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Medicinal plants of the family Lamiaceae as functional foods – a review

Article in Czech Journal of Food Sciences · November 2016

DOI: 10.17221/504/2015-CJFS


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7 authors, including:

Klaudija Carović-Stanko Marko Petek

University of Zagreb University of Zagreb


Martina Grdiša Dalibor Bedeković

University of Zagreb University of Zagreb


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Czech J. Food Sci., 34, 2016 (5): 377–390 Review

doi: 10.17221/504/2015-CJFS

Medicinal Plants of the Family Lamiaceae

as Functional Foods – a Review
Klaudija Carović-Stanko1, Marko Petek 2, Martina Grdiša1, Jasna Pintar 3,
Dalibor Bedeković 3, Mirjana Herak Ćustić 2 and Zlatko Satovic 1

Department of Seed Science and Technology, 2Department of Plant Nutrition and 3Department
of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia


Carović-Stanko K., Petek M., Grdiša M., Pintar J., Bedeković D., Herak Ćustić M., Satovic Z. (2016):
Medicinal plants of the family Lamiaceae as functional foods – a review. Czech J. Food Sci., 34: 377–390.

Historically, species of the family Lamiaceae have enjoyed a rich tradition of use for flavouring, food preservation, and
medicinal purposes, due to both their curative and their preventive properties. It is well known that each species has
a special, complex mixture of bioactive compounds in which each component contributes to its overall bioactivity.
Their value lays in the production of a wide range of secondary metabolites with potent antibacterial, antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, and anticancer activities. This review focuses on the Lamiaceae species
and their secondary metabolites encompassing a wide array of beneficial functions and their applicability as sources
of functional foods. It could help in addressing specific consumer needs as healthy diet is a part of the lifestyle that
maintains or improves overall health.

Keywords: biological activity, food, herbs, nutraceuticals

Throughout the ages, humans have relied on plants considered one of the most outstanding personali-
as a source of food, flavours, fragrances, and medi- ties in the history of medicine; c. 460–c. 370 BC)
cines. Even today a large number of people use tra- can be used: ’Let food be thy medicine and medicine
ditional medicinal plants containing mixtures of be thy food’.
various compounds acting individually, additively
or in synergy to improve health.
In the developed world food consumption not only Functional foods
just satisfies hunger but also it is associated with a
requirement for happiness and well-being. Eating Concept of functional foods. Increasing interest
is a social and cultural act, and consequent health in improving or maintaining health by intake of
benefits have an important role in food consumption all-natural products in combination with lifestyle
(Carrillo et al. 2013). The term ’’functional food’’ changes has created a desire for a more streamlined
was first introduced in Japan in the mid-1980s and approach to nutrition. Growing consumer health
refers to processed foods containing ingredients that awareness and available information about the use-
aid specific biological functions in addition to being fulness of different diets and their impact on human
nutritive (Arai 1996). Functional foods may improve health lead to the demand for functional food and
health in general, reduce the impact of illness, and beverages. The concept of functional foods includes
delay the onset of disease (Luthria 2006). There- foods or food ingredients that exert a beneficial ef-
fore functional foods blur the distinction between fect on host health and/or reduce the risk of chronic
a food and a medicine and serve as a connection disease beyond basic nutritional functions (Das et al.
between them. In contribution to that, the advice of 2012). According to International Food Information
Hippocrates (an ancient Greek physician, and he is Council Foundation (2011) there are several groups of

Review Czech J. Food Sci., 34, 2016 (5): 377–390
doi: 10.17221/504/2015-CJFS

functional components: carotenoids, phenolic acids, been known to maintain a healthy urinary tract, as
flavonoids, plant stanols/sterols, dietary fibres, fatty their juice contains proanthocyanidins that inhibit
acids, isothiocyanates, minerals, polyols, prebiotics, the growth of Escherichia coli (Galland 2009). The
probiotics, phytoestrogens, soy proteins, sulphides/ health benefits of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)
thiols, and vitamins. were documented 2000 years ago. It has been used in
Functional foods can include foods used to improve Chinese, Ayurvedic, and Unani-tibb herbal medicines
the nutritional quality of an otherwise nutrient- all over the world, for a wide range of conditions in-
deficient food (e.g. calcium in orange juice) or to cluding arthritis, rheumatism, sprains, sore throats,
resolve public health issues (e.g. iodised table salt). infections, digestion disorders, etc. (Ali et al. 2008).
It can take many forms; some may be conventional Curcumin from turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) has
food that is consumed as a part of a usual diet and been used as spice as well as medicine in ancient
has physiological benefits or can reduce the risk of traditional medicinal systems to treat gas, colic,
chronic disease beyond basic nutritional functions. toothaches, chest pains, stomach, and liver prob-
Some may be fortified or enhanced foods as well as lems, to heal wounds and scars (Aggarwal 2007).
products isolated or purified from foods that are Chinese herbal tonics prepared with ginger root,
generally sold in application forms. They are not cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum spp.), and liquorice
usually associated with foods having a physiologi- root (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) have been widely used
cal benefit and are called nutraceuticals (Monge as a remedy for stomach ailments (Galland 2009).
et al. 2008), such as multivitamin pills. Therefore, During the second half of the twentieth century, new
consumers can already select from a wide spectrum nutritional insights emerged and allowed the develop-
of foods that contain functional components. ment of foods and beverages with a claimed health
Traditional functional foods. Positive effects of benefit, based on scientific evidence (Weststrate
various plant species on well-being and human health et al. 2002). So far, the functional food industry has
were acknowledged centuries ago and their use in focused mainly on ingredients that are inherent in
healing various diseases is as old as the practice of vegetables, grains, and fruit. Examples for widespread
medicine. The basic knowledge of foods and their foods that provide health benefits beyond basic nutri-
nutritional values was gained and developed in an- tion are tomatoes (lycopene), green tea (catechins),
cient times in the process of looking for adequate cranberry juice (proanthocyanidins), and psyllium
foods. The concept of food as medicine was accepted seeds (soluble fibre). Soybean grain is well-known
worldwide, especially in China, Japan, and other for its functional components such as proteins, iso-
Asian countries where it was understood that foods flavones, oligosaccharides, and phospholipids with
have both preventive and curative effects and are an beneficial effects on cardiovascular diseases, cancer,
important part of health. Numerous functional foods and diabetes (Dixit et al. 2011). Glucosinolates in
and corresponding recipes for combining specific broccoli (Fabek et al. 2012), amino acids in red head
foods with culinary and non-culinary herbs to pro- chicory (Herak Ćustić et al. 2009), phosphorus (Pe-
duce healing remedies have been documented in the tek et al. 2008), and proteins (Petek et al. 2012) in
publications of Chinese traditional medicine. Garlic beetroot can also improve human health. Phytosterols
(Allium sativum L.) is one of the earliest documented found naturally in vegetable oils, beans, and nuts
examples of plants used for disease treatment and have proven cholesterol lowering properties. Pome-
maintenance of health (Rivlin 2001). It has been granate juice contains antioxidants at much higher
used for a wide variety of medicinal purposes and levels than other fruit juices and its consumption
represented a staple crop in the diets of numerous provides several heart-protecting benefits. Carrots,
cultures. The Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, and pumpkins, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, spinach, and
Romans used it for many conditions, including blood tomatoes are rich in beta-carotene that neutralises
pressure disorders, snakebites, and infections (Koch free radicals, stimulates cellular antioxidants, and is
et al. 1996). Antibacterial activity was discovered in a precursor in vitamin A synthesis. Phenolic acids
1858 by Pasteur and it was used as an antiseptic to (especially caffeic and ferulic acid), determined in
prevent gangrene during World War I and II (Mur- apples, pears, citrus fruits, whole grains, and coffee,
ray 1995). Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) tea has are able to bolster cellular antioxidant defences as
a long history of use for digestive complaints and well as support the maintenance of eye and heart
cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon L.) have long health. Plant stanols/sterols, as those from maize,

Czech J. Food Sci., 34, 2016 (5): 377–390 Review

doi: 10.17221/504/2015-CJFS

soybean, and wheat, may reduce risks of the coronary officinalis L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.), savory (Sa-
heart disease (CHD) (International Food Information tureja hortensis L.), marjoram (Origanum majorana
Council Foundation 2011). L.), oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), thyme (Thymus
Rediscovery of the connection between plants and vulgaris L.), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.)
health is responsible for launching a new genera- and perilla (Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton) (Licina
tion of botanical therapeutics that include plant- et al. 2013). The members of the family Lamiaceae
derived pharmaceuticals, multicomponent botanical also include plants that are widely used in traditional
drugs, dietary supplements, functional foods, and medicine as a cure for various disorders.
plant-produced recombinant proteins (Raskin et Secondary metabolites. The metabolic performance
al. 2002). There is an increasing number of studies of living organisms can be distinguished into primary
that highlight the applicability of medicinal plants and secondary metabolism. Secondary metabolites
and herbs as sources of more potent or even in- represent features that can be expressed in terms of
novative ingredients. They are an object of interest ecological, taxonomic, and biochemical differentia-
because many of them have been demonstrated that tion and diversity. The presence of these compounds
they possess antioxidant, antimicrobial, and cancer- in the biochemistry of the plant is often difficult to
protecting properties. explain as they are synthesised by the plants mainly
as a part of their defence system against diseases and
herbivores (Mazid et al. 2011). They can be found
Medicinal plants of the family Lamiaceae in roots, rhizomes, tubers, leaves, aerial parts, flow-
ers, fruits, and seeds. Different classes of secondary
Plants have been the source for medicinal treat- metabolites constitute the bioactive compounds in
ments for thousands of years. Traditional medicine various plants which can be used as functional foods.
uses plants for both their curative and their preventive They have attracted particular interest as many of them
properties. When used for preventive purposes, i.e. have demonstrated to be antiallergenics, antidiabetics,
for the maintenance of overall good health, medicinal antioxidants, antimutagenics, anticarcinogenics, an-
plants can be classified as functional foods and/or timicrobial, and anti-inflammatory agents, enhancers
nutraceuticals. A good example is the use of spices of the gastrointestinal function, immune-modulators
that besides adding the flavour to foods can improve and stimulators as well as blood pressure and cho-
digestion or help in prevention of diseases. lesterol reducing agents (Vaishali Rai et al. 2013).
The mint family (Lamiaceae) is an important me- The therapeutic application of medicinal plants is
dicinal plant family. It contains about 236 genera attributed to the presence of a wide range of second-
and more than 6000 species, and the largest genera ary metabolites or phytochemicals such as alkaloids,
are Salvia, Scutellaria, Stachys, Plectranthus, Hyptis, saponins, flavonoids, glycosides, and phenols which
Teucrium, Vitex, Thymus, and Nepeta. It is a family all have various pharmacological activities classifying
of great diversity and variety with a cosmopolitan them as functional foods.
distribution. Species from the family inhabit differ- Phenols belong to the largest group of secondary
ent natural ecosystems and many members of the metabolites in plants, foremost of the family Lamiaceae,
family are cultivated. The species of this family are and they exhibit multidirectional biological activ-
easily recognisable by square stems and opposite ity. Phenolic classes of pharmaceutical interests are:
leaves. The flowers are zygomorphic with five united simple phenolic compounds (e.g. eugenol), tannins,
petals and five united sepals, usually bisexual and quinones, flavonoids, lignans, and some terpenoids.
verticillaster. Most of the species belonging to the Flavonoids are attracting interest due to the discovery
family are aromatic and possess essential oils (Law- of their anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-tumour,
rence 1992). The aromatic essential oils are mostly antimicrobial, antioxidant, and immunostimulant
present in leaves, however, they can be found in all activities. Monoterpenes are the metabolites usually
aboveground parts of the plants. They are valuable in found in essential oils with anti-inflammatory proper-
cosmetic, flavouring, fragrance, perfumery, pesticide, ties. Saponins show various pharmacological activities
and pharmaceutical industries (Ozkan 2008). Some e.g. anti-inflammatory, antitussive, expectorant, anal-
of the Lamiaceae species are used as culinary herbs gesic, and cytotoxic. Cardiotonic glycosides are used
and grown for edible leaves, e.g. basil (Ocimum spp.), as drugs for the treatment of cardiac insufficiency
mint (Mentha × piperita L.), rosemary (Rosmarinus (Vaishali Rai et al. 2013). Besides being natural

Review Czech J. Food Sci., 34, 2016 (5): 377–390
doi: 10.17221/504/2015-CJFS

colouring agents for food substances and cosmetics, besides thyme, rosemary, and sage, peppermint, lemon
carotenoids are also used for the treatment of retinal balm, and basil also contain a considerable amount
disease and glaucoma. of phenolic compounds with strong total antioxidant
Many authors have reported antioxidant, antimi- and DPPH radical scavenging activities. The afore-
crobial, and anti-inflammatory properties of Lamia- mentioned species are among the most frequently
ceae species. It is well known that each species has investigated species of the family Lamiaceae and
a special, complex mixture of bioactive compounds their antioxidant activity has been demonstrated in
in which each component contributes to its overall numerous studies (Gonçalves et al. 2009; Ahmad
bioactivity. Moreover, in cases of some species a et al. 2012; Sodré et al. 2012; Trakoontivakorn
direct food-related application has been established. et al. 2012; Lagouri et al. 2013; Licina et al. 2013).
Lamiaceae as antioxidants. In hope to find natural Lamiaceae as antimicrobial agents. Due to the
antioxidants for the food industry and consequently overall usage of commercial antimicrobial drugs,
efficient therapy for numerous present-day human multidrug resistance in both human and plant patho-
problems the screening studies for antioxidant prop- genic microorganisms has developed (Eldeen et al.
erties of plants have been very common in the last 2005). Therefore, scientists are trying to find new
few decades. Plant antioxidants are very significant antimicrobial sources from plants which can be used
as their presence in the human diet can help the body in food industry, pharmacy, and medicine.
to neutralise free radicals and reduce the oxidative It is well documented that the majority of the in-
stress damage. On the contrary, synthetic antioxidants vestigated species belonging to the family Lamiaceae,
have possible activity as promoters of carcinogenesis e.g. lemon balm (Sarac & Ugur 2007), mint (To-
(Suhaj 2006). The antioxidant activity of phenolic roglu 2009), basil (Carović-Stanko et al. 2010;
compounds depends on the structure and the natures Rao et al. 2011), oregano (Dorman & Deans 2004),
of substitutions on the aromatic rings (Balasundram and rosemary (Toroglu 2009), possess antimicro-
et al. 2005) while their health benefits depend on their bial properties. Thymol and carvacrol are the main
absorption and metabolism (Parr & Bolwell 2000). components responsible for these actions (proper-
Edible antioxidants commonly found in plants are ties) as they interfere with cellular metabolism after
ascorbic acid, tocopherols, carotenoids, and several penetrating into the cell (Marino et al. 2001). Plants
phenolic compounds (Arash et al. 2006) such as have such important biological and pharmacologi-
phenolic acids, flavonoids, and tannins (King and cal activities also due to the triterpene acids that
Young 1999). Phenolic acids, for example caffeic, also exhibit anti-inflammatory, antiviral, cytotoxic,
ferulic, and vanillic acids have been known as natural and cardiovascular effects (e Silva et al. 2012). For
antioxidants widely distributed in the plant kingdom. example Eriope blanchetii produces considerable
Besides, naturally occurring polyphenols whose oxida- amounts of betulinic acid, as well as oleanolic and
tion inhibiting activities have been known for a long ursolic acids which are triterpenoid compounds
time are tannins. Additionally, some studies have that widely occur in nature in free acid form or as
revealed that low amounts of tannins (0.15–0.2%) an aglycone precursor for triterpenoid saponins (Je-
in the diet can be beneficial to human health and sus et al. 2015). One of the most famous Lamiaceae
will create a more astringent feel to the taste, while species rich in ursolic acid is rosemary which was
at higher concentration, they inhibit the digestive the subject of numerous studies. The Sharma and
enzymes and reduce the bioavailability of iron and Bhadange (2013) study showed that basil (Ocimum
vitamin B12 (King-Thom et al. 1998). Most of the gratissimum L. and Ocimum kilimandscharicum
Lamiaceae sources of antioxidants belong to the sub- Baker ex Gürke) and Pogostemon benghalensis Kuntze
family Nepetoideae, including basil, lemon balm, possess antimicrobial activity against bacterial (E.
marjoram, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, etc. They coli, S. aureus, S. typhimurium) and fungal (C. albi-
contain rosmarinic acid and are frequently abundant cans and A. niger) strains. Lemon balm, mint, basil,
in fragrant volatile terpenes (Wink 2003). Moreover, Brazilian boldo (Plectranthus barbatus Andrews),
the extracts of rosemary were the first marketed natu- and rosemary were the subject of the Araújo et
ral antioxidants. In the study of Kaefer and Milner al. (2014) study and they have shown antibacterial
(2008) thyme, sage, rosemary, and marjoram showed activity to Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacte-
the greatest antioxidant capacity among the investi- rial strains (E. faecalis, S. aureus, S. mutans, E. coli,
gated herbs. Albayrak et al. (2013) have shown that K. pneumoniae, and P. aeruginosa).

Czech J. Food Sci., 34, 2016 (5): 377–390 Review

doi: 10.17221/504/2015-CJFS

Table 1. List of most used Lamiaceae species which can be used as a functional food

No. Species Medicinal properties due to biological activity Edible part

1 Acinos arvensis (Lam.) Dandy antimicrobial (Jovanovic et al. 2005) leaves
2 Ajuga reptans L. antibacterial and antitumour (Yildirim et al. 2013 ) leaves and young shoots
anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory (Gonzalez-
Agastache mexicana (Kunth.)
3 Ramirez et al. 2012); vasoactive and antioxidant leaves and flowers
Link. & Epling
(Ibarra-Alvarado et al. 2010)
antioxidant (Sliumpaite et al. 2013); anti-inflamma-
Betonica officinalis (L.) Trevis. tory effect of Stachys species (Háznagy-Radnai et leaves and flowering
syn. Stachys officinalis L. al. 2012); antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antifungal tops
(Háznagy-Radnai et al. 2012)
5 Calamintha officinalis Moench. antidiabetic and antioxidant (Singh et al. 2012) leaves
antibacterial (Stefanovic et al. 2011);
6 Clinopodium vulgare L. leaves
antitumour (Dzhambazov et al. 2002)
activator of adenylyl cyclase (weight-loss)
Coleus forskohlii Briq. syn.
7 (Mohamed 2013); antioxidant (Khatun et al. 2011); leaves, tubers
Plectranthus barbatus Andrews
antibacterial (Araújo et al. 2014)
Dracocephalum heterophyllum
8 antimicrobial and antioxidant (Zhang et al. 2008) roots
antioxidant (Lee et al. 2013); antibacterial,
9 Elsholtzia splendens flowers and leaves
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant (Guo et al. 2012)
carminative, stomachic, and stimulant (Arijit
10 Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. whole plant
& Arpita 2013); antimicrobial, toxicity (Xu et al. 2013)
antioxidant and antihemolytic (Alinezhad et al. 2013);
11 Hyssopus officinalis L. flowers and leaves
antimicrobial (Rota et al. 2004)
anti-bacterial and anti-cancer, for gastrointestinal
12 Isodon japonicas (Burm.) Hara. leaves
disorders (Sun et al. 2006)
antimicrobial (Chipeva et al. 2013); antioxidant
young shoots, leaves,
13 Lamium album L. (Pereira et al. 2012); free radical scavenging
and flowers
(Yalçin et al. 2007)
antimicrobial and free radical scavenging
14 Lamium purpureum L. leaves
(Yalçin et al. 2007)
anti-inflammatory and analgesic (Hajhashemi et al.
leaves, petals, and
15 Lavandula angustifolia Mill. 2003); antimicrobial (Rota et al. 2004);
flowering tips
antioxidant (Blazekovic et al. 2010)
antimicrobial (Antony et al. 2013); antinociceptive,
16 Leucas aspera Willd. antioxidant, and cytotoxic (Rahman et al. 2007); shoots and leaves
hepatoprotective, antioxidant (Banu et al. 2012)
17 Lycopus europaeus L. antimicrobial (Radulovic et al. 2010) roots
antibacterial, antifungal, and cytotoxic (Zarai et al.
2011); anti-diabetic (Boudjelal et al. 2011);
18. Marrubium vulgare L. gastroprotective (Paula de Oliveira et al. 2011); leaves
vermifuge-respiratory-purgative (Joudi et al. 2011);
anti-inflamatory (El Abbouyi et al. 2013)
digestive, tranquiliser, antimicrobial, antioxidant
19 Melissa officinalis L. aerial part
(Sodré et al. 2012); antibacterial (Sarac & Ugur 2007)
analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative,
20 Mentha arvensis L. antimicrobial (Akram et al. 2011); antioxidant leaves
(Ahmad et al. 2012)
antimicrobial, sedative, analgesic, carminative (Saller
21 Mentha x piperita L. 2004); antioxidant (Ahmad et al. 2012; Gonçalves et leaves
al. 2009); antimicrobial (Toroglu 2011)
anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective (Abu-
22 Micromeria fruticosa (L.) Druce aerial part
Gharbieh et al. 2013); antimicrobial (Toroglu 2011)

Review Czech J. Food Sci., 34, 2016 (5): 377–390
doi: 10.17221/504/2015-CJFS

Table 1 to be continued

No. Species Medicinal properties due to biological activity Edible part

antibacterial, antimycotic, and anti-inflammatory
23 Monarda fistulosa L. leaves and flowers
(Zhilyakova et al. 2009)
antioxidant (Naguib et al. 2012); antibacterial,
24 Nepeta cataria L. leaves
antifungal, antioxidant (Formisano et al. 2011)
antibacterial (Carović-Stanko et al. 2010);
25 Ocimum americanum L. antioxidant (Trakoontivakorn et al. 2012); antiviral leaves
(Yucharoen et al. 2011)
antibacterial (Alzoreky & Nakahara 2003; Carović-
Stanko et al. 2010); antioxidant (Trakoontivakorn
26 Ocimum basilicum L. leaves, flowers, and seeds
et al. 2012); antiviral (Carović-Stanko et al. 2010);
antibacterial and antifungal (Rao et al. 2011)
antioxidant (Trakoontivakorn et al. 2012); antiviral
Ocimum tenuiflorum
27 (Yucharoen et al. 2011); antimicrobial and antioxidant leaves and flowers
syn. O. sanctum L.
(Joshi 2013); antibacterial and antifungal (Rao et al. 2011)
antioxidant, antibacterial, expectorant, sedative,
28 Origanum majorana L. leaves
carminative, and stimulant (Chih-Chien et al. 2011)
antioxidant and antimicrobial, against cold, for diges-
tive, and respiratory problems (Licina et al. 2012);
29 Origanum vulgare L. leaves
antimicrobial antioxidant (Dorman & Deans 2004);
antibacterial (Alexopoulos et al. 2011)
antioxidant, induction of perspiration and dispelchills,
30 Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton regulation of stomach function (Hong et al. 2011); leaves, inflorescence
antidepressant (Yi et al. 2013)
anti-inflammatory (Algieri et al. 2013);
31 Phlomis lychnitis L. flowered aerial part
antioxidant (Lopez et al. 2010)
antibacterial and antitumour (Yildirim et al. 2013);
32 Phlomis pungens Willd. antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral (Ozcelik et al. aerial part
2010); antioxidant (Keser et al. 2012)
antibacterial (Sarac and Ugur 2007); antioxidant
33 Prunella vulgaris L. leaves
and anticancer (Hwang et al. 2013)
antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic,
hepatoprotective, anti-diabetic, anti-ulcerogenic,
34 Rosmarinus officinalis L. antidepressant, and antioxidant (Yosr et al. 2013); aerial part
antimicrobial (Rota et al. 2004; Toroglu 2011);
antioxidant (Lagouri and Alexandri 2013)
antioxidant and anticholinesterase (Topcu et al. 2013);
antimicrobial and antioxidant (Giweli et al. 2013);
35 Salvia fruticosa Mill. leaves
antioxidant (Erdogan et al. 2011); antimicrobial
(Askun et al. 2009)
antioxidant (Reyes-Caudillo et al. 2008); prevent car-
36 Salvia hispanica L. diovascular diseases, inflammatory and nervous system seeds
disorders, and diabetes (Munoz et al. 2013)
antimicrobial (Rota et al. 2004); antibacterial, allelo-
pathic, and antioxidant (Bouajaj et al. 2013);
37 Salvia officinalis L. gastroprotective, antidiabetic, anti-obesity, leaves and flowers
anti-inflammatory, antispasmatic, virucidal, fungicidal,
and bactericidal (Jug-Dujaković et al. 2003)
antimicrobial (Rota et al. 2004); antioxidant
38 Salvia sclarea L. leaves and flowers
and antiviral (Ogutcu et al. 2008)
antioxidant (Erdogan et al. 2011; Dincer et al. 2013)
39 Salvia tomentosa Mill. leaves
antimicrobial (Askun et al. 2009)
antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory (Hajhashemi
40 Satureja hortensis L. et al. 2002); antibacterial (Dincer et al. 2013); leaves
antioxidant (Yesiloglu et al. 2013)

Czech J. Food Sci., 34, 2016 (5): 377–390 Review

doi: 10.17221/504/2015-CJFS

Table 1 to be continued

No. Species Medicinal properties due to biological activity Edible part

antimicrobial (Rota et al. 2004); antibacterial (Ne-
dorostova et al. 2011; Sfeir et al. 2013); cytotoxic, leaves and flowered
41 Satureja montana L.
antioxidant, and antimicrobial (Miladi et al. 2013); aerial part
antioxidant and antimicrobial (Cavar et al. 2008)
antioxidant and antiinflamatory (Seok et al. 2016); car-
42 Scutellaria baicalensis leaves
diovascular, kidney, and liver diseases (Lai et al. 2016)
antitumour (Min et al. 1997);
43 Scutellaria indica L. leaves
antioxidant (Kim et al. 2009)
expectorant, pulmonary emphysema, urogenital
diseases, immunostimulant (Ivanova et al. 2005);
44 Sideritis scardica Griseb. leaves, flowers
anti-inflammatory, gastroprotective, and cytotoxic
(Tadic et al. 2012); antioxidant (Koleva et al. 2003)
antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antifungal
45 Stachys byzantina C. Koch. leaves and flowering tops
(Conforti et al. 2009)
antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antifungal
46 Stachys chrisantha Boiss. & Heldr. leaves and flowering tops
(Conforti et al. 2009)
antibacterial (Sarac & Ugur 2007); antimicrobial,
47 Stachys cretica L. antioxidant, antifungal, antiradical, and cytotoxic leaves and flowering tops
(Conforti et al. 2009)
antiinflammatory (Joudi et al. 2011); antimicrobial,
48 Stachys inflata Benth. leaves and flowering tops
antioxidant, and antifungal (Conforti et al. 2009)
antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antifungal (Conforti
49 Stachys laxa Boiss. and Buhse. leaves and flowering tops
et al. 2009); citotoxic (Khanavi et al. 2012)
antibacterial (Eldeen et al. 2005; Djabou et al. 2013);
50 Teucrium chamaedrys L. flowered aerial part
antioxidant (Stankovic et al. 2010)
antibacterial (Eldeen et al. 2005; Djabou et al. 2013);
leaves and flowered
51 Teucrium polium L. antibacterial (Zerroug et al. 2011);
aerial part
antioxidant (D’abrosca et al. 2013)
antioxidant (Yilmaz & Yilmaz 2012);
52 Thymbra spicata L. flowered aerial part
antimicrobial (Markovic et al. 2011)
antibacterial (Nedorostova et al. 2011; Joshi 2013)
antibacterial, antioxidant, antimalarial, and antiprolif-
53 Thymus serpyllum L. leaves
erative (Hussain et al. 2013); antioxidant and antihy-
pertensive (Mihailovic-Stanojevic et al. 2013)
antioxidant (Cerda et al. 2013); antifungal (Sella-
muthu et al. 2013); antimicrobial (Alinezhad et al.
54 Thymus vulgaris L. 2013); antibacterial (Nedorostova et al. 2011; flowered aerial part
Ballester-Costa et al. 2013; Sfeir et al. 2013); antioxi-
dant and antibacterial (Aliakbarlu & Shameli 2013)
antioxidant and antibacterial (Aliakbarlu & Shameli
55 Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. aerial parts
2013); antibacterial (Aghajani et al. 2008)
anti-diarrhea, febrifuge, and pectoral effects
56 Ziziphora tenuior L. (Joudi et al. 2011); antioxidant and antibacterial aerial parts
(Aliakbarlu & Shameli 2013)

Within the aforementioned properties, a com- most of the medicinal and aromatic plants have not
mon need is the availability of natural extracts with yet been exploited for their bioactivities.
preservative action, aimed to avoid oxidation and Lamiaceae as anti-inflammatory agents. Even
spoilage by microorganisms combined with pleasant today many people, foremost in rural areas, depend
taste or odour. Moreover, the scientific verification on herbal medicines to treat inflammation-related
of the biological activity of plants with potential conditions such as rheumatism, muscle swelling,
antimicrobial activities is needed, but unfortunately cut wounds, accidental bone fractures, insect bites,

Review Czech J. Food Sci., 34, 2016 (5): 377–390
doi: 10.17221/504/2015-CJFS

etc. Discovery of natural inflammatory agents and be based on sound scientific evidence. Even if there is
further development of novel dietary supplements evidence that certain functional foods or food ingre-
with anti-inflammatory activities is of considerable dients can play a role in the prevention or treatment
public health relevance, since malnutrition (mod- of illnesses, safety considerations should be in the
ern dietary habit) is linked to inflammation, aging, first place. As it is permitted to make statements on
and other degenerative processes (Charami et al. food labels related to the health benefits of functional
2008). The species of the family Lamiaceae are a great foods, interest in developing such products for the
source of phenolic compounds of multidirectional health and wellness market is growing. However, we
biological activity, including anti-inflammatory one. cannot be certain that all the foods in the market
The main classes of phenolic compounds reported which are labelled as functional truly are. Claims
to be present in the family Lamiaceae are phenolic about the health benefits from functional foods
acids, mainly caffeic and rosmarinic acid and flavo- must be communicated effectively to consumers and
noids. The species of the family Lamiaceae known should be based on scientific criteria including safety
to possess anti-inflammatory activity are Mexican studies. Herbs and spices are normally accepted as
giant hyssop (Agastache mexicana (Kunth.) Link. & safe, at least at concentrations normally present in
Epling.) (Gonzalez-Ramirez et al. 2012), lavender foods. Still, many of such species and their bioac-
(Hajhashemi et al. 2003), rosemary (Yosr et al. tive components are studied for potential disease
2013), sage ( Jug-Dujaković et al. 2012), savory prevention at concentrations which exceed those
(Hajhashemi et al. 2002), and horehound (Mar- usually present in food. It is therefore important to
rubium vulgare L.) (El Abbouyi et al. 2013). identify any potential safety concerns associated with
Lamiaceae and other activity of contained sub- the use of various dosages which range from doses
stances. In addition, the Lamiaceae species are an commonly used for culinary purposes to those used
important source of preventive agents for the treat- for medicinal purposes (Kaefer & Milner 2008).
ment of global health problems. For diabetes Gmelina
arborea Roxb. (Nayak et al. 2013), Marrubium vul-
gare L. (Boudjelal et al. 2011), Salvia hispanica L. CONCLUSION
(Munoz et al. 2013) have proven to be effective, while
Salvia elegans Vahl. (Jimenez et al. 1988), Thymus The intention of this review is to present the re-
capitatus (L.) Hoffmanns & Link (Yvon et al. 2012), ported beneficial effects of Lamiaceae species from
Salvia hispanica L. (Mihailovic-Stanojevic et al. scientific literature. General inspection of the litera-
2013), and Thymus serpyllum L. (Jovanovic et al. ture suggests that these species possess antioxidant,
2005) can be used for hypertension. antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. In
Due to their chemical composition, species of the addition, most of them have been reported to pos-
family Lamiceae indicate a great potential as func- sess several beneficial properties suggesting that
tional foods. Numerous studies have shown their this type of knowledge could affect overall interest
properties that can be relevant to the promotion in Lamiaceae as functional foods and encourage the
of health and the prevention or treatment of some production and consumption of these species. It
diseases. Therefore, the most commonly used spe- could help in addressing specific consumer needs as
cies with a sound scientific basis for the relationship healthy diet is a part of the lifestyle that maintains
between foods and health benefits are summarised or improves overall health. Since the availability of
in Table 1, while the more detailed list of species and this type of food in the market is relatively new, its
their health claims is given in the Suplemmentary popularity depends on publications directed at con-
material. sumer education and development and widespread
use of new and improved functional properties by
the food industry.
Consumer well-being
The Lamiaceae as natural antioxidants, antimi-
crobial, and anti-inflammatory agents are assumed Abu-Gharbieh E., Shehab N.G., Khan S.A. (2013): An-
to be safe. However, the consumption of functional ti-inflammatory and gastroprotective activities of the
foods or food ingredients with health claims should aqueous extract of Micromeria fruticosa (L.) Druce ssp.

Czech J. Food Sci., 34, 2016 (5): 377–390 Review

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Received: 2015–10–23
in hippocampal expression of brain-derived neurotrophic
Accepted after corrections: 2016–06–20

Corresponding author:
Assist Prof Marko Petek, PhD, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Nutrition,
Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; E-mail:

Czech J. Food Sci., 34, 2016 (5): 377–390 Review

doi: 10.17221/504/2015-CJFS

Medicinal Plants of the Family Lamiaceae as Functional Foods

– a Review
Klaudija Carović-Stanko1, Marko Petek2, Martina Grdiša1, Jasna Pintar3,
Dalibor Bedeković3, Mirjana Herak Ćustić2 and Zlatko Satovic1

Department of Seed Science and Technology, 2Department of Plant Nutrition and 3Department
of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

Supplementary Online Material (SOM)

The Lamiaceae species which can be used as a functional food

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Gong H.Y., Ding J.B., Zhu M., Liu H.B., Tian S.G., Ma
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D’Arrigo M., Bisignano G., Saija A., Daquino C., Ruberto
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tions of Algerian Origanum glandulosum Desf. Flavour
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Chishti S., Kaloo Z.A., Sultan P. (2013): Medicinal impor-
94 Origanum onites L. leaves antibacterial,
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Soliman G.A. (2011): Anti-inflammatory antinociceptive
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vitro testing of antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal effects
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Alimentaria, 39: 119–125.
Phlomis bourgaei Sarikurkcu C., Ozer M.S., Cakir A., Eskici M., Mete E.
97 leaves
Boiss. (2013): GC/MS evaluation and in vitro antioxidant activ-
ity of essential oil and solvent extracts of an endemic
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usage in folkloric medicine of some Lamiaceae species
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98 Phlomis fruticosa L. leaves Limem-Ben Amor I., Boubaker J., Ben Sgaier M.,
Skandrani I., Bhouri W., Neffati A., Kilani S., Bouhlel I.,
Ghedira K., Chekir-Ghedira L. (2009): Phytochemistry
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Olennikov D.N., Dudareva L.V., Tankhaeva L.M. (2010):
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99 Phlomis tuberosa L. antimicrobial
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Compounds, 46: 316–318.
Algieri F., Zorrilla P., Rodriguez-Nogales A., Garrido-Mesa
N., Banuelos O., Gonzalez-Tejero M.R., Casares-Porcel M.,
Molero-Mesa J., Zarzuelo A., Utrilla M.P. (2013): Intesti-
100 Phlomis purpurea L. flowers anti-inflammatory nal anti-inflammatory activity of hydroalcoholic extracts
of Phlomis purpurea L. and Phlomis lychnitis L. in the
trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid model of rat colitis. Journal
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Pegu R., Gogoi J., Tamuli A.K., Teron R. (2013): Ethno-
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Don. and leaves
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Sharma S.M., Bhadange D.G. (2013): Antimicrobial po-
102 leaves antimicrobial tential of Lamiaceae members. International Journal
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usage in folkloric medicine of some Lamiaceae species
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103 Salvia argentea L. basal leaves Orhan I.E., Senol F.S., Ercetin T., Kahraman A., Celep F.,
Akaydin G., Sener B., Dogan M. (2013): Assessment of
anticholinesterase and antioxidant properties of selected
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noid contents. Industrial Crops and Products, 41: 21–30.
Xiang C., Li F., Zhang L.D., Li B.C., He J., Qin Y., Wan
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104 Salvia castanea Diels antioxidant
and leaves scavengers from Salvia plants by HPLC. Analytical Let-
ters, 47: 1–13.
Guerrero I.C., Andres L.S., Leon L.G., Machin R.P.,
Padron J.M., Luis J.G., Delgadillo J. (2006): Abietane
Salvia clevelandii
105 leaves cytotoxic diterpenoids from Salvia pachyphylla and S. clevelandii
(A. Gray.) Greene.
with cytotoxic activity against human cancer cell lines.
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Esquivel B., Sanchez A.A., Vergara F., Matus W., Her-
nandez-Ortega S., Ramirez-Apan M.T. (2005): Abietane
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106 cytotoxic
Benth. and nutlets species (Labiatae) chemical diversity, phytogeographical
significance and cytotoxic activity. Chemistry & Biodi-
versity, 2: 738–747.
Jimenez-Ferrer E., Badillo F.H., Gonzalez-Cortazar M.,
Tortoriello J., Herrera-Ruiz M. (2010): Antihypertensive
antihypertensive activity of Salvia elegans Vahl. (Lamiaceae): ACE inhibi-
tion and angiotensin II antagonism. Journal of Ethno-
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Veliz G., Viana G.S.B., Tortoriello J., Ramirez G. (2006):
antidepressant Antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of hydroalcoholic
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ogy, 107: 53–58.

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anticholinesterase and antioxidant properties of selected
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sage (Salvia) species with their total phenol and flavo-
noid contents. Industrial Crops and Products, 41: 21–30.
108 Salvia glutinosa L. leaves Velickovic D.T., Randjelovic N.V., Ristic M.S.,
Smelcerovic A.A., Velickovic A.S. (2002): Chemical com-
position and antimicrobial action of the ethanol extracts
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to biological activity
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vitro antimicrobial activity of essential oils from aromatic
plants against selected foodborne pathogens. Journal of
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Salvia lavandulifolia flowered
109 Porres-Martinez M., Gonzalez-Burgos E., Accame
Vahl. aerial part
M.E.C., Gomez-Serranillos M.P. (2013): Phytochemical
composition. antioxidant and cytoprotective activities of
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Ogutcu H., Sokmen A., Sokmen M., Polissiou M.,
Serkedjieva J., Daferera D., Sahin F., Baris O., Gulluce M.
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C.A. Meyer and seed and antiviral
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Turkish Journal of Biology, 32: 181–192.
Amirghofran Z., Zand F., Javidnia K., Miri R. (2010): The
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Boiss. mor cells an in vitro study. Iranian Red Crescent Medical
Journal, 12: 260–265.
Firuzi O., Javidnia K., Gholami M., Soltani M., Miri R.
(2010): Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of
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Orhan I.E., Senol F.S., Ercetin T., Kahraman A., Celep F.,
Akaydin G., Sener B., Dogan M. (2013): Assessment of
Salvia multicaulis anticholinesterase
112 leaves anticholinesterase and antioxidant properties of selected
Vahl. and antioxidant
sage (Salvia) species with their total phenol and flavo-
noid contents. Industrial Crops and Products, 41: 21–30.

Mojtaba T., Reza G.H., Borzo S., Shiva N., Esmaeil S.

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Erdogan S.S., Karik U., Baser K.H.C. (2011): The deter-
mination of total phenolics and flavonoid contents and
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113 Salvia pomifera L. leaves antioxidant
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Kucekova Z., Mlcek J., Humpolicek P., Rop O. (2013):
Edible flowers - antioxidant activity and impact on
cell viability. Central European Journal of Biology, 8:
Malencic D., Gasic O., Popovic M., Boza P. (2000):
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Hornem. Phytotherapy Research, 14: 546–548.
Adewusi E.A., Moodley N., Steenkamp V. (2011): Anti-
antioxidant oxidant and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of se-
116 Salvia tiliifolia Vahl. seed
and acetylcholinesterase lected southern African medicinal plants. South African
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Medicinal properties due

No. Species Edible part References
to biological activity
Sarac N., Ugur A. (2007): Antimicrobial activities and
leaves usage in folkloric medicine of some Lamiaceae species
117 Salvia verbenaca L. antibacterial
and flowers growing in Mugla, Turkey. EurAsian Journal of BioSci-
ences, 4: 28–37.
Erdemoglu N., Turan N.N., Cakõc I., Sener B., Aydõn A.
antioxidant (2006): Antioxidant activities of some Lamiaceae plant
leaves extracts. Phytotherapy Research, 20: 9–13.
118 Salvia viridis L.
and seed Digrak M., Alma M.H., Ilcim A. (2011): Antibacterial
and antifungal activities of Turkish medicinal plants.
and antifungal
Pharmaceutical Biology, 39: 346–350.

Satureja intricata flowered Jordan M.J., Sanchez-Gomez P., Jimenez J.F., Quilez
119 antioxidant
Lange aerial part M., Sotomayor J.A. (2010): Chemical composition and
antiradical activity of the essential oil from Satureja
flowered intricata, S. obovata and their hybrid Satureja × delpozoi.
120 Satureja obovata Lag, antioxidant
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Sariboga B., Sariboga N. (2011): Antimicrobial activity

antimicrobial of various extracts of Satureja spicigera. Asian Journal of
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Satureja spicigera Eminagaoglu O., Tepe B., Yumrutas O., Akpulat H.A.,
121 leaves
(K. Koch.) Boiss. Daferera D., Polissiou M., Sokmen A. (2007): The in vitro
antioxidant antioxidative properties of the essential oils and metha-
nol extracts of Satureja spicigera (K. Koch.) Boiss. and
Satureja cuneifolia Ten. Food Chemistry, 100: 339–343.
Cavar S., Maksimovic M., Solic M.E., Jerkovic-Mujkic A.,
Satureja subspicata antioxidant Besta R. (2008): Chemical composition and antioxidant
122 aerial part
Bartl. ex Vis, and antimicrobial and antimicrobial activity of two Satureja essential oils.
Food Chemistry, 111: 648–653.
Ozturk M. (2012): Anticholinesterase and antioxidant
anticholinesterase activities of Savoury (Satureja thymbra L.) with identi-
and antioxidant fied major terpenes of the essential oil. Food Chemistry,
134: 48–54.
Giweli A., Dzamic A.M., Sokovic M., Ristic M.S., Marin
antimicrobial P.D. (2012): Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of
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123 Satureja thymbra L. leaves Molecules, 17: 4836–4850.
Markovic T., Chatzopoulou P., Siljegovic J., Nikolic M.,
Glamoclija J., Ciric A., Sokovic M. (2011): Chemical
analysis and antimicrobial activities of the essential oils
of Satureja thymbra L. and Thymbra spicata L. and their
main components. Archives of Biological Sciences, 63:
Salini S., Chubicka T., Sasidharan N., Sindhu E.R., Babu
Scutellaria violacea cytotoxic T.D. (2013): Cytotoxic and antioxidant properties of
124 leaves
Heyne ex. Benth. and antioxidant selected Scutellaria species from the Western Ghats of
Peninsular India. Pharmaceutical Biology, 51: 152–159.

Huerga V., Sahagun A., Diez R., Diez M.J., Villaescusa L.,
flowered Martin M.T., Zaragoza F., Sierra M. (2011): Determina-
125 Sideritis hyssopifolia L. antioxidant
aerial part tion of the antioxidant activity of Sideritis Hyssopifolia.
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 109: 49–49.
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Medicinal properties due

No. Species Edible part References
to biological activity
Erdogan S.S., Karik U., Baser K.H.C. (2011): The deter-
mination of total phenolics and flavonoid contents and
antioxidant activity of some sage populations of Salvia
fruticosa Mill, Salvia pomifera Mill. and Salvia tomento-
sa Mill. in the Marmara region of Turkey. Planta Medica,
Sideritis leptoclada 77: 1319–1319.
126 leaves
O. Schwarz & P.H.
Ayar-Kayali H., Urek R.O., Nakiboglu M., Tarhan L.
(2009): Antioxidant activities of endemic Sideritis lep-
antioxidant toclada and Mentha dumetorum aqueous extracts used
in Turkey folk medicine. Journal of Food Processing and
Preservation 33: 285–295.
Bas E., Recio M.C., Giner R.M., Manez S., Cerda-Nicolas
Sideritis tragoriganum flowered M., Rios J.L. (2006): Anti-inflammatory activity of 5-O-
127 anti-inflammatory
Lag. aerial parts demethylnobiletin a polymethoxyflavone isolated from
Sideritis tragoriganum. Planta Medica, 72: 136–142.

Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,

Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
leaves chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
128 Stachys affinis Bunge antioxidant,
and tubers toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
and antifungal
from different regions of the Mediterranean Area. Food
Chemistry, 116: 898–905.
Sarac N., Ugur A. (2007): Antimicrobial activities and
usage in folkloric medicine of some Lamiaceae species
leaves growing in Mugla, Turkey. EurAsian Journal of BioSci-
Stachys albiflora ences, 4: 28–37.
129 and flowering
tops antimicrobial, Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,
antioxidant, Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
and antifungal chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
antimicrobial, toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
antioxidant, from different regions of the Mediterranean Area. Food
leaves and antifungal Chemistry, 116: 898–905.
130 Stachys alpine L. and flowering Háznagy-Radnai E., Balogh Á., Czigle S., Máthé I.,
tops antiinflammatory Hohmann J., Blazsó G. (2012): Antiinflammatory activi-
effect of Stachys species ties of Hungarian Stachys species and their iridoids.
Phytotherapy Research, 26: 505–509.
Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,
Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
and antifungal
from different regions ofthe Mediterranean Area. Food
Chemistry, 116: 898–905.
leaves Háznagy-Radnai E., Balogh Á., Czigle S., Máthé I.,
131 Stachys annua L. and flowering Hohmann J., Blazsó G. (2012): Antiinflammatory activi-
tops antiinflammatory
ties of Hungarian Stachys species and their iridoids.
Phytotherapy Research, 26: 505–509.
Yildirim A.B., Karakas F.P., Turker A.U. (2013): In vitro
antibacterial antibacterial and antitumor activities of some medicinal
and antitumor plant extracts growing in Turkey. Asian Pacific Journal of
Tropical Medicine, 6: 616–624.
Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,
Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
leaves antimicrobial,
Stachys beckeana chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
132 and flowering antioxidant,
Dörfler & Hayek toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
tops and antifungal
from different regions of the Mediterranean Area. Food
Chemistry, 116: 898–905.
Czech J. Food Sci., 34, 2016 (5): 377–390 Review

doi: 10.17221/504/2015-CJFS

Medicinal properties due

No. Species Edible part References
to biological activity
Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,
Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
leaves antimicrobial,
Stachys chrisantha chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
133 and flowering antioxidant,
Boiss. & Heldr. toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
tops and antifungal
from different regions of the Mediterranean Area. Food
Chemistry, 116: 898–905.

Sarac N., Ugur A. (2007): Antimicrobial activities and

usage in folkloric medicine of some Lamiaceae species
leaves growing in Mugla, Turkey. EurAsian Journal of BioSci-
134 Stachys cretica L. and flowering ences, 4: 28–37.
tops antimicrobial, antioxidant, Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,
antifungal, antiradical, Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
and cytotoxic chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
antimicrobial, antioxidant, toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
antifungal, antiprolifera- from different regions of the Mediterranean Area. Food
leaves tive, cytotoxic Chemistry, 116: 898–905.
135 Stachys germanica L. and flowering Háznagy-Radnai E., Balogh Á., Czigle S., Máthé I.,
tops Hohmann J., Blazsó G. (2012): Antiinflammatory activi-
ties of Hungarian Stachys species and their iridoids.
Phytotherapy Research, 26: 505–509.
Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,
Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
leaves antioxidant,
Stachys hydrophila chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
136 and flowering antifungal,
Boiss. toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
tops antiradical,
from different regions of the Mediterranean Area. Food
and cytotoxic
Chemistry, 116: 898–905.
Joudi L., Bibalani G.H., Shadkami H. (2011): Exploration
of medicinal species of Lamiaceae family in Ilkhji and
Sharafaldin regions of East Azarbaijan in Iran. Current
Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 3: 385–387.
Stachys lavandifolia Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,
137 and flowering
Vahl. Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
tops antimicrobial,
chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
and antifungal
from different regions of the Mediterranean Area. Food
Chemistry, 116: 898–905.
Sarac N., Ugur A. (2007): Antimicrobial activities and
usage in folkloric medicine of some Lamiaceae species
growing in Mugla, Turkey. EurAsian Journal of BioSci-
ences, 4: 28–37.
Stachys leptoclada Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,
138 and flowering
Briq. Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
tops antimicrobial,
chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
and antifungal
from different regions of the Mediterranean Area. Food
Chemistry, 116: 898–905.

Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,

antimicrobial, Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
antioxidant, chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
139 Stachys nivea Labill. and flowering
antifungal, toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
and cytotoxic from different regions of the Mediterranean Area. Food
Chemistry, 116: 898–905.
Review Czech J. Food Sci., 34, 2016 (5): 377–390
doi: 10.17221/504/2015-CJFS

Medicinal properties due

No. Species Edible part References
to biological activity
Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,
Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
from different regions of the Mediterranean Area. Food
leaves, tubers, and cytotoxic
140 Stachys palustris L. Chemistry, 116: 898–905.
and seed
Háznagy-Radnai E., Balogh Á., Czigle S., Máthé I.,
Hohmann J., Blazsó G. (2012): Antiinflammatory activi-
ties of Hungarian Stachys species and their iridoids.
Phytotherapy Research, 26: 505–509.

Joudi L., Bibalani G.H., Shadkami H. (2011): Exploration

of medicinal species of Lamiaceae family in Ilkhji and
leaves Sharafaldin Regions of East Azarbaijan in Iran. Current
141 Stachys persica Gmel. and flowering Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 3: 385–387.
tops antimicrobial, Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,
antioxidant, Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
and antifungal chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
leaves antimicrobial, toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
142 Stachys plumosa L. and flowering antioxidant, from different regions of the Mediterranean area. Food
tops and antifungal Chemistry, 116: 898–905.

Stachys pseudopinardii leaves Dulger G., Aki C. (2009): Antimicrobial activity of the
143 R. Bhattacharjee & and flowering antimicrobial leaves of endemic Stachys pseudopinardii in Turkey.
Hub.-Mor. tops Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 8: 371–375.

Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,

Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
leaves and antifungal
from different regions of the Mediterranean area. Food
144 Stachys recta L. and flowering Chemistry, 116: 898–905.
Háznagy-Radnai E., Balogh Á., Czigle S., Máthé I.,
Hohmann J., Blazsó G. (2012): Antiinflammatory activi-
ties of Hungarian Stachys species and their iridoids.
Phytotherapy Research, 26: 505–509.
Stachys scardica leaves and antimicrobial, antioxidant,
145 Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,
Griseb. flowering tops and antifungal
Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
leaves antimicrobial, chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
146 Stachys spinosa L. and flowering antioxidant,antifungal, toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
tops and cytotoxic from different regions of the Mediterranean Area. Food
antimicrobial, antioxidant, Chemistry, 116: 898–905.
and antifungal
Stachys subaphylla Khanavi M., Manayi A., Lotfi M., Abbasi R., Majdzadeh
147 and flowering
Rech. F. M., Ostad S.N. (2012): Investigation of citotoxic activity
tops citotoxic
in four Stachys species from Iran. Iranian Journal of
Pharmaceutical Research, 11: 589–593.

Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,

Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
leaves antimicrobial,
chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
148 Stachys sylvatica L. and flowering antioxidant,
toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
tops and antifungal
from different regions of the Mediterranean Area. Food
Chemistry, 116: 898–905.
Czech J. Food Sci., 34, 2016 (5): 377–390 Review

doi: 10.17221/504/2015-CJFS

Medicinal properties due

No. Species Edible part References
to biological activity
Conforti F., Menichini F., Formisano C., Rigano D.,
Senatore F., Arnold N.A., Piozzi F. (2009): Comparative
chemical composition free radical-scavenging and cyto-
toxic properties of essential oils of six Stachys species
leaves and antifungal
Stachys trinervis from different regions of the Mediterranean Area. Food
149 and flowering Chemistry, 116: 898–905.
Aitch. and Hemsl.
Khanavi M., Manayi A., Lotfi M., Abbasi R., Majdzadeh
M., Ostad S.N. (2012): Investigation of citotoxic activity
in four Stachys species from Iran. Iranian Journal of
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