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Rescission of contract and par cipa on in the

alleged fraudulent trust agreement!

I __________________ do hereby exercise my right of rescission

respecting the alleged contract and trust agreement, due to,
involuntary servitude, subjugation, trustee malfeasance,
deception, intimidation, threats, coercion, all a matter of
public record, failure to inform and/or divulge pertinent
information as required under the agreement with the
cognizantÊbranchÊauthorizedÊtoÊmakeÊlaw!ÊThat “caseÊlaw”ÊisÊnotÊlaw!

The statute of limitations for my rescinding the agreement under my power

of election has been tolled as a result of the concealment and/or
misrepresentation and/or the failure to divulge and/or inform, and/or the
misinformation and/or the alleged conspiracy respecting the aforementioned, as
the general principle is, “the statute of limitation does not commence to run until
the last overt act has been accomplished”!

I do not need anyone’s permission torescind the contract between me and

another party, as I have reserve this as a right as embedded in the Constitution
for the United States of America! My right to contract, it is just that, a RIGHT!
Not granted to me by a constitution, a piece of paper, a contract, but a right
secured by the Constitution, the supreme law of the land!

©2023 Interna onal Independent Notarial Associa on

Rescission of contract and par cipa on in the
alleged fraudulent trust agreement!

I do not need a case citation to prove what my rights are, I only need to express
what the law is, and support that conclusion with facts and conclusions of law!

I have never, ever, under any circumstances, knowingly, willingly,

deliberately, and/or intentionally agreed to be bound by codes, revised statutes,
ordinances, regulations, as I only agreed as 1 of the “POSTERITY”, of the
people who ordained and inaugurated the Constitution for the United States of
America, to follow the law, and none of the aforementioned are part of any
legislative process or definition of “LAW OF THE LAND”, and are therefore
non-binding upon any of the posterities of the PEOPLE who wrote the
Constitution for the United States, and any presumption that the preamble is not
part of the Constitution was rebutted by the simple fact of intent- “WeÊthe

I have a right to be secure in MyÊProperty,ÊMyÊPossessions,ÊMyÊEffects,

MyÊPerson, to seize and/or commandeer any of the aforementioned is actual
thievery, not according to some legal definition, but according to the law. The
prohibition of seizing another person’s property without their permission is
secured, in fact, the constitutional prohibition explicitly says, “Congress shall
make no law… Abridging the right of the people… To be secure in their

To ask for permission to exercise a right is to evidence that somehow the

right does not exist in the 1st instance. I have a right after having attained the
age of the majority as of my 18th year of existence, whether from conception or
delivery from the womb, to gain full and complete control of the securities held
in my minor account, I do not need someone’s permission to gain access to
what belongs to me! And because the trustees have come up with a policy,
©2023 Interna onal Independent Notarial Associa on
Rescission of contract and par cipa on in the
alleged fraudulent trust agreement!

procedure, scheme to steal my property in broad daylight, amounts to trustee

malfeasance, theft, and fraudulent conveyance.

The courts do not tell me, that by entering their COURTS, that I am
waiving a right by MAKING AN “APPEARANCE” or entering a PLEA! That any
type of “PLEA” or “APPEARANCE”, whether through an attorney or otherwise
means that I am subjecting myself to servitude, to THE COURT’Sjurisdiction.
This concealment of information results in a significant deprivation/conflict
respecting property interests, and is invalid as well as VOID of effect!

I am not told that my contract with an attorney is impeded by the court in

every instance, whereby the attorney does not represent my interests but that of
the courts, under some policy, some rule and not law! My power of attorney
cannot be subjugated by the court without delegation of authority, and since this
is my authority, that I did not delegate, it is a breach of the trust agreement!

And then there is my right to access United States coins and currencies as
defined in law, the joint resolution June 5, 1933 uniformed the value of coins
and currencies, and made it unlawful for any creditor claiming a debt be paid to
not recognize the valuation of “notes,Êdrafts,ÊbillsÊofÊexchange,Êbankers
acceptances,ÊtradeÊacceptancesÊandÊotherÊgovernmentÊobligations ” as
“ELIGIBLE PAPERS”, these eligible papers are coins and currencies of the
United States i.e.: money, and I have been denied access to money which
amounts to among other things as subjugation, which is directly due to trustee

So, no, I do not wish to continue in nor be a party to any agreement trust
or otherwise, that has been breached, trespassed upon, whereby information
©2023 Interna onal Independent Notarial Associa on
Rescission of contract and par cipa on in the
alleged fraudulent trust agreement!

has been concealed, misrepresented, via misinformation and/or fraudulent

schemes. I have just become knowledgeable of this subterfuge, the
unscrupulous activities of those who claim to be public servants and then in all
appearances make it appear as if they are my rulers, as if they have the
authority and/or power through tyranny to commit insurrection and rebellion
against United States of America and/or the people who collectively represent
the sovereignty of the nation! And I do hereby attest as well as affirm that the
aforementioned is done of my own free will and volition witness by before and
God on this Click or tap to enter a date. as wholly accurate, under penalty if
conclusively proven otherwise, so help me God!
You and or Your co-conspirators are Hereby ordered/commended to cease
and desist immediately!!! This is not a warning! I do not Consent, I revoke all
such implied authority via disaffirmance.



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Rescission of contract and par cipa on in the
alleged fraudulent trust agreement!

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