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The Portrayal of The Connection Between Anti-

Militarism and Anti- Capitalism In the Movie

"Oppenheimer" by Christopher Nolan
Diah Alifionna Arianingtyas (LB61)


This essay explores the intersection of anti-militarism and anti-capitalism in the

film "Oppenheimer" (2023), directed by Christopher Nolan. The analysis is
grounded in the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, a key figure in the development
of the atomic bomb during World War II. The research aims to examine the
portrayal of the connection between these ideologies in the film, assess the
subtlety or explicitness of their depiction, and investigate the underlying message
conveyed by the film. Drawing on a theoretical framework that includes the
biography "American Prometheus" and relevant journal articles on anti-
capitalism, the essay reveals Oppenheimer's role as a tragic hero victimized by
political power-play and the capitalist structure of the U.S. government and
military. The film's subtle yet explicit portrayal of the anti-capitalism and anti-
militarism connection is analyzed through historical context, showcasing the
symbiotic relationship between capitalism and the military-industrial complex.
The overall message of the movie is identified as fundamentally anti-war, with
an additional layer of criticism towards the American model where capitalism
and the military collaborate, posing a grave threat to humanity. In essence,
"Oppenheimer" (2023) serves as a thought-provoking exploration of the intricate
web between anti-militarism, anti-capitalism, and their consequences in shaping
historical events, urging audiences to reflect on the ethical implications of
military and capitalist collaborations in global power structures.
Project in Language and Linguistics
English Department
Bina Nusantara University

I. Introduction

Literature is considered as a form of art for many reasons. One of those reasons is that
literature, like other artforms, provides insights on an individual author or a large group of
people about their culture, morals, values, and many more. One of the things that literature
gives insight other than the one mentioned previously, is that literature gives us commentary
on many aspects of humanity and society. The commentary that is provided by the authors
can range from praise, discourse, messages, ideas, and criticism as a reflection of human lives
and society itself.

As time went on, new forms of literature emerged. From prose and poems to films and
graphic novels, all sorts of artistic innovations has been created and will be created as long
humanity and society continues to evolve. One such piece of literature that will be discussed
in this paper is film. Film as literature does not only contain stories of fiction and
occasionally, non-fiction. It also contains audio and visuals to enhance the experience of this
artform. A particular film that will be discussed in this essay is Oppenheimer (2023) directed
by Christopher Nolan.

The author’s reasoning for choosing this topic is because the author believes this movie
contains the ideologies of Anti-militarism and Anti-Capitalism. The Author also believes this
movie portrays the connection between the ideologies. Thus, making it significant aspect to
explore in Oppenheimer (2023). The film is adapted from the biography "American
Prometheus," anchoring itself in the historical backdrop of J. Robert Oppenheimer's life.
Oppenheimer played a crucial role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War
II and later became intricately involved in the complexities of the Cold War era. The
selection of this subject matter aligns with the film's historical framework, particularly
focusing on Oppenheimer's pivotal role in the creation of the atomic bomb. The research
explores the film's portrayal of anti-military and anti-capitalism ideologies, providing a
nuanced examination of how the movie navigates the ethical and ideological dimensions
inherent in the historical narrative it aims to portray.

The author writes this essay with three aims in mind. First, Examine the Connection
Between Anti-Military and Anti-Capitalism Ideologies and How its portrayed in
Oppenheimer (2023). Second, evaluate the subtlety or explicitness of the film's depiction of
anti-military and anti-capitalism ideologies. And analyze the methods employed by the
filmmakers to convey these ideologies, whether through symbolism, dialogue. And third, to
Investigate the underlying message that the film intends to communicate through its portrayal
of anti-military and anti-capitalism ideologies. And identify any nuances or specific
perspectives that the film emphasizes in relation to these ideologies. For the author to reach
this aim, they have created a research question that will be the center of this essay, these
questions are: firstly, how does the film portray the connection between the ideology of Anti-
military and Anti capitalism. Secondly, how subtle is the portrayal of
the Anti-military and Anti capitalism ideology in the film. Lastly, what message is the film
tries to convey with its portrayal of Anti-military and Anti-Capitalism ideology.

II. Theoretical Framework

This essay centers around the film "Oppenheimer" (2023), directed by Christopher Nolan,
and the source material it drew from, namely the biography "American Prometheus: The
Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer" by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin. Its
purpose is to elucidate the parallels between Oppenheimer the scientist and Oppenheimer the
movie. Additionally, another foundational text for this paper is "Anti-capitalism: The
Beginner’s Guide" by Simon Torney, serving to expound upon the theoretical framework of
the anti-capitalism ideology.

In addition to these books, a relevant journal article in this essay is "Capitalism and the
‘military-industrial complex’: The Obstacles to ‘Conversion’" by Michael Reich and David
Finkelhor. This source contributes valuable insights into the challenges associated with the
intersection of capitalism and the military-industrial complex. Another supporting source is
"Oppenheimer’s Dilemma: A Marxian Examination of Power Dynamics and Ethical
Justifications in Nolan’s Oppenheimer" by Dr. S. Z. Abbas, providing alternative
perspectives for the analysis of Oppenheimer (2023).

The portrayal of the connection between anti-capitalism and anti-militarism in the

Oppenheimer movie reflects how both ideologies are also connected in real life. Before
discussing the connection on both ideologies, it is important to know what each ideology
represents. Anti-militarism can be best defined as an ideology that opposes wars due to
imperialism. While, anti-capitalism is an ideology that opposes capitalism, which is an
ideology that has changed from then and now. but in short, capitalism is considered as an
economic and political system or ideology for individuals in which a country's trade and
industry are controlled by private owners for profit. (Sormey,2004)

The connection between anti-militarism and anti-capitalism happens because capitalism and
the military are also connected. While the connection between these things are more nuanced
than it seemed. However, due to the historical context where the events of both the real life
and the movie versions of Oppenheimer transpired, which is in the US, the connection
between capitalism and the military are a factual thing. During WWII, all the top US
corporations that focused on the military sector gained a massive increase. The increase is so
influential that US corporations that rely on the civilian market are racing for a place in the
military market during and after the cold war and even in current times (Reich & Finkelhor,
1970, P6, ). Due to this, The Connection between anti-militarism and anti-capitalism are
naturally connected. The author theorized that since the connection exists in real life, the
portrayal of this connection must exist in the movie in some kind of form.

III. Summary of The Movie

a 22-year-old doctoral student named J. Robert Oppenheimer faces anxiety and

homesickness In 1926while studying experimental physics under Patrick Blackett at
the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge. Displeased with Blackett's
behavior, Oppenheimer initially considers poisoning him but reconsiders. Meanwhile,
a visiting scientist Niels Bohr meets Oppenheimer and advises him to explore
theoretical physics at the University of Göttingen as an alternative.

Oppenheimer successfully earns his PhD and encounters fellow scientist Isidor Isaac
Rabi. Later, he meets theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg in Switzerland. With
the aim of advancing quantum physics research in the United States, Oppenheimer
takes up teaching roles at the University of California, Berkeley, and the California
Institute of Technology. He ties the knot with Katherine Puening, a biologist and
former communist, and engages in an intermittent relationship with Jean Tatlock, a
troubled communist who tragically dies in a suicide.

In December 1938, nuclear fission was discovered, leading Oppenheimer to

recognize its potential for weaponization. During World War II in 1942, U.S. Army
Colonel Leslie Groves recruits Oppenheimer to serve as the director of the Manhattan
Project, aimed at developing an atomic bomb. Oppenheimer, being of Jewish heritage,
is particularly concerned about the possibility of the German nuclear research
program, led by Heisenberg, producing a fission bomb for the Nazis.

He forms a scientific team at the Los Alamos Laboratory, including Rabi, Hans
Bethe, and Edward Teller, and collaborates with Enrico Fermi, Leo Szilard, and
David L. Hill at the University of Chicago. Teller's calculations suggest that an atomic
detonation could lead to a catastrophic chain reaction, potentially igniting the
atmosphere and causing global destruction. After consulting with Albert Einstein,
Oppenheimer deems the risk acceptable. Teller, disappointed by the rejection of his
hydrogen bomb proposal, contemplates leaving the project, but Oppenheimer
convinces him to stay.

Following Adolf Hitler's death in 1945, some of the Project’s scientists question the
bomb's necessity through the Szilárd petition. Oppenheimer believes it could bring
about the conclusion of the ongoing Pacific War and save lives. The successful
Trinity test prompts President Harry S. Truman to order the atomic bombings of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, leading to Japan's surrender. Despite receiving public
acclaim, Oppenheimer is haunted by the extensive destruction and loss of life. In a
meeting with Truman, Oppenheimer expresses his personal guilt, and Truman
criticizes him, assuming responsibility for the decision to use the bomb. Oppenheimer
advocates for restricting further nuclear weapons development, but Truman dismisses
his suggestion.

Serving as an advisor to the United States Atomic Energy Commission (AEC),

Oppenheimer's position becomes a source of controversy. Meanwhile, Teller's
hydrogen bomb gains renewed attention in the escalating Cold War. AEC Chairman
Lewis Strauss harbors resentment towards Oppenheimer for publicly embarrassing
him by dismissing his concerns about exporting radioisotopes. Additionally,
Oppenheimer's recommendation for negotiations with the Soviet Union after their
successful nuclear test further strains their relationship. Strauss also feels slighted
from an incident in 1947 where he believes Oppenheimer spoke disparagingly about
him during a conversation with Einstein.

In 1954, seeking to diminish Oppenheimer's political influence, Strauss orchestrates

a private security hearing before a Personnel Security Board regarding Oppenheimer's
Q clearance. However, it becomes evident that the hearing is biased with a
predetermined outcome. Oppenheimer's past communist associations are exploited,
and testimonies from Groves and other associates are twisted against him.
Teller testifies, expressing a lack of confidence in Oppenheimer and recommending
the revocation of his clearance. As a result, the board decides to revoke
Oppenheimer's clearance, causing damage to his public image and significantly
restricting his influence on nuclear policy. In 1959, during Strauss' Senate
confirmation hearing for the position of Secretary of Commerce, Hill provides
testimony highlighting Strauss' personal motives in orchestrating Oppenheimer's
downfall, leading the Senate to reject Strauss' nomination.

In 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson awards Oppenheimer the Enrico Fermi

Award as a symbolic gesture of political rehabilitation. In a flashback, it is revealed
that Oppenheimer and Einstein's 1947 conversation did not involve any mention of
Strauss. Instead, Oppenheimer expressed his belief that they had set in motion a chain
reaction—a nuclear arms race—that could ultimately lead to the destruction of the

IV. Data Collection and Processing

The data for this essay is collected by watching the movie and reading the transcripts.
Then, said data is going to be analyzed and internalized by the author. By analyzing and
internalizing the data, the author can decide to interpret the story through the view of
Anti-military and Anti-Capitalism. And compile the necessary contents that contains any
portrayal of the connection between Anti-Military and Anti-Capitalism. Whether it’s
symbolism, imagery, etc.

V. Results
The results of analyzing the movie Oppenheimer (2023) from the author is that all three
research questions that was stated earlier were able to be answered. The following
sections will analyze these questions and answer them in depth

a. How Oppenheimer (2023) Portrays The Connection Between The Ideology of

Anti-militarism and Anti- capitalism.

“ Oppenheimer” (2023) is a biopic movie about the creator of the atom bomb, Robert. J.
Oppenheimer. The movie is primary told through the point of view of Oppenheimer, with
some characters such as Lewis Strauss. However, Oppenheimer’s point of view contains
many portrayals of the connection between anti-militarism and anti-capitalism.

Throughout the movie, in Oppenheimer’s point of view there are many hardships the
physicist came to face from not only the guilt of developing the bomb as Hiroshima and
Nagasaki suffers from one of the largest humanitarian crises in WWII but also from the
US Government. The hardship that he came to face to face is that the Government
exploited his skill, knowledge, and optimism to end the war. And after the events of the
Hiroshima-Nagasaki bombing his guilt and personal ethics caused him to quit the
development of the Hydrogen bomb project is faced with such adversity from the
government that it is impossible for him to not surrender and accept the loss. Abbas
(2023) notes that, Nolan’s portrayal of Oppenheimer in the movie is akin to a tragic hero
becoming victim to the the political power-play and the capitalist structure of the US
Government and it’s military. This portrayal of Oppenheimer as a victim of being
wronged by capitalist and war hungry US government is a strong portrayal of anti-
capitalism and anti-militarism and how those two ideologies are connected in this movie.
b. The Subtle Portrayal of the connection between anti-capitalism and anti-
militarism in Oppenheimer (2023)

The movie "Oppenheimer" (2023) conveys its messages, ideas, and critiques of
capitalism and the U.S. military not through explicit portrayal but rather implicitly
throughout the film. Although the movies never convey these messages in explicit
detail, The movie’s implicit messaging is can be best described as loud and clear.
From the fire and explosives imagery to the booming sound playing in intervals
through out the film, and finally through the portrayal of characters on-screen. In
other words, the film’s messaging was never subtle.

As opposed to the film’s implicit critique of capitalism, The US government, and its
depiction of anti-militarism that was never subtle, Oppenheimer’s anti-capitalism
portrayal can be considered as the opposite. This is due to the fact for some audiences
that aren’t familiar with US history or politics, thus causing these messages to fly over
some audience’s heads. The portrayal of anti-capitalism can be considered subjective
due to the requirement of the audience knowing about the “The capitalist US military

As previously mentioned in the essay, during World War II US companies that

benefits the military such as iron, ships, weaponry, etc, gained an increase in their
profits significantly. This increase attracted many buyers in the defense sector
companies even companies that are marketed to civilians tries to enter the military
market During the cold war, many companies are marketed to the US Defense sectors
are bought by marketing firms. This phenomenon conveys the symbiotic relationship
between capitalism and the military (Reich & Finkelhor, 1970, P6-P10). This
phenomenon still happens to this day with recent examples such as US oil company
making profits from the gulf war with the assistance of the US Military making
military bases as a form of ’soft invasion’ (Gansbeke, et al, 2002).

This piece of real-life historical context is what connects other aspects from the
movie to create a subtle portrayal of anti-capitalism. These combined with one of the
scenes where Oppenheimer resigns from the hydrogen bomb project, and then he got
accused and interrogated by the government of being a mole. The government did this
because if the physicist had resigned they will lose investors putting money on the
project as they are on a nuclear weapons race against the soviets.

C. The Message Oppenheimer (2023) Tries to Convey through Its Portrayal of

Anti-Capitalism and Anti-Militarism

At its core, Oppenheimer (2023) is an anti-war movie. The ending of the movie
conveys the message of the whole movie on how the nuclear arms race will be the
bane of humanity as the imagery of missiles flying to the sky and the earth is covered
in flames. The message is a rather pessimistic, nihilist outlook on the past, current,
and future on how we, especially Governments with access to nuclear power, will
misuse it at the expense of many for the sake of few.

However, through the lens of anti-capitalism and anti-militarism, the message of the
movie gains another layer. With the additional real-life context, viewing the movie
through these lenses, we gain another insight on the message of the movie. The movie
can be interpreted as a criticism to the US and the industrial military complex. The
criticism is that the model of capitalism with the US military hand in hand is a
harmful model that harms the majority. In short, the movie’s message can be
summarized as ‘The current American model of military being propped up by
capitalism is a dangerous model that can harm many, if these trend continues it will
become humanity’s bane of existence.’

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, the analysis of the movie Oppenheimer (2023) reveals a profound

exploration of the connection between anti-militarism and anti-capitalism. The film,
primarily told from the perspective of Robert J. Oppenheimer, portrays his struggles
and ethical dilemmas in the development of the atom bomb during World War II. The
examination of three key research questions provides a comprehensive understanding
of the film's underlying themes.
Firstly, Oppenheimer's portrayal as a tragic hero victimized by political power-play
and the capitalist structure of the U.S. government and military strongly aligns with
anti-capitalism and anti-militarism. The exploitation of his skills and knowledge,
coupled with personal ethics leading him to abandon the Hydrogen bomb project,
underscores the film's critique of the detrimental consequences of the military-
industrial complex.

Secondly, the subtle yet explicit portrayal of the connection between anti-capitalism
and anti-militarism is evident throughout the film. While anti-militarism is depicted
prominently through visuals, sounds, and character portrayals, anti-capitalism requires
a nuanced understanding of historical context. The symbiotic relationship between
capitalism and the military, exemplified by companies profiting from wars and
conflicts, adds depth to the film's implicit critique of the capitalist U.S. military

Finally, the overall message conveyed by "Oppenheimer" (2023) is fundamentally

anti-war, presenting a pessimistic outlook on the misuse of nuclear power by
governments. However, when viewed through the lenses of anti-capitalism and anti-
militarism, the movie's message gains an additional layer. It becomes a criticism of
the American model where capitalism and the military-industrial complex work hand
in hand, posing a grave threat to humanity. The film's central message warns against
the dangers of continuing the current trend, asserting that the intertwining of
capitalism and militarism may become humanity's existential peril.

In essence, "Oppenheimer" (2023) serves as a thought-provoking exploration of the

intricate web between anti-militarism, anti-capitalism, and the dire consequences of
their interplay in shaping historical events. Through Oppenheimer's narrative, the film
prompts audiences to reflect on the ethical implications of military and capitalist
collaborations and raises pertinent questions about the trajectory of global power
- Tormey, S.. (2013). Anti-Capitalism: A Beginner's Guide
- Bird K. & Sherwin M. J. (2006). American prometheus : the triumph and tragedy
of j. robert oppenheimer (First Vintage books). Vintage Books.
- Reich, M. & Finkelhor, D.. (1970). Capitalism and the “military-industrial
complex“: The obstacles to “conversion”. Review of Radical Political Economics.
2. 1-25. 10.1177/048661347000200402.
- Abbas, S. Z. (2023). Oppenheimer’s dilemma: A Marxian examination of power
dynamics and ethical justifications in Nolan’s oppenheimer. International Journal
of Literature Studies, 3(3), 09–18.
- Frank Van Gansbeke, V. T., Victor, D. G., & Greg Wright, A. C. (2016, July 28).
The Persian Gulf: Understanding the american oil strategy. Brookings.
- Diaz-Maurin, F. (2023, August 16). “oppenheimer”, the bomb, and arms control,
then and now. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
- Diaz-Maurin, F. (2023b, August 17). Widening the field of view on
“oppenheimer.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
- Stevenson, J. (2023). Oppenheimer: The man, the movie and Nuclear
Dreadoppenheimer (American film), Christopher Nolan, director and writer.
distributed by Universal Pictures, 2023. Survival, 65(5), 153–160.
- Admin. (2023, November 10). Oppenheimer (2023): Transcript. Scraps from the
- Hall, R. (2023, July 21). Anti-nuclear groups welcome oppenheimer film but say
it fails to depict true horror. The Guardian.
- di Leonardo, M. (1985). Morals, Mothers, and Militarism: Antimilitarism and
Feminist Theory [Review of Over Our Dead Bodies: Women against the Bomb;
Reweaving the Web of Life: Feminism and Nonviolence; Does Khaki Become
You? The Militarisation of Women’s Lives, by D. Thompson, P. McAllister, & C.
Enloe]. Feminist Studies, 11(3), 599–617.

Part A. Write the complete outline for your project by completing the following

No Items Criteria The summary of the criteria

1. Tittle a. Write the tittle here:
The Portrayal of The Connection Between Anti-Militarism and Anti-
Capitalism In the Movie " Oppenheimer" by Christopher Nolan

b. Area of Knowledge Literature-Ideology

c. Object of the Oppenheimer Movie by Christopher Nolan
research ______________________________
2. Abstract (5 points) 1. Examine the Connection Between
a. Aim Anti-Military and Anti-Capitalism
Ideologies and How its portrayed
in Oppenheimer (2023)
2. Evaluate the subtlety or
explicitness of the film's depiction
of anti-military and anti-
capitalism ideologies. And
analyze the methods employed by
the filmmakers to convey these
ideologies, whether through
symbolism, dialogue, or visual
3. Investigate the underlying
message that the film intends to
communicate through its portrayal
of anti-military and anti-
capitalism ideologies. And
identify any nuances or specific
perspectives that the film
emphasizes in relation to these
b. Source of material Oppenheimer (2023) by Christopher
c. Results -

d. Implication -

3. Introduction (15 a. Reasons for choosing The reason why the writer chose this
Points) the topic topic is because anti-military and anti-
capitalism ideologies becomes a
significant aspect to explore in
Oppenheimer (2023). The Biography
the moie adapted it from, American
Prometheus, provides a historical
context rooted in the life of J. Robert
Oppenheimer, who played a pivotal
role in the development of the atomic
bomb during World War II and
subsequently found himself entangled
in the complexities of the Cold War
Overall, the choice of this topic aligns
with the film's historical context and
the complexities surrounding
Oppenheimer's involvement in the
creation of the atomic bomb. By
delving into the movie’s portrayal of
anti-military and anti-capitalism
ideologies, the research can offer a
nuanced understanding of how the
film navigates ethical and ideological
dimensions within the historical
narrative it seeks to depict

b. Research questions 1. how does the film potray the

(what you want to connection between the idology of
know) Anti-military and Anti capitalism?
2. how subtle is the portrayal of the
Anti-military and Anti capitalism
ideology in the film?
3. what message is the film tries to
convey with its portrayal of Anti-
military and Anti-Capitalism
4. Theoretical Contains
background (20 a. Theory taken from at a. Write the tittle of the books and the
points) least 2 books authors
1). Book 1 : Tormey, S.. (2013).
Anti-Capitalism: A Beginner's Guide.
2). Book 2 : American prometheus :
the triumph and tragedy of j. robert
oppenheimer (First Vintage books).
(2006). . Vintage Books.

b. Previous research b. Write the tittle of the theses/articles

from at least 2 thesis and the names of the writers
(1 from Binus and 1 1) Thesis 1: Reich, M. & Finkelhor,
from Binus or other D.. (1970). Capitalism and the
resources) “military-industrial complex“: The
obstacles to “conversion”. Review of
Radical Political Economics. 2. 1-25.
2) Thesis 2: Abbas, S. Z. (2023).
Oppenheimer’s dilemma: A Marxian
examination of power dynamics and
ethical justifications in Nolan’s
oppenheimer. International Journal of
Literature Studies, 3(3), 09–18.

5. Materials (15 Contains

points) a. Information about the a. In the midst of World War II,
object (e.g. the Lieutenant General Leslie Groves Jr.
summary of the short designates physicist J. Robert
story, the film; the Oppenheimer for a crucial role in the
background of the classified Manhattan Project. Over the
participants) course of several years, Oppenheimer
b. The data – the items and a team of scientists dedicate
you want to analyze themselves to the intricate
c. What you want to do development and design of the atomic
with the data/story bomb. The culmination of their efforts
occurs on July 16, 1945, when they
bear witness to the inaugural nuclear
explosion, an event that irrevocably
alters the trajectory of history.

b. Data : the screenshos of the scene in

the movie, the transcript of the script

c. Data collection :

- watch the movie

- read the movie transcript
- Screenshot the movie scenes

What to do with the data:

- Decide to interpret the story
through the view of Anti-military
and Anti-Capitalism
- Compile the necessary
screenshots or transcript that
contains any potrayal of the
connection between Anti-Military
and Anti-Capitalism. Whether it’s
symbolism, imagery, etc.

6. Results and Contains: -

discussion (20 a. The results of your
points) research (What you
do with each of the
b. Your comments on
the results
7. Conclusion Contains:
a. The answer of your a. Research Questions:
research questions Question 1: ________________?
(point 3b) Answer 1: _________________
Question 2: ___________________?
Answer 2: ___________________
Question 3: ___________________?
Answer 3: ____________________

b. What do you learn b. What do you learn from your

from your research ? research?

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