Physics Test 1 Retake T1 Grade 9

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Science Department: Grade 9

Name: ___________________________ Grade 9: Adv Date Score:

Instructions: 40

- Read each question FULLY before answering.

- Answer ALL questions.
- Write neatly and legibly.
- Show your working out to all calculations.
- Avoid drawing pictures or colouring in letters or pictures, unless required.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Not Elementary Required Adequate Substantial Meritorious Outstanding
achieved achievement achievement achievement achievement achievement achievement
0 – 19 20 -23 marks 24 – 26 marks 27 – 29 marks 30 – 33 marks 34 – 37 marks 38 – 40 marks

Question number Max mark Learner’s Comment

1.Multiple choice questions: 12

Chooses the correct option from a list of options


2. Recalls the SI units. 5

Able to explain a derived unit.
3. Demonstrates mathematical skills using 10
scientific concepts
4. Analyses and interprets data in order to 8
determine accuracy and precision.
5. Analyses and interprets graphs 5

Total 40


Teacher feedback:

Teacher signature: _______________ Parent signature: ____________

Part A
Question1: Multiple Choice Questions [12 Marks]

1.1 Which option shows the correct sequence of steps of the scientific method?
A. Conclusion, Analyse data, Test hypothesis, Form hypothesis, State the problem,
Gather in formation
B. Gather information, Analyse data, form hypothesis, Test hypothesis, Conclusion,
State the problem
C. State the problem, Gather information, Form hypothesis, Test hypothesis, Analyse data,
D. Form hypothesis, Gather information, Test hypothesis, Conclusion, Analyse data,
State the problem

1.2 “A possible explanation for a problem using what you know and have observed is a _________”
A. Hypothesis
B. Conclusion
C. Experiment
D. Scientific method

1.3 Which of the following is not an effective way to test a hypothesis?

A. Making observations
B. Performing an experiment
C. Making a model
D. Conducting a survey based on opinions

1.4 The prefix “k” in kilogram denotes the value __________________.

A. 100
B. 1000
C. 1 x10 ²
D. 10 000

1.5 Which variable in the equation for a line graph denotes the slope? y = mx + b

A. m
B. x
C. b
D. y
1.6 Determine the number of significant figures in the following measurement: 1.7200 x 10⁵ m
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6
Part B: Short Answers
Question 2: [5 Marks]
2.1 Complete the table below about the SI unts. [ 5 Marks]

SI Base Units Derived Units

Quantity Symbol Quantity Symbol
Time cm³
K Density

2.2 Explain why density is considered to be a “derived” unit. (1)


Question 3: Calculations [10 Marks]

Remember to show your working out.
3.1 Determine the density of a substance that has a mass of 158g and a volume of 20 mL. (3)

3.2 Using dimensional analysis show the conversion of 43 km/h to m/s. (4)

3.3 Determine the average speed of a car that travelled 434 km in 4.5 hours. (3)

Question 4: Accuracy and Precision [8 Marks]

4.1 Analyse the picture below.
Determine which dart board illustrates low accuracy and high precision. (1)

Answer: ___________
Describe what is precision in data using your own words. (1)

4.3 The volume of water was recorded by three students using different devices.
The correct volume of water is 12.36 mL.
a) Complete the table. [6 Marks]

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Error

Student A 12.12 12.11 12.10

a) The results produced by student A is precise. TRUE / FALSE

Explain your answer. _______________________________________________________

b) The results produced by Student A are accurate. TRUE / FALSE

Explain your answer. _______________________________________________________

Question 5: Communicating with Graphs [5 Marks]

5.1 Circle or highlight the correct equation to describe the graph below. (1)

yx=a y = ax² +bx + c y = mx + b

5.2 Analyse the relationship below and answer the questions alongside.
a) Describe what happens to the length of the spring as
mass decreases. (1)

b) What does the value b=13.7 cm represent in terms of
the length of the spring and mass? (2)
c) ________________is the independent variable. (1)

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