Nuclear Medicine Research

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Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear medicine represents one of numerous branches within the field of medical
imaging. Imaging, a term in the medical lexicon, refers to a method employed for
the creation of visual representations of the human body, facilitating easier
analysis. Utilizing these techniques allows for the visualization of organs, bones,
and tissues.

In contemporary Nuclear Medicine, minute quantities of radioactive materials are

employed to generate these images. These radioactive materials permeate the
patient's body, and they are commonly referred to as radiotracers. Radiotracers
are comprised of carrier molecules bonded to a radioactive atom. The selection of
carrier molecules is contingent upon the specific objective of the test and the
intended purpose of the scan. Tracers may interact with distinct types of proteins,
cells, and sugars within the human body.

SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) stands out as one of the
two predominant instruments employed in radiotracer examinations. This
technology produces three-dimensional images, and its distinguishing feature lies
in its capability to detect and measure gamma rays—a form of light with
wavelengths differing from visible light.

The SPECT process involves injecting radiotracers, housed in a syringe, into the
patient's bloodstream. It is noteworthy that alternative methods for introducing
radiotracers into the body exist; the two most prevalent being ingestion as a liquid
or pill and inhalation. Once within the designated area of examination, the
radiotracers emit energy in the form of gamma rays. Specially designed cameras,
such as SPECT CT, detect and capture the energy emanating from the body's
interior, creating intricate and precise images that offer a comprehensive and
internal perspective of the anatomy.

PET (Positron Emission Tomography) represents the second most commonly

employed camera in nuclear medicine. While it shares similarities with SPECT in
terms of operation, a significant distinction lies in the radiotracers it measures.

The PET process involves scanning radiotracers that emit positrons. Positrons,
akin to electrons in mass but bearing a positive charge, are often referred to as
anti-electrons. Upon interaction with electrons within the body, these particles
annihilate each other, producing a modest amount of energy in the form of two
elementary particles known as photons. The PET camera detects and measures
these photons to generate detailed images of the internal structures of organs and

Evolution through the years

In 1896, Henri Becquerel made a groundbreaking discovery by identifying

enigmatic "rays" emitted from uranium. A year later, Marie Curie aptly coined the
term "radioactivity" to describe these rays. Fast forward to the early 1940s, and
Saul Hertz achieved a milestone by demonstrating the therapeutic potential of
administering radioactive iodine (riodine) for treating hyperthyroidism, a throat
ailment. The inaugural test, conducted on January 1, 1941, paved the way for
Hertz to successfully treat 29 hyperthyroidism patients with riodine in May 1946,
revolutionizing the treatment of thyroid diseases.

The pivotal moment in 1947 saw George Moore deploying riodine to address brain
tumors, showcasing the versatility of radioactive rays beyond throat conditions.
Subsequent to these breakthroughs, 1983 witnessed William Eckelman and
Richard Reba achieving the first successful Single Photon Emission Computed
Tomography (SPECT) imaging of a neuroreceptor membrane in the brain.

In 1999, the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) approved Sentinel node
studies, enhancing the diagnosis and management of cancers. By 2001, a
staggering 16.9 million nuclear medicine procedures had been administered in the
United States alone. In 2008, scans enabled a more profound understanding of
diseases by integrating diverse functional and anatomical information into unified

Advantages of nuclear medicine are manifold. It can be employed both in

emergencies and routine examinations. Offering a comprehensive view of the
internal workings of the human body, it enhances the chances of identifying minor
issues before they escalate. For instance, a nuclear medicine exam can detect
reduced blood supply to the heart before a patient experiences chest pain during
physical exertion. Another noteworthy advantage is the ability, in many cases, to
analyze the entire body based on the quantity of radiotracers used. These tests
play a crucial role in determining the malignancy of tumors and other illnesses,
aiding in preventive measures and avoiding unnecessary surgeries.
Nevertheless, there are risks and disadvantages associated with radioactivity.
Despite the perception of its inherent danger, the low levels of radiation exposure
to patients outweigh the actual risks. Vulnerable groups, such as children, young
women, and pregnant women, are more sensitive to ionizing radiation. Although
side effects may be present, especially with excessive use, only 0.05% of patients
undergoing an exam may develop cancer later in life.

To gauge acceptable radiation levels, the unit of measurement is the millisievert

(mSv). The body naturally receives 1 to 3 mSv per year from natural radioactivity,
termed the "whole body dose." Equivalent doses from medical exams should not
surpass 50 mSv per year. Different regions of the body necessitate varying
amounts of radiotracers; for instance, a spine bone scan may require a dose of 4.2
mSv, equivalent to over four years of natural exposure.

Economically, some view the cost of tests using radiotracers as a disadvantage.

Prices range from approximately $417 to $434 USD for a bone scan, while
gastrointestinal exams cost around $413 to $432 USD. Tests related to the
nervous system, particularly brain scans, can be more expensive, ranging from
$570 to over $1,400 USD. However, the preventive nature of nuclear medicine
may present a more cost-effective option compared to surgeries that can cost
between $50,000 and $150,000 USD, along with subsequent physical therapies.

Looking ahead, ongoing research continues to advance nuclear medicine. Efforts

are underway to develop new types of radiotracers, with a focus on tracers capable
of detecting bacterial infections in their early stages. Technological improvements
in cameras aim to simplify the interpretation of internal body processes for both
doctors and patients, promising significant strides in the field.
McCready, V. R. (10/90/2016). Radioiodine – the success story of Nuclear Medicine. Obtenido de

MEDICINET. (05/13/2016). U.S. Obtenido de


Merriam-Webster. (2018). Obtenido de

Radiological Society of North America. (20/04/2018). Obtenido de

Rang, D. R. (1999).

REUTERS (03/14/2011)


National Institue of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineeering (07/2016)

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