Top Schools English MCQ

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1. 'It's a cruel thing to leave her so. ' Who uttered there words and to whom?
a. Joe Thompson to Mrs. Ellis
b. Former Jones to his wife
c. John to former Jones
d. Joe Thompson to the blacksmith’s wife

2. What makes Joe's wife change her attitude in 'The Angel in Disguise'?
a.. Loving and giving
b.. Caring and bonding
c.. Sympathy and empathy
d.. All of the above

3. In 'An Angel in Disguise' who suggested that the poorhouse was ideal for Maggie?
a. The guardians
b. The blacksmith's wife
c. The wheelwright
d. A rough man

4. What conclusion does Joe come to when he narrates to Jane how Maggie was left alone?
a. Women's hearts are not half so hard as men's an
b. I think women's hearts are sometimes very hard
c. I am not apt to go on fool's errands
d. How the Saviour rebuked the disciples

5. Why did farmer Jones adopt the eldest son John?

a. because he was intelligent.
b. because the farmer had no child.

c. because John was handsome.

d. because he thought he could help him in his fieldwork.

6. What was the nature of Joe Thompson's wife before Maggie's arrival?
a. She believed in doing something good for others.
b. She had a soft heart.

c) She was a woman of saintly temper.

d. She was a rude, ill-tempered and self- afflicting woman.

7. How did Maggie become a 'diseased' person?

a) From birth, she was disabled.
b) She had a fall from a window and injured her spine.
c) She was suffering from a dangerous disease.
d. She had injured her leg while playing and was unable to walk.

8. One thematic issue raised in 'An Angel in Disguise' is that there was little.
a. Room for acting on compassionate feelings. in the 19th century. b. Aid for single parents.
c. Availability of poor houses. d. Written about alcohol abuse.
9. What evidence in the story, 'An Angel in Disguise' suggests that Joe Thompson liked children?
a. He was going to take Maggie to the poorhouse to be cared for
b. He bore Maggie across the field
c. He would make or mend sleds and wagons for the village lads without charging them
d. He cared about the three siblings after their mother's death

10. An Angel in Disguise is written by

a. David Roth b. T. S. Arthur c. Leigh Hunt d. T. S. Elliot


11. Mr Thompson was a childless couple. Who filled that space?
a. An orphan boy b. A street kid c. His nephew d. A crippled child

12. How old was Maggie's eldest sibling?

a. Between ten and eleven b. Twelve c. Between eleven and twelve d.. Nine

13. Which of the following is NOT true for Maggie, the youngest of the three children?
a. She was hopelessly diseased. b. She was not able to leave her bed after a fall.
c. She was wrapped in clean bedclothes by the wheelwright. d.. She was sent to the poor house.

14. In the story “An Angel in Disguise’ Joe Thompson refers to the Bible because …..
a. He wanted his wife to read the Bible
b. He wanted to convey that the Saviour always received children kindly.
c. He wanted to prove that Maggie was an angel
d. He wanted to prove that children are close to God.

15. Who are the angels in the story?

a. Mr and Mrs Thompson b. Maggie and Mrs. Thompson
c. Farmer Jones and Mrs. Ellis d.. Joe Thompson and Maggie

16. How old was Kate in 'An angel in Disguise?

a) 7 years old b) 12 years old c) Between ten- and eleven-years old d. 15 years old

17. How has the pauper woman died at the threshold of her house?
a. to severe disease b. Due to excessive alcoholism
c. Due to the shortage of amount. d. Due to the ill treatment by the villagers

18. Who is an angel for Maggie? a. Joe b. Jane c. Kate d. Ellis

19. Joe Thompson was a a. barber b. carpenter c. gardener d. wheelwright

20. 'Then take her to the poor house: she'll have to go there.' These words were spoken by:
a. The Blacksmith's wife. b. Mrs Ellis. c. Farmer Jones. d.. Mrs Thompson.

21. In 'An Angel in Disguise', the three children lose their mother to:
a. Domestic violence b. Drunkenness c. Tuberculosis d.. Kidnapping

22. You haven't brought home that sick brat!' What does this statement reveal of Mrs. Thompson?

a. It reveals her annoyance. b. It reveals her uncertainty.

c. It reveals her abhorrence. d.. It reveals her anxiety.

23. How would the poorhouse serve as a 'blessed change' for the youngest child?
a. She would be protected, doctored and given healthy food.
b. She would be cured, given medicines and nourished.
c. She would be kept clean,. given ample rest and nourished.
d. She would be kept clean, doctored and given healthy food.

24. How many children did the dead woman have in the story 'An Angel in Disguise"?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d.. 4.


25. In the story, 'The Little Match Girl' the hallucinations of the little girl reflected her need for
a. food, warmth, love and protection b. food, shelter, good clothes and her grand mother.
c. food security, enjoyment and celebration. d. warm clothes, shoes, hot food and a home

26. What happens every time the little girl lights a matchstick?
a. She sees a new shape before her. b. She sees a new elf before her.
c. She sees a new vision before her d. She sees a new kind of food before her.

27. Who is the only family member the little match girl is very attached to?
a. Her father b. Her sister c. Her grandmother d.. Her grandfather

28. The aromatic smell of............ lingered in the air for it was New Year's Eve.
a. Roast turkey b. Roast goose. c. Roast chicken d. Roast mutton

29. Through the story 'The Little Match Girl', the author wants to draw the attention of people towards...
a. Horrors of poverty b. Inequality c. Illiteracy in villages d. Exploitation of women

30. Why were the Little Match Girl's slippers of no use to her?
a. She had lost one of them
b. The slippers belonged to her mother
c. The slippers were too big for her and she had lost both of them

d. A little boy stole her slippers

31. The little match girl was a 'picture of

a. jealousy b. anger c. misery d. mourning

32. The Little Match Girl is a story set in the Victorian era where children of the 'under class' were made to
a. sell matches as they were too young to do any other physical work.
b. sell matches as a front for their actual begging.
c. sell matches as it was a product in great demand during the cold season.
d. sell matches as the children could carry them easily in their aprons and run after prospective buyers.

33. The following items feature in the little match girl's second vision except
a. the shining white tablecloth. b. the beautiful china on the table.
c. the great iron stove with polished brass knobs. d. the roast goose stuffed with apples and prunes.

34. Why did the little girl light the whole bundle of matches in the story "The Little match girl"?

a. Because she did not want to lose her grandmother with the burnt out match.
b. Because she wanted to see her grandmother in all her glory.
c. Because she wanted to experience the warmth of her grandmother's love.
d. Because she was feeling very cold and needed to warm herself.

35. Which word has been used in the story "The Little Match Girl” to describe the grandmother?
a. loving b. compassionate c. caring d. optimistic

36. The little girl in the story 'The Little Match Girl' struck another match and she found herself sitting under a ____
a hemlock tree b. a Christmas tree c. a mulberry tree d. a banyan tree

37. The central idea of "The Little Match Girl' is_

a. Having food and warmth is what saved the little girl.
b. Wishing on a falling star made the little girl's dreams come true.
c. Poor children don't have the same luxuries as the rich children.
d. The little poor girl never gave up hope.


38. What happens to the candles on the Christmas tree, in the story, "The Little Match Girl?
a. They become shooting stars b. The streak through the sky
c. They rise high d. They rise and turn into bright stars

39. Cold in the story, 'The Little Match Girl' is the symbol of
a. hardships, desperation and joy b. festivity, celebration and enjoyment
c. misery, struggle and lack of amenities d. need for warmth, love and affection.

40. What did the Little Match girl see when she struck the third match.
a. A beautiful candle lit Christmas Tree b. A stuffed goose waddling towards her.
c. Bright stars falling from space. d. Her grandmother who loved her dearly.

41. The author of "The Little Match Girl". a. H.C Anderson b. Norah Burke c. R Bond d. O Henry

42. What did the Little Match Girl see when she struck the first match?
a. Her grandmother who was looking kind and gentle. b. A table covered with beautiful China.
c. A great iron stove with brass knobs. d. Many candles on the Christmas tree.

43. "She had not sold any matches and could not bring a farthing of money home". What does farthing mean in this
a. The least possible amount of money b. The large sum of money
c. A fake amount of money d. An additional monetary items

44. In the line taken from the short story' The Little Match girl "She crept along, shivering and hungry, the picture of
misery". What does 'Crept along' mean? an
a. To slowly move backward b. To quickly move backward
c. To quickly move forward d. To slowly move forward

45. Which of the following does NOT appear in the visions that the Little Match Girl sees?
a. A beautiful, decorated Christmas tree. b. Her kind and loving Grandmother
c. An iron stove with brass knobs d. Colourful fireworks display
46. The story 'The Little Match Girl' is based on the theme of-
a. Faith and Hope b. Life and Death c. Family Bonding d. True Friendship

47. What did the Little Match girl see when she struck the second match?
a. A beautiful candle lit Christmas Tree b. Her grandmother who loved her dearly
c. Bright stars shooting across the sky d. A stuffed goose waddling towards her

48. In the story, 'The Little Match Girl', the author has depicted the disparity between:
a. the rich and the poor. b. worldly pleasures and heavenly bliss.
c. children and adults. d. love and hatred.

49. What is meant by the following words," ...she had entered with her dear old grandmother into the heavenly joy
and gladness of a new year.?"
a. It was morning and the little match girl was no longer cold.
b. The little match girl died and entered heaven with her grandmother
c. Her grandmother found her and took her home.
d. The little match girl had fallen asleep.

50. How many matches did the little girl light that night? a. Two b. four c. three d. several

51. On what day of the year is the story "The Little Match Girl' set?
a. December24th b. December 31st c. January 1 d. April 1st


52. Arrange the following in order that best describes the third vision seen by the little match girl.
1) A thousand candles lit up the green branches. 2) The candles turned into bright stars
3) The Christmas tree was large and lovely. 4) The candles rose higher and higher through the air.
a. 1342 b. 1423 c. 3142 d. 3124

53. What did the visions represent to the little match girl each time she lit a match?
a. Each match represented the cold weather.
b. The matches represented the fear she had for going home without any money for her family.
c. Each match is a vision of her hopes and dreams.
d. Each match represented her family members.


54. 'Chere glimmered a blue gem beside the crocodile. What was the gem' in the the blue bead by Norah Burke?
a. A semi precious gemstone b A perforated piece of sand
c. The neck of a glass bottle d. A turquoise

55. What is the setting of the story. The Blue Bead?

a. An unidentifiable jungle in India b. An unidentifiable desert in India
c. A little forest in Mizoram d.. A little forest in Gujarat

56. Who accompanied Sibia to the bazaar when she was a child?
a. Her parents b. Her brother c. Her parents and brothers d. She went alone.

57. After helping the woman to the Gujar encampment, Sibia returned to retrieve except
a. Grass b. Sickle c. Fork d. Blue bead

58. Having found the blue bead, Sibia carried it carefully.....

a. In her skirt pocket b. By twisting it into the top of her skirt next to her tummy
c. By tying it in her sari d. By wrapping it in a piece of rag
59. How is Sibia NOT described in the lesson 'The Blue Bead'?

a. Happy b. Immature child woman c. Marked for work d. Wore lots of necklaces

60. Sibia's last meal consisted of

a. Chupatti, green chilli and rancid butter b. Chupatti, butter and dal
c. Chupatti, butter and vegetable d. Chupatti, beans and green chilli

61. How long was the crocodile, as mentioned in the story "The Blue Bead"?
a. Thrice the length of a tall man. b. Twice the length of a woman.
c. Twice the length of a child. d. Twice the length of a tall man.
62. Sibia, the protagonist of the story 'The Blue Bead', is a
a. thin, starveling child who dressed in an earth-coloured rag.
b. thin, starveling child who detested the taste of rancid butter.
c. thin, starveling child who complained continuously about work.
d. thin, starveling child who wanted to spend her free time staring at green and magenta sweets.

63. In the story "The Blue Bead", the word "putrid" conveys the sense of to_____ to the readers.
a. Touch b. Colour c. Smell d. Sound

64. 'With all the force of her little body, Sibia, drove the hay-fork at the eyes - What kind of attitude is shown by Sibia
a. Full of anger and fear. b. Oppressive. c. Proud. d. Fearless and formidable.

65. Which of the following statements is NOT an apt description of Sibia?

a. She was a mature child-woman b. She had ebony hair and great eyes
c. She was born to toil d. She knew what finery was
66. What is true about the birth of the crocodile in the story, 'The Blue Bead'?
a. The crocodile was hatched in a sandbank hundred years ago.
b. The crocodile was hatched on a riverbank hundred years a ago
c. The crocodile was hatched in the river.
d. The crocodile was hatched in the jungle.

67. The Gujars were: a. ancestors of the junglis b. stone age hunters
c. cultivators d. man in the wandering pastoral age.

68. The Gujars mentioned in The Blue Bead' were

a. Wandering herdsmen b. stone age hunters c. hunter gatherers d. primitive cultivators

69. Which of the following statement is not true of Sibia

a. She was twelve years old. b. She had no money to buy the honey confections.
c. She carried a sickle and homemade hayfork. d. She was wearing a necklace made of lal-lal-beeges.

70. Which animals did the baby crocodile escape in his formative years?
a. Carnivorous fishes and the wild animals in the jungle. b. Birds of prey and great gharials.
c. Birds of prey and great carnivorous fishes. d. Carnivorous gharials, deer, and monkeys.

71. Beside him in the shols as he lay waiting glimmered a blue gem. - What was he waiting for?
a. Any creature that he could catch unawares and feed on. b. Fish, pi-dog full of parasites or a skeleton cow.
c. To sun himself on the warm rocks. d. A shoal of fish to come swimming by.

72. A mahseer is a. A tuskless elephant b. An antediluvian saurian c. A fish d. A bird

73. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Gujar women?
a. They fetched water from the river in big brass gurrahs. b. They wore trousers, wrinkled at the ankles.
c. They wore large silver rings made out of melted rupees. d. They wore necklaces made out of lal-lal beeges.

74. The story ‘The Blue Bead’ opens with a skillful use of __________.
a. Dramatic Irony b. Situational Irony c. Foreshadowing d. Flashback
75. How thick was the crocodile’s hide?
a. Two inches thick b. Three inches thick
c. Around one inch thick d. Around one and a half inches thick
The crocodile had swallowed a_______ a. silver anklet b. silver bracelet c. silver chain d. gold bracelet

76. In the short story The Blue Bead, Sibia started working since she was a/an
a. Infant b. Toddler c. Teenager d. 8- years old

77. Who among the following has been referred to as a 'Prehistoric Juggernaut' in the story, The Blue Bead? a.
The Blue Bead b. The mugger crocodiles c. The flycatcher d. The Makhana elephant

78. Which of the fallowing statements is NOT true of Sibia?

a. She had long golden hair b. She had to work hard from her early years
c. She was twelve years old d. She had no money to buy glass beads at the bazaar

79. Sibia lingered behind after the other women had left because
a. She did not want to help her mother.
b. She wanted to check if her little clay cups were still in the cave where she had left them.
c. She wanted to chat with the other Gujar women who came to draw water from the river.
d. She wanted to rest for a while.

80. What were the contents of the locked chest in the story 'The Blue Bead"?
a. Silver and gold b. turquoises and opals c. diamonds and opals d. platinum


81. Jesse Owens disliked Adolf Hitler because
a. he patronised Luz Long, a rival of Jesse Owens b. he had kept Luz Long hidden from other Olympic athletes.
c. he organised the Olympics in Berlin d. he advocated the theory of Aryan Supremacy

82. Jesse Owns could not clear two of the three long-jump trials because he …..
a. was nervous b. was angry over the 'master race' theory of Adolf Hitler
c. was over-confident d feared that Luz Long, a German athlete, might beat him at the finals.

83. The Nazis' Aryan superiority theory means that

a Germans are superior to Americans b. Germans are superior to Negroes
c. Germans are inferior to negroes d. Negroes are superior to Germans

84. What was de fuhrer's reaction on seeing his champion player shaking hand with Jesse Owens?
a. Indifferent b. Surprised c. Admiring d. Angry

85. What did Luz Long and Jesse Owens talk about?
a. Themselves, politics, training b. Track and field, the world situation, their life experience
c. Their life, the world at large, success d. Taking part in the Olympics, training, the difficult world

86. When Jesse Owens uses the expression 'a little hot under the collar', he means the following except
a. He was feeing agitated. b. He was feeling irritated.

c. He was feeling the sun's heat. d. He was feeling tensed.
87. What made Owens determined to beat Long in the Long Jump?
a. Long was Hitler's surprise packet for the Olympics.
b. Owen's was jealous of Long.
c. If he lost to Long, the Nazis would feel even more proud about their own race.
d. He was the holder of the world record and did not want to be beaten by Long.
88. Jesse Owens walked over to Luz Long's talked for room and sat in his quarters and talked for ____

a. one hour. b. two hours. c. three hours. d. half an hour.

89. What was Jesse Owens' greatest Olympic prize?

a. The gold medal that he won in the long jump. b. The experience that he gained in the Olympics.
c. The true friendship he formed with Long. d. The money that he gained in the games.

90. "You should be able to qualify with your eyes closed". Who said these words and to whom?
a. Jesse Owens' coach to Jesse Owens b. Luz Long to Jesse Owens
c. Jesse Owens to Luz Long d. Hitler to Luz Long

91. Why did Jesse Owens foul badly in the qualifying jumps?
a. He was awestruck by Luz Long's impressive jumps
b. He had a bad day, with everything going wrong
c. He was angry with Hitler's supremacy theory and lost his mind.
d. He was not well prepared that morning.

92. Why did Jesse Owens and Luz Long laugh about Luz Long's looks?
a. He looked like a star meant to be on the sports magazine cover.
b. He looked very much like a European film actor.
c. He did not match the description given by Hitler of his Aryan race
d. He was the perfect posterboy to endorse Hitler's Aryan -supremacy

93. By the end of Jesse Owen's meeting with Luz Long in the Olympic Village in the short story 'My Greatest
Olympic Prize' the professional____ has given way to professional____
a. Sportsmanship, domination b. Rivalry, friendship c. Friendship, rivalry d. Glory, friendship
94. Which of the following statements best describes what Pierre de Coubertin said?
a. The important thing is fighting well and winning b. The important thing is to build friendships
c. The important thing is not fighting well but winning d. The important thing is not winning but taking part

95. Jesse Owens was 'a little hot under the collar about Hitler's ways'. What does it mean?
a. He was overconfident due to his Practice. b. He was angry over the 'master-race' of Hitler.
c. He wanted to prove who was superior. d. He feared that Luz Long would defeat him.

96. According to Jesse Owens what would any angry athlete do?
a. Make mistakes b. Work very hard c. Will not participate d. Maintain a calm posture

97. Jesse Owens could not clear two of three long jump trials because he...
a. Was over confident b. Feared that Luz Long might defeat him
c. Was not prepared well d. Was angry over the ' master race' theory of Hitler

98. The motto of the Olympics is...

a. Slow and steady wins the race b. Participation is important than winning
c. Faster Higher Stronger d. Winning is more important than participation

99. Jesse Owens was

a. The grandson of a sharecropper b. The son of a slave
c. The son of a sharecropper d. The son of a sharecropper and grandson of a slave.

100. Luz long was a:

a. Jewish athlete b. African athlete c. American athlete d. German athlete

101. Hitler's childish remark was: an
a. Aryan race belonged to master race b. Aryan race will flourish the earth
c. Aryan race was good at athletes d. Aryan race need not train to win

Jesse Owens was not confident to win because:

a. was sick b. strong opponents c. fouled worse d. do not know rules
102. What kind of person was Luz Long?
a. Good-natured. b. friendly.
c. Amiable and supportive. d. Imposing and co-operative.

103. What surprised Jesse Owens during the broad -jump trials?
a. A tall boy hitting the pit at almost 26 feet on his practise leaps
b. The nationalistic feelings which were high in Berlin.

c. He leaped from several inches beyond the take- off boar

d. The friendly blue eyes of the tall German broad jumper.

104. Kicking at the dirt on his failure at the qualifying rounds suggests that Jesse Owens was____
a. angry b. depressed c. dejected d. frustrated

105. In the short story My Greatest, Olympic Prize' Jesse Owens set a new record of ____ in Berlin Olympics :
a. 26 feet 5-5/16 inches b. 5 feet 6-7/14 inches
c. 25 feet 4 - 4/25 inches d. 32 feet 4-4/14 inches

106. Jesse Owens says that Hitler had kept him (Luz Long) -'under wraps'. What does the phrase 'under wraps' mean?
a. Wrapped in a blanket b. Gift wrapped c. a carefully concealed secret d. Beneath a wrapper

107. On the second jump, Jesse Owens fouled even worse and thought bitterly, 'Did I come miles for this?'
a. 3000 b. 6000 c. 9000 d. 1000

108. The Summer Olympics were held in Berlin in the year: a.1942 ` b. 1936 c. 1920 d.1947
109. The life-long friendship between Jesse Owens and Luz Long ended when
a. Jesse Owens was killed in action in World War b. Jesse Owens was killed in action in World War II
c. Luz Long was killed in action in World War d. Luz Long was killed in action in World War II


110. On seeing Luz Long, a tall German athlete, Owens developed the feelings of.
a. anger and hatred b. insecurity and irritation c. fear and concern d. impatience and frustration


111. Why are the real characters on Venus?
a. For researching. b. To set up civilization c. To Learn something d. None of these

112. If Margot had not been lock in the closet, she would most likely have been
a. scared to go outside b. upset her classmates c. happy to see the sun d. uncaring

113. In what state of mind were the children, on seeing the sun for the first time in Venus?
a. Agitated b. Puzzled c. Ecstatic d. Depressed

114. Which of the following best describes the sun which came out after 7 years of incessant rain?
a. Orange, blazing, extremely bright b. Flaming bronze, large, burnt the jungle with sunlight
c. Golden yellow, like a coin, flaming sky d. Flaming orange, large coin, blazing sky

115. Why is the title 'All Summer in a Day' apt?

a. Because the children were sent out only in May b. It reflects the sunny nature of children
c. Because the sun came out for an hour in one day d. That was how Margo described it.

116. When the sun finally came out after seven years, it was the colour of

a. flaming bronze b. fiery red c. orangish yellow d. blushing pink

a. shame and remorse

117. 'All Summer in a Day' ends on a hopeful note as the children seem to feel
b. emotional and enlightened c. devious and jealous d.. amicable and accepting

118. The author's description of Margot as "a very frail girl -- an old photograph dusted. from an album" indicates:
a. Margot is undernourished. b. Margot lacks liveliness, energy and vitality.
c. Margot feels colourless. d. Margot dresses in an old-fashioned way.
119. Ray Douglas Bradbury in his story All Summer in a Day establishes through his characters that
a. we humans cannot help being cruel towards anyone who does not conform to our concept of norm
b. life on Planet Venus is possible.
c. scientists are working hard on this mission as life on planet earth may not be feasible soon
d.. Venus is not as beautiful as we thought it would be

120. Why did Margot refuse to shower in the school shower rooms
a. She was scared of her classmates locking her inside
b. She found the shower cubicle extremely uncomfortable.
c. She hated the quality of water found on Venus.
d.. She could not bear the sound or touch of water.

121. In the short story 'All Summer in a Day', the narrator says Margot was protesting, and then pleading and then
crying - this shows her: a. Courage b. Strength c. Helplessness d.. Potency

122. Which statement best describes Margot?

a. She was an old photograph dusted from an album
b. She was energetic
c. She had red hair and blue eyes
d. Her lips were pale like snow

123. What would Margot do if someone tagged her in a game and ran?
a. She would run and catch the person again.
b. She would keep blinking after them and would not follow.
c. She would run away and lock herself in a room.
d.. She would be agitated and make a scene.


124. How did the children react on the sunny day?
a. They all began to cry at once b. They didn't listen to their teachers warning about sun
c. They were fearful because they didn't understand it d. They ran and shouted with pleasure

125. Margot's "biggest crime" was that...

a. She had come to Venus only five years before and remembered the sun
b. She was liked by her teacher
c. She thought that she was better than the rest of the children
d. She would not play with the rest of the children

126. In the short story "All summer in a day", describes rain on Venus like:
a. gentle, drizzle, soft to touch b. rain, thundering c. concussion of storms, tatting drum d. mild showers, lightning

127. But then they always awoke to the tattering drum'. How does the figurative language in this sentence impact the
a. Bradbury appeals to the reader's sense of hearing to emphasize the endless sound of rain.
b. Bradbury appeals to the reader's sense of sight to emphasize the gathering of drummers.
c.Bradbury appeals to the reader's sense of touch to emphasize the children's amazement.
d. Bradbury appeals to the reader's sense of smell to emphasize the scent of morning rain.

128. Why does Margot refuse to shower in the school shower rooms?
a. Water will affect her skin. b. Other students ridicule her and single her out.
c. It reminds her of the constant rain she has come to hate. d. She wants the others to know she is not like them.

129. It was a nest of octopi, clustering up great arms of flesh like weed, wavering, flowering in this brief spring.'
Recognize the imagery in this line.
a. Visual b. Auditory c. Tactile d.. Olfactory

130. In the story ´All Summer in a Day', what was Margot's age when she moved to planet Venus from Ohio?
a. Five years old b. Nine years old c. One year old d.. Four years old
131. Identify the figure of speech in the sentence “She was an old photograph dusted from an album, whitened
a. Simile b. Oxymoron c. Hyperbole d. Metaphor

132. The children in Venus hated Margot mainly because ________ .

a. Margot was very quiet. b. She had come from Earth.
c. She had seen the sun and remembered how it looked like. d. She wrote poems on the sun.

133. You can infer that the children feel ashamed after they come back inside because they...
a. have blue faces from the light. b. close the door on the falling rain.
c. look down at their feet and hands. d.. are startled when they hear the thunder.

134. In the poem that Margot wrote, in Bradbury's story, 'All Summer in a Day'), she compares the sun to a________
a. Penny b. clock c. flower d. lemon

135. How is Margot different from the other children?

a. She is older than the others. b. She is pale. c. She talks a lot. d. She truly remembers what the sun is like.

136. What quote from 'All Summer in a Day 'show the children's frenzied excitement?
a. 'Do the scientists really know?' b. They stood looking at the door....'
c. 'It's stopping, it's stopping!' d. They turned on themselves like a feverish wheel, all tumbling spokes.'
137. What were the children in 'All Summer In A Day' waiting for?
a. Their return to the earth b. the arrival of the rocket people
c. teacher's return d.. the appearance of the sun

138. The day the rain stops, what do the children experience first?
a. a quick rise in temperature b. an avalanche, a tornado and a hurricane
c. guilt about what they did to Margot d.. a tremendous silence


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