2023 2024 NWCP Mechanics Presentation

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Nestlé Wellness Campus

SY 2023-2024
We continue help uplift our learner’s well-being through
nutrition, environment, and physical education.

Nestle WellnessCampus
New content are available exclusively at Barangay
- Free and easy access to all Wellness
- modules
- Free microvideos for classroom use
Guro Guide webinar recordings
- Inter-school competition entries

Nestle WellnessCampus
Innovating our adult modules with new topics!

Nestle WellnessCampus
We will harness the school spirit with NEW inter-
school categories!

1 Nestlé Wellness Campus Superstars 2 Hataw: School Sayaw Showdown

Para sa mga guro! Para sa mga learners!

Nestle WellnessCampus
Levelling-up our Cook-Off and Best Practices

3 Sarap Sustansya Cook Off 4 Best ImplementingSchool

(7 HealthyHabits)

Nestle WellnessCampus
This year, we will also recognize the Best Schools
Division Office and Division Focal Person!

Best Region of the Year

Best Schools Division of the


Outstanding NWC Division

Focal Person of the Year

Nestle WellnessCampus
Bigger prizes,
easier mechanics,

Nestle WellnessCampus

Mr. PatGoc-Ong

Nestle WellnessCampus
SY 2023-2024 Program Mechanics

Dividedinto three 3parts:

Part 1 • Modules for the NWC 7Healthy Habits –

NutritionEducationfor Elementary & High PowerPointpresentations,Lesson Guides,
School Students,Adults Worksheets

Part 2 • Official DancerciseMusic andVideo:“Tara!

Nestlé Wellness CampusDancercise Sama-Sama saWellness”

Part 3 • Nestlé Wellness CampusFacebook Groups

Inter-school andinter-regioncompetitions • BarangayNestlé

Nestle WellnessCampus
Distribution and Access of Materials

Exclusive Access:
● BarangayNestlé Website ->Nestle-skwelahan->
Teachers ->Library

Use ofMaterials
● Flexible andmaybe adopt to self-learning,face-to-
Face, on-line and other modes of learning

● Dancercisecan used as warmup exercise after flag

ceremoniesandbefore the start of PE classes.

Nestle WellnessCampus
Competitions are more engaging and exciting!

1 Studentsonly Nestlé Wellness CampusHataw:School SayawShowdown

Teachersonly Nestlé Wellness CampusSuperstars!

The Search for the Next Wellness Superstars
3 Sarap SustansyaCook-Off
Inter-School Best ImplementingSchool
Effective Implementationof the 7HealthyHabits
Inter-Division Best ImplementingDivision
OutstandingDivisionFocal Person
6 Inter-region Best Region of the Year

Nestle WellnessCampus
I. Nestle Wellness Campus Hataw: School Sayaw

All publicschools from the sevenNWC

Qualification participatingregions

● Elementary Ten (10)students
● JuniorHigh School Team One (1)teacher coach
Composition Onlythe students shall appear in the video
Note: No Division and
Region-levelcompetition • Video submission
• Use NWCofficial dancercise music
• Ownchoreography

Nestle WellnessCampus
1. Only the public schools from the seven (7)participating regions are qualified to join.

2. Copy of the dancercise music “Tara! Sama-Sama sa Wellness” is available only at Barangay Nestlé

3. Only the official SY 2023-2024 dancercise music will be used in the competition.

4. Schools team must submit a registration form duly signed by the official school representative,
and a waiver signed by the parent or guardian. Onlyone team should represent a school.

5. A team should be composed of a total of 10students only plus one teacher coach. The school is
only allowed one video of their dance performance as their entry.

6. The duration of the video must confer with the duration of the official dance music.

7. The performers shall dance using their own choreography and style. Pyramid building, stunts,
throwing and other dangerous movements are strictly prohibited.

Nestle WellnessCampus

8. Entrance and exit are optional but should be within the duration of the dancercise music. Attire
and props are highly encouraged.

9. Video entries must comply with the requirements as stated in the mechanics.

10.GTIwill screen all dance video entries submitted to ensure compliance. School teams maysubmit
their entries via Google Drive.

11.Qualified teams will then be asked to upload their official video in their own YouTube account,
choose “unlisted” under visibility, and send the link to GTI.

12.The link will be used to show the video in Barangay Nestlé.

13.Apart from the video, qualifying teams are encouraged to have cover photo image for the video
which will be used as their thumbnail.

Nestle WellnessCampus

14. Onlinevotingbythe general public shall be done in BarangayNestlé microsite.GTIwill

announcethe votingperiod through the Division focal person.

15. Interested voters should sign up at BarangayNestlé before they can cast their votes. Only
adults ages 18andabove are eligible to register.

16. Onlinevotingresults will be tallied. The top twenty entries with the greatest numberof
votes in ES andJHS will be selected.

17. The top 20will enter to the final roundandthey will be given acertain period to recruit
more onlinevotes.

18. The decision of the judgesis final andnot subjectto anyprotest or appeal.

Nestle WellnessCampus
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Uploading Uploading
Registration Submission Screening @Barangay
Form must be Submit viagoogle Conductedby Schoolswill upload The YouTube
signed by the drive GTI their official entry links will be used
school head in their own to connect the
With coverphoto Disqualified YouTube account videos in
Attachedduly image for entrieswill be BarangayNestle.
signedparent thumbnails returned Choose“unlisted”
consent and under visibility. Participants will
waiver of Qualified entries Upload the cover be advisedwhen
students will be official photo.Getthe link to start
entry & will be generated by recruitment for
notified for YouTube. online voting
Sendthe link to GTI

Diagram ofMechanics
Nestle WellnessCampus
6 7 8 9

Judging of
Online Timelines National
voting Winners
Online voting by the general Deadline of OnJan. 2,2024 At the end of voting
public will be donein Barangay submission: Top 20entries in ES period. Judging will be
Nestlé. andJHS will moveto based onthe following:
15October 2023 the finalround.
Dateof online voting will be 50% onlinevotes
announced through the Online voting Finalists will be given
Division focalperson. period: additional time to 50%performance
recruit andvote: based on judging
Should register at Barangay 1Nov until31Dec criteria
Nestlé websitebefore they can 2023 3Jan to 15Feb 2024
vote. Date of Judging:
February 19-20,2024
Onlyadults 18and above are
eligible to register and vote.

Diagram ofMechanics
Nestle WellnessCampus
Criteria for Judging

After 2monthsof voting,the top 20entries will join the final round.
Winnerswill be determinedbased on the criteria below:

I.Total numberof votes at the end of votingperiod

(initial andfinal round) 50%

II.Performance 50%

a.Interpretation 30%
b. Originality 20%
c.Choreography 30%
d. Impact 15%
e. Costume 5%

TOTAL 100%

Nestle WellnessCampus
National winners will receive prize packagesbased on the amountwonplus trophy
• Champion 75,000.00
• FirstRunner-up 50,000.00
• SecondRunner-up 30,000.00
• ThirdRunner-up 20,000.00
• FourthRunner-up 15,000.00

II.Junior HighSchoolCategory:
• Champion 75,000.00
• First Runner-up 50,000.00
• SecondRunner-up 30,000.00
• Third Runner-up 20,000.00
• Fourth Runner-up 15,000.00

Nestle WellnessCampus
II. Nestlé Wellness Campus Superstars!

Teachersin all publicschools from the

Non-teaching personnel are not included

● No categories
● No Divisionand One(1)teacher or amaximumof three (3)
Region-level teachers can represent aschool.
competition on
Video Submission
SchoolEntry Minimumof 2minutesandmustnot
exceed 3minutes

Nestle WellnessCampus
1. To participate, interested teachers must submit a registration form duly signed and approved by
the school head or duly authorized representative.

2. Only one (1)team consisting of one(1)to three (3)teachers mayrepresent a school.

3. Video entries submitted must conform with the requirements are stated in the mechanics

4. No unnecessary or extraneous noises, comments and effects must be heard from the video except
from the audio that is necessary for the performance.

5. Non-compliance with the video and audio requirements will be subject to disqualification.

6. GTIwill screen all video entries to ensure compliance. Teams may submit their entry for screening
via GoogleDrive.

7. Only GTIwill upload the qualified entries, which will be released all at the same time in the Nestlé
Wellness Campus Parents Facebook Group (“Nestle Wellness Homeroom” -
https://bit.ly/nwhfacebookgroup) on a pre-specified date. Online voting shall be done only in this
Facebook Group.
Nestle WellnessCampus
8.Apart from the video, each contestant must also provide the following details, which will be included as
caption in the Facebook Group post.
- Name ofthe team
- Region
- Division
- School Name
- #unique hashtag

9. Reactions to the video entry (e.g., like, heart, care, wow)shall be counted and equal to one (1)vote.
Comments are notincluded.

10.GTIwill announce the official voting period in coordination with the Division Focal Person.

11.Online voting results will be tallied using Facebook data. The top twenty (20) videos with the highest
number of reactions will be selected.

12.From the Top 20, another voting period will be set to determine the top 5national winners.

13.The decision of the judges is final and not subject to any protest and appeal.
Nestle WellnessCampus
1 2 3 4 5

Uploading of
Registration Submission Screening Online votes

Filled out Entry may be Greatfil Team GTIin each region Reactions to the
registration submitted via will screenall the will upload only videoentry in FB
form must be google drive. video entries to the qualified (e.g., like, heart,
duly signed by ensure entries in the care, wow) shall
theschoolhead Apart from the compliance with NWC Parent be counted and
or duly video, participants the mechanics. community group
must submitthese equal to one (1)
authorized in Facebook. vote.
details as caption
representative on Facebook.
- Team’s name
Disqualified Commentsare
School entry - Region entries will be not included.
must be - Division returned tothe
composed of - School name schools.
one (1)tothree - #unique
teachersonly. hashtag

Diagram ofMechanics
Nestle WellnessCampus
6 7 8 9

Judging of
Online Timelines National
voting Winners
GTI will announce the official Deadline of On Jan.2, 2024 At the end of voting
voting period in coordination submission: Top 20 entrieswill period. Judging will be
with the Division Focal Person. move to the final based onthe following:
15October 2023 round.
Interested voters must register 50% onlinevotes
in NWC Parents’ Facebook Online voting Finalists will be given
group or “Nestle Wellness period: additional time to 50%performance
Homeroom” before they can recruit andvote: based on judging
react on avideo entry. 1Nov until 31Dec 3Jan to 15Feb 2024 criteria
Only adults 18years old and Date of Judging:
above can join the Facebook February 21,2024

Diagram ofMechanics
Nestle WellnessCampus
Criteria for Judging

After 2monthsof voting,the top 20entries will join the final round.
Winners will be determinedbasedon the criteria below:

I.Total numberof reactionson Facebook 50%

II.Performance 50%

a.Originality/Uniqueness 30%
b. OverallPerformance 20%
c.Entertainment value 20%
d. Impact 10%
e. Creativity 20%


Nestle WellnessCampus
National winners will receive prize packages based on the amount won plus trophy
National Champion 100,000.00

First Runner-up 75,000.00

Second Runner-up 50,000.00

Third Runner-up 30,000.00

Fourth Runner-up 20,000.00

Nestle WellnessCampus
III. Sarap Sustansya Cook Off

Categories The contest is open to ES and JHS in the

● Elementary Qualification sevenparticipatingregionsonly
● Junior HighSchool

Level ofCompetition One(1)student, one (1)parent or guardian

● National of the student and one(1)teacher-coach
● Regional
● Division
Video entry maximumof 7minutes
Mode of Competition SchoolEntry Onlyone (1)entry per school
● Division & Region–Video
● National –Face to Face

Nestle WellnessCampus
1. Interested schools must submit a registration form duly signed by the school head or
authorized representative and a duly signed parent consent and waiver form for the
participating student.

2. Only one entry per school. Integrated schools may submit one entry from elementary and one
entry from junior high school.

3. Qualified video entry must have the following:

○ Pinggang Pinoy Dish with dessert with a maximum cost of Ps.400.00 good for four (4)
○ Maximum of 7minutes in .mp4 format
■ First minute of the video must be a testimonial of both student and parent
■ The next two minutes must show the harvest of ingredients from own Gulayan sa
Paaralan that will be used as part of the dish.
■ Remaining 4 minutes is allotted for the student to show the actual cooking and

Nestle WellnessCampus
4. Submission of video entries will be based on a deadline set in coordination with DepEd Division
Focal person.

5. Participants will shoulder the cost of the recipe.

6. There will be one winner in ES and JHS per division who will represent the division in the
regional competition.

7. The winning division entries will automatically qualify in the regional competition.

8. There will be one regional winner in ES and in JHS who will represent the region in the National

9. School winners in the regional competition will upload their entries in their own YouTube
account and submit the link to Greatfil Team.

10. GTIwill use the link in Barangay Nestlé for online voting. GTI,through the Division Focal
Person, will advise the schools on the date for the start of the recruitment and online voting.

Nestle WellnessCampus
11.The National competition will be a live cooking demonstration. Contestants will cook their
Pinggang Pinoy Dish in front of the panel of judges. Maximumcost of the recipe is Ps.400.00 including
desert, to be shouldered by the participants. Part of the ingredients used in the dish should likewise
come from the Gulayan saPaaralan.

12.Each contestant will be given one (1)hour to prepare their recipe. The first 30minutes will be allotted for
food preparation, including the harvest of ingredients from the Gulayan sa Paaralan. The next 30 minutes
will be as follows:

○ First two minutes must be a testimony of both students and parents, highlighting their learnings
fromthe Sarap Sustansya videos in YouTube.
○ Remaining 28minutes is allotted for the student’s actual cooking and plating, with the guidance
of both parent and teacher-coach.

13.Entries for all levels of the competition must feature dishes using Nestlé products. No substitution of
Nestlé products shall be allowed.

14.A panel of judges for each level of the contest will be identified byDepEd in coordination with GTIand
Nestlé Philippines,Inc.

Nestle WellnessCampus
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Division Regional
Registration Submission Screening Judging Judging

Filled out Entry may be Greatfil Team Date will be

The date will be
registrationform submitted via will screenall the coordinated byGTI
determined by
must be duly google drive. video entries to with the Division
Focal Person. GTI in
signed by the ensure coordinationwith
school head or Date ofsubmission compliance with One winner in ES DepEd Focal
duly authorized will becoordinated the mechanics.
with the Division and one winner in Person
Focal Person and JHS willrepresent
will be announced
Non-compliance the Division to the One winner in ES
Together with to the Regional
registrationform accordingly and one in JHS
mechanics will Competition. will representthe
is the dulysigned
result to Region in the
parent consent Winning entrieswill
disqualification. National
& waiver of the automatically move
student up to regional Competition.

Diagram ofMechanics
Nestle WellnessCampus
1 2 3 4

Uploading of National National
entries Judging Winners
Video entries that Entry may be Judging Will be Declaration and
won in the regional submitted via conducted face Awarding of
competitionwill be google drive. to face in the National Winners:
uploaded by the winningschools.
school in their own Date ofsubmission 4-15 March2024
YouTubeaccount. will becoordinated Contestantswill
with the Division
Choose “unlisted” Focal Person and
will be announced
cookingskills in
under visibility,and front of the
get the link accordingly
panelof judges.

Sendthe link to GTI

Diagram ofMechanics
Nestle WellnessCampus
Criteria for Judging & Timelines

NationalWinners will be judged using these criteria: Deadlineof Division Entries:


I.Onlinevotes 30% Screening:

II.Performance 70% 21-10Nov. ’23

Judging Period:
• Sarap Sustansya 40% Division: 13-24 Nov. ‘23
• Appearance & Palatability 15% Regional: 27 Nov. to 6Dec.’23
• Food Safety 15% National: 7-29 Feb.24
• Affordability and Accessibility of ingredients 15%
• Appearance &Demonstration Skills 15% Online voting (Regional Winners):
TOTAL 100% 12-Dec to 31Jan24

Nestle WellnessCampus
National winners will receive prize packagesbased on the amountwonplus trophy
Elementary SchoolCategory:
Division Level - one winner of Ps. 3,000.00
RegionalLevel –one winner of Ps. 15,000.00
National Level
• Champion –Ps. 25,000.00
• Second Place –Ps 20,000.00
• Third Place –Ps. 15,000.00

Junior HighSchoolCategory:
Division Level - one winner of Ps.3,000.00
RegionalLevel –one winner of Ps. 15,000.00
National Level
• Champion –Ps.25,000.00
• Second Place –Ps 20,000.00
• Third Place –Ps. 15,000.00

Nestle WellnessCampus
IV. Best Implementing School

The contest is open to ES and JHS in the

● Elementary Qualification sevenparticipatingregionsonly
● Junior HighSchool
Power PointPresentation
Level ofCompetition SchoolEntry Maximumof 50slides
● National
● Regional
● Division 1September2023until 29February 2024

Nestle WellnessCampus
Criteria for Judging & Timelines

Relevant best practice on the effective 30%

Implementation of the 7 healthy habits
(one1best practice per habit, total of
7best practices)

One best practice in adult moduleimplementation 30%

One best practice in dancerciseimplementation 20%

Active involvement of stakeholders 20%

TOTAL 100%

Nestle WellnessCampus
National winners will receive prize packagesbased on the amountwonplus trophy

o DivisionLevel –One winner =Ps. 5,000.00plus plaque

o RegionalLevel –Onewinner =Ps. 50,000.00plus plaque

o National Winners:
▪ Elementary School:
• Champion - Ps. 150,000.00plus trophy
• First Runner-up - Ps. 100,000.00plus trophy
• SecondRunner-up - Ps. 50,000.00 plus trophy

▪ JuniorHigh School:
• Champion - Ps. 150,000.00plus trophy
• First Runner-up - Ps. 100,000.00plus trophy
• SecondRunner-up - Ps. 50,000.00 plus trophy

Nestle WellnessCampus
V-A. Nestle Wellness Campus Inter Division
Prizes atStake:
Part 1:Program Implementation 30% NationalChampion
Ps. 100,000.00+plaque
Part2: Rank of Schools inthe National Competition 70%
CorrespondingWeight of Contests: Second Place
• NWCHataw 25% Ps. 75,000.00 +plaque
• NWCSuperstars 25%
• Sarap SustansyaCook-Off 20%
Third Place
• NWCBest Implementing School 30%
Ps. 50,000.00 +plaque
TOTAL 100%

Nestle WellnessCampus
V-B. Outstanding NWC Division Focal Persons
NWC Division focal persons in the winning Schools
Division will be declared as the Outstanding Nestlé
Wellness Campus Division Focal Person of the Year and
additional prize package will be given to the Schools
Division Office as follows:

Most Outstanding DepEd Division Focal Person.

- Ps. 50,000.00 plus certificate &plaque

First Runner-up
- Ps. 30,000.00plus certificate & plaque

Second Runner-up
- Ps. 20,000.00plus certificate & plaques

Nestle WellnessCampus
VI. NWC Best Region of the Year

Criteria isdivided in two parts: Part 1:PROGRAMIMPLEMENTATION 50%

Implementationof modulesfor students 40%
Part 1:ProgramImplementation 50% Implementationof modulesfor adults 25%
Implementation ofDancercise 20%
Submissionof Certificate of completion 15%
Part2: Average Score fromSchools 50%
Representing the Regionin
NWCHataw 20%
NWCSuperstars 20%
Sarap Sustansya CookOff 10%
NWC Best ImplementingSchools 30%
NWCBest Schools Division of the Year 20%

Nestle WellnessCampus

NationalChampion - Ps. 200,000.00+trophy

First Runner-up - Ps. 150,000.00+trophy
Second Runner-up - Ps. 100,000.00+trophy

Nestle WellnessCampus
● All entries will be submitted to GTIfor
● Entries not complyingwith the program
mechanicswill be disqualified
● Notificationwill be sent to schools who

Ensure clear understandingof the
Key Points
program mechanics
● Performanceof yourschools anddivision
will makeyourregion win
● Synchronized timelines: late submissions
will not be accepted

Nestle WellnessCampus ©NuWorksInteractive Labs, Inc. –Confidentialand Proprietary

Maraming Salamat,
mga Ka-Wellness!

Nestle WellnessCampus

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