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™ ’ ASSOCIATION OF ORISSA ICSE SCHOOLS ICSE MODEL EXAMINATION - 2024 , ENGLISH LANGUAGE Time: 2hrs. EM: 80 : You will not Be allowed to write during the fist 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. i The time given at the head of this paper isthe time allowed for writing the answers. : Aitempt all five questions. ‘estions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. 30 minutes in answering Question J and 20 minutes in answering Question 2. The intended marks for qu You are advised to spend not more than Question 1 (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question.) ‘Write 2 composition (300 ~ 350 words) on any one of the follewing: [ao] {@) You have gone to a restaurant with your friends. Suddenly, you notice a bag under your table. Describe your feelings at the time and narrate what you did next. (b) News is no longer news today but what media makes it. Give your arguments for or against the statement. fe) You have been asked to manage your class for a day. Write a detailed account of your expérience. {4) Write an original short story that ends with the line:’So that’s how it all eame to an end/ (e)_ Study the picture given below. Write a story or an account of what the picture suggests to you. ‘Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or may take sugge: be a clear connection between the picture and the composition. ns from it; but there must Question 2 ) [20] (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question] ts ‘ “a You have been unnecessarily rude to your friend, Write a letter to him apologising for your behaviour and explaining the reason behind the same. a : : : : (b) Write a letter to the Commissioner of Police complaining about the increase in the crime rate in the city and asking him to take steps to solve the problem. tion 3 i inviting students of a ‘You are the Head Boy of your school. Write a not a 0 A Sag schcol a ive thei ss competition to . Masues 8 to 10 to gwethel names forthe fancy dress competion fe 6 TT rr the fancy tice for the scho bb) Write an email to the Principal ofa neighbouring school, requesting Hs dress competition. sstion 4 Questior re Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: rested for 2 moment at the door of Anand Bhawan, on Market Road, where coffee drinkers and tiffin taters at their table sat transfixed uttereing low moans on seeing me. | wanted to assure them, “Don’t fear, | am not out to trouble you. Eat your tiffin in peace, don’t mind me..... You, nearest to me, hugging the cash box, you are craven with fear, afraind even to breathe. Go on count the cash, if that’s your pleasure. | just want to watch that's all... If my tall trails down to the street, if | am blocking your threshold: it is because,!'m told, 'm eleven feet tip to tal. | can‘t help it. 'm not out to kl... 'm too full ~ found a green pasture teeming with food on the way. Won't need any for several days to come, won't stir, not until | feel hungry again. Tigers attack only when they feel hungry, unlike human beings who slaughter one another without purpose or hunger...” To the great delight of children, schools were being hurriedly closed. Children of all ages and sizes were running helter-skelter screaming joyously. “No school, no school. Tiger, tiger!” They were shouting and laughing and even enjoyed being scared. They seemed to welcom me. | felt like joining them, and bounded away from the restaurant door and trotted along with them, at which they gleefully cried, “The tiger is coming to eat us;let us get back to schoo!” | followed them through their school gate, while they ran up and shut themselves in the school hall securely. | ascended the steps of the school, saw an open door at the far end of a verandah, and walked in. It happened to be the headmaster’s room, | believe , as | noticed a very dignified man jumping on his table and heaving himself up into an attic. | walked in and flung myself on;the cool floor, having a partiality for cool stone floors, with my head under the large desk — which gave me the feeling of being back in the ‘Mempi cave....... ‘As | drowsed, | was aware of cautious steps and hushed voices all around. | was in no mood to bother about anything. All| wanted was a little moment of sleep| the day light was dazzling, In half sleep | heard the doors of the room being shut and bolted and locked. | didn’t care. | slept. n was going on. | learnt about it later'through my master, who was fhered after making sure that | had been properly locked up — and e remarked some days later, “ever dreamt in my wildest mood “Might be one way of maintaining better While | slept a great deal of consultantior in the crowd — the crowd which had gat! was watching. The headmaster seems to hav« that I'd have to yield my place to a tiger ...!” A wag had retorted, discipline among the boys.” we Tnust decide,” began a teacher. At this moment my master “Never use the words ‘beast’ or ‘brute’. They're ugly “Now that this brute is safely locked up, being thinks all other creatures are ‘beasts: Awful pushed his way through the crowds and admonished, Wwords coined by humans in their arrogance. The human word!” ee a p=! (a) For each word gi (a) Biven below, choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: 1. transfixed i (a) bored (b) paralyzed ia aes 2. helter~ skelter (a) Ina disorderly haste (c) organised {b) concentrated (d) hidden 3, admonished (a) exclaimed (©) rebuked (b) laughed (d) appealed (b) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words: (i) What reassurance did the tiger give the coffee drinkers? a] (ii) Inwhat ways are tigers different from human beings? (2) (iii) Why were the children delighted? (2 (iv) What did the headmaster say some days later? (4) rca (v) Which sentences tell us that the tiger's owner had great respect for the tiger? {c)_ Innot more than 50 words, describe the tiger's activities from the time it followed the school children till it slept. [8] ‘Question 5 {i)Fillin each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate in the F blanks: (4 geen thave (find) you out, wretch,’ he (exclaim). The reupon, the six men {throw) me on the ground. They (slip) my feet into a loop of rope and 5. (beat) the soles of my feet with their sticks. | cried with pain. |_6__{appeal) to them for mercy. They 7____ (laugh) at my torture until!_8 _(become) unconscious. (ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: (4) (a) He is cutting down sugar. {b) The wrestlers grappled each other in the arena. (c). My car is always breaking * {d) He was told to choose death and dishonour. (e) He must make ‘some story to explain his absence. (f) The marriage party has been put : (g) The scheme has fallen for want of funds. (h) There are ten thousand people in the stadium. i it ithout using and, but or so. | (ii) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence Wi o a Choose the correct option. 1. Lead an active life. Then you can be healthy. (a) You can be healthy only if you can lead an active life. {(b) Unless you lead an active life, you cannot be healthy. {c)_ Unless you led an active life, you cannot be healthy. (4) You can’t be healthy until you are leading an active life. 2. He is going to some place. No one knows the place. (a) Noone knew where he is going to, (b) He is going to some place which nobody knows. (c)_ He is going to some place which nobody knew. (d)_ He is going to some place as nobody knows him. 3. The floor is slippery. You have to walk carefully. Aa) You have to walk carefully as the floor is slippery. (b) The floor is slippery hence you walk carefully. (c)_ The flooris slippery enough yet you have to walk carefully (d) The floor is slippery for you have to walk carefully. 4. He isa vagabond. They had driven him out from the village. ~{a) Since he was a vagabond, they had to drive him out from the village. (b) He is a vagabond as they had not driven him out from the village. (c)_ He is a vagabond because he was driven out from the village. (d) He is a vagabond as they had driven him out from the village. (iv) Choose the correct option to rewrite the following according to the instructions given after each sentence: [8] 1. If he apologises, he will be pardoned. (Use: unless) (a) Unless he doesn’t apologise, he will not be pardoned. {b) Unless he doesn’t apologise, he will be pardoned. Ac) Unless he apologises, he will not be pardoned. “(d)_ Unless he apologises, he will be pardoned. 2. Delhi is one of the most crowded cities in India, (Use: more crowded) (a) Other cities in India are more crowded than Delhi. (b) Other cities in India are not more crowded than Delhi. Ac) Delhi is more crowded than most other cities in India. (d) Delhi is more crowded than other cities in India, 3. “Attack “ said the commander to the soldiers. “Do not give up.” (Begin: The commander ordered.rmrmm) (a) The commander ordered attack do not give up to the soldiers. Ab) The commander ordered the soldiers to attack and not to give up. (c) The commander ordered to attack, do not give up to the soldiers. (d) The commander ordered to attack and not to give up to the soldiers. wg SHEN PMA bolds a nee a x = Wh rae buy biscuits a we can bake them ourselves? fa), Rather than buying biscuits, {b) Rather than to buy biscuits, (c) Rather than buying biscuits, (d) Rather than buying biscuits, we can bake them ourselves, we can bake them ourselves, we should bake them ourselves, we will bake them ourselves, He consulted his friend before accepting the job offer (Begin: He did not. (@) He did not accept the job offer before he consult his friend, (b) He did not accept the job before he consulted his friend. {c) He did not accept the job offer before consulting his friend. (d)_He did not consult his friend before accepting the job offer. fhe feels worse during the night, give her these tablets. (Should. ) {a) Should she feels worse during the night, give her these tablets. (b)_ Should she fee! worse during the night, give her those tablets. {c)_ Should she feel worse during the night, give her these tablets. (d) Should she be feeling worse during the night, give her these tablets. He is getting so absent-minded; he can’t go on working much longer. ( go on working much longer.) (a) He is getting absent-minded to go on working much longer. {b) He is getting too absent-minded to go on working much longer. ()_ He has got so absent-minded to go on working much longer. (d)_He is absent-minded to work much longer. A bus collided with a car. (Begin: There was a collision. {a) There was a collision with a bus and a car. (b) There was a collision of a bus anda car. {c) There was a collision between a bus and a car. (d) There was a collision from a bus with a car.

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