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Reflections and Samples


❖ In about 150-160 words indicate how each piece of data helped shape your thinking
about the issue/topic/ theme/event.
❖ treat each source individually and divide into 3 paragraphs
❖ summarize+ state author + state title+ state thought before reading/viewing pieces
and thoughts after.

E.G.- Deer’s Gleaner article (2016) talks about the difficulties that teachers of boys face
daily. Before reading this, I thought that boys were easier to teach but now I understand that I
was completely wrong.


❖ In about 150-160 words, discuss the use of language in the data selected.
❖ treat each source individually and divide into 3 paragraphs
❖ state author + state title+ state language technique ( e.g . = tone/mood /patterns of
organization: contrast/problem solution/cause and effect/process explanation
etc./diction/all literary devices/all parts of speech/all punctuation etc…)+example of
technique+ importance of technique

E.G.= Deer uses contrast throughout her Gleaner to emphasize that boys are more difficult to
teach than girls. For instance, “Girl will sit for hours and read while boys do not


❖ In about 150-160 words, discuss how the process of doing the SBA helped you to become a
better person
❖ treat each source individually and divide into 3 paragraphs

How has the S.B.A made you a better person generally: e.g. You can work in groups
better/You can write better creative pieces/you know understand and respect deadlines etc….

Reflection Samples
Below are samples from previous students. Please peruse and DO NOT copy, plagiarise or
otherwise adapt/adopt these students’


Reflection 1

Hodine Williams’ and Andrea Campbell’s Jamaican Observer article (2016) talks about the

new technological era of cyberbullying. Before reading this article, I thought cyberbullying

was about the misuse of social media and the internet by teenagers against each other. I now

understand the psychological and behavioural effects of cyberbullying on teenagers, adults

and even businesses.

Secondly, Erica Virtue’s Jamaica Gleaner article (2015) detailed the effects of cyberbullying

in schools. How it affected not only students but even teachers; and the struggles

Administrators faced tackling this problem. After reading the article, I realized the deep

personal discomfort cyberbullying victims faced.

Finally, the YouTube video, STORYTIME: I was CYBERBULLIED, offered the victim’s

perspective on cyberbullying. It showed how cyberbullying impacted the victims, especially

the vulnerable and those with low self-esteem. The video also demonstrated how to assist the

victims to help them remain positive. This video really allowed me to see that contrary to my

thoughts, Cyberbullying can be overcome.

Reflection 2

The article, ‘The History of Media in Society’, by the author Aaron Muller, the application of

statistical data is used in the article. For example, “the Ministry of Information and

Technology in that out of 1000 households in the Kingston area, 60% let their children watch
adult content unattended. This provides evidence for their claims and forces the reader to

think about child supervision.

Additionally, the video documentary by author Cody Franklin, ‘How the American cycle

perpetuates violence’, makes use of the cause and effect pattern. The author references the

Columbine mass shooting and the sensationalism around the event sparked. This

demonstrates the flaw with media coverage and how it romanticizes villains.

Finally, the Gleaner article, ‘Media Control Plan’ by author Mabel Cloud, uses description. It

describes the government’s desire to have quality control over gun songs based on recent

stabbing in three high schools. This concretizes the fact that crime and violence in school can

lessen with media impact.

Reflection 3

This assignment (English S.B.A) has improved my ability to complete assignments timely

while being a member of a team.

The process involved in the completion of the SBA has enhanced the skills needed to be a

valuable member of any group. As a group, we were able to achieve our goals because I

listen and understand individuals’ opinions and were able to deal with different personalities

and attitudes. The SBA also helped me to effectively identify and understand the different

language techniques used and analyzing the tone and purpose of the articles read.

Finally, the SBA developed my capability to stay on target and instilled in me the importance

of meeting deadlines. Each week, my team was able to complete and submitted a different

section of the SBA to our teacher. Each group member contributed tremendously.
Prepared by L.Deer

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