, and effect on the scope, quality, or performance of the works, taxes and insurance payments are deemed a material deviation. Determination by the Employer of each bid’s degree of responsiveness to those requirements should be based ‘on the content of the bid itself without reference to any additional sources. The Employer may waive any minor nonconformity, small mistake or inaccuracy in the bid which are not a material deviation ftom the requirements of the bidding documents, and such non-conformity or inaccuracy shall not influence on evaluation of the bid. When the minor omissions do affect the evaluation of the bid (e.g., costs tc the Employer, or other aspects of the required performance), the minor deviations shouid be quantified in 2 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION Il- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 25.5. 26. 26.1. 26.2. 27, 2A. 272. 213. Fr 28.1. ‘monetary terms, with corresponding adjustments to the bid price (only for the purposes of comparing bids) If the bid is not substantially responsive to the qualification requirements, it shall be rejected by the Employer, and may not be subsequently accepted as responsive efter inclusion of appropriate corrections made by the Bidder. Correction of Arithmetical Errors in Bids Bids determined to be substantially responsive will be checked by the Employer for any arithmetical errors. Errors will be corrected by the Employer as follows: (a) when there is a discrepancy between the value expressed in figures and words, the value in words will govern; and (b) when there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate will govern, uniess in the opinion of the Employer, there is a obviously gross misplacement of the decimal fraction, in this case the total will govern and the unit rate will be corrected. ‘The value indicated in the bid, by the Bidder’s consent, will be adjusted by the Employer in accordance with the above-stated rules of correction of errors, and is deemed mandatory to the Bidder. If the Bidder does not accept the corrected bid price, the Bid shall be rejected, and the bid security may be forfeited in accordance with Clause 15.6. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids The Employer will evaluate and compare only the bids determined to be substantially responsive to the requirements of the bidding documents in accordance with Clause 25. When evaluating the bids, the Employer will determine for each Bid, the Evaluated Bid Price by adjusting the Bid Price as follows: @ Correction of arithmetical errors pursuant to Clause 26 (b) Exclusion of provisional sums and costs for contingencies pursuant to the Bill of Quantities ‘The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any variation, deviation, or alternative coffer. Variations, deviations, and alternative offers and other factors which are in excess of the requirements of the bidding documents or otherwise result unsolicited benefits for the Employer will not be taken into account in bid evaluation. Award of Contract Award Criteria Exclusive of the cases provided for in Clavse 29, the Employer will award the Contract to cr STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION II- INSTRUCT-ONS TO BIDDERS 29. 29.1. 29.2. 30.1. 30.2. 30.3. 30.4. 31. 31a. 312. the Bidder whose bid is determined to be substantially responsive to the bidding documents, and who offered the Lowest Evaluated Bid Price, provided that this Bidder has been determined to be (a) eligible in accordance with Clause 2 and (b) met with qualification requirements in accordance with Clause 3. Employer’s Right to accept any Bid and Reject any or All Bids The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. and to annul the bidding process at any time prior to the award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liabilities to bidders. In case when the bidding process annulled, the Employer should, during 3 working days, send to all Bidders a notification indicating the reasons which served as a ground for the ‘annulment, without giving evidence of that ground. Notification of Award Within 3 days after the conducted selection of the successful Bidder, and before the expiry of the period of bid validity, the Employer will notify the successful Bidder by telex, fax or email confirming by registered letter that his bid has been determined to be successful. This letter (hereinafter and in «the General Conditions of Contract» called «the Letter of Acceptance») should refer to the sum that the Employer shall pay to the Contractor for execution of the Works in accordance with the Contract (hereinafter and in the Contract called «the Contract Price»). The notification of award shall be equivalent to entering into a Contract, subject to the Bidder providing the performance security pursuant to Clause 32 and will sign the ‘Contract pursuant to Clause 31. At the same time that notification of award is given to the successful bidder, the Employer shall notify other bidders in writing of the selection, including the name of the successful bidder and the bid price. The Employer shell also publish a note in the Public Procurement Bulletin indicating the name and address of the successful bidder and the bid price quoted by him, Unsuccessful bidders may request in writing to the Employer for a debriefing seeking explanations for the failure of theit bids. The Employer shall promptly respond in writing to any unsuccessful Bidder who requests the Employer in writing to explain on which ‘grounds its bid was not selected. Signing of Contract At the same time with notification of award, the Employer will send to the successful Bidder, the Form of Contract contained in the Bidding documents. During seven (7) days of the receipt of a written Notice of acceptance and the Form of Contract, the successful Bidder should sign and date the Contract, and return it to the Employer, 28 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 ‘SECTION II- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 32. 32.1 32.2. 33. 33.1. 34. Performance Security Together with the signed Contract, the successful Bidder will send to the Employer, the Performance Security in the amount indicated in the Bid Data Sheet. If the successful Bidder fails to provide the performance security, or during 7 (seven) days does not return the Contract signed, then the Employer shall reject the bid and confiscate the bid security, in that case the Employer shall award the Contract to te next evaluated Bidder, whose bid is substantially responsive and is determined by the Employer to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily, subject to the Employer's right to reject all bids in accordance with Clause 29, and the applicable Law and Regulations. Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices ‘The Employer requires that the Bidders observe the highest standards of ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the Employer: (@) for the purposes of provisions of this Clause, uses the following notions: i, “corrupt practice” - means the offering, giving, the agreement requesting for remuneration in any form, or services rendering in order to in‘Iuence the action ‘ofa public official in the procurement process or in contract execution; and “fraudulent practice” - means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a Contract to the detriment of the Employer, including collusive practices among Bidders (prior to or after bid submission), to establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive level, and deprive the Employer of the benefits of free and open competition. iii, “collusive practice” means a scheme or arrangement between two or more bidders, with or without the knowledge of the Employer, designed to establish bid prices at artificial, non-competitive levels; and iv. “coercive practice” means harming or threatening to harm (directly or indirectly), persons or their property to influence their participation in the procurement process or the execution of a contract. (b) will reject the bid if it determines that the Bidder recommended for award of the Contract has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices during the bidding process or execution of a contract. (©) will declare the Contractor for indefinite, or for a specified period of time to be ineligible to participate in the state-financed biddings in accordance with a Regulation on the establishment of Database of unreliable (unfair) suppliers and its application procedures. Penalties STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION II- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 34.1. A penalty for slow or non-performance will be imposed as per the rate prescribed for Liguidated Damages. Slow or non-performance will be assessed against the project's approved work programme and will commence from the first quarter of the project life. 34.2. (Note: This means that after 10 % of the contract sum is deducted for penalties, the Procuring Entity has the right to cancel the contract and demand ail forms of damages). 2 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION I: BID DATA SHEET SECTION Ii Bid Data Sheet (BDS) Below given the specific data on procurement of the works shall complement, supplement or amend the provisions of the Instructions to Bidders (ITB). Whenever there is a conflict between the provisions herein and the Instructions to Bidders, the former shall prevail. Clause Ref. No. TTB 1-1 | The name, address, telephone, fax, telex and e-mail of Employer is: and 8.1 | The Coordinator Works Services Group — Ministry of Public Works Fort Street, Kingston, Georgetown, Guyana. Tel: (592) 225 3252 Ext 345 Fax: (592) 225 2689 E-mail: TTB ia The Works are: (Construction of Miscellaneot Lots 680. TTB II | The source of financing is: The Government of Guyana 1TB2.7 | Non-Performing Contracts: As per Evaluation Criteria TTB33.1_| Average Annual Vah ‘of Work: As per Evaluation Criteria 1TB3.3.3 | Experience of Key Personnel: As per Evaluation Criteria TTB8&1 | Employer's Address for Clarification ‘The Coordinator Works Services Group ~ Ministry of Public Works: Fort Street, Kingston, Georgetown, Guyana. Tel: (592) 225 3252 Ext 345 Fax: (592) 225 2689 E-mail: wsa@sol Request for clarifications from Bidders - No Later Than 10 Days before Bid Submission TTB82 | Pre-bid Conference: Not Applicable 28 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION III: BID DATA SHEET TTB 10.1 | The language of Bid = English TTB 11.1 | Other documents to be filled in by Bidders: As per Evaluation Criteria @ TTB 14.1 | The period of Bid validity = One hundred and Twenty (120) Days TTB 15.1 | The amount and form of Bid Security: Project Bid Security Projects that are 0-14 M Signed Bid Securing Declaration Form Projects that are 14-30M $250,000 Per Lot Projects that are 31-60 $450,000 Per Lot Projects that are 61-100 ‘$800,000 Per Lot Projects that are > 100M ‘$1,500,000 Per Lot The Bid Security shall be in the form of a Bank Guarantee or a Guarantee or Bond jrom a recognized Insurance Agency licensed by the Bank of Guyana. TTB 152 | Other permitted Form of Bid Security: Signed Bid Securing Declaration Form for Lots 750,754,801 ,808-810,894,706,707,736- 749,151-753,788,798,807,823,832,839,840,862,864,883,893,934,961,963,985,986. TTB 162 __| Alternative Bid Submission: Not Applicable ITBI7.1 | The Bidder must submit an original hardeopy and Two (2) exact electronic (PDF Version) copy (flash drive only) of the completed Tender Document. TTB 182 | The hardcopy of the Bid Bid must be placed in an envelope that is labelled. @) ‘The combined envelopes are to be placed in an outer envelope bearing the project name and submission address along withthe note “DO NOT OPEN" before: 09:00 hrs. on Friday, September 29, 2023 TTB 182 | The deadline and address for bid submission and the date, time and address of bid (&), 191, | openings For Submission of Bids; Address. 224 ‘The Chairm: Ministry of Finance, Main & Urquhart Streets, Georgetown, Guyana For Submission of Bids; Date and Time: Before 09:00 hrs. on Friday, September 29, 2023 ‘The amount and validity of Performance Security 29 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION Ill: 81D DATA SHEET THB 32.1 ‘The of Performance Security = Ten Percent (10%) of Contract Sum Permitted Form of Performance Security ‘The Performance Security should be expressed in the bid currency, cr in another freely convertible currency, and shail be a bank guarantee issued by a bark or Bond from a recognized Insurance located in Guyana or by local correspondent bank in case when the security is issued by the foreign bank. ‘OR Guarantee or Bond from an approved Insurance Agency, licensed by the bank of Guyana. 30 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION Ill BID DATA SHEET. SECTION IV General Conditions of Contract (GCC) ‘A. General provisions 1. Definitions |.1_ Below given terms in this Contract shall be interpreted as follows: “Bill of Quantities" means the completed priced items of works and priced consumable materials which are the part ofthe Bid, "The Completion Date” means the date of completion of the Works accepted by the Working Committee pursuant to Certificate of Commissioning, or in case of repair works, the final Certificate cof Performed Works of the Contractor approved by the Engineer. Contract" means the Contract achieved between the Employer and the Contractor and fixed as the form of Contract signed by the parties with all annexes and addenda to the Contract for the exeoution and completion of the Works. Contractor" means an individual or legal entity, or a partnership, whose Bid for the execution of the Works is accepted by the Employer. “Contractor's Bid" means the completed bidding documents submitted by the Contractor to the Employer. “Contract Price” means the amount to be paid to the Contractor under the Contract forthe entire ‘and duly performance of his contractual obligations. "Days" mean calendar days; "months" mean calendar months. “A Defect" means any part of the Works executed breaching terms of the Contract. "The Acceptance Report of Corrected Defects" means the acceptance report drafted jointly by the Engineer and the Contractor after correction of defects by the Contractor. "The Defects Correction Period” means the period to correct imperfections and defects indicated in the Special Conditions of Contract and calculated from the Completion Date. "Drawings" include all calculations, schemes, plans and other information provided, or approved by the Authorized Body for the execution of the Contract. «Compensation Events» means the event defined in Clause 41 of the General Conditions of Contract. “Employer” means the party, as defined in the SCC, which employs the Contractor to execute the 31 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023, SECTION Ill 31D DATA SHEET Works. “"Machinery and equipment” mean all the Contractor's machinery, equipment and vehicles to be brought temporarily to the Site for the execution of the Works. "The Initial Contract Price” means the Contract Price indicated by the Employer in the Letter of ‘Acceptance. "The Expected Period of Completion" means when the Contractor should complete the execution ‘of the Works indicated in the SCC, "Materials" means all consumable and raw materials to be used by te Contractor and subcontractor during the execution of the Works. "Plant" means an integral part of the Works which has a mechanical, electrical, chemical or biological function. ‘Engineer means a competent person, identified in the SCC, appointed by the Employer to be the Engineer, and notified to the Contractor, to be responsible for supervising the execution and quality ofttie Works. "Site" means the territory, as defined in the SCC, allotted for the execution of the Works, "Technical Specification" means the technical specifications of the Works included in the Contract, and any modifications of, or addenda to these specifications approved by the Employer. "The Start Date" means the latest date, as given in the SCC, when the Contractor shall commence execution of the Works. It does not necessarily coincide with any of the Site Possession Dates. “A Subcontractor" means an individual or legal entity, entering into a Contract with the Contractor to-execute the part of the Works under the Contract, including the work of the Site. "Temporary Structures" means the structures designed, constructed, installed aud dismantled by the Contractor, and which are required for the execution of the Works, Modification” means a written instruction given by the Engineer to modify quantity of the Works, or items. “The Works" means that the Contractor should construct, install, and hand over to the Employer under the Contract the execution of quantity of the Works, or completion of the Works, as defined in the SCC. 2, Contract Documents 2.1 Below listed documents shall constitute the Contract, and shall be its integral part, and shall be interpreted in the following order of priority: (@) Contract, (b) Letter of Acceptance, (©) Contractor’s Bid, 2 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION Ill: 31D DATA SHEET. (@) Special Conditions of Contract, (©) General Conditions of Contract, (Technical Specifications, (g) Drawings, (h) Priced Bill of Quat @ any other documents listed the Contract. 3. Language and Law tes, and priced Consumable Materials; end, the Special Conditions of Contract to be as a constituent part of 3.1 The language of the Contract and the applicable laws governing the Contract are stated in the Special Conditions of the Comiract. 4. Engineer 4.1 Except where otherwise specifically stated, the Engineer will decide contrac:ual relationships between the Employer and the Contractor, representing the Employer. 5. Official communication between the Employer and the Contractor 5.1 Official communication between the parties under the implementation of the Contract conditions shall be effective only when in writing, A notice shall be effective only when itis delivered. 6 Entering into subcontract 7.1 The Contractor may enter into subcontracts with the approval of the Engineer but may not assign ‘the Contract without the approval of the Employer in writing. In case of entering into more than fone Contract with subcontractors, the Contractor shall co-ordinate the activities of those subeomtractors. Presence of subcontractors. shall not alter the Contractor's liability for performance of the contract. 7. Personnel 7.1. ‘The Contractor shall employ the personnel for key positions in order to perform the functions specified in the «Qualification Information». The Engineer shall approve any proposed replacement of the Key personnel only if their relevant qualifications and skills are the same or better than those of the personnel listed inthe Qualification Informat 7.2 If for any reason the Engineer asks the Contractor to remove the person who is staff member or employee of the Contractor or subcontractor, the Contractor should ensure that this person leaves the Site within three days, and no longer be engaged in the work under this Contract. 8 Employer’s and Contractor's Risks 8.1 ‘The Employer and the Contractor carry the risks which are the Employer's risks o- the Contractor's risks under this Contract. 9. Employer’s Risks 33 STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT 2023 SECTION :II: BID DATA SHEET 9.1 From the Start Date and until the Completion Date, or until the defects have been fully corrected, the following risks will be the Employer's risks: (@) The risk of personal injury, or, death, or loss of or damage to property (exclasive ofthe Works, Plant, Materials, Machinery and Equipment) in consequence of: (@__using or occupying the Site by the Employer for the execution of the Works, or for other purposes which may be an unavoidable result of the Works oz Gil) negligence, improper fulfilment of official duties, or violation of legal rights of the Contractor by the Employer, or by any person employed by him, cr under the Contract, exclusive of the Contractor. (b)_ The risk of damage to the Works, Plant, Materials, and Machinery and Equipment to the extent that is due to a fault of the Employer, or in the Employer's design defect, or due to war ‘or radioactive contamination directly affecting the country where the works are 10 be executed, 9.2. From the Completion Date and until the defects have been fully corrected, the risk of loss of or damage to the Works, Plant and Materials is the Employer's risk, exclusive of the eases when loss or damage caused by (2) _ the defect which existed on the Completion Date. (©) the event which occurred before the Completion Date and which is related to the Employer's risks, or © 10. Contractor's Risks 10.1 From the Start Date and until the defeets have been corrected, the risk of personal injury, death, and loss of or damage to property (including the Works, Plant, Materizls, Machinery and Equipment) which are not the Employer's risks are the Contractor's risks. 11, Contractor to Execute the Works 11.1 The Contractor shall construct and install the Plant in accordance with te Specifications, Drawings, Bill of Quantities and/or pursuant to the Defects Report. 12. The Works to Be Completed by the Expected Period of Completion 12.1 The Contractor may begin the execution of construction Works from the Start Date, and he should execute the Works in accordance with the Work Execution Schedule submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer, and the Contractor must complete the construstion Works by the Expected Period of Completion 13. Construction of Temporary Structures 13.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the specifications and drawings indicating the expected construction of Temporary structures to be approved by the Engineer, provided that they comply with the Specifications and drawings. 13.2. The Contractor should, when required, co-ordinate the project of Temporary structures with the “

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