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design guide


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.,.,.. Compiled and Published by

.. The Institute of Plumbing

I· Scottish Mutual House. North Street. Hornchurch, Essex RM111 RI).J~I. HomchlJ!ch 512:

10 Copyright 1977 The Institute of Plumbing

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';. -~·. ~-~-~~~~~
by The Lord Nugent of Guildford, P.C.,
Chairman of The National Water Council

Plumbing has its origin in great antiquity as ar

honourable and respected crah. and it has
developed today to become an important
sector of the construction process. Plumbing
services.- covering esser1tiallywater supply.
sanitation and drainage - now account for
about a third of the total national construction
product or upwards of £2.000 millions per

The complexity and sophistication of these

vital services calls for a profound knowledge o
the technology involved and a wide under-
standing of design and installation procedures.
byelaws and regulations. Designers. engineers
and craftsmen must have access to the
necessary data and this Guide. bringing
together in a" single publication most of the
essential information makes it an indispensable
and well-r;>resented work of -reference.

I to all associated with plumbing


Co ,- 1 ..L~
..:.1 ..L81'""
G Lo....,;
.. Pages

Sectio·n A. Hot and cold water" supplies 1-46 Section C continued

lOP Pipe Sizing Data- Table and Formulreshowing how Trade effluent -septic tanks. Subsoil drainage.
to calculate number of small pipes that can be taken off list of British Standards and BS Codes of Practice
a larger one. Calculation of pressures in relation to relating to sanitary plumbing and drainage.
anchoring of pipework.
Storage - Hot and cold water !';torage requirements. Section D. Swimming pools 1 12-119
Method of assessing recovery/storage relationships for Types of pools. Pollution and purification. Glossary of
hot water storage vessels. Boosted cold water purification terminology. Scum channel design.
installations. Sizing of primary and secondary Skimmer outlets. Pressure sand filters.
circulations. Flow and return temperatures. Maximum
length of dead legs on distribution pipework. linear Heating and ventilation of swimming pools.
expansion of pipe materials. Water quality. Water
hammer. Section E. Piped gas services 1 20-1 32
Formula for calculating sizes of cisterns, tanks and Piped Sizing Data for town gas, natural gas, compressed
cylinders. BS sizes for cold water storage cisterns and air:._and vacuum.
hot water tanks. Cylinders and indirect cylinders. BS Sizes and/or space requirements for meters and other
}J tables for eopper, mild steel and stainless steel tubes; plant associated with gases.
polythene and pvc pipes, cast iron and asbestos General information - Information on types and
cement pipes. conditions of air gases to enable correct choice of pipe
loading tabJes for steel and timber joists suitable for material.
support of cisterns and cylinders. list of British Standards and BS Codes of Practice
Testing of hot and cold pipework. Sterilization of relating to Pip~d Gas Services.
pipework, description of operation and materials used.
Insulation of pipework - list of materials for insulation Section ':_· Pumps and pumping 133-137
giving thicknesses and thermal properties. 1 Pumping definitions. Pump types and selection. Pumt:
list of British Standards and BS Codes of Practice installation.
relating to Hot and Cold Water Supplies. List of British Standards and BS Codes of Practice
relating to Pumps and Pumping.
Section B. Domestic central heating 47-59
. General information - Recommended room tempera- Section G. Fire protection services 138-147
tures, air changes etc., heat emission and pipe sizing Principal causes of fires in buildings. Classification of
including pressure drop table for pipes down to f" BSP Fire Risks. Sprinkler installations. Hose reel installations.
and 6 mm. 'U' values, c.avity wall insulqtion, heat loss Dry risers. wet risers and foam systems. Carbon
calculations. Sealed system operation. Gas central Dioxide systems. Halogenated Extinguishing agent
heating - ventilation requirements. Fuel storage systems.
capacity. Corrosion in central heating systems. list of British Standards and BS Codes of Practice
list of British Standards and BS Codes of Practice relating to Fire Protection Services.
relating to Domestic Central Heating.
Section H. Conversion factors
Section C. and miscellaneous data 148-166
Sanitary plumbing and drainage 60-111
Conversion factors - Sl Units. Identification of
Design of sanitary pipework systems. Connection of pipework - colour code for all pipe services. Standard
washing appliances. "Sovent", Vacuum and "Collar plumbing and piping symbols used in drawing practice.
Boss" systems.
Definition of plumbing terms.
Sizing tables for soil and vent waste pipework.
Table of fixing centres for pipework, vertical and
Sanitary accommodation - Tables and Numbers of horizontal.
sanitary fittings for different types of buildings.
Cross bonding of electrical, gas and water installations.
Ventilation of rnternal bathrooms and WC's in dwellings.
Chemical resistance of laboratory and industrial waste Table of spacing of pipework, minimum requirement
systems. with and without insulation.
Testing of sanitary pipework. Approximate weight of lead required for caulked lead
Design of rainwater outlets, pipes and gutters. joints. Standard Wire Gauge - thicknesses in mm and
inches. Corrosion of metals- Electro-chemical series of
Rainwater pipes and gutters sizing data. lOP Table of metals.
permeability of differing surfaces. ;
Decimal and metric equivalents of fractional parts of ar
Desi9n . of building drainage. Dr!Jin sizing _data.__ I inch.--.Relation of various serv.ices to each. other._
Comparative flows from houses and flats. Testing of 1
d~inL ! Useful names and addresses.

Index 169-17:
In 197 3 the I nst1tute published 1ts f1rsr comprehensive Acknowledgements
plumbing services text book. whrch incorporated most The Institute thanks Chairman. Mr. J. G. Rodoers and members
of the design leafiets previousiy published by the of the Revievv Pane: for their devotion tc, the task of compilmg
Institute. In addition to these. 1t contained a this oook. Their technical competence is reflected in the
considerable amount of data extracted from other frnished work which is a credit to the British plumbing industry.
sources which would be of use in the desig'n Acknowledgement is given to the co-operation of the British
processes. and due to this inclusion it was titled the Stendards Institution: the Director. Buildrr1;1 Research
E5tablishment for permission to reproduc: the BRE Digest 170-
'lOP Data Book'. The response from industry for this Ventilation of Internal Bathrooms and WC's in Dwellings.
book. with its easy reference. was such that within Thanks are also given to Mr. H. A Hawick for permission to use
nine months all copies had been sold. data from other Institute publications for w!"oich he holds the
This revised text book. which still contains much In addition to the above the Institute would like to place on
record its appreciation for information supplied by the following
useful data. has now been extended to include the
individuals and companies which was used as a basis for items
fundamentals of plumbing design for all sections. It ftnally induded in the Guide:-
has also been enlarged and now includes additional E. James MIP
sections dealing with pumps and pumping. swimming
Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
pools. vacuum and medical gas. ventilation of internal
Edv;ards High Vacuum Ltd.
bathrooms and WC's in dwellings and a complete nev.·
Megaior Pumps ar.d Compressors Ltd.
section on fire protection services.
Paterson Candy International Ltd.
It is intended that this book should become the design Sha.-. Hathernware Lki.
guide for the Plumbing Industry and therefore it has Spirax Sarco Ltd.
been re-titled 'lOP Plumbing Services Design Guide' Finaliv ttte lnstrtute wishes to thank Mr. 8111 Field of WGF
in the hope that it may form the basis of all plumbing Designs for his high standard of layout and presentation.
Review Panel:-
A panel of professional engineers. all members of the G. R. CRESPIN TEC;, (CEI) MIP
Institute. with considerable design and contractural Plumbing Engineer
experience. have collaborated to produce this most Building Design Partnership
comprehensive design guide. and the utmost care has J. HALLIDAY T ENG (CEI) FlOP
gone into its preparation to ensure. as far as possible. Projects Manager
Andrews Weatherfoil (Scotland) Ltd.
the accuracy and authenticity of its contents~
Plumbing Engineer and Assocrate
We are grateful to all those who submitted comments Building Des1gn Partnership
on the first edition and for their constructive J. C. W. HILL TECH (CEI) MIP
suggestions. many of which we have been able to Plumbing Engineer
incorporate into this current guide. and we would Arup Associates
appreciate any further comments which may be useful H. A. HOWICK T.ENG (CEI) FIPHE. FlOP
to the panel when considering any future edit1ons. (from July 1975)
Finally. I should like to pay my personal tribute and Plumbing Lecturer (Retired)
(from November 1974- July 1975)
extend my thanks to all concerned with the
production of this book and in particular to tl:e
Plumbmg Manager
members of the review panel for their inspired help Matthew Hall Mechanical Services
which made it all possible. J. G. RODGERS T.ENG (CEI) FIPHE. MIP, MASPE
Senior Plumbing Engineer and Associate Building Design
Partnership (Chairman)
0 J. G. Rodgers T. Eng ccEil FIPHE. MJP. MASPE
Design Guide Co-ordinator:-

Plumbing Services Design Guide Review Panel. Executive Dorector The Institute of Plumb1ng

Past President:
The Institute of Plumbing.
November 1977.

O~srgned b~·: WG F Oes•gns

Prrr.led by: W. W. Hawes. Elmswell. Suflolk
·· Pipe sizing
Assessment of required flow rate
Flow of water at appliances Table A2 Loading units

~~ellin_g~ ~nd ~lats_

The minimum recommended rates of flow at various Loading Unit
appliances and fittings are set out in Table Ai. ·- ·-·--- --·-··· Rating
Except under very special circumstan"ces these are
rates which are found to be generally acceptable to we flushing cistern 2
. consumers and the design of a system should provide Wash basin
for these delivery rates.
Bath 10
Table A 1: Recommended minimum rates of Sink 3-5
flow of various appliances or fittings Shower {with nozzle) 3
Public bath 22
rApplia~ce or. fining
lwe flushing
... ------······ . . . ..
Rate of flow
gal./min. 1/s ~-- - .. ..

we flushing
... .._._.;.._._... ____
foffices · ·' ---··- ._,.. ·--· ·- · -'"··· ··· ·

·- ·--~- -~-·--·-- -· · ·.o· ~ ....,.....,
.. __ . ..., . ~~--·------
cistern 1f 0 12
. (_:·:')" Wash basin (distributed use} 1t
·~ Wash basin 2 0·15
Wash basin (concentrated use) 3
Wash basin with spray taps l
Bath {private) 4 0·30 ~chools and_lndu_n._r~ai,_Bui~~-i~g_s_ ~-~~~..::·..~:=. :=--~~=
we flushing ci~tern 2
Bath (public) 8 0·60
Wash basin 3
Shower (with nozzle) 1.!.2 0·12
Wash basin _yvith spray tap
Sink with fin. taps 2t 0·20
Sink with ~in. taps 4 0'·30 Lab sink 1
Sink with 1 in. taps 8 0·60 Note: Certain sanitary appliances require a continuous flow of
water throughout the whole of the time that they are being used.
Lab sink iin. taps 1 0 08 Th.ese include ablution appliances fitted with spray taps._ umbrella
sprays. shower nozzles or similar fittings.

Assessment of probable demand In buildings where high peak demands occur, a loading unit
rating for such appliances is not applicable and 1 00 per cent of
the flow rate for these appliances as set out in Table A1 must be
In designing a hot or cold water supply system, an allowed for. The same applies to automatic flushing cisterns as
assessment must first be made of the probable maximum used for urinals.
demand at any particular time. In the majority of buildings
it rarely happens that the total number of appliances Example 7 Determrne the design flow rate for a distri-
installed are ever in use at any given time. For economic buting pipe feeding 8 wc's. 16 wash basins and 8 baths
reasons therefore, it is usual for a scheme to provide for in a block of flats.
a peak usage w.hich is less than the possible maximum. 8 wc's X 2 = 16 loading units
16 wash basins X 1! = 24 loading units
Probable demand Will depend upon the type of 8 baths X 10 = 80 loading units
sanitary appliance. the type of building in which it is 120 loading units
installed and the frequency of usage. In order to assess From Graph A 1. the flow rate reqwred for 120 loading
the probable demand, some designers total the possible units would be 1 · 5 1/s.
maximum demand and then take a percentage of this
figure, the percentage varying with the type of building Example 2 Determine the design flow rate for a distri-
in which the installation is fitted. The late W. Fretwell buting pipe feeding 24 wc·s. 24 wash basins. 16 urinals.
devised the formula m = vnwhere m = probable 4 showers and 4 cleaner's sinks in a factory where there
number of appliances in use and n = number of is a very high peak demand for use of the showers.
appliances installed. 24 wc's x 2 = 48 loading units
Mr. H. A. Hawick has devised a method based upon 24 wash basins x 3 = 72 loading units
.. the Theory of Probability. With this method a unit 4 sinks x 5 = 20 loading units
rating is devised for each type of sanitary appliance, 140 loading units
based on its rate of water delivery, time the taps are From Graph A 1. the flow rate requrred for 140 loading
open during usage, probable time the appliance is in units would be 1 · 65 litres per second. To this must
use and the simultaneous demand for the particular be added the water required for urinal flushing and
_. _type of _appliance, _continuous .use of ~rs.-
The urinals would require 16 x 4 ·50 = 72 litres every
Table A2 sets out the 'loading unit' rating for various 20 minutes or
appliances. A loading unit has no precise value in terms -20_7_x2_60- = 0·061/s
of litres per second. By multiplying the total number of
each type of appliance by the appropriate loading unit The 4 showers would require 4 x 0 ·12 = 0 · 48 1/s
number and adding the resultant totals together, the The total flow required would therefore be 1 · 65 0 · 06 +
recommended flow rate can be read from Graph A 1. + 0 · 48 =
2 ·19 1/s
. t .....

Pipe sizing

Effective length·of pipe run loss of head at point of delivery

The diameter of pipe necessary to give a required flow In calculating the diameter of a pipe to supply an
rate will depend upon the head available, the smooth- individual fitting, the loss of head through the draw-off
ness of the pipe used (i'e' type of material) and the or delivery valve should be taken into account. A
effective length of pipe run. table of head losses through draw-off taps is given in
Table AS. For easy calculation. a table of the loss of
To the loss of head in the actual length of pipe must head through draw-off taps expressed as equivalent
be added that caused by pipe finings such as elbows. pipe lengths is given in Table A4.
tees, etc. For convenience, the latter is usually expressed
as the loss in an equivalent length of pipe as set out Example 4 Determine the diameter of a distnbuting pipe
in Table A3. - pipe necessary io deliver 0. 3 1/s through a ~ in bibtap,
the length of copper tube bemg 18 rn vv1th 8 elbows and
Table A3 Loss of head in pfpe fittings the available head being 3 m.
expressed in equivalent pipe lengths Assuming 20 mm (~in.) pipe. the effective length
would be:
r• Nom. Metric Copper Nom. Galvan'd mild steel 18 + (8x0-8) + 8·5 = 18 + 6-4-:- 8·5 = 32.9 m.
Lbore o.d. Elbow Tee bore Elbow Bend Tee Say 33m.
metre run metre run Permissible loss of head per metre run of effective
in. mm of pipe mm of pipe length would be:
Head 3 1 ·
! 15 0·5 0·6 15 0·5 0·4 1 ·2
=- =
33 11
--=0-09 m/m.
t 20 0·8 1 ·0 20 0·6 0·5 1·4
Reading from Graph A2. a 20 mrr. copper tube with a
1 25 1·0 1 ·5 25 0·7 0·6 1·8 head loss of 0- 99 m/m run will convey 0- 30 1/s. Th1s
1.L 32 1·4 2·0 32 1·0 0·7 2·3 d1ameter pipe will therefore be large enough to give the
required rate of discharge at the tap.
1! 40 1. 7 2·5 40 1. 2 1·0 2·7
2 50 2·3 3·5 50 1 ·4 1·2 3·4
' 2t 65 3·0 4·5 65 1 ·7 1 -3 4-2
t 3 75 3·4 5·8 75 2·0 1 -6 5·3 Loss of head through ballvalves & stopvalves
The loss of head through ballvalves. which can be
4 100 4·5 8·0 100 2·7 2-0 6-8 very high, and stopvalves varies with the rate of flow.
It is usually more convenient therefore to deduct the
loss of head through these fittings from the available
Determination of pipe diameter head. The loss of head through ballvalve orifices of
To deter~ine the diameter of a pipe for a given flow various sizes is given by Graph A3 and that through
rate, the allowable loss of head per metre run of stopvalves by Graph A4.
effective length must first be calculated.
Example 5 Determine the d1ameter of a copper cold
Example 3 Assuming that a flow rate of 2 1/s is required. water supply pipe capable of delivenng 1 · 5 lis through
the head available is 4 m. the pipe is of galvanised steel. a ballvalve having a 16 mm (i m.) diameter orif1ce.
the actual length of pipe is 20 m and that there are 8 given that the pressure at the main is 400 kN/m 2
elbows in the run. (40- 8 m head). the ballvalve is 15 m above the main
Taking a pipe of 32 mm then the effective length would and the total run of pipe from the main to the ballvalve
be 20 (8 x 1 · 0) = 28m. As the available head is 4 m. is 34 m with 6 elbows and one stopvalve.
the permissible loss of head per metre would be Assuming a 25 mm (1 in.) pipe. then the effective length
Head 4 1 would be:
Length = 28'= 7 = 0·14 m/m run. . 34 + (6 x 1 · 0) = 40 m
Reading from Graph A2. a 32 mm galvanised steel pipe By reference to Graph A3. at a fiow rate of 1 · 5 1/s the
with a permissible head loss of 0·14 m/m run will loss of head through a ball-valve with a 16 mm onf1ce
convey about 1 · 3 1/s and as this is too small. a 40 mm . would be 3- 5 m and the loss or head through a 1 in.
pipe should be chosen. Under the same head and , (25 mm) stopvalve would be 2· 7 m (Graph A4).
using 8 elbows. a 40 mm pipe will convey 2 1/s which ; The available head will be 40 · 8- (15 + 3- 5 + 2 · 7)
is the flow rate required. i =19-6m.

Table A4 Loss of head through draw-off taps expressed as equivalent pipe lengths
Discharge rate Equivalent length of pipe of
tap fully open same diameter as tap (metres)
~F,;.;it;.;;ti;.;.;n~g~(;;:.B;;:.S..;.1.;;.01.;..0;.:)._•--=-....-.·---'----'--'-;,....;._ _ ya .Q!_l./_m_ln._......___~PJ't&l' Galvanised mifthteel
}in. (15 mm nominal) bibt...:ap~or....:p::...il_la_r_ta..:.p_ _ _o~_·.:;;20~----=2~!_ _ _----:2_·__ 7o_. 4 · 00
fin. (20 m~~~mina.!)_bibt~e~pillar tap 0 · 30 4 8 · 5...::.0_ _ _...;__...::.5_-7;_5;;...__ __
1 in. (_25_m_r:n_no_m_ina~~ bi_bt_a~_or _pil_latJ!!_p____0_·_6_0_._ _ _~-- ___ _?.Q.: 00_ _ _ _ _1_3;..._.O_O_ _ __
•The loss of head through some patented draw· off taps is much higher through BS 1010 fittings.
Permissible loss of-head per metre run of effective length By reference to Graph A2. a 25 mm ( 1 in.) diamett
of pipe would be: · copper tube under these conditions would convey 1 ·
Head 19 · 6 1/s so .that this size of pipe would satisfy requirement
- - = - - = 0·49 m/m
Length 40
Table AS Loss of head in metres t~rough draw-off taps
Discharge rate in 1/s
Fitting (BS 1010) ·075 0·12 0·15 0·20 0·22 0·30 0·35 0·47 0·55 0·60
fin. bibtap ·185 ·365 ·52 ·75 1 ·1 1·8
-J-in. bibtap ·21 ·33 ·45 ·75 1 ·1 1·4
1in. bibtap ·45 ·70 ·90 1·2 1 ·5
fin. pillar tap ·24 ·40 ·52 ·70 ·80
fin. pillar tap ·24 ·30 ·40 ·50 ·70
Relative discharging powers of pipes Table A6 Nominal diameter of main pipe .
:.•. ·: The relative discharging power of pipes are as the mm . 100 75 65 50 40 32 25 20 ' 11
square root of the fifth power of their diameters in. 4 3 2f 2 1f H 1 f
N= (~J orN= v{W 1:::: 2 3
1= 2
12 18 32 66 18
6 9 15 32 a
where N = number of branches -~

0 = diameter of main pipe 1= 2" 4 6 10 20 5·

d =.diameter of branch pipes 1= 2 3 6 12 3:
The accompanying table has been calculated from this - 1=2 3 1! e
formula, fractions over 0·5 being taken as whole
numbers. (Table AS). · · 1= 2 4 1<
The nominal diameters of pipes given are those adopted 1= 2 {
in BS 2871 : Pitrt I Copper tubes for water, gas and
sanitation. 1= ~ -
Thrusts developed in a pipeline due to internal
joints are: Lead-caulked, Bolted-Gland and Tyton.
pressure The magnitude of these thrusts, which act in the.
direction shown by the arrows in the diagram =

..._;.c:--~ t J--~-
,;t'" I
A x P for blank ends and

A x P x 2 Sine {~) for bends•

where A= Cross-sectional arla of inside ·of socket
J( • P == Internal pressure (including surge pressure
All pipes having joints in which longitudinal move- if applicable)
ment is not positively restricted require external 8 = Angle of deviation of bend
anchorages to resist the thrusts developed at changes of The following table gives approximate values of these
direction and blank ends. Examples of these types of thrusts for standard castings :
Tab/eA7 Thrust. 1 bar (10 5 N/m 2) internal pressure
Nom. internal Blank ends
diameter and junctions 90" bends 45" bends 22!" bends 11t" bends
mm newtons newtons newtons newtons newtons
50 374 529 284 148 71
. 75 716 1013 548 2n 142
100 1168 1652 897 458 232
125 1761 2490 1348 690 348


. 150 2471 3497 1890 961 484
175 3290 4652 2516 1284
200 4232 5967 .3239 . 1-&82 ·832.
225 5271 7452 4032 2058 1032
250 6426 9090 4916 2510. 1258
300 9374 13258 7174 3658 1839
350 12523 17710 9587 4884 2458

--·-----·--·-·-- ·-·-
'. ' ~
. .·~Jl~:;~~~ .
. u
}i Gt ......~
.. :: •''~ l··.'j .. •1•; .(.c.
~ •.

Pipe sizing

, Hot and cold services

to multi-storey buildings For the purposes of calculations. this is assumed to be
The basic principles of pipe sizing dealt with earlier in copper tube.
can be readily applied to pipe sizing for multi-storey This distributing pipe can be split into. ten parts, the
buildings. The additional design considerations to part serving each floor being given a number, with the
which anention must be given in such buildings are top floor being chosen as the point of commencement.
listed below.
(a) Loading Units Determine from the loading unit
table (Table A2) : - Col. 1 Pipe number The number alloned to each pipe
(i) The total number of loac:iingunits.-for--each flat or section is entered in this column.
compartment. .
(ii) The total number of loading units required at the Col. 2 loading units The sum of the loading units of
point of commencement of the distributing pipe and the the appliances supplied by each pipe is ascertained
reduced number of loading units required at each from Table A2 and tabulated.
branch or floor.
(b) Rate of flow or Duty Using the loading unit Col. 3 Flow rate The flow rate required in 1/s at each
ratings calculated. determine the flow rate in l/s at each floo.r can be read off from Graph A 1.
branch or floor from Graph A1. ·
(c) Percentage demand From a comparison between Col. 4 Assumed pipe diameter To enable the
the probable demand in l/s and the estimated maximum equivalent pipe length of fittings to be readily obtained,
demand in l/s the number of flats or compartments for a preliminary estimate of the required pipe diameter
which the frictional resistances of the pipe work should should be entered in this column. Where the estimated
be taken into account can be determined. pipe diameter is too small. the excessive head loss
In the case of the 10 floor (20 flat) example (Fig. A 1 ). shown in Col, .. 9 will indicate that an increase in
the probable and maximum demand ratio, expressed as diameter is requ1red. On the other hand, if the headless
. 2·8.
a percentage as 8 =35% consumed is considerably less than that available, a
smaller pipe is indicated. Only slight adjustments will
The number of flats for which frictional resistances have normally be- found necessary after practice has been
been taken into account is therefore 35 per cent of acquired. '
20 = 7 flats. Below the seventh flat. the frictional
resistance of the main distributing pipe only need be Col. 5 Loss of head in metres per metre run Loss
taken into account. of head in metres per metre run should be read from the
In the case of the 3 floor (3 flat) hot water supply pipe sizing chart. Graph A2. •
example (Fig. A2). the probable demand is 0·80 l/s
and the estimated maximum demand 1 ·261/s (0·421/s Col. 6 Measured pipe run The actual measured pipe
per flat). 0 . 80 run in metres. ignoring any allowances for friction losses
This ratio expressed as a per_centage is ITs = 63 % in fittings, should be entered in this column.
The number of flats for which frictional resistances have Col. 7 Equivalent pipe length of fittings In this
been taken into account is therefore 63 per cent of column is entered the sum of the equivalent pipe lengths
3 = 1 ·89 or 2 flats. of all pipe finings (as Table A3) and draw-off taps (as
In the two examples given, the frictional losses in the Table A4).
pipework to the upper floors have been taken into
account as the hydraulic conditions to these are the Col. 8 Effective length of pipe The effective length
least favourable. of the pipe in each section will be the sum of the
Tabulation When pipe sizing a hot or cold water measured length and the equivalent resistance lengths.
installation which serves a number of points on the i.e. column 5 plus ·column 6 equals column 7. .
same floor and, in addition, supplies draw-off points
on other floors, some form of analysis of the various Col. 9 Head consumed in metres Head consumed
friction losses incurred is necessary to enable a reason- in metres for any pipe section is obtained by multiplying
able head balance to each floor to be maintained. To the effective length of the pipe in metres by the loss of
enable a systematic procedure to be adopted and to head in metres per metre run, i.e. column 7 multiplied
enable a designer to make changes easily when it is by column 8 equals column 9.
shown to be necessary, a form of tabulation such as
that shown for Figs. A 1 and A2 is desirable. Col.10 Progressive head Total head consumed is
The ideas used can be modified to suit individual calculated· by adding together the individual heads in
preferences and varied to suit different layouts, but the column 9. The total head consumed for all the effective
basic principles should remain unaltered. parts of the installation at each floor should be slightly
less than the head actually available. When the difference
is judged to be excessive. some change in diameter of
certain sections. of the pipe run is indtoated. · -
~Applicatio-nof 11tbtrtation rmrthod to
multi-storey cold water installation Col. 11 Velocity in pipe Read from pipe sizing chart.
To enable the basic principles of the tabulation method .
to be explained, two worked examples have been Col. 12 Actual head available Actual head available
given. The first. a cold water distributing pipe supplying at any floor is that due to the vertical height of the
two flats on each of the ten floors is illustrated in Fig. A 1. storage or cistern above the draw-off points.

~ --- -------- ~----- --.--·--- -

1 Fig. A 1 Pipe si-Ling of cold water services to 10 storey block (20 flats)

L.t'E:" sec
ct L0 X 14 = 22J =:.c
'""· ..
+- .
L.- e
1 x 14 " 2::2 ~.::.
+- .. _ 16 >. 14 ~ 22.! 2.25
" .
"' t-
... _ 14 l<. 14 =196 2.10


.j- ... _ 12 )( 14 = 162 ~.9D




i- ... _
.. _
i0 Y.

14 = 140 1.65

I c
..... '
. ._
T .. 6 )( 14 = 84 1.20


- (I
ec· +-

... _ 4 X 14 = 56 0.90 Explanatc~y Notes

\ "Ni.i...
... _ 2 X 14 = 28 0.6:J
1. A tota: of 14 loading units fo~ ea::
flat has bee~ Liosd .
' • I 2. A flow ra:: of 0 · 6 l;s has beer. use:
20 20
on the bo!torr !•cor to allow for full flov
Estimated maximum demand {0 · 40 litres/sec per flat) - 8 · 0 litres/sec simultaneously a~ both batns.
Probable demand 35 per cent - 2 · 8 litres/sec 3. Piping !Jeen assumed as cop;>~
Number of flats for which frictional allowances are provided is 35 per cent 7 flats tube.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
;::_J CD

E ..
•c. •
c. ..
"0 ... ..... ; ...
. -...
~ Gl
..:: •

u :I Gl ';iu CD
... ..m•E ;ou
c >
c c
..- -
., -
..... c.,
..... :E •
Cl Gl Gl Ill

- ...Gl
.. = ...u .....
..Ee ;c Ql
.E • Gl Ql
0 ~~ ..

i Gl

. ''. "C
> E Gl c
-; Cl.!!!

Ill ..
0 ...
u ... 01111
o- 0 .,
CD :I .! -CD .. Gl .. Ill "i ~Ill
a: 0
..J 0 "C .tE :e2 C' ; . :
w_ .. CJE .tE Q..~ > <E
., ... ; 1 280 2·80 40 0·14 4·30 1·70 6·0 0·84 0·84 2·0
i 11 14 0·40 25 0·035 2·40 25·50 27·90 0·98 1 ·82 0·65 2·40
! 2 252 2·50 40 0·11 2·70 2·70 0·30 2·12 1·60
12 14 0·40 20 0·14 2·40 12·10 14·50 2·03 4·15 1 ·10 5·10
J i 3 224 2·25 40 0·10 2·70 2·70 0·27 4·42 1·60
II 13 14 0·40 20 0·14 2·40 12·10 14·50 2·03 6·45 1 ·10 7·80
4 196 2·10 32 0·20 2·70 2·70 0·54 6·99 2·10
l 14
14 0·40 20 0·14 2·40 12·10 14·50 2·03 0·02 1·10 10·50
168 1·90 32 0·18 2·70 2·70 0·49 9·51 2·00
i• 15 14 0·40 20 0·14 2·40 12·10 14·50 2·03 11 ·54 1 ·10 13·20
-,I 6 140 1·65 25 0·40 2·70 2·70 1·08 12·62 2·50
- , ·10

t 16
.. 2·40
12~10 14·50
15·46 2·25
1 ·10 18·60
0·40 20 0·14 2·40 12·10 14·50 2·03 17·49
;I 8 84 1·20 25 0·24 2·70 --. 2·70 0·65 18·14 1·80 21·30
9 56 0·90 20 0·55 2·70 2·70 1·49 19·63 2·25

JI 1.
10 28 0·60 20 0·30 2·70 2·70 9·81 20·44 1·5 26·70
" ... ··-,,(, ,_.·'
Section I1.. Hot and Cold water supplies

Pipe sizing
.r ..
Fig. A2 Pipe sizing of. hot water supply service to 3 storey block (3 flats)

.. ,-----,

~1 1 b\' _j hwb
Loading Units L!tre~ sec

T 1x16=16 0.~2

2 1

""" 25..,

I I __]
ic:) .,
,V;J ~~
' e
. 8 7
2x 16=32 0.60

... 32,

I .J ·-~·

32, 5
9 ' 3x16=48 0.80

""" ___ ,

1....-. I

L__ Explanatory Notes

1. The loading""<.Jni:s fc~ each flat have
been taken as 16 {i.e . .:t for sink, 10
fo~ bath and 1-! for wz~'": basin).
2. No allowance has b-:~n made for
sink tap rtsis:ance bu! the ful! allow-
ance has been pro,·ide::l for bath tap
Estimated maximum demand (0 · 42 litres/sec per flat) 1 · 26 litres/sec resistance.
:r'7) Probable demand 63 per cent = 0 · 80 litres/sec 3. Piping has been assumed as copper
,·.;_.:. Number of flats for which frictional allowances are provided is 63 per cent 2 flats tube.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



.... ..
Cll CD.C

... ~:

-·. -=..
... .c CD


u CD Cou c iiu >. CD
c ::» Gl

CD c .. OGI .!•c Gl
c. • c
..... ~--. ::c •
CD c 0 CD .c!: lll.c Ill CD Ill
ID :0 •CD...
E o::E .. CD > ..... • Gl
... ...
.2CD ulll
0 ... ~~
Cll u ...
g'E -CD II
0 ...
u .. CD Ill
o·- ., Ill ..
> CD
a: Q Ill c C'GIGI
w_ ... oE .tE c..f >E <E

11 ·5
0·35 20


1 ·2 10·30 11 ·50 1·26 1 ·26 0·90

2 16 0·40 25 0·04 1 ·2 2·50 3·70 0·15 1 ·41 0·65
3 16 0·40 25 0·04 2·70 1·50 4·20 0·17 1 ·58 0·65
4 32 0·60 32 0·025 2·70 2·70 0·07 1·65 0·65
5 48 0·80 32 0·04 1--30 2·-BO 4·1-0- . 0·16 1~£1 . 0·£0 .......
·,"I. 6 48 0·80 32 0·04 12·0 2·80 14·80 0·60 2·41 0·80 2·70
7 11·5 0·35 20 0·11 1 ·20 10·30 11·50 1·27 3·68 0·90
8 16 0·40 20 0·15 1·20 1·80 3·0 0·45 4·13 1 ·10 5·40
9 No losses allowed for
10 No losses allowed for
-"~- -~~-------
··-- ·--·----~-- ·----~---------·----.
Graph A1. Loading .units and design flow rates
I .i I I I
I 1 I
" .' ! I I
\. · : !· :I I I I
1--....;-~-~~~---·-··_____;_ _ _ _~_
::. I
_;__ __;__ _;__ __.__ ___;.;_._:. . . .._;~-++-'1~,_;_-!...-+1-.;--+1-+-+---l
'l··i i ! o

:"- :. :: I

I i
I I ' 0
. ; :
! t i ..
:! i :
. I-; I
I i
• :II 0

I en
; :; !i
:. i I

II ·c:::I
:I: I
I; I

; i l i r I, I I C)
. II II II o·
; I
' ·'-
.;11 ~: ;

~) 'I''
0 I:
I ,,J!,j~· ! I I 0
i l!!i[!~ I
! !
i i!! i i ! r~ ;

I ! I:! I I ~
. r ~·
, I •
:! : ' I 1 I
, . I
' 1
IIi; l II iI II
'I:' . ! N 0

Ill i ! I I i I I N.
I iI I

I I I!!
I L'
i! IIi II
l I ]\.

I ; i ' i

I!illIiII I I II

I ~ l I
I ~ 0

- •

.. '-I ·~ !

! I I i I
II' I I j I I '\ M-
= g: ..c ....
'0 9 '? <? '0 "'!

puooas Jad saJ!!J U! &!eJ MOIJ u61saa

--------~---·~ ---~--------·
.-------- : . f
Section A Hot and Cold ,,~ater supplies

Pipe sizing

Sraph A2 Pipe sizing graph


-/--,--~~-~--------,Y---1 ~ Qi
- - - - : - - .....--1 -: ~



PUOJliS Jlld S8JI!I 811J MOI:I

Graph A3 Head through ballvalve orifices
BS 1212 Standard ballvalves

8 Size/pressure orifice size mm

t•low 9 5
t • med (1) 6 0
t• med (2) 5·0
t. high 3·0
rlow 13·0
t• high 9 5
1 ·low 16·0
1. high 13·0
For larger sizes see manufacturers' information



~· .t,

) ·2


·t. ·8 1·0

Loss of head in metres

SectiGn A Hot and Cold v:ater ~npplie:::

Pipe sizing
Graph A4 Head loss through stopvalves

6 . '

~, 2



- u:


.......... I

·2 a:: •.! ·5 ·6 ·S 1·0

Loss of head in metres

Cold water storage

"' Table AB Proflision of cold water storage to

cover 24 hours interuption of supply the water reaches a level not less than 50 mm below the
-~,--~- __, ___________.,._. .:., ---- ---·- --~--~ overflowing level of the overflow pipe
Storage ~ J. ·
~L~~~d-~!'1.9 .. _ . ---~r:t.!~~~s -~ Eyery outlet to a stora~e cist~rn. other than the overflow
Dwelling houses and flats per resident 90 prpe, shou_ld be provr~ed wrth a fullway stopvalve so
_ ____;::___ _ _ _ _ _ _~---:-:-----~ · that there rs no necessrty to empty the vessel to enable
Hostels per resident 90 .:..o. repairs to be carried out to the distributing pipes, etc.
Hotels per resident 135. 3 v: If the storage re9uired is .m?re than_ 4500 l!tres, it is
----.,----------'---~-----::-::-'·-----:--:·advantageous to arrange rt rn a serres of crsterns so
__ff_ic_e_s_w_it_h_o_ut_ca_n_t_e_en_s_ ___;,p_e_r_h_ea_d_ _ _ _ _3__5:--.;:£:-': interconnected that each cistern can be isolated for
Offices with canteens per head 45 • 0: cleaning and inspection without interfering with the
-R-e-st_a_u_ra_n_ts _ _ _ _ _ _ ___;.p_e_r-:-h-e-ad-:--p-er_m_e_a:-1--:8:-- ,. · flow of water. This can conveniently be done by the use
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___;_ _ _.,;,.__ _ _-:-__.:...~. of a header pipe of adequate size into which each
_D_a...:.y_s_c_h_o_o_ls_ _ _ _ _ _ __.:pe_r_h_e_ad_ _ _ _ _2_7_.---=6~: cistern is connected and from which the distributing
Boarding schools per resident 90 ~ 'U : pipes branch off, each branch into and out of the header
---~-----------'---------:---;"'Tlpipe being provided with a stopvalve. Each cistern
Nu~es' homes and . ! :6! should have its own float operated valve and overflow
medrcal quarters per resrdent 110: ! pipe, and a draining tap to facilitate cleaning out.
Where the occupancy of a building is not known, the! In large storage cisterns, the outlet should be at the
following table might be useful as an approximate guide end opposite to the inlet to avoid stagnation of the
to the storage required: water. If two or more cisterns are coupled together in
Table A9 Hot or c ld t st series witho!-lt header pipes, t~e inlet and outlet should
. o ~a er orag~ . be at opposrte ends of the senes.
based ~~~:?Jtary appliances (proVJsJ_on~~! . . N~:t:. C::ms-.:!t \'\.!:h Reg'o:"!::' \'.c:!o• 1-.~:•~r;t;.
b~~~~~~~~~:~;-;: f'~e4.lHot wate~ storage
Water closet 180 t +olExcept in ~ases of special hot water demand, the
Sink 1 35-225i3~=~requirements for the sto!age of hot water may be
~~---------------:--..:..::.::.....:==+;.;.,0~-~:assessed from the followrng table.
Wash basin_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___;;;...,:._.=~--:-4~
----'-;..:.... 90-250- Table A 10 Assessment of hot water demand
Shower 135-225:;c:_s-t> nd storage requirements (based on day of

~~:~ater Byelaws require that. where a storag:3~:~~?~ ~t:eavie~t_d;~and cJ_:Mrinf!_~d~h_e1-. e~:~_d'"""H.\ . ~t6rag; wd.
· "d d · h · · ·ed 1 . ax. a• y eman requ1rement
rs prov~ e rn a ~use,_r.e. premrses separate y occ~pr of. building . . per person. • •.. per person
as a prrvate dwelling, rt shall have a storage capacrty of .... -· ~-- ··~--"'·----·~· ~~ ____..._....,_,_ ·- -·~-:-·-·
not less than 25 gallons (114 litres).' Where such Colle~es and schools btres btres
cistern is also used as a feed cistern, it shall have a Boardmg 11 4 23
capacity of not less than 50 gallons (227 litres). If the Day 14 4·5
storage is provided by means of two or more cisterns, Dwelling houses
h · Low rental 114 see note• below
t err total capacity shall be the same as for a single Medium rental 1 14 45
storage cistern. High rental 136 45
All storage cisterns should be proviaed with a readily :::FI~a::.::ts..:..(7:-b::::lo:.:.c-=k-s-=-)_ _ _ _ _ ___..;..;:.:.._ _ _ _ _ _..;,:;__
removable cover, well fitting but not airtight, and should Low rental 68 23
be adequately protected against damage by frost. Medium rental 114 32
Every storage cistern must be fitted with an efficient High ren..t:::a:..,.l-------........:1:.::3~6 -------=37 2 -=
overflow pipe which should have as great a fall as FactC?!.!.~s · - - - - - - - - - ' 1 : . . :4:..___ _ _ _ ___..:4--=:·
practicable and preferably not less than 1 in 1 0. In Hospitalst
England and Wales, the byelaws require the overflow General 136 27
pipe to have an internal diameter greater than that of the :~;~~:~:s ~~ ~~
inlet pipe and in no case less than 1 in. (19 mm). In Infirmaries (with laundries) 90 27
Scotland, byelaws require the overflow pipe to have an Maternity 225 32
internal dia111eter not less than twice that of the inlet Mental 90 23
pipe and in no case less than 1f in. (32 mm). !.!N.::.urs:=_:es~·.!!h.::::om=es::..__ _ _ _ _ _...:.1.::.36::___ _ _ _ _ _4~5~
If the capacity of the storage cistern does not exceed !fos!!J:.::Is=---------....:1..!.1;:!.4_ _ _ _ _ _:;32 __
1000 gallons (4546 litres), the overflow pipe should be Hotels
arranged as a warning pipe, i.e. so that its outlet is in a First class 136 45
conspicuous position, . either inside or outside the Average 114 36
building, where the discharge of water therefrom may ~O:.!.ff!!ic::e::.::s:__-:::-------_;,·~14!,..:..·_ _ _ _ ___....;;4~·E
be readily seen. There should be no other overflow pipe. Sports pavilions
If the capacity of a~orage cistern exceeds"''OOO gallons- (with sp~ay_-type showers) · S6 as
(45461itres), it should have a warning pipe as previously Restaurants Per meal 61itres
d~scribecl or, alternatively, it should have an overflow ·s 1,.,,r:?<'· r.o'ma:!,. a rninim..:m cf 11.~ o.:·e! \',~t~. a 4-hour ha~t-u;
prpe not arranged as a warning pipe and, in addition, a pr~:?::.
warning pipe of not less than 1 in. (25 mm) diameter, +;::,;f: also tc• rl':e,·;m: Ho:pi:a! e..:;;::ng Nc:l's (Miniwy c
or some other device, which effectively indicates when Hea!1r: H.M.s.o.

Section~~ Rot and Ccld v:c:tcr EU}YpliE:~

Hot water storage

Method of assessing recovery/storage

relationships for hot water storage vessels The method described is suitable for calculating all
When sizing hot water storage generators it is important types of hot water storage vessels, including off peak
to determine not only the correct size but also the correct electric heated vessels. The method is not, however.
relationship between recovery and storage to enable the applicable to non-storage generators because the
most efficient selection of plant to be made. If too high a maximum performance of non-storage generators is
storage volume is selected and the recovery rate determined by the peak system requirement per
determined as a time function of the volume, then not minute not per hour. .. ·
only is the vessel and heat exchanger oversized but
likewise the primary generating plant, pumps, pipework Fig. A3 Demand pattern histogram
and controls. The effect of oversizing will vary depending
on the degree and type of building, but where the
domestic hot water load represents a substantial propor- ~ lj"""""
tion of the total heating road unnecessary expenditure. r lr- II
both in capital and running costs, is involved. Where rli-' -
inadequate storage and recovery are provided, then the
system will not meet the user requirements, with the
result that costly modifications may need to be made at .. 2000
I~ .,....

a time when the building may be occupied and the ! I'- I-
engineering services in daily use. :3 r-t- 'I-~ r-
Whatever the building under consideration a pattern of jO.;_ I
hot water usage can be projected, the actual usage rt- 9
being largely a function of the building population and rrg
the type of activity that takes place within. In determin-
ing the pattern of usage it is important to differentiate
between the maximum daily demand and the average
daily demand, so that the implications of the system not
0 -
0 12
meeting the demands made upon it can be recognised,
and the maximum. requirements designed for where
necessary. Table A 11 Peak hourly loads
: 3 2 3
To project the demand pattern over the operating period Lit res
Peak Litres Peak Lit res Lit res
an hour by hour analysis of hot water usage should be Hours used per Hour Hours used per Hour
made. Taking into account the building population, the 1 3400 3400 13 27000 2130
level and type of activity and all other factors which 2 6600 3300 14 28300 2021
affect hot water demand, a quantitive assessment of 3 9600 3200 15 28800 1920
hourly usage should be tabulated for ever( hour of the 4 11600 2900 16 28900 1806
operating period. For offices and schools a continuous 5 13300 2660 17 29000 1705
12 hour operating period may be sufficient, but for other 6 16300 2716 18 29100 1616
buildings such as hospitals and factories a 24 hour 7 19300 2757 19 29200 1536
operating period may be necessary. The projected 8 22000 2750 20 29300 1465
demand pattern should be recorded in the form of a 9 24000 2666 21 29400 1400
histogram profile as illustrated in Fig. A3. 10 25600 2560 22 29500 1340
11 26400 2400 23 29600 1286
From the histogram a series of sequential peak hourly
loads should be calculated for groups of hours, from 1 12 27200 2266 24 29700 1237
hour through to the maximum number of hours in the
operating period. The total hourly loads should be Fig. A4 Storage make-up ratio curve
recorded as in Table A 11 together with the average
hourly load for each group of hours under consideration.
On completion of Table A 11 a graph should be set up
using Col. 3 co-ordinates as the 'y' axis and Col. 2
co-ordinates as the 'x' axis as in Fig. A4. Unking the
co-ordinates for each group of hours will produce a
curve any point of which establishes a specific
relationship of recovery to storage which satisfies the
system requirements, assuming of course these have
been predicted with sufficient accuracy in the demand
It should be noted that for groups of buildings in which
· simtler types of activities take place, andwhich have the
same operating period, the shape of the curves will be
closely related the only variable being the quantitive
values of the storage and recovery co-ordinates. It
should also be noted that the storage volumes represent
net usable volumes to which an allowance should be 30000
. added to compensate for stratification and heat losses.
Boosted cold water installations
In the majority of large building Gomplexes which enlarged pipework.
includes multi-storey blocks it is usually necessary to An allowance of 7 litres per flat served is considered a
-- augment the mains pressure available and for the design
to provide for pumps or boosters to ensure an adequate
suitable provision for the size of the header.

supply of water to meet all the requirements at the 3. Indirect boosting from break tanks at low
higher floors. ; level
There are basically four systems in common usa. In the Thames Water Authority area and in other parts of
1. The directly boosted system (to cold water tanks the country, break. tanks must be provided for in the
only) · installation. Tt.a pumps must befitted on the outlet of a
2 The directly boosted header or enlarged pipe system break tank to ensure that there is no direct pump
3. Indirect boosting from break tanks at low level to connection .to the incoming main. As there is no
high level storage tanks assistance possible from the mains pressure the pumps
4. The pneumatic or pressurized system must, in this case, be capable of overcoming the total
static lift, friction losses in the pipework and in the
1. The directly boosted system ballvalve and any other resistances.
Where the water regulations permit, the pumps can be The sizing of the break tank must be considered
connected directly to the incoming main thus enabling carefully to prevent stagnation of the water which could
: iTh -the pump head to be added to that of the mains. occur due to oversizing.
~·V Generally this simple system is suitable for use only in In many cases full consultation with the water authority
those cases ·where the mains pressure is sufficient to is necessary where the whole of the storage is to be
., serve drinking water points on the top floor but cannot provided at low level.
' " provide adequate residual head at the roof level storage Float or electrode probe control switches must be
tanks. The pump head required is therefore usually provided with thebreak tank to cut out the pumps when
small. Control of the pumps is affected by means of a the water level drops to about 250 mm above the pump
float switch or electrode probes in the roof level suction connection.
storage tank. The control is usually set to start the pump This precaution is necessary to prevent the pumps
when the· water storage drops to about half that running dry snould the incoming main be shut off for
provided and stops the pump about 50 mm below 1the any reason.
ballvalve shut-off level. In a directly boosted pumped
system consideration may also have to be given to Example Indirectly boosted cold water
pressure surges which can occur under certain installation 12 storeys - 48 flats Fig. A5
conditions. Assumed static height to overhead storage
tanks •..•..•••....•...................••.•. 34m
2. The directly boosted header or enlarged pipe Allowance for friction loss in pipework . . . . . . . . 5 m
system · Allowance for loss of head at stopvalve and
This system incorporates a small header or enlarged ballvalves etc . • . . • .. • .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. • • 5 m
pipe to provide drinking water storage ar- high level Estimated total head to be overcome . . • . . • . . . . 44 m
between .pump.cycJes. Float or electrode pro~ control The minimum pump head to be provided for is therefore
is provided to the duplicate pumps to ensure that the 44 m
roof storage tanks are refilled at suitable intervals. The The pump output at a head of 44 m to give a refill time of
pumps are connected, where permissable direct to the 4 hours to overhead main storage tanks, can be
mains supply. , derived as follows:-
The upper limit of head provided for by the pumps is
usually about 50 m.
·. Drinking water points where possible at lower level ate . Pump output in 1/s = s~ora~e in litres
fed direct at mains pressure. The minimum head which t1me m seconds
should be provided for at any draw-off point is 2 m.
The pumps are controlled in two main ways:- At 3 persons per flat and 90 litres per person (Table AS)
(a) by means of the drinking water demand from the ' 3 x 90 = 270 litres per flat
header pipe.
(b) by the fall in the water level in the main storage
tanks. pump output in 1/s = 48 x 270
In the first case when the header pipe empties a pipe line · 4 X 3600
switch which is fitted on the header bypass starts the .
pump. = o:9o 1/s
To give a pump run of say two minutes, a time delay is
normally fitted .to the switch. As the header pipe is In addition to the overhead storage demand there is the
normally refilled in a shorter time than this, the excess is drinking water demand to assess. See page 15.
fed into the main storage tanks. As centrifugal pumps
~an operate against a closed valve for a short period of
t1me no damage is likely to occur if the ballvalves are
-elesed during pan of some refill cycTes.
The water level in the main storage tanks is controlled
u~ually either by float switches or electrode probes. In
VIew of the fill and empty cycle of the drinking water
header care must be taken to provide for an automatic
air valve to allow air to enter and be-vented from the

Section ...:\ Hot and Cold water supplies

Boosted cold water installations

Pressurized hot and cold water systems

with low level storage tanks· output (APO). The pressure vessel output (PVO) can
4. Pneumatic system or pressurized system therefore be expressed in the form:-
A pneumatic unit (see Fig. A6) incorporates pumps, PVO = t APO x time of pump run in seconds
pressure vessels, air compressor and control panel For a pump run of 3 minutes (180s)
mounted on a common base. PVO = t APO x 180
Some designs provide for a gas loaded seated pressure PVO = 90 APO
vessel. In this case an air compressor is not required. The actual variation of pump ou'tput between start and
The system_ n~guires the provision of:- _ stop heads depends on the characteristic curve of the
· (i) a pneumatic pressure vessel which contains both pump chosen but for this example may be assumed as
al[anowaterunde(Jire~~U!~;__:=----- -- . - under:-
(ii) gas or a1r sealed pressure vessel, provided with a Maximum = 1 · 6 1/s
flexible rubber diaphragm to separate the gas or air Minimum (say) = 0 · 4 1/s
from the water. PVO = 90 x APO = 90 Y. (1 · 6 + 0 · 4)
The pump cycle is controlled by the change in the air or
gas pressures which occur when water is drawn off and 2
subsequently replaced. = 90 litres
A given volume of water can therefore be removed for a (C) Pressure-volume
given change of pressure. The pump cycle heads are From the enlarged diagram of the pressure vessel Fig.
controlled by the residual head which must be provided A7 it will be seen that the pumps have to replace the 90
at the highest draw-off point and the maximum pressure litres of water between V, and V 2· In other words the air
desirable in the installation. or gas must be compressed in volume to allow for the
A lower limit of say 5 m head and an upper limit of 50 m water to be stored in the pressure vessel.
are typical working values. The formulae which can be used for determining the
The settings of the pressure switches controlling the pressures and volumes are derived from Boyle's Law for
pumps should switch the pumps on at the lower air or gases.
pressure and off when the pressure rises to the upper P,.V,..::. P2-V2 =a constant
limit. where P, = Initial air or gas pressure (absolute}
On larger units 2, 3 or 4 pumps may be used in switched P 2 = Final air or gas pressure (absolute)
sequence to provide different volumes at a fixed head. V 1 = Initial volume of air or gas
Capacity of pneumatic vessel _ V 2 = Final volume of air or gas
The capacity of the pressure vessel is based on a number By rearranging Boyles Law it can be shown that
of factors. V 1 =V1-V2
(I) The working pressure of the system related to the
head required at the draw-offs.
(II) Probable maximum simultaneous wate~ demand.
(Ill) The frequency of the operation of the pumps. Some
restrictions may also be imposed by the electrical
installation wiring.
(D) Pump head
(A) Pressurised hot and cold water systems All pump heads or pressures for use with Boyle's Law
Example must be expressed in absolute terms.
Pneumatic system For simplicity atmospheric head has been taken here as
12 storey block of flats being 10 m water. (1 0 · 33 m actual}.
Assumed height to ballvalve 34m From which
Estimated friction loss in pipework 5m P 1 = Cut-in pump head = 44 + 1 0
Loss of head at stopvalves. ballvalves etc. 5m = 54 m (absolute)
P 2 = Cut-out pump head = 54 + 1 0
Estimated total head to be overcome 44 m = 64 m (absolute}
From earlier calculations it was determined that
Cut-in pump head (gauge) 44 m V 1 - V 2 = 90 litres
Cut-out pump head (gauge) 54 m By substituting given data
Probable simultaneous water demand from 24 flats V 1 =V 1 -V 2
• using loading unit values given in table A2 page 1.
24 wc·s = 24 x 2 = 48 LU
24 Sinks = 24 x 4 = 96 LU

90 90
From LU /flow rate graph A 1
- -----
1 - 0·845
144 LU are equivalent t9 1 · 9 1/r,,

(B) Sizing of pneumatic vessel

It is usual to arrange for the pumps to have an on-off =--
i. cycle of 3 to 4 minutes. 0·155
,. The pump capacity should be such that the peak water
demand is not likely to exceed half the average pump V, = 580 litres
Fig. A5 Example
Boosted To give some guidance on the size of the pneumati
cold water supply vessel required. the volume of a cylinder with flat end
I from can be written as
break tank V = _:!0' x length
Assume a length: of 2 metres for the cylinders
by transposition and cancelling
02 = 2 v
boosted by substitution of given volume for V

....... ./
, 25mm
.... D2 i:::::2 X 700
3·142 X 1000
. 14
" = - - = 0·446 m 2
D = )0·446 = 0·66 m
Storage at low level Drinking
unboosted D = 660 mm
25mm mains 25mm , t>\:.1e: /-.. pne:..:matic cylindc~ 20:~:: !'n:"'ri lc:;; and 670 mrr.
df;:rneter "'o~lC ft1Cet the gi·..·er. C=~:g:-. reG;.;i~t:-~cnt.
/ \.
Pipe sizing boosted rising main for 24 flats
From the J)ipe sizing chart graph A2 and 32 mm N
'• copper pipe can handle a flow of 1 · 3 1/s at a velocity t
1 · 5 m/s (a suitable velocity for pumped supplies ;
Fig. A6 between1 to 2 m/s).
Pneumatic boosted Boosted It can also be found from the pipe sizing chart that th
cold water supply supply
loss of head in metres per metre run at this flow rate an
./ pipe diameter is 0 · 12 m/m run.
Friction loss in pipework for 32 mm N B pipe
Unboosted 34 x 0·12= 4·1 m
mains supply Friction loss in fittings at 32 mm NB pipe
4 elbows - 4 x 1 · 4 = 5 · 6 m} = 9 . 6 x 0 . 1 2
- 2 x 2 ·0 = 4 ·0

"" 2 tees
.. =1·15m
Friction loss in 32 mm stopvalve- 1 · 0 m
Friction loss in 32 mm ballvalve- 2 · 0 m
Static lift and total friction heads to be overcome.
34 + 4 ·1 0 + 1 ·15 + 1 + 2 = 42 · 5 m
Provision w~s made for 44 m pump head which we:
therefore satisfactory.

Drinking water demand

:• __ ,
Pressure control
gauge ,.., _
air /
The 24 flats at the lower level are assumed to be supplie
direct from the incoming main.

air .
{V2- _p.~~~~g
V,- -Start--

r 'C{>
ight glass .
The drinking water demand of the 24 flats to be serve
from the high level storage has been assessed c
On page 1 table A2 the L.U rating for a sink is given c:
3 to 5 LU. Taking a mean figure of 4 LU.
The 24 X 4 = 96 LU
From the LU flow rate graph A 1 page 7 this is show
I Drain
valve as being equivalent to a 1 · 3 1/s flow rate.
I• The high level storage refill flow rate and the drinkin
from pump to boosted supply water demand can now be added to provide th
maximum demand.
. - ·_f!g: A7- Pneumatic pressure vessel Total demand 0·90+T·3 = 2:2011s.
In practice the two demands on the rising pumped mai ·
(E) Working volume ----------~------ will occur simultaneously ver)C rarely.
To provide some working margin- say 20% becomes, The larger demand of the two can safely be taken as th
then the actual working volume to be provided. rated pump output to meet either demand.
v, = 580+ 20% The rated pump output should therefore be not les
say V,. = 700 litres than 1 · 3 1/s at a head of not Jess than 44 m.
Sectjc,n A Hot and Cold ·wate1· supplies

Sizing of primary and secondary circulations

Table A12 Density of water Primary Circulation Pipes
·Temperature. ·Density Temperatura . Density When the primary circuit to a hot water supply system
. •c ·. kg/m 3 · .:•c .• kg/m 3 operates by ·natural circulation, the sizing of the
primary circulation pipes is carried out in the same
0 999·8 62 982·1 manner as that used for sizing gravity heating circuits.
4 1000·0 64 981·1 The circulating head is the vertical distance between
10 999·7 66 i~ 979·9 the centre of the boiler and the centre of the hot water
12 999·4 68 978·9 storage vessel. '·
14 999·2 70 9n-7 Normally,· the temperature- of the stored water should
) . 16
not exceed 65°C and the temperature drop between the
primary !low and return pipes should not exceed 22cc.
20 For an indirect system with a pump assisted circulation,
22 997·7 78 973·1 the temperature drop should not exceed 11 °C.
24 997·2 so 971·8
Secondary circulation pipes
26 996·7 82 970·6
28 996·2 84 969·3 Secondary circuits may be designed for pumped or
30 995·6 86 968·0 natural circulation, but where practicable they should
1 ·.t:'"\ 32 995-0 88 966·7 be designed for natural circulation. Circulation depends
; -\:! 34
upon the heat loss from the circuit, the circulation
pressure available and the frictional resistance of the
38 993·0 94 962·7 circuit.
40 992·2 96 961·2 The flow pipe of a secondary circuit is also the hot
i· 42. 991·4 98 959·8 water distributing pipe and should be sized accordingly.
44 990-6 100 958-3 The return pipe should be sized so that the temperature
46 989·8
102 956·9 . drop on the circuit is not less than 8~c and not more
48 988·9 104 955·5 than 22cc. dependent upon the temperature required
50 988·0 106 954·0 at the draw-ofi points.
52 987·2 108 952·~ Hot water distributing pipes
54 986·2 110 951·0 Dead legs to hot water draw-off points should be as
' 56 985·2 120 943-1 short as possible and in no case must they exceed those
,/,. . 58
given in the following table.
Maximum permissible lengths
Circulating pressure of hot water draw-off pipes
In a gravity heating circuit it is necessary to calculate The Water Byelaws Jay down the following restrictions
the circulating pressure in the system in order to on the lengths of pipe supplying a hot water draw-off
determine the allowable friction Joss per metre run of tap, measured along the axis of the pipe from the
i effective pipe length•.
For any given system, this is obtained as follows :
cylinder or ~ank or from a secondary circuit.
I CP in N/m2 = 9 · 81 (Dr - Of) x circulating height in Largest internal diameter of. pipe m

I ~o metres
where Dr= density of water in return pipe
and Df = density of water in flow pipe.
Not exceeding ·19 mm
Exceeding 19 mmbut not-exceeding 25 mm
12 · 0
I Exceeding 25_ mm 3 ·0
r .· As low pressures are usually expressed in millibars and

i • 1· mbar = 100 N/m2, the expression becomes: In the case of a compound pipe of differing diameters
! Cp .m mb ar = 9 · 81 (Dr- Dt). x _circulating height
· ·
the largest diameter is to be taken.
For a spray tap the maximum length should be 0 · 9 m.
Example Determine the circulating pressure in a system Water quality
designed lor a flow temperature. of 82°C and a return
temperature of 60c C if the circulating head is 5 m. The quality of water is defined by chemical and bacterial
analysis and where the end usage is directly or indirectly
CP= 9·81 (983·2-970·6) X 5 9·81 X 12·6 X 5 for human consumption .it should comply with the
100 100 recognised standards to ensure freedom from harmful
bacteria. acute and long term toxic substances. In
CP= 6·18mbar= 618·00Pa addition the water should be clear, odourless, tasteless
Fig. AS Recircu~ation deionisation system and wholesome.
Ring main return
J -
1. Hand isolation valve 11. Solenoid valve
2. Break tank for raw water 12. Break tank for recirculation water
3. Low level float switch 13. Recin:ulatton pUmp
·--4: 9elitllf PUftlll - --14: ·Oaioniwt corlindet ·
5. Pump motor staner 15. Una ceH Raw
6. Non return valve 16. Conductivity controll11
7. Pressure relief valve 17. Conductivity meter water in
B. lmegrattng water meter 1B. Water condition alarm
... 9. Rate of flow meter 19. 0 2u Panicle filler
10. Two bed automatic detoniser 20. Pressure sustaining/relief valve
! .

---.--- -~~----------· -··-··-. -.. - ... ' . ,.
t: '' ''·. 1·4'~~
Water quality
i ,
The 'International Standards for ·Drinking Water' treated water is therefore not necessarily pure or sterile.
produced by the World Health Organisation defines the Centralised recirculating systems, local units, and
toxic limits for substances frequently found in water both in combination where terminal polishing is
supplies and in the UK, the Ministry of Housing required, can produce water up to 18 megohms at
Report No. 71 {4th edition 1969) recommends the 25 'C which is close to theoretical maximum.
bacterial purity standards for water suppli-ed by public Fig. AS shows a two bed recirculation system suitable
water authorities in addition to establishing procedures for providing 3 M 3/HR of deionised water up to 1
to be followed in obtaining samples. microsiemen centimetre quality.
Waters which satisfy the quality standards for human
consumption are not always suitable for certain medical. Softened water
industrial and commercial uses and may contain levels Water softening in large quantities for commercial use
of trace elements, high total dissolved solids contents, and distribution is usually carried out using one or more
non pathogenic bacteria. gases and suspended matter of the Lime or Lime/Soda processes. For domestic
which necessitates some form of treatment before the application, however, the base exchange system of
water can be used in activities such as food and softening is more commonly used and only this method
pharmaceutical preparation. brewing, research. is described. Base exchange softening operates on a
medicine and in many areas where heat generation and similar principle to the ion exchange described in
transfer take place. Deionised Water and functions by the process ·of
Chemically pure water has no free ions; its hydrogen exchanging Sodium salts for those of calcium.
ion concentration, usually known as pH value, is The action of softening can be expressed chemically as
equivalent to the hydroxyl ion concentration and on the follows:
pH scale has a value of 7 which represents neutrality. SODIUM CALCIUM CALCIUM SODIUM
This figure indicates the concentration of hydrogen ions + ,.- exchanges to +
in a litre of solution and for pure water the concentration ZEOUTE CARBuNATE ZEOUTE CARBONATE
for both types of ions being equal at 1 0 - 7 gram and that of re-generation:
The pH value usually being expressed as pH = log 10 + exchanges to +
+where H+ is the hydrogen ion concentration, hence · Because the base exchang1e system produces water of
H 1 zero hardness, it is often only necessary to soften part of
the total wate requirement and blend the raw and
the pH of pure water is log 1o- = 7. softened water together. •
Water having a hydrogen ion concentration in excess of Operation of a base exchange water
10-7 gram molecules per litre will have a pH of less than softener ·
7 and will therefore tend to acidity and conversely The raw/hard water supply is connected into the top of
waters with pH of greater than 7 will tend to alkalinity. the softener tank and flows downwards under pressure
From the above it follows that pure water having no free through the bed of softening mineral {zeolite) where
· ions has poor conductivity and high resistance to the hardness is removed by the process of 'ion
electrical current. The conductivity, or its reciprocal exchange'. At the same time sediment in the water is
resistivity, of a, sample of water is a good measure filtered out and retained by the mineral bed. Clear soft
of its purity where this is concerned with dissolved water leaves the bottom of the tank into the water
ionisable solids or gases which is largely the case distribution system.
in research and laboratory applications. The softening mineral eventually becomes saturated
with hardness and no longer softens the water. ·
Deionised water Re-generation of the softening mineral is then necessary
Where water is required of a higher purity both and the process which consists of three stages is as
biologically and chemically than that supplied by the follows:
local Water Authority, single or mixed bed deionisers.
one capable of producing pure and ultra pure water (a) Backwash
approaching theoretical H 2 0. Purity being usually Reverse the water flow through the mineral bed to
measured by a conductivity moniter which measures remove accumulated sediment and wash to drain. A
the conductivity in microsiemens. backwash controller is necessary to limit the water flow
The operation of deionisation is based on using twin and thus prevent washing out the mineral bed.
bed or mixed bed columns of positive and negative
charged ionised resins such that the incoming water (b) Brine rinse
disassociates into positively charged ions such as Ordinary salt (sodium chloride) has the ability to fully
magnesium and calcium which exchange with the restore the softening capacity of the mineral. A measured
hydrogen ions of the acidic resins. amount of salt-brine is drawn from the brine tank
Likewise the negative ions of sulphate and bicarbonates through the brine injector and is rinsed slowly doyvn
<lr~ exchanged with the hydrcuyl. ions of the. alkaline
through the mineral bed to remove the hardness wh1ch .
resins. The resultant hydrogen and hydroxyl ions
·- 15 rinsed to drain. ·
combining to form theoretical H 2 0. The exhausted (c) Flushing · .
resin~ being replaced or regenerated with acid and . The water flow is again reversed to re-pack the mmeral
alkahne regenerants periodically. bed and any trace of sediment not removed by the
As the name of the process implies only ionisable backwash is flushed to drain. The softener can now be
dissolved solids and gases can be removed and the returned to normal service.
,w. ·,,
Section -~ Hot and Cold \Vater supplies

Water hammer
Water hammer is a pulsating type of noise which may, Basic design principles
on occasion, be heard emanating from a pipework The shock pressure waves which may be generated in
installation. The noise is caused mainly by shock waves pipes, travel at a velocity Vs which is affected both by the
which are set up when water, which is flowing at high compressibility of the water and the elasticity of the
velocity, is suddenly arrested. pipe walls.
The practical conditions which can create this adverse It can be shown mathematically that the velocity of the
effect are the too rapid closure of manual valves, or the shock wave is close to the velocity of sound under the
virtual instantaneous closure of automatic control same conditions.
valves. The time interval, in seconds, for a shock pressure wave
.. Pumped piped water supplies are also liable to water
hammer if provisions are not taken at the design stage.
to form. at the back of a valve or other arrest point is
given by:-
Plunger type pumps for example give a pulsating type of t = 2 x length of pipe
discharge which may require damping out. velocity of sound
Cases have occurred of water hammer damage
although little audible sound .was present. t= 2 XL
Premature failure of valves. joints and the loosening of ~ Vs
supports and clips are common types of damage The velocity of sound is 1450 m/s under perfect
t-:?\ associated with water hammer. ·
.v Gravity water installations do not as a rule give rise to
conditions. In the case of shock pressure waves this is
usually reduced somewhat by the conditions prevailing,
the problem but when water velocities exceed 3 m/s which must be taken into account.
water hammer conditons may exist.
The possible use on an increasing scale of pressurized Shockwave
domestic water systems in the UK could well lead to an
increase in the incidence of water hammer if proper
precautions at the design stage are not taken.
System protection .
Shock presscres in pipework supplied at high pressure
can be reduced to acceptable limits by incorporating Example
hydro-pneumatic accumulators or water hammer Calculate the time required for a shock wave to form at
arrestors in the pipeline at suitable points. a rapid closing valve in a pipe 14 · 5 metres long.
The earliest form of water hammer absorber was the Take Vs = 1450 m/s
simple air vessel or air bottle. In service these however
usually become water-logged and ineffective. unless t _ 2L
means was available to renew the air cushion. -1450
Modern hydro-pneumatic accumulators incorporate in _2 X 14·5
their design a pre-charged flexible gas bag which is - 1450
filled with air or nitrogen gas (Fig. A9}. Loss of air or gas
in service is thereby prevented. Their continuing t = 510 seconds
efficiency in service is in consequence satisfactory and
reliable. Solenoid valves of the type frequently fitted to auto-
Hydro-pneumatic "accumulators when used for this matic washing machines etc. have closure times of a
application absorb the Kinetic energy of the moving few milliseconds "i.e. 5/1000 or 2/200 seconds.
water and much of the initial shock pressure; this This type of valve can therefore be regarded as rapid
.• occurs when the nitrogen gas is compressed in the closing and liable, in some circumstances, to cause
flexible bag. shock waves to be set up when in operation particularly

Fig. A9 Hydro-pneumatic accumulator Operation

The accumulator is first charged with nitrogen at a pre-
Protective cap-protects precharge valve determined pressure. Fluid from the pump enters through the
against damage and din
fluid port. compressing the gas in the rubber bag, the bag
Schrader type non-return valve backed up floating between gas and fluid in equilibrium. The gas
with ·o·ring seat for 100% sealing
maintains pressure in the accumulator and forces out the
Nameplate. colour coded lor different working
system fluid under pressure when the circuit requires it.
Steel shell. No seams. welds or joints. Lloyds 1. Accumulator neither pressurised nor cha1ged.
approved and to Home Otfoce specification ·s·. 2. Accumulator pte-loaded with gas.
_ __,'14- Separator bag. fully enclosed and a~railabte in 3. Gas in bag compressed by fluid !1om pump.
a variety of materials (the bag is quickly 4. Bag expanded after discha1ging fluid.
The shell is treated to prevent corrosion
Poppet valve. spring-loaded pre~rents bag
Bleed valve for quick and conttolled removal
of air or fluid.
Fluid pon; mpimum possible flow area
allowing hogh flow rate. Easily remo~reabfe for
bag replacement.

2 3 .
Section_:\_ Hot and Cold water supplies

Water hammer

Fig. A 10 f!.ccumulator sizing (i) KE can vary with the square of the diameter (d 2 )
(ii) KE can vary with the square of the velocity (V 2 )
(iii) KE can vary with the length of the branch
From which we get the followrng relationships
V2 P3 • 524 + 720 - 1244 kN/m 2

I---'--+P2 - 414 + 100 - 524 kN/m2

(i) New KE = KE x ~ 2
= KE x (~) 2

~;;;.J..--~Pr - 90% x 524 470 kN/m 2

All pressures absolute. (ii) New KE = KE ~ (~:) = KE x (::)
( •1) • •
lmt1al compression =

= T:-
1 2 2

(iii) New KE = KE x ~~
(ii) Compression due to shock pressures
= P2-v2n = P3-v3n These relationships have been applied to obtain the
volume of nitrogen gas for other pipe diameters,
(iii) Work done on gas = p 2 V 2 - p 3 V 3 velocities, pressures and lengths.
Aflowing for initial compression due to line pressure, Hydro-pneumatic accumulator sizing
and assuming T, = T 2 KE of 13 · 6 mm dia (15 mm N8} copper pipe when the
(constant temperature) velocity of the water .is 3 m/s and length of 15 m.
P, V, = P,·V 2 - KE = 10 Nm
470 X 100
=- For 20 mm NB
524 20 · 2 mm (actual)~
v2 = 90 em 3 2
Taking n = 1 · 4, (nitrogen) KE = 10 x 1_3 . 6 - 22·2 Nm
Main compression due to shock pressure
P 2 • V2 " = P 3 • V 3" I for 25 mm NB
26 · 2 mm (actual)
v2 (~:) n
v3 = = 90 X ( 524') 2
1244 KE = 10 x 1""J.6 - 37·0 Nm
-~90~~ =2Q_
2·38 0·71 1·854 For 32 mm NB
32·6 mm (actual)
v3 = 48·0 em 3
Work done on the nitrogen gas during compression KE = 10 x 13·6 - 57·5 Nm
P 2 V 2 -P 3 V 3 For40mm NB
WD - n-1
39 · 6 mm (actual)
(524 90-1240 48 ·0) e9·6)
X X KE = 10 x - 85·0 Nm
(1· 4 ~ 1)10 3
For SOmm NB
(5·24 X 9-12·4 X 4·80) 51 · 6 mm (actual)
- 0·4 2
(51 ·6)
47·2-59·5 KE = 10 x .1""J.S - 144·0 Nm
- 0·4
Table A13 Accumulator sizing 1
= _12·3 cu-latelf42-m'lle8Ci~v ="'3-::m::;/::;os"'!'+"!"+""''~!'"'!',."!".-,-~(lr.I ="!!':Sj_!l!l;i.'t'""::·'i?''Pe~.~-·
6 NB
0·4 Kinetic ... Volume , . Volume PDI · ·· .. ·
WD = - 30 · 6 Nm per 100 em 3 ~,P.!--!~!'.9Y ,: ···~, ~OP,,. > ;,.l.!SA/PDt..:;.·.42.m..~i,k
15 10 32 · 5 33 A
from example 3, KE for 15 m run of 15 mm pipe, 20 22·2 72·0 68 B
V = 3 m/s 25 37. 0 120 119 c
KE = 10 Nm 32 57· 5 186 187 0
Volume of nitrogen for 10 Nm of energy 40 85· 0 276 267 E
50 144 465 475 F
Volume= 10 x --
= 32· 6 cm 3
Volume say = 33 em 3

Example 3, can be used as a basis for other conditions.

20 33· 2 108 c
25 55·2 180 D
It will be observed that three variables can be isolated as 32 86·0 280 E
affecting the kinetic energy to be absorbed under any 40 122· 0 470 F
given practical conditions. . 50 216 700 OF
when they are installed in high pressure water installa- Sizing of hydro-pneumatic accumulators
tions. It can be shown that, if the time taken to close a In addition to the shock pressure rise the plumbing
valve is less than that for the pressure wave to travel the designer must also calculate or otherwise evaluate, the
length of the pipe, the pressure wave produced is equal kinetic energy released by the moving water when it is
to that if the valve was closed instantaneously. brought to rest.
In a hydro-pneumatic accumulator the kinetic energy is
Shock pressure rise absorbed in doin£;J work by compressing nitrogen gas.
When considering water hammer problems it is
necessary- to take into account the initial water kin~tic energy destroyed = work done on gas in
velocities, the pipe material and the disposition of the on tmpact accumulator
pipe runs. (P 2 V 2 -P 3 V.)
The graph AS shows tnat the velocity of the sound KE = t m V 2 = n _ 1 - = work done
wave is affected by three main conditions. Where
(i) The pipe material. i.e. value of 'E'. for KE work done on gas
(ii) The diameter/wall thickness ratio. m =mass kg P, = gas charge pressure
(iii) The bulk modulus of water or 'K'. g ~9-81 m/s 2 V, = gas charge volume
These three variables are taken into account in the basic V = Velocity m/s P 2 = initial pressure
formula given here. V 2 = initial gas volume due to P2
P 3 = shock pressure
V 3 = shock volume
n = 1 · 4 (gas index for nitrogen)
P = N/m 2
V = cm 3
Vs = Velocity of sound pressure waves - m/s Example3
P = density of water in kg/m 3 Water is flowing at 3 m/s through a 15 mm NB
K = bulk modulus of water = 2 · 07G N/m 2 (13 · 6 mm actual) pipe when _the water is suddenly
E = modulus of elasticity of the pipe material arrested by the closing of a valve. Calculate the KE ofthe
E = for steel = 200 G N/m 2 moving mass of water if the pipe is 1 5 m long.
E = for cast iron =
1 00 G .N/m 2
KE =.; m. V 2
E = for copper = 11 0 G N/m 2
d = pipe diameter/wall thickness ratio. (independent Mass of water moving at 3 m/s
1 of the units) nd 2 L
mass_= 1000 x 4 x 106
The graph AS is based on the above formula.
The shock pressure rise in a pipe can be shown to be
given by the product of the initial water velocity and the = 0·7854 X 13·6 2 X 1.§.
' 10 3
sound pressure wave v&locity from which
Pr = Vs.V. kN/m 2 mass = 2 · 1 8 kg
where V = Initial water velocity in m/s KE = .; X 2 ·18 X 32
Pr= Pressure rise kN/m 2 KE = 9·8 Nm
To provide a small working margin to allow for
Example 1 variations in actual pipe bores. say, KE = 10 Nm
Calculate the shock pressure rise when water is flowing
NoH!: (i) If the pipe ltngth remains constant then,
through a 150 mm N B copper pipe at 3 m/s when the
water is suddenly arrested by the closure of a valve. new KE =- ori9inai KE ( ~);

For 150 mm pipe, ~ = 80 (See graph A5) (ii) If thf: pipe length is altered then,
new KE ~· original KE · t
From the graph, A5 Vs= 925 m/s. V = 3 m/s
Pr = 925 X 3 Example 4
Pressure rise = 2775 kN/m 2 Calculate the volume of nitrogen gas in em 3 required to
be provided in a hydro-pneumatic accumulator which is
Example2 required to absorb the kinetic energy of water which is
Calculate the shock pressure rise when water is flowing flowing at 3 m/s through a 15 mm diameter pipe 15 m
through a 15 mm N B copper pipe at 3 m/s when the long. The line pressure is 414 kN/m 2 and the shock
water is suddenly arrested by the closure of a valve. pressure rise is not to exceed a further 620 kN/m 2 •
For 15 mm pipe. ~ = 20 (See graph AS) Note: Initial fill pressure of the gas is to be 90% of line pressure.
. Absolute. pressures have be11n 9Ptt~in!19 py i19c;ling 1 00
·- - From--the~h AS. · -vs =1125 m1s. V =. 3 m{s kN,'m; to gauge pressures.
Pr = 1225 X 3
Pressure rise = 3675 kN/m 2 (continued overleaf)
It_ will be seen from these two examples that thinner wall
ptpes reduce the pressure rise more than do rigid thick
wall pipes.

rI In the USA where hydro-pneumatic accumulators or Example 6

A pump is supplying overhead storage tanks with water
water hammer arrestors are widely used on high
pressure water installations, a method of rationalizing under' the following hydraulic conditions:-
the capacities of the units has been adopted. Static head 50m
Six standard sizes from 15 mm to 50 mm are given code Effective pipe length including fitting resistance 150 m
letters A to F. Size A, which is intended fo(-! • or 15 mm Pipe diameter 50 m
N B pipe, is the smallest. See Graph A6. For applications head 50 ·.
outside the largest standard size various combinations of - - = - - = 0·33 m per metre run
the six basic units can be used. See Graph A7. length 150
From lOP pipe sizing chart, Graph A2. a 50 mm pipe at
0 · 33 m/m run will give a flow velocity of 4 m/s
Not£~· 7C d2
Th~ bt:5iC p!p•· :e.-~:!·~ ~;·c~ c-:·c !-:.· :£ ~ :'"'!"". er~,j·~~~c \.o:·:( ·.- ~7 ~ ...,~ mass = P · - - - 6· L
wat~r is up tc 2 rr: s. iho: ce:.:: i::·'H: r.;r~s.s..~~E
U5tC i~ ~~ rr._ h~::= 4 10
and the shock pre~sw!e. 1 rv. f, ~- · Ci ~ ~2 ~,.hf:a::.
The adopticn c~ G 3 n~."s :1~i7 (\~. t~.-= v~!ocit1t:S· usee ,,... ~~~ t~o: = 10 3 X 0· 7854 X 50 2 X 125
~ 10 6
basic sizes also pro-..'ides· 2 r5;i~~,c: basi5 fer siz;no the urn:s in a

-9 Its rating or in I.O.P. Lo&cEr,~ u~its.

oi t~e water f:c--.·. !~g !:-. !~-E ::·;;:":.:~. c.~~

A tablt giving tt-!e a~~e:n:O~ive s.:z:r1~ f.E s""-c-..~.;n in Tab:: .:..15.
Hyc:!ro-pneu!"!":~:·: c:::.;:-· :...ic~c-~ s::· . . ; r-a5~: o~ ~!";~ k!:1e::: :~t~p,
b~ ccn·w·ena:~-:~-. ca~rio:C
= 10 X 0 · 7854 X 5 2 X 1 · 25
= 246 kg
= -! m. V 2 = ~ X 246 X 4'
= 1960 Nm

r For SiziryQ ur,;ls ·.:.f·.f:rt: tht:.

Graph 1-.S.
t-rar.:~·:-: ;.·~ C·.; -..-cr:~r..:r ie:-:~: ... s ~se
50 mm pipe.~ ,; 12
I from graph A5
Pr =
Vs. V kN/m 2
Vs = 1 330 m/s
l Table A15 Flow rates from NB copper tubes in = 1330 X 4

1/s at 3m/sand equivalent lOP loading units = 5320 kN/m 2

j - t--.- -~~-.· .. ;_ .. Pr = 5·32 MN/m 2 = 5·32 M. Pa
·- Flow lOP . --~._-

1i ·.Diameter rate KE.Nm loading USA PDJ

lis units . . .vol.
. 1114
15 mm 0·52 10 25 33 A
Example 7
20mm 1 ·1 0 22·2 75 68 B Calculate the capacity of a hydro pneumatic accumulat-
25mm 1 ·60 37 140 119 c or required to be provided for a 6 m branch pipe
32mm 2·80 57·5 400 187 D supplying 10 wash basins. Velocity of flow 3 mis
40mm 4 00 85 500 267 E From lOP loading unit graph page 7 and table A2 of
50mm 6·60 144 900 475 F appliance LU
10 wb = 10 X 3 = 30 LU
65mm 10·00 214 1600 BOO OF
and from LU graph A 1
75 mm 14·00 288 2500 900 FF 30 LU = 0 · 60 1/s
From the lOP pipe sizing chart. Graph A2, a 15 mm pipe
Example 5
will convey 0 · 6 1/s at 3 m/s.
J Calculate the KEto be dissipated by a pumping main at From the selection chart for hydro-pneumatic
!\. the point of switch-off and the resultant shock pressure- accumulators. Table A 13 a 15 mm pipe carrying
water at 3 m/s requires a 15cm 3 accumulator. Nearest
standard size 33 em 3 or POl 'A'.
Static head 50 m D1ameter of main 75 mm
Pump power output 4 kW
Mass of water = P x ~~ x L
4 10 6
I •
Example 8
= 10 3 X 0·7854 X 762 X 50 A branch pipe 11 m long. is under a static head of 40 m.
10 6 The estimated flow rate is 3 · 2 1/s. From the I OP pipe

' . Mass= 227 kg

= 0·7854 X 7·6: X 5
Force = m x a = 227 x 9 81 = 2220N
sizing chart a 40 mm pipe would be required for the
3 · 2 1/s is equivalent to 350 LU.
Pump power= 4 kW = 4000 N.m/s From the hydro pneumatic sizing graph AS a 40 mm
V eIoc1ty . 4000 N m/s diameter branch 11 m long would require an accumulat-
of water = - - = 1 · 8 m/s
2220 N or of 190 em 3 capacity.
J •

~ ~ 16~-~ ~ ~ 227 X 1 · 8~ · The nearest single size is 267 cm 3 or POl size 'E'.
lfl l'raetiee two smaller units coopted in iam:terrrwould
Pressure rise at switch off probably be used
For 75 mm steel pipe. ¥= 15 From which 1 ;o = 95 em 3
from the graph A5. Vs = 1315 m/s Nearest size to 95 em 3 is 119 em 3
Pr = Vs V = 1315 x 1 · 8 = 2370 kN/m 2 Therefore two 11 9 em 3 accumulators could be used
Pr 2·370 M N/m 2 = 2·37 M.Pa coupled POl size ·c·. ·

Section A Hot and Cold ,,·ater ~l~J-'Plie:::

l - Water hammer

Gr'aph A5 Velocity of shock wave/pipe wall thickness graph 0




- I I)
,. 0

!• ..
0 Q)

-- c.

0 >



• I

0 0 0 0 S2
U") M
l •

. .•
--·----------~·-- --~---·--
Graph A.6 Hydro-pneumatic; accumulator selection chart (single units)
I ! ;
I ! !
i l I I

·300 :

' ; ; '
; '

i I
20C - I
KE(Nm) x 1oo: I
; i
Volume cm 3 =
29·5 Nm
I i : I

i : I
150 I ;
l '
}·G .. '
: I I


I : . ! I
1 :
100 ;

90 ;
' .. i / i
i i / i
i !
l 1
/e i I
: ' '
: i - . II
c: 5C
; I

!I . /1'
i I
Q) 40

/ ;

fi I
-~ :
a; ~ ' '
c: ;
~ 30 ~ :
. . ! I
:' I
i;.:. ::
I '

. I
20 :
. '.
i I

/~ ..' .
i I
i : II

15 !
' I I !
' I !
: '
I i iI
i' I
!i ; l
l I l

i ! - ! l
L ! I
I . il '
l I
,. I l !
I !
i I
I ! I i i

! i
! l I i
I T Ii
5 i I
I !! I !
l l

25 30 40 60 so 100 150 200 300 400 500

Volume of nitrogen in accumulator

Section A Hot and Cold water supplies

Water hammer

Graph A7 · Hydro:..pneumatic accumulator selection chart (multiple units)



KEINm)x 100.
29 . 5 Nm i v L_
l ~

foDFF _ -_.

-- ...
. .. :'·-:
j _ - kjFL . . 1· ·:
: - •.
' 200~---+-----+--,--------+--.,.,..
I j tl I 71 . "·j· ...
.. +-1_
I I ymF . I .
i /!.A
! I
~ I I I I
/e ,

I . I
~I I I
1 / I I 1

3o~c ·· Ij ..


,I • ;

i - ..

I ..

.. .. ~ . -· .,

- . '
~ ...
•I .... :-~ .

200 300 400 500 600 800 ·1000 1500 2000

i: .

Graph AS Hydro-pneumatic accumulator selection chart (5-50m pipe run)


l. 500



..E 200




15 20 25 32 40 so . ·6s
• . . ..

· Nominal diameter of

.. .
• ; .
. ; ., ..,..
' ~.
Section 1i. Hot and Cold \Vater supplies

: Capacities of cisterns, tanks and cylinders

Cisterns- and tanks
As 1 cubic metre contains 1000 litres, the capacity of a line is 146 mm from the top.·
rectangular tank or cistern is obtai_ned by multiplying Capacity=0.-925 x 0.730x (0·776-0.146) xJOOO
the length x width x depth (all in metres) by 1000. = 425 litres. ·· · · ·
All measurements should be taken internally. . Commercially,· the dimensions of galvanized cisterns
In order to obtain the actual capacity of :an open top . and· tanks are measured externally over the rivets. (if
-· cistern, the depth should be taken to the water line.
Example Determine the actual capacity of an open top
any), but excluding any hand hole covel', set s.crews Qr
bolts and nuts. · . ' .
I• cistern. the internal dimensions of which are 925 mm The British Standard sizes, together with :their actual
long. 730 mm wide and 776 mm deep when the water ca'pacities are as follows
: · t;. · ·· .
.• , .

Table A16 Dimensions of galvanised mild steel cisterns· and covers·io BS 417: Part .2 : 1973 .
1 2 I3 I 4
Dimensions of cisterns
5 I 6
. 7 ·r

Minimum thickness of
9I 10 '. 11 12 1

Capacity Distance stcaJ·belote galvani~ing·, --~ ~~-~-:t. &overs
. . . ..
.. ·-.··. ..........
y.. to of water for cisteti'ls ~rid co~ers . · .. .. ...
water line from
BS type Lengtht Width Depth line top; Grade A Grade B Covers No.• of·.. , of pieces
L w ' D c WL ... .
cisterns cisterns · · .· for · pi~ces:
' :cisterns .·. - .. J. ength. Width
mm mm mm htres mm mm . ; ·mm ·. .-mm mm
SCM 45 457 305 305 18 ·111 1 ·6 1··2 LO 1 482 330
SCM 70 610 ·305. 381' .. 36 111 1·6 1·2 ..1·0 1 -635 . .... 330_
SCM 90 610 406 371 111 1·6. 1·2 1·0 1 635 432
SCM 110 610 432 432 68 114 1·6 1·2 1·0 1 635 457
SCM 135 610 457 482 86 114 1 ·6 1·2 1 ;o 1 •• 0 -~35-· . .-:_ ·482

SCM 180 686 508 508 114 114 1·6 1·2 1·0 1 "71"1 533"
SCM 230 736 559 559 114 . 2··0 1·6 1·0 .
SCM 270 762 584 610 191 114 2·0 1 ·6 1 . () 1 . 787j /. {5.1 0
SCM 320 914 610 584 114 2·0 . 1 ·6 t·G
SCM 360 914 660 610 264 114 2·0 .. 1 ·6 1·0 , . ·;. 940 .. · ·. 6~6
SCM 450/1 1219 610 610 114 2·0 1 ·6 1·0
SCM 450/2 965 686 686 114 2·0 1 ·6 1·0
SCM 570 965 762 787 146 2·:5 :2·0 . 1':2.
SCM 680 1092 864 736 491 146. 2:5 2·0 .1-:b.'··
SCM 910 1168 889 889 709 146 2·5 .-2·0 . 1 '2
~ I SCM 1130 1524 914 813 . 841 146 2·5 9 2·0 ··1·2 1 .1549_.· .··· .940
r, SCM 1600 ·· .·914 :787 . ·. ::1'175§
1 I 1524 . 1143 1227 146 3·~ 2·5 1 ·6 2
H SCM 2270
·SCM 2720
1727 146 . 3·2 2·5 1 ·6
1 ·6.
2 9.40 .. :: ·1251 §
. 940 -~·.1251 §
2137 1.90 3·2 . 2·5
r 1-·
I" , 5eM4540

2438 1oz.f. 1219 3354 - 254 ' 4·8 '3';2 1·6 · B3B· .-- 1551>§ .

r be ordered by the BS type reierence tc avo;d a :'These dimensions w_ere de.tcrmine'd.Jo; the dt:pths n.~c~r~r to
. ac~ommodate ballvalve. inte"t and overi)o,w~.kipf~ i,iJ\!IIea" sizet
, tFor welded cisterns. the length may be increased by net more m.ely to be used. pnd in th,e p~sitions. to sat,s!Y·:Wat.~r I?,YY.I~~s.
, than 25 mm. The dimj!nsions have been used: in calculatintf the :1!,p.a~·~•.es.
§The _dimension i_s for'the lap~i~~pieee iJ;~~~~.~!.~~~~ ~:~!~~·
I :

r ~ . .. , ....
. .

. ·•
.: .
.. ·'· ; ·. . . ·.. : : ·,:- :._:::.. :-t;·(~.~;:~·?i;:i:~~~~;.
"' ..
TableA17 Po/yolefin or Olefin Copolymer Cisterns (Polythene or Polypropylene) to BS 4213: 1975
BSType Capacity to Distance of water Minimum• Maximum Minimum
reference water line line from top thickness height weight
litres mm mm mm kg
PC 4 18 110 1·4 310 1·36
PC 8 36 110 1·4 '· 380 1 ~ 81
PC 15 68 115 2·1 430 2·95
PC 20 91 115 2·1 510 3·18
PC 25 114 115 2·1 560 3·40
PC 40 182 115 2·1 610 6·35
PC 50 227 115 2·1 660 7·03
PC 60 273 115 2·1 660 ·7·26
. PC 70 318 115 2·1 660 9·07 .
PC100 455 115 2·1 760 12·70
I' "'In th~ cas€' of Cl~!!?rns c~ €S li:r;~ C.?::c:::-r·.· cr·= a:0ve m~-- ;,.·.:a:t:.:~:
ed from ~ohrtr.e;.t: o~ de~.! of C· &..: ;: ·:r.; i);'ld ct.: .. ::. ~~-~
rr1i:1in1:.:!·n tl,ickncss rr,ay be rtd~:C:-c t~ i C i:"",:r,.

TableA18 Asbestos Cement Cisterns to BS 2777 : 1974

BStype Internal dimensions External dimei}Sions Water line Capacity to Approx. weight
metric Length Width Height Length Width Height from top · water line cistern cover
reference mm mm mm mm mm mm mm litres kg kg
AC 27M (6) 305 305 305 323 323 314 100 17 6·4 3·2
AC 45M (10) 457 305 356 481 329 368 110 28 13·7 4·1
AC 90M (20) 508 381 483
.. 532 405 495 110 62 21·4 5·4
AC 114M (25) 610 432 432 634 456 444 115 80 23·6 6·0
AC 136M (30) 610 457 559 634 481 571 115 114 30·0 7·1
AC 182M (40) 686 508 533 710 532 545 115 136 33·4 8·6
AC 227M (50) 610 610 635 634 634 647 115 188 39·4 9·6
r . AC 273M (6.0)
AC 364M (80)
786 608
938 684
AC 455M (1 00) 965 686 711 989 710 723 115 381 61·3 14·5
AC 591 M (130) 991 838 724 1015· 862 736 145 473 72·0 17·6
AC 819M (180) 1194 991 724 1232 1029 736 145 701 104·1 24·4
Note: Locai Hcai:h A~.:thc•i:·,- ic: accept;; nee o! u~~-

TableA19 Galvanised mild steel tanks to BS 417: Part 2: 1973

,} -~

I Thickness of steel
Grade A Grade B
Outside dimensions Test pressure Test pressure
• (hand hole at top) 69 kN/m 2 52 kN/m 2
BS type Length Width Depth Capacity Max. working head Max. working head
reference ofwater:4·5m* of water: 3·0 m•
mm mm mm litres mm mm

TM 114/1 610 432 432 95 3·2 2·5
TM 114/2 610 9H> 305 3·2 - 4·~-
., TM 136/1 610 457 482 114 3·2 2·5
TM 136/2 610 610 381 123 3·2 2·5
TM 182 686 508 508 155 3·2 2·5 "
• •The working head is the vertica; distance b!tween the bottom
. ·.. , , .:. of the tank and the water line of the cistern supplying thi tanl...
1;: .-~:p:<:?t:::.~ -~
11 > ' 0 • .. '
.~ -.

Section A Hot and Cold \_\"ater ~u-pplies

· Cyliridars "

The method of calculating the capacity in litres of a that the dimension up to the shoulder of the cylinder is
cylinder with flat en.ds is as follows: taken as the height. . . . .
~ Internal diameter of cylinder -in metres squared Y Example Determine the capaCity in litres of an upright
0·7a~ x· heigHt in metres x 1000. . _· · cylinder 1200 mm high (to the shoulder) and 508 miT
As the capacity of the domed top and the dished bottom internal diameter. ·.
::::f>f an u~right cylinder are roughly_ equal, one com- Capacity·. 0·508 X 0·508 X 0·7854 X 1·2 X 1000
pensates· for the other and the above method can be = 243 litres. :
used to determine the approximate capacity, provided The sizes of standard cylinders are given in the follow-
~g~~- ' •

Table A20 Dimensions of cylinders to BS 417: Part 2: 1973

2 3 5
4 & - . . 7 I ! 10 11
Thicltness of steel shert or plate lttfDR
galvanizing, for sides ad dished ends Siza
Grade A Grade B ·Grade C of
Test prassura Test pnssar~ Test prtSSIIlt Heigh\ of cannec-
Height 413 kNfm2 27& klll/r · 131 kN/r scrawed tions -
BS type Jrisidt over Capacity Max. working Max. wortiag. Mu. warkiag connections BSP.F
ralerence• dlamttars!. dame Mad of Mad at llead af · Parallel

water: 3Dmt water: 11at water: !•t H L P ihread
1I YM 491
mm mm mm
584 102 159
YM 114 381 991 100 3·2 2·5 762 102 159 1

YM 127 457 787 114 3·2 2-5 2·0 584 102 159
YM 141 457 838 123 2·0 635 102 159~
I YM 150 457 914 136 3·2 2·0 686 102 159 1
I YM177 '457 1067 159 813 102 159 H
813 102 159 H:
:i YM218
241 3·2 991 102 159 H
YM 355 · 610 1219 332 4-8 3-2 914 127 159 1!
YM 455 610 1600 441 2·5 1194 127 159 1!

•Cylinders shouid be ordered b\· tile SS type reference to avo'c
§To obtain the approxim<=!e outside d:a:-neter, ,add 13 m:!' fc~
qhe workino head shall be the vertical a:stance between the
botton' cf th; cylinder and the water line ct the cistern supplyin2
the cylinder.
welded seams. and 25 mm for rivetifd seams.

Table A21 Copper cylinders to BS 699: 1972

Mini11111111 thickness of. copper sheet before forming
Grade1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Size of
British External ·Test pressure T1St pressure . Test pressure connections
Standard External height Capacity 3&5 kNJm2 220 kN/m 2 145 kNfml
type diameter (over c,. ·
Max. working head Max: working head Max. working head BSP.F.
reference dome) of water 25m• of water 1Sm• of water 1Om• internal
Body aad Bottoaa Body and Bottom Body and Bottom tlireadt
top top top
mm mm litres - 111m mm mm mm mm in.
350 900 0·9 0-7 1-2. ·.
2 400 900 98 1·2 1·8 0·9 1·6 0·7
3§ 400 1050 116 H 1·8 0·9 1·6 0·7
4 450 675 86 ·~ H 2·0 1·0 1·6 0·7
5 450 750 98 1-6 2·0 1·0 1·6 0·7
6 450 825 109 1-6 2·0 1·0 1·6 0·7 1·2
7§ 450 900 120 1·6 2·0 1·0 1·6 0·7 1·2
8§ 450 1050 144 ·. 1·& 2·0 1·0 1·6 0·7
9§ 450 1200 166 -· .- --~ .1·& 2·0 1·0 1·6 0·7 1·2 H:
10 500 1200 200 1·8_ 2·5 1·2 1·8 0·9
11 SOD 1500 -255 .H 1·8 0·9 1·.6 H.
12 600 12011 290 2·0 2·5 2·0 2
13 600 1500 370 2-D 2·5 1·2 2·0
14 600 1800 . 450 .. 2·0 2·8 2·5 1·2 • 2·0 2
*The working head is the venical distance !letween tiu.• bo:to:n +Exte•rnal BSP.F threads may be supplied when so· ordered•.
of the cylinder and the water line of· the cistern supplying the ·§Pre!erred sizes for new insta!!ations in dwellings.
· .cylinder. ·
nlii"J·I'I·••?~-··,·.~-~_;.~:~.. ~. ·~·~·- ·--=-·..~c--~ -------·-··········----·-;:~c- -·
.. .. ~ ,.

- .. ."':: . ·,· .. ...

Table :A22 Double feed copper indirect cylinders to BS 1566: Part 1: 1972
British . Type of External Sizes D. . Storage . ·Heating Sin of Screwed Connections
Standard· . primary capacity ·surface. tube in'" Heights Designations
type heater Diameter Height coil type (to BS2779_r-
reference C =coil (over primary Prim.ary Sacondar
A= annular dome) heater (external (internal
A B H threads) threadst J
mm mm litres mm mm mm Mm mm mm mm mm
0 c 300 1600 96 0·35 28 1250 100 100 540 150 Gl B Gl
c 350 900 n 0·27 28 700 100 140 270 100 4Q!l 150 Gl B Gl
A 0·4ll '430
2 c 400 900 96 0·35 28 700 100 140 270 100 400 150 Gl B Gl
A 0·52 560
3§ c 4ll0 1050 114 0·42 28 800 100 140 270 100 470 150 Gl B Gl
A 0·63 670
4 c 450 675 84 0·31 .. 28 ~ 450 100 l4D 270 100 300 150 Gl B Gl
A 0·46 500
5 c 450 750 95 0·35 28 550 100 14ll 270 100 34ll · 150 61 B
A 0·52 560
6 c 450 825 106 0·-40 28 625 100 14ll 270 100 370 150 Gl B Gl
A 0·4ll 64ll
7§ c 450 900 117 0·44 28 700 100 14ll 270 100 400 J50 61 B lit
A D-66 ·-~- 700
8§ c 450 1050 14ll 0·52 28 BOO 100 150 270 100 470 150 612B
A 0·78 .84ll "
9§ c 450 1200 162 0·61 28 950 ~too t5o 210 too- 540 tso Gt2B 612
A 8-91 .950

10 c SOD 1200 1190 0·75 35 950 150 180 300 150 540 200 GliB Gli
A 1-13 960
11 c 500 1500 245 35 1200 150 180 300 150 670 200. GliB Gli
A 1110
12 c 600 1200 • 280 HO 42 950 150 190 330 150 540 200 62 B G2
A 1-60 880
13 c 600 1500 360 1·-40 42 1200 150 190 330 150 670 200 G2 B G2
A 2·10 1190
14 c 600 1800 440 1-70 42 1350 150 190 330 150 SOD 200 62 B G2
A 2·50 1490

*Th6 v·:od.l!"l£: ~ead is 1h~ ven;~a: C:;5tcr,ce bt:~\~t·t-::l'i the b:::c:n +E>:terna! BSP.F threads may be s;;p:>iied v:hen so crde~ed.
of the cy!ir.d~' and tht: water !ine oi the cistern s;.:pply'n; t~•& §Preferred sizes for new insta~istior.s in dwellings.
**The numeta~5 in these ccsicnatior.s rqm:sen: t!":<> nomina: s:ze
of the threacs. ' -

Table A22a Double feed copper indirect cylinders to BS 1566: Part 1: 1972
Test pressure Muimum working head• or pressure
Grade of cylinder Primary heater Complete Primary heater Complete
Coil Annular cylinder Coil Annular cylinder
kPa• kPa kPa kPa m m
700 220 350 350 15 15
700 145 145 350 10 10

. :.' .·.··
Section ~A;,. Hot and Cold v.Tater supplies

., " Table A23 Single feed copper indirect cylinders to BS 1566: Part 2 1972 (Drawing 'A·;

Minimum thickness of ~pper ~hHt before forming

.. ,~, Height of Designation
• ..::'~'-,...(· · External
Britlsti Enernal · height· -s'torage Heating.
. Gradel . Grade 3' screwed· "Designation · of· ·
connections of primary,
·_standard diameter · . ·{over 'capacity surface T~ pr:-ure:220Jr.N/m2 'Test p~esaure: 145 k N/m2 acrewed heater
type A dome) min. min. . . connections -connectiona
reference• ·-a M~imum wo!'ltlng ~:.15mt M~ximum worki~ hea~: 10mtJ1 L BSP.F BSP.F
.• internal. -: .•xternal
Body and Bottom Primary Body and Bottom Primary nhreads .threads
- top ·~ - -- ·- hUtir · _top heater

mm mm lilres m2 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm in in
31 400 1050 104 '0·63 0·9 1·6 0·55 0·7. 1·2 0·55 140 100 G1 G1 B
5 450 750 86 0·52 1·0 1·6 0·55 · 0·7 1·2 0·55 140 100 G1 G1 B
71 450 900 108 0·66 1·0 1·6 0·55 0·7· 1·2 0·55 140 100 G1 G1 8
) -
81 450 ;o5o 130 0·78 1-0 1·6 o-55 ·. 0·7 1-2 0·55 150 100 G1i GliB
.SJ 450 1200 152 0·91 1·0 1·6 0·55 ·. 0·7 1·2 0·55 150 100 GH GHB
,1 _ ....... __ .•. 10 ... _.soo 1200 1so 1·13 1-2 1·8 o-55 0'9 :1-e 0·5s 180 150 G1i
i · t.:'\ . •Cylinders should be ordered by the ES type referer>ces. . :te:2ss 5 exterr>a: thruos ma; ~supplied-when so o•oe•ed.
: \ij ·
~ ~Ttoe"":'rking·heal>is tM Ytrtical oostance t!F'" the bonom !'llhe-1:-;iindet-to the -:· .•--t?reiefree sized or n~w-installr.icms m ttwel!mgs ··- -:- --·· .. - . .:...•___ · ; "7.~
[" -~ · --···:water ltne.of the.~ost~.s~;:p!y.ns.;_.r. 11. m'i'O •..1.0 ~J\:m'-J--~-,- .. .·.. ;----:7. ::>· .- -c -·: .'.. . · .... · · ·· ,. ·' ....... C: · ·· · ::- -.......
· . .·' -~ .. ~..:..:-- .......

~- A ··> :-
.lndir~ct :&.

... --·
cv!·nO!!r . ___ :~....
- ·a..,.ang~d'
for combined
.~ -· ~~:-
~at&• and ·,
. ~ ~-


-, -mounted ..
··.· ~
"K--..._...1..-T-Ij"--A+--""'"I~-...-~ h~rizontalfy ..
·--. i.."
-~ .
.' .. . . .

f~ 6~~
Jndire:t cvlind~
\. vert;cally-mcunted
immers:on heater
TableA24 Double feed copper indirect cylinders to BS 1566:Part 1 (coil type)(Drawings ·s· ~n_d ·c·;_·J·
Minimum tbickn- of copper sheet • Coil
before forming primary Heights -of acrewed
i'! . heater connections
Grade2 Grade3 test
British External Storage pressure Designation Designation
r:_o:':. Standard External height capac- Heating
. type diameter (over lty•• surface
Test preuure:
Test pressure:
7·00bar H: J
L M P of
, primary
I~ reference• dpme) working connections beater
Maximum Maxium working pr...ure connections
bead:15mt ~ .'bead:10mt 3·50bar::

rJ A B min. min. Body and Bottom Body and Bottom

top top
··size of
mm mm mm mm mm ·mm ·mm mm· mm mm mm mm
0 3001600 96 . 0·35 0·9 1·4 1·2 28 1250 100 100 540 150 G1 G18
1. '350 900 72 0·27 0·9 1·4 1·2 •. 28 700 100 100 400 150 G1 G18
2 400 900 96 0·35 0·9 1·6 0·7 1·2 28 700 100 100 400 150 G1 G18
. ·3tt_· 400 1050 114 0·42 . 0·9 1·6 p-7 1·2 • 28 800 100 100 470 150 G1 G1B
4 .. '·450 675 . 84 0·31 1·0 1·6 . 0·7 1·2 " '28 450 100 '100 300 150 G1 G1B
. -;, 5 ·:.,. ' "450 750 .. 95 0·35 .1·0 1·6 0·7. 1·2 '--28. . 650 100 100 340 150 G1 G1B
·a 450 825 106. 0·40 1·0 1·6 0·7 28 625 100 100 370 150 G1 .. G18
7tt '-450 900 117 0·44 . 1·0 0·7 1·2 28 700 100 100 400 150 G1 G1 B
·:· :: • 8tt. :. 450 . 1050 140 '0·52 1·0 1·8 0·7 1·2 28 . 800 100 100 470 150 G1 8
. 1200 162 0·61 1·0 1·6 0·7 1·2 . 28 950 100 100 540 150
950 150 150 540 200
'!~~~- Light_ gauge copper tubes.
'f· BS 2871 :Part 1 : 1971 Copper tubes fof water, gas and
pression fittings and capillary fittings or by silv£
:· ;: · __ sanitation, lays down specific requirements for copper
brazing or by bronze or autogenous welding, designate
*· - tubes in the following three different conditions:
Table Y. · .
>·k ... :.,. ·· (1) Half ha·rd,·Jight gauge. copper tubes supplied in·
·(3) Hard drawn; thin wall copper tubes.supplied i
'·,.~·. . : · · . straight lengths, suitable for connectio!l by means of straight tengths suitable for connection by means, c

·· ·
.. 'compression fittings and capillary fittings or by silver
brazing orby suitable methods of welding, designated
Table X.
capillary frttings or non-manipulative compressio>
fittings, designated Table Z. (These tubes are· nc
·recommended for bending). ·
:h . .
(2) Half hard copper tubes in straight lengths and The tubes are supplied in one of the followir.
1.L ·annealed copper tubes in coils suitable for burying conditions:
· j-:. underground and for connection by means of com- H As drawn. . fH Half hard. 0 Anneale
;·;:. Table A25 Dimensions and working pressures for half hard, light gauge copper tubes
'._,. to BS 2871:1971 Table X Part 1 . ·
l ,'_:

; . Outside diameter Maximum workin

- Size of tube maximum . minimum ~ _ Nominal thickness pressures• ·
·'· ~::.:· ·--'-~-~:..;::.:' '~- ·.. mm . ----· --- --- .... . . mm ·-- ··j-··- --- --~·-·:·· ·mm ... --·- -~ --·:·----,--· --···· ....:.,..... mm. . ---- .. - ·bar .. --'-'---

~--~'-:::·:-"~~-6 -··:··· ·· ··--·-·· 6··045-:-··--:···-+--------"'--5·965----- c .••<---- --=--0·6 ····- · ------·'·133·--~----

~t:' .: 8 ·· .. 8·045 ·:·.~i:7·965. . 0·6. .. . 97-:.:
..::··· .. ' :·~:: 10. 10·045 . '; 9;965 • 0·6 77
·. '·'
.· ·"11·965.
._ ..,. ....
....._ __;_...;;;..-----·_.·:_;6.. ;;;3...-·__-_.;.·;~:··
.·.·.:58.·· \

\F.>··· 14·965 0·7

<' .... -~~.----.-1..;..,8-----~;.....;;...;.;;..._ _ _ _ _ _..-.:..,:....=;.:::=.._~-;_-..;.._--:...-..:...-:------.;...-~56;:;.......-_~
.. 0·8 ..
'· " . 22
·_:... · .'
. 0·9 .·51- ··.-

'il': .
: ; .· 28 28·055 27·975 . 0·9 . 40.
35 35·07 34·.99 •. . 1·2 42
42 42·07 41·99 '1·2 35
54 54·07 53·99 1·2 27
.67 66·75 66·60 1·2 20'
76·1 . 76·30 . 76·15 . 1·5 24
108 108·25 108·00 1·5 17'
133 133·50 133·25 1·5 14
159 159·50 159·25 2·0 15
•sased on material in tH condition at 65'C
·Table A26 CJimensions and working pressures · .Table A27 Dimensions and working pressures
for half hard and annealed copper tubes · · for hard drawn thin wall copper tubes
to BS 2871 : 1971 Table Y Part 1 to BS 2871 : 1971 Table Z Part 1
Outside dlam•ter Maximum Maximum Size Outsid• diameter Maximum
Size Nominal working wortUng of Nominal working
of thickness preasurH pressures tube maximum minimum thickness· p....aures •
tube iH 0 mm mm mm mm bar
maximum minimum condition• conditiont
·mm mm mm mm bar bar 6 6·045 5·965 0·5 .-113
6 6·045 5·965 0·8 188 144 8 '8·045 7·965 0·5 . 98
.·.a 8·045 7·965 0·8 136 105 10 10·045 9·965 0·5 . 78
0 c 10 10·045 9·965 0·8. 106 •82 12 .. '- :·12·045 ... 11·965 ...... 0·5 .... :~.-64.
.:. ;;12 12·045 11·965 0·8 87 67 15 15·045 14·965 .· 0·5 ° ··.:.:50
15 15·045 14·965 1·0 87 67 18 18·045 ·17·965 0·6 . 50
. ··:18 . 22·055 . 21·975 0·6 41
: ;·
18·045 17·965 1·0 72 55 22
. ;._~:22 22·055 21·975 1·2 69 57 .28 . 28·055 27·975 .. 0·6 ·.<:32 .
28 28·055 27·975 1·2 55 42 35 .. 35·07 . 34·99 0·7 :,; .30
42 .. 42·07 .. 41··99 {0·8 .·.28
Section-~ Hot and Cold '\Vatm· supplies

... Tubes ..
Table A28 Internal diameters, weights and capacities of copper tubes to BS 2871: Part 1 : 1971
Table X Table Y Table Z
0.0. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx.
size equivalent Internal weight Capacity Internal weight Capacity Internal weight Capacity
dia. perm·· perm dia. perm perm dia. perm perm
mm in. mm kg litres mm kg litres mm kg litres
6 4'80 0·0911 0·0181 4·40 0 ·1171 0·{)152 5·00 0·0774 0·0196
8 .L
4 6·80 0·1246 0·0363 6·40 0·1617 0·0322 7·00 0·1054 0·0385
10 8·80 0·1580 0·0608 8·40 0·2064 0·0554 9·00 0·1334 0·0636
12 .1
• 10·80 0·1914 0·0916 10·40 0·2511 0·0849 11·00 0·1612 . 0·0950
15 t 13·60 0·2796 0·1452 13·00 0·3923 0·1326 14·00 0·2031 0·1539
18 ~
e 16·40 0·3852 0·2112 16·00 0·4760 0·2010 16·80 0·2918 0·2217
22 .1
4 . 20·22 0·5308 0·3211 19·62 0·6974 0·3024 20·82 0·3589 0·3405
28 1 26·22 0·6814 0·5399 .25·62 0·8985 0·5153 26·82 0·4594 0·5648
35 H 32·63. 1 ·1334 0·8362 32·03 1·4065 0·8056 33·63 0·6701 0·8882
42 1t 39·63 1·3675 1·233 39·03.. 1·6996 1·196 40·43 0·9216 1·283
j 54 2 51·63 1·7691 2·093 50•03 2·9052 1·966 52·23 1·3343 2·142
:1 67 2t 64·27 3·244 63·07 "3·124 64·67 3·285
': ~ 76·1 3 73·22 3·1287 4·210 72·22 4·1437 4·096 . 73·82 2·5131 4·281
) i
108 4 105·12 4·4666 8·67~ 103·12 7·3745 8·328 105·72 3·5834 8·772
II : 133
1 5 130·38 5·5151 13·411 130·38 5·5151 13·411
159 6 155·38 8·n95 18·962 ·.
- 156·38 6·6056 19·206
' I
1\c:<. 11 shouid t= ;-;c.:ec ;;-.:· :--; ·.·.~';:"'.:s ~:\·e~ c•~· •:::·
tl-" , .. :: \VC:C!' a~ this tE:n~:£:rf.L.:re v.. i:! be thE s:..--'"':"_ o: th& secc:-:d t~.:,:
~ i on!y and not the\\ o::if:r::~ \':~-'= .. • ;: \". :~. -..·:ater. A':- i :.:~~ ~~ \·. :::~: · c.::J:-:-:ns (i.f:. vvt-:-2ht per rn - cap.=.:·:·: ~:-:r m) lis!€d fo: ec-:·
a! 4 · C v.·ti g hs i ~ s- 1~.::. v.·::: ~ ~·: :_ =
• ~ =-~· r:-:e:re- c~ ~ ~~~~ f1 1 ,~ v. -.. - c!as~ oi tub.;:.


j i

. Light gauge stainless steel tubes
Light gauge stainless ste,el tubes to BS 4127: Part 2:
1972 are suitable for use in systems where the working
( pressures do not exceed 13 bar.

I Table A29 Light gauge stainless steel tubes to

BS 4127: Part 2: 1972

I Size of ~ube
Outside diameter


6 6·045 5·940 0·6

8 8·045 7·940 0·6
10 10·045 9·940 0·6
12 12·045 11·940 0·6
' 15 15·045 14·940 0·6
18 18·045 17·940 0·7
22 22·055 21·950 0·7

f 28
,' ~- 42 42·07 41·965 1·1
:-. ;. 1!: . ~ •
;, ,,,c- .. . . .
. :;,-o%
. tole: a-nee.----- - - - - · - - - - - ... - - - - . --

Ste~l Tubes.· .
Steel tubes to BS 1387: 1967 Steel tubes and tubulars Tubes are available either black or galvanized. Tubes
suitable for screwing to BS 21 pipe threads, are made i in. (6 mm) nominal bore are not galvanized intema
in two thicknesses which are designated Medium and They are normally supplied in random lengths of fn
Heavy. These are distinguished by the following colour 4 m to 7 m (13ft. to 23ft.).
bands- on the pipes:
Medium tubes blue
•Heavy tubes red
Table A30 Internal diameters and capacities of medium and heavy black steel tubes to BS 1387:19£;;
and weights when filled with water at 4?C
Medium Heavy
· Nominal Internal Capacity Weight perm Internal Capacity Weight per in
bore diameter per metre when filled diameter per metre · when filled
with water with water
. mm in mm litres kg mm litres kg
6 i 6·1 0·0293 0·4393 4·8 0·0181 0·5141
. - .8
. 10
-··'-·*· ··- 8·9
- 0:.0622
: 0·1208
. . 0-9788 .·
11'·3 ..
0:0418 ....
. ·. "0·1 003 . ·. -~- .. '·1 ~-1303.


15 t 16·1 0·2035 1-4335 .... '14·9 -• o:1744 ; :..·.~-1·6344'·
20. .. l . 21·6 0·3665 1·9565 '2Q·4. :2·2368
··- 0·3268
···-- 25 .. ... 0·5187 . 3·5087
1 27·3 . 0·5855 3·0455 .25·7
32 1l 36·0 ·1·018 . 4·188 . 34·4 . 0·9296 . ;·;.·.4·7996.
40 1-! 41·9 1·379 5·029 40·3 .. 1.·276 5~746
. •50 2 53,0 2·225 ·.. 7·395 51·3 . 2,066 ·; 8~306 ...
65 2-! 68·7 . 3•708 10·338 . 67·0 3·526 11·546
._ ... :- 75 3 80·7 5·116 13·756 79·1 . 4·915 15·215
100 4 105·1 8·676 21-076 103·3 8·381 23·081
-~~H.- 125 5 129·95 13·263 29·963 128·85 13·039 31·339·

150 6 155·4 18·~67 38-767 154·3 18·699 . 40·499
·Note: In calculating the weight per metre of filled tubes. the
weight of screwed and socketed tubes has been used.
-~: .

. ~


-. ~-:

\:~~,,--· ·-

-_ ...
.. .. ~· . ··-~, . ~;~~:"'•

.. - : ~ ::~:''~;::~.:~i~;~f~~i -
1- • ·•
:[. -~~:-;;;.:
;::-,-.:.:.:/; - ·:-·-- ··..
' :?·_:•;-!

lt~i}{:.' . .::·.
· ....
. . . r ..

0 ~·. • •. i

rj~•i~~: :;{;,t~:;,y· ..,:•. ;~-~: ; i: [ti{iJ.i_d' .,t.;~~~~?!:&~~~~~~:~:~~$?;::~~~~~~~

i-. Tubes
High density {Type 50) Polythene pipes
The dimensions and maximum working pressures of pipes may be threaded using taper threads conforming
., polythene pipe (Type 50) for cold water services are to BS 21 .
laid down in the following table. The maximum sustain- The dimensions for polythene pipe (Type 50) for other
ed working pressures are based on water at a temperature purposes are set out in BS 3796: 1970 Polythene pipe
of 20°C. (Type 50) for general purposes including chemical and
Class C pipes of i in. to 4 in. nominal size an'd Class D food industry uses.

TableA31 Polythene Pipe (Type 50) for cold water services toSS 3284 :'"1967
Wall thickness
Class C Class D
Nominal OutsJde 0·89 MN/m 2 1·20 MN/m 2
size diameter 130 lbf/in 2 173 lbf/in 2
300ft. head 400ft. head
min. max. min. max. min. max.
1 mm in. mm mm mm mm mm mm

l.' (]) ·-.-~-

10 i 17·0 17·3 1·9 2·1
15 ! 21·2 21·5 1·8 2·0 2·3 2·6
20 l.
4 26·6 26·9 2·3 2·6 2·9 3·2
!~ 33·4 33·7 2·8 3·7 4·1
25 1 3)
32 1.l4 42·1 42·5 3·6 4·0'- 4·6 5·1
40 1! 48·1 48·5 4·1 4·5 5·3 5·8
50 2 60·1 60·6 5·1 5·6 6·6 7·3
75 3 88·6 89·3 7·5 8·2 9·7 10·7
100 4 113·9 114·7 9·6 10·6
150 6 167·8 168·9

Low density (Type 32) Polythene pipes

The pimensions and maximum working pressures of
polythene pipe (Type 32) for cold water services are
laid down in the following table.
The dimensions for polythene pipe (Type 32) for other
purposes are set out in BS 1973: 1970 Polythene pipe
(Type 32) for general purposes including chemical and
r food industry uses.
Table A32 Po/ythene pipe (type 32) for cold water services to BS 1972: 1967
Wall thickness
Class B Class C Class D
Nominal Outside 0·60 MN/m 2 0·89 MN/m 2 1·20 MN/m 2
size diameter 86 · 71bf/in 2 130 lbf/in 2 173 lbf/in 2
200ft. head 300ft. head 400ft. head
min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max.
': mm in. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
10 i 17·0 17·3 2·2 2·5 2·8 3 ·1
15 t 21 ·2 21·5 2·7 3·0 3·4 3·7
20 i 26·6 26·9 2·3 2·6 3·4 3·7 4·3 4·7
25 1 33·4 33·7 3·0 3·3 4·2 4·6 5·4 5·9
32 lf 42·, 42·5 3·7 4·1 5·3 5·9 6·8 7·5
"'· 40 1t 48·1 48·5 4·3 4·7 6·1 6·7 7·8 8·6
50 2 60·1 60·6 5·3 5·8 7·6 8·4

75 3 88·6 89·3 7·8 8·6 11 ·2 12·3
100 4 113·9 114·7 10·0 11·0
i'I ---~-~--------·-··--------.----~-----,

Unplasticized PVC Pipes
The dimensions and maximum working pressures of
uPVC pipe for cold water services are laid down in the
following table.
l The dimensions for uPVC pipe for other purposes are
set out in BS 3506: 1969 Unplasticized PVC pipe for
industrial purposes. ·.

Table A33 Unplasticized PVC pipe for cold water services to BS 3505: 1968
Nominal Mean Wall thickness
size outside Class B Class C Class 7
Class D Class E
diameter Averaged Individual Averaged Individual Averaged Individual Maximum Averaged Individual
l: sustained
min. max. max. min. max. max. min. mu. max. min. max. max. min. mu. min. max. pressure
in mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm.. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm liar
i 17·0 17-3 • 1-9 1-5 1-9 3-2 3-5 44
J 7\ l 21-2 21·5:--~----------....,--------~---....--::"2·~1--:1-:;·7:---::2:-::·1:---::3:-::·7=---4-=-·-=-1-...,._..,.40::---
i ~~:: ~~...,:~---- - - - - -......----..,.------------::}.-:-~--=-!:-=-~--:-~:-=~-!-=-~=-9--:-::-=~---,--=:=--
~-:-:12,..-----4·2 -142....,.·4--------....--------=-2""'·7---=-2·"""2-...,2:-::·7=""·-3""'·2=--'""'"2""'·7=---'-=-3·.,..2-4.,....·8~--=-5.-::-3--2=-=a--
--1=-i-..,-_48--1-·- 48-·4. --- 3·0 2-5 3·0 3-7 3·1 3-7 5·1 5·6 25
--7 2~~6=-o-~2----=6o=--=-5-----------=-3--=o---..,-2~-5=--~3-=-·o-~3-~7-~3~.1~-e-~~-7......~4...,.·5--3~-9=---4-=--5=---::5:-::·8=---6=""·1=--....-n~-

3 88'7 8!H 3·4 2·9 3·4 4-1 3-5 4-1 5·3 4-6 5·3 6·5 5-7 6·6
_ _,_4--:-1-:'-14;..,-1,..---:-11.4 ·5 4·0 3·4 4-o=---...,5--=-2---:-4.-=-5,-...,5,....,·2---=-&~-8-~6-~o-....:6;...:·9;._...,8'"'·3:---...,7'"'·3:!---8:-·4~---------
5* 140·0 140·4 4-4 3·8 4-4 6·3 . 5-5 6·4 8·3 7-3. 8-4 10·1 9·0 .. 10·4
6 ""'1:-::6-=-8--=-o-1:-::&8·5·--=-5-=--2--4""'·5=----=-5--=-2......-:7"'"·5...;._-...,..6·~6:--=7~-6=----:-9..;·9---=-8·-=-8-1,..,D""·2--:..:12,...,·1,----:-:1o~-8,.----:-:12'""'·5=----------
J ---=-7·--1...,.9-:-3.-=-5 194 -o 6·O 5·2 6·0 ·--::8:-::·1:----=1.-=,.,...·....-a=--s=--..,-1~1-=·4......-:1:-=o-=-·1~.-:-:11:-:-:;7=---=-13=-·s=---=-12;:-·4-=---=14-=-·=-3- - - - - - . . , . -
--···a--2-18·8:---=-2=-=19:-:·4:---=-s-,..1 5·3 6·1 8·8 H s-o tt-& 10·3 11-a 14·1 12-6 tH
-9--244:; 244·8 6·7 5·9 6·8 -:-9.-:-8--B,_,·J~-1..:0..:·0-..:1.;...2·.:.9.-~11:...·5~--1;.:.3~-3-1:,.;:5...,:·8-1,..:4-:·1--""16,..:·3:--------
---l0---2j2:-s-27J:4-T5--6-S---7-B~--=-9--:9~~7:-- 11-2 14-3 1z.a 14-B tH'--=-=15:-::-7::--:-:18:-::·1....,....-------
12 323·4 324·3 8·8 7-8 9·0 1~2..;·9---=n"'"'·=-5-~13,....:-3;._.,..,1-=7~-o--:1-:-5·-=-2-1~7,..:·5=--7o2o,...,·8=---:-:18:-:·7=---:-:21,...,·6=---------
14 355·0 356·0 9·6 8·5 9·8 ' 14-1 12-6 14-5 18·8 16-7 19·2 22·8 20·5 23·6
16 405·9 40&·9--1o-:9-9-"f". ---o-:11,...,·2:-'-:1:-:-6-=-·2--=1-:-4--=-s-~1&:-:-7=--'""'2..:1..:·1-....,1-:9-·-=-o-7o21,...,·9:---.:,.2s'"'-o--:-:23:--4,.---=:27=-·o=---------
1B 456·7 457·7 12·3 11·0 12·7 18·2 · 16'3 18·5 23-8 21-4 24-6 -'
-2il____ 5.o7:s- 5o8:s-13"·7--tf.214-12ii"·-:-2-~18:-·1=----2..:o--=-9-,.;;..:...~~___;;.;._____;:.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
22 55s~3s5·a-:-3-tS.013-4--t5T--iZ:1 19·9 2z.a
1 ~) -24-- 609-i 610·1 16·3 14·& 1-=-6·7
I ..o..:..•

I - -·- ~------------·-"·--------

·.. · ·.:
Section A Hot and Cold water supplies

.. .
Asbestos-cement pressure pipes ..
Asbestos-cement pressure pipes to ss" 486: 1973 are
<» ••. . .·;;;
available in the following •engths. Other lengths are ·
supplied on request.

-... ~-.
,p .
Table A34 Lentiths of pipes •fS··
l" -:·.~

"I .• 50 and 75 3
i: 100 to 250 3 or4 } +5
,J! · 300 to 900 4 or 5
.} The classification. test pressure and dimensions of asbestos
· ···cement-pressure pipes are given in- the following table. . ··-- .,._ ~

Note: Co(lsult Local Health Authority for acce~ of use.

-~-~ --~ . ·..,_ :___ . . ;·.·Y. ...~~ ~-~ . :, ~- . . ..· .. ... ·.:.-~.
....... - ·.. ~-
... ....
TableA35~·Asbestos-cement pressure pipes to BS 486: 1973 ~

Ouuide diameter at finished ends -~

. Permissible deviation~
Test pressure•
Test pressure•
Test pressure• .
. ..(plus or minus)
. . ·on outside · ·
·diameters at
1·5 N/mm 2 ~-0 N/mm 2 2·5 N/mm 2 finished ands
.... . . . ._......
~-;._ ~---

mm mm mm mm mm
50 69 ·o-6
0·6 .
150 177 177 0·6
200 232 232 240 0·6-
225 259' ._259 268 ·o-6
250 286 286 295 0·6
300 334 345 356 :0·6.
350 392 405 419 ..0·8
400 448 463 478 ··o·8 •.

450 498 515 532 : 0. 8. :·~!.~•::·.

,. 500 .568 -~86 6os··· ,;_ .
- o;:a. ·.f,f·.:..
600 654 672 . . 691 . :·1···0 ·:-·_:-?;•. .
700 761 780 801 <r~·o-:: : .:,: . . ·
750 808 830 852 -·-1.:·2~:: ::; _,..
800 869 891 915 -~
-1~·'2 - : -~ --~~:._
850 927 952 977 :>-"
. ·.··:" ··-~1 ··2 .:· ._:r>~·
900 970 996 1024 ' :-. ·:.1:·.2 . ;."...!-:.;; ..
- :.
*Maximum sustained working pressure: should not exceed 50% ·of test pressure.

.··: .·....
- .: ·~·

,:- -~ :; .· ,,,iicN;t~~~!;f}~i;J~


:.-··:~::~~~;5~~::}_::~·.:. '
Lead pipes
Lead pipes and lead-silver-copper ailey pipes are now The following tables set out the recommended sizes
designated by Code Numbers ranging from Code 1 to and working pressures for lead pipes for hot and cold
Code 29, full details of which are contained in BS 602 & water services.
1085: 1970 Lead and alloy pipes for other than chemical

Table A36 Lead pipes to BS 602:1970 Service and distributing pipes

to be laid underground
Nominal For working
Code Nominal wall pressures up to
number bore thickness Head of Nearest equivalent in BS 602: 1956
mm mm bar m
1 10·0 5·00 7·50 76 jinx 5 lb/yd up to 250 ft hd.
2> 4 12·0 4·80 4·50 46 fin x 6 lb/yd up to 150 ft hd.
5 12·0 5·60 7·50 76 tin x 7 lb/yd up to 250 ft hd.
6 12·0 6·70 10·50 107 yin X 9 lb/yd up to 350 ft hd.
10 20·0 5·30 4·50 46 !in x 9 lb/yd up to 150 ft bd.
11 20·0 6·40 7·50 76 i in x 11 lb/yd up to 250 ft hd.
12 20·0 8·50 9·00 91·5 i in x 15 lb/yd up to 300 ft hd.
15 25·0 8·00 7·50 76 1 in x 16 lb/yd up to 250 ft hd.
16 25·0 10·00 9·00 91·5 1 in X 21 lb/~d ue to 300 ft hd.
Table A37 Service pipes to be fixed above ground
Nominal For working
Code Nominal wall pressures up to
number bore thickness Head of Nearest equivalent in BS 602: 1956
mm mm bar m
1 10·0 5·00 7·50 76 lin x 5 lb/yd up to 250ft hd.
3 12·0 3·60 4·50 46 fin x 4 lb/yd up to 150 ft hd.
6 . 12·0 6·70 10·50 107 fin x 9 lb/yd up to 350 ft hd.
9 20·0 3·20 4·50 46 i in x 5 lb/yd up to 150 ft hd.
11 20·0 6·40 7·50 76 i in x 11 lb/yd up to 250 ft hd.
' 12 20·0 8·50 9·00 91·5 i in x 15 lb/yd up to 300ft hd.
15 25·0 8·00 7·50 76 1 in x 16 lb/yd up to 250 ft hd.
16 25·0 10·00 9·00 91·5 1 in X 21 lb/yd ue tO 300 ft hd.
Table A38 Cold water distributing pipes to be fixed above ground
Nominal For working
Code Nominal wall pressures up to
number bore thickness Head of Nearest equivalent in BS 602: 1956
mm mm bar m
3 12·0 3·60 4·50 46 fin x 4 lb/yd UE to 150 ft hd.
9 20·0 3·20 4·50 46 !in x 5 Jb/yd up to 150 ft hd.
14 25·0 3·30 2·25 23 1 in x 7 lb/yd uE to 75ft hd.
18 32·0 3·60 2·25 23 11- in x 9 lb/yd up to 75ft hd.
21 40·0 4·00 2·25 23 1J: in x 12lb/yd up to 75ft hd.
Table A39 Hot water distributing pipes to be fixed above ground
Nominal . F.or working .
Coda Ni:mitflil ·wall pressures up to
number bore thickness Head of Nearest equivalent in BS 602: 1956
mm mm bar m
3 12·0 3·60 2·00 20·5 t in x 4 lb/yd up to 60 ft hd.
9 20·0 3·20 2·00 20·5 i in x 5 lb/yd up to so ft hd. .
~-·_!_···-··---------------~--- - -;:-.. ·----~-<_-~;•:,.·,,. #: ..
. " ' ..~.·-., ':;~t-.;'1(~
t Section A Hot and Cold water supplies


Table A40 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage
to BS 121.1 : 1958 standard thicknesses, external diameter and weight per metre of barrel
Class 8 Class C Class 0
... Nominal Works test pressure 3447 kN/m 2 Works test pressure 3447 kN/m 2 Works test pressure 3447 kN/m 2
internal Field test pressure 122m head Field test pressure 183 m head Field test pressure 244 m head
diameter External Weight External Weight External Weight
of pipe Thickness die. perm Thickness dia. perm Thickness dia. perm
I • of barrel of barrel of barrel
mm mm mm k!l rnm mm kg " mm mm kg
75 7·4 9·5 14·45 7·4 95·5 14·45 7·6 95·5 14·91
~ ' . 100 7·6 121 ·9 19·39 7·9 121·9 19·99 8·9 121 ·9 22·37
125 7·9 149·9 24·88 8·6 149·9 27·14 9·9 149·9 30·87
150 8·4 177·3 31·52 9·4 177·3 35·12 10·9 177·3 40·45
175 . 8·6 204·7 37·70 10·2 204·7 44·01 11·7 204·7 50·21
200; 9·1 232·2 45·39 10·9 232·2 53·80 12·4 232·2 60·88
225 .-. 9·4 259·1 52·24 ,11 ·4 259~1 ~ 63··01 13·2. 259·1 72·30
250 -) 9·9 286·0 60·88 h1·9 286·0 72·83 14·0 286·0 84·61
-300 '·10·9 333·8 78·49 - 13·2 ·- 345·4 - 97·69 15·2- -- 345·4. 112·04
350 11·7 386·6 97·52 14·2 399·3 121 ·.93 16·5 399·3 140·70
375 11·9 413·0 106·60 14·7 426·2 134·95 17·0 426·2 155·03.
400 12·4 439·4 118·30 15·2 453·1 148·57 17·5 453·1 169·96
450 13·2 492·3 140·86 16·3 507·0 177·59 . 18·8 507·0 204·28
500 14·0 545·1 165·18 17·0 560·3 205·84. 19·6 560·3 235·46
525 14·2 571 ·5 176·48 17·5 587·3 222·30 20·3 587·3 256·47
600 15·2 650·2 215·44 18·8 667·0 271·25 21 ·6 667·0 310·23
675 17·3 729·0 274·43 21;1 746·8 341·55 24·4 746·8 393·20
The above are metric equivalents only, of the dimensions given in BS 1211: 1958 which are the standard dimens•ons.

TableA41 Ductile iron pipes for water to BS 4772 (1971)

Standard pipes . Standard pipes with east-on flanges

e DE DE e

ti "l
--· D:N-·· I

5·5 m
Class K9
' - 1-
-c-:--D:N-- :
Class K12
- t --$·
internal DE e Approx. mass Mass of pipe DE e Approx. mass Individual flange mass
diameter perm of including perm of
ON pipe barrel socket pipe barrel NP10 NP16 NP25 NP40
mm mm mm kg kg mm mm kg . kg kg kg kg
80 98 6·0 12·2 75 98 7·0 14·1 2·9 2·9 2·9 2·9
100 118 6·1 15·1 92 118 7·2 17·7 3·3 3·3 3·8 3 8
150 170 6·3 22·8 137 170 7·8 28·0 4·9 4·9 5·9 7·9
200 222 6·4 30·6 184 222 8·4 39·7 6·8 6·6 8·7 13·4
250 274 6·8 40·2 240 .. 274 9·0 52·.8 - 9·6 9·2 ..13·.1 .21·7
300 326 7·2 50·8 306 326 9·6 67·3 12·8 12·4 18·0 31 ·3
350 378 7·7 63·2 381 37810·2 83·1 14·1 17·2 25·5 -
400 429 8·1 75·5 454 429 10·8 100·0 16·3 21·9 33·2 -
11·4 118·3
12·0 138·2
18·1 26·7 42·2
21·8 37·0 48·7 -
13·2 181 ·8
230·8 40·5
30·8 57·3 71 ·5
'55·6 - - ·-
800 ,842 11·7 215·2 1312 842 15·6 .. 285·5 -. 54·8 74·0 - --.
900 -945
260-·2 --
945' l6·8' '345·4
1048 18·0 410·6
64·3 88·2
81 ·4 122·9
-- --
1152 19·2 481 ·7 . 98·7 1-41 ·4 -
1255. 20·4 557·8 .. 120·7 185·1 - - -
Note: Standard pipes with east-on flanges are normally supplied only m ·
· . short lengths; lengths available can vary dependent on source of supply;· :-~·.

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"'Table A41a · Standard flanges

Nominal Pitch
internal c:irc:le Bolt holes
diameter diameter
ON D c g a b c Number d s Radius Mass
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg

Type: r~ P.1 0
80 200 160 133 19·0 16·0 3 8 19 15·0 6 2·9
100 220 180 153 19·0 16·0 3 8 19 15·0 6 3·3
150 285 240 209 19·0 16·0 3 8 23 15·0 6 4·9
200 340 295 264 20·0 17·0 3 8 23 16·0 8 6·8
250 400 350 319 22·0 19·0 3 12 23 17·5 8 9·6
300 455 400 367 24·5 20·5 4 12 23 19·5 8 12·8
350 505 460 427 24·5 20·5 4 16 23 19·5 8 14·1
400 565 515 477 24·5 20·5 4 16 28 19·5 10 16·3
450 615 565 527 ~25·5. 21 ·5 4 20 28 20·5 10 18 ·1
500 670 620 582 26·5 22·5 4 20 28 21·0 10 21·8
D . 600
10 30·8
10 40·5
10 54·8
900 1115 1050 1004 37·5 32·5 5 28 34 30·0 10 64·3
1000 1230 1160 1111 40·0 35·0 5 28 37 32·0 10 81 ·4
1100 1340 1270 1221 42·5 37.~ 5 5 32 37 34·0 10 . 98·7
1200 1455 1380 1328 45·0 40'·0 5 32 40 36·0 10 120·7

Type 1~P!6

80 200 160 133 19·0 16·0 3 8 19 15·0 6 2·9

100 220 180 153 19·0 16·0 3 8 19. 15·0 6 3·3
150 285 240 209 19·0 16·0 3 8 23 15·0 6 4·9
200 340 295 264 10·0 17·0 3 12 23 16·0 8 6·6
250 400 355 319 22·0 19·0 3 12 28 17·5 8 9·2
300 455 410 367 24·5 20·5 4 12 28 19·5 8 12·4
350 520 470 432 26·5 22·5 4 16 28 21·0 8 17·2
400 580 525 484 28·0 24·0 4 16 31 22·5 10 21 ·9
450 640 585 544 30·0 26·0 4 20 31 24·0 10 26·7
500 ' 715 650 606 31 ·5 27·5 4 20 34 25·0 10 37·0
600 840 770 721 36·0 31·0 5 20 37 29·0 10 57·3
700 910 840 791 39·5 34·5 5 24 37 31 ·5 10 55·6
800 1025 950 898 43·0 38·0 5 34 40 34·5 10 74·0
~ 900 1125 1050 998 46·5 41 ·5 5 28 40 37·0 10 88·2
1000 1255 1170 1115 50·0 45·0 5 28 43 40·0 10 122·9
1100 1355 1270 1215 53·5 48·5 5 32 43 43·0 10 141 ·4
1200 1485 1390 1329 57·0 52·0 5 32 49 46j0 10 185 ·1

Type NP25
80 200 160 133 19·0 16·0 3 8 19 17 6 2·9
100 235 190 159 19·0 16·0 3 8 23 17 6 3·8
150 300 250 214 20·0 17·0 3 8 28 18 6 5·9
200 360 310 274 22·0 19·0 3 12 28 20 8 8·7
250 425 370 331 24·5 21 ·5 3 12 31 22 8 13 ·1
300 485 430 389 27·5 23·5 4 16 31 25 8 18·0
350 555 490 446 30·0 26·0 4 16 34 27 8 25·5
400 620 550 503 32·0 28·0 4 16 37 29 10 33·2
450 670 600 553 34·5 30·5 4 20 37 31 10 42·2
500 730 660 613 36·5 32·5 4 20 37 33 10 48·7
600 845 770 718 42·0 37·0 5 20 40 38 10 71·5

Type NP40
80 200 - 160 -133 -19·0 16-·0 3 i . 1~. 17·0 - 6 2·9
100 235 190 159 19·0 16·0 3 8 23 17·0 6 3·8
150 300 250 214 26·0 23·0 3 8 28 19·0 6 7·9
200 375 320 281 30·0 27·0 3 12 31 20·0 8 13·4
200 450 385 343 34·0 31·0 3 12 34 22·5 8 21·7
300 515 450 406 39·5 35·5 4 16 34 25·0 8 31·3
____ _, __ ,.......... _____________
_. ____ .
---------··------------------~------ -------·- ---- ----·--·· --·----
Section A Hot and Cold w·ater supplies

.:· .
Table A42 Grey iron pipes for wa~er to BS 4622 (1970)

Standard pipe

n --+-··.- ;
DE e

·-. I.

5·5m .I
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Nominal Approxi- Approxi- Approxi- Approxi-
-· - ·internal
·mate mate Mass -~ mate· - · -Mass --mate Mass.
diameter DE mass e.. mass of e mass of e mass of
-v. ON ··.... of socket perm pipe ·perm - pipe_
ltg' ·--· .. k.g' -
·-perm - - pipe
kg'----. -
!! mm -mm kg mm kg ltg mm mm ltg
~ -so 98 5·5 7·2 14·7 86·5 7·9 16·0 93·5 8·6 17·3 100
iPi 100 118 7·1 7·5 18·6 109 8·3 20·5 120 9·0 22·0 -128
. -150 170 11·5 8·3 30·1 177 9·2 - 33·2 194 10·0 . 35·9 209
200 222 16·8 9·2 44·0 259 10·1 ·. 48·1- 281 11·0 52·1 304
250 274 22·9 10·0 59·3 349 11·0 . 65·0 . 380 12·0 70·6 . 411
300 326 29·8 10·8 76·5 450 11·9 84·0 ~. 492 13·0 91·4 533
350 378 37·5 11·7 96·3 567 12·8 105·0 615 14·0 -114·5 667
400 429 46·3 12·5 116·9 690 13·8 128·7 754 15·0 :-·139·5 814
450 480 55·7 13·3 139·4 823 14·7 153·6 901 16·0 166·8 973
. 500 532 66·0 14·2 165·2 974 15·6 181·0 1061 17·0 196·7 1148
600 635 89·3 15·8 219·8 1298 17·4 241·4 1417 19·0 262·9 1535
11 700 738 116·8 17·5 283·2 1675 19·3 311·6 1830 21·0 338·2 1977
Note: Approximate masses of sockets and masses of prpe are applicable only to castings having sockets for lead caulked joints.

Standard pipe with east-on flanges



4 · 0 m for DN 200- 700 mm j

3 · 0 m for DN 80- 150 mm
Class 3 Class4
Nominal Approxi- Approxi-
internal mate Flange NP10 mate Flange NP16.
.diameter ·-DE e mass · Flange _ Pipe mass . :Flange Pipe
ON perm mass mass perm mass -mass
mm mm kg kg kg ·mm kg kg kg
98 8·6 17·3 3·7 59·5 10·0 20·2 3·7 66·5
118 9·0 22·0 4·2 74·5 10·5 26·1 4·2 84·5
170 10·0 35·9 6·7 121 11·7 42·5 6·7 138
222 11·0 52·1 9·3 227 12·8 61·2 9·3 159
274 12·0 70·6 12·0 306 14·0 83·0 12·0 351
326 13·0 91·4 14·8 395 ·15·2 ·107·6 14·8 .454
378 14·"0 114'5 19·0 -. 496
429 15·0 139·5 23·4 605
480 16·0 166·8 .27·7 723
532 17·0 196·7 32·1 851
19·0 262·9 . 44·0 1140
... :· .
338·2 : 59·9 1473 ·-.......... •''.' ·.. - ,..
"rab/e A42a Standard flanges

"t . -··
c· ! - -- --
vc' .. - ·b
f Holes drilled off centres ·
unless otherwise specified

Type NP10
Nominal c
internal Pitch Bolt hOles
diameter 0 circle g a b c ft -st- ·Radius Mass•
ON diameter No. d

~·~ .
mm mm

,.,.! 150 285 240 209 26·0 23·0 3 8 23 50 15·0 6 6·7

200 340 295 264 27·5 24·5 3 8 23 .55· 16·5 8 9·3
J-.' 250 400 350 319 29·0 26·0 3 12 23 60 18·0 8 12·0
300 455 400 367 31'· 5 27·5 4 12 23 65 19·5 8 '14·8
350 505 460 427 33'·0 29·0 4 16 23 70 21·0 8 19·0
400 565 515 477 34·0 30·0 4 16 28 75 22·5 10 23·4
450 615 565 527 35·5 31·5 4 20 28 80 24·0 10 27·7
500 670 620 582 37·0. 33·0 4 20 28 85 25·5 10 32·1
600 780 725 682 41·0 36·0 5 20 31 95 28·5 10 44·0
700 895 840 797 43·5 38·5 5 24 31 105 31 ·5 10 59·9
Type NP16
Nominal c
internal Pitch Bolt holes
diameter 0 circle g a b c ft st Radius Mass•
ON diameter No. d
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg
80 200 160 133 24·0 21 ·0· 3 8 19 43 .13·0 6 .3·7 -
100 220 180 153 25·0 22·0 3 8 19 45 13·5 6 4·2
150' 285 240 209 26·0 23·0' 3 8 23 50 15·0 6 6·7
200 340. 295 264 27·5 24·5 3 12 23 55 16·5 8 9·3
250 400 355 319 29·0 26·0 3 12 28 60 18·0 8 12·0
300 455 410 367 31 ·5 "27·5 4 12 28 65 19·5 8 14·8
•The mass of the flange is exclusive of the mass of the barrel of the J?ipe or fitting.
tNot applicable to pipes with screwed on flanges.
·.·. . . ..

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Section A Hot and Cold water supplies

Loading tables for steel and timber joists

. ..
Table A43 Steel joists safe loads for Grade 43 steel

Nominal Mass
size .per .
metre Safe distributed loads in kilogrammes for spans in metres
·· mm kg
A B. 1·00 1;25 1·50 '1·75 .. 2·00 '2'25 -2·50 2·75 3·00 3·25.
": IJ.
203 X 102 25·33 15183 13451 12126 11005 10088 9375
. 178 X 102 21 ·54 11515 10190 9171'' 8356 7642.
152 X 89 -~ 17·09 10394 8865 7744 6929 ..-6216
127 X 76 13·36 8050 6725 5808 4993 ~·

102 X 64 9·65 5808 4585 3872

76 X 51 6·67 2955 2343

Table A44 Loading of timber joists
Dead load. (weight k
Size of
joist Spacing of joists in millimetres
inmm 400 450 600. I 400 450 600 I 400 450 600
Maximum span of joists in metres
38 X 75 1 ·03 0·93 0·71 0·98 0·88 0·68 0·86 0·78 0·43
;:?"\ 38 X 100 1·74 1·57 1·21 1·60 1·45 1·13 1·34 1·23 0·98
!0 38 X 125 2·50 2·31 1·81 2·29 2·09 1·66 1·85 1 ·71 1·38
38 X 150 2·99 2·83 2·46 2·80 2·65 2·23 2·38 2·20 1·80
38 X 175 3·48 3·29 2·86 3·26 3·08 .2·68 2·79 2·63 2·24
I·· 38 X 200 3·96 3·75 3·26 3·71 3·51 3·06 3·18 3·00 2·61
I 38 X 225 4·44 4·20 3·66 4·17 3·94 3·43 3·57 3·37 2·93
44x 75 1 ·18 1·06 0·81 1 ·11 1·00 0·78 0·96 0·88 0·69
44 X 100 1·97 1·78 1·38 1·80 1·64 1 ·29 1·49 1·37 1 ;10
!. 44 X 125 2·62 2·52 2·05 2·50 2·34 1·87 2·05 1·89 1·54
! 44 X 150 3·13 3·02 2·64 3·00 2·84 2·47 2·57 2·43 2·00
44 X 175 3·65 3·51 3·07 3·49 3·30 2·88 2·99 2·83 2·46
J· 44 X 200 4·16 4·00 3·50 3·98 3·77 3·28 3·41 3·23 2·80
44 X 225 4·66 3·62 3·15
l SOx 75 1·33
1·06 0·97 0·77
I 50 X 100 2·10 1·99 1·55 1·:99 1·82 1·43 1·64 1·50 1·21
50 X 125 2·73 2·63 2·29 2·.61 2·51 2·07 2·24 2·07 1·69
50 X 150 3·26 3·14 2·81 3-~12 3·01 2·63 2·74 2·58 2·18
. 50 X 175
50 X 200
50 X 225 4·85 4·68 4·18 4·65 4·48 3·92 4·07 ·3·85 3·35
r_ 63 X 150 3·51 .3·38 3·09 3·24. '2•94 .2·~9 ··2·51
... 3·36 -3~93. ·e.. -.-
63 X 175 4~08 3·93 3·59 3·91 3·77 3·42 3·53 3·36 2·93
63 X 200 4·65 4·48 4·10 4·46 4·30 3·90 4·03 3·83 3·34
63 X 225 5·21 ·5·03 4·60 5·00 4·82 4·37 4·52 4·30 ·3·75
75 X 200
75 X 225
·. 5·27
4·07 .~

:: ,."

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Inspection and testing of water mains. and water supply systems

Water Mains Hot water systems

The mains should be tested in sections as the work of Hot water systems should be thoroughly flushed out
laying proceeds and joints should be left exposed for and then tested in the same manner as described for
inspection during testing. After completion of each cold water systems. Where thermal insulation is used.
section, the main should be carefully and slowly the hydraulic test should be made before the insulation
charged with water so that all air is expelled from the . work is completed and whilst all joints are exposed.
main, allowed to stand full of water for 1-2 days if Where a pressure test is employed. boiler and calorifier
possible and then tested under pressure. The test relief valves should be removed and these valves should
pre~sure should be 90 m head or the maximum working be tested later. The test pressure should be one and a
pressure plus 50 per cent, whichever is the greater. half times the normal working pressure and this should
The pressure should be applied by means of a manually be maintained for thirty minutes after making good any
operated test pump or, in the case of long mains or mains leaks.
of large diameter, by a power-driven test pump provided It may be necessary to carry out the hydraulic pressure
that the pump is not left unattended. Precaution must test on sections of pipework prior to completion of the
always be taken to see that the test pressure ·is not whole installation where these are fixed in ducts, chases.
exceeded. Pressure gauges must be accurate and if trenches, etc., and are concealed from view. If rectifica-
necessary should be recalibrated before the test. After tion of faulty materials or workmanship on such sections
the pump has been stopped, the test pressure should be is likely to involve disturbance to finished structura:
maintained as long as is necessary to inspect the whole features, the test pressure should be twice the normal
of the pipework under test and in any event not less working pressure.
than half an hour.
Open ends of mains should be temporarily closed for Sterilization of cold water systems
testing under moderate pressure by fitting watertight The whole of the system should be sterilized tc
expanding plugs. The end of the main and any test plug eliminate po~ible traces of bacteria.
must be well secured to resist the end thrust of the Sterilization of public water mains is carried out by the
water pressure in the main, i.e. maximum test pressure Water Authority who may also carry out the sterilizatior
x cross sectional area of pipe. If the section of main of new J'l[ivate mains. Where this is not standarc
terminates with a sluice valve, the wedge of the valve practice, the plumbing contractor should carry out the
should never be used to retain the water because this sterilizing process in accordance with the following
might lead to permanent distortion of the working parts After cleaning the cistern of all debris the cistern anc
of the valve. Instead, the valve should be fitted with a pipework should be filled with water and the whole
blank flange or socket plug and the valve left in the thoroughly flushed out. The system should then be
open position whilst testing. End support should be filled with water a second time. but as the cistern i>
provided as explained previously. filling a sterilizing chemical containing chlorine shoulc
be added to ensure thorough mixing of the chemica
and water. The dose should be such as to give 50 parte
Cold water systems of chlorine to one million parts of water. If ordinar
When the installations are complete they should be bleaching powder is employed the proportion usee
slowly and carefully charged with water, allowing all should be 150g of powder to 1000 litres of water,th~
air to escape thus avoiding shock or water hammer. The powder first being mixed with water to a cream-:
systems should be inspected under working conditions consistency before being added. Proprietary brands c
of pressure and flow and when all draw-off taps are sterilizing chemicals should be added in the proportion~
closed, should be absolutely watertight. as instructed by the manufacturers.
Each draw-off tap should be opened and tested for rate After filling the system, the incoming water supplr
of flow. Certain specifying authorities may require should be shut off and each tap on the distributin(:
pressure testing of internal pipework in which case pipes opened successively, starting with that neares-
systems should be tested in· accordance with the the cistern. As the water which issues from each ta;::
pressure test previously described. In su'ch cases it may begins to smell of chlorine, the tap should be closec
be necessary to isolate items of equipment from the The cistern should then be filled again to the water lin
pressure test if they are not capable of withstanding the with water to which has been added the correct dos
test pressure. Where these items are removed, blanking of chemical.
flanges or plugs must be used or a make-up piece of The whole system should then be allowed to stan
pipework installed temporarily. charged with treated water for a period of at leas
All piping, fittings and appliances should be inspected 3 hours, after which a test should be made by smell fc
and checked for satisfactory support and protection residual chlorine. If none is found, the sterilizatio
from physical damage, corrosion and frost. should be repeated.
Because of the possibility of damage in transit, it is Before any water is used for domestic purposes, th,
always advisable to re-test cisterns, tanks and cylinders whole system must be emptied and thoroughly flushec
for water-tightness on arrival at site and before fixing. out with clean water.
. ·-·· . ·-
. ·-. ....:-·~:...-·--·,:·-

Section A Hot an~ Cold water supplies

Thermal insulating materials

. -
The thermal conductivity of insulating materials, with degree Celsius temperature difference (W/m°C}.
the corresponding bulk density, is expressed as a The following tables are taken from BS 1334 :.1969-
"manufacturer's declared value" appropriate to the Specification for the use of thermal insulating materials
conditions of use. This is based upon the results of for central heating and hot and cold water supply
tests by the appropriate method as laid down in BS 874. installations and from .BS CP 99 - Frost precautions
... .;
Thermal conductivity is expressed in teims of watts
Goules per second} for one metre thickness and one
for water services. · · .... ·:-·-~

• Table A45 Minimum thickness of insulation for hot surfaces
Declared thermal conductivity
I·: W/m°C
0·03 0·04 0·05 0·06 0·07
- --·- ·- ----
Nominal pipe bore or internal diameter
----- ··· ·- - -·- ·MilliniUin thicknesS ·mm-- ··-r· --- ··-----.
-~- -~7··-

. -Up to and including 20 mm -· ~-·-=- . _a_ .. :12 22

:Above 20 mm and not exceeding 80 mm 11 16 ·... 23 30
. ·.Above 80 mm and not exceeding 200 mm .. . . ~16 23 31 .38 49
. Above 200 mm and including flat surfaces 22 -31 40 48 .59.·<.
· ·Note: The figures have been· obtained from calculations based on ··•···
.:-:- :.:
general practice ·and experience with a .wide variety of materials
used in the temperature range: . ·
-·::, __ :,.:-- .

.Table A46 Minimum thickness of insulation for frost protection

.Declared thermal conductivity W /m"C
Indoor installations Outdoor installations
=·where freezing might occur .. ~-: . -
0·03 0·04 0·05 0·06 0·07 0·03 0·04 0·05 0·06 0·07
NominaJ pipe bore or internal diameter Minimum thickness in .mm
15 mm to 40 mm 22 33 46 61 82 27 40 54 72 99
Above 40 mm and not exceeding 80 mm 16 ·23 30 37 48 19 27 36 46 58
.Above 80 mm and including flat surfaces 13 19 .24 30 39 16 21 28 ·36 ,-46
Note: Freezing is more likely to occur in small pipes than in large
because of the smaller heat capacity of the contents of small pipes.
Greater insulation thicknesses are therefore recommended for the
protection of small pipes against frost. even though economic
considerations require the opposite procedure on hot pipes.

Table A47 Examples of insulating materials

• Thermal conductivity W/m"C · · Examples of materials · ·- .···''
•. 9. ·03 to 0 · 045 Glass wool, mineral wool and slag wool in the form of ---: .: ··.
loose fill, felt or mat -~-· ··.··· ·
. 0 · 045 to 0 · 06 Preformed sections of the above materials
,;.0·06 to 0·07 Exfoliated vermiculite (loose fill}
.· ..-


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List of British Standards and Codes of Practice

Codes of Practice
CP3:-Code of basic data for the design o(bl,il,·.a~s 799-0il burning equipment
CP 3:-Chapter VII: 1950 Engineering and 1•t·'·t) services 799: Part 2: 1964 Vaporizing burners and associated equipment
CP 99: 1972 Frost precautions for water sen·i,'t~ 799: Part 3: 1970 Automatic and semi-automatic equipment
CP 131: 1974 Chimneys and flues for domesti.- ~·~·liances burning atomizing burners up to 36litres per hour and associated equipment
solid fuel 799: Part 4: 1972 Atomizing burners over 361itres per hour and
CP 310: 1965 Water supply associated equipment for single and multi-burner installations
CP 312:-Piastics pipework (thermoplastics m#.ttril!ls) BS 843: 1964 Stationary non-instantaneous electric water heaters
CP 312: ~art l: 1973 General principles anc ,-h;.•i~:e of materials (constructional and water requirements)
CP 312: Part 2: 1973 Unplasticized PVC ri~•~twork for the BS 855: 1976 Welded steel boilers for central heating and indirect
conveyance of liquids under pressure hot water supply (rated output 44 kw to 3 MW)
. CP 312: Part 3: Polythene pipe for conveya"•"' of liquids under BS 1250:-Domestic appliances burning town gas
pressure . 1250: Part 3: 1963 Water heating appliances
CP 324: 202: 1951 Provision of domestic elt\tm' water heating BS 1894: 1952 Electrode boilers of riveted seamless welded and
installations cast iron construction for water heating and steam generating
CP 333:-Selection and installation of town \HI~ hot water supplies BS 2883: 1964 Domestic instantaneous and storage water heaters
CP 333: Part 1: 1964 Domestic premises for use with ·liquified petroleum gases
;~ CP 333: Part 2: 1948 Schools BS 3377: 196[} Back boilers for use with .domestic solid fuel
:g CP 337: 1963 Flues for gas appliances up to Ukw l150.000 Btu/h) appliances
rating BS 4433 :-Solid smokeless fuel boilers with rated outputs up to
CP 342:-Centralized hot water supply 45 kw .
CP 342: 1950 Centralized domestic hot wat~r supply BS 4633: Part 1: 1973 Boilers with undergrate ash-removal
CP 342: Part 1: 1970 Individual dwellinas 4633: Part 2: 1969 Gravity feed boilers designed to b\lm small
CP 342: Part 2: 1974 Buildings other than individual dwellings anthracite ·.-
CP 403: 1974 Installation of domestic !luting and cooking Chimneys, Flues, Accessories,
appliances burning solid fuel
CP 403: 101 : 1952 Small boiler systems U$ill\l solid fuel Flue Gases and Fuels
CP 413: 1973 Ducts for Services BS 41: 1973 Cast iron spigot and socket flue or smoke pipes and
CP 3002:-0il Firing (Parts 1. 2 and 3) fittings
BS 526: 1961 Definitions of the calorific values of fuels
British Standards BS 567: 1973 Asbestos cement flue pipes and fittings light quality
Calorifiers, Cylinders, Tanks nnd Cisterns BS 715: 1970 Sheet metal flue pipes and accessories for gas fired
BS 417:-Galvanised mild steel cisterns ami covers tanks and appliances
cylinders BS 835: 1973 Asbestos. cement flue pipes and fittings heavy quality
417: Part 1: 1964 Imperial Units BS 1181: 1971 Clay flue linings and flue terminals
417: Part 2: 1973 Metric Units BS 1294: 1946 Soot doors for domestic buildings
BS 699: 1972 Copper cylinders for domestic pu1poses BS 1756 :-Methods for sampling and analysis of flue gases
BS 853:-Calorifiers for central heating and hL•I water supply 1756: Part 1: 1971 Methods of sampling
853: Part 1 : 1960 Mild steel and cast iron 1756: Part 2: 1971 Analysis by the Orsat apparatus
853: Part 2: 1960 Copper 1756: Part 3: 1971 Analysis by the Haldane apparatus •
BS 1563:1949 Cast iron sectional tanks (rectnngular) 1756: Part 4: 1965 Miscellaneous analysis
BS 1564: 1975 Pressed steel sectional (rectnnuular} tanks 1756: Part 5: Semi-routine analyses .
BS 1565:-Galvanised mild steel indirect cylinders annular or BS 2740: 1960 Simple smoke alarms and alarm metering devices
saddle-back type BS 3142:-Manufactured solid smokeless fuels for household use
1565: Part 1 : 1949 Imperial Units 3142: Part 2: 1965 Cokes for domestic closed appliances
156&: Part 2: 1973 Metric Units 3142: Part 3: 1970 Specially reactive fuels for all types of
BS 1566 :-Copper indirect cylinders for domr~tic purposes domestic open fire
J -
1566: Part 1 : 1972 Double feed indirect cylinders BS 4250: 1975 Commercial burane and propane
1566: Part 2: 1972 Single feed indirect cylinders BS 4543 :-Factory-made insulated chimneys
BS 2594: 1955 Horizontal mild steel welded sloiii!Je tanks 4543: Part 1: 1976 Methods of test
BS 2777: 1974 Asbestos cement cisterns 4543: Part 2: 1976 Chimneys for solid fuel fired appliances
BS 3198: 1960 Combination hot water stornutt units (copper) for 4543: Part 3: 1976 Chimneys for oil fired appliances
domestic purposes · Pipes, Fittings, Flanges and Supports
BS 4213: 1975 Cold water storage cistern:;. polyolefin or olefin BS 10: 196Z Flanges and bolting for pipes. valves and fittings
copolymer and cistern covers
BS 4818: 1976 Expansion vessels using an inllllnal diaphragm. for BS 66 & 69: 1970 Cast copper alloy pipe fittings for use with
sealed hot water heating systems ' screwed copper tubes
BS 4994: 1973 Vessels and tanks in reinforc~d plastics BS 78 :-Cast iron spigot and socket pipes (vertically cast) and
spigot and socket fittings ·
Boilers, Boiler Mountings, 78: Part 1: 1961 Pipes
78: Part 2: 1965 Fittings
OiJ Burners and Stokers ~ as 14l & 1258: 1S68 Malleable cast UM .and wt ~ppp~r iiiiOy_ .
BS 749: 1969 Underfeed stokers screwed pipe fittings for steam. air. water. gas and oil
BS _759.: 1975 Valves, gauges and othor safety fittings for BS 486: 1973 Asbestos-cement pressure pipes
applrcat1on to boilers and to piping installatiuns for and in connec- BS 534: 1966 Steel pipes. fittings cmd specials for water, gas anc
tion with boilers · sewage
~S 179: 1976 Cast iron boilers for central hu11tlng and indirect hot BS 602 & 1085: 1970 Lead and alloy pipes for other than chemical
i ~
' . . . . .
. •.. . (44 kw rating and above)
· purposes
,' - .. ,.. •• t •••
Section .P... ·Hot an<?: 9old water supplies

- .
List of British Standards and .Codes of Practice
. .
·.· 1) ••
. .
Pipes, Fittings, Flanges and S.upports
BS 864: 1953 Capillary and compression tube fittings of copper and BS 2580: 1955 Underground plug cocks for cold w:::.1er services
copper alloy (Scottish type)
" 864: Part 2: 1971 Metric units BS 2879: 1957 Drainage taps (screw-down pattern)' ~
864: Part 3: 1975 Compression fittings for polyethylene pipes BS 3454: 1962 Materials for water tap and stopvalve sezt washers.
~.::; BS 1211: 1958 C.ent,rifugally•cast (spun) iron pressyre pipes for BS 5163: 1974 Double flanged ca~t iron wedge gate valves
water. gas and sewage ·· · BS 5412:-The performance of draw-off taps with metal bodies •
BS 1306: 1975 Copper and copper alloy pressure piping systems BS 5413:-The performa!lce of draw-off taps with plastics bodies
BS 1387: 1967 Steel tubes and tubular:. suitable for screwing to 5412 & 5413: Part 1::1976 Dimensional characteris(ics
BS 21 pipe threads 5412 & 5413:. Part 1: 1976 Water tightness and pressure
BS 1494: 1951 Fixing accessories for building purposes resistance characteristics "'
BS 1710: 1975 Identification of pipe lines · 5412 & 5413: Part 3: 1976 Hydraulic characteristics
BS 1740:-Wrought steel pipe fittings (screwed BSP thread) 5412 & 5413: Part4: 1976 Mechanical characteristics.
1740: Part 1: 1971 Metric units 5412 & 5413: Part 5: 1976 Physio-chemical characteristics
1740: Part 2: 1971 Imperial units BS 5433: 1976 Underground stopvalves for water services
BS 1972: 1967 Polythene pipe (Type 32) for cold water services ·~
BS 2035: 1966 Casi iron flanged pipes and flanged fittings Threads, Jointing. Solders and
,_ ~· .;)
BS 2871 :-Copper and.copper alloy tubes W
2871: Part 1: 1971-Copper tubes for water, gas an~ sanitation elding Rods .,...-·~..... ..' . . ·.
2871: Part 2: 1972 Tubes for general' purposes BS .21: 1973: Pipe threads for tiibes.arid fittings· where press~re~
BS 3284: 1967 Polythene pipe (Type 50) for cold water services· tight joints are inade on the threads .
BS 3505: 1968 Unplasticized PVC pipe for cold water services BS 61: 1959 Threads·for light gauge copper tubes and fittings
BS 3974:-Pipe supports . BS 84: 1956 Parallel screw threads of Whitworth form
3974: Part 1: 1974 Pipe hangers. slider and roller type supports BS 219: 1959 Soft sOlders
BS 4127:--Light gauge stainless steel tubes · BS 441:1954 Rosin-cored solder wire 'activated' and 'non-
4127: Part 2: 1972 Metri.: units activated' (non-corrosive)
BS 4346:-Joints and fittings for use with unplasticized ,PVC_ BS 1453: 1972 Flller materials for gas·welding
pressure pipes BS 1723: 1963 Brazing
4346: Part l: 1969 Injection moulded unplasticized PVC fittings · BS 1724: 1959 Bronze welding by gas
for solvent welding for use with pressure pipes. including portable BS 1806: 1962 Dimensions of toroidal sealing rings (o-seals)
water supply BS 1832: 1972 Oil resistant compressed asbestos fibre jointing
4346: Part 2.: 1970 Mechanical joints and fittings principally nf BS 1845: 1966 Filler metals for brazing ·
unplasticized PVC BS 2494: 1976 Materials for elastomeric joint rings for pipework
4346: Part 3: 1974 Solvent cement
BS 4504:-Fianges and bolting for pipes, valves and fittings Metric
BS .2n9: 1973 Pipe threads
BS 2815: 1973 Compressed asbestos fibre jointing

series BS 3063: 1965 Dimensions of gaskets for pipe flanges

,: 4504: Part 1: 1969 Ferrous valves and fittings BS 4375:1968 Unsintered PTFE tape for thread sealing applications
:1 i 4504: Part 2: 1974 Copper alloy and composite flanges .:BS 45:11.;1974 Metric dimensiiJJls uf toroidal sealing rings (o-rings)
Jl : BS 4622: 1970 Grey iron pipes and fittings BS 4865:_:_Dimensions of gaskets for pipe flanges to BS 4504

_ 8Bs 4n2: 1971 Ductile iron pipes andd fittings
5 4882: ..
1973 Boltjog for flanges an pressure contammg purposes
· 4865: Part 1:-1972 Dimensions of non-metallic gaskets for
pressures up to 64 bar
1! i BS 5480: Part 1: f977 Glass reinforced plastics (GRP) pipes and · -- 4865: Part 2: 1973 Dimensions of metallic spiralwound gaskets
.. •
fittings. . forpressures from 10-250 bar
: BS 5583: 1976 Material marking and colour coding of metal pipes'·:-- ' BS;5292: 1976 Jointing materials and compounds f!lr water. low-
'l i Taps, Valves, Hydrants and Surface Boxes pressure steam installations. 1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases
J~ i BS 750: 1964 Underground fire hydrants and dimensions of surface Thermal Insulation
I: box openings . · · .. ~ BS 874: 1973 Methods of determining thermal insulating properties.
-~ ! BS 1010:-Draw-off taps and stopvalves for water services · with definitions of thermal insulating terms

(screwdown pattern) .
1010: Part 1 : 1959 Imperial units
BS 1334: 1969 The use of thermal insulating materials for central
heating and bot and cold water supply installations ·
.! 1010: Part 2: 1973 Draw-off taps and above-ground stopvalves-- · · ·BS 1588: 1969 The use of thermal insulating materials in the
ill BS)185: 1963 Guards for underground stopvalves ·. · -. ;·temperature range 95°C to 23o=c · •
·• I BS 1212:-Ballvalves (excluding floats) .. '· · BS 2972: 1975 Methods of test for thermal insulating materials
:; 1212: Part 1 : 1953 Piston type · •. BS 3958:-Thermal insulating materials .
: 1 1212: Part 2: l970 Diaphragm type (brass body) , · 3958: Part 1: 1970 85 per cent magnesia preformed insulation
· i BS 1218: 1946 Sluice valves for waterworks purposes . ,j 3958: Part 2: 1970 Calcium silicate preformed insulation
~·J' BS 1415:-Mixing valves . · · ·.~ .c._ --~ 3958: Part 3: 1967 Metal mesh faced mineral wool mats and
1_.·.· . 1415: Part 1: 1976 Non~thermostatic, ·~~n-compensating mixing·, .. :f ·.:re.attresses .• .
valves · " · · · : ·. :..;:_;~' · 3958: Part 4: 1968 Bonded preformed mineral wool pipe sectaons
,- · 8S tm & 3461 : 196! 'Smfat!' bum. for gal amf waterWOrks~ ~ _. "3958': Pan ·s-: t969 BDIIli!tl minerat Wllol 1fabs' (for use -at·
:; '1 purposes . . . ·:II!~· ':temperatures above 50°C ·
.: BS 1952: 1964 Copper alloy gate valves for general purposn_ . .:;· 3958: Part 6: 1972 Finishing. materials; hard setting
! I. BS 1953: 1964 Copper alloy check valves for general purposes · ·.~ :Composition, sel~-~etting ce,!llent and gypsum plaster

ll! . ··'' ~~~~~:,,1;;~4F~:;~:·rpt::;·;J:::~~~~-'j. bot ·~d ~r-~~ :~ ,524:~ ~75 Rtgtd ur.Wne foam' ·' •Y~fAilfj·~·: ~. ;. ,%
Do111estic central l1eati11g
Flow of water in pipes
The installer should agree with the· client the internal Flow of water at 75cc through copper tube to BS 2871 :
temperatures to be provided in the various rooms to be Part 1 Table X•
• heated. Except where there are special requirements. Pressure loss in N/m2 per metre run.
the following table sets out generally acceptable room
temperatures and air changes.
Table 81 Room air temperatures
and rates of air changes Table 82 Small bore systems
::;.;~'·:. '' ..:'·:··;" ··... '_:·._,__ ,...,.._, "~.-Air·_ .., · · ' .... ..;.. _.-:.·

; :.,·,.,.: ·' ..... · ·: ·:· ...,. ; . temperature ·. ' · Air

':Room:.::~ .. . ... · . . .°C ....-_.' -·~ ·... , ,: · ·:. · change/h
-..:;.;.;;..;.;.;w.:.w:u.......;.;...;........:.....:;........:.;.~..::.:.._;;...;-...:.;.-...~~-::;:__ ....
Uving room 21 70 1i-2 0·010 9
Dining room 21 70 1!-2 0·020 27 4
0·030 54 8 2·5
Bedsitting room 21 70 0·040 90 14 4
Hall and landing 16 60 2 O·OSO 132 20 ·6
._.() Kitchen 18 65 2* 0·060 181 28 8
Bathroom 18 65 2* 0·070 237 36 .11
Toilet· 16 60 0·080 299 46 14
• Bedroomst 16 60 1
0·090 370 56 16 6
0·10 44.5 68 19 7
*These air changes are based on natural ventilation. Where
mechanical ventilation is employed, allowance in the heat Joss 0·12 616 93 27 10
calculations for the greater air change should be made. 0·14 808 122 35 13
tWhen used part time as bedsitting rooms. for study purposes or 0·16 154 45 16
as a playroom. the air temperature should be maintained at 21 •c. ,0·18 190 55 19
Normally, the system should be designed to maintain 0·20 230 66 23
'I the required internal air temperatures when the external
air temperature is -1 cc (30cF) but a lower base figure 0·22 271 78 28
may have to be adopted for a building in very exposed 0·24 316 91 32
situation. 0·26 362 105 37
In order to reduce unnecessary heat losses and thus 0·28 417 120 42
reduce operating costs. attention should be given to : 0·30 470 135 48
(a) reducing air leaks through badly fitting external
doors and windows, open fireplaces and open joints 0·32 152 54
in boarded floors, 0·34 169 60
(b) insulation of ceilings and roofs. 0·36 188 66
0·38 206 73

-() ·~
Heat losses may be further reduced by double glazing,
· filling of caviW walls with insulating materials and by 0·40 226 80
internal insulating linings.
Heat requirements should be calculated to include aue 0·42. 247 87
allowance for degree of exposure, number of air 0·44 268 94
changes and for intermittent operation of the system 0·46 291 102
where applicable. 0·48 313 110
0·52 362 127
~here jnt~rmittent operation is required, an approx-
Imate margm may be added to the calculated heat losses
0·56 145
of 10-20% in the case of gas. oil and solid fuel gravity
feed and hopper fed boilers and 20-30% in the case of 0·58 154
. solid fuel sectional and pot-type boilers• 0·60 163
0·64 183

0·66 194
0·68 204
0·70 215
0·72 227
0·74 239

G--76-- 250.
0·78 262
0·80 274
1 m/s

.· ..,.
...... .
~ .'
··----~-·-.. ··
..- ·:~/';_~ ~:-/·f.f~-:::L:~-.;i:~~~
Sec-tion B D 0111 e 3 t i c cent l ·a l he Ci tin f:

" Flow"' of water in pipes Heat emission from pipes
Table 83 Microbore systems Graphs 81 and 82 give the theoretical heat emission per
hour from single horizontal uninsulated steel tubes and
Flow rate*--.. .
•·· 1.>. ( • •• !f?.. -- P:... •'
painted copper tubes when exposed in still air at
temperatures between 1 ooc and 20~c. but allowing for
. g/~ · ... : . 6mm
-~ ... ,,. - . -~.
natural convection currents.
0·007 810 182 46 '21 The emission will be greater in conditions of draught,
0·008· 975 210 55 28 depending upon the velocity of the air. For example,
0·009 1165 - . 245 68 34 with an air velocity of 1 m/s, there will be an increase of
0·010 1395 285 81 40 up to 100% for pipes up to 25 mm diameter. Where the
0·011 1625 325 94 47 air velocity is 0 · 5 m/s. the increase will be 50% for
pipes up to 50 mm diameter.
0·012 1885 360 107 53 The emissivity by radiation of a surface will also depend
0·013 2165 405 120 60 upon the surface condition. For example, tarnished
0·014 2475 460 133 66 copper tube will emit approximately 75% of the values
0·015 2800 525 145 73 given in Graph 81 for painted copper tubes.
0·016 3155 595 164 79 Vertical pipes
]··: . 0·017
Pipes fixed vertically differ in their heat emission from
those fixed horizontally. Whereas small diameter pipes
emit less heat, large diameter pipes emit more heat. The
0·019 4350 815 215 107 following table- gives examples of_ the percentage of
I •
0·020 4800 903 234 113 heat emission from vertical pipes as compared with
0·021 5330 990 253 120 horizontal pipes. ..
0~022 5780 1075 273 126
0·023 6210 1165 293 133 Table 84 Heat emission allowance from hot
0·024 1260 313 139 water storage -
. 0·025 1350 338 146 ·-"'""'· "''··----·' .· .. ,.~'':~:;:·~:•.. ;.~! ··c.
0·031 2010 520 223 cylinder ·Storage Heat emission ,*kW .

413 ;c~~-'~,.~}~7per:~~=-~~-i_ns~iate~-~:ln~~l_a,!~~~
0·049 4485 1325 536 60 0·24 0·12
0·055 1670 665. 117
0·061 2030 795
0·067 2410 925
0·073 2830 1080
0·079 3280 1235
0·085 3780 1408
0·090 1547
0·095 1710
0·100 1860
0·105 2030
0·110 2220
0· 115 2365
Table 85 Flow and return temperatures etc.
0·120 2540
0·126 2785 r::·.>:~~;·.:_::·:~=--~- 7~~i~~~~::~
1·5 m/s Accelerated/Gravity max. system design
flow temperature 82
Accelerated system design return
temperature • 70
Gravity system minimum design return
temperature 60
Accelerated system design temperature
drop• 12
Gravity system max. design temperature
drop- --22
Accelerated system mean water
temperature • 76
· Gravity system mean water temperature 71
.. • A temperature drop of up to 16' C ma1>.irnum ma~· be
aaop:ed if advantageous pipe sizes are t'lus ob~ained. ·
~~:·-.:.: ..: •.·
• . • , ' . ;.;~7 ' '' •

··-·--------- --
..-,: ·. -. :;:-'. ~~u¥' :::·:"::g:-~~ ;:;~~~i{f.
Heat emission from single horizontal uninsulated copper tubes
.. Graph B1
to BS 2871 when painted

C \ I

;;, \.! '

8 \. ~ I i I j !
~, , I
-~ t : i
'\. I !\. ! I i ; i~ 'i I

~ :"\. I '\. I i i I I I
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·· . · · · : ·.. :.': :.,. /:. ~> ., . .;.tx,~:;~~fl~f
.-.-- -- .. - .•.• " - Of•:: _;-

.... ' .,., '-~'O ',,, "-' ' "''" ..._,~ ·;, -~{:-:0~;·;~;;:1~
I 6

.·/: .
·~ ..:.;. ... . ~

.. :, ~~·-~}~:
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~ ...:·.· ... \ ., .t.
·< ..•:!.,. • ,4· ~- .. (j) :c UJ
.·...• .. .so
. ·.•'·
..• 90· . 130 ' 170
210 . '2 50 '-' . ·: 290 ,. . 330 ..-,.':' .. '""' '. '·'" ..... "'. . ' ..~ --- @'· CD CD

v ,...DJ

'0 (J

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, y'
.I (JQ
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I I 1/ I 1/ .I·- t;:.~ / /
, .. :,., ( ::J

I ,.I I / I l i 7
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II" i

-- i

80) .
~ 7 :,;; - -·

lI J 1/ I ! Jv ~
I / t~ :,;; ·'
') . ::J
I I II I 'I / / / ""/ ~ ' -

I i/1 , Ql
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I'/ III /iI .i' I / v /: y

70) ' CD
·. /
'/ .I
/ ' 0.
... r+
I / ,v /
l I II
) -- ;-

I I I I /
l / I v /
' . '

> 1~11 l,~v~v' /'~/ . i ' '

' - ---- -

~'JjJ·v~~~){ ~'~/
. ' ' tu
. I .i·: :
-·- - 1-- en
.. · .· Vll_V ~ ll -_II
\ j1~~-t i v ~. ~ .~ r.. '
. .. ·:
~-- · __ w
.. ;I
. i
'- ' ~ . ' .·r .

100 J2Q 140 160 180 200 220 240 260.. 280 300 320
340 360. 380: .400; 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 .....
· ... ··

.,:'~,·xr~;.t ~;~ .·- . Heat~~issi~n 'I'Jim ~un of pipe per ~~url'

. '·"I.,
1 ( ; . ~ ...... ~~·, l j
: ..:·:
.j.~!...: ',

1 ·.
Table 86 Heat emission allowance from tank Heat losses through building fabric
surfaces The following table 89 lists heat transmittance
coefficients in both Sl and imperial units for various
..J" types of building fabrics.
In each case, the average figure given is that which
50 0·22 0·10 applies to most suburban and country dwellings. The
0·15 figures given for exposed conditions should f?e used
60 0·32
when calculating the heat losses for dwellings witn
70 0·43 0·20 N., N.E. or E. exposures on hillsites, at the coast or on
80 0·58 0·29 riversides. . ·. .
+ambient air 16·· C.
For external walls, windowS, roofs and ground floors,
·. the full difference between internal and external
temperatures should be taken. For partition walls and
· Table 87 Percentage of heat emission from intermediate floors, the temperature difference between
vertical pipes as compared with each side ofthe wall or floor should be taken.
horizontal pipes ----"""·-·· .. __. ,____
. .
- .... : --··-·--· ----. __ .:.:, --.-- ;__ - _-::.,:_..,_. -··_
__ -·-. ----· __ .. --'----
---- -- ------------ ----------

____.. ___ ... -------··· .. -----..:..:-"
·-. -- ----·-
.... · -.. . __, ..... ---· . :~

i: :,;-' ..: "_,,;,L

-.:-_· _·:.. ·:._·
· · ._:a ..
.1. 10 73
_.;.;._..;.:.:1-=o_.;.....;.;._..;i-_;__ _ _~7::-;3:----~7~5:__
i _ -· ,,. , ..._ .
. · ... -· . •.' ·--
15 75 77 ......
--~·- =·~·

20 78 80
. 25 1 80 83
32 83 85
'40 85 87
50 2 87 89
65 2t 89 91
75 3 91 ' 93
. Insulated pipes ·
·. . The heat emission from insulated pipes varies mainly
with the conductivity of the insulating material used
. and its thickness.
It is most important that insulation be kept dry, as damp
insulation can increase heat losses by up to 400 per
Table B8 below gives the heat emission from pipes
·insulated with materials of various thermal conduc-
tivities and at varying thicknesses.
Table 88 Heat emission from insulated pipes ·
. Heat emission W /m run of pipe per •c (in still air at 20"C)
Thermal conductivity of insulating material rNim"C)
Nominal o·040 1 o-oss 0·070
pipe bore
mm in Thickness of insulation in mm
Section B D01nestic central heating

; "
'- Heat losses through building fabric
• Table 89 Hpat transmittance coeff~cients (U values)

,... Btu/ft 2 /hour

per deg F
Construction Average Exposed Average Exposed
. · External walls
· ·.Brickwork. solid. unplastered
r 121 mm (4l''-nom) ·3·35 3·69 0·59 0·65
236 mm (9" nom) 2·39 2·62 0·42 0·46
· 35-lmm (13!" nom) 1·87 2·06 0·33 0·36
Brickwork. solid. plastered
-'. ~ 121 mm (4!" nom) 3·00 3·30 0·53 0·58
_236 mm (9" nom) . 2·10 2·30 ·0·37 0·41
~351 ~rn (13!" nom) 1·70 1-87 ·0·30 0·33
~;::~-cavity walls. p1astered ··· · -- -- ------ -- ----- ................ ... __ .--..... . "";---- .-- -........... .., -···

. ~ ·>Both leaves 121 mm (4f') brick .·.'1'·50 '.1·65 ·<0·26 0·29

·:.<outer leaf-121 mm (4!") brick. inner 104 mm (4"} breeze · .. 1-37 ·1.·51 .. .0:24 0·27
-'· ·· :outer leaf 236 mm (9") brick; inner 104 mm (4'"} breeze . 1-J6 1-·28 0·20 .-Q·22 "
_··:~-;-:Outer-leaf 121 mm (4!") brick. inner 104 mm (4") insulating concrete 0·96 1·06 0·17 0·19
' ·Outer leaf 236 mm ( 9''} brick. inner 104 mm (4'"} insulating concrete 0·84 0·93 0·15 ·0·17
:Single-glazed. wood frames · · ,. 4·30 '4·73 0·79 0·87
Double glazed, wood frames . 2·50 2·75 0·44 0·48
Single glazed. metal frames 5·60 . 6·16 0·99 1·09
Double glazed. metal frames 3·20 3·52 0·56 0·62
···partition walls .;
121 mm (4!") Brick. plastered both sides ' 2·30 0·40
236 mm (9") Brick. plastered both-.sides 1·75 0·31
75 mm (3") Breeze. plastered both sides 2·25 0·40
25 mm (1") Softwood 2·24 0·39
Flat roofs
3 Layer felt on boarded joists. plasterboard ceiling 1·59 .. 1·70 0·28 0·30
3 LayerJelt on strawboard or chipboard. joists and plasterboard '1·05 . 1·08 0·18 0·19
Asphalt on 104 mm (4'") concrete. plaster ceiling 3·41 3·75 0·60 0·66
. Asphalt on 150 mm (6") concrete. plaster ceiling 3·12 3·48 0·55 0·61
Pitched roofs
Tiles on boards and felt 2·75 3·02 0·48 0·53
:_ -~Plaster ceiling. roof space above. . ·:···

·. ·.. tiles on battens : 2·98 3·28 0·52 '.• 0·57

. 'r tiles on boards and felt 1·92. 2·11 0·34 '0·37
· · Plasterboard ceiJing; roof space above.
·::.•. tiles on battens and felt. .. . -·- .

. .. ·no insulation·b~~een joists . 2·50 2·75 . 0·44 ·. 0·48

.: ·.:.:;~·25 mm Q~ss mrre between joists :·: ....:· ... .. . .. · ::-'.::.?....\,,:·s.:~;-0:90 ::- o-.99 -·: .>-;-·o~16 . : 0·18 .·
.··•·· 50 mm glass fibre between joists . '·: .. 0·55 .. 0·60 0·10 0·11 .
'75 mm glass fibre between joists ...• :0·39 . 0·43. .. 0·07 0·08
: 0 . 88 . ' 0 . 97 - 0·15 .: 0·17
....-.: .;·

- ~:J~~~~~i-
·:: ··.·.--··.·.·· ........

l ..

Table 89 Heat tra"nsmittance coefficients (U values)

' .Construction
! :· . .. ·..·...
! :'·:· '-: :.. Roof glazing . .. : _

~~{_>:::~:Skylight or patent glazing ... ,· 6·80,.-: 7·48 . ·1 ~20 ·1·32 =~.:~;-:.;::·,

i · · :· · Laylight with lantern over
I • • •
3·40 -3:70 0·60 0'~6-- '.: '·
.. ; :·/~~:·~
J ;,_- ._ ·;; ':Ground floors (See note below) . .. . .· .~ .
· '·ventilated wood floor on joists. air brick on one side
·_·bare boards . 0·61 0·11
.·- · line>. rubber or parquet .·., - 0·59 0·10
~--<:....Air brick,on more__than. one side. .. ______._____::·. __ ,:-__ , :-... ____ .. __ ...... -.c.-:.::.. ...... ::. _......... __ ... _ .... .-:':~i.-::.
l -n-~:~~e.9oa~ds :-.. ----~ - __ . _ _ -·-·· - -- - o-a2 ..., o-14 · _- .,,,·~::<
J -~J--=··i.linc>,,rubber:-or-"parquet ---.,~ ---:--~ · · : ·. .. : ,.-~:."":'-0-·,68-~--~~-~~.,.,.,,_:,o.12 · .. _ .•-~~
~. ~. ··__ .. -_: - ·~- - ·.· _'.~.:~_:.~,. : _.~ -.i~_:
>~::-·:;:~solid floors in conta~ with earth - -~ ·: . ·. _.._,_: ·.-;,-;.,:.. -":<·'::--~:;~·-;-::0~36 .;.:~·~- . :>'·'= · -:0·06 - ~ .. - _

H'J.?t~t~;,Jnterrnediate floors ·- ·--- -~ - _,., .- '""-::· :"> '_._,, __ :· ·... : -. ··-:::;·,~---"-:•. . · ~ ·-~ - ·.- ·:. ;~/f¥.,
J i:~~~:f:~A(yvooa floor on joists. plaster ceiling --·· -- ~ ·- : .,:: ···-..·' ·>.,.., ...: , o\(:"~·-·:::-...;)~.:.. .. _"< .._.,. :.. : ·.:~~-: ~~;!:~:-~;.·..:£: .,..,-;-: .>> -::·~ .·.: _, ··.~.'~-·- ~.=~_:·_:·_.~_,_·'"_=_~..
l_:·.:. _·~:_~- i~.: -:.
1 :· __ : -:.:<downward transmission . .. . .·,,.,.">:(:-:~~=-.:· : ~--1 ~:so.· _:;.~,.-;·->~·-:<:·:o~2s· _ .. _,. . .
j ,'''-"·,:-:_:upward transmission i: · _·· :] ·70 - - - . '·. ·_. --_0·30 · ·~Y.~:-:.:t·.-;
..· zo·. :
~- .· ;J 50 mm (6..) Concrete with 50 mm (2") screed .· ·":. ~· I :. '. • !

· ·----~ : ·,:downward transmission · .2·20 ··.·::i .: .·.·

. ·.· __.:
I upward transmission. · _:2·70. . :..._, ... -:..: ..

J • ~·· .. ·-oo:·
150 mm (6 .. ) Concrete with wood flooring ::._:·. r·· . : ..- :.:·.: . ;,~·. .-

1 _ downward transmission ·: . .......:·.-·.1 ~70 ... · , ~· 0·30 ... ·. ·. ,. ·~ ' ·, .

J --;~ ·· ·: :upward transmission ·. ; ........... '

:·--•:2·00 ·····-.·. 0·"35 - ..
. ... .
·".~; ... :..~·

I ..
Graph 83 Cavity wall insulation

) .
'D· ·
:· •. :


Section B Domestic central heating

· Heat losses through building fabric

" Cavity...wall insulation Heat loss calculations

Properties Example Heat loss calculations for a room (living room)
·. Thermal conductivity k-values is approximately of a single storey bungalow in a fairly exposed
•. 0.031 W/m K (0.22 Btu. in/sq ft/hrF) at normal situation:-
. atmospheric temperatures. (Tests carried out at 6.4
. : oc).
.>Density 8.0-10.00 kg/m 3 (0.55-0.65 lb/cu ft). ·.,
. Flammability When tested to BS 476 : Part 5 : 1968 N . Living Room
(lgnitability test materials), the cavity insulating
• = material achieves classification 'P' (not easily ignitable) ·Design Temp.ztoC
· '· and when tested to BS 2782 : Part 5 : 1970 (methods of
·testing plastics), the material is classified as of "very w
low flammability." In excess of critical temperature other rooms
there is not an intermediate molten stage and de-
- . composition takes place without the evolution of toxic . design temp. 20°C
,. : ·'products or smoke. The material is fully protected by ·· -1,. Outside·deSign temperature= 1 oc ··· · ·
· ;.~nstructional members which would themselves have 2. Temperature differential = 22 oc ___ .
~Uen fire.rated under..the applicable British Standards. --=_-.:_:~:~Heating water flow. temperature =--80 cc _.. ·. ---·:-:-.-.::·

:··· .· ·. · · . ~-•· • ~- • . ·· · . · · .:4.-'Heatirig water return temperature = 70 cc -. .·_......

. . ·:.. ;:,Temperature stab1~1ty W•thstands temperatures of up · . 5. Meim radiator temperature ~ 75 oc ... ~~ --~-;-:~

\'::;,:.,to _130 o~. (266 ~F) Without damage. . . . · · · · · · ·· ·

· -::f:$trength Sufficient mechanical strength to be self-
a) The heat Joss due to infiltration of air .. .. "''". ~ ....
. The following formula was derived from first principles·
f/supporting in the cavity. and simplifies air change calculations i_n S.L units.
Biological Resistant to mould and rotting. (No attack - Watts= 0:336 x volume x temperature x number
· ··· · of~ · difference of air
·'observed in mould growth test to BS 1982, Part 2 : 1953
• · or in the standard soil burial test). . room . changes
= 0 · 336 m 3 deg C x number ofchanges
·'Water resistance There is a resistance to water :_0·336 X (5·5 X 3·6 X 2·5) X 22 x·1·5
. penetration of 3 x 10 3 N/Hr at pressures exceeding = 0·336 X 49·5 X 33
. m3 = 0 · 336 X 1633 · 5
· 249 x 1 0 • N/m 2 • . = 548·855w .
= 549w(to the nearest whole number)
C~emical Has no adverse effect on wood, plasteF,
bnck. wall ties, mortar, concrete, or plasticS used in the b) The heat Joss due to transmission through
construction industry. , fabric ·
. . 1. Windows = Single glazed iri wood frames
Vapour permeability 1.82 gm/Ns 2. External Walls = Cavity with outer leaf si09le brick ·
· and inner leaf 100 insulating
concrete plaster finish
( ) r change heat losses 3. Internal Walls ....: Single brick plastered both sides
'ihe specific heat of standard air at 1SOC is 1 ·21 kJ/m., 4. Ground Floor = Ventilated wood floor on joist with
perdeg C. . air bricks on two sides · and
• · To calculat~ t~e heat loss due to air change, multiply the ·covered with parquet flooring .
. . volume of au m a room by the specific heat of air, by the 5. Pitched Roof = Tiles on battens and felt. plaster
t~mperature difference in deg C and by the number of board ceiling with 50 glass fibre
au changes. · between joists.
·•. Example It is required to heat a room with a volume of This information is given"in Table 99 and the resultant coefficients
, . · 70m3 t? 21°C when the external temperature is -1°C. (U values) can be added straight on to the Heat Loss Calculation
· · . Two a1r changes per hour are required. Calculate the . SheeL
j ~-·_heat loss due to air changes in kW. . The·length and size of exposedpipework has been assumed. but ·
Heat loss 70 x 1 · 21 x 22 x 2 = 3726 · 8 kJ actual lengths-of ·pipe with the size ·and-heat emissiorfshoiild-be'"" 7:·~-::... -~·
entered. . . . . : ..: :.
. ·· · · Joules kJ All figures are rounded up·ordown to ·two decimal places. ·.· ··
Watts= . so kW = - - -
• · ·seconds seconds
. ' 3726·8
Heat loss

= .:3600 == 1 · 035 kW per hour. ~- ;•

.4."',•;.; ••
~ : ··- .· .: :' . ,
- ~t~·
...·. ..,,
., ..

.. · ~-~ . .. ' .· . .· •· . :· :··'i

. .. ..


:-n ·'

~-~tint u~~· -~ f T~•l
"'i:' ·:i . . ._ Room ·:·"". · Dlminslont · -Air Ch _ TeMp · _Toto I · _ _ Totoi ~-
' :!u w
' •
Tomp : '~.-,Surfm
•c •.
'.;_ l
w H
Rmltlnt COlli WJ"C. Rill
W/113 length
Silt htlll
- 1111 Will
' W:
Ftr Plptl II Nt
1 ,.
tmlu , For
! Unitt
rutan•• ...

.!:$ •'·• living· ' · Air · · ·- : · ' -

........... .l-----~--"·-· -~---
~~ '"Fioom-.21-r.r.'h-an-oo·~--s:-r ··24:9 -zr·· ··s4a·:ir ~-~
·a:-s-- z:s··- 4!F5 ----,":"~: ·74:·zr ·aaii · ------~---------- . :.. :.1 -~ 2 ..-~-1~---r ~~---··
. --..-l. ----~---~---· ...o-'
- ..- Ill

·-____. - - - -" -- . . __
/ . . - , -" ·- ----- . ---- ::.::... ------ ..- ............._ --·- - - - - · -;--- ..-:·-

J; i\, -~ zr:....liist~ == -~~ ·~= -=--= ~:. ____ ·-·----- -------~ =:== ~.-=: ~~~~~-- ~:--=-== -=-.:~ ----~:·:.- -~::·:· '~-~~ +~-:~ ~
r..~ . ' --1-wintfow- ·a:-ir -- rz --·--a.& ... ~-~--- ·4-nn:o· -·--zz--· ·a7'5~ir· ---- ··-..----· ·. . . . . -~-- -·-·-··-·11------ w-•·~···~a-·-····- ..

~'. •. 2rr-siiuth- ---- ------r---. ----·- -·---- ----.- ------- ----~--·...................... - ............................. ~.........1. -·-----~-. ··-·.. ---..- ...... ·-·- ~-Jr··-·-· r::Ci'

. . .• ~~~~===~~=~==:~-;~~:~~~-~~~],:; ~:-~~-:~~:~.=,=
o;- ~.

---~-~_!_~-Waif- 5·5
:-:-:-;.-.- - -
2·5 13·75 3·6 1o-1f 7o6 10·8
j_ _
2f_..._f:fro- ·-·- ----~ ---~_:
_,_.__·. ---- . ;.. ~ -_ ------- ---~-E-
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:_j""'" __ - - - - ---·
~~' · ;:;outh · ; .! ·: i 1--r-....;....J....
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----!--- --~- -- .. --==-- _,___ -- __. ____. --
·· --~ 1 _• .
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., .-.----- ·zr-t-Wasi---
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== = --:- :~=~~ ~~~~- -~·. :··=~ :~-~~~~ ~'=~:~·---~ ~~=:.~. ~=~- -~:-~: :.~- -~-~.:.::~·- ~::· -~~·::~~--:~
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1·08 9· 54 22
---- ·---- ·------
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-~:......-. ---'-' -'---.

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.•-. ;i·
,•) i .t
.. ! ~-_~t';_: .
Section B Domestic central heating

Heat losses through building fabric

Table 810 Effect of insulating building fabric would reduce the normal recovery time. Thermostatic
control will need to be fitted to maintain the domestic
The approximate reduction of heat flow resulting from hot water service at a design temperature of, say
• insulation of various building fabrics is as follows;..
;~:::: ~-- ::·:-- :.::·-~·:_. ;. :~- .. ·'- .· • · · · --~ · Reduction
60-71 oc
(140-160 °F) bearing in mind that if the
.. T . ··:- ~- ~- ~:- - f D.H.W.S. was to reach the same temperature as the
~~F .. .. .. ype . . . . .. :. o heating flow, scalding would occur.
~~~ric j{:L.,~-~ :;~1 .~.~i.t1;~. ·:4:;~ ;,,:. sT:L; ,+,;;~,;;;i:~·: :.:: · The use of an expansion vessel !n- some caces exempts
the installation from the Model Water Byelaws
Ceilings 75 mm glass fibre 80% requirements and therefore the radiator connecting
Cavity walls foam insulation 75% piping ca·n be embedded in concrete floors.
• The installation should conform to the HVCA 'Guide to
Suspended floors 50 mm polystyrene 80%
Good Practice-smallbore and Microbore domestic
Solid floors 25 mm solid insulation 50% central heating, Part 2, Sealed Systems'. The vessel
Windows double glazing 40% itself should meet the requirements of British Standard
4814 : Part 1 : 1972 (Expansion vessels for Sealed
Hot Water Systems). ·
Space heating elements The size of the system is limited in both cases to 45 kW
4 ;;:lf The effect of painting radiators with ordinary paints (150,000 Btu/h), but the general installation principles
~ may be ignored, as such coatings do not materially described apply equally to much larger systems.
alter the heat emission. Metallic paints such as bronze The essentials of the HVCA Code and British Standard
or aluminium however, reduce the overall emission of are summarised below:
radiators by up to 15% and should not be used.
The emission of heat from radiators is affected when Maximum flow 99 "C 21 0 'F
they are fixed in an enclosure or are provided with temperature
shelves. The effect is as follows: Circuit 8-17 "C 15-30°F
lt!nc(~iur! ,:": ,-:.~'fjit~·\[Efiici};n :e~issio;_;~g,¢jn;:},,:C:;: temperature
Fixed in open A reduction in emission of
fronted recess approximately 10% Maximum 3 · 0 bar 44 lbf/in 2
Encased with A reduction in emission of boiler wor"jng
grille in front 20-300,!{,, depending upon design pressure
Fitted with A reduction in emission Safety valve 0 · 3 bar above 5 lbf/in 2
shelf over of 2-2·5% blow-off max. working above max.
pressure pressure working pressure
Manufacturers' data on the heat emission from radiators
is usually based on a temperature difference of 56°C, Minimum 0 · 1 bar 1 · 5 lbf/in 2
water to .air. pressure at
To calculate the emission ·at other temperature highest point
differences, multiply the emission at 56°C by the of the circuit
~~ following factors: Maximum 1 · 5 m/s 4· 9 ft/s
'J· Table 811 Temperature differenceJn deg. C water velocity
~~7.~."...--.: -,"""'1~·~·~~..... ~~~-~--:!'!!·~""""" in circuit
Lk--- ,~::.-4Q~Ji~5~5_6 .. :_:sp~5.;..:.7o
Factor 0·63 0·75 0·87 1·00 1·13 1·27 1·41 Table 812 Approximate sizes• of diaphragm
expansion vessels (Microbore systems)
Sealed system operation .··-"·.·...
.. :·~--~-=
:_ •• : :· ;
. ····;· · N~mi~~l vess;·, size·•..
The basic difference between a sealed and an open System load litres·
system is that a diaphragm or membrane tank. together
with a safety valve and pressure gauge is substituted for Traditional · ·. · Low water· ·
the normal cold feed and expansion cistern with open :. ·. · ·• ..: · ·:· , ~- . · boiler and .· content type boiler
vent. ~- -kW::. ;:_ Btu/h :: :· · radiators :. with fan convectors
~:_:>. ·:··.:.p·· ... -·..-·. · ~:.:. ". .: .~ ~ .,.,~ ·~-·. ~:~ ...... ·e,,;;;.;; -e;::-;;... ;.:;:-\-;;.:;...i.'';;Ji..,:.• .
A sealed system often operates at temperatures higher 10,000 4 4
than 82 oc {180 °F) but in such cases standard radiators 3
are not recommended, due to the possibility of accidents 6 20.000 4 4
as a result of contact with surfaces. It is recommended
that convector radiators, skirting heaters or fan convec- 12 40,000 8 4
tors are used with sealed systems operating at tem-
peratvr~s in excess of 82 °C {180 °..f). .
18 60,000 12 a ..
The actual system is installed as previously described. 24 80,000 18 8
. The expansion cistern and open vent being substituted
by a diaphragm tank and ancillary components which • The correct size should always be calcu!ated from total water
cont~nt of the system.
must be located and installed according to manu-
facturer's instructions.
Advantage can be taken on the domestic circuit by
usi~_g a_ reduced tube size, as the higher temperatures
. '

Calculating vessel size Hot water supply cylinders

The size of diaphragm expansion vessel required Element The primary heating element of the cylinders
depends on the static head on the vessel (determining should be rated at 0 · 35 bar (5 lbf/in 2 ) higher than the
the pres5ure from cold), the final temperature, and the safety valve setting, i.e., 3 · 7 bar (54 lbf/in 2 ).
quantity of water in the system. Tables and graphs are Recovery time should be 2 hours (1 0 °C-66 °C, 50 °F-
given in the manufacturers' literature, but it is always 150 CF). . .
De~:essary to work out the amount of water first. As an Connections Primaries working on gravity should be
approximation- for Micro bore domestic systems only- 22mm or more.
the size ofthe,vessel can be selected from the table B12. There is no code at the moment for larger systems and
higher temperatures. Additional controls such as low
,, pressure cut-out may be required. (Refer to manufac-
iI Filling and commissioning turers and to Insurance Companies).
The system can be filled direct from the water supply
1 main using a flexible hose, providing a non-return valve
'\~ ~
is incorporated. Several arrangements are approved by
· the National Water Council, the simplest being a hose

. ,o: -..
!- . :.:.
connected to a sink or garage tap at one end, and to a
non-return valve followed by a stop-cock at the other
end. Tank/pump units are also available from some
Gas Central Heating
Gas central heating units or boilers installed in
!1 manufacturers.
I Experience with sealed systems shows that make-up The compartment. whether modified or specially built,
Jl •
may be needed in the first few months of operation. ~
shall meet the following requirements :
In commissioning a sealed system, it is generally {a) Have a half hour fire resistance from internal fire,
,j advisable to maintain a low pressure and high tem-
perature for a period of a few hours to assist in venting.
and the inside lining or finishing should be
noncombustible or a class 1 finish.
When the system cools down the pressure should be The door must have at le.ast the fire resistance of
adjusted to a value equal to the static head plus a the compartment walls.
margin of 0 · 5 bar (7 lbf/in 2). The final pressure at full (b) For good acoustic insulation. should preferably be
temperature and with all the circuits and heat emitters built of brick or clinker block plastered on at least
~orking should be less than 3 · 0 bar (44 lbf/~ 2). one side and supplied with a well-fitting door.
i -
(c) Be of sufficient size to permit access for inspection
Safety devices and servicing of the heater and compartments. It
Safety valve Non-metallic disc and metal seat: fixed should not be made larger than necessary in order
setting. (To conform t() BS 759). Discharge pipe to to avoid the use of the compartment as a storage
rear of boiler. cupboard. The makers' recommendations regarding
High temperature (manual reset) limit statTo operate an minimum requirements should always be obtained
independent valve (oil or gas-firing), or switching off and observed.
electric supply (oil-firing). (d) Be fitted with a door of sufficient size to permit the
Maximum setting 110 °C {230 °F). heater to be withdrawn from the compartment.
For solid fuel an additional link to the circulating pump (e) Be fitted with permanent openings for air for
is required to keep the pump running when. the flow combustion and compartment ventilation as
temperature exceeds the design limit by 8 oc (15 °F). shown ill the table below:

Pressure gauge To be fixed on the boiler or connecting Ventilation of rooms in which are fitted
pipe. conventionally flued central heating appliances
Thermometer To be fixed on the boiler or connecting or boilers either freestanding or in
pipe. compartments (not including combined
appliances in living rooms) .
Radiators and convectors . A purpose-designed ventilation opening must be
Maximpm surface temperature on any exposed part, · provided in an outside wall of the building; this
82 oc(180 °F). opening may be either:
(a) directly into the room or space containing the
Diaphragm expansion vessel heater, or
Size Acceptance volume must be equal to the total (b)- (for appliances not excee-ding 2500 W) into an
'! • volume of expansion of the water from 10 oc
(50 eF) to adjacent room or space which has an internal
11 0 oC (230 °F). lrrespe~ive o.f thi nsrmal workiAg purpose= provided sp.ening to the robm~ntaining
temperature. See Table B12. the appliance.
Connections The vessel can be connected directly to The minimum effective areas of all purpose-designed
the system or piped to it, in which case the minimum ventilation openings must be 560 mm 2 per 1 000 W of
connection sizes should be: maximum output of the appliance. If a water heater is
.. Up to 24 kW (80,000 Btu/h) 15mm installed in the same casing as an air heater, then the
Over 24 kW (80,000 Btu/h) . . •. •. 22mm area of ventilation openings must be based on the
~~.- _____ ~~~ ~aJ~~_should be fitted 011 the connection pipe. combined output of the air heater and water heater.

Section B Domestic central heating


. Gas central heating units or boilers
installed in compartments
a Table 813 Minimum free areas of openings to be provided into .the compartment

Conventionally flued typti of appliance Room sealed type of appliance

.Position of opening
Air from· Air direct Air fro!" Air direct
room from outside room from outside
High Level 560 mm 2 per 560 mm 2 per 560 mm 2 per· 500 mm 2 per
500W 1000W 500W 1000W
., output output output output
Low Level 560 mm 2 per 560 mm 2 per 560 mm 2 per 560 mm 2 per
250W 500W 500W 1000W
output output output • output
·· ·· · ·Notes:
. - ....

. . - - . . ' . - . . ·-- .. -- · ·•·. ···-- - .... ---- -----···

. .... , '-- I ...
.tf.' .(a). T.he figures ®Oted refer to lhe.minimum acceptable free .area when grilles are fittedto_thl! openings.. __ . ______ ......... ___ ....... .
. -o_ :.(b) _. If the output ratin_g of. a coravenJionally flued appliance exceeds .250~ v..'fh~ the ventilation must..~ _direct_ frprn ?utside air.-:-~-_ .. :- ___ --~- -"'~~~ _
.!c) Range rated .or modulating appliances and also combined central heating water heating appliances must be assessed at the upper· _ .
limit of:their rating. · .. --.· ··
• · , (d) ·The high level and low level1:1penings must communicate with the same room or space or must both be ~o outside air. _
· ·'-:T,able 814 Minimum free area of ventilation to Table 815 Recommended minimum capacity
·-c ·-':rooms where heating appliances are fitted of oil storage tanks ·

Up to 18 kw .·1250': 275 ·.
Any flued central Up to 60,000 Btu
·Kitchen heating - 560 mm 2 per
ventilation 18-26 kW 1360 300
appliance or 1000 W output
boiler 60,000-90,000 Btu/h

Hall or 26-35'kW 1820 400

Central heating
·Passageway appliance or 90,000-120,000 Btu/h
560 mm per 2
Yenillation boiler 1000 W output 35-44 kW 3000 650
120,000-150,000 Btu/h
Flued central
.::~. ')
... Basement heating · 560 mm 2 per
-~ ventilation
appliance or . 1OOOW output
boiler Table 816 Storage for solid fuel

Ventilation of Jiving rooms in which is fitted a lfffi&~~~\fil.~ijj£m!!~S

combined gas fire and gas fired back boiler Coal
Anthracite 1· 5
Combined appliances (gas fires combined with gas 'Phurnacite'
fired back boiler units) require purpose provided
ventilation, the size of the opening to outside air being Gas coke
. based on 560 mm 2 per 1000 W output of the back Hard coke 2·5
boiler portion. This opening may be either: . . ·coalite'
(a) directly into the room or space containing the· 'Rexco'
f'· heater, or
I • (b) into an adjacent room or space which has an
internal purpose provided opening ofthe same size
to the room containing the appliance.
. . Note:Jn rooms of'average.constr.uction', adventitious. openings
'into the living room are more than adequate to supply combustion
air to a fire and ·even in rooms of 'tight construction' (solid floors,

I: 1ightly fitting orweatherstripped doors and windows, etc.) there

1 -. ·
is invariably sufficient ventilation opening for a fire. However it is
' necessary to. provide a purpose-designed air vent related in size
.. to the output of the boiler, whether or not the room is of average
·'.. "...·. · co. ns.truct·i·o. n. There. ason for the.lan·.e·r·.··stip.u. Ia.tio. n is tha.t·.wea.the. r·
f;: .. ..•;::: ;,,..~llfiPPing .could ·be ·carried outsullseq~e..nJ JP...i~t_!!Jl_!!!iC?!l. in an_
,~·,;c;_::::;;.; 'average. ci'~nstntctic;>r(type· rOI?.ID, .. '-~· ·:;·:.':':'· .· . . _-: ": .: ·,:. .. ..~. ·.

Sa11i tary. plu111 bing~ a11d

J ... _The design of sanitary pipework systems
A sanitary pipework system should contain the • "'* f.·.• ... \ .. '• .. -~·· ·'··.•·:-·. ,':fF. ·:.:. .··; p
minimum amount of pipework necessary to carry away .....
• the foul water from the building quickly and quietly. It
. .·. ;.· •':

should not create a nuisance or a risk to health, nor . ~ ::_.~ .. : .

damage to the building fabric, but it must prevent air
from the drain or sewer from entering the building under
all circumstances. Reference should be made to current
research in order to take advantage of all new develop-

Disc;harge pipe systems

The two-pipe system Fig. C1
In the two-pipe system, discharges from W.C.'s, urinals,
slop sinks and similar soil appliances are conveyed to
the drain via a main discharge or soil pipe. A separate

waste pipe conveys the discharges from ablutionary and
culinary appliances to the drain through a trapped
-~' Fig. C2
gully. Deep seal traps are not required on the two-pipe . Fully
system. ventilated·
' Fig. C1
li~""' •
Two pipe system
=' _.,•w~' ;'";';·_~>\YPy'p· a
Fig. C2(a) ~
• ~nk [_a~ cWac. method of
.,T~pfloor>> · pipe

.. ,.
~ ..... Fig. C3 The modified-one-pipe system

~ ..
:..· ·:··:

·'· ....
·Sink' ; .

i, Bath .· ..

__ .......- ....................__......
_.. ;

The fully ventilated-one-pipe system Fig. C2

_....._......_..._~;, __ -----
. .....,To Gully_:
.........._........_: To Drain
. -...·.:,..............
!·.; .

Where sanitary appliances in bathrooms and kitchens

are grouped as in tall blocks and arranged in the same
way on each floor,. the· one-pipe system provides a
simple system. All appliances are directly connected to The modified one-pipe vented stack system
a common stack and essential features of this system Fig. C4
are the provision of 75 mm deep seal traps on baths, An alternative to the modified one-pipe system has been
basins and sinks and also the provision of a ventilating used in blocks of maisonettes of from 15 to 19 storeys.
pipe to which every appliance is connected, running In these installations a ventilating pipe is provided for
the full height of the building. Alternative method of the full height of the building and placed close to the
connecting ventilating pipe as fig. C2 (a). discharge stack. All the appliances are connected
~ directly to the discharge stack, the waste appliances
..i . The modified one-pipe system Fig. C3
The-modified systerrfis ba'sicany similar to the one: pipe, · ·
being connected through 75 mm deep seal traps. To
ventilate this system, short cross vent pipes connect
with the exception that the W.C.'s only are ventilated the discharge stack and the ventilation pipe above the
1• direct to the main ventilating pipe. Restrictions as to the topmost waste connection of the group of appliances
:I • lengths and angles .of fall of discharge pipes serving concerned. This is termed "stack venting". This method
i baths, wash basins and sinks are as laid down for single
! is also being adopted for multi-storey flats, where the
stack systems to ensure that self-siphonage does not connection between the discharge pipe and the
j .. occur. All the appliances; except the W.C.'s which have ventilation pipe may be provided on alternate floors.
;-,----50--mrt;Hrap-seals, have their ~ast~s .taken through Alternative method of connecting ventilating pipe as
l · ·. 75 mm.dAP.n ~~tP"I ''"nc: tn thA mam d1scharoe stack. fin· ~.,..lA\. ·. ·. · · · ·,·~·-J-14-'" .• .~ ·.··~ -..·-~··· -~


j ),~ ..... ~.._,;..,. .-~-... - - -...--~~...--- -·'~ -- -·----4_.....,.__ ..... ~ .............. 4-- .... _________ ..._._ _ _ _......_-"-'--.....:.:....:....~.:..---~.-·----~

Fig. C4 The modified one-pipe vented stack system

Fig. C4
' . modified
vented stack
Sink system

Fig. C5(a) t-
single stack
~ Fig. C5
' ~ \ - single stack

'floor as in blocks of flats. The permissible height (m

storeys) for maisonettes may thus be higher than for
.. flats with identical stack loadings. Sometimes, however,
" ....... '··.i
a modified single stack system (Fig. C5 (a)) may be
necessary when self-siphonage is likely in some of the
! ..
branch discharge pipes.
For guidance in high flats, reference should be made ·
(a) Design Bulletin on Service Cores in High Flats-
The single stack system Fig. C5 Sanitary Plumbing.
In this system· all appliances discharge separately into {b) Building Research Establishment Digest 80
a single discharge stack. All traps are unventilated and (Second Series).
those on pipes 50 mm and below must have 75 mm
seals. Traps and discharge pipes to sanitary appliances
This system has been used on one and two storey Traps
houses utilising a 90 mm diameter discharge and vent Every sanitary appliance should be fitted with a trap
stack and on blocks of flats up to 5 storeys and either as an integral part of the appliance or attached to
maisonettes of up to 8 storeys in height utilising a and immediately beneath its outlet. All traps should be
100 mm discharge and vent stack. By using a 125 or accessible and provided with adequate means of
150 mm discharge pipe, however, the stack loading cleaning and for this purpose there is an advantage in
may be increased. This permits the use of the single providing traps which are capable of being readily
stack system in higher blocks. removed or dismantled. The minimum internal dia-
In blocks of maisonettes each type of appliance is meters of traps to various appliances are set out in
normally found only on alternate floors, not on every Table C1.

Table C1 Minimum internal diameter-of traps

Domestic appliances Non-domestic appliances
Type of appliance Minimum internal dia. _Type of appliance Minimum Internal dla.
mm in. mm in.
Wash basin 32 11- Drinking fountain 20 l
Bidet 32 11- Bar well 32 11-
Sink 40 11 Hote.l and canteen sink 40 11
Bath 610 1t Urinal (bowl) 32• 11-*
Shower tray 40- 1t Urinal (starr) 1 or 2 5fr 2
Wash tub 50 2 Urinal (stall) 3 or 4 65 21
Kitchen waste disposal unit 40 11 Urinal (stall) 5 or 6t 75 3
(tubular trap essential) Waste food disposal unit 50 2
(tubular trap essential)
•tn hard wate~ districts thismay r.~ed.to_beJaiU!?1, _____ ---·--- _________________ _ . -:- .... ·...
tWhere more than six stalls in ont> range mer& than one outlet should be provided. .. ·'·· ;~:. ;/~~;,~~;·~

Corrosion in domestic central

heating systems
·• The problem of corrosion in domestic central heating
systems centres around the accumulation of iron oxide
A by-product of electrolytic corrosion is hydrogen ,
this can collect at the top of radiators and cause
sludge (Magnetite) which may result in the blockage of water level to be lowered to such an extent ·,
small bore tubes and of pump failure. . _c:ircl!Jj]tio_nthrqugh the radiators will be impaired v
The formation of this sludge is purported to be ,consequent lowering of heating surface temperatun
associated with the iron and steel components of the To counteract-.. the effects of corrosion the use
system and it is most certainly aided by copper held' in . inhibitors may be considered. Inhibitors should onh
' ...
solution when such a metal is included in the system. used in heating systems which are closed cir.
The corrosion obviously has a deleterious effect upon systems with their own feed and expansion cist
the pressed steel radiators to an extent whereby There should be a separate cold feed cistern for
perforation is likely to occur. domestic hot water double feed indirect cylinder. l
The main processes in the formation of this corrosion is should not be used with single feed automatic cylin<
the continuous entry of air into the system and by due to possible errors connection of the primary ,
electrolytic action. The former is due to incorrect design secondary water.
and need not happen- but the latter is unavoidable
where dissimilar metals are used and the degree 9f such
action is dependent upon the aggressive action of the

' ..

. ..

~- - ~

British Standards and Codes of Practice

' :.
Codes of Practice British Standards
CP 3 :-Code of basic data for the design of buildings BS 5376 :-Code of practice for selection and installation o'
CP 3: Chapter VIII: 1949 Heating and thermal insulation space heating (1st and 2nd family gases)
CP 332 :-Selection and installation of town gas space heating BS 5376: Part Z: 1976 Boilers of rated input not exceedi·
CP 332: Part 1: 19611ndependent domestic appliances kW
CP 332: Part 2: 1964 Central heating boilers for domestic BS 5449: 1977 Code of practice for central heating for dorr
premises premises. Part 1 Forced circulation hot water systems
CP 332: Part 3: 1970 Boilers of more than 150 000 Btu/h (44 kW)
and up to 2 000 000 Btu/h (586 kW) output For Standards relating to flues. ducts. cisterns. boilers, flues.'
CP 332: Part 4: 1966 Oucted warm air systems pipes, fittings, valves and thermal insulation, refer to the Secti1
CP 341.300-307: 1956 Central heating by low pressure hot water Hot and Cold Water Supply.
CP 1018: 1971 Electric floor-warming systems for use with off-peak BS 1394:-Power driven circulators
.. , and similar supplies of electricity
-GP 3000: 1955-lnstallationnd maintenance of underfee-d stokers
BS 1394: Part Z: 1971 Domestic glandles~ pumps
BS2767: T97i 'hlws and unions for htJtwater radill't!Jrs"
CP 3002 :-Oil firing BS 3528: 1974 Convection type space heaters operating on ste<:
CP 3002: Part 1: 1961lnstallations burning ClassD fuel oil and
C.T.F. 50 .· .
CP 3002: Pari 2: 1964lnstallations burning Class Cand Class D
hot water
BS 3955 :-Electrical controls for domestic appliances
BS 3955: Part 1: 1965 General requirements
fuel oils for vaporizing burners BS 3955: Part 2: Section 2F: 1967 Room thermostats
CP 3002: Part 3: 1965lnstallations burning pre-heated fuels. BS 4201: 1969 Thermostats for gas burning appliances
Clas~ ~. F_and. GfueLoils.aDd C.I.F.JOOJo 250 ..
CP 3006 !"-Central heating for domestic premises-·
---·-~·----·-- ·--·-

Section C . Sanitary Plumbing and Drainag~


The design of sanitary pipework systems

.. Connection of washing appliances
It is essential that traps to waste food disposal units. Fig. C6 Without venting
whether of the domestic or commercial type, be of the (to stack or back inlet gulley)
tubular type. Where wash basins, shower trays or baths
are fixed in ranges, short, untrapped discharge pipes are
sometimes fitted discharging into a floor channel laid in
or on the floor. Such a channel should be provided with
a properly trapped outlet fitted with a removable grating.

Depth af trap seals

Traps of W.C.'s should have a minimum water seal o . .·
50 mm (2 in.). Traps of other appliances should have ·.:
.. ,

a minimum water seal of 75 mm (3 in.) for sizes up to

and including 50 mm diameter and 50 mm water seal
for sizes over 50 mm diameter. On the two-pipe system
of sanitation, traps up to 50 mm diameter from ablUtion
f- and culinary appliances are aflowable with a minimum
trap seal of 38 mm (1! in.) provided that they discharge
into the drainage system through a trapped gully •
Fig. C7 With venting ·
Discharge pipes to sanitary appliances (to stack or back inlet gulley)
The internal diameter of a discharge pipe to a sanitary
appliance should normally be that of the trap to which
it is attached and in no case less. The internal diameter .
of a discharge pipe from a W.C. should be not less than'
the internal diameter of the W.C. pan outlet to which it
is attached, with a minimum internal diameter of
75 mm (3 in.). ·
The fall of discharge pipes should be adequate to drain
the pipe efficiently and in no case should it be less than
that shown in Table C4.

Waste Disposal Units -··

The discharge pipe from a waste food disposal unit
should connect directly, via a tubular trap, to the main
discharge pipe. preferably one taking w.c:. discharges
otherwise the main discharge pipe used, can become
l --. quickly coated and finally blocked and will therefore
require regular maintenance, without intermediate
connection to any other discharge pipe and the fall
should not be less than 15o to the horizontal. A
discharge pipe taking the waste from such units must
connect directly to a drain without an intervening gully The discharge pipes from automatic washing machines,
trap, but depending on .the main discharge pipe used clothes washers and dishwashing machines should be
consideration should be given to the installation of a connected as shown in Figs. C6 and C7.
suitable grease trap. Where it is unavoidable that the In Fig. C6, blockage in branch or trap will cause
waste from the above units has to be pumped, it is overflow through air gap. In Fig. C7 blockage in branch
essential that regular maintenance is carried out to the or trap will cause water to be discharged through the
pump sump. To prevent grease and solid particles ventilating pipe. Therefore. terminate ventilating pipe
forming, if no grease trap is installed on discharge pipe ootside building (low rise dwelling) or over another
before sump, into large solid slabs, provide a .chemical appliance.
drip feed of a grease dissolving type, into the sump.
Similarly, coating of the electrodes or controls with Offsets on stack
silicone will inhibit the adhesion of grease to their There should be no offsets in stacks below the topmost
surface. appliance unless venting is provided to relieve back
pressure. Offsets above the topmost appliance are of no
significance. Where offsets on the wet part af the stack
are unavoidable, the following may be used as a
(1) Due to the hydraulic jump, do not permit any branch
connections on the horizontal and provide ventilating
:; .
pipework below and above the offset in order to
prevent higher suctions over the maximum design of f'

375 N/m 2• (2) The change of direction should be. as

large as possible (200 mm minimum). (~}:.Ye,~~:~'?.~ ,· ·
_ .......... -.-:s.~~ ....... ...:.- ........ _.... .......... _ ..... . .


diameter to be half of stack diameter. (4) No offset Vacuum System
venting required in lightly loaded systems of up to 3 A vacuum sanitary pipework system is based on the
storeys in height (e.g. low rise houses). (5) Offsets principle of using air, instead of water, to convey foul
aove highest branch connections do not require water away from specially designed water closets. The
venting. water from water closets is termed 'black water' and
JrllJTI.~aste applial'!ces as 'grey water'. Vacuum flushing
The Sqvent System of WC contents r~uires only one litre of water and
'Sovent' sanitary pipework system is a relatively new pipelines need not ·be laid to the gradients necessary
· system tested and deveiO'ped in order to overcome the for gravity waterborne installations. The vacuumW.C.
negative and positive pressure problems associated suite, although similar: in appearance, differs in
with trad·itional systems. Wrth the use of a mixing fining construction from conventional types. The bowl
and a. bottom aerator (Fig. CB) it is possible to install contains no trap but has special accommodation for an
normal size stacks and load them above present limits airtight outlet valve and flushing apparatus. Branches
without vent pipes. from W.C.'s, stacks and main sanitarY discharge
pipework need only be 40-50 mm dia.
Fig. CB ·. 'Sovent' Pipework Fittings The main stac" however, would generally be enlarged
to the next diameter UHU\Sl1r8 velocity of flow does not
.!'f exceed the suggested limit of 10 m/s during peak
' '

loading. Pipe dimensions for larger installations would.

:fAir be calculated on the· quantities of air required for ·
l Water .removal of foul water. Branches from sinks etc. can be
32 or 25 mm with floor gully outlet of 40 mm. ·The
special floor gully contains no water seal but incor-
porates an odour seal in the form of a diaphragm
pressure valve." Special pressure valveS, similar in
principle to the floor gully, are· used for connection to
other appliances.
:~- .;:.: ;' ~ .
'Collar Boss' System
,_ Modified sanitary pipework systems have been
developed based on the 'Collar Boss'. It's design was
prompted by restrictions imposed on the connection
.. . ~- between the bath discharge pipe and vertical stack.
·'.• ;·. The 'Collar Boss' allows the pipework from the bath to
meet the stack above floor level at any point around its
circumference. The 'Collar Boss· ·and 'Vented' systems
enables the re-introduction of ventilating pipework. By
determining the minimum practical size of ventilating
· pipe and combined branch discharge pipe. a convenient.
J .. efficient and economic assembly can be produced. It
also eases some of the restrictions that govern the
Section A-A position of sanitary appliances etc.
J Mixing fitting Fig. C9 ·collar Boss' fitting


+ + we.
···!··.• ~-

'" ; ~'The..:. .top: :is

J. ;:,Drop + ·. o Air ¢=::::::::::::> ·' to· :introduce
40 mm or '
i~.: .P~pe li ~­ branch .·;,.32· mm ::'branches. high ....
• +Air-water mix p===+ . . . .'<under.: the ..throat . of,.•. ·.:
::··..... .
+ f .-~_::~,:.T1,~;~1~;~~r;· ;~~~~.~~::~,};T
· ,,2··:Dil'nensions ' .. selected·:
: :_ .. ·for the annular chamber :
~-.v-1 ... do .. not impede : wate( ..
,;nose. ,,. · · .·'.:. flow_ing from.the.bath.~·,;.-.~;
~~::'-·.:: . .

:.... ::·_
-:. ., ::•.
·~· ... . ·. : .. ~·/3':.·~·(:···an~· ~:~/:·;~i/:·
:.::__;;.:··· ..
. ·. ~ '2 .~:,;sl'l~ii.iRterat.tflelawer.'incf:·;; - ·
~===LJ_~·_::·,-::_·•..:_··-·;_··z::otihe finin~· deflects·water;!iJ
.• • • • 6
. ;.~ · smootbly.·.mto :the stack..'\'!"
-~~.~ •..:and prevents impingem'ent·..)
: .. .~.'~!~bY., ·Water:;:flc?Wjng' do:t~n. ~:j.
:: •• . from· above· on the internal·(;,
of the
.. ···

Section C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage

The design of sanitary pipework systems

Main stack connections
· Prevention of cross flow To prevent the discharge from a W.C. branch backing
Opposed small diameter branch discharge pipes without up the bath waste, the latter should not be connected to
swept entries should be arranged so that the risk of the the vertical stack within a distance of 200 mm (8 in.)
• discharge from one branch into the other is avoided. below where the centre line of the W.C. branch meets
(See Figs. C1 0 and C11 below). the centre line of the stack (see Fig.C12). Where this
cannot be achieved, the position of theW. C. junction on
Waste stack connections
. Fig. C10 Restricted connection area on stack
the stack may be altered by the use of an'S' trap W.C •
pan or alternatively the bath waste may be connected to·
a 50 mm parallel branch entering the stack below the
Stack dia. · Min .. dist. A danger zone (see Fig. C13 ).·
::·_·. ·.:· 75 .Centreline
of branch
iOO not to be below Design of single branches and fittings
'"-.125 this point On unventilated branch discharge pipes to single waste
~-~ .: ,\50 appliances, precautions must be taken to prevent self-
. :· ... " siphonage. .
\:___-h·-~~-t-:-:·)-.. .. For washbasins the risk of self-siphonage is:much more
closely dependent on the· design .of the branch con-
nection to the stack than it is for other appliances. Deep
seal ·p· traps must be ·used and any bends on the pipe
should be not Jess than 75 mm radius to the centre line.
For a BS 1188 or similar wash basin, a 32 mm diameter
waste pipe should be limited in length to 1 · 7 m
(5 ft. 6 in.) and the maximum gradient should be
determined from Fig.C14. Waste pipes longer than the .
·recommended maximum should be ventilated or a
Fig. C11 Examples of permitted connections suitable resealing trap should be fitted.
• 41'... -
The length and slope· of bath and sink discharge pipes
are not so critical as the 1railing discharge normally
refills the trap. As a guide, 40 mm diameter discharge
pipes should be limited to 2 · 3 m (7 ft. 6 in.) in length
and the fall should not exceed 5°. It is advisable to use
·p· traps on sink waStes "but bath wastes may have
either ·s· or 'P' traps. longer branch pipes may be used
if suitable resealing traps are fitted, but long waste pipes
tend to become blocked with sediment and are often
very noisy in action. · .
w.c. branch inlets to the stack should be swept in the
direction of flow with a radius at the invert of not less
than 50 mm. If unswept branches are used, additional
venting may be required. W.C. branches up to 1 · 6 m
long have been used successfully. (For further guidance
refer to CP304).
Design of branches and fittings for commercial and
Ji public buildings should coyer individual or ranges of
.,, Fig. C12 Restricted connection
ii•i • area on stack Fig. C13 Example of permitted connections
. :-:,-=
.r-.2.>-:~-..... ...,.~,.......,,.......,.""""....,.,_"""~~~~..........,.,.,__..,.:·;"""'"'"".-'¥'"._.-:·~~"='::?''!1',.,t"':~:,.,.~:~':':"~
...:.:- . , .. ·'.':.:-., , ..

.;:dia;mm Centre line of
7~150 branch not to
. ....
be below this

: ~ Connection
· not permined ·
: . in this area -~ .
0 •,~~........~~~-...-·.:............,. ......A,..;,!'>'"'Ooo"""-'"·i ...............,._,......... _....._ .. ____ ........... ...,._

appliances. It is necessary to limit the pressure fluctua- (b) The length, slope and diameter of the discharge_
tions to ± 375 N/m 2• (a negative pressure correspond- pipe.
. ing to about 25 mm loss of water seal from a wash- Seal losses _produced by effluent flow down the
down W.C.). Where venting is recommended, the vent discharge stack depend on :-
pipe may be run separately or connected to a vent
stack. Vent connection should be above the spill-over (a) The flow load which in turn depends on the number
level aniflnstaffed. with a continuous fall back to the of appliances connected and frequency of use.
appliance. Branch discharge pipes serving ranges of (b) The diametar-of the discharge stack.
W.C.'s do not usually run full. therefore branch venting· Excessive seal losses can be prevented by the proper
may only be necessary where bends are introduced. and correct use of the design procedure provided.
The occurrence of full bore flow depends upon factors
such as the length and slope of branch discharge pipes
and the form of connections.
The increasing use of detergents produces problems in
sanitary pipework installation. A small amount of
· Inspection and testing of discharge pipes detergent can- cause a large amount of foam· when
. Work should be inspected and tested during installation, dropping through a discharge stack. It may be necessary
care being taken that all work which is to be concealed to connect certain lower floors to a separate discharge
is tested before it is finally enclosed. Final tests should stack. Commercial applications, such as laundries,
be applied on completion of the installation both fc:>r , should have an independent system of discharge pipes
soundness and performance. Normally, the air test IS connected direct to the drain. Bends at the faot of
used for soundness. but if the water test is applied. it detergent foam carrying stacks, should be as gradual as
should be used only up to the level of the lowest possible, ideally 2 No 135 ° large radius bends. The
sanitary appliance connected to the system, and then following recommended procedure will reduce the
only in new systems. When testing old existing systems, effect of foaming:- · .
it will be necessary to limit the pressure applied because (a) The discharge stack diameter must be determined
of shallow trap seals: the water test should not be used. on the maximum discharge loadings required for
Any defects revealed by the test should be made good each condition and building type.
and the tests repeated until a satisfactory .result is
\ . obtained. -
(b) Discharge stack to be a minimum of 76 mm
diameter one type of sanitary appliance .
Reference should be made to Local Authority and other (c) Maximum loading of discharge stack not to exceed
enforcing authority requirements, particularly where ! cross section for peak discharges.
pipework passes througl:l areas where blockages and (d) Avoid offsets in wet part of discharge stack and
,.I leaks cannot be detected. In general. sufficient access horizontal runs otherwise additional venting is
should be provided to enable complete systems to be required. ·
tested. Access points should be carefully sited to allow (e) Separate-er combined dischargestacks:-
the entry of cleaning or testing equipment and con- (1) Up to and including 4 storeys - as current
sideration also be given to adjacent services. Traps and requirements.
joints that are easily disconnected can be an advantage
so additional a.ccess is required only..under exceptional
circumstances:The discharge from urinals can give rise
to heavy disposits, especially in hard water areas. Fig. C74 Length and fall of basin waste. Design
Regular maintenance is therefore required and access curve for 32 mm wastes and 75 mm seal P traps
should be provided so that all parts of the stack, connected to single wash basins to BS 1188 ot
branch, discharge pipe and trap can be readily cleaned. similar.·
Where the vertical discharge pipe has a long connection
to a manhole· access should be provided at ground . ~- --~- .y;.;:--·-:- -~;·~_ .... rJ:::e . ;.··.-~\ . . . 9._:~:--~: ~~""!'i!*'-~~~-=:::~;.'?'F,.,~­
floor near the foot of the stack. In multi-storey domestic ... > ~~--,r--r--r--r-r-r-:-:-r-r-r-r-1
buildings, access shoul~ be provided ~t 3 .st?rey
• intervals or less. In public and commercial buJidmgs
and more complex drainage systems, access should be
provided at each floor level.
The discharge from appliances prod~ces pressu~e
fluctuations and the system must be des1gned to retam
adequate water seal in all traps under normal working
conditions. The pressure effects that may occur are due
to self-siphonage, induced siphonage and back
pressure. tt mav In! necessary 10 use a vtmtilating p1pe ·
to limit the pressure fluctuations in the system within
the acceptable limits. The effect of the flow of water
from the appliance into the branch discharge pipe must
be considered taking account of:-
(a) The design of the appliance (funnel shaped
,. appliances increase the. possibility of self-
--~-~s.lpnonage)-.-··--·- ·· ··
---------.. . . . ;......;.--.:.·•. . .....· . . . . . _, . . . . .
~.·· ·~··_ ~ "-"'o.t----.----·-------·-~ . _,_ __._ . . . ·~--·-·-·-· _--...,;... ___

Section 0 Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage

The design of sanitary pipework systems

·l Foaming contim.ied
'• .'
(2) 5 storeys up to and including 9 storeys - Where adequate ventilation is provided to the system,
connect ground floor appliances to separate some small increase in the stack loading above one:
,• discharge stack or individual connections to quarter full can be considered. Such an increase should
drainage system. not. however, cause the pipe to carry a flow load in
(3) 10 storeys up to and including 15 storeys- excess of one_ third full. Guidance as to the probable
ground and first floors to separate discharge stack loading to be expected under any giyen_ conditions
stack. or flow rate can be obtained from the Graph No. C3.
(4) 16 storeys up to and including 25 storeys - '
ground, first and second floors to separate From the hydraulic conditions given previously and
discharge stack. from experimental deductions. formulae have been
(5) Over 25 storeys - relevant practical results derived to enable the flow rates in tall stacks to be
should be consulted. . computed. Work carried out at the Building Research
Station and the USA National Bureau of Standards has
confirmed that a formula of the type
Air test
An air test should apply a pressure equal to 2. 4 mbar q=Kdt or K~
(38 mm) water gauge and should remain constant for agrees closely with the observed flows in tall cast iron
a period of not less than three minutes. The water seals · stacks. When the pipe is loaded at one quarter full,
' of all sanitary appliances which are installed should be
fully charged and test plug inserted into the open ends
. of the pipework to be tested, each plug being sealed
K = 3 · 2 10 -s. For other flow loads the value of K is
as follows:
with a small quantity of water. One testing plug should 1/3 full K = 5 · 2 1 0- 5
be fitted with a tee-piec~. with a cock on each branch, 1/5 full K = 2 ·1 10 -5
one branch being connected by a flexible tube to a
manometer. To apply the test, air or smoke is introduced 1/6 full K = 1 ·3 10-5
into the system through the other branch of the tee-
piece until the desired pressure is shown on the where q == discharge capacity in litres per second
manometer scale. Alternatively, the pressure may be
applied by passing a flexible tube from a tee-piece
d = diameter of stack in mm -
attached to a manometer through the water seal ~f the When K .:... 3 · 2 1o-s (i full) the calculated values are
trap of a sanitary appliance, the t~ then being carried as follows:
out as previously described. Table C2 Maximum capacities
Defects revealed by an air test may be located by the of stacks flowing quarter full
following:- • ·· · ~
(a} A smoke producing machine may be used which
will introduce smoke under pressure into the :·~~::~~~:!IJ~!i~:~~:;t:~~~~,~c1~;~:t:.:~z::
defective pipework. Leakage can be observed as 50 ::c 1 . 10 :.: . :' 70
the smoke escapes. ·
(b) Soap solution can be applied to the pipes and
65 :..- 2·00 -....·. - 175
/.- a
· joints, under test, leakage can be detected by the 75 ' 3·25 -,. 375•
formation of bubbles. 90 .. 5·00 ~~~.'. ~ 700
Capacities of stacks
100 u 7·10 "::.,-.
- 1200
Owing to the terminal velocities which are attained in 125 r 12·30 ..~ : . ~./ 2800
vertical pipes, there is a practical limit to the capacity of 150 20·60 .- - -~ 6000
any given stack. In order to reduce hydraulic and
pneumatic disturbances to a minimum, most authorities •not rr.cre than 1. \V.C.
recommend as an upper limit a stack loading of about a
quarter full. This degree of loading provides room for an Estimating stack loading
air core to flow freely down the stack during fluctuating Most methods of estimating the probable usage of
• _discharges. appliances and the flow loads on discharge pipes and
systems of underground drainage are, in principle,
The maximum flow possible at any given stack loading methods of applying the Binomial Probability Distribu-
depends also upon the frictional resistance of the inner tion Law to practical conditions.
surface of the stack. Smooth pipes of copper and
plastics allow slightly higher terminal velocities to be The probability graph, No. Cl, page 72. shows the
reached than in rougher pipes such as cast iron. This probable usage, baseq on a mathematical certainty of
cfifference in the final velocities reached is not, however, 99% success, of various numbers of sanitary apRiiances
substantial_ enoi,Jgt) l9 effect materially .the discharging tor the given conditions m value of 'p'.. . " --
capacity of the stacks.
. Terminal velocity is generally in the range of 3 to 5 m/s
per second depending upon the size of stack. quantity of
where p = -
flow and discharges from branches. Terminal length is t = time in seconds appliance is discharging.
the distance that a discharge must fall to reach the
: .• constant terminal velocity and is generally achieved T = time in seconds between successive usage of
within approximately two floors.· appliance. · ·-- -- · -, ----------c--
. -... -................... . -.. ................ -.--....- "'-··~-- --·-~~- ...... ___:_·
-~~---·_·.·~;_: ·::···.

. .

As an example of the application of the probability ratings to be assigned to the same appliance to take
graph to a practical case. if 100 applianc~ each of this difference in usage into account (see Table C3).
which takes 10 seconds to discharge their contents are
used at 500 second intervals. the value of
Discharge unit-flow rate graph
Graph C2 has been prepared to enable the flow load
p =-r - t
~ = 0·02 of various kinds of. sanitary appliances to be estimated
500 either when in grbups of the same appliance or when
used in conjunction with mixed groups of sanitary
Reading from Graph No. C1. six appliances. only out applianceS; The axes of the graph have been given in
of the 1 00 installed can be expected to be found discharge units and the probable flow rate in both
discharging simultaneously. If, in addition to the above, Imperial and sr metric units. To enable a rapid assess-
we know that the maximum flow rate of each appliance ment to be made of the diameter of a suitable vertical
is 2 litres/sec.. then the probable flow load to be discharge pipe for any given loading, the right hand
designed far is 6 x 2 = 12 litres/sec. scale, marked in both sets of units, can be used. It should
be noted that the actual flow rate in litres/sec. (or gal./
Discharge units min.) is the real capacity of the stack. Any discharge

• In practice most systems incorporate many different unit system which may be adopted in design is merely a
kinds of. sanitary appliances which may, nevertheless, convenient method of determining the flow load and
finally be connected to the same discharge pipe or drain. thus a suitable pipe diameter.
Under these conditions it is more convenient, and
indeed essential. to use a system of related unit values Drains receiving discharges
which have been determined mathematically to make from vertical stacks
it easier to design for these mixed systems. These unit Permissible load on drains
values, which are assigned to each appliance, are Where a vertical discharge pipe is directly connected to
usually called discharge units. a drain, it is recommended that the horizontal drain
Any system of discharge units must of course, be taking the stack load should be not less than. 1 00 mm
related to an 'index appliance' which is usually given a diameter and designed to flow nat more than about
discharge unit rating of unity (1 ). In the system of units two-thirds full at peak conditions. This limit on the load
adopted in this publication.. a domestic wash basin, to be placed on the drain is to prevent surcharges
·having the lowest flow rate and having a small probable causing high suction in the system.
usage has been adopted as the unit appliance. All ather
sanitary appliances therefore have discharge unit values Connections to drains
which are numerically higher than unity. Depending Any direct connection between a vertical discharge pipe
upon the precise usage of a particular appliance it is and a drain should be made by means of a long radius
possible for a number of different discharge unit bend or, if adequate vertical distance is available, two

Table C3 Probability data and discharge units for sanitary appliances connected to sanitary
pipework above ground
t- T · probability flow rate discharge
Appliance sees. mins. 'p' litres/sec. gal./min. u.nits
W.C. (high level cistern) 5 20 0·004 2·27 30 6
W.C. (high level cistern) 5 10 0·008 2·27 30 12
W.C. (low level cistern) 7 10 0·01 1·82 24 12-
W.C. factory (male) 7 3 0·04 1·82 24 45
W.C. factory (female) 7 1 ·5 0·08 1·82 24 90
W.C. office (male)
W.C. office (female) ' 7
Wa?h basin (domestic) 10 15 0·01: 0·34 4·5 1
Wash basin (factory) 10 1 0·15 0·34 4·5 10
Wash basin (office) 10 2 0·08 0·34 4·5 5
Sink (domestic) 20 25 0·015 0·75 10 3
Sink (canteen} 38 mm waste 80 20 0·06 0·75 10 12
Sink (canteen) 50 mm waste 50 20 0·04 1 ·12 15 15
Sink (small laboratory) 30 8·0 0·06 0·08 1 ,. 1
Seth -{domestic) 75 75 ''0·015 -·, ·"06 14 6
Bath (hotf!l) . 75 30 0·04 1·06 14 18
Bath (hospital) 50 mm waste 60 30 0·03 2·27 30 35
' Urinal (per stall or bowl)
Shower (domestic)
Shower (public) 180 12 0·25 0·12 1 ·5 4'
t :'.:.;..c,~:.....N;()!!'.:.~P.I:)! having a continuous flow from their o:.:tle:s should have the computed flow rate added or. to that predicted by using
~~~~~~~~-q_~._u.~~ts, for the other fitments. ··
;~ ~->·$§1:~-~
~- :.:.: ....

Section C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage

The design of sanitary pipework systems


• Table C4 Maximum number of discharge units to be allowed on horizontal branches

Diameter of pipe Fall
mm in 1 in 100 1 in 50 1 in 25
32 1* Not more than 1 basin
38 1t 18 30
50 2 40 70
65 2t 100 160
75 3 110 ·200 320
90 3t 210 350 600
100 4 400 650 1100
I .
125 5 850· 1500. 2200
--~~ =·.: 150 6 1800 3000 5000
Note: Th!i: surn tc:at c.f -:~:e i~·aC:n£ un;~s p·a:ed o:o; aii the br~~::-.e.;;·- ... ~: ...::-~ t::»".Ct::E:! H··~ :;~s:;~;;.g permiss:o:!: c~- ::..: ma>·, disc~~a!fl:
l-lonzor.tai branches ate des,grr=d r·c !t~~·.."":j~ -~~:! liC.':J f~- ·

Connections to drains continued Termination of ventilating pipes

large radius 135° bends are to be preferred. This will help , Branch ventilating pipes may be connected to a main
to relieve back pressure on the lowest branch on the, ventilating pipe or be carried upwards either individually
stack and also help in the prevention of detergent or in combination with one another. Any connections
foaming. · must be above the spillover level of the highest fitting
The vertical distance between the lowest branch
connection on the stack and the invert of the drain Main ventilating pipes may discharge to the open air or
should be 460 mm (18 in.) for a 1Wo-storey building may be connected to the discharge stack above the
and 760 mm (30 in.) for taller buildings. Where this spillover level of the highest appliance on the stack.
distance cannot be achieved, ground floor appliances The outlet of every ventilating pipe to the open air must
should be connected directly to the drain. • be at such a height and position as will prevent the
entry of foul air into any building. This is generally
achieved if the outlet is not less than 0 · 9 m (3ft.) above
Ventilating pipes the head of any window or opening into a building
The purpose of ventilating pipes is to maintain equili- within a horizontal distance of 3 m. Any such outlet must
: . brium of pressure within a system and thus prevent the be protected .with a guard of durable material which
(· : destruction of trap seals by siphonage or compression. does not unduly restrict the flow of air.
·. · They should be installed with a continuous back fall The sizing of long ventilating pipes
into the discharge pipe in order to prevent a waterlock The air movement in a system of discharge and ventilat-
interfering with the free movement of air. A branch ing pipes is caused in the main by the friction force
ventilating pipe should be connected to a branch created by the annular stream of water which. is passing
discharge pipe not less than 75 mm from the crown of down the stack, causing air to flow along with it. In
the trap. In order to prevent cross-flow, a cross ventilat- any given system of pipework, air may also be admitted
ing pipe installed between a discharge stack and a main to the main stack by the branch ventilating pipes and
ventilating pipe should slope upwards from the stack through trap seals on the branches whilst the system is
at an angle of not less than 135°. under load. In view of the difficulty of evaluating air
Sizes mov~ments precisely, it is usual to provide for an air
The diameter of a branch ventilating pipe or of a flow rate equal to that necessary to fill the pipe after
ventilating stack should be as given in Table C5, but providing for the actual water flow load in the stack.
very long ventilating pipes will require to be of larger The air is also assumed to have attained a terminal
diameter and guidance for these is given in Table C6. velocity equal to that of the water.
Minimum stack sizes and ventilation required for houses, To provide for ventilating pipes of adequate size, the
flats and maisonettes are set out in Table C7. overall pressure loss due to friction in any given system
Table C5 Diameter af b1 anch ventiltrting · - of ventilating pipes should not exceed 25 mm water
gauge. · · ·
pipes and stacks
.• ·.Diarrieier of
b.nliicti" discharge.:
~pipe or discharge stack D . . .. ,·.
ventilating pipe
The diameter and permissible length of a ventilating.
pipe required for a system depends therefore, on two
- . . . . . . . . . . ,.. . , _ , ; , a . _ ... _ _ •._-:.. "'"·---···-·~--·~--·.-- main considerations:
Smaller than 75 mm 0 t
1. the overall pressure drop permissible and
75 mm to 100 mm inclusive 50mm
· Larger than 100 mm 2. -the-propGJ't.i.GR-Of.-cross- section . occupied by. the
f;JIIino water.
. . , ..... -.. . ··.·-~. .. .;..\-. ···-· . _ __ --·~--~··1-.. ........_. ·..__:_"
-~----··......,·'.;..:-=··j.r:: ~--~--~-~:....'-.~-~;·-:·'.-.:·~ -.:-·,:'~; .;.~:~:;:-; ,; ,~;o; :~j~,~ :~
.. ··.· ....
.~ .
. \, .:~

.. .....
- .... .: ~ ~-

The amount of air required to limit the pressure loss Guidance as to suitable ventilating pipe sizes for various
.. varies between about two and five times any given
water flow rate•
stack loadings may be obtained from Table C6, which·
is based on .. the previously stated pneumatic and_ .
hyd~ulic considerations.· ·::_;,
. .
.Table C6 Diameters and lengths ofventilati!Jg pipes··
Diameter of Proportional Discharge : . Length of ventilating pipe in metres ...
·' ·..

discharge pipe
mm in.·
load on
units l
40 mm .. 50 mm 75 mm · 90 mm 100 mm 125 mm · 150 mm
~ .. 50 2 0·25* 85 70 300

l. . . '75 3
l . ~ -.. :::.. _-.-....-..--..-.·._____.:..0·...::3.:..3_ _ _ _~;.:::;.;__..;,.__ ___:_~=::....·--·~.:.:~:.:.0...:,__3_0_0_____:_______..-.. ---------------
\!:. . .. _;·.'.;
-- --- • .-90
. --- . ----
_,;,;;;.;;;_,___ ~_.....;.....~..;:.._--.:..:3..::..00:,....__ __;___1:..:0_
..... 800 -----·-.···· - - . --15 .: - 11 o... --.200
. 1550
,-·10 - ---·90 .. 150 - .._...._.,... ~---.-
_...::~__:.~----;.._.;......;..- ....---:-,
-~----·-···· .·-···--·-

75 . '160 300
'-1···_·=.. - .·. 100 -~. .50 .- .:100
200 ......-:.::"·~:-.

_._·. --~--·:.-~-·
40 160 :!·-

'25 ·50 1.00-

15. 30 70
14 28 ·55
i • .· .. ·: 10. 20 40·.;..
6·5 14 25
I. • 0·:25-is the normal maximum flow load.
5·5 10 22
)··.. '

Table C7 Minimum sizes of discharge stacks and ventilating pipes required for various
loadings; Dwellings ·· · .. · · · ·
Stack . . .. •... :·-·
··, . . . ,_·· -_,~

. diameter
Type mm Requirements
( Houses· ..
:-·. '.:·'
-·: _.,.
•• <··
Single family dwellings
up to 3 storeys 90 . Single stack

Flats Stack serving one group• on Stack serving two groups on ·

each floor each floor
Up to 10 storeys 100 Single stack Single stack
11 to 15 100 50 mm vent stack with one 50 mm vent stack with one
... ~- .:. :
connection on alternate floors connection on each floor
.. ·
16 to 20 100 65 mm vent stack with one 65 mm vent stack with one

~ ·:--·:.·.· connection on alternate floors connection on each floor
. Up to 12 storeys 125 Single stack · Single stack ··' - .. .
12 to 15 125 Single stack-c ····- 50 mm vent stack with one - •. · .: : ·
· connection on alternate floors . ·
Up to 25 storeys 150 Single stack Single stack

Stack serving one group on Stack serving two groups on

alternate floors alternate floor-S ·
100 Sin~le stack -~ SingJ~ $l£1Ck -~~-- ~-~~~,. .. ~ ..... -.
100 · Single stack 50 mm vent stack with one:.-_.,;_~:~x:·:'-f':~
.. .. .
· '~ connection on alternate''(battiro'om)_ :~
- .~ ··floors · ·. :.;.:::. ;-_._~;:\:·-:•.:·-··:':·~;,:·::~·-~:.:"•,,
100 50 mm vent stack with one · 65 mm vent stack with one ·. ··~ '::::: ·
connection on alternate (bathroom)'.· connection on alternate (bathroOrYJ) ::~
floors · ·· floors -.~·::..• ,;< ·'"" · · : ·::·:: ·
-··---· ···-. ---····-----~--___:.._. -····-~·--- -· -~------ ·:.<·.~·.·.

Section C Sanitary Plun1bing and Drainage

The design of sanitary pipework systems

) .
Performance testing of systems
In addition to a test for air or water-tightness, every To test the stability of trap seals when water flows down
• . discharge pipe installation should be tested for the stack. the appropriate combination of appliances
stability of the trap seals on the system. When subjected from Table C9 ·should be discharged simultaneously
tO the appropriate discharge tests, every trap must with all traps fully charged. The seal remaining in the
retain not ·less than 25 mm of water seal. Each test traps should be measured when the discharge has
, .•... ,__ shoulclbe.repeated three times, traps being recharged ended.
', · before each test and the maximum loss of seal in any
one test should be taken as the significant result. '
Table CS Number of appliances to be
The number of appliances to be discharged simultan- discharged simultaneously for testing
eously for the test depends upon the number of stability of trap seals; Public Buildings
~ppliances installed and the use and occupancy of the
•·\t,fumber·of~.--: ,··o;:.:.'<':""Nund:ier of appli.ancesto &e·-,: }"'.
building. Suitable figures are given in Table CS for ~ :appliances .... : ..discharged simultaneously ·.· ·. "·
dwellings- and in Table· C9 for buildings such as office
blocks and schools. For other types of buildings, e.g.
hotels and hospitals, the service conditions lie some-
.... where between these tWo. The number of appliances ·
J;!=::~:-:;~-~ ~;: ·:!:i~~~~-~~.~;5:~~/.·~-~:i~~~h;~~~~i:~-~~.
_.( ::, 0! to be discharged simultaneously to simulate these 1- 9 1 1
conditions should be estimated from. the figures given 10- 18 1 2
in Taples · CS and C9 and the expected service 19- 26 2 2
27- 50 2 3
Dwellings .
To test for the effect of self-siphonage, waste appliances 51-78 3 4
should be filled to over-flowing level and discharged in 79-100 3 5
the normal way. The seal remaining in the trap should.
Example 1 Determine the peak floyv rate and diameter
. be measured when the discharge is finished.
To test for the effects of probable maximum simultan-
eous dischargeS of sanitary appliances, the number of
of discharge pipe required to carry the discharges from
44 flats if the stack loading is to be limited to one~ fifth
appliances to be discharged together is given in Table full.bore. Each flat has 1 W.C •• 1 wash basin~ a bath. and
CS•. For. the purpose of this test. baths are ignored as a sink.
their use is spread over a periQd and they do not
normally add materially to the peak flow. Where a stack
44 (12 + 1 + 6 + 3) = 44 X 22
.= 968 discharge units~
services baths only, the number to be discharged
simultaneously in a test the same as for sinks. From Graph No. C3 it can be seen that 968 discharge
The worst conditions occur when appliances on the units are equivalent to a flow load of approximately
upper floors are discharged. A reasonable test therefore 6 · 2 litres/second.
is to discharge··one;-W.C~. one basin and one sink As a 125 mm stack at one-fifth loading can carry 8
. from the ·top floor of the building with any other litresTsecond. this size win be satisfactory. ·
appliances to be discharged di~tributed along the stack. Example 2 Determine the peak flow rate and diameter
of discharge pipe to receive the discharge from 20 W.C.'s
and 20 wash basins used by females in an office block.
Table CB Number of appliances to lie
discharged simultaneously for testing 20 W.C.'s (female) x 45 = 900
stability of trap seals; Dwellings
20 wash basins X 5 100
,··Number of ,_. ·. . Number of appliances to be
·:· · appliances discharged simultaneously Total discharge units 1000
;···ofeach ·
'>· kind ·on ·w.c. .Wash basin .Kitchen The flow rate for 1000 discharge units
:.-:~~he..stack .... 9Utre~2 gall.) ·•..., , -_....... .• si!!~
= 6 · 4 litres/second.
1- 9 1 . 1 1 As a 100 mm stack at one-quarter loading can carry
10-24 1 1 2 7 litres/second. this size will be satisfactory. .
Jt 25-35 1 2 3 Example 3 Determine the peak flow rate and diameter
i· 36-50 2 2 3 of discharge pipe required to carry the discharge from
10 W.C.'s, 15 urinals and 15 wash basins used by males
1! Public buildings in a factory.
j1 (e.g. office blocks, schools)
i • Waste appliances should be tested for self-siphonage as 10 W.C.'s (male) x 45 - 450 ,.
~ - . -for .dwelli-ngs. For -rangaof..appliaru:es,. combination5-4f -
1: appliances as set out in Table C9 should be discharged, 15 urinals . x 1 - rs-
J! -:. waste appliances being filled to overflow level. The 15 wash basins X 10 - 150
! worst conditions·are likely to occur when the appliances
I. at the top end of the branch are discharged. For ranges Total discharge units 615

I. of appliances connected to a common branch in a The flow rate for 615 discharge units is approximately
building where very congested periods of use may be 4 · 6 litres/second.
_ _ _!~~~c;t._-~!...s..c;;hool_s, ~he ~gures given in co_lumns 2 As a 100 mm discharge pipe at one-quarter loading can
· ·and 3 of Table C9 should be doubled. carry 7 litres/seconcj! thi_s size wilt be satisfactory.·

l. .•
I ..
I The separation of foul water and rain water (c) Incineration of domestic refuse can be achieved by
The separation of foul water and rainwater within a open fires but where this is not possible, the use of
0 building is recommended and recognised as good small or larger units should be considered.
practice. Where rainwater is allowed to enter a discharge (d) Sanitary towel disposal can be carried out quite
stack. in the case of a blockage, it can cauSE the
building to be flooded with sewage. The practice of
combining foul and surface water within a building is
cheaply and quickly by incineration, maceration or
in sealed units (collecting bins) for either storing
for bulk disposal or utilising a chemical solution to
therefore extremely inadvisable or contravening the destroy the used towels.
Building Regulations and Local Authority requirements. (e) Owing to its varied nature, hospital refuse should
Grease traps are used for the treatment and/or disposal be di!;posed of by maceration (near as possible to
of grease laden water. Types available enables either . the disposal source) or by incineration.
the retention of grease which has to be removed at (f) Compression systems are available which reduce
regular intervals or with the addition of special powders, the volume from !rd to 1/12th.
the grease can be chemically broken down (actimatic (g) Composting refuse in agricultural areas is consider-
type). . . ed the most economic method of disposal. Refuse
Floor drainage should be provided where drainage of collectiqn and disposal methods used should be
water is necessary from adjacent or su~rounding floor determined in consultation with the Local
areas and direct to the sanitary pipework system. This Authority.
provision should be adequate to cope with the
operations and functions to be carried out in that Sanitary Accommodation:- .
particular area. Flushing gullies should be provideq to •(a) Reference should be made to CP 305. The
· overcome problems associated with cleansing of sterile planning in most instances is performed by the
locations or locations where cross infection may occur Architect, who should be advised of special
once the floor is washed down. The contents of the requirements and where an alteration to the
gully can be flushed away and replaced by clean water. layout, within structural limitations, can affect
Potato-peeler machines should be independently con- economies and performance.
nected by their own discharge pipe, to nearest stack or (b) Hand drying facilities can either be (1) disposable
drain (!nd. should only be flushed with cold water paper (2) roller towel . (3) warm air electric
because of the high Starch content. machines.
Vegetable paring machines should be drained in (c) Soap solution dispensers, fed from local or central
consultation with the Local Authority depending upon reservoirs provides a ready alternative to the
whether water sprays or sludge interceptors are provision of bar soap. .
I' required and where positioned in relation to ~nnec- (d) The use of the spray mixer tap has produced
~~ . ' .
savings in water consumption, economies in

' Methods of Waste Collection:-

(a) Refuse chutes provide an economic solution in
pipework and fuel costs. . ·.
(e) The use of corbel-type or concealed. outlet type
closets makesior easiercfe<wiug.. .
multi-storey and similar type buildings. Adequate (f) The use of the spray mixer tap has led to an
I·· ..
precautions must be -taken to prevent entry of improvement in the wash hand basin. Hand rinse
\ : rodents into the bin storage area and also to basins have found a ready use in general toilet
minimise the entry of flies. There is much to accommodation. The use of operation other than
recommend the installation of waste disposal units by hand has led to the use of removing taps
below each kitchen sink in dwellings. completely from basins and this can lead to a
(b) Kitchen waste disposal units are a means of reduction of cross-infection.
disposal of wet refuse and for commercial and (g) Automatic water flow for hand washing, flushing
industrial use, it is advisable to consult specialist etc. can be achieved (1) hydraulically, (2)
,· suppliers. pneumatically, (3) electrically.


} .. •
-------------- --------- _____. ··-· --- ..... ····- ----~----- -- --- .. ·- .... .:. ..,. _____ ·- ----
Section C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage

· The design of sanitary pipework systems

. .
. '· ..
Graph C1 ·Probability graph

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. I ~1
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. . j

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.. 1'
.· r\ ' .....
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---·-. . .. -· ... ·--· ..... ....

.. . :' - ·-;·--~-~!',;;,-~}-~ _·::.--~\:.. .

.. .' ,·,'!?··-:·_:_ ·-:-··

\. .

,··\ ~- \ \
~ .
!, ~ ,'?; :~ ~· _.,_ ·:..· .. - -· ..
I -\ ,K\
1\ 1\\ ~
\ >: \

.· ..

~· ~\!'
"": ..
,• •,

<~~:;. .

',, .
.. ·- ~-... -~. ~ >:~. ~

: .· ". . .··

.. . ·.
. ' 0 0 0· ·0 . 0 0
I ···-$2·· CD"'- '0 111 "''
.. ----·-------- ---. ---'---· ... ~ .
··:· ..
\ .. .. ::.~~~~..

···· ..
Graph C2 Discharge units and flow rates
•(IIJll Ja+aenb) S)[:>elS J~!lJSA lO JSlSWe!Q

~·~ ~ V) g 0 ~ ~
~ J.. ~ -------i-----------i------------~+---------------~V)
_,,._ ~ _{N ...
·---· --·--··~·

.. .
a1nu!w -!ad suoneB U! a1e.r MOJ:I


""-.-··:··- ... .... ·- - 1-- -t----

' ·-·-·--":·------ .. ---·-----· ···~-- ... --·- §·---'····
~· .... -- --- """····..~!----- .....,.,.. , ... .'-- ·---V)·,-~·::--
J--~,H-"---'------,r--f--+-i---+---+-.._._-+-<-·-....-.-+---'---+-~,;-o·,-.-+-----,-1 :;:; :~:{f~
~-------+'..3o.E:-:---r-+-l--i--1~-......---+-----+-__;.----l---.;_.+-----l ,;:·_. ~~-:-. ;;:

~.: ..
1-----+--~'-..-+-.+-...-_+-__- __ +---+-~---...- - + - - - - + - -.__.,--__+-----,.---1\ ·:;:~~
... o·.
•:--+-------t-.,----+---------1 S2
0 .· :c :·:·"·:
. ,_ •


\. <:
. '>".!.

•:-·· ..
' ... ..:. .
~- ·:. .~· ··

·.. ..r: . ~ .
.'... ·.:·:".: ...
______ ._.....,_..,_...__......... .........., ____ ~ -; --............... , _____________ ---·-
. ·_ ~ .... ~-· - ...
.:.~ .-
Section C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage

-. The·design of _sanitary pipework systems

• <;;raph C3 . Proportional flow and discharge units ...\·: ···: :_.;_:.

: . 2· 3 4 5
6 . ·7


.. :···,

15 l--_..:...----+--------+--,-+--+-7-+--+--:.7,___.,-l-7-+-~~

l - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - + - r - - - 4 - - - - v - -II
--HIL---i-----4-3000. I 7 -7 ....
. / .· ·, ... 1__;_...;;.:._,_

if_ ···'.
_;-4·;.;.·_;·~ -- -=~:·:.~ .,..
1/ . ___ /_ .. 7 I _ .. _-_.:.._· ·-·.--.::.


~ 8.0 _,....
I II 11. )1 -I :,-.---,_~
.. · .· .. t __
1500 .. · ._·::·.: .. -

. . . .,--

·:__ ·_'(

. .5

.. _

. •;-·.··

Sanitary Accommodation
. ' -:.· . . . . . . .
Reference sho.uld also be made to CP 305: Part 1: 1974 or latest edition.· - . '• ~~---

Scale of provision of sanitar:v appliances: Table of minimum requirements

Table C10 Office buildings and shops

For accommodation other than principals. etc. .
F'rtment& for male staff

tWC's- 1 for 1- 15 persons 1 for_ 1- ~ 5 persons

no urinals provided 2 for 16- 30 persons 2 for 16- 30 persons ·
3 for 31- 50 persons 3 for 31- 50 persons
il 4 for 51- 75 persons 4 for 51- 75 persons
5 for 76-100 persons 5 for 76-1 00 persons
)! For over 100 plus 1 for For over 100 plus 1 for
every additional 25 every additional 25
persons or part thereof persons or· part thereof
tWC's- 1 for 1- 20 persons .. ~-.,;.,. ... .:. --·---- ----- ... . . .
provided- - · 2 for 21- 45 persons 7""---=··-::-.;-:~ .. -~
·..;;: . ~--· ·- --- 3 for 46- 75 persons ._.: --~-------·.-. :-.":.·~-~--:_::--::i~~--~:,._-;.;_-
----- 7:'." .:-__ ----__
j ·:·--. 4 for76-100 persons ·-··-- ... .. ·--~-~ ==-~~ ~~;~~!·:~:
.For over 100 plus 1 for . .
-~ ...,~ . .. . ::

- - every additional 25 '

.J)ersons or part thereof, ; ...... -. -- ~
':. -,._ . __
but 1 in 4 of the ...
i.' :.:·--- -. ~ .
.i11 •..
· ·additional fitments may
be a urinal
. -
. tUrinals i.e; _< , __ _ ___ 0 for 1- 15 persons ~---
; ;" . .:_.· -~--· . :. 1 stall or 600 mm .. ·: · 1 for 16- 30 persons
I.. -: ..

.·.(2ft.) of space. 2 for 31- 60 persons

·3 for 61- 90 persons
~ ~-
· 4 for 91~100 persons .. _· . :: ·- "' ·- - -· ~':~.'I:; ..

;.~ ~:it;};~~~~
For over 100 additional
,_;: .. _·
.provislon determined by
L· ~-
J the number of wc·s - .·· ...... - . ·-. -c-C -':
i (see previous item)
·trough or. ·
1 for. 1- 15 persons
· 2 for 16- 30 persons
·r: t -~g =~r?::.(_ -__·: :-_:<,::::,~r;~~
· 3for 31~ 50 per-Sons·, · · ·· · ·· ·
washing fountain · 3 for 31- 50 persons
4 for 51- 75 persons 4 for 51....:,.'75 per-Sons_--_ .. ··. · --
_ 5 for 76-100 persons 5 for 76-1 00 persons" _. ·: ...
For over 100 plus 1 for For over .1 00 plus 1 for. ·· ··
every additional25 . every additional 25 · · .'. . . . ..,
persons or part thereof .. persons or part thereof
~ .
:: Cleaners· sink At least 1 per floor, preferably in or adjacent to a sanitary apartment · ·
Bins, Incinerators 1 in every sanitary
'. or Maccerator units accommodation regularly
r... . for sanitary used by femal~ __ ...•.._:..-
• ··---··· --·- __ dressjngs_ disposal
__=...;._.;.... _ _.__;,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;.__ _ _ _ __;__ _ _ _;___;,__;;;..,;;;;,;~
. ;·:~::·· -;:.:... ~. - -

-~a_;~~ ~~n~~;e~~~~:~~~~:: ~~~~=:~oe~~ ~~~~s5~~dN~~~~~:s Premises Actl963. · _,;. <-::);~':!~::]::~

... ·*The Washing Facilities Regulations 1964 S.l. No. 965. .:· · ·'_::-::~_,.'t.-i;/
Refer also to 2.2.1 of CP305: Part 1 : 1974. - - · -- · - ·· - ·--~-- , :::_::..-.:~:-i.: ·-

~g~r1&~;-~ _ ;._-~~--~;~-.:.'7.-:~ ·:.~- ., _r-.: -- .._ "' ~----·- - • . -- - •.

:;;;;:~.<-;>··'?.Revised scales forsanitary accommodationin ·

{i- .-.:;;_--~··>·-~ offices. Building Research Establishment.
,::,_;:.·.;·:··.···· · · cur~ent paper CP35/76.
. --·- ..• ·........ .....:...L-----:----- ··-·------:-----:--
- ,.·.·

Section C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage

~.: .. .,. . . ·~ ~
. ·...
... ~·•·.~. Sanitary accommodation . . , .. _: -~ _:..:~::_.~ : ;:. .~~~
.. ·.•· ....... . ~ . .:•.·.:-· --:-·
.d ,•'t.

_.. :.Table C11 Dwellings . . . . . .t

.. .
No. of persons '. _·. :·,· ····.-:-·::..-._~: . ' .
_ _ _ _ _ _...;._ _ _ _ _ _ _d_w_e_n_in..;g_s_s_u_ita-:-·-b-le_f_o_r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _···~··~·~-·-·_...;.;·..·-.·.,;.·~'·...;.·· .. ,...
·· Type of dwelling Appliance 2' 3 4 5 · &and above Alltypesandsizesofdwellins(:', :---~· · ·
' w.c..
-·.Dwelling on
>:-.<;one level, e.g. Bath .. _
:. ::' 1"'
·1 . .•.•. . ..- ' ·-."'~ · . ... ·' ·. ::~< ~~:._ ~.>~£0·:~~) :; ;;;~:~ I .._. ··. :.
bungalows and Washbasin 1 1 1 1 1 and in addition 1 in every separate w.c>.
flats ··compartment which does not adjoin •'.: ( ··

". Sink and
a bathroom ., ·
_I i drainer 1 1 1 1 1
Dwellings on W.C. 1• 1• 1f ·. 2: 2! ,, . '
two or more Bath 1 1 1 1 1 .... ·:, ·. . .. ·. " . :· :.
- .. ---------levels,-e.g.:~.--- .. --. -Washbasin- 1----1 --1---- -.1 · · 1~-- ----- and in addition-1 in every separate W.C:":-"'--::-";~
: ,--. hduses or
.. ____ .......... f~~.:':,"-!.'Nhich do~~-~-~()~".~:... :o:· -c~
-~( ~- · :~":~~ison~tteS. -~ ~---sdin~ and dr<ti~er . , ..... -- ·1 1 · · _:-- :_,.__ -· .. · · ·: ·· ·:=:~- ·,:::::::::~~r:z~-::;.0:::.-=·::~~­
. · : · .. · : . . , . ramer. . 1 -1

,l ··. ~!~~~~~~:.~:~.:.::::::::::~:• <"""'' """" •~ both
_Note 2: In Scotland ...a washbasin is required in every W.C. co,mpanment (Regulation 07 (6});.~ .
1961. soa;on 33)
-<; ...:•.~7_'.!t':•:::.s_..,__-,_~.-- -~:-:;·
Note 3: In Scotland, a shower may be provided instead of a bath in a!! dwe!iings both private and. public (Regulation'07): · ··; · .· ..
. ·~. ~ :·~~~~-,;~ :~
•. .··

. This table is based on 'Homes for today and tomorrow' (the Parker Morris Report) and of the: Cir~ula~ J~/37 Ml;liitry:~f:~-~-J~i~g ~~d >: •-
.. Local Government. and the new Scottish Housing Handbook.Btilletin No. t, Metric· space standards. Attention is direCiea:fo_tfie Builcling -~-~7
·. Standards (Scotland) (Consolidation) Regulations, 1971 where these apply. · · · · · c ,.'"!.~<<;3'>/ ·: · '>-
. •• ·.-:·.~. ·::._ ··-:~·.•.:·{'(.:: ·.:·.:·l.; :·.

:~b:~·:::·::.::::~~;~~ ;or 7
elderly p80Ple
__ Type o~ dwelling Fitment
~ ;~::~t~~i~~
.. · -~ ,:;::);'::;r;:~~,::.;L:'·'~.<;~~f~:

~;;~~:;~;;.,2~:o'd_ }~~~h;~·~,•• ; ::.:::;::: :;yr~~~~i.t~f

Grouped flatlet for singles less W.-c.· 1 . · .. . ·. . .... -'•:.: --.<;.::: L.·.~"':
... · . ·. ' . .. ·
active old person Wash-basin 1 in W.C. compartment . . ,_ ~- ' ·.·.
Bath - not less than 1 to four flatlets - some may be· Sitz baths · .

Communal facilities Where communal facilities are provided the following additional provisions
must be made:- · . · ... · · : .
Common room for self contained · · W.C.-- at least 1 .. '· •···;:;.:.· ,._ "···, ,. · ..
·I or grouped flatlet dwellings Wash-basin 1 in or adjoining the W.C. comp~~~~~i;~;-~:.L~~--~:-- ~' _._.
'_J. .. _Tea pantry._or kitchen Sink and drainer_.-: J :. _ . adjace~t to common room:}i..~-~-~ :~~0iZ.~.:::~~~~~~;::~-~­
. i. :
I Laundry room-grouped flatlet Sink. 1
. I .. schemes Washing machine 1 _; ......
!. Spin drier 1


..... ·.•.

. '~.. ·. . . .
'-~·' ' . ~. .. ., '.' .. ~ . ' .•.. ··.·

~~~~;it~;~)~;~r..-:li>:t':£·~·:,·-'!':;..:...c:?·:~Bh ~Ii>: c.·: ,:; :~(~;,::'/\>;:~;.:/:~ ~~ .:._s: .

--~--------~----·l"r- . --.. -·-,......_-----~-- - -----~ ----~--

\ \

"-r .._,. .

,. J.···

.. .• •

.. -\'·
I I ! ....
·l· •.
J :;
. .. ~
Table C13 Residential Homes
Basic bed-sitting accommodation with other communal
; .· ~-:: · : rooms including dining-rooms. ···
. L:. ··- . ;.._;• ..
,.:-~. Baths .·. . ·1 to 15 . __ . ,. · -·-· .. ! .

-~ .--~'
l .- Hair-washing cubicle 1 per floor.

·Foot-bath· 1 per floor

W.C.s 1 to 6 men
_(each withwash-basin) 1 to 6 women
..:-· .. Utility room ·
Sluice room -· 1 per floor ---~

-~ _..,. __ .._. -· Cleaners·· room - ~ ;;..;..;:... -'--· ·_:::'; ::~: .\~.:__:::... ...-.·...:-=!::
Wash -basin · 1 to each bed-sitting rOom '
·-.. -------. :···~::·-~-....;.. _.;,-~----~~--:-----~----:7
-,-,::·:~ Sep·arate--cwas!ting arid: ... W.C~fac,lities tor visitors: .shou1c!- -bi. -~ --~----- -.-~ -- ··_.-_·-~:~-~\: ~~~{7-~~~~~~ ~:~-~:j;~T~~~-f.~t:~--
_·· ·:· __ 'COnSidered. -+~ .. -5.-:~.:. . ·· - . ···- ·___ - ..... .; : :· ..· _:: .. ~; .
.·~as:d on_Mir:!suy Of Health { Lcce! Authori;:y) Building Note Nc. 2.
."Homes ior·elderly people.· · .·· · ,... : :.- .:, ~_:- \_·_: .
. . •·:.:.·-~- ·--i-J
(-. See also 2.24 of CP30,5~ ~ait: 1974,
l ~. .•..
I !•'
) .~ .
Table CT4 Factories .·.... ·:·,,

: ~-: __ Fitments· --· For male personnel · f<»r female personnel .

.. I .
·'·_ ··· ··.· .- - . ..;;.W..;.;~.C.;.;;.s;;.;·~.;;;;:;,_:....-',-.·~:·~_,-.,,---~--~1;..:;.;.pe..:;r~2;.;.:5:...!,::.:o:.:..r::.:pa:.:..rt:.:.:::th:...e..;,re_o_f.-.-------"""'·'- 1 per 25, or parttfiereof -·: :\ , . -_·.;::'
For pver 100, add at rate of 1 per 40- ·· .
- .·•· .: . ~.
' if ·sufficient• urinals also provided · · - ~- · ·
•. ..~- ;_ . .: ~
Urinals:·-\:.:·--:_ ·- · · - No spe~ific.:int81-pretation ·of- ~ . : .. ·_- -· . .. .. ....
.. _.-;_
··· .c· •sufficient•. For gLiidanee see Table C10
· - -'Wash basins;·troughs; ·1 per 20 ·;...' cleai'fpi-oceSSes . · .. , per 20 -:clean processes . .·, 'J :··;·_.:· : ~f
or washing : . ·' . '1 per 10- dirtY.·processes \. :_',·~rr 150. ~ -~•niJ!lYU.n·opuros··cep_rsso.ceesss:,·_e··_s·:._·_._-.i. ~·. . .~.·~_:_·_.•~_t_:_;._~ :,._•
----:-f_o_u_n_ta_i_ns;;..·. . . _·,_~_-:_·.-··..,·._·-·._1.. :p::..e:.. :.r. ,·. .:5:.. ·-_·....::in~j~un:.:.:'.:.o.::us:...::processes.===:.:·_·_.:......___ r- -
Baths or showers . As required for particular trades or occup8t\;{i · · ' - <.:.<.:-: ·:: }:'.. '· ···<··..:
·-:$!!$ - .

Auention is calle_d_ to the Factories Act 1 963.The S~niii!,.Y Accommoda~ion Rt>guhit 11 ·t~• ~
· n. Er 0·1 ~38 No. 61.~ ~~:~d. ~t~~r Reg~l~ti~~~
applymg to speclflc·trades or occupations which may·requ;r~ more extensive pro~i~;,,._l~ .· ·. · .- · ::_ !" ,.. ···.. ·'· •
Note: Attention -is drawn to the necessity to
provide. facilit~ for the disposal of SP.t'M•'I- ~,.,:.sr_llgs. - · . -, .: ·_.:. ::' ,., .._;. · .. :F.
See also 2.2.5 of CP305: Part 1 : 1974. 1 · · · ., · .' ' ' '

. .. ~ :
.··~: .

. .····

..... ·.
' ·.·. ....... ... . ...··
:.. , _: _: .;~[.: ;s;_. /L-0·:_::. ~~:~~;~~:;-;;~( ;.:;~~·);~~,_;:x.~~::-..~ -~- ~: ·x :~ ,:,;.,;;gd~i;:;;:~¥;;~:~~~~~~
..... ... _,_
., .......
\ ... .
I ,
Section 0 Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage \
I •

.~-·-,:·:Sanitary accommodation
. ·.·: ...
~ ·.;" ..
Table C15 Schools
• ', ·'fitments
Special Schools Primary Schools Secondary Schools
<All. ~fittings'· ·. 1 per 10 pupils less than 50 pupils - - Less than 1.000 pupils .
. _, ·:.te~ ,: _.:.-. · -·
1' ••

-~ 2 fittings per 40, or-· · , ·;_ 2 fittings per 30 ' :_ ·~ ·

-· _.·., ~w.c.s + urinals
Part thereof. plus 2 .·..· . ' .·.
,., .....
··- ...•
· :. additional fittings. .......
·: .I • · .. . : .. -.- .. .
More than 50 pupils - · · ·. ' More than 1,000 pupils-
2 fittings per 40. or - .as approved in each case
part thereof; plus 4
additional fittings ·
W.C.s Girls - all fittings. Girls - all fittings. Girls - all fittings
Boys under 8 years .Boys under 8 years
- optional all fittings - optional all fittings
.Urinals-' ------- - Boys over 8 years -- -Boys over 8 years- - ___ :..:·. Boys-trd of fittings···' .. .-.,_. ---
L -. . -- ----~-'-.-
trd of fittings to be trcl of fittings to be. . ____ "to-_be.W.C.s._ ba.lan~e_t~_______ ...
W.C.s, balance to be · W.C.s, balance to be - be unnals ·
- .... .., . . c- ·'--:-:-·urinals. __- . _··--
:.~ .J~~~n~er 8 yearS :--~~~~-:·.~--~-~~)c.·';~-~:."·: _·_. ; .:·. :_~- -::,·~: :--~-.-·. -·. ;- ... -
·. Boys under 8 years -
up to frds of fittings - _ up to frds of fittings · - . -. · ..
may be urinals · • urinals ' ·--:. \
Wash basins· · 1 per 10pupils · _Not less than no. of- Not Jess than number of .
.-- ,• ... __
-_fittings _~----fittings . . : __ ._. __ .....7;:~--:~ ·-::·~--~-:~--~=-

·Showe~ .. Sufficient for physical ..

education-..:....:..- .- _. --~-.--~- ... · ··- · -~-.: ·
' •· :, · Wash basin Atleast1, ·.·,:.At least f; 'Atleast 1, ·-: -. -:"'f."-·"' _,.:·· 1 ·~:.:) ·
. (Medical.. accessible to W.C. accessible to W.C. accessible to w.c> · ··. \ .
-- .._!n_s..;.pe_'cti,...-·o_.n_}_--.·__:_ _ _ _ _ ___;;:....-_ _ _ __,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.__:.~_;_-----'..;.'-·---·--..,...,.._:_;;::,·.·\/
· ;~: Cleaners'/slop, · At least one per floor At least one per floor _At least one per floor·: · ..:': · ·. ·· ·
.-_ · sink~-:;,:-::.. _... ' : "- · ... ·
- :) . . TeachillQ Snd: other staff- .. _ . :~ -:~~--~:-.:._:·-.
.- _-.. _-_ . -: . __ ·::=~-.
Some may be subject to the Regulations Linder the Offices, Shcips and Railway-::,,
..; · · ,-
Premises Act but·foratl members the-Regulations should be::used- as a guide . ··
...._...__ _..;..;..-_:·,_ _-_._-_s_ee_T_ab_l_e_C_1_o_~-----·------.....;.-..;.;.._._-_.-_-......._-_-_ __.._--.---.__....:_.-
__ - _--_.:.-:
·:;::: ~ ., ~. -~--
~... ~- ._
-~J .:~:--: • : .-- • •••••

1 per 10 children . .. · · ·
'· · 1 per 5 children, where more than 50% stay for a mid-day meal or
',_ 1 per 10 children
Bath sinks· 1 per 40 children
·.. Boarding Schools
. W.C.s ; 1 per 5 pupils
J • Wash basins :: 1 per 3 pupils for first 60 pupils
i\ 1 per 4 pupils for next 40 pupils
·s;f~~ihi- ·-·- -· --~; -~- ~=~ ~d~~~fJtor every additional
- Shower baths
·-..-~----,_;_ · :1 __
May __________________________ s_ pupils:t _
be provided as alternative to not more than half the number of baths

. :.. ~~here sanitary a'ccommodation for day pupils is accessible to. and suitable for the n~ds of boarders: these ·requirements may be reduced
:.~;-:to such may be approved in each case. . . :- __ · · ·· : · · ...
?:;;N~te_: A_ttention is.dl-awn to the necess.ity to provide facilities for the disposal of sanitary dr9Ssi~gS. ·"
· the Standards for School Premises Regulations, 1959 (S.I. No. 890) as amended by the Standards for School Premises (Middle
. Regulati.ona- ~ (S.~ N&-. 463}. -- .·' ; : .. · · · ,.joi":,,.:":, ;;_,_ ':;;-,.' . · c .. ~,,_:,:./:::~-~:.,.~;:;o::.>:,;::~~ . ·.!:;::
blishm1~nts not mentioned above reference should be made to·the Department of Education and Science•-"'·''· · -: ·-·::7 .. ,._.._. ·: ·
·in .Scotland are based upon the School Premises (G;;neral Requirements) (Scotland) Regulations 1967 5.1;1 967 {1_199: . - . ·-- -
-_ of..CP.305 :Part I: 19.74. . _ ,· . . ~- . . ' - - ·.· . .;. . ,::·. ·.;
••• '1:
',::: ,·,.

; .-; .,T, ,c·'-:_-~·'=-"· +':,.:-•~-".c- .,;-c;-" . -'~· ~ ·-·;~_:·~·'., :i~~,:.l;~i~*~;~i;{,i~ii~~i; ;:;·. . :i:I~~~£j\i5i
. ·~ ....... ·..~ .. -~·- ~ --. ·. "" .

\. ' .. ·:.\ .. · - ·~'

~. I.


-..... -;. Table ci 6 :Cinemas, Concert Halls, Theatres and similar buildings used for public entertainment·
Fitments For male public• · · · For female public• .' .
,,~!;::.·'···::- ·. Water~closets -· .. In theatres, concert halls and similar.- .· :Jn' theatres,; concert halls and similar .
.. . . ··~· premises: .· premises-~,-., : .::·· : . · · -· · · · · · ·· · ·..:.~. ·
·' ..
~~.: • ....:~ ·: \·: ..:~: ·~~ .. -~ ..:
: .
. .. ~~ :
Minimum 1 up to 250 males plus 1 for every · ';:'. Minimutt;.2 to 7S fernc~les plus 1 :or · up
additional 500 males or part thereof. · · ·- every adQ.itional 50 females or part ·
· thereof. · · ~ "_ · . · ·
In cinemas-: · -. · '
.. ·.. · =·
In cinemas:
Minimum 1 up to 250 males plus 1 for Minimum 2 up to 1 00 females plus 1 for
every additional 1 00 females or part ·
every additional 500 males or part
thereof ·thereof.
See also t . See also t .
··.·Urinals In theatres, concert halls and similar
.. :.-...• ~-:=--· ...::..::•. :...:.- -·- .. - -· _ -__ premi~es:_ . ____ ---·· _____ :.:;.. . ·-=-~ ...:.::.:-.:.._.::..·_-::·.:..==.:.·-~ .- •..:.: .. :·----=---··:: ___________________ _
Minimum 2 up to 100 males plus 1 for . -------:----·:--·----_;____ :... ..__________ ...; ______________...,..: __ _
-.·!: _· = ~--·7 ~~~G~~~:~~~--~~<.-; _-._r;~%;~a~~les or part thereof.==,~:-~= __ .-.-• --.,~·-= ~-- . . . _..,..,..,. -~ ....._...:_~"":"'--~- ..... ···•.. ~;, ·--:-·· .:: ··.- .:. :~.:~;·.·.---~~~~:;.
. ~:.-~···:-~i;·.",~:-···' -. ·-:- ..
.. , ·..... . Minimum 2 up to 200 males plus 1• for ·-·-- ·"' _-··· ...
every additional 100 males or ,
. :.:-·:.•..._.·.:·: ..

part thereof. .· :; ___:.: .. . ·. :..· ..

i··:wash basins 1 in respeCt of each water-closet and; In .. _ 1 i'n respect of each.water-closet:,
>: ' :: .· ~
· addition; 1 .in respect of each 5 urinals
.--- • ·:. : •• p •• ••• •. . .

. ·-.· ;.:· ... ;· -~· ·.· . '

-. ' .~: .:....;..' ..
See also t.

. .i.iCieaners' sinks ·_
.~.:< !J;:':;;.\.:•~<· · :'
Adequate provision sh~uld be made for cleaning facilities including at le~~ one:·:··.·:·~::·· '·-~:
· .· · · cleaner"s sink ··- .. . ~ :. - :·-: .- ..- . . · · · • · _..,_~:'' ~'~ ·c :::.:: ::· ,-.~-:
;' .· *:.t(may. be assumed that the total audience will consist of equal numbers of males and femaiEis. .. . ..•.. , • · · ._,':. ·'·
.. '}rn;~:ases of buildings or places (includ:ng churches. places of histone interest etc.) where·a· numb~r of people cong~ega:el:~a~it?rY
.. ·accor:nmodation should be provided -having regard to the anticipated maximum n)Jmber of people congregating there.:·::' .. ~~·,:·:;:":~~.;·_:6~;;;· :-,.-<· .
·.·Note: Attention is drawn to the necessity to provide facilities for the 'Ciisposal of sanitary dressir)gs~< · · . · ·.·. ·. · ;iX-< :'·);\::.·~··: __ . :·
·;, -.~e~~-a_ts~.2.2.7 of CP305: Pan 1:1974. · · :.. :-'.:i:··< ··-··:~. . .:::,::~ ..~:j:;::;·~~~$;:~:';1\
·'. .--. ·' ·' · ·. ' ·· · ·" Staff . \ . · : :'" :::;.- ·:< · ·:· •. ~;-:' :. _- - ·-> ·!_..;;:: :.~~ {'\,:~·· i:,:·~,,.::}:;{
·.:;>' :~ .· Some members may be subject ici the Regulations made ·urider the· Offices, Shops a'rid ~2? :~ <.:~. ~'
.. ·... '- Railway·Premises Act:; for~mbers, the Regulations should be used as a guide.~"~;~· T·.; •.
Performers . . ~-:~ ~- _ . . ._. · · ··: . . ~-. -~~~--~ . . .-··~.:··:~ ·. :: · .... ·
··:.· The sanitary accommodation provided will depend upon··individual circumstances bUt - : , ·
.. ..: guidance may be obtained from the Regulations made under the _Offices, Sh~_ps.and ,
Railway Premises- Act. · ·. · · ·


I_..' .
.. ·...... ~ .. -:'·.: ..

- ...
. .. .·

. . .. . .

. '.','~: ;:· _· -~·' "\-~-~:·:';0.~-.;;~;;+~.:r~~-~~~-·~:-~,.::.1:~~)~;j~~~~~

.-- -·-····-···--· -----------·------,--~· ·--- . ..• . ~ ....
·. ·'

.···~. ··.-· ;.· :-,"·,:--... "!-9 .

~-.-... -·~·

Section C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage

.. ··- .
·. ~- .:·::·•, Sanitary accommodation
...... ., -·~. '
... : ~ . ..,., .

, , ·Table. C17 Hotels

For public rooms
Fltments · · For residential
public and staff for mala
W.C.s. 1 per 9 persons omitting 1 per 100 up to 400, ,· <.·;.;::;~,c2 per·1ori up to 200. · ·. ··.·:
l- __._..._ --~-- ·:...-~ ·occupants of rooms with For over 400, add at the::.(~: ····For over 200, add at the ·- ·
W.C.s en suite rate of 1 per 250 or ,, :::,-,,rate of .1 per 100 or . ,' ·
· part thereof · · . _; . :::·-part thereof . ·
Urinals 1 per 50 persons
·Wash basins 1 per bedroom and at .·1 perW.C.
least 1 per bathroom
· Bathrooms 1 per 9 persons omitting

~--· ..... _ . . .,.,_---~------l'-· occupants~
. · · . baths en suite
rooms with . . .-.- ---- ..... ---. -- -~- _,;____,._;;,;
"!" ....
:·--~-.. -;-.
_ ___ _,
: ( ·:,.:.:··'
:_.,;_· ____ ------~- -·-.· __ ._ ---.-:.. ..:-. ..:.;,~--

~--:a( .. . -· ..... ---

·-C-Ie_a_n_e_rs_·_s_in_ks_.. :_·~_.c_~--~_r-_·~_i_~e_i~_a_u~---~....;.~_o_rofl_ms_oo_;_·_____._..._ _ _ _ _ _·_:::_.'~_:-:_·:._:~-¥;-}~
...-:::~_~:·~;;~-r_;::_:_~=-:I.:._,,~:_:-._··.;...··_'"'_--_·~---·~---~-~-:~-_-_:::-:.:~ .
. Non-residential staff . , _- ~'·· · -~ ·-· .-·. . . ,.. ·::--~ .., ..: --... -··
Some may be subject to the Regulations- under the Offices, Sf"lops and Railway · _ •-- -- -- ·· ···
Premises Act but for all members the Regulations should be used as a guide ,.·.-:· · .. · :·:
-see Table C1 0. ·-
Note: Atte:mion is drawr. tc. the n.::c"'ssity to previa;; faciiities for the disposal of san1ta:y- dressings. · :
See also 2.2.8 of CP305: Part I: 197 4. · · · · -· •., .
' .
. -<:~-:..::~.:~. ·--~ .
. . Table'Ct8 Restaurants, Public Houses and Canteens
Fi~ment5 .· · • · .· · For male__publict For fema.le public•.·- ·.·
_w.c.s .. ·: .. 1 per 1 00 up to 400 , 2 per 1 00 up to 200 · _ . . . . .~ . . .
For over 400, add at the rate of · For over.-200,.-add at the rate of·c·_,.;;t:..:; .,:::.·, -·-!-
1_per'250 or part thereof 1 pe(-1 00 -~r part thereOf >· :-;~: ;j :~~~·:::~:.~·~ '''':. -·:I-
1 per 25 persons ·-.-·

. Wash basins 1 in respect of each W.C. 1. in respect--of each·2 W.C~ ·_ ·.. :: ·•·
. ;:-· and; in addition 1 in respect of :·<·.:-.;;~~·::-~·.:·~. -~~. . . - :• -:::---·~-
x·" =,~ each 5 urinals -~/· T--=-~ ';.·.-~----.~; :_; _.. _·; .- .,

Staff . ._ -- . ·~•. ·• <~·::>·; . _' ·

Some may be subject to the Regulations under the Offices, :shops and Railway_
Premises Act, but for all members the Regulations should be used· as a guide · · ·
-see Table C1 0. · · · ·
• It may be assumed that there will be equal numbers of males anc females. · ·• . . · -· ·. - .
This table is based on the Technical Reoclations for Places of Public Entertainment in Greater london. 1965. In the case of licensed
buiidings which are conversions. the lic;r.sing authority may permit less than these requiremerits. where the 'iota! number of persons
does not exceed 200.
In canteens. the need for sanitary accommodation for persons usmg the can:een should be determined by the accessibiliiy of normal.' · ·•
. • :: - .. -workplace facilities. but at least one W.C .. with "''ash basin should be provided for each sex...'._ :~ ~- ~ l. ••• -.·-. · · - ·_ _ :._ _.:.: _ _ ;.:.._. _...;.:. _ _ _ _ •

Nofe 1 : drawn to the necessity to provide facilities for the disposal of sanrtary dressings: • ·.··-' :·..,. -- · ·, • •· :: ...:· · · ·
.;· Note 2: Attention is drawn to the requirements of the Food Hygiene {General) Regulations:1970; thti' Food Hygiene (Scotland)
·Regulations .1950. ·· · · · - · · · ··
-~!'ie also 2.2.9 of CP305; Part I: 1974. .. . - >
. ·I • • -~ • •. J • .-' ·._·. •/ •


·: ;~-- . • • .• 1 •• , -< ••

_;_ ..:;_·.---:·-... -~ . . :·~--,:..:).~.~•. :.. :.:..-. ---..:::;·/:·.!
~·::·:~-~; .:"''" •; ~t~ :.:·.-:~·:.:~--- .;. •-;. . •
•• ·.; •
~: :, .. :· _:·:., '· ... _. :· . ;. -:. :- ......... ./: ... - ... , '~ .·
.. __ .4_....... _ ..
.~ .. •



. fable C19 Swimming Pools

Spectators ···Bathers•
for males for females · formales . for females ·
1 for 1- 200 1 for ·1-100 1 for each 60 1 for each 40
2 for 201- 500 2 for 101-250 . persons ·., persOhS
3 for 501-1000 3 for 251-500
Over 1,000, 3 plus 1 Over 500, 3 plus 1
for every additional . for every additional
:.... _
500 or part thereof 400 or part thereof
· Urinals 1 per 50 persons · 1 for each 60
· . persons
.. ,

~-.. ~ .. ,--;:Wash basins 1. per 60 persons 1 per 60 persons .. '1 for each 60 1 .for each 60
, ___ ..~..:.,·: .::.. __ -~( ·-··-·. _..... _____ . _ -:-· ----::-·......: pe~ons._ .... c........ ..c...: .•• •. persons. _____ ....
_ :~~-Showers,, . / . ... ... . . .. 1 for each 40 ·------ _·_ .. 1 for each 40 .. ·- -'-· .. -
•.•. -"'=.-;;::::_·,... , ,·.·:·• .: - ·:··· .. ......__. __ .. ~ -··--- - ----.· .----:-- ., .... ,-~·-•":persons.-- .--.---.-:- . ·. -·,, persons-.:·-:---- ..•-...;,:~-- ·
<~'(·~-· Number:of. persons based on pool capacity calculated ir: ;;:cord<.mce with. M:J:-LLG.,D~ Bulletin No. 45 Swimming Pools. 1962: ·.
~ . ·.:.·.·:-:;·._·.:;Note: Attention is drawr> to tt1e l'ecessity to provide faciiitie£ tor the d1s~sal of sanitary dressings; . ·
· .... -- ~~Seeaiso2.2.10cfCP305:Partl:1974. ·· ,_ · · ·
., .
- '')

Table C20 Hospitals

-, . . For medical staff quarters
.·.• ~,:::.,Fitments ·
For males For females · ..• For nur5es'-homes ...
·· . · ' .itw:c.s . · 1 per 4 persOns 1 per 4 persons ··1 per 6 persons . -·· ._:: .~ .

. <\Wash basins 1 in each bedroom, plus at 1 in each bedroom, plus at 1 in each bedroom, plus at :.;.·: ..
·· ·':(•'·~-~ ' · · · least one with each group least one with each group· ··least one with each group.:'. __ ;
. -- "> .•·/ :·:.- · of W.C.s . . ., -of W.C.s ·. · .: ·of w;C.$ •· <--:<: .·.
.·. :;;. _:...::·~~-~~-:-----------:----'--:-------.......;._.......;.:-"--=----~-:---:-.......;.-:--:-~~~~-:-· ·.
··~;(J4jB<fthS'' ; · ··.1 per 4 persons · 1 per4 persons · ---·.. · ·per 6 i)e..Sons.·-',;:··:~~:-1:';,~.~';t'.i:.:' :t
• f.~t~~i::~rnpoo 1 per 18 persor1s .. · -'??.per__tr..~~~s_::-/_:-~,J?-.:_::{~;¥.?~-·
~-: ..•- _.- ··.-···.
<Cleaners' sinks At least_one per floor
For administrative buildings ;'.- ..;.·.· :·.,;:: .
.. · ~-.
Staff may be subject to the Regulations under the Offices, Shops . ,, ·.
and Railway Premises Act, but for all members the Regulations
should be used as a guide- see Table C1 0. .. - .
.Sanitary provision for wards must also be considered; the tyJi€ and number required will vary with the type· of hospital. .
Sanitary accommodation should be provided for both male ar.d female \'isitors. preferably associated with a waiting room •.
Note: Attention is drawn to the necessity io provide facilities for the disposal of sanitary dressings.· . . . .. ·
·. ·:·.. ..:~.· S~e. alSo 2~2.1 1 of. CP305: Pan I: 1976. ~~ · · ·· ·
. . ~·

,, ;_:~-:..~ ..·_:Table C21 Places of public assembly-Art galleries, Li~raries and Museums.
·~· Fitments For male public• .' For female public• For male staff . · For female staff
W.C.s 1 per 100 up to 400 2 per 100 up to 200 1 for 1-15 persons · 1 for 1-12 persons
For over 400, add at For over 200, add at · 2 for 16-35 persons 2 for 1~25 persons
the rate of 1 per : the rate of 1 per 1 .. ;
250 or part thereof 100 or part thereof ,;, :

1 per !?0 persons
... ·· · · ,, c; · ···''· · ,
. 1 to each W.C. or range of W.C.s ·. ·· '1 for 1-15 persons · ~ : ·;. 1 for 1
2 for 1 6-35 persons :< .: 2 forJ
Section C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage

.. Ventilation of internal bathrooms and WC's in dwellings

• Reprinted from Building Research Establishment Digest 170. Crown copyright: reproduced by permission of the Director. BRE.
- The venttiation oi interfiai b::throon;s and W. C.'s reqwres e;tectil'e substitutes !o1 openab!e windo~:s Natural and
mechanical svsu:ms ol ~·~ntihu:m can be designed for si::;:"e d•:e/!ings or a number of dwellings. and a!e discussed
tJere under the Tlf1Bdir.9s of ind!\'icf:;a! a:?d common-duct Si'S!ems. The major part of the digesi is cor,-:t?rned \'lith
• mechamcal extract ve.ltl/c.;ion lJy verve c.! common-duct srs<ems. This drgest repliJces No. 78, which is now withdrawn.

Natural ven1:ilation Fan at roof level

·- On the windward side of a building, the outside air
m m M
pressure is normally higher than the inside pressure; on
the leeward side it is normally lower. Air will move from
.. the higher to the lower pressure zones through any
apertures in the walls. The higher the wind speed, the
greater the pressure difference and therefore the rate of
air change.
Air is also moved by temperature difference. Air warmed
within a building will tend to rise and to escape through_
high-level outlets; it is replaced by cooler air entering at
..:·''Jw level. The greater the temperature difference, .the
-•(,.... aster will be the rate of air flow. This type of movement·
· is described as 'stack effect".
Natural ventilation in buildings depends on wind
• pressure, on the stack effect, or on both, and duct
systems can v~ntilate internal rooms by these natural ' Section
forces without a fan. If properly designed, for some
limited applications such as individual systems serving
low-rise buildings, they can perform adequately.
Although such systems may contravene British
• regulations and bfelaws, they have been allowed and
and are discussed here because they could be the Bath-
subject of waivers. room

.• Individual systems
Examples of systems of natural ventilation for individual Plan Plan
dwellings employing one or two separate horizontal or Ia) lbl
vertical ducts, or a combination of horizontal ·with
Fig 2 (Sections above, plans below) (a) individual horizontal
vertical ducts, are shown in Figs. 1·a, b, c. Because there ducts (b) common-duct with vertical shunts
is a risk of these systems operating in reverse, replace-
ment air should be drawn from the outside by an inlet
duct (Fig. 1a) rather than from an adjoining room or Mechanical ventilation
lobby (Fig. 1b). The risks of variable or reverse air flow associated with
:::-']here is no connection between dweilings but in natural ventilation systems, and their unsuitability for
\_: .:.luildings of more than four floors, the space require- tall buildings, have led to the general use of mechanical
ments for individual vertical ducting become~xcessive ventilation in the UK. Basic types of mechanical extract
and wind speeds are often too high for trouble-free system are illustrated in Fig. 2.
operation, especially of horizontal systems.
Individual systems
Common-duct systems Individual mechanical systems require a single duct,
Common-duct systems for natural ventilation could either vertical or horizontal, connecting the internal
effect a saving in the space needed for ducting but are room to the outside air; an extract fan installed in the
not recommended because of the risk of air flow duct operates continuously or intermittently. There is no
between rooms in different dwellings.
connection between dwellings. Such systems are

nM '/

.. --=---~.t
,. ------ .
~ /

.. .. ------
~,, /

.. ,. we

" ~==·--
,. --- /

------t>; "


Fig 1a (Section) Horizontal Fig 1 b (Section) Horizontal Fig 1 c (Section) System with
system with inlet and outlet system with outlet duct but no combination of vertical outlet
ducts · inlet duct (replacement air enters ducts and horizontal inlet ducts
from adjoining lobby)
... ------------ ------------.... ----~ _____ _____......,___
.,..,. .;......---~-

specially suited to converted buildings and to owner- through a vertical shunt at least 1 m long; this should
occupied dwellings in which the responsibility for terminate at its lower end with an inlet piece inserted
• running and maintaining the system lies with the through the servi~e duct wall from the internal room.
occupier. Most local authorities and landlords prefer The air speed in a shunt duct with smooth sides should
one or two large fans external to the dwellings, as in a t~ot exceed 3 · 5 m/s. or in a main duct 7 · 5 m/s; higher
common-duct system, whereas individual systems in a velocities may lead to noise and cause a nuisance.
large building need numerous small fans and outle~ A shunt duct syStem in wnich air extracted from an
points, often on external facades. internal room is paSsed vertically upwards (Fig. 2b) is
I nterminent operation may be allowed and the following preferred to a system with horizontal branches because
I. notes are a guide to reasonable design. The fan should
operate while the compartment is occupied and for at
it is more compact in layout offers better sound
attenuation between dwellings and is less likely to
least 20 minutes thereafter. It should extract during any allow carry-over of smoke between dwellings in the
single operation at least 20m 3 of airfrom a W.C. orfrom event of a fire. Because of noise transmission. flow
L a bathroom with no W.C., or 40 m 3 from a bathroom
with W.C. The air speed in the duct should not exceed
3 · 5 m/s. Adequate provision must be made for the entry
variation and fire risk, shunt ducts from dwellings on the
same floor level should not be connected to the· same
vertical main duct.
of replacement air. A spare fan or motor, to take over in
the event of breakdown, is not necessary. (c) Extract grilles, balancing devices and
Individual systems should also conform to the dampers. An extract grille should be fitted to each
recommendations given under the following ductwork inlet piece; it should be sub-divided into no
I •
headings:- more than six equal parts. The pressure loss through a
I: Ventilation requirements Section 1 (b) grille should be at least 25 N/m 2 at the minimum
Noise · Section 2(f) allowable air flow rate, so as to limit the flow variation
Flow measurement and testing Section 2(g) due to external pressure changes. As an adjustable
Entrance lobby and replacement air Section 4 grille is closed. the pressure drop increases, air speed
increases, and at some point noise will occur. The
• Common-duct systems designer should ensure that the system can be balanced
Most buildings with internal bathrooms have common- . and will operate satisfactorily before this point is
duct mechanical extract systems operating continuously , reached. ·Balancing' means adjusting the various
Horizontal branches or vertical shunts link the internal resistances to air flow in the system so as to obtain the
rooms of each dwelling with Jhe common duct. Air is required flow conditions throughout. A system may be
extracted through a grille from each room and replace- prebalanced, when resistances are set by the contractor
ment air flows into the rooms through any .gaps rdund before the ductwork is installed, or site-balanced after
the doors or through grille~ in corridor walls. . installation.
The notes that follow conform generally, though not in
every detail, with : ·
The air-flows into a system from various floor levels
The Building Regulations-1-972
should all be approximately equaf. The ·baJancmg of
The Building Standards (Scotland) (Consolidation)
air-flows into a common main duct, if necessary, is best
Regulations 1971
done by using an extract grille adjustable at the face, or a
Greater London Council Byelaws
fixed circular orifice plate within the shunt duct. The
BS CP 352 ~1958 Mechanical ventilation and air-
conditioning in buildings · ~
area of the orifice should be at least one quarter that of
the shunt. Main duct flows can be balanced by dampers
BSl CP 3: Code of basic data for the design of
at the hea'ds of the vertical main ducts.
buildings: Chapter IV Precautions against fire
B.S. CP 413:1973 Ducts for building services
1 Ventilation requirements There is no statutory upper limit to the air extract rate
(a) The minimum air extract rate from a W.C. or from a but it is suggested that the recommended design rate
bathroom with no W.C. is 20 m 3/h; from a bathroom should not be exceeded by more than 20 per cent; too
with W.C., it is 40 m 3 /h. high a rate can waste heat during the heating season.
(b) Extracted air should discharge to the outside air and Air extract rates should, therefore, be within the
the system should be separate from any other ventilating following limits:
plant. w.c.. or bathroom with no w.c. 20-28 3 /h m
The ventilation requirement is expressed in terms of Bathroom with W.C. 40-56 m· 3 /h
• volume of air to be extracted rather than air changes per In the past. blockage of balancing devices within shunt
hour, because this can deal with rooms of different ducts by accumulated dust and dirt has been a major
sizes. Consideration of flow in these terms simplifies cause of deteriorating performance. There should be no
testing and the specification of standard duct sizes; it adjustable damper, balancing device or other adjustable
flow restrictor within the vertical duct-worki nor should
meets st9t!.ll91'YJt!QUirements for all practical P!JTilOses.
any such device be fined immediately behind a fixed
2 The system extract grille. If blockage occurs at the grille face, it can
(a) Design air extract rates should exceed the be seen and easily cleared away. Access points should
minimum rates stated in 1 (a) by about 20 per cent, to be provided to allow ducts to be swept .Dampers at the
allow for variation after balancing. tops of main ducts are a potential source of noise
because of the high air velocities through them. They
~'"f.. . (b). Shunt and common main ducts. Inlets from are. best positioned away from the uppermost dwelling,
~~i.:.fC?P~~s-~oiJid be_ connested-to-the-common-main duct eg at pointski:n-Fig.-3-;·------ ·-, · ·-
~~~~iliitiiiRBa~~j!J::tC:~::~:.:.~~: . . .
. •' . . . • .,.. , ~ •'• ~"·' • r

~i.·· c:
_ ~ ..···L·.:_._r•..:',·.' _ C: ··r
.... ''· ... l ..; •. ~,··-
l ...:-=. .. ,'!' 't:-~-·--·
.; .1. 1.. t
J,.. 1 •- )1.1'"•
l t ,..·"Cl
c-._ J J Til'"
..L.. ct.1·,-a(r'
• .1 l t" ~:-:


Ventilation of internal bathrooms and WC's in dwellings

Fig 3 Typical vertical common-duct systems ductwork should be non-combustible, unplasticised
pvc systems, carefully designed, have been used
• successfully. In any case, the materials for both
Fan situated awaytromtopof main
rising ducts ductwork and insulation should be carefully selected to
Vert teal ducts preferred
ensure that fire and smoke spread through the system is
reduced as far as practicable.
To avoid air leakage into the ductwork requires careful
jointing. Circular ductlng with spigot and socket joints
is preferred and the materials mentioned above are
available in this form. Spirally-wound aluminimum
pipes require care in installation and probably specialist
skill. The jointing of asbestos-cement should prove
satisfactory if done to the manufacturer's specification
but in small service ducts it might be difficult to make
the joints. A leaktight system is easily constructed with
PVC soil pipes and fittings.
A smgle column of
dwellings may be served by
number of main ducts (f) Noise. Noise from the system should not exceed
single main dvct 35 dB(A) in any room intended for habitation. or 40 dB
Single matn duct
(A) in any other room.
.. <D
Several matn ducts s~ved acommon tan_ unit
served by
individual tan unit
A damper maybe
The fan is a potential source of nuisance from noise and
Dampers are ni:cessar:y at points 'A" to balance flows installed at "8' to attention must be paid to its inherent noise level, .its
A damper may beinstaltedat 'B'to adjust the total flow adjust the total flow
siting and mounting. Noise may be transmitted through
the ductwork or through the building structure to
habitable rooms. Structure-borne noise can be reduced
(d) Fans. Fans should be capable of extracting the 1
by carefully siting the fan and by using anti-vibration
''-• design total flow against the resistance imposed by the mountings. Transmission through the ductwork is
duct system and extract grilles. The fan static pressure usually less troublesome but fans should be located as
should be at least 125 N/m 2 for buildings up to 18m far from the heads of rising as is practicable (see Fig. 3).
';. high and at least.185 N/m 2 for higher buildings. but it
may be necessary to increase thls to counteract wind (g) Flow measurement and testing. The system
pressures. If the loss of pressure through the ducting is should be checked, after commissioning, for air flow,
Jess than the recommended fan static pressure. the fan. using a hooded vane anemometer of diameter not less
will extractmore than the desi,gn total air flow. This may than 100 mm; the local authority should do this. Testing
be reduced, if desired. by fitting a damper at the fan with smoke pellets is not satisfactory. As a basis for
outlet or inlet. · testing, a diagram of the ductwork layout (similar to
With sufficient fan, power and in-built resistance .to air Fig. 3} is required; air-flow rates should be measured at
flow, an extract system can be made largely immune to extract points at the top and bottom- of each vertical
external changes in air pressure-mainly the effects of main (points C and D on Fig. 3) and at several other
wind and of doors opening-which would otherwise points.
cause fluctuations in flow. There is no simple, reliable test for duct leakage that can
Duplication of fans and motors to provtde alternative be recommended.
power in the event of failure is a requirement of the
GLC byelaws; the Building Standards (Scotland) 3 Fire precautions
(Consolidation) Regulations 1971 require duplication of Ventilation ductwork must comply with the relevant
the motor if the system serves more than one house. If requirements of Part E of the Building Regulations and
duplicate fans are permanently fitted to a system. the should, in most cases, be contained within a service
change-over damper or dampers, whether manual or duct, the walls of which have a fire resistance similar to
automatic, should be so designed that the air pressure that required of the surrounding structural elements.
within the system assists in holding them in the correct Inspection or access doors and frames should have
position. The fan unit should be regularly serviced to the similar fire resistance. Recommended practices are
manufacturer's specification. described in CP 413 Ducts for building services.
Fire and smoke spread via the protected shaft should be
(e) Ducting. Primary factors in selecting a material for limited by the provision of fire dampers and fire stopping.
ducting are the expected life, fire risk, cost, availability The latter has ancillary advantages -providing a means
and weight. The system should be capable of easy of fixing the ductwork and helping to increase the sound
assembly and have permanently air-tight joints. insulation between dwellings. Digest 158 describes
Ductwork is usually enclosed in service ducts and, honeycomb fire dampers which are suitable for use in
therefore. inac.cessible; it should l9st with9Yt mSJin- ~me ventH9ti9n.c;lycts. ,.
tenance for as long as the building itself. The traditional
ducting material, galvanised steel, is suspect from this 4 Entrance lobby and replacement air
standpoint; alternatives with an acceptable life Internal W.C.'s and bathrooms should be entered from
expectancy are asbestos-cement, aluminimum, and an entrance lobby. Replacement air should be drawn
unplasticised PVC. from this lobby, not from external air.
Vertical ductwork is a potential route for fire spread
The digest provides a guide but It is recommended that the Local Authority Is
ruo1hlv••<>n_dwellings or compartments of a building and consulted for their comments and approval in the p.eparation of any Khemelor
· · it .i~-~Lisuany· recommended that ventilation ventilation of int~rnal bathrooma and W.C.'a in dwellings.
·~· .;., ... --· ---··
-- ·- ·-- ·- -··- . ---··-- ·--·- -- .............. -- ·- ·------ . ··-· -----~-



Chemical resistance of laboratory and industrial waste systems

Reference should alSo be made to CP 312: Part 1: 1973 or latest edition.

S ,.,_ Satisfactory
u Unsatisfactory Piping Material
l Limited attack High
or absorption Silicon Poly- Rigid Poly-
Iron Glass ethylene PVC propylene ABS
''c~heroicaa__;··:z:·::·~~- :-~~~::~~-);~~c~~~-.:~:~~--~.:::?.'~';t~20 _ 6~~--~;=~·:·:··,.~o ~~i:::f~7)_~_-6Q·:~ii~:~~~f.:.€gf}~9i9l
Acetaldehyde 100% s s s s L u u u s
40% s s s s s u
Acetic acid 50% s s s
10% s s s s
Acetone s s s s u u u u L L u u
., Alcohol, ethyl s s s s L u s L s s s
Alum s s s s s s s s s
Aluminium chloride s s s s s s s s s
Aluminium sulphate s s s s s s s s s
I Amines s s s s
Ammonium carbonate s s s s s s s s s
Ammonium chloride s s s s ' s s s s s s
Ammonium fluoride u u u u s s L
Ammonium hydroxide s s s s s s s s
Ammonium nitrate s s s s s s s s s s
Ammonium phosphate s s s s s s s
Ammonium sulphate s s s s s s s s s
Ammonium· sulphide s s
Anilene dyes s s s s u u u u L L
An ilene hydrochloride s s s s u u u u
Anodizing solutions s s s s
Antimony trichloride s s s s s s s s L
Arsenic acid 80% •. s s" s s s s L
Barium carbonate s s
Barium chloride. s s s s s s s s
Barium hydroxide s s
~ Barium nitrate. s s. s s
Barium sulphat~ s s s s s s s s
Benzene ~s s s s u u u u L u
Benzoic acid s s s s s L u s
Boric acid s s s s s s s s s s
Brine s s s s s s
Bromine L L s s u u u u L L
Butadiene s s
Butyl alcohol s s s L s
Butyric acid s s s s s s s s
Calcium chlorate s s s s s s s s
Calcium chloride s s s s s s s s s ·s
Calcium hypochlorite s s s s s s s s s L
Calcium nitrate s s
Calcium phosphate s s s s
Calcium sulphate s s .•
Carbonic acid s s s s s s s _s--
·- CarbeFt monoxide s s
Carbon tetrachloride s s s s u u L u u u L u
Chloracetic acid s s s s L s L
Chloric acid 20% aq. sol. s L
Chlorine dry gas
Chlorine moist gas 10%
J . . Chlorine water sat. sol.

., . ., ----
~!.;.~!T·~~:···l"'·· ·.
u lJ.
u.---u . -
s L
L u
~. ........... :.·...; ·... I
Section C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage

Chemical resistance of laboratory and industrial waste systems ~p

Reference should also be made to CP 312: Part 1: 1973 or latest edition.


S = Satisfactory Piping Material

U=- Unsatisfactory
• L = Limited attack High
or absorption Silicon Poly- Rigid Poly-
Iron Glass ethylene PVC propylene ABS

:C~e!lllc~l-;.s"":?:::{1:,.:i:. :;'F-;/~~~~~::~t;):::-~ ~q. }i0)~\'4;::1;·~~~:-~60-':::.·.·,~:~'~o· '60 1>f~B2o·:s6·;.:0;~"it~~~o~so.{J~2o\s~ -~·

Chloroform u u u u
Chlorosulphonic acid s s s s u u L
Chromic acid s s s s s s s s L
Citric acid s s s s s s s s L
Copper nitrate s s s s s s s
Copper sulphate 10% s s s s s s s s s s
Cupric chloride u u s s
Cuprous chloride s s s s: s s
; -~·
Ethyl acetate u u L u u u
Ethyl chloride s s s s u u u u
. Ethylene glycol s s s s s s s
Fatty acids s s s s s s s
Ferric acetate s s s s
Ferric chloride u u ;S s s s s
Ferric nitrate s s s s s s s
-. Ferric sulphate s s s s s s s s s

I~ _.Ferrous chloride s s s s s s s S· s
Ferrous sulphate s s s s s s s s s
: l Fluosilicic acid s s
!i Formaldehyde s s s s s s s s L
Formic acid s s s s s s u s L
Fruit juices s s s s
Gallic acid s s s s u u s s
Gelatine s s s s
I Galaciatacetic acid s s s s L L u u

l Glycerine s s s s s s s s s
i \
~ .. :... Hydrobromic acid s s

Hydrochloric acid '38% s s s L s L

Hydrofluoric acid 40% u u u u s L s
- . Hydrofluosilicic acid
60% u u
u u
u u
L u
Hydrogen peroxide 3~% s s s s s s s L u
; . Hydrogen phosphide
Hydrogen sulphide
s s
s s
Hypochlorite bleach s s s s
~ . Iodine s s s s L u u u s
i -
Lactic acid 10% s s s s s s s s
• 100% u u
!- Lead acetate s s s s I s s s s s
Lead nitrate s s s s
Lead tetraethyl s s
Lead sulphide s s s s ·--.
-. Linseed oil s s s s s L
Note: The table is only intended to serve as a guide and potantia: users shc~id sa:isfy themselves that the chosen material will prove
satisfactory under their particular working conditions In cases inoica:ad as limited attack or absorption·. the material may prove
.. _ ~~rviceable _with good dilution and flushing or may be used where alternative materials are unsatisfactory and whe1e..a limited lifll is
. ~ . ;~~;~~~!~: .
. ·-------··--..

... ·~

S= Satisfactory Piping Material·
U= Unsatisfactory
L = Limited attack
• or absorption
Silicon Poly- Rigid Poly-
Iron Glass ethylene PVC propylene ASS

. .. fi1em ica.Lf.j~~~- ::,·:;:;.::·':;~:;~~{··:~¢ ~;1\::-'2C, .· so t:;~~'t:;~;~ ,:_·&o ?}~ :~::~r2o ;6Q .:;:~~~~:-:::~2.o>~· ~2? ·.:~':~~::20.:.~ 1-:;~~·~o ~oo:·:
Magnesium carbonate s s
Magnesium chloride s s s s s s s s s
Magnesium hydroxide s s
Magnesium nitrate s s
Magnesium sulphate s s s s s s s s s
Maleic acid s s s s s s L
Malic acid s s s s s s L L
Manganese chloride s s s s s s
J,. Mercuric chloride u u s s s s u u s s
Mercuric cyanide s s
Mercuric nitrate s s s s s s
Mercuric sulphate s s s s
Mercury s s
Nickel chloride s s s s s s s s s
Nickel nitrate s s
Nickel sulphate s s s s s s s s s
., • Nicotene s s s s s s '
Nitric acid 50% s s s s s L L u u .u
95% u u u u
~ Nitrobenzene s s s s u u u u L L
Nitrous acid s s s s L
Oleic acid s s· . s s L u s s s L
Oleum u u s s .U u
Oxalic acid s s s s s s s s s s
Paraffin s s s .S s s L u
Perchloric acid 1 ()0,6 s s s s s L s
Petrol s s s s s s L u u u
( ..• ;o.•
-- Phenol s s .S s s s L s s u u
Phosphoric acid '-5 s s s s s s s s s s s
Phthalic acid s s s s
Picric acid s s s s s u u s
Potassium bisulphate l L s s
Potassium chlorate s s s s s
Potassium chloride s s s s s s s s s s
Potassium hydroxide L L L L s s s s s s s s
Potassium nitrate s s s s s s s s s
• Potassium sulphate s s s s s s s s s s
Pyrogallic acid s s s s

.) \
·----¥-·--- -----------.. p ---....'-"-~·"~'-~ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ .... _ . .. . _ _ , , ,_ _ . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _. . . . -~-- -·· _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . - :_ _ _ _ _

--· .. -------~-.

Seet.ion C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage

Chemical resistance of laboratory and .industrial .W~~te systems

Reference shoukl also be made to CP 312: Part 1: 1973 or latest edition.

S =- Satisfactory
U""' Unsatisfactory Piping Material
L '""' Limited attack High
or absorption Silicon Poly- Rigid Poly-
j Iron Glass ethylene PVC propylene ABS
i •
ir, •
Salicylic acid s s s s
Sea water s s s s s s s s
Silver nitrate s s
Sodium bicarbonate s s s s s s s s s s
Sodium bisulphate s s s s s s s s s s
Sodium bisulphite u u s s s s s s s s
Sodium chlorate s s s s s s s s s s
Sodium chloride s s s s s s s s S·S s
Sodium ferrocyanide s s s s s s s s
Sodium hydroxide L L L L s s s s s s s
Sodium hypochlorate s s s s s s s s s L
Sodium nitrate s s s s ' s s s s s s
i Sodium phosphate s s s s s s

I Sodium sulphate s s s s s s s s s s
Sodium sulphide s s s s s s s s s s
Sodium sulphite u u s s s s s s s
Stannic chloride L L s s s s s
Stannous chloride s s s s s s s
~ ... Stearic acid s s s s s s s s
Sulphur chloride L L s s L L
Sulphur dioxide (moist) u u s s s s L s u u
Sulphuric acid 50% s s s s
75% s s S L
95% s L L u u u
Sulphurous acid u u s s s s s s s
Tannic acid s s s s s s s s s
Tanning eXtracts s s s s s s s
Tartaric acid s s s s s s s s s
Toluene s s s s u u u u u u u.u
Trichlorethylene s s s s u u u u u u u u
Urine s s s s s s s
Vinegar s s s s s s s s s s
Zinc chloride s s s s s s s s s
Zinc sulphate s s s s s s s s s
Nott-: The tablE: is only intended to ser.,.e; as c guide; and pore;.:;a: us;;rs should sa:rsiy themselves th<H th.o cr:os::n material will provr·
satisfactory under their particular working conditions. In c.ases rndica:ed as l!mnec! anac~ or absorp:ior.. the material may prov~
serviceat-,le with good dilution and flushing or may be us:>c wher;; a!:t:~na::ve> r"!a:,;rials are unsatisfactor\' <nd where a limited life •s

::.~~::~;~~-~:.:··-~-..\.: . ~<- ·... · .... - .
·:.:~~:~~--;-~. ~;Th.e :de,sig~ of rainwater outlets, pipes and gutters
:.=~~~~t~/~2~7·;~~;,i~~;if.;_ ,,. :~~-~-: .· ...• _-,' ~- ... -~
c:~ ..~~-:-'0··~~-or~bb'i-c'vidlbris'(f~~dirl this sectic.n

. ·... :-
RA = Roof arE:;a ir. r·:

t.J. ;.
A =-._:
!):c;r.·i~:t;! c~ rc.::."-.t::·.r~= =:.;..~ .-. n. ·:t
Cross sec1icn c: \"~a!er·=: c.~:=~~ c1f CH.!~:e!" in n1=
. ......:.; h~ ·'= 0(-pth of w·a!er ai-ouli.::~ i- :-:-.rn •· .
.·.. ...
.. ·.
E ·=-
= Rainfall a!lowc~ce in r:-;,- ;:~r hour
Mean ;..-.:id:h :Jf :c..:::er ;~. ~ ·,. '
:.-. -:.·. c· ::-:: ·V\'id\h c.f \·;crf· ;:..!·. .::~:E- :.. :7 ..:::~! ;:-, :r·· . i Trat:·-szc:=(;~
b. =- \\'!C~J~ cf ~~~~~r : ..:-qc ir. ~· ·· gi.!nen:

·_Roof drainage considerations

. Design rate of rainfall
For roof drainage the usually recommendep rate of run-off of rainwater from these walls. It is not safe to
rainfall_for design· purposes in the British Isles is 75 mm allow for· absorption of water by the wall surfaces, even
_ . per hour. J:his rate is only exceeded on rare occasions when these are of completelx_ porous materials. .. . _
;·· :· ~ ~-- ,:-~ and.' during: severe·'Storms·. of com_paratively shon · If only a single wall is involved, half its area should be
· . ( _~ · duration. For designing the ·drainage of roofs where added to the roof area to be drained. - · ·
· · -..... _ · .pending or overflowing must not occur (except during If the roof area is_ contained within an ~ngle or bay
- · - .those very rare storms for which design is impracticablet formed by two or more walls, the direCt:ionfrom-~ch
,_,-- __ .,·a design_rate of rainfall of tip to_1~0 mm may be used. these walls present the greatest projected area in .
:· ~.T.I:lis-rate maybe advisable in the case of valley gutters el~vation should be calculated and half that area· added
· · t~industrial buirdings where any_ overflow inside could .... the roof area to be drained (see.. Fig.. C15). .• -
.': catise'seifciuS"oatnage/ :'. ->·:-- . . ·• . . . __ .. . . . . : ...
. · ,Whatever de~ign rate is selected the design Graphs C4 Sizing of rainwater' outlets
~ -' .-· ··. ·_.~:.-~and _C5 which are based on a rainfall rate of 75 mm j)er
--, "":--: .: ·!four can be used in·tne following manner: Depth of flow at outiet . .· - -:.·, > •·.

A rainwater outlet should . normally be :~designed · to

·••· :-,_-)::::':J::oriamfali of-113 mm-~dd 50% to the roof area to be receive discharges from gutters and flats afstich. a'flow: -
>"~·:·:~:~-~~~~:~-;{~r~~r.·E!~·:.-~;4::;~~.~~. :~;..;-~;~:{;:-<:·:;;\·: . .-·..'-- .~ - . . '· . ·.:
rate as to enable the outletto discharge asa:circidar'\~eir~
..,.·::-c'>;:_::;~.'Eor:.r~infaU o050 mm add 100%to the roof area to be
• · · ' -:_ ·draihecL ,,;_,. ;· . · It can be shown experimentally th~t iid)'Ta~Ho)a\ioiCI a.
vonex forming at the :outlet the depth:of-,1tie·•water
. ::WQere. th:e"re~ords of the local discharging over ·an outlet.· il'1 a. flat- .rpoCshould ·not .
.- :N.Jetrological Office:·-.·.:":· . · · : : · exceed tO where· D is the diameter at the· outlet. . _ . ' ·. ·
~·. ·_· _ . < -AirCitva-~6~:i~r 3wi~d'L~~~~-a~e~ all~wance .· In the case of an outlet-to a large gutter'tfie_depth of
. ,_·_ ·• · ...\..Vilena.s~opirig roofis'~xp<~secJ_to the wind an allow-. water at the outlet can be. permitted_to-·nse: up to ·a
1.: ~ ·~·. <-}~ :-~-!'!-cf sh~u_l~ be~ina de ~or · rai~.:. Depending
height not ~xceeding jD~ ·. · ·:_ \~if~::;t?~?~"f¥':~;:t{{'·~:- _:
·_:;'·: -·_ ~u~ tHe;_dJre~Jon-otthe·::wmd, a_ slopmg roof can_ At a depth greater than either of the aoove·limits.the.·.
.·_.-1:- •. _: ·. · rece1ve m9re ttl a~ would the plan.area of the roof. outlet will act as an ·orifice, a .· hydra·ullc~corfd"rtidn· · ·.·
~· .- .-M~asur~ments take~ over a long per1od from normal normally to be avoided. If the design· ~~orifrce ·
;.. -"' . . pitched roofs have· proved that_ it is advisable to allow flow at the outlet, then a deep box receiver' 'muSt be
. .for this by. taking the a~ual roof area and not the plan' provided to accommodate the increased head necesSary
area to calculate the·. rainwater run-off. - · . · •. to maintain true orifice flow.
' . :..--:.;;_:,.· ....... ·t ..._' :. ..·. ..
.... :·-' ~ -~

·For area arainhig_ into a center gutter this factor can b~

ignored because excess rain on· one slope will be largely Weir flow ·. · .·, .· <·. ;.:l::, .;' ,•_ :.;~~ t ··
off~et by le~ ·rain on the facing slope. For example in The flow rate over a rectangula~ weir (Rg~:C12) :;\;~~~"
the case of _the roof/in' F_ig. C16; areas B taken as velocity of floll'o' x effective cross-sectional area ···· .the .-
·. , _ ·.:.thej:>lari:areafor.the-j:)urpose of design~ but for areas water or · · · · ·:· '"';>··.·.. :,·,.:_:; · · · · · · ·
. A and c 'l;iE!re,is no·compensating factor and the actuaL __ . :a= v x.~.A from which a : ~d·k~j··-: - ...
~;c;::;·:~ :I~~g~~~:!P~~~,~~~~-~:?-;6~i{:~~\~~i-~---.::s~cial·. wFohterreectCdanisgau_lca0r. . 1
......:·0·>efJ:>E. irin1ent8f':v;3lu1es.~;=
-_,;,:?:•>:.: consideration ·. :~-·,p:...l,L:: · · .-- · · - ...
; -:-·'.. .. ·" · ·· ~.:.t--·-" ., ... ·' .- . . ·. . . coefficient of discharge:are abcir.rt
_:_,' :.:\-~-. .~: .·· Jne intensitY' of. rainfall. is increased when- a building is In the case of a circular wei{_B the. .
;-"/ -~, -~ - .situated _on Jligh_ ground or in a ·valley open to strong . tl;~:~~~;~l&el;~~~~~lt~%
· : · : · . . rain-bearing winds. Wind-_ blowing over and around the Including the above value ·for.-Cd :r',
,',: ·· • ..·: ·building is deff~cted from its natural normal course and B, convening _all values to mrp
,' •· .: '·. :> its speedmir{be'C!oubled thus increasing the amount of · . · Dh f .: ·_ ': ~-.:'~~ -~.::: ...':·:.:'·c.·: ·~,·_:,:.:.'"'._-?_,;-.i;~;:.~;I~~~w~~~i: .
. fi>·:.{:,o,'rairi falling";per;holi~51t .i~: recommended therefore that then Q _= -5 to• ..... ; ~ ~ .-~·-·~ ~-·~·~ .
"-~ ·::~::::'-;:J::nrifdings'{fftfl~n'S"shbtifCfl'iaV~adesign rate of . ..· ·. , ·X~ .:7:·-;·:·:;f.f.' .. ' .

,·. •.••·· ~l~~~~~ri%"b::'lS3S.:S~\ -
_If a;r()of;:J~~bB~~-~~c!·J>(y.:~nJca_l .~all~·-:n_sing ·above the. . then RA, _ ._1 000 . _... ._ ,. ~. :':_!_._',;'
' ·· roo~ ~ome ~.llow~nc~_shq~Jd· be made for the additional · ·-

~~~~r.~~~~~J~i~;-·:.~;_::.;~-~~J~i.~~-L:. ~.·-!;~~--~_,, ~ ,_ .- . .
Section C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage

The design of rainwater outlets, pipes and gutters

where RA = the roof area to be drained in m2 diameter of the outlet is permissible. It is recommended, .
D = Diameter of outlet in mm however, that for industrial . buildings a minimum
h 0 = depth of water in mm diameter rainwater pipe of 75 mm be specified. For very
small roofs a diameter of 65 mm could be considered.
Formula (ii) may be usedto determine the dimensions
of a rainwater outlet to a flat roof where a cesspool or It can be shown by basic hydraulic principles that the
_ par~jlel glitter i~ r10t provided. The limiting head in this diameter of a vertical rainwater pipe for any given roof
case is h 0 = !D. By substitution we get area can be determinl(d by applying the formula ·
D i RA='= 3·2DY
R A = - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • (iii) 1000
In the case of an outlet to a large gutter, a-depth of flow This rainwater pipe formula has been plotted on Graph
at the outlet of up to h 0 = !D is permissible. By· C4 from which the diameter of .rainwater pipes for
substitution we get given roof areas can be determined.
1·60 i Horizontal pipes _
.;-· RA = . 1 000 . • • . • . . • . . . . . • . • • . • . . . . (iv) If the near horizontal portion of a rainwater pipe runs
for a considerable distance an investigation of the
Formula (iv) may be used to determine the dimensions hydraulic conditions existing should be made. Under
of outlets to large gutters. · these conditions there is a danger that a backing-up of
Graph C4 has been drawn to include formulas (ii) (iii) water at the foot of a .bend. i.e.- at the change of
and (iv). Problems requiring the application of these direction from the vertical to the horizontal pipe can
basic hydraulic formulas can thus be solved at glance a occur at peak flow due to the reduced discharge
and with minimum calculation. capacity of a horizontal rainwater pipe compared with
one of the same diameter fixed vertically.
Outlets wi1:h.slotted gr~tings
Standard offsets offer only slight resistance to the flow.
An outlet from a flat roof or a paved area which receives
rainfall is sometimes provided with a grating of the Use of Graph C4
types shown in Fig. C19 and this can cause consider- The Outlet Sizing Graph C4 has been plotted to
able restriction to the flow of water. The flow capacity determine suitable diameters for outlets for flat roofs
of such gratings when submerged by water can be not provided with gutters or cesspools and also for
obtained by using this formula. - outlets to gutters. In cases where it is required to limit
Q ==!Cd A V2gH the depth of water at the outlet to a flat roof the
where Q ==quantity in m3/s~ necessary data has been incorporated.
Cd = discharge coeffiCient of the slots Flat roof without gutter
cd = 0. 6 fo·r bars with sharp edges For determing thao.utle.t.di<imeter to a flat roof without .·
· Cd = 0 · 8 for bars with rounded edges gutters, line A on Graph ·c4 should be used. If a limit
A = total area of slots in m2 is placed on the depth of water at the outlet to the roof,
\ ·~·. g = 9 · 81 m/s2 (gravitational acceleration) follow line A until the limiting depth is reached and then
. -- follow the appropriate line with the limiting depth
H = head'over grating in metres_
marked thereon.
The equivalent horizontal roof area which can be
drained into such outlets can be determined by using Example 1 A flat roof 240 m2 in area and not provided
the following simplified version of the above formula. with gutters is to be drained by two roof outlets.
Determine the diameter of the outlets.
RA=·cd~ Area to be drained by each outlet is 240 + 2 = 120m2 •
3r Referring to the graph and following line A. the roof
outlets will be seen to be 1 00 mm diameter.
where RA= roof area in m2
If the outlets are suitably shaped (see Fig. C17) then
• a = total area of slots in mm2 reading from line C rainwater pipes of 65 mm nominal
h = head over grating in mm diameter may be used.
Cd = 0 · 6 or 0 · 8 as circumstances warrant Example 2 If the depth of water at the outlet on the
r = rainfall allowance in mm/hour same roof is required to be limited to 20 mm determine
The type of roof outlet used and its actual free area at the the outlet diameters necessary.
inlet should be determined from the manufacturer's Referring to Graph C4 and following line A and then
information and checked against the inlet size (free the line which limits the depth of water at the outlet to
area) on graph C4. 20 mm, a roof area of 120 m2 requires a 150 mm dia-
-meter outlet... The roof then requires two ., 50 mm
.. Sizing rainwater pipes
Vertical pipes
diameter outlets. The roof discharge into the rainwater
pipe remains as for Example 1 so the 65 mm diameter
Where a standard outlet nozzle is used it is normal to will suffice for each outlet.
use a rainwater pipe of the same diameter as the nozzle. Example 3 A flat roof 60 m by 24 m is to be drained
... Where the rainwater outlet takes the form of a properly into cutters each having two outlets (see Fig. C20)-.
. shaped transition piece (Fig. C17) some reduction in the Determine the diameter of gutter outlets to be provided.
· __ ~c-diameteL-oL..tha.r-ainwater pipe compared__with.the Area of roof = 60 x 24 = 1440 m:~. ··
......... -.
Flat roof without gutter Example 3 continued
Area to be drained by each outlet 1
20 Xi X 10 X
. 4
= 20 Xi X 10 X 1._ =100m2
In this case as gutters are provided reference should be . 1 .
made to line 8 on Graph C4. This shows that outlets
of not less than 150 mm in diameter should be used. As this area will on!Y reql!ire z -standard eaves gutter.
If the gutter outlets are suitably shaped reference to line Graph C5 can be used. Reading from this graph the
C shows that 100 mm diameter rainwater pipes are eaves gutter outlet should be not Jess than so· mm in
permissible. · . diameter. ·
Example 4 A North light roof to a single-storey factory Roof areas 8
(Fig. C16) 40 m by 20 m is to be provided with valley The plan area may be considered in this case as wind-
and eaves and drop pipes to a horizontal trunk rain- borne rain is likely in one direction only. The plan area
water pipe. Determine suitable sizes for the gutter
outlets. rainwater drop pipes and the horizontal trunk = 20 x 1 0 = 200 m2
rainwater pipe. The reading on Graph C4 shows that the gutter outlet
should be no~ ~ess t~an 1 ~5 mm diameter. lf a-.suitably
Roof area A shaped trans1tron prece 1s used, the rainwater pipe
The true roof area of area A when the roof pitch is so= is should be 90 mm nominal in diameter•

•,'!'"',. ~1 :~;t"f:>: ?:~'~·'=::· ~-:-w· . '-

'. -~---;.-:..:·

·.· -~~h::\1,~:~~
.8 :·3 ·. ·C :~· -~ ·

·':"·.· .. ·· Fig~:·c1s .·
· .. ::.:;
'Wind direction
.· D -· ... ~

. ·..=··
. . . . ., ' . ,.,.-,_-;_ .-~- -~. ··i "---~ "'·-·
. _ _ ,~1--~ . . .- w~~~~~~;.~
. -=·
,. .·_.,
·... ·· :
."C - -.- . . _- . . . - Fig:C18...~ £·,_., ~ ·:.:\·--.

d -·- ·. -· ,. . .·:6~~--~-;-~~/' .. • <

,,. . Fig. C 1 7 · · :· .. · :·';~·-- :'·<·1 : .:

F 0 D - -- ' -- --- - '. _< ': -. :<5:-.: >:'·

C;gg , - _-- ! ' Fig. ~Q-;:.r -; )~:·;

" - ill :->':':0'-:-f:i"

... -· .., .. ____ '"_,. __ ......... ~_-... ' . 1-..· ........... _.,., ______., _____ ... - •. .._ ..... _. __ ~--------··-·· - ..
·-·-------- ·--·--------·-

Sectio!-: C Sanitary Plurnbing and D:!:ain~F~

' . The design of rainwater outlets, pipes and gutters

Roof area C and other causes, eaves gutters do not always maintain
The true roof area of area C when the roof pitch is 30° is the fall given them when first fixed and it is recommend-
20 X f X 10 X 1·15= 172m2 ed that the flow capacity of a level gutter should be used
Working from Graph C4 the gutter nozzle should be as the design capacity. Additional flow rate due to any
1 00 mm diameter and if a suitably shaped transition fall that is provided will thus provide a design rnargin.
\ piece is used the rainwater pipe may be 75 mm diameter. Building Research Establishment Digests 188 and 189
dealing with roof d(ainage gives a table of flow
capacities of level, half-round and ogee gutters up to
Horizontal trunk rainwater pipe 1 50 mm size. These are expressed in litres per minute ·
This pipe will be. required at its extreme end to carry the and in order to relate them to roof area in m 2 the flow
whole of the maximum flow. The metric Box can be rates were firSt converted to m 3 per hour and then, by
used to determine its diameter. using the recommended rainfall rate of 75 mm per hour,
to m 2 of equivalent roof area.
q = ~!¥ This final conversion has enabled a direct plotting to be
made on Graph C5 on which suitable gutter outlet
sizes are also indicated. ·
where: q =. litres/sec
d = diameter of pipe in em This graph is based on flow capacities for level gutters
with an outlet at one end. The position of the outlet has
H = head in metres a big effect on the flow capacity of the gutter but
L = length of pipe in metres considerations such as appearance or ease of con-
If the fall is limited to 1 m in 100 m this formula can be nection to the underground drainage system often
further simplified to: determine the outlet position.
If an outlet is situated centrally in _a length of gutter, the
q = .!_
50 vids u
gutter capacity required will only be one half of that
needed for an end outlet. If the ·outlet is not at the

or litres/s = 5~ ~ end, . l_
. the gutter capacity required will be a fraction L
Converting to m3/hour (1m 3 =1000 Jitres). of the total flow load_as shown in Fig. C21.

m3/hour = 60 x 60
50 X 1000 V
lds Effect of gutter angles
u If a square gutter angle is situated within 4 m of an
outlet, it will reduce the effective capacity of the gutter.

=~~~F This can be allowed for by the use of the following

guide: ·
With a rainfall of 75 mm/hour, the corresponding roof It a sharp=comered square angle is
area formula is - (a) Within 2 m of outlet~add 25% to roof area
(b) Within 2 to 4 m of outlet-add 12f% to roof area
RA = 7·2.x 1000 t;" If a round cornered square angle is
100 X 75 u . V (a) Within 2 m of outlet-add 100..-6 to roof area
which can be simplified to RA = ~
(b) Within 2 to 4 m of outlet-add 5% to roof area
Using this modified formula the trunk rainwater pipe
can now be sized. The design of level rectangular and
The effective roof area is trapezoidal industrial gutters
A+3B+ C Largely owing to structural reasons, little or no fall can
=100 + (3 x 200) + 172 872 m2 = usually be provided to large industrial gutters. Any fall
which can be provided merely ·assists in draining the
But RA = fCi5 or d = RA2 V gutt~r after it has received roof discharges.
= 872 2V = 15·01 em
Gutters which may overflow into a building due to
so d = 150 mm which is the diameter required. rainfall intensity greater than the design rate, should be
provided with a weir overflow at each end. The
Capacities of half round Building Regulations (Scotland) require every valley
and ogee gutters gutter ha\fing a slope of not more tban 10 o from the
Gutters fixed with a fall have a greater carrying capacity horizontal and every enclosed parapet gutter shall be
than when fixed level. Experime_nts at ·the Building provided with a suitable and adequate overflgw. This
!Wsl!arcl\ EStabiTsnment have shown than an eaves TeQUirement -coultl also apply to flat roofs drained by
gutter fixed with a fall of 1 in 600 will carry up to 40 per roof outlets. ·
cent more water than when fixed level. The increased
flow also helps to prevent silting in the gutter. Design basis
Too great a fall should be avoided because apart from As all hydraulic formulas appli_cable_ to channel flow
appearance, a wide gap between roof edge and gutter
will often permit some water to miss the gutter
:--·- -··-111together; ·Due to settle·menf," disturbance by ladders
include the ter·m 'I' or-~ which takes into acco~~tJr~.
' ·. ,., . . • ••• .,q_, • •
·---·--·-----··-- .. ~ .... _..-_ ______

Design basis continued

inclination or fall, the basic channel flow formulas For any given conditions of free flow at the outlet, the
cannot be used to determine the dimensions of level flow capacities of the gutter and outlet must be equal.
gutters, as the numerical value of 'i', the inclination, From which the following relationship will hold :
becomes zero.
A rational approach to the design of. level gutters is 90 h 0 f
possible if a fundamental flow formula is applied to 1000
the conditions existing at the outlet or point of free
discharge. It can be shown from fundamental con,.. By canceJiing like terms and simplifying, we get the
siderations that in the case of a smooth level channel relationship:
or gutter, the depth of the water at the point of free
discharge, i.e. at the maximum flow for a given depth, 0 = ~ or B = 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (viii)
will be two-thirds of the depth upstream (Fig. C23). 2
In order to provide a design margin, the depth at the still In practice a satisfactory depth of flow at a gutter
end should be designed to be twice the depth atthe outlet can be shown to be when h 0 =
point of free discharge.
.!?_ from which
A-:- B X h 0

A= 20 X B_
A=-- • • • . • • . . •.• • • • • . • • • . • . . • • . • (ix)
In the case of a trapezoidal gutter (Fig. C22), the area
Dimensions of gutters is given by:

(a~ b)
The basic expression for the flow in any gutter or
channel at the point of free discharge is: A= h0
Q = mean velocity x cross section of water at outlet
Taking the rainfall rate of 75 mm per hour into account
and completing all conversions, it can be_ shown that
and B = a + b where B is the mean width
- 't· 2
V X B X h0 '
RA = 20 •••••.•.•..•••••• .-...... (v)
Width of gutter
where RA =roof area in m 2 lt is- recommecnded that where access to a gutter is
B = breadth of gutter in mm required, the minimum width .of the gutter sole be
250 mm to enable a man to walk along it.
h 0 = head over outlet in mm
·~· V = mean velocity of flow
The mean velocity of flow reached for any given depth Depth of gutter
is given by the well known formula : For large industrial gutters, it is suggested that the
freeboard or height above the water level to the top
v =~~ of the gutter edge when the gutter is flowing at its
maximum rated depth should be 50 to 60 mm.
Converting to mm head Example 5 Determine suitable dimensions for an
industrial gutter which receives the rainfall from a roof
V= Vflo (vi) 450 m2 in area.
11 . From the outlet sizing graph C4 the diameter of outlet
By combining these two basic expressions, we get the :necessary is 150 mm. From formula (viii)
basic flow formula for level gutters and channels: B.= 20
so a suitable width of gutter would be 2 x 150 =
RA = A jh"; 300mm
. . 0 150
But area at outlet= B x h0 Depth of water at outlet (h 0 ) i s - = - = SO·mm
3 3 3..
S =- Bxh.l
220 . .
•....•...•...•... • .. • .... (VIIii) . . . Design depth of water at still end- .. 2Ft o
= 2 x 50 = 1 00 mm
Relationship between rainwater outlet and to which must be added the freeboard of 60 mm. A
gutter dimensions suitable depth of gutter would therefore be
The following mathematical relationship between the 100+ 60 = 160 mm
_ rain_water outlet and gutter will be found useful to Giving the size of gutter required as 300 X 160 mm
•:·~.--, :-c . ... de~•gners. . .. ·---------- . ·-rectaAgular.-~c-··.-...
. ~ ~/: .. :.;,.
-- t
-- - - - - - - - - - . . - ............... _
... ______ -·- ... _________________ --~------·· ---------·-...................,.....
,· • ..::1 ___
• •••

Section C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage

. . . . . ·.
The design of rainwater outlets, pipes and gutters
.· ..... :·_~-. · ..... ... ~· .:

• . Graph C4 . Outlet and rainwater pipe sizing . ~. ·•

'f> ,.---__,..-.:,~..~.~-.:,~~-~,---r--~-----r---~--"-" ----.§ .

• M~------+-~---1--~,+---~--~,~---+------~~-----+----------~--~~--------~
. \.' '
.... ·
-· ,.....• ,·.'

·o .\ \ ..·: ;·
.··.: '~ .
"·N [\. :\ .
.· .. ,··
\.· -~ -·: :.. ·
·_ ··~·
.·•· :.

·\ \
.. -" ... ,.
_. ·.. ·. -:··,..,

·- - -·-··-·-:::.l:.:--.----:7--~~...:--

. .."C

.. . ·C::

__ ·,:·:-··-~·g
..... . en
. Cl)

... ·.·. -~

. ; ..

: \,':
! '·: I
'------ -~

~· ..
. • i .·. ~
--~ '

' ' .
.., ::''
.. ._

_c;:~~~~},i;~·: ;:·: ·::~·';:~ '•" ·.- ~- ·'


.... .. ,.
j•, .! 'i
~. ;__ ·..!: t. i:,·;l

., 20 m•

.·:.' n·
. ~-:t..' . .
! (() · 42 1/s) U1
... '4 · odl c.l• -1
4! og c.l: . ' I . :J''I' 12so
. · 0
.' , '' 8: .

l - I - , ··-·
i !

,.,,~~·; 10()
,,. .
h ·. .-. ,.

-~ •.


nolm. h.r. ~ ·= 30
(0 · 63 1/s)

~~, ~~~~~~i;~
---~--, --- --~- -111

. ~
4 400 c
.: 116.

1-~-------:-""7"-~+~:-:--~------:-·r--~ .
6 nom. h.r. ·' _.___ 500 ell

:t· og '-'· . c.
,'; 126 6 nom. h.r. 0
-~ cr+
..J16 tr~ h.r. I

" ~
: 600 IJ
. ,), ' \ -!

-~ ~ -~·.:

·\_~ .··.~.I

;:125 5 · tru& h~r•.. -~

... ·
~ '< :,. !
\.?·.~-~ -~·_2 .
-•- · ... '· y' I ,, _.:. ·,, 'I· . Tj i . l•oo l

lkt . j::; '~ ' "'"' .•

-~· : ~',/:
~~ 1so 6 · nom. h.r. :•_~-·: ~- • __ , · _·: .:-~--'.:....~.~----- __ : ·-·.. ·-~~-~~ _::·:~
.,_ -: ·: .. -- : : · . __ 1 '\-_-i·
/,. :'•. l
j .,
••«''' '- • ' : '-.. ' '· . .' .. · ' '; - ' ,, . .r.;-

~ 150mm . ·, 61n · -· :_: trua h.r. ;:: ·./: •·


.. '•: :.'·
- - · -+. ·---·· •• -~··- ··---·-.~.~-..... ~~..,.., ......r.....-.... ,..:~-~~--------~-.~..................... ..; ...... _, _ _ _.;.___ _ _ _ _ _ __

Section C Sanitary Plun1bing and Drainage

The design of rainwater outlets, pipes and gutters

Depth of gutter continued

Example 6 Determine the sizes of gutters suitable for Roof area C
the roof illustrated in Fig. C16. True roof area = 1.72 m2
• Roofarea A From the outlet sizing graph a 100 mm outlet is required.
True roof area = 100 m2 B = 20 so width of a suitable gutter is
From reference to the graph C5 a 150 mm true half 2 x 100 = 200 mm
round gutter will be suitable. Depth of gutter is 2h 0 +
60 mm ·
' .
Roof area B D
=2x 3 +60
Plan area = 200 m2

From the graph C4 a 125 mm outlet is required but
B = 20 so width of a suitable gutter is =2 X 100
+ 60
2 x 125 mm = 250 mm
Depth of gutter is 2h 0 60 mm + Depth = 126 mm
. . D . A suitable gutter would be 200 x 125 mm rectangular.
=2X 3+60

= 2 X 125
+ 60
= 83+ 60
Depth = 143 mm
A suitable gutter would be 250 X 145 mm rectangular.

~; .

~~ : The design of building drainage

i ....
When designing a building drainage system, the aim As an example of the application of the probability
'i · should be to provide a layout which is as simple and graph to a practical case, if 1 00 appliances each of
!' direct as possible. Except in special circumstances the which takes 10 seconds to discharge its contents are
pipes should be laid in straight lines both in. the used at 500 second intervals, the value of
horizontal_ and vertical planes.~
p= .!.. = ~ ·-:- 0·02
Probable flow T 500
When assessing the probable rate of flow at any given Reading from graph C6, page 106, six appliances only
point in a drai1.1age system, consideration should be out of the 100 ·installed can be expected to be found
given to the following: discharging simultaneously. If, in addition to the above,
we know that the maximum flow rate of each appliance
(a) Number and types of appliances installed
is 2litres/sec., then the probable flow load to be design-
(b) Frequency of usage · ~ ed for is 6 x 2 = 12 Jitres/sec.
(c) Rate of discharge of each type of appliance
Discharge units
(d) Number of persons expected to use the building
In practice, most systems incorporate many different
(e) Estimated average daily consumption of water per
kinds of sanitary appliances which may, nevertheless,
head finally be connected to the same discharge pipe or drain.
(f) Type of occupation. Under these conditions it is more convenient, and
indeed essential, to use a system of related unit values
Estimating flow load which have been determined mathematically to make it
Most methods of estimating the probable usage of easier to design for these mixed systems. These unit
appliances and the flow loads on discharge pipes and values, which are assigned to each appliance, are
systems of underground drainage are, in principle, usually called discharge units.
f'!lethods of applying the Binomial Probability Distribu- Any system of discharge units must, of course, be
r tion Law to practical conditions. related to an 'index appliance' which is usually given a
' 'i The probability graph C6 shows the probable usage, discharge-unit rating of unity (1 ). In the system of units
L• based on a mathematical certainty of 99 per cent adopted in this publication, a wash basin, having the
low~t flow rate .and having a small probable usage;
~.. , ,.f success,-Gf various numbefs ef senitMy -appliarrc'es for
1 the given conditions or value of 'p', has been adopted as the unit appliance. All other
sanitary appliances therefore have discharge unit
•• values which are numerically higher than unity•
where p =...!.. Depending upon the precise usage of a particular
appliance, it is possible for a number of different
and t = time in seconds appliance is discharging discharge unit ratings to be assigned to the same
· T =
time in seconds between successive usage of .. appliance to take this difference in usage in!Q_a_ccQunt
- ---- ~<seelaore-cm-:- ·~-:-~· ..,_ . ·· · ·''~·~t:::·-:· :z.;::'.: _.
.. ,·

~ .. \

. The design of building drainage

Discharge units continued

The mean flow rate in drains carrying the soil effluent Gradients.
from buildings or groups of buildings will generally be For branch drains, where the flow pattern is irregular,
of a lower intensity than the peak flow rates attained the following falls are suitable:
,__ ,. :-·
.. in discharge pipes and that attained at the foot of soil 1 00 min pipes 71 in 40 l to give a peak velocity . · .
~-~:--· ...
stacks. (See diagram below} Fig C24.
150 mm pipes -~1 in
60 f of approximately 1 · 2 m/s
·Fig. C24 Hydraulic flow changes ·at the foot of For the mahi drainage pipework however,. where thE'
..; .. ·· · a discharge pipe flow pattern is likely to remain steady, flatter gradient1
-·.· •..
:· -.·
are permissible. For foul drainage, the gradient chosen
should give a minimum velocity of about 0 · 75 m/r.
when the flow in the drain is not less than one-quartet
of the depth. '. :

. Practical limit to depth of flow

' It has been determined experimentally that a· drain or
·-:- -· -sewer cannot be made to flow undisturbed continuously
: at depth of between 0 · 8 of Its depth and full depth,
~-~-.owing ""to ··surfaee-:disturbances which upset- the
-~ .uniformity of flow:.-:-A certain amount ofeiitrainecl air
t .•.
-,:·.: -~: ·. which is always present breaks to the surface if near
, critical depths ·are allowed to exist. To avoid this
condition arising, it is advisable when designing for
. , . ·:To provide for this change in the hydraulic conditions, ,part-full flow to limit the flow ratio to between one-
~:~::.·~- · .•.·.··:..the discharge unit ratings given in.Tab1e C22 have been ·half and three-quarters of the depth, although the
• ·:.~;:~'-calculated on a mean flow rate from W.C.s of 1·13 theoretical maximum .part-full condition is 0 · 82 of its
_litres/s (i 5 gpm) compared with 1 · 82 iitres/s (24 gpm) depth. · ·
': ~ .. . ...._ -.;'when W.C,s are connected to and are loading d'IScharge
,~;\·.> ': ·>·{>=.. pipes; (see The Design of Sanitary Pipework Systems).' · .\. Permissible Joitd· on 'dr8ins _ .'· · .
' ·· · . ·. It is; therefore, importantto use the discharge unit rating When drain is directly connected to a ~eitical soil a
·~ · ·: · ·for a particular appliance which is appropriate to the stack and therefore forms part of the soil and waste
.. expected frequency and intellsity of usage, i.e. whether system, it is recommended that the drain should be
, ·.intended for above ground or undergro~nd drainage · designed to flow·not more than about two-thirds full at
·:r . • :•situations.
- - ··. -.
·~ · • peak conditions. This is to prevent surcharges in the
·"·. .i - . . _,·_ :-..,,:.-/ -~ :_ .-- -~ . .. ;~-:~ ~:_.·-: .:· ): .. -.-~.=--'
:!'-' .... ·Table C22 Probability data and discharge units for sanitary appliarices ·. -~· ~< .:-:~\:;
.connected to underground dtainage-systel'n$ ·· · ;,: " ··

l . · probability ~:;,,~::: · flaw rate :'-discharge

d. . Appliance ,.,. · :~ iitres/sec. gal/min. ,.,units:·
W.C. (high level cistern) .. 0·004. .. ~- . 1·51 . 20 :";; .3
1 W.C. (high level cistern)
W.C. (low level cistern)
1 ·13
W.C. factory (male) 0·04 1·13 15 18
W.C. factory (female) 0·08 1 ·13 15 35.

W.C. office (male) 0·01 1·13 15 6

W.C. office (female) 0·04 1 ·13 15 18
Wash basin (domestic) 0·01 0·34 4·5 1
Wash basin (factory) 0·15 0·34 4·5 10
Wash basin (office) 0·08 0·34 4;5·· ··:5··""":

1• . ,;.Sink (domestic) 0·015 ·. 0·75 10 · · · •··· 3

.,l ·.Sink (canteen) 38 mm waste 0·06 . 0·75 10 ' 12
jf," · · S!nk (canteen) 50 mm waste 0·04 ', 1 ·13 . 15 · .·'. . 16
i~ · . Smk (small laboratory) -o-o6 0·08 1 ·· _., .. 1
:~ .·:. : :-. .· Bath (domestic) 0·015 1·06 14 ' .... ; ':':·_'_ 6
Jl:~~-.2-~~-;rtsath (hotel) . 75 · 30 0·04 ·'' :._.1·06 ·14' ·'J.:.-~''·18 . ;,-::

.~~ "
1:: ·:· .
:.Shower (publiq)
1 ~g
0· 25
: -I~ 0·12 .
"~~- ~:~1f: 3},
,, _1 ·.5 . , ·.:.. : · 4
~0~:~.--,:?.;::~;._";.~ote :_.App.!ia,nces having a continuous !low_ from_ their _o_!rtl.e!s_ sho~ld have _th~. c~-~. P.. ut.ed fL~ r~t~. ~~~~~.on t?}h~_t i>reqict~:ect,bY._.~~!n?.:.
~~~,;;.,.. · ,;.;:~-:--<;d•scharge~umts, for the other fitments.. ·. · . · ···: · ·. · '>.. : .., "- · ·: · · ·.,.~.".~~:••if,-:.-,?-,:.~....,,,. ,;:•·'1f'.'-'•?.':Jt!:'1'l5~ ~s:;;.;-v.
~Drfo.;;.~;;:~&t.-t;,~:,;t..~~-\·.~{..::;.:.,··.:.··.;._,·.;.::,_.<···:· ·...:·..... '-~:·~·.:.: ... ~ .• ~ ..... ~-..-:.. : .: .: •. /·. •·.. -.:;.~;-~: .... -·. ·.:_: ': ~- :~t'::~,.,>.:~~~'f'~.~)l!'.·--:-:,~~~·..:::..,:~;!~iY}~..f~~~·:W~ ·~r;t,;!~~!_!:..t.
Section C Sanitary Plu1nbing and Drainage

The design of building drainage .

Permissible load on drains continued

drain causing high suctions through inadequate E. G. Bilham and D. J. Mclean have also published data.
allowance having been made for air movement in the A fair agreement with either Bilham's or Mclean's data
• drain. can be obtained from the rainfall intensity formula:
Drainage Loads-Houses and Flats . R = 150

11ecent research into the measured flows from a large
number c!- he uses and flats has indicated that the .vv
majority of loadings from hot and cold services and the where R = mm of rainfall per hour.
usage of sanitary appliances are unlikely to be · and T =-duration of storm in minutes.
simultaneous in character. These rainfall intensity formulae have been plotted on
In practice, therefore, it is sufficient to provide, in the Graph C7. Exceptional cases should be investigated
case of drainage flow from houses and flats, for the W.C. and considered on their merits, particularly as to
alone. It can also be shown that a sink and wash basin frequency and intensity of storms. For a duration of
taken jointly have the same loading effect. 5 min., the rainfall intensity curve given by either
Each housing unit or flat can therefore be assigned a formula is about 50 mm/hr. The curve above 50 mm/hr
discharge unit load of 6- 7 DU. The mean flow rate has been obtained by extrapolation and may be used as
may also be taken as 1 1/s for either provision. a guide. For roof drainage. a rainfall intensity of
! _.( ..
Office flows also indicate that an individual provision of 150 mm/hr is usually adopted. This allows for higher
1 to 1 · 5 DU per person is adequate. intensity storms of short duration, in order to avoid the
The.graph C9 enables the predicted flow rate from a possibility of overflow into a building.
· large range of housing units to be assessed. For
comparative purposes a number of design curves from
other references are also included on the graph. Rainfall run-off
The actual run-off which can be expected from any
Surface water drainage given surface depends upon the following factors:
As a rule, surface water drains are designed to accom- (a) the extent of the surface
modate the greatest run-off likely to occur on average (b) the type of surface
once a year. As a guide, an absolute minimum flow rate
(c). whether the surface is level or sfoping
of 0 · 3 m/s in the sewer should be allowed for in order
to avoid possible obstruction due to the build up of (d) the intensity of rainfall during period of
solid matters· not being carried along by the water, concentration
particularly at low depths of · flow. Where large (e) seasonal conditions- rate of evaporation.
quantities of grit are liable to be carried into ~. surface A formula which may be used for calculating run-off is:
water .drain or sewer, the minimum velocity of flow
should be 0 · 75 m/s as for foil I drains and sewers. Q = APR or Q = A P R
60 X 1000 6 X 10 4
Time of concentration
where Q = run-off in m3 /min
The time of concentration is the time taken for the
surface water to flow from th~ highest part of the drain A = area drained in m2
to the part at which the flow rate is required. In P = impermeability factor
practice, the time..of concentration methods used in R. = rainfall intensity in mm/hr.
surface water sewer design are not ~applicable to
drainage design unless the time of concentration The above formula is also based on the following
exceeds about 15 minUtes. Only very large sites are factors:-
likely to involve such a long time of concentration. (a) that the variations in the rate of rainfall during a
storm and in the volume of water retained in the sewer
The time of concentration can be determined as may be neglected.
follows:- (b) that the maximum discharge of stormwater from an
Length of drain/sewer area occurs when the duration of the storm is equal to
t = time of entry + --------'---
! Rainfall intensity
Full bore velocity of flow
the time of concentration. Road Note No. 35
recommends that the use of the above formula {known
as the Rational Formula) should be confined to the
For storms expected to occur once a year, the majority design of drainage systems for small areas where the
of published data agrees fairly closely. The Ministry of diameter of the drain/sewer does not exceed 600 mm.
Health (1930) formulae, which are still widely used, Example 1 Calculate the run-off in m3 /s from a paved
can be expressed in the Sl form as: area 100 m by 100 m if the rainfall allowance .is
50 mm/hr. The impermeability factor may be taken as
(a) R = T ~O O) where T is 5 to 10 minutes. 0·75.
.. . .. < .. . -1 . . . .
(b) R = (T 1 ~0020 ) where Tis 20 to 100 minutes. 6 X 10 4

where R is mm of rainfall per hour 100 X 100 X 3x 50

and T is duration of storm in minutes. 6 X 10 4 X 4
time of. concentration methods are applicable, - 6 · 25 m3/min.
·.... !'::1 1 1" 1~ Torn.. ofcorrcentradonrrrusti>tntdded-to T. ·
= 0·104 m3/s~·.·· ~· ~~.,
.. _______________ -- ·-----·---------· ...;_......:..:..;·•:....;.·-'...-'~.....;.;..;......;.


Intensity of rainfall allowance Manning's formula

For the design of small surface water sewers, using a This formula is. usually written in the form:
rainfall duration of 5-10 minutes, the Ministry of
Health curve Graph C7 indicates a suitable allowance
v =K mi ri ·
of 35-50 mm/h. =!.n
l. Impermeability factor
orV mdf ii
where V = veloc~ity in m/s
The impermeability factor is a measure of the proportion md = hydraulic mean depth in metre_s ·
i. of the total rainfall arriving at surface water drains as
compared with the amount actually fallen. The losses
i = inclination
Suitable.values for "n" for various surfaces are given in
include evaporation. soaking. etc. The intensity and the following table.
duration of the rainfall also affect the overall losses.
Suitable allowances for impermeability factors are as Table C24
shown in the following table.
I ..
Allowances for frozen ground in winter, hard ground in
summer and sloping . ground should be taken into
l (
account. In practice, it is possible that run-off from
these particular causes would not exceed that of a high
intensity summer storm which is unlikely to occur during
1-I winter months. Cast iron As cast 0·0112 0·90
As the value for n for smooth cement, glazed stoneware
-~ and enamelled metal is 0 · 01. the appropriate value for
Table C23 Impermeability factors K in the Manning formula becomes: ·

Roofs.. 0·95
V = -._1__ m i ii
. 0·01 d
Roads 0·57-0·90 V= 100mlii
f: Paths. 0·50-0·75 and the Chezy coefficient for these three materials is
•i ~~~ .
j Parks and gardens 0·10
J V=100mdt

't Drain and channel formulae Crimp and Bruges• formula

Most drain and channel formulae are variations of the This hydraulic formula is still used for drainage design
basic Chezy- formula. by many engineers. The indices. for trul and. i are

i .·I ,. ~.

Chezy formula
The Chezy formula is usually written in the form:
identical to those used in the Manning""formota, the
essential difference between the two formulae being
that K in the Crimp and Bruges' formula is a constant
V = Cv md xi for all materials. The Sl constant "K" = 84 can.
where V = velocity m/s however, be readily derived from the Manning formula
· md = hydraulic mean depth in m by giving n a numerical value of 0 · 0119.
By substitution. and after completing the necessary
sectional area of flow A arithmetic, we obtain :
- ----:----:----
wetted perimeter
= -P
K = 1·00
• . • head or fall 0·0119
= me1mat1on or 1ength
. K= 84
. Crimp and Bruges' formula can, therefore, be written in
C = Chezy coefficient = V{2Qfg f ·its Sl form as: ·
V = 84mi ii
where f = coefficient of friction The equivalent Chezy coefficient is given by:
g = gravitional acceleration = 9 · 81
m/s2 c = 84Tndi
By choosing a suitable value of C. the Chezy formula Design graph C1 0 has been plotted from charts for the
j• can be used to determine the flow in pipes or channels hydraulic design of channels and pipes. (P. Ackers,
f::'_,_: ::". . undermost conditions. Hydraulics Research Station.) ,.
~ Exponential formulae · Graphical comparison of the Manning and
·1! By rewriting the basic Chezy formula in the exponential
form V = K md" iy. it can be made to fit a much wider
Crimp and Bruge's formulae
with Chezy coefficient C
range of conditions. Two exponential formulae which Graph CS has been prepared in order to provide a ready
have been widely used by Civil and Public Health means of selecting a suitable value for C (Chezy} as
~~E. . are_. Manning's formula and Crimp and given by either formula for any given pipe ~iameter or

~~-~!}l!J~~ }!Jr:mula. . value . ,._ '~"),(.
~••-;!;;;,·~~~~~-·:~ . : .•,,

---------------~-......,,,..,.~----,._~'Ok-"""'~WO...- ·~~---· .. -·"- -.. .- . . ~~-----··--·"''"

.Section C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage

The design of building drainage

The graph can be used to establish the frictional

=22- x 10"
- = 0·7854x10-2
.. coefficient in either the Chezy or Darcy type pipe flow
formulae. For example, charts are widely used giving
flow rates in drains and sewers based on Crimp and
28 10 6
= 0·0078 m2
Bruges' formula. By reading from the graph direct. it c.s.a. (three-quarters full)
can be seen that in the case of a pipe 225 mm in dia- From Table C25 at three-quarters full, proportional
• meter, the equivalent data is as follows: c.s.a.=O · 82. ..
hydraulic mean depth md - 0 · 056 '
Actual c.s.a. at three-quarters full = 0 · 0078 x 0 · 82
frictional coefficient f (Darcy) - 0·007 = 0·0064 m 2

frictional coefficient C (Chezy) - 52

D 0·1
md = - =
Surface roughness 4 4
The varied internal surface roughness of commercial = 0·025 m
pipelines has been the subject of much academic md (three-quarters full)
research in an endeavour to rationalise the position.
The Colebrook-White roughness transition function From Table C25 atthree-~uarters full, proportional md
.. -.'- has been adopted by some engineers when preparing = 1·21. I
design charts. The Colebrook-White curve plotted on Actual md at three-quarters full = 0 · 025 x 1 · 21 =
Graph CS is based on this function and is applicable to 0·0302.
wrought iron and steel pipes carrying water at 0 · 75 to Example 3 Calculate the relative discharging power of
1 · 00 m/s. Under the hydraulic conditions which a ci(cular drain or sewer when flowing under the
normally apply in drainage work. the formulae of following conditions: (a) full; (b) three-quarters full;
Manning or Crimp and Bruges give sufficiently reliable (c) two-thirds full; (d) three-fifths full and (e) one-
values of C which can also be more readily applied to half full.
practical problems of pipe flow. Quantity = velocity of flow x area .............• (1)
velocity = C v' md· i .......................... (2)
The flow in pipes not running full
From which, by substitution
As a rille, drains are not designed to run full at their
normal rate of flow. It is convenient. therefore, when Quantity :_ Cv'md · i x area .................. (3)
applying formulae of the Chezy type to drain or sewer But for any given conditions, the coefficient C (Chezy)
discharge· problems, to use hydrcrulic mean depth and and the fall i (inclination) remain constant or
cross sectional values which have been calculated for Q varies -as ViTi; x area
various depth of flow. ·• (a) When a pipe is flowing full, the discharge may be
· Owing to the wide range of pjpe diameters which are regarded as at practical maximum limit.
employed in drainage work, it is convenient when Note: When a pipe is flowing at other depths than fuli, the
preparing this data to regard the full diameter of a pipe discharge will clearly be proportional to the square root of the
as unity and also to givethe-proportional hydraulic mean hydraulic mean depth at that depth of flow multiplied by th&
depth (md) and cross sectional area (c.s.a.) at various actual cross-sectional area of the water.
depths of flow in a decimal or fractional form. (b) When a pipe is flowing at three-quarters of the
v.: ~
The actual c.s.a. or md at varying depths of flow can be depth, from Table C25 ·
) ~
determined from Table C25 by multiplyihg the actual Hydraulic mean depth or md = 1 · 21

.. calculated area and hydraulic mean depth when full by

these decimal or fractional values.
and cross sectional area or c.s.a. = 0 · 82
or Q varies as v"'1":zi x 0 · 82 = 1 ·1 x 0 · 82 ·
The flow in pipes not running full so Q varies as 0 · 902
Table C25 or say, nine-tenths of that of a pipe flowing full.
~· (c) When a pipe is flowing at two-thirds of the depth,
~. from Table C25.
l md = 1·15 and c.s.a. = 0·72
or Q:varies as~ x 0 · 72 = 1 · 07 x 0 · 72

0· 82
1 ·21
1 ·15
1 ·10
so Q varies as 0 · 77
or say, three-quarters of that of a pipe flowing full:
(d) When a pipe is flowing at three-fifths of the depth,
from Table C25:
t 0·50 1·00
md = 1 · 1 and c.s.a. = 0 · 68
fxgmp/e 2 A l 00 mm .diameter pipe is flowing. three ... 9r Q veri€!~ !.!~ v'"fl' x 0 · 96 = 1 · 05 x 0 · 68-· .
quarters full. Calculate (a) the actual cross-sectional so Q varies as 0·714
area of the water. and (b) the hydraulic mean depth at or say, seven-tenths of that of a pipe flowing full.
this flow. ·
(e) When a pipe is flowing half-full, the discharge is
(a) Cross sectional area (full) exactly half that at full bore because the proportional
hydraulic mean depth is unity at this depth, but the
A=?f·d2 = ~ X 10Q2 proportional cross sectional area is exactly half that for
7X4 10• a full pipe. . · . 7' :.- . ·~ :-:;·::«~..?.-.tio.r4. ·.:~
. ..·.. ' ·. ~ ~·, ...... ':~~. _.!,·,
, . . . ._ _.._. ..___·--.---------- • .. ,. ._.
_,~ ·-M·'"'-·------~ . .-

' .
', ~
,- The flow in pipes not running full continued
Example 4 A smooth channel 2 m wide conveys water head h
but i -
at an average depth of 500 mm. The channel is laid to length L
a fall of 1 in 600. Calculate. using Manning's formula
(a) the mean velocity of flow in m/s and (b) the h \J2
di.scharge in litres/s. or--
L md C2
By using the Ch~zy formula in this form, a suitable fall
can be determined.

Example 5 Determine from the drain sizing Graph C1 0

the capacity in litres/s and in m3 /hour of a 100 mm
drain flowing three-quarters full and laid to a fall of
1 in 80.
Allowing for. an intensity of rainfall of 50 mm/h.
determine the maximum paved car parking space which
could be drained by a 100 mm diameter drain laid to
'f :· ·. From Table C24, n = 0: 01. this fall and at this depth of flow.
._\ ·- .
For the given conditions,
From Graph C1 0, the capacity of a 1 00 mm diameter
drain when flowing three-quarters full and lald to a fall
md = cross sectional area
.wetted .
- A
P b
+ 2d
of 1 in 80 is 6 · 8 litres/s or 0 · 0068 m3 /s.
' 0 = 60 x 60 x 0·0068 = 24·5 m3/hour.
2 X 0·5 1 Say 25m 3/h.
- -m
3 Volume = surface area x depth
Volume 25
md = 31 m.· surface area =
~ m/h.
Reading from Graph CS at n = 0 · 01 Manning curve 1000
25 X 1000
s.a. =
and md = ~· a suitable value for the Chezy c~efficient 50
Surface area = 500 m2
C is 78, from which:
V=78~ Example 6 Estimate the probable flow in litres per
second in a drain serving a block of 40 flats. Given a
78j 2. x
fall of 1 in 1 00 suggest a- suitable-cliameteF:
Discharge units
Bath 6 D.U.
= 1aj i· Wash basin 1 o.u:
1.800 Sink 3 D.U.
W.C. 6 D.U•.
42·42 16 Discharge units
= 1 ·762 m/s Experience has shown that a group usage of 6- 1OD.U.
Quantity = velocity x area is a suitable loading.
O=VxA Allowing say 10 D.U. per flat.
= 1 · 762 x 1 = 1 · 762 m3 /s 40 X 10 = 400 O.U.
From the chart 400 D.U. represents about 3 · 5 1/s.
= 1762 litres/s From the drain sizing chart a 1 00 mm drain laid to a fall
:of 1 in 100 and running frd full can discharge
Calculating a sui:table fall approximately 5 1/s.
In some circumstances, it may be desirable to pre- A 100 mm diameter pipe will therefore be satisfactory.
determine a suitable fall to give a required velocity or
discharge. · Example 7 Calculate the probable flow in litres per
Re-arranging the Chezy formula V = ~ second in a drain serving a block of 100 flats. Given a
fall of 1 in 150 suggest a suitable_ diamet,er. . ... _
v Vma
C_;o;: r---:
I · ·· - -·-As for previous exampTe DU cim be taken as 1ODU.
100 x 10 = 1000 DU
. \J2 From the chart 1000 D.U. represents 6 · 5 1/s.
and by squaring throughout,- = md It will be seen also that a 150 mm drain flowing half full
. C2 can discharge 8 1/s.
A 150 mm diameter drain vvill th~refore be satisfactory .
.Note: At low gradi~nts care _sh,oulcS .be. ~J;Cer:ci~c!. t~.. !fiSU~).~~
back fall does not o_ccur on any se~ons ~f dram Une~"t't:.··~"''~.
Section C Sanitary Plun1bing and

The design of building drainage


f '-
Drainage pipe sizing calculations (7) Deduct Col. 9 hom the high point invert level
l •
In calculating pipe sizes for drainage installations, it is
essential to record in a clear and concise manner all
recorded in Col. 1 OA and insert the resultant in
Col. 1OB to give the low point invert level.
factors which determine the selected pipe size for the (8) Where back drops occur the depth is recorded in
(• section of the drainage installation under consideration.
The calculations should be recorded in an orderly
manner,· so that arithmetical checks can be easily made
Col. 11 and the revised low. point . invert level
inserted in Col. 12. .
(9) The pipe mat~rial should be recorded in Col.-13, ·
at the completion of the pipe sizing exercise, to enable and any notes made in Col. 14. ·
the implications of ·subsequent site variations to be (1 0) After carrying out arithmetical checks, the
assessed, and the necessary modifications to the calculation sheet headings should be completed,
drainage design made where necessary; and finally to including a list of the design drawings and the
provide a source of design information for the designer relevant data transferred to the production
or the building user, which can be filed for future drawings before filing the sheet.
i·· reference.
,.,·.'.·. Design information which it is necessary to record, Above ground drainage sheet Figs. C27 and C28
includes gradients, maximum and minimum flow rates, (1) Accord to each pipe section a reference number,
velocities and depths of flow together with the invert and define the function of the pipe section,· i.e.
levels at predetermined points, in the case of under- waste pipe, main branch, stack etc. to complete
ground systems. Col. 1~ ·
The worked examples have been produced to assist in (2) Insert the appliance ty'pe under Col. 2.
design and for recording calculations for above and , (3) Insert the appliance discharge unit rating under
below ground installations. Each calculation sheet has Col. 3A; or in the case of a common branch or
an accompanying schematic illustration to assist in stack insert the total discharge unit load on the
understanding the worked example. pipe section in Col. 3B. ·
I (4) Under Col. 4 insert the appliance discharge rate,
Underground drainage sheet Figs. C25 and C26 or the pipe section discharge rate in the case of a
(1 ) Accord to each pipe section a reference number, common pipe or stack carrying several discharges.
using manholes and junctions as section change . (5) From the appropriate graph select the pipe size
poi11ts and insert in Col. 1. and insert in Col. 5. For vertical pipes· or stacks
(2) Establish the flow rates upon which the design is insert the proportional flow ratio, for horizontal
based, using the accepted methods described pipes insert the gradient, velocity and depth of
elsewhere and insert in Col. 2. flow parameters in Cols. 6, 7, 8 and 9. (This
(3) Select from the pipe sizing graph or·hydraulic activity only applies to common branch pipes and
tables, a suitable pipe diameter and gradients, stacks, in the case of an appliance waste pipe the
which meets the acceptable velocity and depth of size only needs recording.
flo.w .criteria and insert in Cols. 3, 4, 7 and 8 (6) From the appropriate table or calculation record
respectivefy. the vent pipe size and length in Cols. tCf and 11.
(4) Express the gradient as the tangent of the angle of
slope, and insert in Col. 5. Note:
(5) Measure ~he length between the pipe section The above calculations, and the use of the calculation
recorded in Col. 1 and insert in Col. 6. sheet, should only be necessary in above ground
(6) Multiply Col. 5 x Col. 6, the product of which is drainage installations other than single stack systems.
the vertical fall which should be recorded in
Col. 9.

. ....,.._.,.._~-~--'"'""'-~·''·"'...,..,....,.·'-'""·"";·'-~''*.,.·.,.... ....,.,,_:•,.mr....___..,<""*·"'.s..,,_..~.,..-f~*""'S_,:.--~*'"""":':'~
. .4':-,..·.~-#""/'!"'_~--,:"".{"";*··'"' ..""·':..."'!:,"".~.-o:o.c""';"!"._ft<:w""'•."'!!!?liP!I;!
..';.,.: . ~--?!f~,!"' ... sa:::::e>.o;;o~::,"'!!·¥""''.'""'·':..,C!!"".""'~-:"";:~"";-_:'P:".:''"":'~~~.(f'l""'"··""'·w~-!'""»-•
::.Fig. C25 ·: · .·· ·c.·•·· , .. c, ··_·:··- . : •.
-~ Underground . :· ;-, .

:.:~:~nage ~:~~7·-f:~-,~f~,~:§:~TJ:':;t~"·;,;,p iF: I•. ;_ -•..

201 IL • 100 00. rO ;~~;OJ, ;c ~·, ) :; .. . . , ·,
. . .. ,_ : .- '~ - '' . .. . .:, . . : .

,t:~;,~·oo . .·. c -~~~~~,:-~r~~.?"''~ii~~; rl~t,'q~~~~~r_:-;_~:IJ[j~-,

:-:~:: Flow L/S Simultaneous ·
<>'--· ,_ .. ,·: · ·-·A=s··· •
::··. 8=3
C=10 . ......... -- "'• .·• ·.··
. F6=::4

- ------- ---------

Fig. C25 Drainage calculations (underground)

II . Proiect Drilinage calculatior.s underground

system separate I
f Total outfall load Max. 22 I.'s mm. I
1 I 2 ! 3 • 4 : 5 8 7 ! 8 I s 10 11 I . 12 13 14
Pipe ! Flow l/a 1 Dia. ! Gradient j _Ll Langtt Velocity m!s' Depth of j Fall
! Flowmm
lnven Level Back Revised Mat·
Drop j lnv.
I Notea
I-section:;..--.,--,-...:1 : ! erial
max._' min.·,; mm: I:L m max.;_ min. : max. i min. I m f High m · Low
Low f,.
i : I I ! ! • point point point !
! A-Ft s I ' 100; 1:50 . 0·02 l 20 I ·97; 60 ' 0·400 100·00 99;60 ! v.c.
I F1-F2; 5 ; 100 1:50 · o-02 I to ·97; 60 ' 0·200 99·60 99·40 I _i V.C.
! B-F2 3 l 100 . 1:40 0·025 5 I ·87: 45 99·875 0·475 99·40 v.c.
F2-F3 ; 8 ; 100 • 1:60 . o-o11i 15 , 1-oo; i 95 ! 0·24 ; 99·40 99·160 V.C.
C-F3 10 ! I 100 1:50 ; 0·02 20 i i 0·40 I 100·00 99·60 0·44. 99·16 v.c.
F3-F4' 18 ' i 150 : 1:80 0·01 30 r o·36 1 99·16o 98·80 - 1 - V.C.
F6-F6J 4 I ! 100; 1:50 : 0·02 10 I 0·20 !100·00 99·80 1·00 ! 98'80 -v.c. !
I F4-FS\ 221 1 1so! 1:70 ' O·Ot.( 35 1·21j ! Fun ; ! 0·49 . 98·80 98·31 -i v.c. I
Fig. C27 Above ground drainage

.,. ,··

M K .. ·
·- ·.-
·.:: .. ·
N- .·
•·:.·· ....
~ .

"' !·
.... ··c'· . . II .,.>.··.,;.+ . . .·,; ~.:-.._.:;, . :&,:\, ·- -.
Fig. C28 Drainage calculations (above ground)
Project Drainage calculations above ground

1 2 3 B. 7 8 4 9 10 11I 5 12
Pipe Appliance Flow 1/a j Size!
Prop. Gradient Velocitym/ai Depth of flo\11 Vent Vent
Discharge Units No tea
mm Size Length
Ref. Section I Type Appliance Total! max. min. i mm Flow I:L max. min .. i max. min. min. mm !
A-B Main Branch w.c. I 12 1·82 I I 100 ! - 1 :24 1·05 I I 30 50 20 -
C-B Waste Pipe w.c. I 5 ·34 1 32 - - - - - - -
B-0 Main Branch - 2·161 -
I 100 ' , :24 )1 ·05 )30 - - -
' E-D W.P. Sink .12 ·75 1 42 - - - - - -
- -- 0-F Main Bran~<.!) - :u.o 2·91 ·1-t.OO 1~ 1·W - - -as ,. "--
- -
F-M Stack 310 "'-2·91 ! 100 <115 100 10 - - -
G-H Main Branch Dish Washer --250 2·50· 175 I 1 :24 1·14 31 75 40 -
J-N Waste Branch
H-K Main Branch
Sink 12
I 262
i 75
1:24 <1·20 <40
- - - - --
L K Waste Pipe Sink 12 ·75 I 42
K-M Main Branch 274 2·62 I 1s 1:24 1·20 <40
·. ~"£~~·~;:. M~N Stack·
-- ...
584 4·10 1100 <114 ~00 20
- ·.. •.. .. ..
~~i~~~~ J~ ·: :~·: -.
----------------- ~--- ---""""'- . ,....... ._.. ___ ··--~-···-·

Sewage lifting

The main type of pumping methods for sewage lifting considered using a high level float connected to a
are (a) The 'dry-well' arrangement, (b) the 'wet well suitable audible and visual alarm.
! • submersible' arrangement, (c) Self contained or Natural ventilation is often sufficient to remove smell
'packaged unit~' (d) pneumatic ejectors (air operated). and minimise any danger from gas collection.
Pumps used for sewage lifting require to be reliable and FC?r pumJ) terminology ref to Section F.
unchokeable, accessible for easy maintenance, robust
'\ . and wear resisting. The type of arrangement should be
decided in relation to rate of pumping, total head, the '
chemical and physical composition of the sewage and
location etc.
The 'dry-well' arrangement is generally favoured in that
the pumping equipment is located in a dry sump. A
variety of self-contained or packaged units are available,
generally each unit incorporates its own suction well Inspection and testing of drains
and connections for incoming and outgoing drains.
The rising main size is. subject to various consideration All lengths of drain and all manholes and inspection
during flow conditions. The most economical velocity chambers should be capable of withstanding the
fa lis between 0 · 84 m (2 · 75 ft) and 1 · 2 m ( 4 ft) per appropriate test.
second. The economical design for the rising main A water test should be applied after laying and before
depends on the velocity at the normal rate of pumping. backfilling or placing concrete surround. Any leakage _
The total pumping head must include static head, will be visible and defects should be rectified. After
friction head. pump friction loss and velocity head. All backfilling, a further test should be made.
junctions and bends should be securely supported and Wherever possible. testing should be carried out from
fixed to withstand the internal hydraulic thrust. manhole to manhole. Short branch drains connected to
Washout valves should be provided to facilitate a main drawin between manholes should be tested as
draining down and maintenance. Air-release valves'
\ . should be provided at unavoidably high points. Non-'
return valves should be provided at the outlet of each
one system with the main drain.' Long branches and
manholes should be tested separately.
pump as well as isolating valves. · Water test
Sewage pumps should as a minimum provision be The test should be carried out by inserting suitably
duplicated, duty and automatic standby. Each pump strutted plugs in the low end of the drains and, if
should cope with the design flow and where three necessary, in connections and by filling the system with
pumps are installed, two should be capable of._dealing water. Small diameter rubber tubes can be used where
with the total flow, with automatic standby as the third necessary to release entrapped air. ·.• ·
pump. The basis suggested where combined flows are For small pipes, a knuckle bend may be temporarily
encountered be that using a 3 pump installation, either jointed-in at the top and a sufficient length of vertical
of two-duty pumps be capable of handling the D.W.F., pipe jointed to-it scrartcrprovrde th~requirecttesfheact. ··
both the duty pumps to be capable of handling the Alternatively, the required test head may be applied by
I c......·: ~
combined flow with the thl!d pump as a suitable
automatic standby.
means of a small bore pipe leading from a suitable
container and connected to a plug.
'_.· The size of the suction well must not be too large or Precautions should be taken by strutting or otherwise
septicity may occur during periods of low D.W.F. .Pump to prevent any movement of the drain during testing.
motors should not be required to ·start operation more
than 15 times per hour. The suction well must not be too After allowing a suitable time for absorption of water by
small in relation to the pump capacity. In practice, the joints or pipes. the water should be topped up to the
compromise generally used is to provide a minimum required level before the test is commenced.
storage of two minutes running time for ·the pump, the _ The test before backfilling should be commenced as
.. pump being sized at twice the design inflow rate, the soon as practicable after laying, but the drain should
suction well, therefore has to contain 4 minutes inflow have been filled for approximately one hour before test
.. capacity requiring 15 starts per hour, or less, of the
pumps. The storage capacity is measured between the
readings are taken.
A t~st pressure of 1 · 2 m ( 4 ft.) head of water above the
cut-in and cut-out levels of the individual pumps. It is soffit of the drain should be applied at the high end but ·
recommended that the well depth should contain, not more than 2 · 4 m (8 ft.) at the low end. Steeply
about the highest cut-out level and overflow level, a graded drains should be tested in stages where the
suitable depth be allowed for peak flows. above maximum head would be exceeded if the whole
section were tested at once.
" . Guidance should be sought from the pump manufac-
turers as to the setting of electrodes or float control
The loss of water over a period of 30. minutes should be
measured by adding water from a measuring.vessel at
- . levels tG take into aooount the I'Uffll' eharaete1 is tics and regular fmervats Of ten minutes and noting the quantity

.. starting times. The sewage pump on the separate
system should generally be capable of dealing with rates
of flow up to 6 times the twenty four hour average.
of water required to maintain the original water level in
the standpipe. The average quantity of water added for
drains up to 300 mm nominal bore should not exceed
Where overflowing is not possible or flooding cannot be 0 · 06 litre per hour per 1 00 linear metres per mm of
tolerated, standby plant using some other form of nominal bore of the drain (up .to 12 in nominat bore,
• power should be provided to overcome electric power 0 ·1 gall. per hour per 100 linear ft. per inch of nominal
_f~j!yr~.. Means of notificatlon..olpump failure should be bore}.. ""_______ -·---··--~··-·--~----~-------·
. •' .. -
_:· .. ,' ,·
. f '· ...... "'- ~·~·· ..... .,... ... • ..
_·_-.· . .-. . ·.·_ .... ~; . ~ :..... .
. .--.. ...... - ',·
~ .
.. ·. -~..
.•:-:_~~_i.:._-~-~~-':;_-·:.·. . ..~ . :
~-- . :' ~ ~-·
. _.•:. _

·Trade effluents
; ,.:-.· ..

Refer to Section 2 of the Public Health (Drainage ·of Table C26 Petrol interception
Trade Premises) Act 1937. Trade wastes have been -.--.. . . . . ~.~~-~·-··R~~~

classified as follows:- ••. _ ~· . .. u • . ~1rements A¥::·

Liquid wastes which are polluting by reason of the Covered Parking for • .. ·-.
suspended matter which they carry with them:- coal up to 1 0 vehicles None
washing waste; waste waters from tin mines; waste Covered parking for
waters from lead and zinc mines, waste water from 1 0-50 vehicles Garage gullies
china clay pits; stone quarrying waste and stone
polishing waste. Covered parking for Petrol Interceptor
over 50 vehicles with at least 1 bay
Liquid wastes which are polluting mainly because of the
suspended matt~r which they carry with them, but also
because of the dissolved impurities which they contain:-
from the cotton industry; from the woollen industry and
the manufacture of paper and cardboard. -
Septic Tanks
Liquid wastes which are polluting mainly because ofthe
- dissolved impurities which they contain:- waste liquor A
Septic Tank is a chamber which receives incoming·
. from wool scouring ; brewery waste; steep water from sewage and permits anaerobic bacteria to commence
maltings; waste liquor from the manufacture of breakdown of th~ewage, before the effluent is ftltered
sulphite, cellulose; the metal industries; fell mongers' for ultimate disposal. Length of chamber is generally
waste ; tannery waste; dairy waste; margarine waste; three times the width. The capacity of -septic tanks
· waste liquor from shale-oil distillation; spent gas liquor. . serving a population of up to 300 persons should he
~ --based on the .number of persons served and CP302
Local authorities requirements may vary slightly recommends the following formula for general- use,
concerning discharge of trade wastes into sewers and where desludging is carried out at about six-monthly
they should be consulted at an early stage of the design intervals: -- · ' · - ·_ ··
~ith details of the volume and rate of discharge, the size C = 30N + 400 C- 136~39N- .f:,1818
of and flow in the receiving sewer and any other Where C = Capacity of tank in UK gaLand/or litres·: ·
relevant factors. The engineer will find some use of the N = Number of persons in full time residence
consideratiol'ls involved for in_~ividual typeS of trade Where the premises are not occupied on-a:.full.time .
· waste if he refers to Section 27 of the Public Health Act basis, the appropriate adjustment- is. necessary· to. the.
1936. -- aboveformula. · ·. ·•· · -· · · _._, · · .-
Septic tanks should be adequately covered or fenced off
The owner of any premisei from which trade waste is to prevent accidents and sufficiently· ventilated to
discharged may be required to treat the waste to bring it permit escape of gases. ·
within the accepted standard_ Small quantities of trade Biological filters
_. . .
waste -may be accepted if dilution is considered The function of a biological filter is to peimit aerobic
i.; satisfactory. Larger quantities must be the subject of bacteria to digest further the sewage effluent.from a
proper application .to, and agreement with the local septic tank. The aerobic process requires· an ample
authority as to treatment and charges (if any) to be paid supply of oxygen therefore the filter bed area should be
by the owner of the premises. Small quantities of hot well ventilated. Capacity of the filter may be established ·
water are unlikely. to. produce problems, but larger by allowing 0- 76 m 3 (1 yd 3 ) per person up,to 10
· quantities as from laundry wastes should be retained persons and 0 ·51 m 3 (0 · 66 yd 3 ) per person thereafter.
and cooled before discharge to the sewer. When the final effluent is pumped away from -the
bilogical filter, recirculation to dilute effluent may enable
the filter capacity to be reduced by 25%. ·,- -"- ' ·•·.' .: :. : .-.
Petrol interception The effluentfrom the biological filter contah1s humus, a
Local authorities generally require the provision of a waste product of the previous bacterial action. Priodo
suitable petrol interceptor wherever · there is any final disposal of the effluent, the. humus -must'1b8 --
possibility of oil or petrol being washed inro the removed. Provided that the characteristics of the'~soit
drainage system. For small application it may be are sufficiently permeable, surface irrigation may bit!.~
- possible to use a garage gully and for large premises to remove humus. The process requires an area..qk!9o11t--
usually require the construction of a brick or concrete 0·836 m 2 (1 yd 2 ) - 3·344 m 2 (4 yds 2 ) per·:,fje~Of'
petrol interceptor which may have one, two or three population served, dependent on the nature ~r;~.~~n~
bays according to the size of premises. Petrol inter- A preferable method ?f humus removal·iSi~~~eJ~JP.~~- ·
,) . . . ceptors of the larger type should be installed in the open tank. However, for marntenance reasons,'th_zs_pr:ocess,as
air or in a well ventilated position. Their purpose is to 09t y~y~lly V$~d PY ~reatr:n~nt W9f~ ~~D(~rf:. . . . a~.
· imert:ept petrol and oil beforethey reach the sewer and hundred persons. Capactty of the-ht.tmus: t,~A.:
s_hould not be used to trap mud and oil from vehicle vary from i of the capacity of_ith(~-: . ~t:i
-washing. Proper gullies should be specified for this populations of 1 00 - 200 to lth.of~-w~;; .: ~·"' '· )!11 e.·
purpose. Petrol interception requir~ments may vary septic tank for populations. of 20Q~g.<f@!§s.£9.1@'1~
.. from one local authority to another, but as a guide, the to treatment the effluent may -be disP9sE!ft:9t'JD;r~QRus
standard shown in Table C26 below is generally ways. Whichever method is adopted, 1~~re:T1f~.J)e;~o .
accepted. · · possibility of pollution to water supplfes•.::~~:,~~··:L
.. . -.: .. ·.~· ..... :.~It~~~~~
-- --- --- --·- ·- - . ---·-··-·-----

Section C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage


The design of sanitary ~ipework ~ystems

- • 0 ' ~

• • •• • • • • • • ....
.. ·o ...


Graph C6 Probability graph


.I'· •


'"{ ~

l I -.
I u
·r -... ca·
2 E
·I z

~ 0
! c:c

1 I 0

tJ. . .
··-· .

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..• •·· ... :: ~ .

. . .·. ;

·...•. :~·:. ·- :~:~/':,~;~:t;(~r·:.;:?..,

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qe""q...Old_..._... -~---.-'.... · .... ·· · .
·•• . .J:..•
------ --·- _______. --------------------
__ .,.·

Graph C7 ·Rainfall intensity·



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~- ..... .•


,jo • ~
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.Graph C9 Comparative flows from houses and flats

~· -··-

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Section C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage

The design of building drainage .. .,:. :-......~··.,,:

..... :· . -. ~

Grapb C1 0 Drain sizing

... · .. . ....... .:-•

~ .

List of British Standards and Codes of Practice

~~ ·.. Codes b:f Practice .

'•.:, . . CP 3: Code ol basic data for the design of buirdings Chapter VII: ·· . · BS 569: 1973 Asbestos- cement rainwater goods
:. ·- . '. ·. 1950 Engineering and utility services BS 1091: 1963 Pressed steel gutters. rainwater pipes. fittings and
• ~-' ., · CP 301: 1971 Building drainage (under revision) ' ·'. accessories ·· ,
i ··:. ....· CP 302: 1972 Small sewage treatment works . . BS 1130: 1943 Schedule of cast iron drain frtthigs. spigot and
> . ·: .' CP 302.200: 1949 Cesspools . · · :.~:·-~_;:.: socket type. for use with drain pipes to BS 437 . · .. · ...
... :.
':.::. : ~ CP 304: 1968 Sanitary pipework above ground (under revision) - · -~_-_-_ · · -. BS 1143:-1974 Vitrified clay pipes and fittings with extra
·.~-~- · _.: :: CP 305: Sanitary appliances. Part 1: 1974. Selection installation · · · · ··:, chemically resistant properties · ·. · ·. ·
": · and special requiremimts · . . ·- . . · . __ ... . . ·-~ BS 11B4: 1976 Coppei'and copper alloy traps . •. . ~- . .. --~"
. ,._ -.. CP 308: 1974 Drainage of roofs and paved areas :: : · · -. . BS 1194: 1969 Concrete porous pipes for under-drainage
:tp 312: Plastics pipework (thermoplastics materials) Part 1:.1973. ::_> BS 1196: 1971 Clayware field drain pipes . .. .
· . General principles and choice of material · .. , ·: ., _, BS 1431: 1960 Wrought copper and wrought sine rainwater goods
· · •_: .. - BS 1634: 1950 Dimensions tor stoneware pipes and pipe fittings
• • . -· . .. : ·_·. for chemical purposes . . ·
. __ : Bratash Standards _ . . . . BS 1710: 1975 Identification of pipelines . ·
.- ... ·Sanitary Appliances · · .. ·• .·:··: BS 2494: 1976 Materials for elastomeric joint rings for pipework
:·: .. - ·,- ·.:· BS l125: 1973 WC flushing cisterns (including dual flush ciSteiu"~:-;~ "~·and pipl!lines - • . , .. : ...... . . • . _ . . • • --~-- · . ___. _
·and flush pi~tes) · .· ·· ·· · . : . ·; :' BS 2160: 1973 Pitch Impregnated fibre p1pes and f1ttmgs for .
BS 1188:1974 Ceramic wash basins and pedestals ..... '---;~;.c-~7';:: ·below and above ground drainage · · ... --- ..... . ·.· ___ .:;:_·_-- ...
. . .--~---~·ss 1189: 1972 Cast iron baths tor domestic purposes :.~ ·-~ .>~:-"·.:..-·.: - ::-:.BS 2871-: Copper and copper alloys•. Tub~ .. · ··-· -.-·::--'·-~·-,.: ,.
'- ...:·.BS 1206: 1974 Fireclay sinks (dimensions and workmanship)_':.::·.:; . :~,. .. . ·Part 1: 1971 Copp~r tubes for water. gas and sailitation
;~ · .-:--- . _BS 1213: 1945 Ceramic wash~own WC pans (dimensions and . __-- ~:: .. - BS 2997: 1958 Aluminium ramwater_goo~ •. . __ .. . ; -· · :-:~;'
~. ·_. · workmanship) :-- : ··- ~.:-'f': j·~.,,,,-.~BS 3656: 1973 Asbestos.- cement p1pes. JOints and fitting~ for -,: ,:
·. ":~:'<: ...: BS 1244· Metal sinks for domestic purposes -. ... · '. :c.•:;:<<·-~:,~: sewerage and drainage · •. . · · · ·: · ·• · ' · ,; ..;, ,; :.;,_.
' .i.: '.. I - : •. Part 1: 1956 Imperial units with metric equivalents .·= ;?.:';;~::;: .BS 3867: 1969 Outside iilani_etei-s a~d pressure' ratings :of. pipes' o(
. . ... Part 2:·1972 Metric units · -. · . : _· -·:- ·:~;;::~;~. -•pl,astics materials :.. · : : . · · · · · · · ·. · \ · ;~... :('.:-,:·. -;·;-:_<:
BS 1254: 1971 WC seats (plastics) · · . ··. :: BS 3868: 1973 Prefabricated 11rainage stack anits: galvailised ·
BS 1329: 1974 Metal hand rinse basins ....·.• ·: · steel ·· .- . -~ · _.
· ; B$ 1390:1972 Sheet steel baths for dome~c purposes.· .. · - ;-_;;.,:.~~:':'~ ~"' BS 3943: 1~65 Plastics Waste. traps ·-:- ·• .... . _..\ ·.·:. ;:_,_ ·;:.. r:: ~- ·:,
: · · BS 1876: 1972 Automatic flushing cisterns for urinals · ·-- :::•·. :· ='·BS 3974: Prpe supports . . · --:::': ._, .<-. :::-.·:·.·-~. :-~·'~--
. . BS 2745: 1966 Bedpan and urine bottle washers . ·_ .. ~ · · · Part 1: 1974 Pipe hangers; slider and roller type}, : · :::· ·
· .. . BS 3380: Wastes for sanitary appliances and overflows for baths supports ., · · . . · . .: ~-:· :-· · <i..> ··..
· ·Part 1:'1976/Wastes (excluding· skeleton sink wastes)·.· _- ~ ~~ 4101: 1967 Co~crete un~einforced.tubes an~ fittings with·ogee:
·and bath overflows .. · . JOints for surface water dramage ·· · · -.. ··
. · · ·Part 2: 1962 Skeleton sink wastes -. "· ·• .- . BS 4514: 1969 Unplasticized.PVC soil and ventilating pipes,;. ~.- . , --~
-· _.. · ·as 3402: 1969 Quality of vitreous china sanitary applianCes .. · ·-·~:-_.: .: . .: fittings and acces'sories .... · ··. · · ••-.:.<·.;,:·/.- ~--· .\/t''-;.-~::~~:
BS 4135: 1972 Sinks for domestic purposes made from cast . / .. <·.: BS 4576: Unplasticiied PVC rainwater goodS. · ~:·: ~: : ·_:-:..:...:·>.;~2 .
aaylic. sheet' . _-. ·:·.' ·..--- . · Part.1 :ot920 Half-round p.utters and carcular IDP& .': .·:~.
BS ~05: 1972 Baths for domestic purposes made from cast ·.._.. ~-~ ·.··. BS.4660: 1973_UnplaSt~~ed'PVC·umfergroumftJ';ain_pipes a~_~.- _..
aayhc sheet - • __ .. . - fittings ·· · • · . .-~ · ~ · . .
. BS 4880: Urinals -~ ·. BS 4962:.1973 Performance requirements for piastre p1pes for us~
Part 1:·1973 Stainless Steel Slab Urinals. . ·· ·.. ·~ . --·. as light duty sub-soil drain ·. · · ; ' .. • _., · '' ·. · :. ·
_:··ss 5178:1975 Prestressed concrete p1pes for drainage and -.--
. sewage .. : ._. ·. . · · , '.·:~·- .·· ., · ·.
Pipes, Fittings, R.W. goods and Traps ·· · · BS 5254: 1976 Porypropylene waste pipe and fittings (external
BS 65 & 540 :-Clay drain and sewer pipes including surface water diameter 34.6 mm. 41.0 mm. and 54.1 mm) · . ·
pipes and fittings BS 5255: 1976 Plastics waste pipe and fittings··, .
Part 1: 1971 Pipes and fittings . ·· BS 5480: Glass fibre reinforced plastics (GRP). pipes and fittings
Part 2: 1972 Aexible mechanical joints for use for water supply and sewerage · ·· ·.. , ;_, , · ·::: . ·
. BS 416: ·1973 Cast iron spigot and socket soil, waste and ·: · · Part 1: 1971 Dimensions.· materials and classification
J . ventilating pipes (sand cast and spun} and fittings ·. .. ... · , .... · BS 5520: 19n Vitreous china bowl urinals ·. .·_;,·~---~--~~·-. :_ '·:··:> ···
··.- ·--?:--- .. BS 437: Cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes and fittings .;·.-..:,o;;;;~."-::.:.:... . . : .. ______ ,: :. ~~ . - ..·· . ·· ·
,:_ :-.<~ ..\ · Part 1: 1970 Pipes. bends, branches and access fittings· :__., /'':'· . . · . :: . . :<lc'.>_,_:~~'-i:'.. : > .
· , >-~:: .- BS 460: 1964 Cast iron rainwater goods ..· : : ~ _· Miscellaneous . · . .. . . '
· .- .. .' ;~.:·:::._-~ BS 504: 1961 Drawn lead traps . ...~. ·. ·· ·· BS 497: Manhole covers. road gully gratings and frimes .for· ..: :
. ·:,f\_;.:-_:,Bs 539: 1971 Dimensions of'fittings for usa with clay drain _and ;· · · . drainage purposes; ·~ ·. · , · . . · ·:' : >::.\ ~ _>:,:..... • ·
· :~ ~:~.·~:,<.-.:sewer pipes .. : •. ,- ... ·-~·"':. . . . .. ' ;:. Part 1: "1976 Cast iron and cast steel :.:~;'\'1:!·,.<;''-::\~. .
i .l'.::~:-::.:_;:~~.BS 556: Concrete cylindrical pipes and fittings including manhole.' ... BS 1247:.1975 Manhole step irons · ·_·,. -..: :. - -~:~:/"::-::;_ ":.~:.-· : .;"·-~:
{~,:-~:~i-7~:~ _in~~ection chambers and street gullies . . . . .:.•:. :).. : ·i ·; . "· BS 1494:: 1951 Fixing accessories for building ... . '· ::-. _·.
';.f~~>1~~F'~,; ·:.. .. _Part 1: 1966 Imperial Units ·:. ;· . ;:':·:,·:--;~.-.;,;,;;;.z:::,'-'~;;;'.~< BS 4118:-1967 Glossary of sanitation terms ·
"'_,!.~_;_.·_~:- :~ - :_.;_~ :·:~-: _- .. Part~ 1972 Mmc Units . ·f-._:_-.r.~~-~::~;;}_·_}._~.--:__-~~ ._,. ;. -:- ~; ;-~~- ·:·~:·~~'t~T~:;~-: ·~ . ·. · .~~~;,i;{~'::,t.';.;.-,J.:;\i':'..:;~
. ...• •' :.· -~ :-.-::.: :1.1 .
~- .·•.·. ~,::: ::.~ ....
.• . ·.·
S\\ i111111i11g Pools

..... "
'. Types of pools ·· Pig. 01 Pool cai/acity . ·,._.,
Swimming pools are used for several activities which
are listed as follows : all water Jess than 1·5m. remainder
• Teaching Pools Children's Pools : deep ..
Competitive Swimming Pools Recreational Pools ........·.·..·.·.•.•.•.·.·······.·:·:-:-:-:-:-:-:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:··:::
Diving Pools Domestic Pools non-swimmers

Teaching pools
The dimensions required are in accordance with Table
D1 and the width of swimming lanes for instruction
purposes are about 1 · 8 m. The width ofthe pool may be
built up in multiples of 1 · 8 m. The use of the width of
the pool for the teaching of swimming strokes should be
considered. Four lanes would give a minimum width of
7 · 2 m. This width gives. a reasonable distance across Calculation of capacity -
l__ the pool for swimming practice. A depth of 0 · 90 m is · •· Diving pit 3 divers in water
{ .c ~necessary for the teaching of swimming therefore a · 9 waiting at pool side ;
':' ., ·sufficient area of shallow water should be. provided in · _Zone two Swimmers 3 • 3li sq m per person in water
the design of the pool. Pool sizes are shown bela~: · + 1 /3 above for no. at pool side
Zone !hree Non-swimmers 1 sq m per person in water .'
+ 1/3 above for no. at pool side
• Table D1 Teaching pool sizes
Depth for swimming as .previously stated is not
~""'L~ri9tii ····· ·-~ Wldt~ !·:·::'.Depth--~ ..- important providing there is a minimum of 0 · 90 m. For
·. Metres
the majority of pools this would be a reasonable depth
Metres Metres .
for the shallow end increasing towards the deep end.
Approx. :.: .. : Table 02 refers to recommended sizes.
~n~~ D"p~d
. ·. " · nie-tric · Shallow max. .· Diving
' . ·, ..
.'':Actuai -!dimension · ·:End : ··. Depth.
ti.-..:.. .... -. .: .•. · ·. •.. ·~···'· .... ~'""-~~··"-.p-.._...,
12 · 5730 12 · 5 7 · 2 or 9 · 0 0 · 90 1·750 8
16 · 7640 16 · 66 7 · 2 or 9 · 0 0 · 90 1·750
20 · 1168
25 . 1460
7 · 2 or 9 · 0
9. 0
0 · 90
0. 90
~~:; ~;.:f- ~·~·-ry:::~?~~~/': ~ '?~:~': ..
Table D2 Competitive· Swimming pools
·'·"' -·

.. - . .. . 45°max slope
~~· Minimum·
.. depth
(at shallow
ngth Width end}
. Metres Metres Metre11 I
Approx. I
· ·'I 8
.. standard -I . . . .
metric -L~·.;.;;.~.:.;,-
- . E
________ ;

.. --· ----·
·_ . ·- ... •• -~·:.

ro i;• .' ·.,___

. . r---- -"'__
33·5280 33t 12 0·90
0;90 '· •. Fig. D2 ··Di~ing pool c!imsi1sions
50·2920 50 16
Where the diving pool is incorporated in the main pool
Competitive swimming pools the dep~h;of water at the diving end should be:-·
For international championship events the length of the - ·· ~
.. pool should be not less than 50 m but the alternative For a 1 msp~ingboard a depth of 3 m is required.
, . 25m pool, plus a separate diving pool, may be preferred Fo; a 3 ~ -~~rlngboard a depth of 3 ·50 m is required and
:_.'_o·andisinfactrecommendedbytheAmateurSwimming an·area~of.-6·2 min front, and 2·7 m each side,
,~ AssociatiOFI. The 25m pool is suitaBle fen 'GeuFtty and, • measureqlrom a vertical line dropped from the centre of
··• District Championships but not for National Champion- the front:end of tha board. .
ships. The width is governed by the number of swim-
ming lanes; these should be 2 m wide. The 50 m pool for a 5 m firm platform, depth of wate·r 3 · 80 m and an
.. should be 16m or 81anes wide with a possible increase area 7-m:inJront and 3m on each side again measure a width of 20 m 10 lanes to comply with'full inter- . from a vertical line dropped from the centre of the front
-n:o.~rnn"'• . conditions for swimming and water polo. ·: . end ofthe bOard. · · · . · . · · · : · .:: · · . . ' . : ·:: ,
~~.:f:t~-~2:~--~i;.;. ~- ~--
·: ;·, : •.
fl!ll,f;s.\0-o"l';":"... ;• .. _,... _.,., .. ,
· •- •·-
,:::':.;::~~~-~;- ~i,~{;~--~~:#.i..< ~~s k~-~~>:: ~::~i<~·k::·f(~;;?,~~!;if~1.;F,'TS.;;;~~~~~~~~i~f<;:,
\'••\o •• '•. -.,-..., .• , • '• • <, .-.C-.~oo..>-:t.:-0 ,.;;J.:.'..t'!:.~l'-- 4":.'1-~.~~1><:
• •. - •-• --·· • ·• (,
Pollution and purification

For a 7 · 5 rri firm platform. clearances and depth should Pollution

be as for the 5 m firm platform. Pollution of swimming pool water is mainly derived
from bathers and comprises hair, skin, urine, mucus
A 10 m firm platform requires 5 · 0 m depth and an area from the nose, saliva, sweat, hair oil. lotions, dried sec-
of 10 · 5 m in front and 3 m each side measured from a retions, spitting and accumulated dirt. Other sources of
vertical line dropped from the centre of the front end of pollution may arise from areas adjacent to the pool
the board. being shared by both spectators, staff and bathers,
consequently dirt from shoes will be carried back t~ the
Childrens pools pool by the bathers; attention must therefore be gtven
Authorities may wish to provide a pool for children and at the planning stage to prevent such design errors.
toddlers. This should be not more than about 60 square In the case of outdoor pools pollution may take the form
metres in area varying in depth from 0 · 30 m to 0 · 45 m of soot, dust and vegetable matter; these being more of
and should be connected to the filtration plants a nuisance than a health hazard.
associated with the main pool. Walk-in access steps
should be provided over the entire length of one side or Bacterial pollution .
end. The standard recommended by the Ministry of Health is
that no pool should contain any coliform organisms in
Recreation pools 100 ml of water. It is suggested that a satisfactory
Free-form pools for recreation have no specific bacteriological standard can be maintained with a free .
requirements regarding shape, size or depth and chlorine residual between 0 · 2 and 0 · 5 p.p.m. ·
should be designed to meet user requirements. On the dangers of infection during epidemics •. ~he
Domestic pools medical profession appear to be largely of the opmu:~n
Most domestic pools are package units designed to be that swimming po<:>ls present no greater hazard than m
installed at economical cost and have no restrictions or any other public place such as dance halls and other
dimensions. locations of high public density.
With reference to the construction of the floor and walls
of the pool and surrounding areas it is worth noting that
Table D3 Pool dimensions for diving only in 1951, Herlitz. Linnell and Norden reported an
[-.~, .. ;:'" ...·-, ...
_.: -·,
.. .- ·. . -_-:-= ::-~}·:-- -::~: ~.-_ ·- ··-:. ~: . .

Spri119baanls Fiad lroAnls

.-:-- ·epidemic of skin lesions contracted in a swimming pool
in Sweden. The rough walls of· the pool. caused
. '·'•• ~-: : ..,. .. .. ....... :?r i ..--..~._ abrasions of the skin, and the epidemic ceased when
A Board height above water 1 me!TI 3 metre 5 lllltTI 1i metre 10 meue the walls were smoothed. The lesions appeared to be
B Clearance Forward 7· Sm 9·0 Ill 10;5 .. ... 13·5. of a tubercular nature.
C Cloarance to sides 2·5 Ill 3·5 Ill 3·8m 4·5 ..
D Clearaoce behind 1· 5 .. 1·5 .. 1·5. 1·5. Fig. D3 Main items of equipment
E Centre of adjoining board 2·0 .. 2·5 Ill 2·5 II 2·5 II

F Clla<aKeoc•llorhaiwl 4·S m 4·6 .. 3·801 3·& II 5
G Depth of water 3·0 Ill 3·5 Dl 3·8 II 5·0.
H Depth maintained forward 5·3 Ill 5·2 II 7·0 II 10·5.
I Depth maintained at si~ts 2·2 Ill 2·7 Ill 3·0 Ill 3·Q II
J Board length 4·0 Ill 4·0 Ill 5·0 Ill 5·0 Ill &·D m 9
K Board width 0·5 Ill 0·5 Ill 2·0 Ill 2·0 Ill 2·0 ..
N~t~ ·\:\:at{-:- d~Si.-..:rb~r:c:c !~.-,~ :~;-. · .... ;:

Qli tht- S:~.,;rfjC~' 0~ tht: p-~:(;!. i··,,s 5l~Co~L~ Cp-c-r~H.' frc-rr, U'idt-·· :f,~

divir:g s:ugr:$ ~·.n,. t1:;~ ~:•·.~ Et~c:: 0~ r;p~.i;ng :he pco:. 4

General arrangement of main items of equipment for

water treatment for swimming pool.
1. Outlet from pool 6. Filter(s)
2. Strainer 7. Heater
3. Circulating pump 8. Aerat?r
4. Coagulant dosage 9. Chlonnator
5. pH regulator 10. Intake to pool

. ..

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SectioD D Swilnn1ing- Pools

Pollution and purification

• Purification
The basic meth6d of purification is recirculation with Methods 1, 2 and 3 have their top water level some
sterilisation, filtrati()n and aeration if required. distance down from the pool surround usually 0 · 15 m-
.. 0·20 m. · · · ·. · ·· ·
Recirculation systems for large pools
Recirculation is a vital part of the water treatment Method 4
system; not only does continuous recirculation;. force This is known as the "Deck Level" system. Its main
the water through the filters which remove suspended purpose is to induce a flow pattern on the surface of
matter, but it also distributes the chemicals added. It the pool which wm help in removing surface
therefore follows that the more often the water is contamination where it is considered that the
recycled, the higher the standard of purification. maximum contamination and highest concentration
Pools should be designed for a turnover of between of bacteria occur. Logically it should be removed as
three and four hours during periods of maximum quickly as possible.
capacity in terms of bathers. At other times, such as
during competitions, 2 or 3 pumps arranged in parallel Scum channels
to take the maximum load can be shut down to one, for There is a wide range of shapes of scum channels
., . reasons of economy. Attention should be given to available irf glazed ceramic and some of these are
!: .separate recirculation circuits wher& there are two or shown in Fig. 04 and Fig. 05. The scum channels
" more pools, this will enable the swimming pool staff to incorporate special outlets as well as anchors for safety
vary the recirculation rate according to the bathing load line and racing lane marker ropes.
in each of the pools.
Consideration should also be given to different
turnover rateswithin a pool depending on the bathing
load/water volume ratio. Fig. D4 Various types of scum channel
Recirculation inlets can be located in the walls of the
pool not far below top water level (0 · 03 m maximum)
or in the floor. Inlets should be adjustable to give a
velocity of approximately 0 · 30 m/s. The gratings over
the inlets must be of a non-corrosive materiaJ.
Tlie following four methods of locating inlets and
outlets are in general use in the United Kingdom.

Method 1 .
The inlets are arranged along one long wall an(f'the
outlets are in the opposite wall. Both. inlets and'
outlets are spaced more closely at the shallow end to
• .provide a quicker turnover. As the water flows across
the pool it has a shorter distance to travel and results
in a more rapid circulation. It is recommendt:~d that
one outlet should be located in the floor at the deep
end and be fitted. with an anti-vortex device. This
outlet can. also be used for draining down the pool.
Method 2
Four to six inlets, are ·set in the short wall at the
shallow end of the pool. The outlet should take the
form of a scum channel running around the whole
perimeter of the pool except the short wall at the A-Standard scum channel.
shallow end. At least one floor outlet should be '
provided which must be located at the deep end close B-ASA Type scum chamel.
to the short wall, where with a suitable modification C-Scum channel and concealed
to the pipework, it can also be used for draining the .channel. for draining
pool.. Access to pipework around and below the
pool should be seriously considered for maintenance bath surround.
purposes. ·
Method 3
In this method the outlets consist of a perimeter scum
· channel and three or more outlets along the centre
;·-~·:.~- :~line_· of the· floor. The inlets are arranged at pre-
. de1ermined spaeing -«<und- -the- who~· perimeter ~f
the pool, a little below top water level ; a practical
dimension would be approximately 0 · 30 m. Again
with reference to method 2, duct access should be
considered for outlets in the centre of the floor of the
pool. This method is considered to be one of the most
,.. •.

. . ·: ·?. ·.•
' .. \ ~ ~·
Fig. D5 .Scum trough design
The purified water enters the pool through inlets
located on the centre line of the floor at regular spacing.
The water leaves the pool via a channel set into the pool
surround deck around the entire perimeter of the pool.
A balancing tank is included in line from the scum
channel to accommodate water displacement from
bathers to ensure,an even flow to the treatmeot plant.
This channel alsci provides drainage from the pool
surround deck. ·.

Access to pipework beneath the pool should also be

Typical continental trough.
The sizing of the above-mentioned balance tank will be
determined by the maximum number of bathers the
pool can accommodate and a displacement Qf 50 litres
per person. :

Drainage of the pool perimeter

Drainage of the pool perimeter can be combined with
water from th~ scum channel (fig. D6) via a g1;1lly Di
continuous grating with the pool surround · falling
towards the pool, or conversely falling away from the
pool to a series of gullies or continuous grating which
Improved design to reduce wave action.
collect the water and discharge to drain by-passing the
re-circulation system. From a re-circulation point of
view it may be considered that removal of contaminated
water with a backfall from th'e pool is more desirable in
Fig. D6 Skimmer outlets terms of cleaning the surrounding area and relieving the
purification system from additional contaminants.. ·

5':1F:e Q.VAzwx¢)• vq I Sterilisation
Sterilisation of swimming pools may be carried outby
tne use of ozone, bromine, iodine, chlorine dioxide,
. . .

katadyne silver, ultra-violet radiation or the discharge of

,. silver iof&.into- the water from electrified silver. plates."
However, because of its universaf use, and apparent
efficiency and economy, chlorination will be described
in more detail than the other methods.

There are three basic methods of chlorinating water:
1. The injection of gas by means of a gas chlorinator.
2 The addition of sodium hypochlorite or chloride of
lime (bleaching powder}, from solution fed
Skimmer outlet. 3. The addition of other compounds which liberate
chlorine or chlorine containing compounds when
- l
dissolved in water.
The use of chlorine gas has previously been considered
the most efficient method of chlorination because the
dosage can be accurately controlled ; this method is
used in large and medium sized pools.
Under chlorination is potentially a hazard in control of
Circulation channel bacteria namely coliform bacteria '8 Coli' which is .an
iAhaei1ant of the ifltestines ena its pre5ensec in -large
numbers is considered a possible danger to·. bathers;
Frequent testing of public pool water by the Public
Health Department is already mandatory and should
·therefore cover this hazard~ ·
Over chlorination can give rise to complaint~ from
bathers due to irritation of the
~ ·~. :-~·
--\ ~ ._
Pollution and purification

, Chlorination (continued)
Some of the adverse features of chlorine as a sterilising After filtration the water is passed through a battery of
agent are:- silver plates which are similar to the copper plates for
Floc formation. The electric current passing through the
· 1. ltis highly poisonous in concentration. silver plates liberates silver ions which have a streng .
sterilizing effect. It is claimed that these silver ions not
2. It is aggressively corrosive to certain metals. only effectively kill off bacteria but also remain in the
In spite of these apparent serious drawbacks, chlorin- water after it has returned to the pool and continue to
, ation nevertheless has been used for 50 years as the sterilize the wate:- as fresh contamination occurs from
premier sterilising agent for swimming pool water in all the bathers.
countries of the world. However, current trends would
indicate a movement towards the greater use of sodium
Sterilization by chlorine dioxide
The required concentration of chlorine can be detected Chlorine Dioxide which has been used fairly extensively
by suitable test methods. Further information is on the continent is generated by the action between
available from the · manufacturers . of chlorination Chlorine anQ Sodium Chloride in solution. It does not
· equipment. · react with ammonia and so cannot produce Nitrogen
i Chlorine gas dissolves in water to form hypochlorous Trichloride. In the range of pH values which occur in
acid and hydrochloric acid + CL 2 = H 2 0 HOCL = + swimming pool water. Chlorine Dioxide is stable and is
an effective bactericide. .·
, HCL The hydrochloric acid will be neutralised by
' alkalis present in the water, while hypochlorous acid Chlorite residuals may form in the pool water and the
(which is a strong bactericide) will react with organic effect of these on the bathers is not completely known.
and nitrogenous compounds.
The student or engineer wishing to pursue the chemistry Aeration
of this process should refer to 1, 2 and 3 of the Biblio- There is divergence of views on the use of aerators. The
, graphy. object of aeration is to improve the· appearance of the
water and to give it a bright, fresh -and sparkling
Because ammonia is usually present in some form or appearance. · ·
other, the hypochlorous acid will also react with it and
forms complex compounds known as chloramines. If The disadvantages are stated to be:-
chlorine is continued to be fed to the water, it will cause
the chloramines to break down into nitrogen and (a) It reduces the amount of free Chlorine in the water.· · <>•- •

hydrochloric acid and the surplus chlorine will.f.Qrm (b) It may cause corrosion in the heating unit. ·· · . ·0 .
hypochlorus acid. The chlorine concentration at which Many public swimming pools have discontinued the
the chloramines are broken down and hypochlorous use of aerators because of the problems arising. out of
acid starts to form is called the 'Breakpoint' and the maintenance of equipment associated with aeration. In
technique in achieving this is known as 'Breakpoint the case of open air pools, the aerator often co~ists of
chlorination'. - fountains-or-water-tans which have an aesthetic appeal
to the bathers. · ·
The fundamental objective of B"reakpoint Chlorination
; is to produce a free chlorine residual without at the same
, time causing discom'fort to the bathers. Ozone
After chlorination this is the second QlOst popular
' General practice is to maintain a free chlorine residual of method of sterilization of water. It has been found that
1 mg/litre (1 p.p.m.) at the deep end of the pool when capital expenditure and running costs exceed that of
· the fresh water inlets are concentrated at the shallow chlorination systems. This system is used largely on the
end. · sterilization of drinking water supplies. Ozone is a pale
The pH range in which swimming pools operate is 7 · 4 blue gas with a smell similar to chlorine but far less
· to 8 · 0. Lower pH values than this will form dichloramine pungent.
and nitrogen trichloride, causing eye irritation to
; swimmers. ·
Equipment required for ozonation
The pH will also influence the rate at which the (a) Electrodes
' breakpoint reaction takes place and it is important that (b) Insulators or Oialectrics
: this should be as rapid as possible to avoid a build up of (c) Air drying between the Dialectrics
ammonia. (d) Cooling equipment to reduce the temperature.
Ozone is orily slightly soluble in water. In normal
Flocculation and sterilization by metallic ions swimming pool water Ozone will be quickly dissipated
Flocculation and Sterilization of water can be achieved from the solution. It is essential that any germicide used
by means of Metallic Ions,· principally those of the in the treatment of swimming pcol water should remain

:cele111ems of Copper, Atu_mintum and·Stlvet. in the water- un-til it has mairculated so that bactefia are
killed quickly to prevent cross infection between
The Katadyne Silver -process of water sterilization, bathers. It is therefore desirable to add another
· consisting of introducing silver ions into water through sterilization chemical such as Chlorine to provide a
specially prepared and treated candles. The principle is residual in the recirculated water. The disadvantage of
. very attractive as the objectionable smell of chlorine is sterilization by Ozone alone is that it does not fulfil this
eliminated. · · requirement. ·
··tti'~~\ii:·:C:::-~ ..·

. -
- 1~

• •, • '
·,.:.. ' ..
. l
~ •• ...:.J:. (......._. ·•···
:: .. •.·.. ·.·t ..: ••
. ·..
~ .. , .....: .· ... .; ::_,~i-1::·:..; :.'~;:~.:~j~.t;;~
Bromine Fig. DB Vertical raked pressure sand filter
Bromine is in the same group of elements as Chlorine
which it resembles closely in chemical properties.

Thisgroup is known as Halogens. Whereas Chlorine is a

gas at normal temperatures, Bromine is a liquid (it boils
at 59 °C). It is pungent, has an irritating .odour and is
aggressive to most metals. When dissolved in water it
exhibits strong germicidal properties and "break down"
behaviour is the same as for Chlorine. Twice the
quantities of Bromine are required to produce "break
down" compared with Chlorine.
8 to 10 parts of Chlorine or 18 to 20 parts of Bromine CHAIN
are required to destroy one part of Ammonia. ~~~---+~~---.~ssme
The method of application requires specialist knowledge
and is therefore not included.
Ultra violet light
It has been found that the passage of Ultra Violet Light
rays through water will result in an appreciable
destruction of any bacteria present. The Ultra Violet
Light is usually produced by Mercury vapour lamps, but
so far no large scale installations have been constructed
using this method.
One basic disadvantage of using this method, is that
even if the light makes 100% kill as the water passed
through the rays, there is no "residual" light to continue
the sterilizing operation when fresh contamination Filtration . . .·
enters the water. For swimming pools this would mean Adequate and efficient filtration is of vital importance if
that although the water entering the pool may be 1 00% the swimming pool. is to be maintained in a pleasant
sterile, contamination and pollution would build up crystal clear condition. Swimming pools usually employ
unhindered and the water drawn-off could-M highly conventional sand pressure filters, but gravity filters are .
contaminated. sometimes found in small pools. It was generally found
that if a reasonable recirculation rate is to be obtained
the dimensions for such a gravity filter becomes so
farge as to prove impracticable. · · ·
Pressure sand filters
Standard pressure filters (Figs. 07 and 08) using graded.
gravel and/or sand as the medium are the type most
widely used for swimming pools, both in the United
Kingdom and other countries. Filtration rates of 1 0,000
to 15,000 litres per square metre per hour are
recommended. Water to which coagulants such as
alum or the less costly sulphate or alumina! ferric have
been added, is fed into the water entering the filters in
the proportion of 0 · 3- 0 · 5 grains to each litre of water
to be filtered. To fulfiHts function of forming a film on
the sand, sulphate of alumina has to react with an
alkaline salt to produce aluminium hydroxide, . (a
flocculent precipitate which forms a coating on the
surface and round the grains in the upper layer of sand
and prevents the passage of particulate matter and to
some extent of bacteria, thus enabling the filter to
discharge clear water). The a_luminium hydroxide also
coagulates colodial matter in the water so that a
Fig. D7 Vertical air scoured pressure sand fHter substantial proportion of the bacteria is retained by the
filter. It will remove the brown colour from a peaty
water and the dyes <that eome frem b&thtAfJ-eestumes
which sometime discolour pool water. · ·
The alkaline salts referred to are present in most hard
waters in sufficient quantity to react with sulphate of
alumina for a considerable period before. they are
exhausted~ but In the treatment of soft. waters. It is
necessary to add a small quantity of lime'or:· a.ash,, .. ;.. t.,
. :. ·.~ ·. ;.- ··1Y~t-s1\~-1:~::~~~~!i~it~~t~!.. ' ., ·:-~rt~
Section D Swin1n1ing Pools


Pollution and purification

Alkalinity .
The water of the swimming pool must be kept slightly Backwash piping- The pipe extending from the back-
alkaline in reaction. Indoor and some outdoor pools wash outlet of the filters to a terminus at the point of
usually have some natural alkalinity but owing to the disposal.
fact that the reagents alum and chlorine commonly used
for coagulation and sterilisation are acid forming, the Backwash rate -The rate of application of water
alkilinity tends to disappear. Occasionally the amount of through a filter during the cleaning cycle expressed in
make up water used may· compensate for this loss but litres per second per square metre_of effective area.
usually it is necessary to add an alkali such as soda ash or
lime to the water before it reaches the filters. Roughly Bromide- A compound of bromine. Two of the salts.
about half as much soda ash by weight as sulphate of Sodium and Potassium bromide are sometimes used as
alumina and about one and a half times as much a disinfectant or algaecide.
chlorine is required to neutralise the acidity produced.
The introduction of 'Dolemetic' media in place of the Bromine- An element which is sometimes used in pool
top layer of gravel/sand filtration material eliminates the water purification. A dark heavy reddish brown liquid in
need for the addition of other alkaline solutions. its normal state. Closely related to chlorine.

Chlorinator- A device to feed. regulate the flow. and

Treatment of small swimming pools measure the amount of chlorine gas introduced into the
For a small pool the gas chlorinator may be replaced by a water being treated.
small pump dosing sodium hypochlorite. Some pools of
this type do use a gas chlorinator but dispense with the Chlorine- An element normally a gas. whiCh is
alkali dosing pump. In this case soda ash or sodium liquefied under pressure and stored in steel cylinders
bicarbonate is added directly to the pool whenever used as disinfectant · and algaecide when it is
necessary. The expense of providing filters has to some introduced in water solution into a pooL
extent been overcome by the introduction of small
diatomateous earth filters. Filter diatomite --Qne designed to filter water through a
thin layer of filter aid such as diatomaceous earth or
. volcanic ash. Diatomite filters may be of. the Pressure
Seawater· pools
type. Gravity type. or Suction andVacuum types.
The chlorination of sea water is interesting only because
of the bromide content which may be as high as 65 parts Filter element- That part of a filter which supports the
per million. The addition of a small quantity of chlorine surface upon which the filter aid is deposited (usually in
to the water containing excess ammonia in the presence diatomite filters). ·
of bromide will produce initially a mixture of bromomine
and chloramine with chloramine predominating. Filter, gravity - sand -A filter with a layer of filter
However, increasing doses of chlorine tend to increase media (usually silica sand) supported on graded gravel
the proportion of bromine formed and if sufficient through which water flows by gravity.
chlorine is added to bring about the breakpoint reaction
then the product is very largely free of bromine. The Filter media -The finely graded material .which entraps
consequence of this is that a sea water swimming pool suspended particles. (Sand. anthracite etc.).
at which breakpoint chlorination is in operation, is in
effect brominatioh. The continuous chlorination of Filter, pressure- sand- A sandy filter e'nclosed in a
water containing bromide will eventually lead to a build tank to operate under pressure.
up of bromate and-possibly other by-products.
Filter rate- The rate of application of water to a filter
Some sea water pools operate quite successfully on expressed in litre/sec per square metre of effective filter
breakpoint chlorination, but others appear to be subject area.
to numerous complaints of smarting eyes which may
seem a little surprising in view of what has been said of Filter sand- A type of filter media composed of hard
the virtues of bromination in this respect. Where it sharp silica quartz. or similar particles with proper
occurs it may possibly be due to some impurity in the sea grading for size and uniformity.
water or just the added effect of high salinity. Filter septum -That part of the filter element consisting
of cloth. wire screen or other porous material ori which
Glossary of swimming pool purification the filter cake is deposited~
terminology Flocculating agent - A compound. such as one of the
Alum- A flocculating agent. Potassium and ammonium alums. which forms minute flakes in water which attract
alum are the most common types used in the treatment or enmesh small suspenced particles.
of pool water. Aluminium sulphates often used with
gravity sand filters. Hypochlorinator - A device used to feed. control and
measure .a so!uti.on .of sodium or calcium hypochlor~ta
Backwash -The process of flow reversal to clean a into a water being treated: There are three general types:
filter and to restore it to the normal clean condition for the positive displacement type which is usually a motor
filtering with a minimum resistance to flow through the driven unit. the aspirator type actuated by a pressure
media. differential created within the hydraulic system. and the
it metering type connected to the pump suction using an
~.::,· . Backwash cycle- The operating time. after the filter orifice which is opened and closed by a ,tjrning
-~;;J~~:~~:completely clean the filter. _
mechanism.· . .. :~.:!~ ·...:-t.:;;~-.~.1/~ ..
. ,. ., . • - ~.:_:; ..~-c~~~~·::.!:~0i.:J''r~ ,. . -: •.
Hypochlorite sodium- A compound usually containing The calculation would be made for a suitable capacity
5% to 16% or more. available chlorine by weight. in a rating for the boiler in terms of watts or therms per hour,
caustic soda solution which releases chlorine when and heat input in terms of therms per day. The boiler .
. added to pool water. capacity for the swimming pool alone should be based
between 0. 5 oc and 1 . 0 ac per hour i.e. the boiler
Pump strainer- A device. placed on the suction side of a should be capable of raising the temperature of the
pump. which contains a removable strainer basket whole of the the pool at that rate. The estimated
designed to trap debris in the waterflcw with a- -- capacity per boiler = capacity of pool 142,000 litres.
minimum of flow restriction. (Sometimes referred to in Rise in temperature of pool water per hour = 1 · 00 cc.
the past as a ·Hair and Lint Trap·.) Required boiler capacity assuming 80% efficiency =
Residual - Usually refers to chlorine residual. or the 142000 X 1 X 4200 X 100
amount of measurable chlorine remaining after treating
water with chlorine. Free residual differs from combined 60 X 60 X 1000 X 80
residual in that it is not combined with ammonia or other = 207 kW per hour which
elements or compounds. and is a more effective = 7 therms per hour
disinfectant. :
Turnover rate- The period of time. usually hours. Ventilation of indoor swimming pools
required to circulate a volume of water equal to the pool The air temperature should be 1 - 2 cc higher than the
capacity. water temperature with a relative humidity of 40- 6Q'l.k.
Air velocities should not exceed 7 · 5 m per minute up to
a height of 2 · 5 m t~bove the pool surround. In the diving
board area, the air velocity should not exceed 7 · 5
Heating and ventilation metres per minute in the vertical diving zone. .
Incoming air to the pool must be sufficient to remove
Heating of indoor and outdoor swimming pool water which has evaporated from the surface of the pool.
water . This quantity of air will after calculation only produce 1
The usual method of heating the "water is by a non- to 2 air changes per hour. The recommended number of
storage type calorifier supplied with heat from the main air changes should not be less than 4 to 8 per hour. It is
boiler plant with a capacity sufficient to maintain the recommended that 100% outaoor air is used dunng
temperature of the water at about 22 o - 24 cc. A periods when mechanical cooling is not. needed as.
calorifier capable of raising the temperatur~ of the recirculation of moisture laden air will have little
whole volume of water not less than 0. 5 oc· and not capacity to pick up more water vapour resulting· in
more than 1 °C per hour should be sufficient. The humidity and condensation problems.
temperature of the water in indoor swimming pools is
usually higher than in outdoor pools. In private houses, References
clubs and hotel pools, water temperature may be as high .
as 29 °C. The water temperature in teaching pools is 1. The Chemical and Bacteriological Purification of
usually kept a little higher than in the main and diving Swimming Bath Water by J. F. Malpas BSc., ARIC,
pools at about ·27 · 8 a c. Children lose heat at faster rate Printed 1963.
than adults. 2. Swimming Pools by Philip H. Perkins CEng.,
A simple calculation will be given to illustrate the FASCE., FIMunE., MIPHE. Printed 1971.
method of assessing the thermal capacity of the boiler 3. Ministry of Housing and Local Government. The
required for heating an open air pool of about 142 cubic Purification of the Water of Swimming Baths. 1951
metres. While a pool of this capacity can have a wide (Reprinted 1958).
range of dimensions, the one selected here is 12 · 5 m x 4. British Medical Journal Page 1271 June 6 1953.
6 · 5 m with the water depth from 1 metre to 2 · 50 Swimming Pool Tubercolosis.
metres. This pool has a water area of 81 · 25 square 5. Ministry of Health and Local Government Design
metres. Bulleting 4 Swimming Pools HMSO 1962(Reprinted
The following factors have been used 1969).
1 Therm = 29 · 3 kilowatt hours 6. Complete Swimming Pool Standards Printed 1976.
The latent heat of the evaporation of water = 540 The Swimming Pools and Allied Trades Association
calories/kg. Ltd.
.. Gas Serv'""ices
Pipe sizing data for town gas, natural gas, compressed air and vacuum
Natural gas
Uquidified natural gas from the Sahara and North Sea
gas are largely composed of methane and their main
properties are compared in the following Table of
typical values. ·
Table E1 Town and Natural gas properties and data '·

Saharan North
Town Methane natural Sea
gas gas gas
Calorific value (Btu/cu. ft.) 500 995 1126 1016
Specific gravity 0·48 0·56 0·64 0·58
Wobbe number 727 1134 1400 1330
Air required (cu.. ft/cu. ft.) 4·46 9·57 10·84 9·77
Air required (cu;.ft/1 000 Btu) 8·92 9·62 9·-62 9·62
, Flame speed factor 35·0 14·0 14·6 14·1

Flow of gas in pipes Variation in Specific Gravity

The metric version of Pole's formula (as given on the Where the specific •gravity varies from 0 · 5, the
chart for flow of gas in pipes) is as follows: necessary correction to rate of flow can be made by :
(a) adding 1% for every 0· 01 below 0 · 5
0=0·007755d (b) deducting 1%for every 0. 01 above 0. 5
where a = litres/s ln<?rease in pressure due to rise in pipe
d = diameter in mm Increase per 100 metre rise
H =· pressure drop in mbar = 1226 (1 - S.G.) N/m 2
S = specific gravity (0 · 58-0 ·59)
L = length in m. The flow of natural gas in straight pipes (Graph
Gas fittings resistance E1) correction factors applicable to pipe sizing
Addition to be made to overall length of pipes for For constant volume flow, multiply pressure
increased resistance of fittings.
:----.. .
goo :valves
-~ ~~
_.,._. 1·10.
For constant pressure loss, divide volume flow. by...
'Nominal dla. Elbows .Tees 1·05.
:~··of pipe Bends
:~.~,;~~ . .:>
. ·m
·m. ·m
.. -,..·ti·;.. •o•
For all practical purposes the graph may be used for both
natural and town gas. ·
up to 25 0·6 0·6 ! '0·3 0·23 Maximum allowable pressure losses·
32. 40 0·9 0·9 0·45 0·3 External main to meter 50 N/m 2
50 1 ·5 1 ·5 0·6 0·45 Across meter 75 N/m 2
75 2·4 2·4 0·9 0·6 Distribution pipework 75 N/m 2
Graph E1- Ga"s pipe sizing

: - · --- - _-~---:----'--T----'-:-·~;-:--:;~,:
__ __---.~...;...
:.-_-_:-..:.:-_- __-_-:-.-.-.- - _ --_-_--_-_-_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_:::_-:_~-:_-:_""':'+'---_-_-_:-.. -;_
__ . ~.:-.:-..:...-..;...:~I;~~~:I.r~~..,ooot

~-· -~:~-
=~. J! : .. ' ; i.:
:; ; ' ;. ' j .


B.llaw Jed 1 W/N sso1 eJnssaJd . .· . . .·
......... ·. ....... :.': · ..·.··.= :-.: ~ a-~.-~·?: ·. ~·-~;i,;~::~·~~~,~~if~----,
Section E Piped Gas Services

·Meter case sizes

:BS 4161 : Part 1.: 1967 deals with meters of plate

· construction· up to· 1000 cu. ft. (28 · 3 m3 ) per hour
:rating and Part 2 with larger case meters.
. The case reference numbers used equate to the older
. letter
as .in
. . the
following table.

·/Table E2 ··ss end I.G.E. Meter designations

•·· • BS case· . ·. . . · .. Original badged .
. . • ·reference· . I.G.E. . :·rating for these ·
number · .· designation case sizes
. .. ·cu. ft/hour m 3 /hour
.... P.1 . . .. 0.1 100 3
· '} P.2 · ,-., 0.2 · 200 6 .
•,_·_·. ~---~....o:.:.:J).4 __.:.:.~.:~_,o.:..-.:.400 --· ~:: ;_12 ;---·__:._c.::_~·.c . .:~-;• _~ _
...~.. :.. r.[. __ ~_:_:i:_\,_ ~ ... ...:_:_
__._: ~ .c_.. .C:_ ·. __ _:: _ ---...... 1 __ --· ·----- --··-·-· --------- .. "·~~-,.,-'-,....,-,-:,..;.,..;,-,..;..;,..~.~=.,:..-'-"....,.~~-~~

,- ·.-~~·P.12·-:,.r·~:~\-·. ·': .. A . :: ·100

· ·:.. ~~~-P.1 ..;_,:;~::~~-,,;.o,:,-x": 'A/S ·. . ";.,. ·::: ~~~: .100. - ~-:22o0 :-: :- :;-'-:·:·':.·=·. ~ !' ~~: ·; ·._
:;_,~·\.· .,_-~ -.·.·;_·~- .-.·.
.. J~P.18 -;•:·~:-r;·<~·:;-::··s-... ·• ,,_;,:;, 1200
~-· ··p.30 ~.2-. ,),;::.:;..:·,;""--~c.,.:~. o;";- c::_.;:.~:·:1800
~ .. ~· ·,_ P.60 -·. :=:;-;< <• :-- 0 -:.· · :··,3000 · •85
:· · P.90 . . . E· : 4500 127·5
--··sooo 170
. ~; :'': P.120_ .~:~_:.;~:;··f, .:~;~ · 'G ... ,··9000 . 255
_. . .-..: ~.- ..:~-~;:~~.;;:· _ ::._· --~:·_:. >..:
.H ·..-12000 . 340
. · P.150 ~: . .'!:: .. -~'·..J . •.·.15000 425
·----~· ..

Table E3 : BS Case reference numbers and dimensions for meters if plate consrrLtCl~Jo,n
:up to 1000 cu ft/h (28.3 m~/h} rating · .. · · · ·
· Dimensions of meter cases . .. . ..~--·... ~. ~-... . .

Width Height Depth Offset. . .. ·'. ... Width-. . ··' ' '·'"
.. . . ..... . .. : .
_-P~e~aym~nt mota~·only · -\)...~~-:-i:··.
Back to front ... ·..· -·: .. ·-·:·-~:?:~~: ...
·including ::.1r11~t .bOsS: . . . . _";_;- ·:·~~~ca-nt~a nile _.. -'~~-;:!.:;;_: ·
·. c=et;:/~~~::~~..:,:.::~~::'t~e~ess.
. Centre Including . panels but
·as case Nominal to feet from not bezel nor ::.)i:·'··•
·reference sizes of cantre ground to attached .. ::centre line ·.-·· · ··:left side of ' '' ·:· ·
·:·number • connections of bosses boss face fittings .·.·._.of boss ·


Table £4 Industrial gas meter sizes

J.G.E. Table
Capacity Capacity Type of
per hour per rev. index A B c D E G Weight
cu.ft. m3 m m m m · mm in. m kg
1200 34 ·o.o566 A 0.6858 0.508 0.4128 0.7366 75 3 0.4953 50.80
1800 51 0.0944 A 0.762 0.508 0.5842 0.7938 . 75 3 0.5652 19.38
3000 85 0.1888 A 0.8763 0.6795 0.635 • 0.9462 100 4 0.6795 111.13
4500 127.5 0.2832 B 1.0668 0.8763 0.7811 1.124 100 4 0.870 175.53
6000 170 0.2832 B 1.0795 0.8763 0.7811 1.124 1~0 6 0.870 175.53
9000 255 0.5664 B 1.2~19 1.0414 0.9017 1.4415 15D 6 1.0287 323.40
12000 340 0.708 B 1.3462 1.143 1.016 1.5812 . 150- -6 1.143 _41_9.10
15000 425 0.708 B 1.4097 '1.2192 1.016 1.6574 '200 8 1.143 457".20
20000 566.5 1.416 B 1.5431 1.2446 1.1621 1.8098 200 8 1.2891 609.60
25000 708 1.416 B 1.5431 1.2446 1.1621 1.8098 200 8 1.2891 609.60
30000 850 1.70 c 1.6764 1.4288 1.3081 1.9939 250 10 1.4224 ·1111.25
50000 1416 3.40 c· ~ 1.9558 1.6193 1.6256 2.286 300 12 1.6574 . 1320.80
60000 1700 3.40 ,C 1.9558 t .6193 1.6256 2.286 300 12 1.6574 1320.80
70000 1982 3.40 c 1.9558 1.6193 1.6256 2.286 300 12 1.6574 1320.80

Table £5 Typical equipment gas consumption figures

Gas consumption Gas consumption

Appliance litres/sec Appliance litres/sec
45 litre boiling pan 0·7 Hot cupboard 0·275
90 litre boiling pan 0-95 Drying cupboard · 0·08
135 litre boiling pan 1 ·2 Gas iron heater 0·08
180 litre boiling pan 1 ·4 Washing machine 0·31
1200 mm hot cupboard 0·75 Wash boiler 0·47- 0·8
1800 mm hot cupboard 0·85 Bunsen burner 0·04
Steaming oven 0·6-0·8 Bunsen burner, full on 0·16
Double steaming oven 1·6 Glue kettle 0·16
2 tier roasting oven 0·8 Forge 0·23
Double oven range 2·75- 3·2 Brazing hearth 0·47
Roasting oven 0·47 Incinerator. 0·1-0·32
Gas cooker 1. 2 -

:: ..~.·-.. '·.
. . '..- .... ..·
·~~~ ~
Sectior.:. E Piped Ga::: Servic:e:::

Compressed air

-• Table £6 Resistance of pipe fittings (equivalent length in m)

Nominal pipe size (mm)
• Type of fitting 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 75 100 125
Elbow 0·26 0·37 0·49 0·67 0·76 1 ·07 1 ·37 1·83 2·44 3·2
90 o Bend (long) 0·15 0· J8 0·24 0·38 0·46 0·61 0·76 0·91 1. 2 1 ·52
Return bend 0·46 0·61 0·76 1·07 1·2 1·68 1 '98 2·6 3·66 4·88
Glob!'! valve 0·76 1·07 1·37 1·98 2·44 3·36 3·96 5·18 7·32 9·45
Gate valve 0·107 0·14 0·18 0·27 0·32 0·40 0·49 0·64 0·91 1·20
. Run of standard tee 0·12 0·18 0·24 0·38 0·40 0·52 0·67 0·85 1. 2 1·52
Through side outlet of tee 0·52 0·70 0·91 1·37 1 ·58 2·14 2·74 3·66 4·88 6·40

Table E7 Formula for converting volume of compressed air to volume of free air
Air tools are usually rated in c.f.m. offree air. Where ratings of other air ~uipment are not
given in terms
P, -7- 14·7 Q __ Q, (P ~ 101325)
offreeaircon- Q = Q, q =q, P..;... 1·033
· sumption, the 14 · 7 1 · 033 101325
following for- Q = Cubic ft. of free air q = Litres free air Q = Cubic metres free air
mulae may be Q, = Cubic ft compressed air q 1 = Litres compressed air Q 1 = Cubic metres compressed air
• used to con- P 1 =Compressed air pressure P = Compressed air pressure in P =Compressed air pressure in
vert. p.s.1.g. kg/cm 2 Newtons/metre2
Weight and Volume of Pure Air Pure air at 32~F (CCC) and 14 · 7 p.s.i. (1 01 · 325 kN/m 2 } absolute {atmospheric
pressure) Weight: 0·08073 lb/cu. ft. (1 ·29 g/litre). Volume: 12·387 cu. ft/lb. (772 litres/k~}.

Table £8 Relative discharging capacities of steel tubes to BS 1387

Nominal Nominal diameter of smaller pipe in in. and mm
dia. of
4 1t
4 5 6
100 125 . 150 mm

in. mm Approximate number of small pipe flows served by larger pipe

i 6 1
i 8 2·1 1
t 10 4·5 2·1 1
t 15 8 3·8 1·8 1
4 20 15 8 -3·6 2 1
1 25 30 15 6·6 3·7 1 ·8 1
1i 32 60 25 13 7 3·6 2 1
1t 40 90 40 20 10 5·5 2·9 1·5 1
2 50 165 75 35 20 10 5·5 2·7 1 ·9 1
2t 65 255 120 55 30 16 8 4·3 2·9 1·6 1
3 75 440 210 100 55 27 15 7 5 2·7 1 ·7 1
4 100 870 400 190 100 55 30 15 10 5·3 3·4 2 1
5 125 1500 720 330 180. 90 50 25 17 9 6 3·5 1 ·8 1
6 150 2400 1130 530 300 150 80 40 28 15 9 5·5 2·8 1 ·6 1

Table £9 Discharge of air through an orifice

Pressure Discharge of free air in litres/sec for various orifice diameters in mm
0·5 1 2 3 5 10 12·5
. :. 0·5 0·06 0·22 0·92 2·1 5·7 22·8. . 35·5
.. 1: () 0·08 0·33 1·33 3·0 8·4 33·6 ·52·5
2·5 0·14 0·58 2·33 5·5 14·6 58·6 91·4
5·0 0·25 0·97 3·92 8·8 24·4 97·5 152·0
7'·0 0·33 1 . 31 5·19 11·6 . 32·5 129·0 202·0
The nomogram above gives a ready means for determin- L = The length of pipe in feet
ing pressure drops through pipes often found in R = The ratio of compression at the beginning
industry. It is based on the following formula which can of the pipe
also be used for pipe sizes outside those shown in the d = The internalpipe diameter in inches
KL0 2 Example To determine size of pipe needed to pass 300
Pressure Drop in bar = - - - - litres/sec free air with pressure drop of not more than
R X d 5' 3 300 mbar in 125 m of pipe run. air pressure is 9 bar.
Where K = 800 . 300
L = Length of pipe in metres 300 mbarin 125m is equivalent t o - = 2·4mbar/m.
Q = The volume of free air in litres/sec passing • 125
through the pipe Join 9 bar on the air pressure-line to 2 ·4 mbar/m on the
R = Ratio of compression .pressure drop Hn~ a.nd produce to cut_ referenc~ line. at
. d ::::;;-The internal pipe diameterTn mm X. Join X to 300 htres/sec and produce to cut p1pe s1ze
LV 2 line at approximately 61 mm.
Pressure Drop in psi= - - - - - - - Therefore choose pipe having a minimum bore of at
R X dN X 35,122 least 61 mm (a 65 mm nominal bore pipe to BS 1387 has
Where V ·= The volume of free air in cu It/minute a bore of 69 mm and would therefore meet the bill and
. passing through the pipe give some margin}. ·· ·
\ ·.··. <:~
I Section E Piped Gas Services \ ..

/,Compressed air

,_ _.
E10 Receivers
. for compressed .air systems

,:~;>.:Compressor Receiver dimensions

·· ··: . '.capacity ;..;.;.;;;D:-;:Ia:-=m:-:e:-:te=-:r~==----:-Le-n-g-:-:th:------~----=v~o-=lu_m_e-
.;::fii/~in m3/min in. m . ft. m ft3 m3
#;",,-:":··45 · . 1·27 14 ;. 0·355 ·. 4 -, 1·22 · .. ..._,.c: 4·5 0·127
~;, :~~~ . ~:~~ .~! .~~~ _·· : .r:;- . ,_ . ~~ .-·g:~~
:-~~~-.·:·:;j~ 1::~! :;~ ~-~~~ ~. ~:!! .. :~ --~~:~!
960 ... 27 ·19 ·. 42 . 1 . 07 10 . 3. 05 . 96 2. 719 ..
. _>2115 ' .. 59·90 48 1·22 ·12 3·66 '151 . 4·276
)·.''·J3120 _;'88·36 '·54 1·37 ··.-14 ··-4·27- ··223 .,6·315·'
'~.::... 4400 ··.124·61 . 60 1·52 . 16 4·88 ·, 314 . 8·892 ::.:
~. <;·;6000 ·169·92 66 1 ·68 .-~18 ·--:·5·48. ---- --.- 428' --~12;121.::.::~~?';;
~~;r,:i;t:a~':;;~:~_;·~!Jm~~,. ;;,.!' otm9iP•~;;,t~'''·:<• =.:?~~-i~·:-~;;;¥:I;y;=;;~7.~.:.~_i_1
~-;•.. , . . - . ' .
~~Temperature Compressed air Bars · · · .. - · ·- ~ ·· ·· · ·-· · · · ··· ·'·' · :~~-,;~;?5./f<-

~~~~: :~of:~~ ~~~ 1.~0

;·:,~~4;4 AO 2.839 2.271 1.892 1.828 1:249
:~~8~ '::~2 o~~:·~I~::~·~.:;~~~
0.984 . 0.908'""' ·. 0.87l . 0.795 >;;,:-;;.,
•}-;;;10 ::, . 50 ':4.353 3.369 . ·. 2.877 .· 2.460 "1.817'·- 1.628 .':-1.514 ····1.400 .·· :1.287 : -1.211 '-1.098 :iti_:~_;_._:_:_~_:_~
h~15.6 ::. 60. ' 5.980. . 4~883 4.050 . 3.520 3.104 . 2.687 ' 2.385 . 2.082 . 1. 779 . l.7tl3 :1.628 1-.514 ,:.
._. "'21.1. 10 · · _: 8.213 · 6.548 5.678 4.921 - · 4.353 3.899 3.558 . 3~255 ·· '·2.914 . ·2~725 -- 2.612 : 2.157 >.:·,~·:·
~26;7-·'-'·so 9.046 7.570 . &.737 . 5.980 5.413 -~4.807· >4;353 <~3.89s· ·3.709 ·:3.482'/3.066 _.}f:
~~32;2 ""C",: .90 · ,15. 254 .. 12.415 . 10.447 9.160 :" ·:8.176 - 7.419 · 6.548 .:;•,5.980 :. 5.450 ' -5.110 : ~ 4.769 .:,'4.164 c?,£tS

!!H"m ,~::: ~!JE ltE ~E ,J::E :~:E l!:E ~:::~! -~t:! -;i:E t~t~·~!:::,l
f~iTh~ above chart shows the amount of water which will accumulate-·· For example. at 5·4 bar. with a temperature of 3Z~2oc.
(90°F), a, ::;~~u;.'
:;~::.every 8 hours in a compressed air system using 471itres/sec. of , compressed air system would. contain ·_419 Jitres· 'of. water in ·\·.:;~:;•~-
. ~\;:~~~fr:-~ed air at di~~nint ai~ temperatures, and air pressures. .-· ;vapour form every 8 hour~; · . .;·:";: }(::-~ ~--:){'(~;:( ~('. :':.~\;\z~if~
'!"·:·;~ C~ ,,ow 'w.~·-· -~-·:~·~·:~'·.
•• - . . . . . . . ,• ",·-'·~:: ... }'{~·5..~
,i..· :;- ~ -,.. ·_~: ···~·-· ;:~-" .._:;.~~-
.· i]able E12. Equivalent volume of compressed air at common pressures
·.:~Volume of Equivalent volume (litres) when Volume of Equivalent Volume (litres)when ... ·.. -~

{•' :·: free air compared to gauge pressures of . free air • compared to gauge pressures of
::-:·_..:, ··litres · 4 bar : 5 bar 7 bar litres 4 bar · · 5 bar · ··7 bar ·
- - - - - - - - - . . , . - - - - - - - - - - - · : .. ·<.;·,-;.;
' 1 ·01 i' 0·84 0·63 175 . 35·3 .. 29~5 .
2·02 ;: 1·68 1·26 200 -40·4 . · .. :··33·7
··"-3·03. --~ 2·52 1·90 .'2.25 :45,4 :.=--[fl37·9
. • 4·04 ;;3-37 2·53 .- 250 . ·.50·5 . •. ::: 7~t42 ·1
·. 5·05 •t4·21. 3·16 .275 .'. 55·5
. 6·06 !5·05 3·79 .300 ;60·6 .
'7·07 t5·89 4·42 350 . •·70·7
·8·08 16·73 5:06 , 40o · i<8o·8 .

' ?·:1110·.,a1 .-: .-

. 8:42 6·32
·.:7·58 ":
- S·SS
·13·5 10·1
15·1 11·4
• . ' •. _ii•
:···'···.. ·..
.:.• . . ····' i1~~ 1-~J.:.:~~
.. _,. ....._.....

- Table £13 Volume of compressed air carried by medium grade stee/pipes, . :...- ·" --<. ~!~.:~;:~
. ofminimum bore. to BS 1387, at given velocities · "; .. - . ··.~. •,
.. -: ...-

Velocity Flow of air (litres/sec.) through medium grade steel pipe to BS 1387,minimum bore .. :-:.~.
···... m/s 15mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm ·65mm ·75mm ·100mm 125mm 150mm 200mm '·
'.-. -~----3-0 0·6 1·1 .·1·7 ·3·0 4·1_·:,6·5::-10:9.~p5·1 25·7 .. 39·2 .:··56·2.·.,98·5("'
.t:?~~ts·K;_;:~ ~: ~ ·-~ :; ·~:~ ;:~ ·!~~ ?:~-:~~; --~~~:~-r;:;:~~~·~ :~·~~~ :·~~:r:~:::~~!:~ ;:j~~~~~g :.h:::
·· ·---·. -4·5. o-9 1·6 2·6· 4·5 6J.: 9·8 --.16·4_,•-_-:22·6 ::38·5. -· 58·8 ·.\84:2 147.-o--~~·
,>. 5·0 1-o 1·8 _2·8 5·0 6·8 . 10·8 ';18-2 \i-25:1--:i-'42·8· .65·4 _(};93·-e --164·0 .
. -.. -5·5 1·1 ·2-0 3·1 5·5 7·4 11·9 20·0<~27·6 ·-A7·1 .. ·71·9 ·-103·0 -: 181·0 -
··.,··: .... 6·0 1·2 2·1 . 3·4 6·0 .8-1 •13-0 _;;21·8 ::~30·1 :';:}51·3 '78-5 .· 112·0 .''.197·0 -:::
·;·_; ·. __ •; ·6·5 1 ·3 2·3 3·7 6-5 8·8 14·1 23·7 :-;32·6 ;-.; 55:6 ·... 85·.0. '122;0 ···213·0 ->
: ~:·-~:_.·7·0 1·4 2·5 4·0 7·0 '9·5 15·1'· '25·5· ~--35·1 :-'59·9 .'91·5 ... 131·0 ... 230·0
~:.·- .. :-:4.:···- 7-· 5---- -1·5 - ..:-'2·7 -:--4··3--- -7-· 5- ---10 ·1----1.6,2:...:~27 :.3 ,__..:37.:.6 .... -~64:.2_ ~::..98. 0 .. 140·0 :.'''·246. 0 .
-~~-·---- 8·o . 1·6 2·8 4·5 8-o · ·1o·8 --:17--3 '29·1 -·~40:1-~~:68·5 • 1o5:o~:-~-::,-5o:.o~2sa:a·:~

'·:-~·.- ~_- .~_.- :.f ~.:_i t,=-.~ ~:.·\-• ·:._: : ~ ~ ~;~ ~-·~ :~ --~ :f :~:~ .· :;~~~ :~-=s::::~:~~f-~{:£w.4J
•. .
•o • --
.. __-. c
- '-'---. ... • • f:~~;,:;'';_::-~0:;;';.~'. .. ·~--:~_-~3~,,i._.:~-i>~~~;;:•:::::7~ ·
''·- : -:c - , - _ ;:":-
·~~~~ ~~~~~~~:g!] : ; '•\ -,~;.> ~:'-
.--/ c::·, ;;_ J . .;-·,_ __

'·· .-;__,,_,/<· T_ypica/equip;;,~t con_;~:,;;:.;~:..-~.:~uni~·-·.g.~:;,P~.·-_'~~.···:/1._1_:_~. _.- ;.?_.·:.~'".s _:-._~.- :.i~.· ':-,:_ -. ~_: _: -.1~- ·~.t ·~.' -_:.~ _:.~ -;._~ ' ~:·,-~ -·.-~., _t._' ~-;·_~:.,_·~. ·- .~·'-:_·t.:? _r -,_~: -· ~_: .- ~ :.·_ .·~:.~;·:_i~.:,~.:_~-'~- .-·
Ei 4 _ .'::· >_:....._ ..
_ •.
._ _ ..
__ .. ..
_ _..-'·:.:
..-:_:_:·;.:__ :._•.
,. ..

;~;:Jf0~. E~~n ' S'~ i~~~~J&~ft:;:t

.. :_~·- '· ..

:~: S''f§k~ir:motors per kW
•. .. '"/c'"; •. e;l ,
:. ~-~·----' ..- ··;:·~-~,~~t- · :,,f~"2~."t<}~.-~:t6 ~ 22 ·:··G·; \:;~·:··)2::1:~{~:~~::~};:,:;-~;.,:z· :)!:;i
: ::i~:z~::icontractor's tools, breakers, diggers etc.. - ·'.,, .. · "-· · ·. ·- --:-~_:;_~----~:. _::~:~:~~-~-~;:~{ L~~~~~2 ~-_.35 ·.-· ~- -: .'.: ·.:·.. _·. ~~~.:~~,;~~~~-~-~(-~;.:t~;~(5 ·_.0 ~..-;~~~~~~,

't:~.- ~_- ~. :.~_,-; -_L ~_: _s·': -.•Lac~bntror_0at15o·r·•~esp,icbae1nch

._.'._-_._-.·.•. o· utlets .
•- -~~------ · :_: =~-~
-·~;:,;~s -· : ."{:::·.~-r~~o,·oo5 .:::o. ot,-/:~~~-:~~:i::i)':fi;,r-;·~:-:1~1\6.·
~--~~~-~:·_·:if~-.:~.-;:·-:~_:: -.~ii ~~-~~76:~-~~H:~:~::~: ~~..;.'1s·. ~2~~~~~~,.~~:~~~~?~~{·;~~4.~~-~ :::~s-~)i~:-:

·:' .':\~}1~lWorkshop
-..· ... ,....-_ __:._
tools, blast clearers, small
_ _ __;__ _ _
' ... · ··____;~
. ·,: ~ -/ . • ,;~-:<•,;.;:-, -(~;.;:~:\1 0 ~ 13 •·. :.:. ;; ~{;, :· :' :-t~Y:f'~~;;i.';;i~'iif9 · 5- :~;:i.

:·:r ;~--- · ;_' · , · btast clearers, large · -~ · ' · /:.:-?, :> :·-~-~;~:,-()o :..·ttO · ·<.;;~:[:': >"-t~;W~i::t~~·Wf~::.S::s-:~ _:_:tf
~>~ ...:..__ _ ___:.:.:.::.::..:.:..::..:.:...::..~::.:.::.::---.....,.---=-..;...;...-~~..;...;........,.-._..,..,.---:-..;...;...+~~:-:-':"'~---'-'""'"?.+:
- ; ~;<:Percussive, light ·· · 2.:.. 8 <):: ·-<: '-; ,:·: ·:'_.
· • ··~:: .::··,:~\;:;'_:o~:';-l'j;t; 5 ;·5 ":t~i:.
•t/~~j;Percussive, heavy · " -- · . . . :; :\?----- 3:.: ''t~-~:;i'h 0 ~ 15 ~;:,:>~_-'·:': ~~;::.;;,:z.;_;;-..5'; 5 -·'"~Y.
:·.-_·::··-~-Rotary (eg drills etc.) . ··_ . _.. : ~- -_~:::-( ~-2~15 · .'·.-;'::··';· :·,~:r~:~;·3·5~'-5·b
. ···Spray guns . 0·5-10
·, Medical CA reqts refer to HMSO Publication HTM 22.

.· :'"·:· :-:· . :.
:·'. :. . _--~ -~. ;. .

· ~~- -·-- -.. --- -- -··

. "". ... ~:. ··:-~

" ... --~ --'~--~::~ ......_:_·.- 7."" ,..;~.-'=.~-~-~~:~

.;,i,!;W, •· .-.: ·:;&~~:~i~i\~c<:'? ,.,~~~~iJ~~lil

> . :;'·/ ··',;{g~::.::}:t\~}:;;~?:~:

Section E Piped Gas Services

., ...

Compressed air

-Graph E3 Compressed air-Laboratories

·, ~ ..
118 .. .•.

.. · ' .. ....._.·-·_
_ _

. ~ ..

. -C-

·V ,_

i-=~:~--~~-1~,~-"- ~-~t~~~~·~~:,·--·~
· ·" ,~_-c~ 1~; E~8: .1t~~~~ {~:: -::,~ ~·~ ·~1~
.• ·. --I
' .
~--~ : - · · - . · /
• ._,_ ,...
.- ., ····"---~~-:- - :·_:,;··~- ··- - ----;_ • :-•

•• : , .;;;:_:.•:u_
• ~---·:~

. ·-·-·

-C),'~:f~ ;.:~+:·~E~Sds~;~--
_ _ - _ : _:.,
··:S · _ -;;';> · . _•: ., ·- 2.·_ 8 litres/~ laboratdry , . _ _:· :.\~~
___ ,_:_: _ -~24 ----. :,c-:; --·'-. " -- ->_-;:_-;,: - - - :~~;~)!:;;;-: __ .,
".: --~ <''_ . • "- ' "-.- . -~- .. _\; .-. .~:~ ;\&,;·:.-~;:: ' --~~~

·. --~·. : =-·~_:·.>·-~:_ ·>:-~- :_ -;:_;~_.\:·:_.

---- <:_t~~D~+- 7"_·. :·.~··:· --------- "' ••

. "':_ _-,__._-
:· ~
: - -:c.- " : ·:.··. ---- ..
.. -:-···: _-

·-_-1--~umber:~t-~~~."----.-- _Y?:;:~r;-~:-~~-~}:: _ ._,

-- <· -· ..
. ~·- .. :·--..-~·-
. _:; '!:;~~
Ascertainment of peak capacities for compressed_ air ~-:<-'·application of Table- ES Relative Discharging Capacities - -,---7'
,___ - _ systems is largely a_ matter of judgement. It is necessary _ ~::-of Steel Tubes-to 'BS .·1387is helpful in arriving;at ~¢~;-;
. Jo consider the probable use factors, determined by the ·::·;;'-::,relative capacities of piJ)e headers. ·· . · ~- '.__,, -~·~:-.'. :·.: •:;-;:' -( /
· ·devices requiring compressed air, the estimated number · ,~-Number of Laboratories Graph E3 A chart '.of-'.'air - _-:-!~:
of people who will be drawing air from the system and quantities vs. ·number of laboratories, was drawn.· in ,
the pattern of air use, with especial attention paid to .: connection with. the design of a specific installation.
periods of high load. For example, compressed air ;.Similar charts are easily drawn. for any installation as
demand in a two-man laboratory may reach 9 litres/sec · :·~_·an · aid to pipe sizing ... The .chart reflects -~Specific ,~
-of free air per laboratory, depending on the number of ::.conditions and the. designer's judgement in each case~ : - _
air outlets (!-inch orifices) in use. - ·. !'A 150% contingency factor is. used to cover any- ~ .. :
.· Table E9 Discharge of Air Through Orifices gives free - t. peak load, but this may be varied to meet ;speCific _, -:,

'\t~~,;.~~h~:;'~~~·~~;~.~,;~;~ b:!n~~:".~l~~~: ."~~w;:~ ""=Cc,;: , ;~-j~i,~i~~;~

I -.. _
.'. ·- ... - : ·-··::... .
Vacuum '. -··'

' . . . .
.j. ' . ·:·.--.:·

., -· . ·. Degrees of vacuum . Table E15 Comparative vacuum scale

·The following figures are intended as a guide only.
Universities, colleges, schools 15 - 12 TORR · ., :, Absolute vacuum.
.· Research and industrial ·1 0- 1 TORR Hg
·_:·.. :;:iTo~ .
.?'¥· -,~Medical (reference should also be made. to Hospital.

· · • j,·;e ~~i~f~i;
;. -:~7: ~'--Technical Memorandum No~ 22) · "' · ,- <· :,;. :.: · ·,
.: .--:~~ -~-~~-=-.' :~2.'(18'
..... ·:·ward Suction · · \ 250 TORR · .-:-·-:·.

.... : :- .
·,Theatre Suction <250 TORR .::??::·so
X-Ray Bolus · .150 TORR 686' .. ·.:·: 27
·Dental {a) high suction low flow '· 30 TORR ;,>.:)~660 .·. .:··.-26 -100
{b) low suction high flow 700 TORR . ·.·-·.···
'·:-635 25
· Pathology and Pharmacy laboratories -15- 1 0 TORR .. -· _:. .. ~ ...-:- --..
; !_:·--:·_:.:.:::::.,':~Acceptable speed· of evacuation at laboratory vacuum .:.·;;;_:c:.: .::..-.::.~.,::::..... ~:~--_;'·:~_~'1:::::~·~.::-~..c:.::::....i:. . --::-:-:-=:: . . -~ :.0 -'-~ ... -·-:•..,.:.:~..:::::.::.=..:_.~ .
>··:- · ·.·
_:; :=::.··.·..:.:.~::.. : =.-..~J": -~ :-:;':i¥2J'[~?Jti~¥f
> · :-··.:bench outlet is usually 6 litres/mm of iree air at ··. · · ·· · : • ,::~.!, "•: '"I

~~: ~2-92~::·:,;:~::,:_,., .:~,, ~

J;~H~·: :;~~:·:;:;:P;::'!·
~ -)·~- (-;:c(:215 mm pipe

·g;.;!~B·~ ::::
4 bench outlets
16 bench outlets·
. _ .:, , ·'·.·sos ~, ;,;..F~:2o ·
.460 'j;;c18·1~; \\1_-.!f~~~~~.
.. ·For more detail sizing see Graph E6. '· .
.· -~ ..
. :·~? '
:·:\-.:.. :;~:-. :_~f-~=~

.. .':Pump sizing .· . .. .··

· · - ·,In a vacuum system the nature of gases being pumped.

. . . ~"< .· have a direct affect on the capacity of vapour created at - .
. .. :".any particular pressure. It would be necessary therefore . :· ·
:·. .to have these various vapours analysed, howevenhe .- :: · . ,.·. ·. ., -.- · ·, ·
. : :.~;:following will serve as a rough guide:- '' · • · ·· '\,-:"~?- _ ---: ····._:~ ·~~.:~_~_-;ifj_ .·. ~ -~· .
.,..·.:. · ~ .;; . :;~:~~~~h outlet is passing 6 litres of free air at atm~~~~-'~ ,;'; ·f~;
· ·· · . phere into the system continuously and it was required
to maintain a vacuum of 100 mm Hg at the outlet point:··
the calculation is as follows:- · · ...· · ·
£t~_:_f~,!~~;~ •.. :··.~-:~~:~(··-·~~---·

760 ' ·.. };6ao·:,:-·

- x 6 litres/min ····~

100 127 .. ··.,633

45 · 6 litres/min swept volume (displacement) .
Consequently if a system has 100 outlets in use
. simultaneously and continuously pumping them:-
760 ..... ..... ~
2·37__ .. :-.700
- x 600 litres/min
100 ...
4,560 litres/mil"\ swept volume ·.:·:.:/0.;.·
•.· it must be remembered, however, that veiy rarely' are .. '
• ... c·.•;c;,.::;·. -...· ' outlet points· to atmosphere continuously. They are
.·_:.:: L:ti.D?1t
··.·.:normally connected to closed flasks and, therefore, even
· · : if 100 outlets were all open simultaneously, the
n requiring a 4,560 litres/min pump would only
. remain for the first few seconds of pumping, and as the ·
......,.-'--',"' .:.o· flasks were evacuated, the pumping requirement would · .. . . ... . .-: .. :· , :. . . . ..
~·-cui.II,;I;J by hundredfold ?~ more.-1~. is, therefore,·fairly_ :'):-! ~'•'i'~~::;.;:~:;i;,J.~~~;-¥:~-:~·.f./r~¥·;.;.~:.;~·;;,;,';;; .;::· · ·._
calculate pump s1zmg on th1s type of system by· .- ·:"< 5' ··---:e:- :$.;i'"!:'!"-"'-~"t:f.fh:·;-".: . '· ·- --·/•:.':,.-". :~~ ·. ·
"'u"'"""ftLO a~PE»CimateJy 1-S -Htres &f free atr per min; at · ·- ~:~.,~.::~~··.~i~rf::;~:~~::' --::
each outlet in use at any one time. ~ --~·.; :"'•<:~ '::::
Section E Piped Gas Services

Pump sizing for individual chamber work
T = pump-down time {evacuation time) Graph ES enables pump-down time or pump size to be
F = pump-down factor from graph for given evaluated for any clean leak-tight rotary pumped system
pressure down to 0 · 1 torr.
S = pump speed (free air displacement) Due allowance made for change of pump volumetric
V = system volume efficiency with reduction in pressure but impedance of
.. (N.B. V and S must be consistent units i.e. litres
and litres/min) .
connecting pipelines neglected.

. To calculate time taken to reach certain pressure in given For recommended plant layouts consult specialised
system with given pump:- manufacturers and for medical vacuum consult Hospital
FxV Technical Memorandum No. 22.
S Reference should always be made to specialist vacuum
To calculate pump speed required to reach given pump manufacturers.
pressure in given time:-
S= Medical gases
The term medical gases covers the following:-
a) Medical compressed air (oil and moisture free)
• Example b) Vacuum or suction
Pump size required to evacuate a chamber of 60 litres to c) Oxygen
1 torr in 3 minutes.
FxV d) Nitrous oxide
Pump speed S = - - e) Nitrous oxide/oxygen mixture N 20/0 2
T Oxygen and Vacu~,~m are used extensively throughout
From graph E5 F = 7 most hospitals and are usually required in the following
7 X 60 areas:-
hence S = = 140 litres/min 1) In-patient departments
Therefore pump with displacement of 140 litres/min
2) Operating suites
and ultimate vacuum better than 1 torr required. 3) Maternity departments
4) Accident and Emergency areas including out-

Graph E5 Pump sizing Vacuum and compressed air are required in dental
1000 suites, and operating-suites-for-patient ventilate~ and
operating surgical tools.
1\ Nitrous oxide is required in operating suites, maternity
\ .
'' I
i '
units and accident and emergency areas. In addition
N 2 0/0 2 is usually required in maternity delive,.Y rooms.
! l 1I !I
L\ I
! For c; fl!Ore co~prehens,ve departn1ental b"e~~.CO\\'i1 and scale of
100 ' !
pro·~·isior. c~·:--:s~:~ Hosp;tat Technic::! ~·./e~..:i:~:"'.~:.:'i"'1 No. 22.
I ,. I I
\ ; ! i I '

... 10 ~ I ! I I
! I i'
' .~ i I

' I

:I ! I 1
U) I

I I \!
U) I
'' i I
ct 1·0 I

' !
i I

' I
....1\.' "'
I i !
Single stage 0 ·I
pym.J1 -
i \"-! I I
Two stage
pump or
i X
.,/' :
combination !
T T1
0 2 4 6
8 10 !2 14 16 18

- - - - - - ···- - ·-- ···--·------·-·----~..o.;._:.~.:._

Graph E6 Vacuum pipe sizing

' .

\ ·:,. :\: \ \ !o·:'- i j • ~- I\ :'•i:•:·


1\' I'H:','II,!XII' '\.1I \~ \J'i!~-

• 11.''':!!!-,1·.····


I' :

., . . .


'i .
I! !,1.



I 1
i 1,

I '

l ' :!,i

,! • 1 I



! '

t ,-

I '
, '
!. :.·

! ' ' '\, .

. i 1 ; "
1:1\ I
!i ! ! ~-\!. I

:'\. ~ ;
; I




J• • ! . ; I I ! ' I \· ! ; I I I ;' I \. ! ' : . I !\' I 1\. !

;; ; I!!~ IJ 1!\! til I I i \ i \ ,,,,! i I ! .\ ~

i Ill I I I I qi! 1\111111 i ; \ I ~ 1!\! -II ' I

II•I 'J' I
! ;

;. I!
:! I III i i I
I '
i !
!' '
J ! ., ,.
\ I'~~ 1I
I '
.. ~

.... ~· .. ~ '""'':-~... ·. ·~
--. --. ~------ ---·-··--. .. . ·--··~__;....___

Section E Piped Ga.s Services

List of British Standards and Codes of Practice

- Codes of Practice British Standards

CP 331 :-Installation of pipes and meters for town gas BS 341 :-Valve fittings for compressed gas cylinders
331 : Part 1: 1973 Service pipes 341: Part 1: 1962 Valves with taper stems (excluding valves used
331: Part 2: 1974 low pressure metering for breathing and medical purposes)
331 : Part 3: 1974 low pressure installation pipes BS 349: 1973 Identification of contents of industrial gas contamers
CP 339 :-Domestic butane-gas-burning installations BS 570: 1959 Plug-arid-socket gas connectors for portable
339: Part 1 : 1956 Installation in permanent dwellings appliances
BS 669: 1960 Flexible tubing and connector ends for appliances
burning town gas '
BS 746: 1967 Gas meter unions and adaptors
BS 1123: 1961 Safety valves. gauges and other safety fittings for
air receivers and compressed air installations
BS 1552: 1967 Control plug cocks for low-pressure gases
BS 3554:-Gas governors
3554: Part 1: 1971 Independent governors for inlet pressures up
to25 mbar
BS4161 :-Gas meters
4161 : Part 1: 1967 Meters of plate construction UJJtD' 1000 cubic
feet per hour rating
4161 : Part 2: 1967 Meters of plate construction above 1000
cubic feet (28 m3 ) per hour rating
' j'. 4161 : Part 3: 1968 Unit construction meter of 6 cubic metres
(2l2 cubic feet) per hour rating
4161 : Part 4: 1970 Plate constructed positive displacement
diaphragm meters for a pressure of 350 mbar (5 lbf/in 2) and up to
( 170 cubic metres (6000 cubic feet) per ~our rating
I. 4161 : Part 5: 1977 Positive displacement diaphragm meters for
! ...
.: pressure up to 7 bar
4161 : Part 6: 1971 Rotary displacement and turbine meters for
gas pressures up to 100 bar


~- --- -~--- ·----------

Capacity is the volumetric flowrate delivered by a Total head on the pump is the static delivery heac
pump, normally expressed in cubic metres per hour plus the velocity and friction head in the entire pipr
(m 3 /h), or litres per second (1/s). system, plus the static suction lift, or minus the positivt
static suction head, as the case may be.
Static head is the pressure exerted by a liquid at rest. Note: for diagrams illustrating the various heac
to the surface, expressed in terms of vertical head of conditions on a pump, see fig. 1.
liquid. Net positive suction head (NPSH) is a method Ol
Velocity head is the pressure needed to set a liquid specifying suction performance under critical suctior
in motion and is generally of practical importance only conditions including altitude, high temperature and higt
in the case of pumps of large capacity at low heads or vapour pressure and the limitations of the pump itself
where the suction lift is near the limit. NPSH available is the absolute pressure of the liquic
Velocity head = 0 · 5 x M x V 2 where M = 1 kg. at the pump entry less its vapour pressure at thf
V = Velocity in m/second. pumping temperature. It is an expression of thE
installation conditions.
Friction head is the head necessary to overcome NPSH required is the minimum absolute pressure
resistance to motion rn pipes and fittings and is of great necessary at the pump entry to maintain the required
importance as it may exceed the static head. flow without cavitation.
The NPSH required must always be less than the
Suction lift (negative) exists if the source of liquid is NPSH available.
below the pump and is the vertical distance from the
centre-line of the pump down to the free surface of the , Atmospheric pressure varies with the altitude above
· sea-level and with the state of the weather. Normai
atmospheric pressure at sea-level is 1 · 00 bar =
Suction head (positive} exists if the source 'Of liquid 10·20 m head.
is above the pump, a condition generally known as Gauge pressure shows by how much the intensity of
"flooded suction": It is the vertical distance from the pressure in the gauge exceeds the surrounding
centre-line of the pump up to the free surface of the atmospheric pressure.
liquid. Absolute pressure is the gauge pressure plus the
pressure of the atmosphere. When a pressure is referred
Static delivery head is the vertical distance between to, without "gauge" or "absolute" being stated, it is
the centre-line of the pump and the free surface of the understood to be gauge pressure.
discharged liquid.
Vapour pressure is the minimum pressure necessary
Total suction lift (negative} is the static suction lift to prevent evaporation of a liquid at a given temperature.
plus the velocity head and friction head in the suction All liquid evaporate spontaneously unless prevented by
pipe system. external pressure, the vapour pressure increasing rapidly
with rise- in temperature. The vapour pressure of water,
Total suction head (positive) is the static suction for example, is zero at freezing point but reaches normal
head minus the velocity head and friction head in the atmospheric pressure, 1 · 00 bar at 100°C, which is the
inlet pipe system. boiling point of water at sea-level.
Vacuum is normally measured in millimetres head of
Total delivery head is the stati.c· delivery head plus mercury, indicating the degree of partial vacuum in a
the velocity head and friction heaa in the delivery pipe pipe or vessel as a complete or perfect vacuum is
system. impossible to attain.
Fig. F1 Pumping Definitions

u "'
:J "'
I '0 0.-
0 ·.:: :::

' 0 0


-.i ~-~~l~:?~·:t~::~~;:=:t:;r:: :~
, ', - . .. '~
. ·. ·
·- ...

•. .: . ~ :.,~:c. ~: . . . .
\ '; ~;i;~--Defiriitions •':'

.·,.· ·~:_"'..·:_ ~·-..-~..:-~..~·_-...;."'_s'muc.~tio'
.......... ~i.~.;~ -:?il~ .<:·_._:_~:'li '_.: -'_·~-~n'"·li.ft
.. .•· -: ·.~-~-·.:m_~- ·. · -·i_.-~_-., _·, .~:_. ~- · ~·- ..'.·_· .::··:.-~.~·_,f_r.·~-~---·~·1t;.~.:7,1:_:.•~--'-(:
..··.·... - -· ·· · ·

. ... ·· ~- ..>
,,....~',, ,.
. Cavitation ····o~.r:-t::~ ~&.---
, •< ·. When afluid (liquid or air) is ~··sucked" into a pump, it is. Cavitation is a rather complex and undesirable· con~·
,;';···.<rn fact pushed in by the pressure of the atmosphere as a · dition that may occur in a pump installation and .can ..·
>, ·; •;_• .:::result of. the pressure of the .fluid iri the pump being usually be recognized by a metallic knocking whic.h may .
.:_,: ?·-~.:reduced. The pressure of'the atmosphere, and hence vary from very mild to very severe. - .,, '· :_ ·'
·>· . · :the deptl] from which a pump will "suck", varies with In general terms and -referring to centrifugal pu.mps, ·
.:·. : . the altitude above sea-level and with the state of the when liquid flows through the suction line and enters
· ·-'!:'.\,_\weather (see definition of Atmospheric Pressure). . . the eye of the impelter an increase in velocity occurs .
, :. · ·.·: ·.rhe·:suction lift for which a· pump is listed is, unless .. which is accompanied by reduction in pressure. If the
' ·: ;.-... ·otherwise stated, the total .suction lift of which the ·. · pressure falls below the vapour pressure corresponding
· - ·pump is capable at the listed speed, assuming normal to the temperature of the liquid, the liquid will vaporize .
·. · temperature at normal atmospheric pressure, deductions and then consist of liquid plus pockets of vapour. The
being made for high altitude and for high temperature liquid then reaches regions of higher pressure through
.~: and vapourpressure. The suction lift of a pump is also the impeller and the cavities of vapour collapse, giving
. · -~ · affected by the viscosity of the liquid, but this should be rise to the noise described above.
· .·. ·<-..:.covered by the makers' ratings at stated viscosities. . Although cavitation is "popularly" associated with
. ·.:;:~,:"The effect· of vapour pressure· on· permissible suction centrifugal pumps. it is a condition that can arise with
· :. ~:: :-'>lift is <important, particularly with volatile liquids such .any pump installation unless care is taken with pump
::c·.;_:~-~as._gasoline,· aromatic solyen_ts.. and inost _liquids at . selection and planning the installation. In general terms; · ·
\( - ··. elevated temperatures andwhere suction lift is necess;. the following conditions should be avoided ·as far as
·. ·.,-~ ~ary, full details ofthe installation should preferably be possible. ·
]);t7,E~>Te.tetred to the:--stq)plier. for, consideration. Where the
··>;:-:_;~-;'~suction conditions are liable' to be criticat,:it will be.·
1 ·Suction lift higher or suction head lower
·. r_ecommended by manufacturer. . · ··. . .
jc~JJ~~.~;:.t:o":.'culate N~~H wlues to ensure correct . .·~ ~~~ '!'!'~~~.::flyh~~f~n~~." that for which the
, . ;;_,:,;.>>fower and efficiency 3 ·speeds higher than manufacturer's recommendation.
. For centrifugal pumps, care should also be taken that
islJ.(f~.'~~:;er. of a pump .= ti;o(~e~;~~s) they are not operated with heads much lower than
the head for peak efficiency or with capacities much
·,,:. -~ · ·,·,. = .· newton x metres

' _~~:~Sh••d
· higher than ~e capacity for peak~ efficiei}CY~- It is
~,~(~_,,, ·advisable to operate as near the·peak~·effi~iency as
possible, particularly if there are . othe('adverse
conditions present which may tend to . promote
r·\i<·\... ,. kg X g·:a1· X head - cavitation. · · ; ·:.
· ·· : seconds
- 9·81'x litres x head When a pump is operating under suction lift (negatiye). ·
{j'. ::. ::.:-. ... -'. .·.. . . . · . . _. : . ,:< seconds conditions, self-priming._ is the characteriStic;:.v.rhich ·
::::;,;:Pump power= 9~81 x'·l/s_;< m .. ·· enables the pump to evacuate airfrom the~sui::tion tine;·-~ ,
~t~"_rattS N:' . ., .thus creath1g' a· vacuum Which allows' the at.iTiosph~ric. ~- ..
pressure to push the liquid through the ·sui::tfoti'~pipe'~J
into .the pUmp.·· .· .. .· ~ . -. :-- _:··;--·~·.S.;~- _- _ ~_,_-~- ·
• N-ote: 1 kg!s =-- 1 1/s This is a normal characteristic of positive-displacement:· -
1 newton = 1 kg ;~ m;s• = force pumps but simple centrifugal pumps are not setf.:
newtons= kg :x.S·81 priming (see notes on .. Puinp Types"). · · · ·.:· _.
The total pump head must inCludP: the measured pcinp heed ..: ~
·::·,:~. _~. pluS- ~J( pipe and fitting resistances p!us the velocitY head .. .-_ Water hammer (Refer .to Section A-Hot and. Cold.· ·
')', .. >}·~ ·,:·J.H. = L-;.. Lf+t mV 2 : . . . . ·. . .· Water 5ervices). · ·
::.::,_:....:·.f "The efficiency of a pump is the ratio of the input power to the
·, "'. · ·• .. ~brake power. The brake power is the power absorbed by the purnp.
. · ··:·..:·:··.'."· . · ·:-- ·. · · ·· output .. · . · · ....: --- ;- · .
· • .. .'·efficiency %
· . · · mput ·
= -.--.·:·
.'< 100 ·_. , · ·· -_::.
. :.• Input or power to be provided.· -_l,.
. ' . ' .
output in kW l, :?.;:;{;t~~

=''·"'""""''-'''"''" .. ·:.

efficiency:. % .
'to the combined effectiveness :of thr: pump and motor
efficieneces of about 50% are quite normal for coupled sets.

' -,~:~:··.:·

~.:),_; ,~;~?' ,~,~~ill


.. : . :. '.

.•. .
.. ·-. . .... ';

....·. ·: .·. ,_.·.·: ' ......... p . . • ' ' ' -~-

Pump _types and selection .


The two main pump classifications are centrifugal At the point where the curve intersects the head·
and positive displacement. there being many different ordii'late, the generated head is at a ma-Ximum and
types· -within each . c~tegory. However, the main .corresponds to a np-flow condition:: this is often .
characteristics referred to below can be. regarded as · referred to as the "closed valve pressure" and a.
generally applicable. · centrifugal" pump should not be left operating in· this
A centrifugal ·pump in its simplest form consists of an condition for any length of time as it will rapidly over-
impeller and a volute casing which has to be fitted heat due to the horse pc)wer at this point being turned
completely with liquid when the pump is in operation, effectively into heat ~nergy.
the impeller "throwing'' the pump liquid to the outside The -main characteristics of centrifugal pumps can
of the volute thus imparting kinetic energy. In this way broadly be summarized as follows:
a centrifugal pump is capable of generating a certain
head which varies according to the pump speed and Capacity varies with hea_d (see 0/H curve}
the accepted method of expressing the relationship
between capacity and head is by means of a "character- Capacity proportional to pump speed
istic curve", often referred to as the 0/H curve where
Q is the quantity. (flow rate} and H is the head. Head proportional to the square of the pump speed
Typical characteristic curves for a simple centrifugal Non self-priming. · ··
- pump including power and efficiency are illustrated in
Graph F1. Suitable for low-viscosity liquids.


Graph F1 Typical Characteristic curves ·-=·

Maximum generated
head closed
valve position
l(---- -~--­
Peak efficiency. Pump
- should oP!arate as near
j --~this point las possible
I _....

12 I

\ ... -.


CD !
,,; Efficiency-
. ·.
iii ...
0 II I
61 50 :J
n 4

i 45 3

I :;
I 3:
31 40 Q.

i ··~ .


r. - .·· ...
4 e 8 · f-t'-10
Capacity litres/sec:
. . . . .· ~- .j ••• ,~ •.
.... ~·-~·:;j,., . • ... }.f;
Section F Pun1p5 and P1.uuping

.. Pump types and selection

Positive - Displacement pumps

Positive pumps usually consist of a casing containing With the growing pollution control, there is
gears, vanes, pistons, lobes, screws, sliding-shoes, etc. an increasing interest in pumps suitable for handling
· operating with !Tlinimum c.learance, the liquid being oily water without excessive emulsification so that the
positively transferred from suction to discharge port. liquid can be handled efficiently by conventional oil/
Due to the fine clearances involved, most positive water separators and the sliding-shoe design. for
pumps are self-priming and some will handle entrained example. operating at reduced speed has proved very
gas or air. suitable for thi$ application.
l; '·
Neglecting leakage, they deliver almost constant Centrifugal pumps are generally considered unsuitable
.. capacity irrespective of variations in head so that the
usual 0/H curve when drawn for a typical positive-
displacement pump is an almost vertical straight line.
as, they churn the liquid excessively and the oil/
water separators are unable to handle the resultant
For this reason it is not usual to provide 0/H curves for
positive pumps. Their main characteristics as as Although these notes on pump types have referred
follows: briefly to the main characteristics of centrifugal and
positive-displacement pumps, the past few years has
1:: Capacity substantially independent of head seen a rapid growth in the number of specialized
; /-
. Capacity proportional to speed designs available for particular applications and it is
advisable for pump manufacturers to be approached
Self-priming during the early stages of installation layout and design
for their recommendations.
Suitable for viscous liquids (reduced speeds usually
~~. necessary for high viscosities). Noise
I~ i
Noise can be very simply defined as unwanted sound.
It is now generally accepted as an irritant which can
Pump selection affect our mental and physicalstate and its effects can
It is interesting to note that about 90 to 95 per cent. of be particularly significant in the relatively quiet
the world's pumping is carried out using centrifugal environment of office, domestic and hospital buildings.
pumps and wherever the conditions are suitable, a · Noise transmission associated with pumping systems
centrifugal pump is normally the simplest and most falls into three main categories. airborne noise. water-
economical type available. borne noise and noise transmitted lhrough the actual
For installations operating under flooded suction structure of the building. Careful selection of equipment
conditions, i.e. with a positive suction head. or where is most important to ensure that noise generation is
large volumes of water have to be moved at relatively kept to an absolute minimum.
low heads then the centrifugal pump is the natural Airborne noise is not normally a particularly serious
choice. Many special types have been developed, problem with pumping equipment and its effects can
including multi-stage designs in which a ~number .of be minimized by careful -siting of the plant room in
impellers are assembled from a common shaft with the relation to working or living areas and by the use of
pumped liquid being delive}ed to each impeller in turn. sound insulating materials on the walls and ceiling of
Neglecting internal losses, the total head generated by the plant room.
a multi-stage pwmp is the sum of the heads generated
by each impeller. Multi-stage pumps may be of Water-borne noise may be more of a problem as it
horizontal or vertical design, the latter having the carries through the pipework to any part of the building
advantage of requiring appreciably less floor-space. and the most effective way of dealing with it therefore
is to prevent it at source as far as possible, rather than
For water boosting services (See Section A, page 13), to suppress it. Particular attention should be paid to
., .. where relatively small capacities are required at fairly pipe sizing and layout to keep water velocities low and
high heads, vertical multi-stage centrifugal pumps have
~Li been developed with small-diameter impellers having
avoid turbulence and pipework should be securely
p: a low tip velocity, one of the factors contributing to the
anchored to prevent vibration. Where risers pass
r,•' quiet operation which is so ohen essential for this class
through floors they should not be grouted in but
supported by soh packing materials and where pipe-
tp: of application, particularly in residential premises and work is clipped to walls, ceilings. etc., pipe-clips should
in hospitals for example.
·! l! Where viscous liquids are to be pumped or where self-
.preferably be insulated with rubber, felt or similar
absorbent material.
!;: priming with good suction performance is essentiat a While it is generally considered that 1440 rpm pumps
; ji positive-displacement pump would be the first choice are in!'lerently quieter than 2900. rpm pumps. modern
!1 but with some applications it is necessary for the pump
·~~kq to operate for periods with a completely dry suction
vertical multi-stage pumps with small-diameter impell-
ers havin9 a low tip speed operating at 2900 rpm have
. '
I -and ·OM s........;~ ty~; the· sliatfl§-shee design, is'
proved to be extremely quiet in operation •
1H ·capable of handling this condition fC?r reason.a_ble
jl.lL. .,.....
periods without harm. Such a dry suct1on conditiOn Noise can be transmitted to the structure of the building
could arise with recirculation systems where the suction through the foundations of the pump and in certain
sourc:e mav be starved fo~ periods _due to cyclical or instances it may be desirable to mount the pump sets
abnormal operattng cond1t1ons, w1th sump pumps, on resilient mats or anti-vibration mountings in which
emptying engine-room bilges aboard ship and similar case it is essential that flexible connections are fitted
du~!es. to the suc:tie>r11!!~Qf th~_PilrnJ.?,set to .
.. ,
lfk~ .. . . ----·-·--·- .-. : . .. :~;--f~·~~ .:.:-::~·>······>=·:::~~r~·;.__~·
minimize the possibiiity of vibrations being transmitted produce satisfactory results but where exceptionall·
to the structure-through the pipework and to prevent quiet operation is essential for very specializet
undue strain on the flanges. applications it may be necessary to take addition<:
precautions and such cases should be referred t•
These simple precautions are normally sufficient to companies who specialize in noise suppression.

Pump installation
It is most important that pumps are correctly installed Relief valve
and the following notes are intended as a general guide. Positive-displacement pumps will develop excessive!
high pressures if run with the discharge shut-off c
Locat:ion throttled and a spring-loaded relief valve should b-
"The pump should be in an accessible location and fitted to the pump. A relief valve is designed to giv
there must be room for dismantling and maintenance. temporary protection against an abnormal conditio:
· It is normally advisable to raise the pump above floor and, should the valve operate, the cause should b-
level so that it is more accessible and can be easily ascertained and rectified.
Electric motors
Piping Squirrel-cage· AC motors are the normal choic
The size of suction and delivery pipes should be care- wherever possible and can usually be started direct
fully calculated and should in any case not be smaller on-line. ~nder these cond!tions, the average mote
than the pump connections. For long runs of piping or takes four to six times full load current on starting an
when handling viscous liquid they should generally be where local regulations or conditions prohibit direct
larger than the pump connection. For other than very on-line starting, the use of slip-ring motors or othe
simple runs, the actual pipe losses should be calculated reduced-current starting methods should be considerec
so as to check the total head on the pump. It is quite The type of enclosure, e.g. drip-proof or totally
common for the friction head to exceed the static head. enclosed, should be considered with reference · t
Piping should be accurately cut and fitted so that it can conditions under which the pump will be working.
be bolted up to the pump branches withoutl)utting any
strain on the pump or pipe joints. Easy bends should Switch gear
be used and sharp elbows and tees avoided. Particular It is not possible to protect a motor adequately b
care must be taken that the joints in the suction line are means of fuses only as a fuse that will carry the norrnc
absolutely tight to avoid loss of capacity or difficutty in starting current is too heavy to give protection again~
priming due to airleaks. In the case of non-self-priming ordinary overloads and pumps should be controlled b
centrifugal pumps the suction pipe should slope up starters with suitable overload releases, set in accord
towards the pump suction to avoid the possibility of ance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
trapping air ih the top of the suction piping.

Suction strainer
For most industrial applications or where solids may
be present a suction strainer should be fitted to protect
the pump. The total area of the holes in the strainer
should be never less than twice the cross-sectional area
of the suction pipe, preferably three times as a general
rule and four times or more if there is likelihood of
frequent clogging.

Foot valve List of British Standards

With most pumps operating under suction lift conditions and Codes of Practice
a foot valve at the end of the suction pipe is desirable
to keep the suction pipe full at all times and eliminate
the need for priming after a shut-down. Depending British Standards
upon the application, the foot valve may be combined BS 5257: 1975 Centrifugal pumps. horizontal end suction with
with the suction strainer. maximum discharge pressures of 16 bar
BS aW82 ~- Part 1~ '1-SBS Vertital in tiTre "I" type 'PtJTilPS
Discharge non-return valve BS 4082: Part 2: 1969 Vertical in line "U" type pumps
If there is any appreciable discharge head or length of BS 1394: Part 1: 1971 Glanded and Glandless pumps
delivery pipe, a non-return valve should be fitted, both BS 1394: Part 2: 1971 Domestic Glandless pumps
to make it possible to open up the pump without
draining the pipe and to prevent the head of water from Codes of Practice

........~. '""''
-~.:.~-:~~~:_t_"?~~-"-~' =-~-~--
,,,, ~·~·;·... ~,~~~~~· -. ~.
. . ~riying_ th~ pump in reverse after stopping. CP 310:1965: Water Supply
Fire protectio11 ser·vices
Princip~l causes of fires
in buildings All equipment has to be submitted to the FOC for
testing and approval and lists are published giving the
The three basic essentials required before any fire can names of approved suppliers and the equipment which
start are:- they manufacture and install. The majority of sprinkler
(a) ·Fuel, i.e. something to burn. installations in the U.K. are designed in accordance
(b) Air, i.e. oxygen to sustain combustion. · with the current edition of the FOC Rules and these
(c) Heat. rules are also applied throughout the world in countries
The process of combustion or burning can be likened to where the insurance'is carried by British companies.
a triangle as shown below. They also form the basis of the rules recently adopted ·
by the European Insurance Organisation.
The address of the FOC is : -
Fire Offices Committee,
Aldermary House,
Queen Street,
London, E.C.4.
The FCC's Testing. Station is at Bareham Wood in ·
In addition to the FOC the Insurance Companies have
also formed the Fire Protection Association (FPA); to
provide information, assistance and publicity material
to industry on all aspects of Fire Prevention and Fire
Fire triangle Protection. The FPA operates from the same offices as
Removal of any one of the sides of the triangle will ilieFO~ .
result in extinguishment of the fire and this is the In the U.S.A. ~the principal org~nisations responsible
principle on which all forms of fire extinguishment are for producing rules and standards are:-
based. National Fire Protection Association {NFPA)
60 Batterymarch Street,
Classification of Fire Risks Boston,
Fires are divided into three classes, A. B and C, as shown Mass. 02110
in the table below, together with the methods of U.S.A.
extinguishment and the extinguishing agent. Factory Mutual Engineering Division {FM)
1151 Boston- Providence Turnpike,
Risk of Extinguishing Norwood,
Class involved extinguishment agent Mass.,
A Wood National Board of Fire Underwriters (NBFU)
Textiles Cooling Water 85 John Street,
Paper New York 38,
All goocfs N.Y.,
manufactured U.S.A.
from above The NFPA publishes a series of standards in the form of
a 10 Volume National Fire Code covering all types of
B Inflammable Smothering Dry Powder .
Fire Protection but it does not approve equipment or
Liquids C02 Gas installations. Equipment approval in th"e U.S.A. is carried
out by the Testing Laboratories of FM & NBFU and
c Electrical Smothering Dry Powder they also publish rules and standards. Approval of
Equipment with a CO 2 Gas individual installations is carried out by the Insurance
Non-Conducive Company concerned as in the U.K.
Agent In view of the large number of U.S. owned firms in both
this country and on the continent, FM have recently
opened a branch office in London at the following .
Insurance companies, their role and influence address:-
Insurance companies play a major role in the provision FM Insurance Co. Ltd.,
of fire protection equipment especially automatic Palmerston House,
sprinkler installations by virtue of the reductions in Bishopsgate,
·. premiums offered when approved equipment is installed. London, E.C.2.
To control the approval of equipment and to produce · ~ ·
recognised standards of what is considered to be good
fire protection engineering practice (or rules) the tariff
Insurance Companies, i.e. those Companies applying
common premium rates, have joined together to
,....., .. , · organise. and finance what is called the Fire Offices
~:~~~n~~. (FOC). ·
~i~l#;4·~~;>· ~· -~··
Sprinkler installations

General description Principal components-See Fig. G1

A sprinl<ler installation consists basically of a network Wet alarm valve (Para 4331)
of piping connected to a suitable water supply and Vertical pattern non-return valve with provision for
fixed at ceiling level throughout the building protected. water to flow to alarm gong when clack lifts.
Fusible Sprinkler Heads are screwed into the piping at
intervals so that as a general rule each head covers Composite alarm valve (Para 4333}
approximately 12m 2 of floor area. (See clause on Jd.entical to wet alarm valve but with lever/trigger
spacing requirements). mechanism to hold clack down :when ir.~stallation is on
air. Used only on'alternate installations.
In the event of a fire the heat generated causes the
fusible element in the adjacent sprinkler heads to Alarm motor and gong (Para 441 0)
disintegrate and thus allows water to be discharged Water turbine driven and supplied by a pipe connection
onto the fire in the form of a fine spray. from the alarm valve. Situated on an external wall of the
premises to give an audible alarm.
At the same time as water is discharged onto the fire,
water is also allowed to flow to a water turbine which in Location plate (Para 4312.3)
turn operates an Alarm Gong, thus giving an audible Plate with "Sprinkler Stop Valve inside" in raised letters
,. . alarm that the system has operated. Provision can also fitted on external wall near to control valves to indicate
be made for a connection to the local Fire Station to position.
) ensure prompt attendance by the local Fire Brigade or
Main stop valve (Paras 43i2.1 & 2) ··
security service.
Stop valve fitted under alarm valve and controlling the
Thus an automatic sprinkler installation combines the supply of water to the installation. Must be strapped
two functions of fighting the fire and sounding an and padlocked open.
alarm in the. one installation.
Sprinkler heads {Paras 4011.1 & 2)
Principal types There are two basic types "Conventional" (Universal}
Note: Pc:a~raph ref5r~:~:E-: ::: .. E_ :c. th~ re~s\·a::: p=:-c-
and Spray Pattern. On wet installations sprinklers may
graphs in the 29!h Edi~:c..., c! :he FO-C Rules be fitted in -either upright or pendant positions but on
alternate installations they must always be fitted in the
Wet installation (Paras 5110-5113) upright position above the pipe 'to facilitate drainage.
The most common type of installation used in heated
buildings. The pipework remaining filled with water at Installation test valves {Paras A1000-1201)
all times. Preferred by insurance companies as water is To enable the water supply proving tests required by
discharged immediately a sprinkler head opens. the FOC Rules to be carried out a test valve varying from
40 mm to 1 00 mm is fitted immediately above the alarm
Alternate (Wet & Dry) installation (Paras 5120- valve and piped away to a suitable drain point.
5123) In addition a 15 mm test valve is also fitted above the
This type is used in unheated buildings or buildings alarm valve to test the operation of the alarm gong with
where heating is not maintained for 24 hours per day a water discharge equivalent to one sprinkler head in
7 days per week. The pipework is filled with water operation and a 25 mm test cock is fitted at the position
during the summer months (April to October) and with of the highest sprinkler head.
compressed air during the winter months (November to
) March). The _«;:ompressed air is provided either by a Trunk main (Paras 2000-2700)
small air compressor or by a connection from the factory Main from water supplies to the underside of the
air line. When the sprinkler head bursts the air escapes installation control valves.
and allows the water to flow in the systems ..
Riser drop (Para 4114)
Deluge installation (Paras 5201 -5204} . Vertical pipes in mains or connecting ranges to
This type of installation is used in high fire risk areas, distribution pipes. Determined by direction of water
e.g. power stations, aircraft hangars and chemical flow up or down.
plants to discharge water simultaneously over the
whole of the risk. Main distribution pipes (Para 4113)
Pipes running from the main riser to the distribution
Tail end system (Paras 5140-5144} pipes.
A tail end system is a small Alternate (Wet & Dry}
system attached to a wet installation and protecting Distribution pipes (Para 4112)
an unheated area or building, e.g. loading bay. The Pipes directly feeding the range pipes.
water is held back during the winter months by an Range pipes {Para 4111)
air valve in the same way as an alternate installation and Pipes to which the sprinkler heads are attached either
the compressed air supply is obtained in the same way. directly or through short arm pipes not exceeding
300 mm in length.

• • ' f" ·:

• :ll•·
Section G Fire protection services

Sprinkler installations
·"' Spacing of. sprinkler heads
• <>
Flows through sprinkler heads
Area coverage per sprinkler at various pressures
The maximum floor area covered by a single sprinkler Running·pressure
is laid down in the rules and varies with the Hazard p.s.i.g_::. bars
class as shown below :
10 0·70
Extra Light Hazard generally= 21m 2
20 1°40
Ordinary Hazard (All G-roups) = 12m 2
30 2°10
Extra High Hazard generally = 9m 2
40 2·80
Extra High Hazard wit~ in storage racks = 7 ·5m 2 3·50
• 50
Spacing requirements 60 ·4·20
The detailed spacing requirements can be found in 70 4°90
Sections 3100, 3200, 3300 and 3400 of the FOC Rule 80 5°60
The maximum distance between sprinklers is as follows : Graph Gt
Extra light Hazard = 4 · 6m 0 2

Ordinary Hazard (All Groups) Standard Spacing= 4m

Ordinary Hazard (All Groups) Staggered Spacing
•JJ (4 · 6m apart} ·
(4 ·Om between Ranges)
Extra High Hazard generally = 3 · 7m
Extra High Hazard within storage racks = 2°5m
The minimum distance between sprinkler heads should
be 2°3m unless structural features, e.g. beams or light
fittings provide a suitable baffle or special baffles are
·- Protection of .heads
In situations where sprinkler heads are ·liable to be
operated or damaged by accidental blows, they s~ould
be protected by stout metal guards, care being taken to Temperature ratings of sprinkler
see that the normal operation of the sprinkler .head by heads (Bulb)
fire is not thereby impeded. 57cc (135°F) Orange 141 oc (286°F) Blue
68°C (155°F) Red 182°C (360°F) Mauve
Spare sprinkler heads 79°C (175"F) Yellow 204°C (440°F) Black
An adequate supply of spare sprinkler heads of the 93°C (200°F) Green 206°C (500°F) Black
~ correct temperature rating should always be on hand. Fig. G1 Typical sprinkler installation
The number will depend on the size of the installation
and the number of sprinkler heads likely to be opened.
The following figures should act as a guide for average
For systems not exceeding
300 sprinklers 6 spare heads
For systems with more than 300 but
not more than 1000 sprjnklers 12 spare heads
For systems with over
'~ 1000 sprinklers 2~ spare heads

I .• Water authority requirements

The scheme should be discussed with the Regional
Water Authority. Some Water Authorities require that To
all valves are stamped and tested before installation. Wet alarm valve }
i:j o..

Main stop valve lnstallataon control

"Testfngl!nd approval . . valves . -
:;. Completed installations are normally required to be
' L" tested in the presence, and to the satisfaction, of the

Local Fire Authority and be approved by both the

Jr-, Loca~ Fire an~ Water Authorities.

ftti~fffi~:~'2~ .· ' ·,
Hose reel installations

A hose tee I consists basically of a- steel drum or reel non-kink rubber hose but hose reels fitted with 25 mm
on which is rolled a length of suitable rubber hose with dia. are available if required. The usual lengths of hose
a shut off nozzle at the end the whole unit being are 23 m, 30 m, 36 m and 45 m. Each reel is also fitted
connected to a suitable water supply. They are installed with a 5 mm lever operated shut-off nozzle at the end
to provide the occupants of a building with a first aid of the hose. ·
means of fighting a fire whilst awaiting. the arrival of In determing the length of hose to be used the critical
the local Fire Brigade but they are not normally used factor is the requirement that all areas of the bu-ilding
by the Fire Service personnel unless the fire happens to must be covered·-and no part must be more than 6 m
be a small localised one as the amount of water from the hose reel nozzle when the hose is uncoiled.
discharged by each reel approximately 23 litres/min. is Manually operated hose reels are fitted with a wheel-
not sufficient to extinguish a large fire. head type isolating valve on the inlet to the reel which ·
is closed when the reel is not in use to prevent the hose
Statutory regulations from being continuously subject to water pressure.
Before running out the hose it is necessary to turn on
Hose reel installations are normally provided in accorel- the isolating valve and a warning notice to this effect
ance with the requirements of the following statutory
must be positioned adjacent to the reel. Automatic hose
regulations : reels are fitted with a valve which is opened or closed
1. The Factories Act 1961. · by the revolving action of the reel when the hose is
2. The Shops, Offices and Railway Premises Act 1963. pulled out or- rewound and with this type it is only
3. The Building Regulations 1976. necessary to pull out the hose and open the shut off
nozzle atthe end to allow water to be discharged. It is
4. The London Building Act 1939 (Section 20}. however normal practice to fit a lockshield type
5. The London Building (Construction) Bye-Laws isolating valvepn the feed pipe so that individual reels
1972-74. can be shut down for maintenance purposes without
In addition to the above, Para 1600 of the 29th Edition isolating the whole system.
of the FOC Rules requires that hand extinguishing
appliances be provided in all sprinklered buildings arid Fire protection Discharge from Jets
this includes hose reels. The FOC's detailed require- Table Gt was derived from this formula.
ments for hose reel installations are contained in Quantity · Velocity x area
Appendix D to the Rules for Automatic Fire Alarms. q=Cd X Vx A X 1000
putting Cd=O · 96- coefficient of discharge
Positioning of hose reels H inm
As hose reels are intended for use by-·th"e building din mm ··
occupants it is of vital importance that they are placed V in m/s= J2gH
in readily accessible positions so that they can be used q in litres/sec
without exposing the personnel to danger. This means 7t d2
that they must as a general rule be fixed along escape q=0·96 xJ2gH X - • - X 1()3
routes or adjacent to fire exits so that personnel 4 106
escaping from an outbreak of fire will pass them on
their way ta_. safety and can thus use them without This reduces to the following formula:-
having their means of escape cut off. q=3. 35 d2 ..j'H
In office blocks especially the multi-storey type, t_he 1000
hose reels must be fitted inside the actual office Example when d . = 8 mm
accommodation which as a general rule means that H = 9m
they are fitted adjacent to the fire exit doors into the
lift or stair lobbies. This enables the hose reel to be q _ 3- 35 X 8 2 x'l/9 _ 3 · 35 X 64 X 3 1 0 · 05 X 64
- 1000 - 1000 1000
used without opening the smoke stop doors of the q= 0·641/s
lobby and thus, prevents the lobby from becoming
filled with smoke. In industrial premises it is not always
possible to site hose reels adjacent to the fire exits Table G1 Height of jet (max) in metres
owing to the fact that the width of the building WOI,Jid
prevent the hose from reaching a fire in the centre.: In
these circumstances it is necessary to position the
hose reels in the centre of the building usually on the 3.0 2.67 2.86 2.93 2.96 2.97. 2.99 3.00
columns or stanchions but care must be taken· to 5.85 5.91
ensure that they can be used safely in the event of fire. 6.0 4.57 5.33 5.59 5.72 5.79
9.0 5.79 7.44 8.00 8.29 8.46 8.63 8.72
·,. Types of hose reel 12.0 6.10 9.14 10.15 10.67 10.97 11.28 11.4:
There are-two basit:types-of hose reel, fixed or-swinging. 15 z 10.49 12.07 12.86 13.41 13.72
The fixed ,type of reel should normally have their centre 18.3 11.43 13.72 14.84 15.54
line at least 1 · 5 m above the floor. A swinging type 21.3 11.89 15.24 16.76 17.68 18.29 19.02
hose reel can be swung through 180° and be mounted 24.4 12.19 16.15 18.29 19.51 2fl.42 21.3<!
at any convenient height the average being 900mm to 27.4 17.07 19.81 21.34 22.25 23.47
1 · 05 m above the floor. 22.86 24.08 25.6C
reels are normally fitted with 20 mm dia. reinforced 30.4 17.68 21.03
,1'· • • •
.. ... .. . ·· .
. j. ·~ . ~ ; .; AiEii:~;:!i:.
Section G Fire protection services

Hose Reel Installations

Table G2 Discharge from jets in litres per second

.- _·.-;·:_· .. . _·-.. --
·:~:t:ot~:-.- ,. -·. ~· ~.;

~jet in,; ... - ... Diameter of orifice in millimetres :- ... - --::-.. -

.;~~r,~Li"'\.3·2_. ,_;A:8 -~ ~ ·-s·3___ .:.8:0 __~:;~:, ~:s.~<;;~-1F.5
1.5 0 . 04 0. 09 0 ·16 0. 25 0- 36 0 . 49 0 . 65 1 . 00 1 . 46 1 . 99 2 . 60
3·0 0·06 0·12 0·23 0·36 0·52 0·70 0-92 1·-43 2·07 2·81 3·67
4·5 0·07 0-16 0·28 0·44 0-63 0·86 1·12 1-76 2·53 3·45 4·50
. 6·0 0·08 0·18 0·32 0-51 0·73 0·98 1·30 2·03 2·70 3·99 5·20
' ! 7·6 0·09 0·20 0·36 0·57 0·82 1·11 1·45 2·27 3·27 4·46 5·82
9 .0 0 ·1 0 0. 22 0- 40 0. 62 0 . 89 1 . 22 1 -59 2. 44 3 -58 4 . 88 6 -37
10 . 6 0 ·11 0. 24 0. 43 0. 67 0. 97 1 -32 1 . 72 2 . 69 3 . 87 5. 27 6 -89
12 . 0 0 ·12 0. 26 0. 46 0. 72 1 . 03 1 . 41 1 . 87 2. 87 4 ·14 5 . 63 7 . 36
13 . 7 0 ·125 0. 27 0. 49 0. 77 1 ·1 0 1 . 53 - 1 . 95 3 . 05 4. 39 6 . 11 7 . 80
' A 15·2 0·13 0'29 0·51 0·80 1·15 1 ·61 2·05 3·21 4·63 6·43 8·26
!: ~& 18·3 ·o·14 o-31 o-56 o-aa 1·27 1·73 2-2s -3·52 5·07 6·90 9·02
fL • . . 21·3 0·15 0·34 0·60
0·95 1·37· 1 ·86 2·43 3·80 5·48 7·46 9·77
~- 24·4 0·16 0·36 0·65 1·02 1·46 1·99 2·60 4·06 5·85 7·96 10·38
27·4 0·17 0·39 0·69 1·08 1-55 2·05 2·76 4·24 6·21 8·41 10·99
30. 4 0 ·18 0. 40 0. 73 1 . 14 1 . 64 2. 23 2. 91 ~ . 55 6 . 55 8 . 86 11 . 59

Pipework Special provis_ion in respect of pump supplies

Hose reel systems are classed by the Water Authorities A typical pump supply is shown in Fig. G2.
. as domestic cold water services owing to the fact that As most local Water Authorities will not now permit
water can be freely drawn off through the reels. direct connections from their mains to be boosted, it is
All hose reels must be fitted with a union between the often necessary to provide a suction break tank supplied
isolating stop valve on the feed pipe and the inlet to from the town's main via a suitable ball valve. The
the reel. This enables individual reels to be shut off and required capacity of the break tank varies. As a generql
dismantled for maintenance and overhaul- without guide a capacity of 1250 litres or 1 ·2m 3 is a common
shutting down the entire system. The drop pipe to the requirement, but the Regional Water Authority should
hose reel from the distribution main is normaUy 25 mm be contacted to establish their requirements.
dia. with a 25 mm x 20 mm reducing elbow at the Duplicate pumps are· normally provided and these may
bottom, the ieed pipe--nrthe-reel being 20 mm diameter. be controlled as follows:
Some Water Authorities require that all valves are
tested and stamped before installation. Automatic 'On' & Manual 'Off'
This system of cont~ol is identical to that. used for
sprinkler system pumps in that the pump is started
Water supplies automatically by a pressure switch and stopped
The following water supply systems are acceptable for manually by a 'Stop/Reset' push button on the starter.
hose reel installations and are the ones most commonly In addition an electrical alarm bell is provided to ring all
used: the time the pump is running and thus provide a remote
warning of system operation.
1. Direct connection from town's main (or mains).
2. Connection from sprinkler installation trunk main. Automatic 'On' & 'Off'
3. Pump supply (usually with suction break tank). With this system the pumps are started by a pressure
· 4. Connection from boosted domestic water service. switch but a flow switch is also provided in the pump
delivery line to ensure that the pump continues to run
5. Connection from hydrant .main or wet fire riser. all the time there is a flow of water through the system.
The normal requirement for a hose reel system water
supply is that it should be capable of providing a flow Testing and approval
rate of at least 2 · 27 1/s at a running pressure of 2 bars Completed installations are normally required to be
at the level of the top hose reel in the system. With a tested in the presence, and to the satisfaction, of the
pressure drop of approximately 0 · 5 bars through the local Fire Authority and be approved-by both the local
ll;l:f".ti'·.;O.,..-.·~~-~.- reel this is sufficient to produce a 6 m jet of watef to Fire and Water authorities.
· · ·comply wnn the requirements. 'fhe flow rate of 2 -r1 tts
·. · will permit up to six reels to operate efficiently (0 · 38 1/s
per reel), although if a fire has reached a size requiring
this number of hose reels to be brought into action it is
unlikely to be extinguished solely by their use.

...... ·
~~ -·:::·.
Dry risers ••• Wet risers •.•• Foam systems

Dry risers
A dry riser consists basically of an empty or dry pipe Inlets
rising vertically up a building with hydrant valve outlets A 100 mm riser should be fitted with twin inlets and
on each floor and at roof level. An inlet (Breaching 150 mm riser should have four inlets. Each inlet consis-
Piece) is provided at ground level in an external wall of a 65 mm dia. male instantaneous coupling to BS 33
to enable the Fire Brigade to pump W'!ter into the riser with a non-return valve and a blank cap secured with
from the suitable hydrant. short length of chain. The inlets are normally groupec
Dry risers are provided solely for use by Fire Service together in a sin_gle castingcalleda "breaching piece'
personnel anci they are not intended as-first aid fire or "inlet breaching" which has a single flanged c
fighting equipment for use by the building occupants screwed outlet. The "inlet breeching" must be mounte
in the same- way as a hose reel system. Use of a dry in an external wall with its centre line not more the:
riser in the event of fire avoids the necessity of running 762 mm above pavement level. When positioning inle
long lengths of canvas hose up the staircase of a due regard must be paid to accessibility, the positions l
building and thus enables the Fire Brigade to tackle the adjacent street hydrants and danger from falling glas
blaze much more effectively and in the case of very tall etc.• in the event of a fire.
buildings much more quickly. See Fig. G3 below. Inlet breechings are normally contained in sheet met~
inlet boxes with wired glass doors in accordance wit
Statutory Regulations
:.! Dry risers are normally installed only when required by
the Local Authority and therefore there are no insurance
BS 3980. The doors are secured with spring locks s
that they can be opened from the inside by smashin
the glass and releasing the catch on the lock.
requirements relating to them. Most local Fire Brigades
publish a standard for dry risers installed in their area. Outlets
They are normally only installed in buildings up to 61 m Dry riser outlets are 65 mm dia. gunmetal gate patte>
' ..
high; wet risers being required in buildings exceeding landing valves with flanged inlets and female instar.
this height. an eo us outlets fitted with plugs secured by short chair:
They should be mounted with their centre lines betwe~
Size and positioning of risers 91 0 mm and 1 · 06 m above finished floor level.
Risers should be 100 mm dia. where only one hydrant Outlets should be provided for every 929 m 2. of flo
valve outlet is provided on each flobr. When two outlets '- area on every floor from first floor level to the roof. t
are provided on a floor fed from the same riser then the exception to this requirement is made in the case c
diameter should be 150 mm. blocks of flats where outlets are normally only require
Dry risers should normally be positioned in the on every other floor from first floor to roof.
ventilated lobby approach staircase or within a stair- Some Water Authorities require that all inlet breechin£
case enclosure. This enables Fire Service personnel to and landing valves are tested and stamped befo
couple up their hose to the riser outlet in a smoke-free installation.
area and it is not necessary to open lhe smoke stop Automatic Air Relief Vents are sometimes required t
doors until the last moment when the water is turned on. the Local Fire Authority to be fitted at the top of tr
Owing to the fact that dry risers project above the ro
level of buildings it is necessary for them to be efficient
earthed to prevent damage from lightning.

Fig. G2 Typical arrangement of hose reel system Fig. G3 Typical arrangement of dry riser

Landing valve, Automatic air vent if required

on roof

Dry riser

Twin inlet
breeching piece
in sheet metal box
at ground level

. ,,
DQ.C!f ___ _ :.--~'

Duplicate electric Low level drain valve

or.diesel pumps ----L--.. . . main ---------------------
' ~f.~~;~·.~:~t'~:f ~ ... ·.. ~ ....
Section G Fire protection service~

Dry risers ... Wet risers ... Foam systems

Dry risers should be installed progressively as a building by means of a nut on the outside of the landing valve
is constructed in order to provide protection during body and by use of a special· test pipe and gauge can be
building operations. In buildings over 30 · 48 min height altered to give the correct running pressure when the
the riser must be installed when the building exceeds landing valve is fitted in position.
18 · 28 m in height. It is also necessary to limit the static pressure in the
canvas hose to a maximum of 6 · 6 bars if water is shut
Testing and approval
off by closing the bra.nch pipe nozzle at the end of the
Completed installations are normally required to be hose. This is achieved by means of a spring loaded
tested in the presence, and to the satisfaction, of the pressure relief valve incorporated in the outlet from the
Local Fire Authority and be approved by both the landing valve. The discharge from the relief valve is
Local Fire and Water authorities. piped via a 50 mm dia. connection into a 100 mm dia.
·drain pipe running vertically down the building along-
Wet risers side the main riser and discharging over the suction
A wet riser is a dry riser with a permanent water supply tank. In early wet riser installations a lot of trouble was
system {usually pumped) added on. See Fig. G4. experienced through inadequate drainage facilities and
. it is important to ensure that the drain pipework is short
Statutory regulations and direct with the minimum number of bends. ..
As is the. case with dry risers there are no insurance Pumping equipment
requirements relating to wet risers. Also, as they are
only installed in buildings exceeding 61 m in height The arrangement of the duplicate electric and diesel
fire pumps, starters and suction tank is identical to that
and as there are very few standard requirements it is
advisable to obtain the Local Authority requirements in used for sprinkler installations with the exception of
each instance. the method of control. In a similar way to hose reel
systems the electric pump can be either "Auto On" and
"Manual Off" or "Auto On" and "Auto Off" but in both
Size and positioning of risers
cases the diesef pump (which is the standby) is "Auto
I' . . Again as with a dry riser a wet rising main should be
positioned either in the ventilated lobby approach
On" and "Manual Off". Th~ "Auto Off" facility is
p~ovided by incorporating a flow switch in the electric
staircase or within the staircase enclosure itself. pump delivery line.
; •.. The riser should be 100 mm dia. normally with outlets
on all flqors. Normally only one outlet per floor will be Installation
required but where two are necessary a second riser The requirements for installation during construction of
should be provided at the opposite end of the·building. a building are the same as from a dry riser. If when the
riser is initially installed it is impossible to commission
Water supplies the pumping equipment, then it must be fitted out as a
Generally a wet riser water supply system should be temporary dry riser with a temporary breaching inlet in
capable of maintaining a minimum running pressure a suitable position at ground lev.el
at the top outlet at roof level of 4 bars at a flow rate of As with a dr'y riser it is necessary to efficiently earth wet
22 · 7 1/s. The maximum running pressure permitted risers to prevent damage from lightning.
with only one ou!let in operation is 5 bars.
To maintain the -above pressure and flow rates it is Testing and approval
necessary to employ pumping equi:pinent, usually Completed installations are normally required to be
duplicate electric and diesel fire pumps. In view of the tested in the presence, and to the satisfaction, of the
very high pressures involved (up to 16 · 5 bars at the Local Fire Authority and be approved by both the Local
. pump delivery) direct boosting of the town's mains is
not permitted and therefore it is necessary for the
Fire and Water Authorities.

pumps to be supplied from a suction break tank which
must have a minimum actual capacity of 45 ·45m 3 •
An automatic inflow from a town's main having a
Foam systems
flow rate of at least 7 · 6 1/s must be provided to refill Foam is a frothy product, similar in appearance to soap
the tank. suds and it is_ so light that it will float on the surface of
liquid. .
Outlets The properties desired in foam are that it should be
Wet riser outlets are 65 mm dia. high pressure landing tough, tenacious long lasting and flow freely. It should
valves with flanged inlets and female instantaneous also resist heat, wind and rain. and retain its water
outlets fitted with plugs secured by short chains. They content for a long time.
should be mounted with their centre lines between Foam has three constituents: foam compound, water
~· 910 mm and 1 · 06 m above finished floor level and one and air; and its production takes place in two stages.
_·oullet should be provided for ever:y .929m 2 of floor •raa. Firsnl'urtiquid foam compound is induced into the water
· In order to reduce the running pressure in the canvas stream and then aeration takes place. The two stages
hose line high pr.essure landing valves are fitted with (induction and aeration) are sometimes carried out in
an adjustable butterfly valve in the inlet which acts in one apparatus but often separate units are employed, in
a similar manner to an orifice plate and reduces the which case the mixture of foam compound and water
under flow conditions when the valve is open is pumped through a pipe or hose to the foam maker
~~·wPI~n. . ba~ and 5 bars. The butterfly can be adjusted (sometimes an aerator box or aspira~o~.. b~x.>:~ .
~· ~ . .::+~{~~·:t~§iiF.:::
Application Foam inlets
Foam may be used for extinguishing fires of oils, spirits, Rooms which contain oil-fired boilers, oil storage tanks
paints, molten fats and similar liquids. Foam may also oil filled electrical equipment or other materials o
be used for items of plant or complete buildings. apparatus for which foam is a suitable extinguishinf
To appreciate the value of foam when used to fight fires medium may be fitted with pourers so placed that .:
involving liquids, it must be remembered that the liquid foam blanket can be formed over the equipment .and
itself does not burn; it is the mixture of air and the floor of the room, Pipework from the pourers would be
vapour given off from the liquid. which burns. Com- connected bac~ to a convenient point in the oper
bustion does not occur actually at the surface of the (generally in an outside wall), tne -firid)rigade can ther
liquid because the proportion of vapour to air is too connect a foam making branch pipe by means of ar
great .to form a combustible mixture. The fire occurs adaptor and pump foam·into the room or basement are;;
slightly above the surface of the liquid. to deal with the fire.
Liquid stored in open or closed tanks is dealt with by Design data
applying foam to the surface of the liquid, in such
quantities as to cover the entire surface of the burning Minimum recommendations for foam systems have
liquid. This blanket of foam exclude.s air and prevents been established by the National Fire Protectior
the formation and possible reignitio" of further vapeur. Association (NFPA) and are contained in their
standard No. 11. Application rates higher than these
Foam should not be used on live electrical equipment . · will be beneficial and reduce extinguishing time but as
because it is a conductor of electricity. a general rule the NFPA standard is accepted as a good
basis for design purposes.
Types of systems
Portable extinguishers High expan!iion foam
Extinguishers generally have a nominal capacity of up Foam has an expansion ratio of between 6 and 8 to 1 .
to approximately 17 kg and should be capable of High Expansion Foam has an expansion rate o"
expelling a continuous discharge of foam in the form of between 600 and 1,000 to 1..
a jet until the whole of the contents have been The method of generating high expansion foam differr
discha_rged. from the method employed with· ordinary foam system~
in that a fan is incorporated to provide the large quantity
Mobile foam units of air necessary for making high expansion foam.
The situations where the quantity of foam likely to be High expansion foam units may be installed as a
required greater could be provided by portable permanent system with manual operation, automatic
extinguishers, foam trailers. tenders or engines may be operation or both. They may also be carried as part of a
used. These unit~ have the advantage iri.ttlat they are Fire Brigade's equipment.
always ready for immediate use, but as they cannot
. quickly be refilled, their use is limited to 'the time taken
to discharge the original contents.

Fixed foam installations

Where large quantities of foam are required for areas
such as oil srorage tanks, boiler houses, etc., it is normal
practice to install a system of pipework to deliver the
foam to the particular risk. Fig. G4 Typical arrangement of wet riser
The oil storage tank is a risk commonly protected by the
application of foam and the installation would be
designed (generally in accordance with the National Low pressure landing valve on roof
(if required)
Fire Protection Association Standard No. 11) to provide
a blanket offoam to the burning oil surface within the ----Roof ·
storage tank. Assuming an adequate supply of water at High pressure landing valve
the required pressure is available from an underground
main, a typical installation would comprise a valved
connection from the water main via an induction unit
or venturi to the oil storage tank.

Foam branch pipes Wet

These are generally carried on Fire Brigade appliances··
and comprise a specially designed branch pipe for use·
with a_65 mm hose. A small tank of flnun c·omP9!.md ;
- {sometJmes in the form of a knapsack) is connected by

a flexible pipe to the branch pipe. The flow of water
!hrough the branch pipe induces the foam compound
mto the water stream, aeration takes place within the
branch pipe and a jet of foam capable of a range of 9 m
from water pressure of 3 · 3 bars up to 30 m from water
pressure of 8 • 3 bars. · · ·.
electric or
diesel pumps ·
. ...
• ;~ ·~;:~:.~:;;-~-&~. ~ ·. : .. ··. .: ~. . :~ ~-~-··· _· •, ~
• v . ·~·~~
.. ... -
,.,, ... .
'\,/1> .... · - ..... ~-··~
"'• ... ~ '•#·
Section G . Fire protection services

Carbon dioxide systems

Carbon djoxide .
Carbon dioxide {CO 2 ) is a readily available commercial water spray protection to CO 2 storage areas, although
product and it is most familiar, perhaps as the gas which CO 2 is in itself an extinguishing agent.
aerates soda water.
Another way· which CO 2 can be stored is to employ a
At normal pressures and temperatures carbon dioxide single low pressur.e container for the required quantity
·is an odourless and colourless inert gas with a density and since the pressure exerted by CO 2 varies over a
of approximately 50 per cent. greater than air. ·. wide range vyith changes in normal atmospheric
As a medium for extinguishing fires carbon dioxide has temperature, it is desir~):)lf! JQ !=OI'l~()l_tf:le temperature
certain features which should be considered. -- of the contained CO 2 within relatively narrow limits so
that the storage vessel can be a reasonable thickness.
Application ·and more economic proposition. A fully insulated low
pressure vessel .would be equipped with ·a small
CO 2 extinguishes fires by reducing the oxygen content refrigeration plant to control the temperature and
and/or disrupts the fuel to air ratio to a point where therefore the pressure of the liquid CO 2 • •
further combustion is prevented. The normal proportion
of oxygen in air is 20 per cent. and ordinarily a reduction This method of storage for CO 2 has been in operation
to 15 per ·cent. would extinguish inflammable liquids. for many years in industry for purposes other than fire
extinguishing but the system is more widely used now
for fire protection purposes.
Clean anr,t pem)trating •
It is a non-corrosive inert gas with virtually no adverse Types of systems
effects on most materials and it does not contaminate
foodstuffs. It will penetrate into· otherwise inaccessible Portable extinguishers
areas and will disperse leaving no trace whatsoever. Extinguishers are"generally made in sizes ranging from
The gas is not poisonous, but if breathed in quantity it those containing 1 ·14 kg of liquid. CO 2, whose gross
can cause suffocation simply by excluding oxygen from weight is. about 4 °8 kg, to thqse containing 6 . 8 kg of
the lungs. · CO 2, whose gross weight is about 23 kg. The exting-
uisher consists of a steel cylinder containing the
Non-conductivity liquified gas, fitted with a ·sealing disc and piercing ·
It has good dialectric strength and can be applied mechanism or valve.
safely to live electrical equipment.
Mobile supply
Uses and limitations
Wheeled units contain one of two large cylinders which
It is effective on small isolated fires of inflammable are connected to a length of hose and a discharge
liquids, greases and fats, paint dips, enamelling ovens, "horn.. or discharge similar to a portable extinguisher.
paint spray booths, varnish kettles, etc. · ''
It -is well suited for use in electrlcal switchrooms,
substations and electrical apparatus generally, it is also Hand·hose systems
used in situations where the use of water would cause These systems comprise one or more large cylinders
severe damage, e.g. museums, libraries and computer mounted side by side in a rack and connected together
rooms, etc. •. - by a pipe manifold. Each cylinder is provided with a
Carbon dioxide should not be used to· extinguish fires lever operated piercing mechanism. The pipe manifold
involving : 1 · · · · .. is connected direct to one end of the hose reel and a
distributor with control valve is attached to the other
(a) Reactive metals such as sodium, potassium, end of the reel. ·
magnesium, titanium zirconium.
(b) Chemicals containing their own oxygen supply
such as cellulose nitrate.
(c) Metal hydrides.
Halogenated Extinguishing Agent systems

Total flooding
A total flooding system consists of a fixed installation agents in a similar way to carbon dioxide. The systems
of permanently connected CO 2 cylinders with piping incorporate the use of Bromlchlorodifluoromethane
and discharge nozzles similar to that described above. (BCF} or Bromotrifluoromethane (BTM}. Extinguishing
This type of system m~y be used where there is a systems using these gases are becoming popular and
permanent enclosure. The enclosure around the hazard further information can be obtained from the National
must be adequate to enable the required concentration Fire Protection Association, 470, Atlantic Avenue,
. of C0 2 to be built up and maintained for aperiod of Boston MA.022l 0 .
time required to ensure complete and -permanent
extinguishment. A reasonably well enclosed space is
required to minimise the loss or CO 2• Openings should
be closed or be capable of being closed to prevent the
continuing loss of the extinguishing medium. Where.
openings must be closed at the time of a fire, this can
be arranged by providing suitable steel shutters or fire
resisting curtains, which are automatically tripped shut
by CO 2 or electrically. In some cases it is possible to
provide .a CO 2 gas screen across an opening and a
quantity· of CO 2 must be reckoned in the calculation
for this purpose.
Safety precautions
Carbon dioxide can kill by smothering. It is not a poison
and has no damaging effect on body tissue. It can be
likened to drowning. In most cases the actual danger to
personnel is where the protected area is such that CO 2
may enter unsuspected, such as basement, pits,
electrical apparatus rooms, etc. ·
Warning notices, emergency lighting sign, etc., may. be
displayed and the provision of adequate passageways,
exit routes and keeping them clear are all desirable
features. But apart from these basic precautions, certain
safeguards must· be incorporated in the CO 2 system.
Where CO 2 can be triggered off aut~matically by
detectors some means muSt be incorporated so that the
detector~ are isolated from the CO 2 release mechanism
when personnel wish to enter the protected area.
The means of "locking-off"' the automatic part of the
system can be mechanical or electricalisolation of the
trigger circuit. The exaCt design of the "lock-off" List of British Standards
depends on the route taken by the personnel but the and Codes of Practice
object is to provide a safety arrangement which will
ensure that the system is rendered safe before personnel British Standards
enter the protected space. It is also important to provide
visual indication at entrances to protected areas so that BS 336: 1965 Fire hose couplings and ancillary equipment
it may be seen to be safe or not safe to enter. Should a BS 1635: 1970 Graphical symbols and abbreviations for fire
fire occur in a protected space while the automatic protection drawings
system is "locked-off" it is often essential that a BS 1641 : 1BSO Cast iron pipe fittings for sprinklers and other
warning alarm is sounded. Good house-keeping is fire protection installations
essential if these sorts of systems are provided with BS 2599: 1955 Flax canvas unlines hose for fire-fighting and
means of "locking off" automatic parts of the system. . fire protection
The issue and return of keys or locking pins, etc., must · BS 3169: 1970 Rubber reel hose for fire fighting purposes
be adequately controlled. BS 3251 : 1976 Indicator plates for fire hydrants and emergency
water supplies
Test and maintenance BS 5041 : Fire hydrant systems equipment.
BS 5041: Part 1: 1975 Landing valves for wet risers
In keeping with all fire protection installations the CO 2 BS 5041 : Part 2: 1976 Landing valves. for dry risers
system must be tested and maintained regularly. BS 5041: Part 3: 1975 Inlet breechings for dry riser inlets
Because CO 2 does not harm the protected areas it is BS 5041: Part 4: 1975 Boxes for landing valves fer dry risers
vary. easy te-eeff'(~ simulated fife conditions to test BS 5M1 : 5: 1m Boxes for foam inlets and dry risers
the operational side of the installation. Inspection and
maintenance should be carried out regularly by a Codes of Practice
competent qualified inspector.
BS 5306: Part 1: 1976 Hydrant systems. hose reels and foam inlets
CP 402: 201: 1952 Sprinkler Systems
b . Halogenated Extinguishing Agent systems CP 4D2: Part 3: 1964 Portable fire extinguishers for buildings and
¥.:11.;,:.,.: · These systems use a gas and act as extinguishing plant_.
~:~~::~::~:~· ~-~· . ... - --;·-------~-~ .. -··- .......
-----·· ·------- ---- · - - - -

Conversion factors a11d 1niscellaneous data

Multiples and Sub-multiples of Units Conversion factors
x Factor Prefix S:z:mbol To convert X factor To convert X factor
1,000.000 106 Mega M Length
1,000 10 3 . Kilo k inches to millimetres 25·40 millimetres to inches 0·039 37
100 10 2 Hecto h feet to metres 0·304 8 metres to feet 3·281
10 10' Deca da yards to metres 0·914 4 metres to yards 1·094
0.1 10 1 Deci d
0.01 10 2 Centi c miles to kilometres . 1·609 kilometres to miles 0·621 4
0.001 10 3 Milli m Area
0.000001 10 6 Micro Jl sq. ins. to sq. mm 645·2 sq. mm to sq. ins. 0·001 55
sq. ft. to sq. metres 0·0929 sq. metres to sq. ft. 10·76
sq. yds. to sq. metres 0·8361 sq. metres to sq. yds. 1 ·196
cu. inches to cu. mm 16390 cu. mm to cu. inches 0 · 000 061
- ... cu. ft. to cu. metres ;0·028 32 cu. metres to cu. ft. 35·31
cu. yds. to cu. metres , 0·764 6 cu. metres to cu. yds• 1·308
pints to litres • 0·568 3 litres to pints 1·76
gallons (UK) to litres 4·546 litres to gallons (UK) 0·22
ounces to grams 28·35 grams to ounces 0·035 27
pounds to kilograms 0·453 6 kilograms to pounds 2·205

Flow rate Energy. Work, Quantity of Heat

Mass flow pound/hour X 0.000126 = kg/s l
British thermal unit X -1.055 kJ
Volume flow cubic feet/second X 0.028 32 = m3/s horsepower hour X 2.685 MJ
cubic feet/minute X 0.000472 = m3 /s kilowatt hour X 3.6 MJ
-0.4719 = litre/s Heat flow
gallon/minute X 0.075 77 = litre/s Intensity of heat
gallon/hour X 0.001263 litfe/s flow rate Btu/hourft 2 X 3.155 = W/m 2
Force Thermal
pound force X 4.448 N conductivity Btu inch/hour ft 2 oF X 0.1442 = W/m°C
kg force X 9.807 N Thermat
conductance Btu/hourft 2 °F X 5.678 = W/m 2 °C
:-:··-·- Pressure and stress (see note re Pascal on page 155) Thermal
- .
pound force/in 2 X 6895 = N/m 2 = Pa resistivity ft 2 hDllr °F/Btu inch X 6.933 = .m°C/W
pound force/ft 2 X 47.88 =, N/m 2 = Pa Thermal capacity
inch water gauge X 249.1 = N/m 2 = Pa Btu/pound cF X 4.187 kJ/kg oc
2.491 = mbar = 0.1 kPa

· Decimal and Metric equivalents of fractional parts of an inch

Fractions Decimals Millimetres Fractions Decimals Millimetres Fractions Decimals Millimetres Fractions Decimals Millimetres
1/64 ·015625 ·397 17/64 ·265625 6·747 33/64 ·515625 13·097 49/64 ·765625 19·447
1/32 ·03125 ·794 9/32 ·28125 7·144 17/32 ·53125 13·496 25/32 ·78125 19·842
3/64 ·046875 1 ·191 19/64 ·296875 7·541 35/64 ·546875 13·891 51/64 ;796875 20·240
1/16 ·0625 1·587 5/16 ·3125 7·938 9/16 ·5625 14·290 13/16 ·8125 20·636
5/64 ·078125 1 ·984 21/62 ·328125 8·334 37/64 ·578125 14·685 53/64 ·828125 21·034
3/32 ·09375 2·381 11/32 ·34375 8·731 19/32 ·59375 15·082 27/32 ·84375 21·429
7/64 ·109375 2·778 23/64 ·359375 9·128 39/64 ·609375 15·478 55/64 ·859375 21·828
.. ' 1/8 ·125 3·175 3/8 ·375 9·525 5/8 ·625 15·876 7/8 ·"875 22·222
9/64 ·140625 3·572 25/64 ·390625 9·922 41/64 ·640625 16·272 57/64 . 890625 f-2. 622
5132 -. '15525 '3·$9"" 13732 ·40025 "10· 319" 21132 ·05620 15'070 29/32. ~ 23·01~.

' . 11/64
·421875 10·716
·4375 11·112
13/64 ·203125 5·159 29/64 ·453125 11 ·509 45/64 ·703125 17·859 61/64 ·953125 24·209
7/32 ·21875 5·557 15/32 ·46875 11·906 23/32 ·71875 18·256 31 /32. . 96875 24·602
15/64 ·234375 5·953 31/64 ·484375 12·303 47/64 ·734375 18·653 63/64 . 984375 25. 003 .
':1/4 ·25 6·350 1/2 ·5 12·6998 3/4 ·75 19·049 1 1 ·0 25·3997
··: .. . -.
' ~.,.

Identification of pipelines

For more detailed information see BS 171 0- Identifica- appliances, bulkheads, wall penetrations and at an·.
tion of Pipelines. other place where identification is necessary.
According to the complexity of ;3n installation and to the Application of safety colours and code indicatior
variety of fluids conveyed, pipes should be identified by colours.
either: .
1 basic identification colours only for installations
where the determination of merely the basic nature
of the contents is sufficient or
2 basic identification colours and code indications for
installations where the precise determination of the
contents is of importance.
Basic identification colours Safety colour 'references
The basic identification colour may be applied :
BS colour referencE
a) over the whole length or
Safety colour BS 4800
·b) as a band over a length of about 150 mm, depending
on the diameter of the pipe. Red ·04E53
Where banding is adopted, any decorative or protective Yellow 08E51
_co_lour of the pipe shall not be .any of the other basic Auxiliary blue 18E53
identification colours.
The basic identification colour shall be placed at all Code indication colours
junctions, ·at both sides of valves, bulkheads, wall (if other than safety colours)
. penetrations and at any other place where identification Colour BS 4800
is necessary. Valves may be painted with the identifica-
tion colour except where the pipeline has been coded Crimson- 04045
with the safety colour for fire fighting, when the valves Emerald green 14E53
should be painted red. Salmon pink 04C33
Basic identification colours
Yellow 10E53
Basic BS colour
identification references Colour code indications for medical gas service;o
Pipe con-tents colour BS 4800
Water Green ~ 12 045
Steam Silver-grey 10A03 OXYGEN
Mineral, animal
and vegetable
oils; combustible French Blue ·
Brown 06C39
liquids NITROUS
Gases in gaseous
or liquified ,. Yellow ochre 08C35
condition White] ~Blue
(except air)
Acids and
alkalis Violet 22C37 L Yellow Ochre
Air Light blue 20E51 ~enchGrey
Other fluids Black Black CARBON
Electrical DIOXIDE·
services Orange 06E51 Yellow Ochre
Code indications
Code indications are: MED.ICAL
1) the safety colours, viz:
a. red for fire fighting;
b. yellow, with black diagonal stripes, for warning Primrose .
of danger; MEDICAL
c. yellow, with black trefoil symbol for ionizing
maiatiefl ~
_ .. . Light .6IY!Lc . .
d. auxiliary blue in conjunction with green basic SPARE
colour, to denote-pipes carrying fresh water, either MEDICAL
potable or non-potable. GAS
2) information regarding the nature of the contents. Yellow Ochre
Where code indications are used, they should be All pathological services identified by additional 02_ C 37
at, all junctions, at both .sides of valves, service deep rose pink band. ·. . -.__ ,;.. J,:::::. _;.•.. :.. ·
~~- . . .
. -. ' ·:.- - ~\~·~.~~~~.~~~·~t-~;;.~\~:.--
-·· -··.
Section H ConYersion factors and n1iscellaneous data

" .
Optional colour code indications for general building services
Basic Colour code Basic
colour indication colour
(approx. 150 mm) (approx. 100 mm) (approx. 150 mm)

Pipe contents 'j

Water "-- -----~- - - ----- -------

Drinking Green Blue Green

Cooling (Primary) Green White Green
Boiler feed Green I Crimson White I Crimson Green I
Condensate Green Crimson Em. Green Crimson I Green
Chilled Green -White Em.-Green White Green

.. Central htg ~ ~.ooac Green Blue Crimson Blue Green - ·
Central htg > 1Oo°C · Green Crimson 1 Blue Crimson Green
Cold down service Green White Blue I
White Green
Hot water supply Green White Crimson White Green
· Hydraulic power Green Salmon Pink Green
Sea, river, untreated
Green -
Fire extinguishing Green Safety Red -Green

Compressed air Light blue

Vacuum Light Blue White Light Blue

Steam Silver Grey

Drainage Black

Electrical conduits
and ducts Orange
Town Gas
Manufactured gas Yellow Ochre Emerald Green Yellow Ochre
Natural gas Yellow Ochre Yellow Yellow Ochre
Diesel fuel Brown White Brown
Furnace fuel Brown
Lubricating Brown Emerald Green Brown
Hydraulic power Brown Salmon Pink Brown
Transformer· Brown Crimson Brown

Acids and alkalis Violet

. ) ... ' ... .·:.· ~:·; .t.'i.::{~;:~~~Jj~!fr-1-
Building drawings

For further information BS 1192 - Building Drawing

Practice should be consulted.
In roof or above ceiling
Scales At high level
'!''-.., . . . ._ • . ,.... ~:~~~~~~·-' A.€.-!-§0'!.~-
,~---:;:ScaJ&S for use with -' -c- Scales for with·.--:"' -
-S:~: ·:\:~->:Sf B_!.s_!~!!!,-.:_,~.;_· .~:.;,;,- !oo~(!_nch System_~ :~'j;_ -,_.-
Vertical drop

1 :200 1 :192 n in. to 1 ft. At low level
Below floor
1:100 1:96 t in. to 1 ft.
1:50 1:48 t in. to 1 ft. Direction of flow
1 :20 1:24 t in. to 1 ft. Gradient (rise) or fall .. lin90
1 :10 1 :12 1 in. to 1 ft. Graphical symbols and representation
1 :5 1 :4 3 in. to 1 ft.
Where two or more scales are used on the same sheet,
these should be particularly clearly indicated.
For sections of drains, sewers, earthworks, etc., it is Centre to centre C/C
often convenient to use an exaggerated vertical scale in
order to show differences in levels. Centre line ¢. J£.0.000
Direction of view; ~
-. FFL
Three thicknesses of lines are used, viz. thick, medium External ext - Ground level GL
and thin. In general, thick lines are used for site or new -Required level
building outlines, primary functional elements in Internal int on plan lx o.@
section and sectional profiles in component details. BM Requir':d level .• tooool
Bench mark on sectron ~ ·
Medium lines are used for general details and secondary
elements. Thin lines should be used for dimensional
lines, reference grids, leader lines and hatching.
t""ii~its s;·n-d·
~-. ~~~ -.!! ~= ~- r · · · ·~s··-~kadt6.•- KAT-~

Planes of sections should be indicated by thick broken Approximate approx Invert level IL-
lines with pointers to show the direction of yiew, thus:
Diameter dia C/> Kilometre km

Diameter. inside 1/D Metre m

~A Diameter. outside 0/D Millimetre mm
Centre and a~iallines- thin chain lines Drainage
Dimension lines Discharge
pipe 0
surface water
Basic dimensions
(open arrows) Drainpipe -·--·-
'~!.':\' Rainwater head OIJ
Tolerance or gap
(solid arrows)
Fresh air
inlet -DFAI
Rainwater outlet c-


Work size of component Grease trap g Rainwater pipe g

(solid arrows)
Dimension figures
Gully Q Rainwater shoe

All dimension figures should be written immediately Back inlet gully

Q Redding or
cleaning eye 0
above and along the dimension lines to which they·
relate, preferably towards the centre. Intercepting trap Q Vent pipe
I· 12so ·I Manhole,
soil/foul MH
Dimension figures, when not written to be viewed from
the bottom of the drawing should be written for viewing Sanitary appliances
onlx from the right-hand edge,
Sequence of dimensioning
lfath "lb:d) Sink m
When dimensions are tabulated, on a drawing or in a Urinal 1?"'\16
schedule, their sequence should be consistent: length,
usually the longest, should be given first, width second
and height or depth third. Where only two dimensions
Shower unit m we ~
Wash basin .8]
~-j-E:~ttfl~~~~·.:~e s:~e-ord~rshoul.~ ~e foll~ed.
' ":·.~
..,,...,,.. •'. ·-

~-e·: ~ "T ·:· ·:.
. . -.

..... .,..
• .J
. .; ' ;.~: .. ' ' !,
Section H Conversion factors and miscellaneous data

Standard wire gauge

.• Graphical symbols and representation
. Ee!ef!~!E?n ::r:;~Yml§l:.;££D~ii!J. . .o-~-:-.,..:z;J""',.:::s'"'"Y111.,...j~~-1~:
... I§~W.G;§ff?-ft$}:!hicknes~]n.:);'ti'~~',Thi~~{3· •

• 7/0 ·500 12·70

· Water supply Hot water tank DHWT
6/0 ·464 11 ·79
5/0 ·432 10·97
. indirect cylinder Immersion heater , Q:::=:::l 4/0 . 400 10. 16
Cold water cistern
3/0 ·372 9·449
Mixing valve _A.._
control ""'¥"" 00 '~ ·348 8·839
Cold water storage Non-return valve ~ 0 ·324 8·230
tank (cistern) Direction of flow L-R 1 ·300 7·620
Draining tap

Gas water heater

1or Safety valve --*-- 2
Stopvalve 4 ·232 5·893
Header feed and
5 ·212 5·385
expansion tank Strainer 6~ ·192 4·877
7 ··176 4·470
He Three-way valve 8 ·160 4·064
Hot or cold Water meter -IOt- 9 ·144 3·658
water draw-off WM 10 ·128 3·251
Hot water 11 ·116 2·946
cylinder 0
Water pump
12 .; ·104 2·642
13 ·092 2·337
· Fire protection 14 ·080 2·032
15 ·072 1·829
Fire extinguisher . ~ Hose reel :.:I 16
Fire hydrant 0 · Sprinkler
0 18 ·048 1·219
19 ·040 1 ·016
Hose cradle [5 Fire alarm 20 ·036 0·914
21 ·032 0·813
Gas installations 22 ·028 0·711
23 ·024 0·610
Gas meter
Gas plug in point
Gas cock
Gas point
27 ·0164 0·417
Supply Jlipe, 28 ·0148 0·376
change of size Gas valve
29 ·0136 0·345
30 ·0124 0·315
'Heating and ventilation 31 ·0116 0·295
32 ·0108 0·274
Boiler 33 ·0100 0·254
34 ·0092 0·234
Surface panel, ·0084 0·213
ceiling type Thermostat 35
36 ·0076 0·193
Convector heater Extract fan 37 ·0068 0·173

Cooker boiler

Supply fan
• H
Electric unit 42 ·0040 0·102
heater 43 ·0036 0·091

Unit heater 44 ·0032 0·081
45 ·0028 0·071
46 ·0024' 0·061
47 ·0020 0·051
48 ·0016 0·041
49 ·0012 0·030
50 ·0010 0·025
Section H Conversion factors and miscellaneous data·

Spacing of pipes

The accompanying table gives the allowable minimum of insulated pipe, because furring is constructed after
distances between (a) two pipes, (b) pipe and wall and pipes have been installed.
(c) pipe and furring for two pipes with standard It should be noted that, for pipes smaller than 25 mr'n, the
malleable or cast iron screwed fittings. distance for insulation is larger than that required· for
The table has been developed on the; basis of the turning fittings. Therefore, on such small pipes, only the
following analysis: Between two pipes of differing allowance for insulation has been considered in the
diameter there will be two values for the minimum table. -,:.
distance which will allow free turning of an elbow or Example Find the minimum space required for 32 mm
tee. The value used will depend upon which pipe is and 100 mm pipes if the smaller pipe is located near the
installed first. - wall. .
In order that there will be no confusion as to which Solution The table shows. under 32 mm and opposite
pipe should be installed first, the condition giving the 100 mm pipes. that 152 mm is the minimum distance
greater distance between pipes will be considered. It is between 100 mm and 32 mm pipes.
fairly obvious that turning the fitting on the larger pipe To the left of 32 mm in the second column of the table.
will require the larger space between pipes for clearance, find~54 mm as the minimum distance from the wall of
therefore less sjJace will be required if the larger pipe is · the smaller pipe. · .
installed first. The distance from the furring of the larger pi_pe is found
lt is evident that the minimum distance from the· wall ·(above 100 mm) to be 95 mm.
will bethat distance which will allow turning of afrtting The total space is thus 152 + 54+ 95 = 301 mm.
on the pipe. This will be the distance K shown in the In the same manner it can be shown that the total space
first column of the table. if the pipes were reversed would be 1 52 + 124 + 51
The minimum distance from furring (dimension Fin the = 327 mm. so it would be advisable to locate the
table) will not be less than 6 mm larger than the radius smaller pipe near the wall or column.
Minimum distance allowable between centre 1lines of screwed steel and copper pipes
Minimum distance between furri11g (F) .mm
~ .
Minimum 38 41 48 51 '
54 64 70 79 95 114 127 152
from Nom. Nominal pipe size mm
wall pipe 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200
(K) size
mm mm '
Distance between .p1pes, mm
216 200 323 238 '241 248 251 257 267 276 289 305 321 356
' 168 150 187 191 194 200 203 210 219 229 241 260 273
• 'II 146 1.25:- ·t65 168 171 178- 181 187 197 206 219 235·
:; 124 100 140 143 146 152 156 165 171 181 197
98 90 117 120 124 130 133 140 149 159
JJ 86 65 101 108 111 117 120 127 133
;i 73 50 92 . 95 98 101 108 114
; .~
48 25 73 76 79
41 20 70 73
38 15 67

Cross-bonding or earthing of electrical, gas and water installations

Leakages from defective electrical installations may Reg. 0.12. The bonding connections to gas and water
lead to the risk of shock or fire if they are not provided services shall be made as near as practicable to the
with the necessary safeguards. point of entry of these services into the premises;
A preventive measure which can be applied to all provided that where there is an insulating section or
premises is to cross bood, with an electrical conductor. insert at that point, the connection shall be made to the
the metal parts of all service installations within the metalwork on the consumer's side of that section or
premises. Recommendations for cross bonding have insert.
been incorporated in the 14th edition of the Regulations Reg. 0.13. Connections to pipes shall be made with
for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings issued by the clamps complying with B.S. 951.
Institution of Electrical Engineers. . Reg. 0.34. Neither gas nor water pipes, separately or
The principal points from the relevant I.E.E. Regulations jointly, shall be used as the sole earth electrode of the
- ~ &S f&Hews; ·inotaUation.
Reg. 0.2 •. An earthing terminal shall be provided
adjacent to the consumer's electricity terminals. The Note: V\'h~re the practice occurs of t:xing vitreous enamel steeL
or stainless steel. sinks or w2sh b"sins in melamine or timbe~
COnnectiOn Of the earthing terminal tO an effective WC•r:..tops ar.d the taps are fixed. !:"!dependently in the non-
. means of earthing is described in Reg. 0.34. ccr.duc:ivE- wcrktop ·or are suppl:ed using plastic pipewor~ .
• D .1 0. The earthing terminal shall be bonded to prcvisicn shall be made for ear.h:n~ these appliances b~· the use

ll\~J!~i~~~~;).;~:rro~ifi~~;a~~:y~·.· ~as ~r water services o~:':t:~;~~~~-;:~~~-~-~?tin=~~~-·B_;•.Jhe -~~:al-.~~i~: l~::~:~;';!.~iif

Maximum spacings of pipe supports

Spacing for vertical

runs in m

24 x o.d. of pipe
24 x o.d. of pipe
1 ·8

1 ·8


1 ·5
·.... ,.. ..;. • For pipes conveying ho_t water where it is essential to avoid air locks (e.g. primary circulation pipes).
continuous suppon is recommended. · ":·. : ...... · .,..
·. . ...

·.·. 7 .· ···t-:~:~a;::~:~~=.i~~~~o~~ ~~c:;~~d~!~~:~:,~~~!~gtlk --- : .~-- --·-:: · ---~- 7-:-:7]~:;: . . :;. :(~-..;~,,:;.
...H~ad and pressure of water

NOTE: PASCAL Unit of Pressure

The use of various units to describe pressure is creating some conf..:sion. and the increasing use of the Pa5:a' (symbol Pa) in lieu of the
N/m; or the bar may lead eventually to it becommg the most ccrr.:-r.only used unit cf pressure.
This guide does not uss the Pa~cal as a untt of pressure bu: g~:-.:~a:iy reiers to !ht Si unit for pressure v.",c', is the N;'m'. However. as
one Pais equal to one N'm' it presents no difficulty in re!a:ir.g Pa to N'm' and the symbol has been added to certain tables in this
section to enable the user to more fully understand its functio~.
metres ktl!m• or kh
mbarl bar

mblrlbar mrtru
liN/m' or kPa mbar I bar
IIH/nrorkf'a mbarl bar lllelr!

1 9·81 98 mbar 10 100 mbar 1·02 19 186·33 1-86 bar 190 1-90 bar 19·
2 19·61 196 mbar 20 200 mbar 2·04 20 196·13 1·96 bar 200 2·00 bar 20·
3 29·42 294 mbar 30 300 mbar 3·06 25 245·17 2-45 bar 250 2·50 bar 25·
4 39·23 392 mbar 411 400 mbar "4·08 30 294-20 2·94 bar 300 3·00 bar 30·
5 49·03 490 mbar 50 500 mbar 5·10 35 343·23 3·43 bar 350 3·50 bar 35·
6 58·84 588 mbar 60 600 mbar 6·12 411 392-27 3·92 bar 400 4·00 bar 411·
7 68·65 686 mbar 70 700 bmar 7·14 45 441·30 4·41 bar 450 4-50 bar · 45·.
8 78·45 785 mbar 80 BOD mbar 8·16 50 490·33 4-90 bar 500 5·00 bar 50·
) 9
900 mbar 9·18
1·00 bar 1D-20
. 700
6·00 bar 61··
7-00 .bar .71·:
. "11 107-87 1·08 bar 110 1-10 bar 11-22 8f) 784·53 7-85 bar BOO 8·00 bar .. 81-::
12 117·68 1·18 bar 120 l-20 bar 12-24 90 882-60 8·83 bar 900 9·00 bar 91-7
13 127-49 1-27 bar 130 1·30 bar 13·26 100 980·66 9·81 bar 1 MN/m• 10'00 bar 10H
14 137-29 1-37 bar 1411 1·40 bar 1H8 200 1-96 MN/m•19·61 bar 2 NM/m• 20·00 bar. 203·
15 147·10 1-47 bar 150 1·50 bar 15·30 300 2·94 MN/m• 29·42 bar 3 MN/m• 30·00 bar 3115-
16 156·91 1-57 bar 160 1-60 bar 16·32 4110 3·92 MN/m• 39·23 bar 4 NM/m• 411·00 bar 4117·
17 166·71 1-67 bar 170 1-70 bar 17-34 SOD 4·90 MNJm• 49·03 bar 5 NM/m• 50·00 bar 509·
18 176·52 1-77 bar 180 1-80 bar 18·36

Hydrostatic Tables Imperial Units

Sl Metric Units 1 gallon of water weighs 1 0 lb.
'' 1 gallon equals 0 ·16 cu. ft...
1 litre of water weighs 1 kg.
1 cubic metre equals 1000 litres. 6 · 25 gallons equal 1 cu. ft.
Head of water in metres x 981 0 = pressure in N/m2• Head of water in ft. x 62 · 5 =pressure in lbf/ft2
Head of water in metres x 9 · 81 = pr~ssure in kN/m2 • Head of water in ft. x 0 · 434= pressure in lbf/in2
Pressure in lbf/in 2 x 2 · 3 = head of water in ft.
Pressure in kN/m 2 X 0 ·1 02 =head of wafer in metres.
1 bar equals 1 000 mbar = 1()5 N/m2 = 10 Pa

1 millibar (mbar) = 100 N/m2 = 100 Pa
Atmospheric-Pressure at sea level
Atmospheric pressure = 101 kN/m 2 = 101 kPa Atmospheric pressure = 14 · 7 lbf/in7
= 10·33 m head of water = 34 ft. head of water
= 762 mm mercury = 30 in mercury.

Relation of various services to each other (from BS CP 413: 1973)

Relation to other services
Hot Ventilation Flammable
Tela- water and air gases Corr
Pipe or duct Cold Town comm- and con- and pressf
conveying water gas Electricity unications steam ditioning Drainage Oil liquids air
Hot water and steam A 0 A A F c c L 0
Ventilation and
air conditioning F L A A F c c L 0
Cold water 0 A A F F c c c 0
Electricity c F M B B c c L 0
Telecommunications c F M B B c c L 0
Town gas c F F c L A c c L G
Drainage D D A A D D D L D
Oil c J A A B B c 0 0
Flammable gases and liquids c L L L L L L 0 L
Compressed air 0 G 0 A 0 0 c 0 L
Note :·It is on occasions necessary to run different services to the same position to operate equipment connected directly to a numbec
I'IJ1fiPS; -mer~~. -el~ly eJ*foteG g.s ¥Give&; -et~ The above.ptecautions shDY)d .bf.! liitker
--servic-es. -e:g. motoT'-driven
each instance as far as practicable. ·
Key to symbols in above table
0. No precautions necessary. F. Shall be prevented by spacing. insulation or J. Not to. be run where an escape of gas c
A. Not to be run adjacent to. other means from coming into contact with. cause risk of ~nition in presence of oil.
B. Not to be exposed to temperature or leakage G. Not to be run in such a position as would cause L. Not to be run in same duct.
. from. a
any euc.~pe of air to circulate gas leakage, or M. Not to be run adjacent to without lu,
C. Not to be ellposed to leakage from. to tile leakage bocome more dangerouL . precautions. ·
D. . Not to be exposed to effluent from.
:~.~~;~.=---~~~-~~--~--~~~·-·-----·--7 : ·•. ·:.; ....
~~ ,.,c:,;..~·J·~~·~·,,
.. · ,'
,··:;. ....... ~- ..

Section H _Conversion factors and miscellaneous data

Approximate weight of lead required for caulked lead joints

The following tables give the approximate weight of Cast iron soil pipes to BS 416
molten lead required for caulked lead .joints. Exact
amounts will d&pend upon the operator and depth of Dia. of pipe mm 50 65 75 90 1 00 150
gaskin introduced. Joints made with spun lead or lead
rope would r~quire much greater weights. Weightof ·_lb. 1·5 2·0 2·5 3·0 ·3-5 5·0
··-~-- Lead kg 0·7 0·9 1·1 1·4 . 1·6 2·3
. ·,;
Cast iron ·pipes for water. gas and sewage to BS 78 and spun pipes to BS 1211
Oia. of pi!)E! in. 3 4 5 6 7; 8 9 ·10.
•mm 75 100 125 150. 175 '. 200 225. 250
Weight of lead lb. 4·0 5·0 6·0 7·0 8·0 10·5 11·5 13·0
kg. 1·8 2·3 2·7 3·2 3·6 4·8 . 5·2 5·9
Oia, of pipe in. 12 14 15 16 18 20 21 24
mm. 300 350 . 375 . . . 400 450 500 525. 600
~ Class A-.B , lb•. 15·0 ·I 1'94 . 20·5 22·0 30·5 34·() 36·0 . 45·0
~ --Weight of lead kg. '6·8. 8·6 . 9·.3 10·0 13=8 15·4 . 16·3 .20·.4
·class e-o lb. 15·5 19·5 . 21·0· '22·5 . 31:·5 35·0.. 37·0 46·0
Weight of lead kg 7·0 8·8 9·5- 10·2 -14·3. 15·9. 16·8. 20,9
:*Sizes of pipes given in lTim are nominal until British Standards are metricated. Figures in l!alic type are no_t preferred diame~ers.

Corrosion of metals Co-efficients of line~r expansion . · ·

The electro chemical series and melting points ·

"Noble" or Cathodic, i.e. protected end
Aluminium cast 25·56 X 10-6 655
Gold Au + ,-~-42 sheet 23·00 655
Platinum Pt + 1:20 Brass cast 18·77 926 ..
Silver Ag +0·80 sheet 19·35 1010. •.

M~~cy Hg +0·80 Copper sheet 17·40 1050

Copper Cu + 0·345 tube t&-90- 1050'
Lead Pb -0·125 Iron cast 10·22 1200
Tin Sn -0·135 wrought 11·88 2000
Nickel Ni -0·250 Lead sheet
Cadmium Cd -0·40 and pipe 29·30 325
Iron Fe -0·44 Steel mild 11·34 1300
Chromium Cr -0·71 nickel
Zinc Zn -0·76 chrome 15·3
Aluminium AI -1·67
Tin 21·42 228
Magnesium Mg -2·34
Zinc sheet 26·1 438
Sodium Na -2·71
Glass tube 33 X 10- 7 per em 600
Potassium K -2·92
Lithium Li -3·02
"Base" or Anodic, i.e. corroded end butadiene .. ..
styrene (ABS) 83-95 X 10 - 6 "-
The farther apart two metals appear in the table the Cellulose acetate
more actively will the two metals react when placed in butyrate (CAB) 80-170
contact in a slightly acid aqueous solution. Nylon 70-100
Such conditions can occur when dissimilar metals are Polyethylene low
used in roof work, especially in towns or other density 280
; ·· manufacturing centres with high atmospheric pollution, high
:-;~·-'·.-{>which might lead to failure of one of the metals. . density 110-130 i
, ·- ·.-similarly, fatluremightoccurbyelectrofyticacttonwhen ·-- · PotypJopylene 1-10 .j
dissimilar me~als are employed in plumbing services, Polyvinyl I
but this will. depend to a large extent on the nature of chloride
the water conveyed. (uPVC) normal
Where ·any doubt exists as to the suitability of any ihf!lphact 50
· metal or combin<!tion of metals, guidance 19 :.
· be sought froin the local water authority. · · impact 80 · ·- · . ..,,.
~~-!R~~~;;_::_:;: · .'. .· , ·:;;. . . . ,·· _. : ·:. . ·.', :::-~.~;.·.r::: :~ ~:. ·>i:(,i~: ~;:;_:... ~.;-.: .-._:::.:_,::.:_::~~ :· . ~ .:_ ..-· · : ~::S~- ~~:+}.i.'i~~~-
Definition of plumbing terms
t~ote: Where more than one t1t:e is given to a defmiuon. the first is the preferred term.
Cold water supply

Air vessel A closed chamber which utilizes the Hardness (of water) That property of water, caused
.. ;:· compressibility of contained air, either by certain mineral matter dissolved in it.
(i) to promote a more uniform flow of which .resists the lathering of soap. Hard-
water when connected to the delivery pipe ness is assessed by expressing the particular
or suction pipe of a reciprocating pump, or mineral content concerned as pans per
to the delivery pipe of a hydraulic ram, or million (by weight) or by milliequivalents
(ii) to minimize shock due to water per litre. Formerly it was expressed as
.- hammer when connected to a high -:.degrees-Clark' which was the mineral
pressure water system. content in grains per gallon•.
Air-water storage A tank or cylinder in which water is stored Temporary That part of the hardness of water which
vessel · ·under the pressure of air compressed in its hardness can be removed by boiling, when pan of
upper pan and forming pan of a pumped the mineral content is precipitated as solid
water supply system. Variations in the matter.
amount of water stored are accompanied That part of the hardness of water which
by variations in the pressure of the air and remains after the water has been boiled.
water and can be used to control the
starting and stopping of the pumps•. Head ' The vertical height of a column of water
Pressure which would produce at its base, by
Backflow Flow in a direction contrary to the natural virtue of its own weight. a pressure equal
or intended direction of flow. - to· that to which the water is actually
Backnut 1. A locking nut provided on the screwed subjected. ·
shank of a tap. valve or pipe fitting for The pressure head when the water is at
securing it to some other object.
2. A thin threaded nut. dished on one face Total • The sum of · the position, pressure and
to retain a grommet. used to form a water-
. velocity heads.
tight joint on a long-threaded pipe.
··.Capacity 1. The volume contained in a vessel. Working head The head of water at which a pipe, vessel
or pump is designed to work. . .
Actual capacity 2. Of a storage cistern. The capacity of the
cistern measured up to the water line. Joint A welded joint in which two pans made of
Cavitation A phenomenon in the flow of water con- Autogenous the same metal are welded together with
sisting in the formation and· collapse of ,__welded or without the use of afillerrod ofthe·same ,
cavities in the water bringing about metal.
pitting on ballvalve outlets and seatings Brazed A joint in which the pans are united with
of valves•. molten brass. {Silver solder) (Many
CiStern A fixed container for water in which the proprietary brands of rod on market) •. : ·.
water is at atmospheric pressure. The water Bronze welded A welded joint · in- which the parts are
is usually supplied through a ballvalve. united with molten bronze. The process is
Storage cistern A cistern for storing water.' distinguished from brazing by 'the ·local
Water Byelaw Any cistern, other than a flushing cistern. building up of the welding material.
definition : having a free water surface under atmos-
Capillary A iine"clearance.:.spigot and socket joint
pheric pressure but does not include a into which molten solder is caused to flow
drinking trough or drinking bowl for by capillary action.
animals including poultry.
Stopcock Manipulative A compression joint which requires the end
A cock fitted in a pipeline for regulating the
type compression of the pipe to be shaped outwards before
flow of water.
assembly to enable the pipe fitting to grip
Cross connection 1. A connection between two normally the pipe.
independent pipelines which permits flow
from either pipeline into the other. Non-manipulative A compression joint which does not require
Note: Such a connection may be a ~pe compression the end of the pipe to be shaped before
possible source of contamination of a assembly because the pipe fitting is made
water supply. to grip the outside wall of the plain pipe by
2. An irregular connection between a foul means of a compression ring.
drainage system and a surface water Fusion A joint made on certain types of plastics
drainage system. piping, e.g. polythene, in which the
Cupro-solvency The ability of some waters to dissolve surfaces which are to be in contact in a
copper. closely ·fitting spigot and socket are
Disk feed separately heated. While both are still hot,
A method of regulating the rate of flow into
the spigofis inserted in the socket, where-
an automatic flushing cistern by the use of
upon the two become fused together.
a thin disk. with a calibrated orifice,
mounted in a union in the feed pipe. Shrunk rubber An '0' ring joint used on certain types of
Diversity factor A factor used in the design of pipework to joint ring plastics piping, e.g. PVC, in which, by the
Probability of determine the maximum rate of flow to application of heat. the socket is shrunk on
simultaneous allow for in a pipe. When there is a large · to the spigot thereby entrapping the rubber
demand. OOFJ\Der ef~ff points. it ia improbable- ring.
Probability of that all will be in use at the same time. Solvent welded A joint made on certain types of plastics
simultaneous,· Similarly, where a large number of outlets piping, e.g. PVC. in which the surfaces
Solvent cement
discharge. discharge into one outlet pipe or channel which are to pe in contact in a 'c_losely
it is improbable that all will be used at the fitting spigot and socket are separately
same time. The diversity factor is the smeared with a solvent. after which the
probable rate of flow divided by the • spigot is inserted in the socket, whereupon
the two become united. ··· ··;.
Section H . Conversion factors and miscellaneous data

Definition of plumbing terms

Cold water supply

Loading unit A unit so chosen that the relative water Water line A line marked inside a cistern to indicate
requirements of sanitary appliances can be the highest water level at which the ball-
expressed as multiples of that unit. The valve should be adjusted to shut off. ·
loading unit rating of an appliance depends Working pressure The pressure at which a pipe, vessel or
upon the duration and rate of flow required pump is designed to work.
at the appliance and on · the interval
between usage. · ·Hot water supply
Pipes An overflow pipe, corisisting of a vertical
Standing tube, standing in a cistern and passing ; A process for rust-proofing cast iron or mild
overflow through its base. steel in which the metal is raised to red
Distributing pipe- Any pipe (other than an overflow pipe or a : heat and treated with live steam.
.Water Byelaw flushing pipe) conveying water from a Tongue tee ·A tee having an internal projection· so
definition storag-e cistern. or from a hot water placed as to divert part of the flow from
apparatus supplied from a feed cistern. the main pipe into the branch pipe. ·
and under pressure from thirt cistern.
Breech fitting .A symmetrical pipe fitting in which two
Overflow pipe A pipe connected to a vessel, sanitary Breeches fitting _parallel pipes unite into one pipe. The flow
appliance, $ewer or chamber to discharge Breaching fitting may be in .either direction according to the
A excess water. purpose for which the fitting is used •.
· ·Service pipe- So much of any pipe, for supplying water . Calorifier · · 'A storage vessel, not open to the atmos-
IJVater Byelaw from a any premises. as is subject phere. in which a supply of water is heated.
definition to water pressure from that main, or would The vessel contains an element. such as a
be so subject but for the closing of some coil of pipe, through which is passe~ a-
stopvalve. . .;·supply of hot water or steam, in such a way
Warning pipe- An overflow pipe so fixed that its outlet. thatthe two supplies do not mix. heat being
whether inside or outside a building, is in a transferred through the walls of the element.
Water Byelaw
definition conspicuous position where the discharg!! - Cathodic A method of protecting metal pipes· or
of any water therefrom can be readily seen. ; protection vessels exposed to corrosion. The corrosive
Pipe ring A ring-shaped clamp. made in halves for action is modified so that the metal to be.
screwing or bolting together, which forms protected becomes ·the cathode instead of
Pipe ring, single the anode, and this is done either
part of an assembly for supporting a pipe.
Split pipe ring One half of the ring incorporates an (i) by attaching a block of other metal.
integral socket screwed internally to higher in the electrochemical series, such
receive the threaded end of the_supporting as magnesium, which then becomes_ the
unit. anode and suffers corrosion, or
(ii) by applying a small electric current
Pipe union A union for connecting together tWo pipes. from an external source. ·
It is made in three parts, two -t>f which are
Primary circuit A circuit in which water circulates between
for fixing to the pipe ends, the third being a
a boiler or other water heater and a hot
coupling nut.
watet:Storage--vessel. · ·
PI umbo-solvency The ability of some waters to dissolve lead. A circuit in which water circulates in
Secondary circuit
Back-siphonage Backflow caused by siphonage of a liquid distributing pipes from and back to a hot
from an appliance or storage vessel into water storage vessel. ·
the pipe feeding it. · ·
Closed circuit A system of pipes and fittings in which the
Elbow action A quarter turn tap with a lever handle which same water is circulated and from which no
Tap can be operated by the forearm. water is drawn off for use, as in a hot water
Wrist action A quarter turn tap with a short lever handle space heating system. ·
Tap which can be operated by the wrist. Water Byelaw Any system of pipes and other water
Delayed action definition: fittings through which water circulates and
A ballvalve with its float riding on the
ball valve from which water is not drawn for use, and
surface of the water in an open-topped
includes any vent pipe fitted thereto but
chamber fitted within a cistern. The open-
not the feed cistern or the cold feed pipe.
ing of the ballvalve is delayed until the
water level in the cistern has fallen through Feed cistern A cistern for supplying cold water to a hot
a fixed distance, when the chamber water system.
empties itself into the cistern through a Water Byelaw Any storage cistern used for supplying cold·
non-return valve. When the water level definition : water to a hot water apparatus, cylinder or
rises again, the chamber is refilled by flow tank.
over its top edge, thus quickly closing the Expansion cistern A cistern forming part of a hot water heating
ballvalve. system, which accommodates the increase
Equilibrium A ball valve, so designed that the hydraulic in volume of the water when hot; it can·
ballvalve forces acting on the closing disk or piston also act as the feed cistern for the system.
are hydraulically balanced. Cradle A support shaped to fit the underside of a
f·:·'. · · -~acti-on A ballwlw, fer use-ln large autcmalis ~ mRe. cylinder or appliance.
A slow plastic deformation or movement of
!, ,.-
ballvalve flushing cisterns, which is open when the Creep
float is at top water level and closed when a material under stress.
the float is at bottom water level. A pet cock Cylinder. hot water A cylindrical closed vessel for storing hot
on the supply side of the ballvalve initiates Water Byelaw water under pressure greater than atmos-
the operation. definition pheric pressure. •
· Water hammer A hammering sound caused by violent Indirect cylinder A cylindrical calorifier with- a heating.
surges of pressure in water · element ofannular shape, inside. : · · ''\:, · '•'·\.~ ....
;,,,·\ ~·;· .-,,~:·:·~:~::~:,:~--~-~·~~i_tJ.t...-:
~ Hot water supply

.·Dead leg A length of hot water pipe leading to a Discharge unit A unit so chosen that the relative load-
draw-off point and not forming part of a producing effect of sanitary appliances can
circuit. be expressed as multiples of that unit. The
EXpansion loop A loop in a pipeline which. by flexing. can discharge unit rating of an appliance
. accommodate expansion and contraction depends on its rate and duration of
movement. · discharge and on the interval between
· "' _. · · Expansion joint A joint which permits relative movement of discharges.
'the jointed parts caused by expansion and Flushing trough " A flushing apparatus which combines
contraction due to temperature change.. Trough cistern several discharging units in one long
cistern body to allow the more ·frequent
One-pipe The circulatory flow of a stream of hot flushing of the W.C. pans in a range than is
circulation water in one direction and a stream of possible with individual flushing cisterns.
cooler water in the opposite direction at
the same time and in the same pipe. Garchey system A system for the conveyance by water
carriage, and for the disposal at a central
Parasitic In a domestic hot water system, the plant. of domestic refuse from multi-
circulation unwanted circulation of hot water in a _storey buildings.
pipe circuit. intended to be temporarily Group connector A cast iron double .or triple branch fitting,
inactive. or in a vent pipe.. on a drain. with socketed branches to
· ·. · ·"1:old feed pipe -A distributing pipe conveying cold water receive waste pipes and a spigoted outlet
·". ;_ ·Feed pipe ·from a cistem to a hot water apparatus. for connecting to the socketed inlet of a
', .~Vent pipe A pipe, in a hot water appliance, for the gully or grease trap~ · ·
: Exhaust pipe escape of air and for the safe discharge of loop vent A branch ventilating pipe which; aher
·.Expansion pipe any steam generated. being carried above the spillover level of
. · Plumbing unit A pre-fabricated plumbing assembly of the sanitarY appliance it serves, is .con-
pipes and fittings with a supporting frame- nected at a lower level to a soil or waste
work. pipe, which is not freely ventila.ted to
Direct system A hot water supply system in which the atmosphere. or to the .drain serving .ttie
water supplied to the draw-off points is sanitary appliance. .
heated by a primary source of heat such as Note: In the United States the term is used
solid fuel. gas, electricity or oil. with the following meaning: 'A branch
ventilating pipe which serves.the topmost
Indirect system A hot water supply system in which the range of not more than 8 sanitary· appli-
water supplied to the draw-off points is ances. The upper end is connected to a
heated by means of a calorifier. stack vent and the lower end to the
Spray mixing tap A tap. supplied with hot and cold water and horizontal branch soil or waste' pipe
incorporating a mixing device..pperated by between the two appliances· most remote
the user. The mixed water is delivered at a from the discharge stack_'
restricted rate of flow in the form· of a spray. A pipe which conveys. to a drain the

Soil pipe
Spray tap A tap supplied with water at a predetermin- Soil conductor discharge from a water closet. urinal or
ed temperature which it delivers at a slop hopper. In the 'one pipe' and 'single
restricted rate of flow in the forin of a spray. stack' systems the soil pipe also conveys to
a drain the discharges from baths. wash
Sanitation basins. sinks and similar appliances.
Inverted branch,. A branch fitting. for a soil or waste ventila- Soil-waste A pipe for conveying both soil· ani:! waste
ing pipe, on which the branch, which may discharge pipe water.
terminate in either a socket or spigot. is Ventilating pipe A pipe in a soil and/or waste pipe system
either inclined below the horizontal or is Soil ventilating pipe which facilitates the circulation of air
parallel to the main pipe and facing down- within the system and protects trap seals
wards. (The branch is intended for the from excessive pressure fluctuation.
connection of a branch ventilation pipe}.
Waste pipe A pipe which conveys to a drain or soil
Chair A metal frame for building . into a thin pipe the discharge from a sanitary appliance
Waste conductor
partition wall and the floor so as to provide Waste, deprecated used for ablutionary, drinking or culinary
means of supporting a wash basin, W.C. purposes.
pan or other sanitary appliance clear of the A ventilating pipe in a waste pipe system.
Waste ventilating
Flushing cistern A cistern provided with a device for rapidly
discharging the contained water and used Receiver. diluting
in connection with a sanitary appliance for
the purpose of cleansing the appliance and
carrying away its contents into a drain.
Note: The nominal size of a cistern is the
quantity of water discharged per flush.
Dual flush cistern A W.C. flushing cistern which gives flushes
'of two different volumes. either of wbich
. g,n be~ b¥ th&-YHf.o
Relief vent An additional ventilating pipe connected
Crossvent -" A short relief vent between the main soil or to a soil or waste pipe at any point where
Yoke vent waste pipe and a main veittilating pipe. excessive pre~ure fluctuation is likely to
·crown 1. The highest point of the internal surface oc ur.
of a pipe or culvert at any cross section. Induced- The extraction of water from a trap by
2. Of a trap. The topmost point of the outlet siphonage siphonage set up by reduction of pressure
ofa at the outlet of the trap. · · • · ·· ·. ·· · ·

.' ~ ...
.. ·.. ' ...."'. ..... , ..

Section H Conversion factors and miscellaneous data

Definition of plumbing terms

sa-;,itation Drainage

Self- The extraction of water from a trap by Back-drop A vertical or steeply sloping connection to
siphonage siphonage set up by the momentum of the connection or near the invert level of a manhole from
discharge from ~he s~mitary appliance to a sewer or drain at a higher level.
which the trap is attached. Balcony A fitting intended to be interposed in a
Stack vent The extension of a soil or waste stack. outlet vertical rainwater pipe passing through a
above the highest branch soil or waste pipe balcony, and providing · an inlet for the
connection, terminating in an end open to drainage of rainwater· from the balcony.
atmosphere; Benching Sloping surfaces so constructed on either · ·
Two-pipe A soil and waste system comprising two side of channels at the base of a manhole ·
system independent pipes, namely, a soil pipe as to discourage the accumulation of ·
conveying soil directly to the drain and a deposits. ·
waste pipe conveying waste water to the Barron's bend A short three-quarter section branch bend.
drain through a trapped gully. The system Slipper bend
may also require ventilating pipes.
Knuckle bend A short radius bend.
One-pipe A soil and waste system in which a single
system soil;.waste pipe conveys soil. and waste Trapping bend An unsocketed 90' cast iron bimd, with
· water directly to the drain. The system may one long arm for use as a dip pjpe in, for
) . also require ventilating pipes.
Catch pit
example, a petrol intercepting tra"p.
_A pit excavated or a chamber_c~nstructed.
. ..
Single-stack A one-pipe system from which, subject to
system the observance of certain stringent niles. in and below the normal level of a ditch,
all or most of the trap ventilating pipes are drain or sewer to trap silt and solid matter
omitted.· and facilitate its removal.
Spray tap basin A wash basin designed to receive the Cesspool ·1·· An underground chamber for the recep-
discharge · from a spray tap without tion and storage of foul water, the contents
splashing. It normally has one taphole and .of which are periodically removed for
no overflow and is fitted with a grated disposal. .·
waste. - 2. A box-shaped receiver constructed in a
roof or gutter for collecting rainwater which
Performance test A test for the stability of trap seals in soil then passes into a rainwater pipe connect-
·and/or waste pipe systems. ed thereto: ' ·
Catch pot trap A bottle trap with a removable lower part Foul water drain A drain intended to convey foul water.
large enough to retain waste for examina-
tion or recovery. Process drain A drain intended to convey process or
trade wastes only. ·
Deep seal A trap having a water seal 3 in. or more
trap deep. Subsoil drain 1. A drain intended to collect and carry
away subsoil water.
Resealing trap A trap designed to retain an effective water Subsoil water drain 2. A. drain intended to disperse into the
seal after relieving excessive pressure subsoil the effluent from a septic tank or an ·
fluctuations either at the inlet or outlet of overflowing cesspool.
the trap..
Surface water. A· drain intended to convey surface water
Running trap A tubular trap having the inlet and outlet drain only. ·
in horizontal alignment.
Drain chute A tapered drain fitting fmed to the inlet or
Vent stack A main ventilating pipe. outlet of a manhole to facilitate rodding.
Wastibasin ,. A sanitary appliance primarily intended for
washing the upper parts of the body. It has Drop connection A length of drain laid vertically immediately
a waste connection and a piped water before its connection to a sewer or to
supply and is generally of ceramic ware another drain.
but can also be of metal or of plastics. Dry weather 1. The foul water, together with infiltration,
Grated waste A waste fitting with an integral grating flow if any, flowing in a sewer or drain in dry
flush with its inlet end and hence incapable weather.
of accepting a waste plug. 2. The rate of flow of foul water, together
with infiltration, if any, in a sewer or drain
Depth of water The depth of water which would have to be in dry weather.
seal removed from a fully charged trap before
air could pass through the trap. Puddle flange A flange on a pipe, at the point at which it
Puddling flange will pass through a water retaining
Wet venting The use of the lower portion of the structure, to increase the resistance to
ventilating pipe, in a waste pipe system or leakage along the exterior of the pipe.
a soil/waste pipe system, as a waste pipe.
Hydraulic The loss of head in liquid flowing in a pipe
gradient .. or channel expressed per unit length of the .
Drainage pipe or channel. In a channel the hydraulic
gradient is equal to the slope of t!le free
Aerobic Pertaining to the action of micro-organisms surface of the flowing liquid.
in the presence of oxygen. A factor used in calculating the rate of flow
::: · Anerobic Pertainin9 to the action of micrO·I)T£l!ll'li$m.3 mean-Eiepfn ef eliEtuiEf iftit"~ t'1f elmmel•. ft is otmrined ~ ~
in the absence of oxygen. by dividing the cross-sectional area of the
Anti-splash shoe.' A rainwater fitting fixed at the lower end of liquid by the length of the wetted perimeter . ·
a rain water pipe and so shaped as to of the pipe or channel. •
reduce splashing when rainwater is dis- Invert 1. The lowest point of the internal surface
charging into the open air. of a pipe or channel at any cross section.
The vertical fall _in a back-drop connection. 2. The lower poition of the Inter!'~~~ ,. ~- .
surface of a drain, $ewer or channel•. _ ,_.,...-i;,;l\,, ·
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I' .

Useful addresses
• Drainag,e
Addresses as classified as follows:
1 Contractors' Trade Associations
Joinder junction A junction pipe in which the branch is
manufactured with a closed end designed 2 Manufacturers· and other Trade Associations
to be cut off when the branch is required 3 Professional Bodies
for use. 4 Research and Advisory Bodies
Flushing manhole . A manhole at which water for flushing is 5 Regional Water Aulllorities and Water Companies in
introduced into a drainage system. England and Wales. · ·
Rainwater shoe 1. A rainwater fitting at the foot of a rain- , I Fuel Interests
water pipe to discharge rainwater into the 7 Government DePartments
open air clear of the building surface to
I Training O~isations
which the pipe is fixed.
2. A drain fitting. fixed horizontally at the · 9 Trade Unions
foot of a ninwater pipe, having a vertical 10 Safety Organisations
or horizontal inlet and an inspection open- 11 Overseas
ing with either a grating or a sealed cover.
Raising piece A fitting for extending the height of a gully
Gully riser or of a rainwater shoe. A gully raising piece
Rising piece may have branch inlets. 1 Contractors' Trade Associations
Ramp A short length of a pipeline or channel laid Association If Boller Setters, Clllmney aad Fv1111e1
at a considerably steeper gradient than the Constructol1,
adjoining portions. 64 Queen Street, London EC4 01-248 1755 .
·Rest bend A cast iron or stoneware bend, having a Brltlsll Coaslnlclloal Sleelwort Assoclatioa,
Duck foot bend foot formed integrally in its base, used to . Hancock House. 87 Vincent Squm, London SW1
receive a vertical pipe or line of pipes. 01-834 1713 .
. Self-cleansing The.velocity of a flowing liquid in a pipe .; Committee of Associations of Speclalld Eaginlll'lq
·velocity Coatl1ctDI1 (CASfC) .. . .
or channel necessary to prevent the
deposition of solids in suspension. · ESCA House, 32-34 Palace CoUrt; Landon W2 4JG
01·229 2488 - .
Soffit The highest point of the internal surface of Bectrical Conlriclllrs' Association (ECA),
Crown a pipe or culvert at any cross section. 1 ESCA House, 32-34 Palace Court. London W2 4HY
· Combined system A drainage system-in which foui)Nater and 01-229 1266 . - :: •.:•.• ..:;:-, . . ' . ,_:.
surface water are conveyed by the same Bectricai ContractDis• AssiiCiaifoa of ScoUilld, ·. ·
pipes. 23 Heriot Row. Edinburgh EH3 ~. 031-225 722112
Separate system A drainage system in which foul water and Fed~m~tion ol As:soclatloas ol Speclalldl and Sab-
Contrlcto11 (FASS), .. .· ·
surface water are conveyed in separate 376 Grays Inn Road. London WC1X 888 . OH78 9604
Federation ol CIYII Envineerlag Contrlcto11, · ·
Concentric taper A taper for connecting together pipes Romney House, Tuflon Street. .London SW1 ··
Concentric taper having their axes in the same straight line. 01-222 2544 . . . . ..
pipe ' HeaUng and YllllllaUng Contractora' AssociaUon
Level invert taper A taper for connecting together pipes (HYCA), . • · •. . .·
Level invert having their inverts ·in the same straight ESCA House. 32-34 Palace Court, London W2 4JG
taper pipe line. 01·229 2488 .
Buchan trap (Sconish) An intercepting trap with a House BuJJde11 FHersUon,
horizontal inlet having also a vertical socket · 82 New Cavendish Street, London W1 M BAD
01-580 4041 .
on the inlet side of the trap for the con-
nection of an access pipe. It is also obtain- Insulation Glazing Association,
6 Mount Row, London W1Y SOY. 01-629 ~
able with means of access on the outlet
side of the trap. Metal Roofing Co111racto11' Association,
r;Jo Drake & ScuD. Hamlyn House, Highgate Hill.
High invert trap A trap with a vertical inlet in which the London N19 01·272 0233
trap level of the outlet invert is high in relation National Association ol Plumbing,· Heating ami
Low back trap to the inlet . Mechanical Sml:es Contrlcto11 (NAPHMSC),
(Sconish) 6 Gate Street, London WC2A 3HX 01-405 2678
Intercepting trap An intercepting trap designed to be fixed Natiolllll Federation ol Building Trades. Employe!'$
with reverse · on the inlet side of an interceptor chamber. (HFBTE), .
clearing arm 82 New CavenlfiSh Street, London )¥1 M BAD
01-580 4041
Reverse action An intercepting trap which is used when
intercepting trap National Federation ol Roofing Contracto11,
the water from a subsoil drainage system 15 Soho Square, London W1V 5FB 01-439 1753
needs to be brought into the main drainage
Scottish I Nortllern Ireland Plumbing Employe!'$'
system of a building. A ventilating pipe is Federation (SHiPEF),
joined to the trap at the end of the subsoil 2 Walker Street, Edinburgh EH3 7lB 031·225 6842
Low invert trap A trap with a vertical inlet in which the level
of the outlet invert is low in relation to the
Anti-flooaing valve A non-return valve, for use on a drain,
/ usually consisting of a floating ball and
seating, preventing the backing up of
flood water.
Wened perimeter The line of contact between a pipe or
channel, and the liquid flowing therein, at
a cross section. · .. . ·.. •. - -·

... ~-
'' ·; \'

Section H Conversion factors and miscellaneous data


Useful addresses

Addresses are dassHfed as follows:

1 Contractors' Trade Associations Brlllsll Water I Elllutat Tnallllelrt Plllll Assodatla, Oil Appliance Manufactartra' Assoclatloa,
...2 Manufacturers' and other Trade Associations 27 Crendon Street, Higb Wycombe, Bucks., HP13 6LG tJo Chamber ol Commertt and Industry, 75 Harbome
0494-444544 Road, Birmingham 815 3DH 02H54 6171
3 Professional Bodies lllllldlng Societies' Assoclatloe, Pllcb Fibre Pipe Assoclat!oa of Gmt Britala,
4 .Re5ear~ and AdviSory Bodies 14 Park Street, Mayfair,l.Dndon W1Y 4A1. 01-629 0515 35 New Bridge Street. London EC4V 6BH
•· : . 5 Regional Water Aulllorities and Water Companies in 01-248 5271
CBMPf . CoaiiCll If lriiiU llallllfacturan aid
. England and Wales Contractors _IIIYIIIg Dt Petrolnm nd l'rDcesl Plastic Plpa Maoutaemrers' Society,
I Fuel Interests JniiDIIrln, · · c/o Wenham Major & Clarke. 89 Cornwall Street.
118 Southwark Street.. London SEl 01-928 1491 Bimilngham 3, Warwickshire 021-236 1866
· 7 Government Departments
Council Ill Britlsll Clramlc Snllaryware llan- Sclentlllc lnatrunieat Ma11faclarers' Association:
I Training Organisations lfacturers (CBCSM), . 20 Peel Street, London W8 01-727 2614
!I Trade Unions Federation ltlluse, Stoke-on-Trent.· Staffs. Stoke-on- Scottish· Tile, Flreplut alld Domeltlc HeaHng
10 Safety Organisations Trent 48675 Association,
Confederstlon llllrllllll Jadmry, 20 Hanover Street. Edinburgh EH2 2H1 031-225 5851
11 Overseas 21 Tothill Street. london SW1 01-930 6711 Timber Trade federatioa,
Contracmrs' Plant Assoclllloa, . Clareville House, Whitcombe Street, london WC1
2B Eccleston Street. London SW1 01-730 7117 01-8391891
Copper Cylinder 111d Boller lla..tadlnra ~ Water-Tuba Boilermakers' Assoc1ati011,
89 Oxford Street. Manc:hes1erMULT 061-236366819 8 leicester Square, London WC2H 8BN 01-4370678
~ 2 Manulacta&els• and Other Trade Copper Tabe fillings llantxterers• Assoclllloa
Associations . (CTFIIA),
·.Alii~ Ca~aatllanllfaciisms· Assoclatloa, 7 Highfield Road, BinningJiam 8153ED 021-454 n66
c/o Dickens House. 15 Took$ Court. London EC4H 1lA EnaJneertav Employers' Federation, 3 ·Professional Bodies
01-2-42 7161 Broadway House. Totllill Street. london SW1
. Aaoc:laUoalll Brtllsll Roollng fellllatndactlll'lrs Lid., 01-930 6314 Mbltectural Association,
69 Cannon Street, London EC4N 5AB 01-248 -4444 Emlsoi-UK, Asloclatioe 111 Brlllsil llaaafuterera 11
3{i Bedford Square. London WC1 01-636 0974
. AssoclaHDI llllrDIIZI ·aad Brass fonders, Mineral Joaulallng Flbm, . Association Ill CoiiSIIIUng EJgineers,
c/o Heathcote and Coleman, 69 Harbome Road, 7 Montagu Mansions. London W1 01-935 5492 Hancock House, 87 Vincent Square, London SW1P 2PH
· Birmingham 15 3AN 021-454 4141 01-222 6557
Fire Elllngulsblllll Trade Assocllllila, ·- 1 ti ...
AssocliHDI Ill llldustrallsed lllllldlag Compooeat 74 Exmoor Drive, Wo.--. W. Sussex BN13 2PJ Alloc a on u• Consulting Scltlllisll,
llanllllcblrers, · 0903 62347 •u-•w 2 Howard Street, london WC2 01-836 1637
26 Store Street. London WC1E 7BT 01-636 5400 Found!y Trades' Equlpmtat aid S.ppllu Alloclatiila Association Ill l.Dcal - 6111emment £Jiglneers 1
British Balb Manllllcturers' AssociaHoa, Ud.. Surveyors,
·Fleming House. Renfrew Street, Glasgow C3 21 John Adam Street,l.Dndon WC2N 6JH 01 _939 6171 P.0. Box No. 628. 37 Wimbledon Hill Road. London
041-332 0826 SW19 OPF 01-946 3m
Galvanizers' AssoclaHoa, AssocliUon Ill London lklrougb Engineers and .
British Cast Jroa Pmsore Pipe AssoclatiOII, 34 Berkeley Square. London W1X MJ 01...C99 6636 Svrveyora,
Crusader House, 14 Pall Mall, London SW1
01-930 7171 Gauge &..T.oQimakers' Alloclllioa, 128-142 High Road. IIford, Essex IG11DD
Standbrook House. 2-5 Old Bond Street, London 01-478 3020 Ext. 145
BriUsll CombosHoa Equipment Manafacturers' W1X 4LS 01-493 3451 Auoclation ol Supervisory and uecvtln Engineers,
· Aaoc:laUoa,
The Femery, Mmet· Place, Midhurst, West Sussex HEYAC bsoclatloa, WIXhill House, West Horsley. Surrey 048-636 383
073-0111.27!2 ' 64 Sheen Road, Richmond, Surrey. TW9 1UF Association of Water Oflicers,
BriUsll Compressed Gases AllodaHoa, 01-948 2266 15' Maltet Place. South Shields, Tyne and Wear
Alembic House, 93 Albert Embankment, London Hydraallc Alloclatioa, NE33 1JQ 089-43 63882
SE1 7TU 01-735 3001-8 Glen House, Stag Place, london SW1 01-834 8740 Building Servlcn Engineering Society,
British Elldrlcal and Allied llanulaelllrers' AssocJa.. Jadustrlal Warm Air Heaters llaauflctarers' Assocla- c/o The Institution of Civil Engineers. 1-7 Great George
IIIIa Ltd., '. tioa Ltd., Street, lof!dOn SW1P 3AA 01-930 7444
leicester House, 8 Leicester Street, london WC2 7BH Abacus House, G~ Lane. Cheapside, London EC2 Chartered lnslltu!lon of Building Services,
01-437 9687 01~ 4040 , 49 Cadogan Square, London SW1 01-235 7671
British Industrial Measuring and Control ApparatiiS Uftlng Equipment llanafactarers' AssoclatiDII, Council ol Engineering Institutions,
Manufacturers' Association, tlo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 75 Harbome · 2 Utile Smith Street, London SW1 01-799 3912
20 Peel Street, London W8 7PD 01-727 2614 Road. Birmingham B15 3DH 021-454 6171 Engineers' Registration Board.
Brl1lsb loaurance Associ atlon, Manufacmrers' Assocfat!oa 11 Radiators and 2 Unle Smith Street. Westminster SW1P 3DL
P.O. Box 538, Aldermary Hou5e, Dueen Street, London Convectors, 01-799 3912
EC4 01-248 44n 24 Ormond Road. Richmond. Surrey 01-948 4151 Incorporated Association of Artbllecta and SumyOra,
Brlllsh Malleable Tube Fittings Association, Manufacturera ol Domutlc Unvented Supply Systems 29 Belgrave Square. London SW1 01·235 3755 •
St. Vedast House. 150 Cheapslde, London EC2V 6JA Equipment (MODUSSE), The lnstllutlon of Clms of WOlD of Great Britain
01-69888~ tio Building Centre, 26 Store Street. London WC1 E1BT Incorporated,
Brltlsb llecllanlcat Engineering ConfederatiDII, 01-037 1Jl22 41 The Man. Ealing. London W5 3TJ 01-579 2917
112 Jermyn Street. London SW1Y 4UR 01-930 0865 Metal Sl11ll Manufactarers' Association, Institute of Building,
: Brltlsb Non-Ferrous Metals federaHon, . c/o Chamber ol Commerce }louse. P.O. Box 360. 75, Englemere. Kings Ride. Ascot. Berkshire Sl5 88.1
6 Bathurst Street, London W2 2SD 01-723 7465 Harbome Road, Birmingham B15 3DH 021...C54 6171 · Ascot 23355
Brltlsb 011 I Gas Firing Equipment Manufacturers' llltional AsloclaHon of Fire Ofllcers, lnsUtute ol Fuel,
Alloclation, Palace Chambers, Bridge Street, London SW1 18 Devonshire Street, London W1N 2AU 01·580 7124
The Fernery. Market Place. Midhurst. SusSex 01-839 5011 Institute of Marine Engineers, •
Midhurst 2782 llltlonal Asloclallon Df Uft Makers, 76 Mark Lane, London. EC3R 7JN 01-481 8493
''.+: Brilllb Plastics FederaUon, Leicester House, 8 Leicester Street. Leicester Square, lnstltuta ol Materials Handling,
•. ·.· 47/48 Piccadilly, london W1 01-734 2041 London WC2 Q1-437 0678 . . St. !Yes House, St. lves Road. Maidenhead, Berks.
Brl1lsll P1mrJt Manufacturers· AssDelltln, NIIIDIIJI lr'IUfiJUIIIIJy 'AftiClilfDII (IBl); .. . 11628 28011
37 Castle Street,, GLiildfOrd, Surrey GU1 3UQ 5 Greenfield Crescent. Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3BE lllslltute ol Measurement and Control,
0483-37991 021-454 21n 20 Peel Street, London ws 01-727 3755
· lrltisb Stael Corporation, NaHonal Council for hlldlno Material Producers, Institute ol Metals,
P.O. Box 403, 33 Grosvenor Place. London SW1 26 Store Street. london WC1E 7BT 01-580 3344 17 Belgrave Square, London SW1 01-235 3291
01-2351212 Jbtional Ft~eratioa If ltllders' aad Plumbers' lnalllull ol Petroleum,
llerdlan!S. ·. · 61 New Cavendish Street, London W2M BAS.

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J ·.

Dl ftlllllltlag, 11rt11111 Coal UUIIatin .Reseasa AlloclaUoa, Building Materials &,cirt llnllp,
. ·' Scottish Mutual House, 29 North Street, Homchurdl Randalls Road. Leatheltlead, Surny 503 4411 26 Store Street. London WC1E 1BT 01-636 6920
•, . . RM111RU: 49-51236 .· llrltllll Campnaod Air SDCitty, Building Rnamll &tabiiUJIIIIt,
' ·llltltlltl ol Ollllltlty Sumyora, Leicester House. 8 Leicester S!r!et. LDndon WC2 7BN 6ars1on, Watford. Hens. 09273 74040 .
'l.• 98 .Gloucester. Place, London Wt4 AT 01-437 0678 lllldlq Rnaasa Aftlsory Senlca,
(.: 01-935 1859/4048 ' . Building Researr:b Station, Garston, Watford WD2 7JR
llrlllsillral led Stall RIIIII'CII AaoclaUan,
~~-- ·. . : ~-:lliutale·DI ~IIH, : 24 Buckingham Gall, London SW1 01-828 7931 6ars1on (Herts.) 76612 (STD 09273) · . ,
. . . • _, . 272 'London Road, Wallington, Surrey 01-647 7033 Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, Heftis. WD62BL
biJIIItl: *Water-PolhttiDD CDI!IrDI, Jlrtllsll lon-Ftrrlla .Metals flderatloa. '· 01-953 6177 .
· ledson . House, 53 London Road, Maidstone, Kent Crest House, 7 Highfield Road. Ellgbaston, Birmingham
B15 3ED 021-454 n66 Princa Ris/Joroug/1 Labotatoty, Ptjnces Rlsbonwgh,
ME16 &IH. 0622-'62034 Aylesbuty, Buck!. HP11 9PX · Ptint:es RisboiDugh
: lllllltate. of Registered ARbHIICII, lrilllll Standards IIIStlbltln, 3101 (STD 084 44} ·:
· 68 Gloucester Place, London W1 01....S6 1945 2 Park Street. London W1 01-629 9000
BRE Scottish Uboratory, KeMn Road, East Kilbride,
.llllllbllllll olllrlllsJI Eltgllllll'l, Technical Help to: Glasgow G15 ORZ &sf KHbride 33941 (STD 035. 52}
.. Regency House,3 Malborougll Place, Brighton BN11 UB Exporters Department, BSI, Maylands Arenue, Heme/
Hempstead, Hens. HP2 4SO Building SaiYicel Rllllrcll 11111 lldonnaU•
11213-61399 AaoclaUon (BSRIA), .
Heme/ Hempstsr/ 3111
IDsiltalan ai Deailcal &gl11111, Old Brackn111 Lane. Brxknell, Beilcs. R612 WI
' 16llelgtiva Square, London SW1 01·235 3647 lrilllll Stul Carporatioa, Special Slnla Dtrlslan, Bral:kneU 25071 (STD 0344)
~ .. -- · - initlluuoii ol Clwii EDglm,J. .· 1IDy & Stainless Sleels Worlcs Group, P.O. Box 150, Cantraf Ofliee of JalonaaUOD,
~· · - . - :Ureat George Street, London SW1 01-839 3611 TIIISiey Park Wortcs. Sheffield SO 1TQ 0742-40311 11en:uf1s·Rmnt, ·W!stminster Bridge, London SE1 7DU
. lndtallol .. CemiiJDD Ttcllaology, lrilllll 11111-ftrraa Metals, Tldlllolagy Celdrl. 01-982 2;445
. : . 14 ~.Square, London SW1X BPZ 01-245 9189 Gr:'VIl.allomories.. Dencltwortll Road. Wantage, Oxon CaDStrectiDR · l!ldlllry R1111rcll au llfannatl•
~lllllltiiUu lr!lidrlcal &glaeers, IJ).J2 9BJ 02357·2!192 AaoclaiJDII, ' .. . ,
Old Queen Street House, 6 Storey's Gate, London SW1
. Savoy PJace;':!Jindon WC2 01·240 1871 Blildlag Cntra, 1111 Aaoclaa. II
. lllslltlill~ If :Gas. Eaglllllre, London: 01-839 6881 ·• .
.•176rosvenorCiescepl.LDndonSW1X7ES 01·2-45 0911 The Building Centre, 26 Storl Slreet, .london ··~ Collllimers' AaoclatiDII
·IDstltldloll If Heating and VentilaUag Eagl111111, WC1E 781 0Hi37 1022 14 Butlcingham Street. LDndonWC2N6DS 01-8391222
. ·49 cadogan Square, London SW1 01-235 7671 (AIImirrislration): Capper Dni'lcipmut AaoctaU1111 (CDA), .·
01-637 9001 (Information) Orchard HouSe, Mutton Lane, Potters Bar, Herts.
llllllbiiiDII ar Mecaalcal &glnetr~, 01-037 3151 (Bookshop)
.1 Birdcage)Ya!k. .London.SW1 01,.930 7.f76 Potters ~ 50711
Birmingham: :
laltltldloll Df Mlalclpal Engineers, County CoaD~III AlloclaUan,
Engineering and Bul7ding Canlre, Broard Stteet, Euston . House•. 66A Eaton Square, London SW1
~ ~~n·~. London SW1 01-834 5082 Birmingham B1 2DB 021~ 1914 01-235 5173'.· ·.-. . -
JaitHullon Df Plant Eaglnaers, · Corentry:
138 Buckingham Palace Road, london SW1W 9SG District Heating AlloclaUon,
Corentry Building /ntonnation ~ntre, Council Derbyshire House, St. Cllads S1reet, london EC1
01·7300469 .. House. Earl Street, Coventry CV1 5SE
~on Df Produ~on Eagllllllfl, {0203) 25555 Ext. 2512
10 Chestr:rfilild.Stleet, London W1X BDE 01-499 5254 Biistol: Domestic 011 Blmllr ~lpmelll Tilting Alloclltlae. ·
.JDStilliuanllf l'llbllc Heallll Eaglneers, TileBuilding Canlre, BtistDI, Colston Avenue, The 3 Savoy PlaCtJ, london WC2 01-483 3370
32 Eccleston Square, London SW1 01-834 3017 Centre, Bri$lol BS1 4TW Electrical Rnemll AIIDCIIUDD, .
Jasiltuuon If Slnlctural Englnltrl, (0272) 27002 {lntonnation) CleeYa Road, l..ea1llerllead Leathertlead 74151
11 Upper Belgr.Mt Street, London SW1 01·235 4535 (0272) 22953 {Administration) fire Protection AssoclatiDI, .
IDStltutlon of Water Eaglnaars, Cimbridgs: Aldemlary House. Queen S1reet. london EC4N 1TJ
6-8 Sackville Street. London W1 01·734 5422 The Building 'CMIIe, Cimbridge. 15-16 Trumpington 01-248 5222 .
Street, Cambridge CB2 100 {0223) 59625 Fire Ofllcll' Cammlttel, .
IDStltuttan ol General Taclllllclan Eaglnam.
33 Ovington Gardens, London SW3 01·589 9648 StDicHn-Trent Aldermary House, Queen Street, London EC4N 1TJ
The BuDding lntonnation Cent11, College ofBuilding 01·248 5222
Plasllca lastltldl, ~· · illd Cotnmerr:a, Stoke Road, Sllelton. Stokt-on-Trent
· 11 Hobart Place, London SW1 01·245 9555 fire Rnnreii.Statlan.
ST4 2DG (0782) 24651 Melrose Avenue. Borehamwood, Hertfonlshlre
Royal lncarporat11111 Dl ARhltects In ScaUalld, Glasgow:
15 Rutland Square, Edinburgh 1. Scotland 01-953 s1n
031-229 7205/6
The Building Cent11, Scotland, Flat 61111 AaoclaUOD,
6 Newton Temce, Glasgow G3 7PF 041·248 6212 6 Mount Row, london W1Y 6DY 01-629 8334
Rayal lastltula of BriUall An:llllects,
liverpool: HaaUng and Vlntilalian Ruearcll Alloclatlan,
66 Portland Place. london W1 N 4AD 01·580 5533 Building and Design Centre, Hope Street, Liverpool
Royal lnsUtuta of l'llbllc Healtll aad Hyglne. Old Bracknell Lane, Braclcnell, Berlcshire RG12 4AH
L19BR .
28 Portland Place, london W1 01·580 2731 0344 5071
051·709 8484 {Information)
Royal lliltltuUon of Cllartared Sumyors, 051-709 8566 (Administration) Humldlller Advisory and Consultancy IIIYICI,
12 Great George Street, London SW1 01·930 2081 21 Napier Road. Bromley, Kent BR2 2JA 01-4601118
Rayal Society tor tile Promotl1111 Dl Healtll, The Building Cent11, Manchestrr, Hydraulics Rnearcll Station,
13 Grosvenor Place, London SW1 01·235 9961 J13-115 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 6FB Waltingford, Berlcshire 059-13 2381
Royal Town Planning lnatlblta, Dt 061·236 6933 {lntonnation) Illuminating Eaglnetrlng Society,
26 PorUand Place, London W1 N 4BE 01-636 9107 061-236 9802 {Administration) York House, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 ~};;
Nottingham: 01·928 7110 'l..'
Midland Design and Building Cent11, Industrial Society,
Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG13FE (0602} 45651 48 Bryanston Square. London W1 01·262. 2401 r~
Southampton: Jntematlonal Solar Eaargy Society (UIC sictlan),
4 Research and Advisory Bodies The Building Cent11, Southampton, c/o The Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle Street, london
AcoaUcal Jawes!lgallon aad Raurcll OrgaalaUoa Gromnor Hous., 18·20 Cumberland PlactJ, W1X 485 01-493 6601
Lid· ·• ·· · · Southampton S01 2BD (0703) 27350
~aiont Road; tonaon WC1~ 4Hf '01~20391 - · Janlftnil ~inn lfnlld,
Agrem 1111t laart.· . 17 Lower Baggot Street, Dubin 2
Lord Alexander House, Waterllouse Street. HemeJ lllldlng CDSt lllfDnuUoa Strrlct,
Dublin 762745
· l.eed llwllopmllltAIIeclllllan.>-. ,- -·' ~-> -
34 Berkeley Square, London W1X 6AJ 01-499 8422
. N1U111111 Building Agency,
I '

Hempstead, Herts. Hemel Hempstead 3701 85-87 Clarence Street. Klngsto~~-UpC~D-Thames, Surrey NBA House, Arundtl Street, London WC2 01-&36 4488
Brllbll cast Inn Rasearcll aid DrtiiDPIIIUI KT11RB 01-549 2542 · NaUoaal ECDnomlc Development Caancll,
AaocfaUan, lllldlng Malnlellalcl CDSt lllfDnDaHan St1Yict Ltd., Millbank Tower, Millbank. LDndon SW1 01-834 3811
Bonlelslev Hall, Alvec:hurch, W~re 85-97 Clarence Street, Klngsto~H~pon-Thames, Surrey laUoaal Hoasl-8ulldtrs Caaacll, : .. :·
~Cry 1RB 01·549 010ll3 ·. , . . 58 PorUand W1N 48U 01-387

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Section H Conversion factors and miscellaneous data

Useful addresses

·•Add~ are classified as toll~:

..1. Coirtral:tors' llade Associations ·s Regional Water AuthoriUes Portsmouth Water Company,
Broclchampton Springs, P.O. Box No. 8, West Street,
. .. 2 Manufacturers' and other Trade Associations
~:,. ·:l ~-:.··~ .• •
and Water Companies Havant, Hants P09 1LG- .Havant (070 12) 6333
_., · : ~ -3; ~fessional Bodies in· England and Wales West Kent Water Company,
:~ .. . . · .4 ReSearch and Advisol}' Bodies Nortll West Water AI!Hrity, . Cramptons Road, Sevenoaks, Kent TN14 5DG
;.:;i · ;· . 5 Reoional Water Authorities and Water Companies in Dawson House, Great Sankey, Warrington, Lanes. . Sevenoaks (0732) 52307

WAS 3lW Penlceth (092 572) 4321 Welsll National Water Dftelopmeat Aalllorlty,
~-· ·, ..... .
SouUi West Water AltMrily, . Cambrian Way, Brecon, Powys lD3 7HP
Brec:cm (0874) 3181 · · · ·
! ·Government Departments 3-5 Barnfield Road, &mr. EX11RE
Exeter (0392) 50861 Water ComPanies:
· · 8 Training Organisations Chester Waterworks Company.
Yortsblre Water AIU!ortty,
·· 9 Unions Trade West Riding House. 67 Albion Street. Leeds LS1 5AA 15 Newgate Street, Chester CH7 1DR
1D Saf~ty Organisations leeds (0532) 448201 . Chester (0244) 20501
Water Companies: Wrexham and East Denbighshire Water Company,
11 Overseas 21 Egerton Street, Wrexham LL11 1ND
Yorfr Waterworks Company, Wrexham (0978) 2259
LenrJaJ Tower, Yorks. Y01 2DL YC/It (0904) 22171
Tllama Water AIIHIDrlty,
Snem Treat Water Al!llertty, ~ New River Head, Rosebery Avenue, London EClR 4TP
Abelson House; 2297 Covently Road, Sheldon, 01-2782300
Birmingham, 826 3PS llinnlngllam (021 743) 4222 Water Com'panies:
, A _Research and Advisory Bodies Water Companies: · Colne VaHey Water Company, .
· ··· ;'~uo~J .~dusttbJ Fv~I-EIIicle~ semce. ·East Worcestershire Wi1enrorlrs Com,any,
47 New Road, Bronrsgnwe, B6D 2JT
Blackwell House, Aldenham Road, Watford WD2 2EY
..Abfonl House; -15 Wilton Road, london SWl · WatfonJ (92) 23333
:o1~a 8241 · Bromsgrove (0527} 75151 East Surrey Water Company,
· National laspeclloa Coancll tor Electrical l11slaiiJtioll South Staffordshirr wat!nrorlrs Company, London Road, RedhiH, Surrey RH1 1LJ
50 Slleepcote Street, Birmingham B16 BAR • RedhiH (91) 66333
Contracting (NICEIC), . . Birmingham (021} 643 8131 · La VaHey Water Company,
Alembic House, 93Aibert Embarikment,LondonSElnB
01-sa2 n4& :. . .. · Cheadle Water Works Company Ud., P.O. Box 48, Bishop's Rise, Halfield, Herts A10 9HL
National Society lor Clean Air, 43 Chapel Street, Chsdle, Stalfon1sbire Hatfield (30) 64311 ·
1341137 North Street. Brighton BN1 1RG Brighton Cheadle (05384) 2388 Mid Southem Water Company,
26313 Anglian Water A1r1bori1J, · Frimley Green, Camberley, Surrey GU16 6HZ
· National Water Council, Diploma House. Grammar School Walk. Huntingdon Deepcut (025 16) 503117
1 Queen Anne's Gate, london SW1H 9BT 01-9303100 PE18 6NZ Huntingdoo (0480) 56181 North Surrey Water Company,
NWC · Testing Station, The Causeway, . Staines. Water Companies: The Causeway, Staines, Middlesex TW18 3BX
Middlesex TW18 3DR 0784-54626 Cambridge Water Company, Staines (81) 55464 • • c.:
Rustat Road, Cambridge CB1 30S Ricktnansworth and Uxbridge VaHey Water Company,·
Plastics and Rubber Institute, Cambridge (0223) 47351 Batchworth, Rickmansworth, Herts. WD3 1111
11 Hobart Place, london SW1 01-245 9555 East Anglian Water Company, Rickmansworth (87) 76633
163 High Street, LowestDn Sutton District Water Company, .
Royal Society Df Healtll, Loweston (0502) 2406
90 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1 41 Carshallon Road. Sutton, Surrey SM1· 4W .
Essd Water Company, 01-643 8050 .
01-730 5134
342 South Street. RomfonJ, Essex RM1 2AL Wessex Water Autllorlly,
-.flllbller and Plastics Research Assoc:tatlon, llomforrr(J0)-46016
Shawbury, Shrewsbul}' 5YR 4NR 093-94 383 Techno House, Redditfe Way, Bristol BSl &NY ..
Tendring Hundrec/ WatetworA:s Company, Bristol (0272) 25491 ·
Science Res11rcb Council, Mill Hill, Manningtree, Essex C017 2AZ Water Companies:
State House, High Holborn, London W1 H 4TA Manningtree (0206_ 39) 2155 Boumemouth ana·District Water Company,
01-242 1262 Northumbrlan Water ~. Aldemey Waterworks, West Howe, Boumemoultl
Society of Brltlsb Gas lnd~strlea (SBGI}, Northumbria House. Regent Centre. Gosforth. BH11.8NB Northbourne (020 16) 2261
56-58 Holly Walk. J.,eamington Spa. Warwickshire Newcastle-Upon-Tyne NE3 3PX Bristol Waterworlrs Company,
0926-34357 Goslorth (0632) 843151 P.O. Box No. 218, BridgwaterRaad, Bristol BS99 tAU
Society of Cbemlcaltndustrles, Water Companies: Bristol (0272) 665881
14 Belgrave Square, London SW1 01·235 3681 Hartlepools Water Company, West Hampshire Water Company,
Solid Smokeless Fuels Federation, 3 uncaster Road. HanJepool, Co. Durham TS24 BLW Knapp Mill, Mill Road, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2W
York House. Empire Way, Wembley, Middlesex Hartlepool (0429) 440516 Christchurch (020 15) 3361
01-902 5405 Newcastle and Gates/lead Water Company The Weld Estate,
Sleel SheetlnfonnaUon and Development Auoc:laUon, P.O. Box 10, Allendale Road. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Lulworth Castle, Dorset
Albany House, Petty France. London SW1 01·7991616 NE6 2SW NewcastJe.Upon-Tyne (0632) 654144 West Lulworth (092941 J 352
Timber Research and Development Association, Sunderland and South Shields Water Company, The Cholderton and District Water Company,
· Hugenden Valley, High Wycombe, Bucl<s. 29 John Street. SunderW!d SR1 1JT Estate Office, Choldenon, Salisbury, Wilts.
Sunderland (0783) 57123 Cholderton (098064J 203
(0204·24 3091) Naphill 3091
Tin Research lnslllute, Soutbem Water. Autborlty,
Guiidbourne House, Worthing, Sussex BN111LD
Fraser Road. Perivale, Greenford, Middlesex
Df-997 4254 . . Worthing (0903) 205252.
·.·.·::·'Town and Coitn11y Planning Assoc:latlon,
water companies: 6 Fuel .lnter~st~ . .
Eastboume Waterw~Coinpany, · Alomlc Energy Authority United Kingdom, ,;_:_ ·'· ·
17 Carlton House Terrace. London SW1Y SAS
01·930 8903/4/5 14 Upperton Road, Eastboume. sussex BN21 1EP 11 Charles II Street, London SW1Y 40P ·-o1:930 6262
Eastboume (0323) 21371 B.P. 011 Ud.,
'f.'":,';. VItreous Enar1111 Development Council Ltd., Folkestone and District Water Company, B.P. House, Victoria Street, London SW1E 5NJ
:· ·~ 2BW~~nW1M7PG 01~2237 Tile GIIM'f -6tlllett, 011etrf 91rr1ett~ Frlilrestane; · 01-821..3000- · - ~ ~ - ·
Kent CT19 908 Folkestonr (0303) 76951 Cenlral Electricity Generating Board,
Water Research Centre,
Mid Kent Water Company, Bankside House, Sumner Street. London SE1
Ferry lane, Medmenham, Martow,Bucl<s. 049-166531
P.O. Box 45, High Street, Snoclland, Kent M£6 4AH 01·928 2011 IJ.
Welding lnsUiute, Snodland (0634) 240313 Electricity Council,
Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge 0223-891162
Mid Sussex Water Company, 30 Millbank, London SWt 01-834 2333
Zlnc DniloJi,nent Association {ZDA}, 6 Boltro Road, Hqwants Hslh, Sussex RH1 6 1BA Esso Petroleum Lid.,. . . •
London. W1X 6AJ 01-499 6636 Haywards Healtl (O#f} 2662 .. Victoria Str~t. london SW1 01-834 6677' .. ,... ; .·;. ~ .
·: .. . .
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Britisll Gu Corporation, Construction lndas1Jy Tralalag Board (CITBI, Amalgamated Uaioll If Ellglnnriog Worters
59 Bryanston Street, London W1A 2AZ 01·723 7030 Radnor House, 1272 London Road, Norbury, London {TICbnlcal aod S.pentsory Section},
Natioul Gu Collsumers' Co•ncll, SW16 4EL 01-764 5060 Onslow Hall, Utile Green. Richmond, Surrey
Fifth Roor - Estate House, 130 Jennyn Street, london 01-940 3341 .
.. ·,. National Training Centres:
SW1Y 4UL 01-930 7431/4 Eleclrleal, Elec1rMic Telecommunlcatloa 111111
;~:>~~-. . BircJ:lam NewtDn, near King's Lynn, Norfolk
:-;· .;:..,;..·, Natioul Coat Board, Plumbing Ualoo, ·
:f::}(::ir ·• East Rudham 291 (STD 048 523) . Hayes Court, Bromley. Kent 01-462 n55
Hobart House. Grosvenor Place, London SW1
~.. -0.: 01-235 2020 . littlers Close, London SW79 2TE 01·542 0096 Eleclrlcal and &giaeeriag Stalf Assoclatlo•,
..'"":'-. .....
hlroftna (UIC) Ud., 2 Eddison Street, Hillington. Glasgow G52 4XN ' Hayes cuurt, Brornety. Kent 01-463 ns5 ·
Petrofina House, Yorlt Road, London SEt 7HT 041-882 8338 National Assoclatloa If Fire Olftcers,
01~928 8000 Local Training Centres: 546 Palace Chambers. Bridge Street, London SW1A 2JT
Shell UK 011 Ud., 01-839 5011
St. John's Road. Ipswich, Suffolk 0473-73186
Sheii-Mex House, Strand, london WC2 01-9361234 Hurricane Way, Airport Industrial Estate, Norwich, Natloul Federatioa of Balldlng Trades Operatlns.
Solid Fuel Advisory Service, Norfolk 0603-416029 Federal House, 20A Cedars Road, Clapham, London
. .;;.: · Hobart House, Grosvenor Place, London SW1 SW4 01-622 4451
;: __ :_··. 01·235 2020
Regional Olfices:
Natloul Ualoa of Sllelt Metal Wlllbrs, Coppersmllbs,
:.• Eastern Region, Heating and Domestic Elglneers,
56 Parle· Street, Luton LU1 3JD 75-n West Heath Road, Hampstead, London NW3
· l.llton (Beds.) 27462 (STD 0582) 01-455 0053
l.Dndon and S.E. Region,
·: 7 Government Departments Glen House, Stag .Place, LDndon SW1E SAL
· Dejlartmeni Or Education aad Science, 01-828 7384 .
Elizabeth House, Yorlt Road. London SE1 7PH Midland Region,
9 North Street, Rugby, Warwictshire CV21 2AB
10 Safety .Organisations
01-928 9222 .
Rugby 5546 (SfD.0788) . SrfUsll Red Cross Society,
Department of Employment, 9 Grosvenor Crescent. London SW1X 7EJ 01·235 5454
8 St. James' 5quare. London SW1 01-930 6200 North East Region, "
Jesmond House, Victoria Avenue. Harrogate, N. BriUsh Safety Coancfi,
Department of Energy, 62/64 Chancenors Road, London W6 9RS 01-7-411231
Thames House South, Millbank. London. SW1P 40.1 Yorkshire HG1 50G Harrogal!l 68322 (STD 0423)
01-211 3000 . North West Region, Confederation far.llll ReglslraUon of Gas lastallers
4th Floor Federation House, Hope Street, l.iriipool
(CORGI), • • . ..
Department of tile Environment, Sl Martin's House;140Tottenham Court Road. London
2 Marsbam Street. London SW1P 3EB 01·212 3434 L1 9HL 051-709 8489
I •• ~ •
W1POAS· 01-3879185 .
~;:~-- ~-~ Directorate General Water Engineering, Scotland,
3-4 ClaremontTerrace, Glasgow G3·7XR · .Corgi RegionaJ'Oifices:
2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 3EB 041-332 3323 . .
01·212 4014 Scottish Region, •
West and Wales Region, Granton House, West Granton Road, Edinburgh
Building Regulations, Prot. Division. EH5 1YB 031-552 6960
Becken House, Lambeth Palace Road, London SE1 18-19 Belmont, Bath SA 1 5DZ
01-928 7855 Bath 316695 (STD 0225} Northern Region,
Education Council lor Heating ud Veatllating, Stephenson House, Northumbrian Way, Killingworth,
Property Services Agency: Newcastle-U~Tyne, NE991GB
ESCA Flouse. 34 Palace Court. London W2 4JG
Technical Ubraf)', Room C0011C002, Whitgm Centre, 01-764 5060 Newca.stle-U~yne 683833
Wellesley Road, Croydon CR9 3LY Noith Westem Region,
01-686 8710 + 456014564 Engineering Industry Trilnlng Board,
P.O. Box 148, Clarendon Road, Watford WD1 1HS Victoria Housa, Victoria Road, Hale,· Cheshire
8uJ1ding Information Room, Room 1.6431JmarHouse.. -92·44322 WA15 9AF 061-941 2548
Wellesley Road. Croydon CR9 2El North Eastern Region,
01-686 3499 + 33060161 Heating Ventllallng and Dommie Engineers' National
Joint lndusb'lal Council, Negas, Kent Road, Pudsey, West Yorlcshire LS28 9BW
~ Department of HeaHb end Social Security, ESCA House, 34 Palace Court, London W2 4JG Pudsey 66533
r_l Alexander Reming House, Elephant and Castle, London 01-229 2488 · .Easi Midlands Region,
SE1 01-407 5522 • · P.O. Box 145, De Montfort Street, l.!icester LE1 9DB
Joint lodusby Board for Plamblog and Mecllanlcal
Department of Prices and CoiiSIImer l'rlltectlon, Engineering Senica Ia England and Wales, Leicester 50510
1 Victoria Street. London SW1H OET 01·215 7Bn Brook House. Brook Street, St. Neots, Huntingdon, West Midlands Region,
Fair Trading Division, Cambs. PE19 2BP 5 Wharf Lane, SolihuH, West Midlands 891 2JP
1 Victoria Street, London SW1H OET 01-215 5092 Huntingdon (STD Code 0480) 76925-8 021-704 4101
Standard Weights and Measures DiviSion. National Joint Council for tile Building lndusby, Wales Region,
Abell House, John Islip Street, London SW1P 4lR 11 Weymouth Street, London W1 01-580 1740 Snelling House, Sure Terrace, Cardiff CF1 2UF
01•211 4275 . Polytechnic ol tile South Bank, Cardiff 395398
Department or Trada and lndusby, faculty of Environrnenlal Science and Technology, Eastern Region,
1 Victora Street. london SW1 01·215 78n Borough Road, london SE1 01-928 8989 Star House, Potters Bar, Herts. EN6 2PD
Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Sco!Hsh and ND!tllem Ireland Joint lndusby Burd tor Potters Bar 50793
Atlantic House, Holbom Viaduct. London EC1 Plumbing, Mecllanlcal Englneerlllg Services, North Thames Region, . _ . .
01-248 9876 . 2 Walker Street, Edinburgh 031-225 6842/3 Co/legit House, Wrights Lane, London WB SSN
Home Office, Scottish Technical Edaeation Council (SCOTECI, 01-937 8545 .
Whitehall, london SW1 01-930 8100 38 Queen Street. Glasgow G1 3lY 041-204 2271 South Eastem Region,
Meteorological Office, Technician EducaUoo Council (TEC), 1 Katharine Street, Croydon, Surrey CR9 1JU
284 High Hoibom, London WC1 01-836 4311 76 Portland Place, London W1N 4AA. 01-580· 3050 01-688 7546
Mlnlsby ol Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Training Services Agency, Southern Region, . . · ..
WhitehaU Place, London, SW1 01-83.9 nt 1 162·168 Regent Street. LondonW1R60E 01·2146000 102-108 Above Bar, Southampton, Hants S09 5AH
Public Recllnls Olftce, Sol/thampton 20100
Chancery Lane, London WC2 01-405 07-41 South Westem Region,
Scotllsll Denlppmp"l Pnlrtml!ll. . . ~ Si Ollill ~ .AYD/1 BA1~ JJJJ!HTSB
-· St. Andrew's House, Edinburgh 1 031·556 8501 · ~ 9 Tratte UntonS - tieaUng and Ventilating Joint Safety Committee,
/ Amalgamated Society of Boilermakers, Sblpwrlghts,
Blacksmiths and Slnlctural Worbrs,
ESCA House, 34 Palace Court, London W2 4JG ·
01·229 2488 •.
Litton House. Eslington Road •. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne 2 Healtband Safely Eleclltl'te,
0632 813205 Baynards House, 1·13 Cllepstow Place, Westboume
8 Training Bodies Amalgamated Uolol If &gloterlng Workers Grove, London W2 01-229 3456
City and Guilds or London lnsUiull, (Constructional Section), lnalltuUon of lndus1rfal Safety Qlllcers, ·.., : ·'
London w1·· 01·580 3050 140 Lower Marsh, London SE1 7AQ • 01-928 5781 .• ·• 23 Queen Sq~. London we,~.~· ~1-27S.H96 .
' :- ....... ~ -....:·:.\.:';"~~ . '

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rH~:·: ·::~ ~ . - . . ---·----'-
.~ ~·· ~":. .

t<~ Section H Conversion factors and miscellaneous data

Useful addresses
· ...
,Addresses are cl;ssif.ed as follows:
h~ 1 Coirtractors' Trade Associations lllloll latemaUoaale lie Ia Cowerblrt, PIDmllerle, NETHERLANDS
.... _· . ,·_ 2. ,Manufacturers' and other Trade Associations llmllatloa SanltJrlnts, Gaz allll llydraullq~~e Gas Water L11odgleter
lillltralt Plumbers Association.
· .. : · 3 Professional Bodies
lnremational Union for Roofing, Plumbing, Sanitlry Tapijtweg 2, 's-6rarenllage, Holland
·-. ~ Research and Advisory Bodies Installations, Gas and Water,
5 Regional Water Authorities and Water Companies in 10 RJJe Du Debarcadere- 75852 Pvis CedelC 17, France NORWAY
' England and Wales Norste R•rleggerlledrille!S Jalldslorenlng
I Fuel Interests ·.National Association of Nol'!"'egian Plumbing
federaUo11 ltaUonale des Assoclatlelll de Patnms
. 7 Government Departments Contractors,
lataUatnrs SanltJires II dl Cllall!lage 11 Baz,
Louises ~ate 28, Oslo 7. Norway
I Training Organisations Plomlllers, Slnguetn el Anlolslm Comears de
9 Trade Unions Belglqlll FBIC
National Federation of Belgian AssDciations of Master
1D Safety Organisations Roriednlngsllrmornas ArlletsgiYarelorllund
Sanitary Engmeers. Gas Heating Engineers, Plumbers,
11 Overseas Zinc Worlcers and Slaters, Federation of Plumbing Employers,
Rue WiHems, 14116, 1040 BnDelles, Belgium. Blasieholmsgatan 4, 111 48 Stockholm. Sweden.

Dust Varme-, Yllllllatloa-«11 Sa111tets lastallll;r .Scbwelzeriscber Speaglennelster. -. 11d lnstallalftr
Berllalld i
~C~J~. Safety _Organisations
. <· :· "' .
~~:~~~·-~·-:--;i- ~: . . ..
·Danish Heating, Ventilation and Sanitation Installers
Association, · ·
. .
- -- Swiss Association of Plumbing and Installation
·. · Contractors,
~'(~_;;:,.·,_ l.llndDII CoiiStllctloll Safetr Gl'llllp, H.M. &eM., Hljnaes'lej 75, 2610 Rlldovre Auf der Mauer 1.1, 8023, Zurich, Switzerland· .
t$~'"'' ·.·Training Centre, Bilton W~. Enfield. Middlesex
i~~i:::;, _01-804 2756. . .
,.-::\:::C..·.,. lle!StySidt and lor111 West Safetr Cell1re,
.. American Society of Plamblag Engineers,
Unl011 llatlonale des Cllambres Syadlcala 111
W(..::<': C/o Government Training Centre, Stopgate Lane.Aintl!e. Cowerbtre et de Plomberie de fraiC8 "15233 Ventura Boulebard. Suite 616. Sherman Oaks,
it~Ji.- ;;:,:,~J~rpool L9 6AW 051-525 0702 California 91403

r'? ;, .
~~·· ~> .JioSPA ladtSirlal Safety Training Celltre,
22 Summer Road, Aax:ks Green, Birmingham Z7
National Union of French Roofing and Plumbing Trade
Associations, National Assoclatlilll Plamblng, HeatiDg, Cooling
ContractolS, .
9 Rue La Perouse, 75784 Paris CedelC 16, France. -
:!'f. , . ·. 021-706 4108 1061 20th Street, NW, Washington DC 20036

T~B~}' Place,
~~::~:!e~ 1:"Devonshire Street, Portland
London W1N 2AT 01·580 5678
Zelllralnrlland.Sanltar-lnd Heizlnp· Tecbnlk
Tbe Institute of Plumbing Australia,
Central Association for Plumbing and Heating 188 Batman ·street. West Melbourne, Victoria 3003
· Royal Society for the Pme11Hon of Accidents (RoSPA), Technology,
Terminal House, 52 Grosvenor Gardens. London SW1 5300 Bonn, Meckenheimer Allee 67, Germany Tbe Master Plumbers Association of Western
01·730 2246 Australia,
Sl John's Ambulance Asso;laHon and Brigade, ffALY 37 Havelock Street, West Perth, 6005 Australia
1 Grosvenor Crescent. London SW1 7EF 01·235 5231 Assoetltliin"'Hazlonale lnstallatorf d'lmplalltl Termlcl SOUTH AFRICA
Yortsblre Safety Section for llle Constrlldloa 1 de VenUiazlone, ldrlcl, SaaltJd, Elellricl,
IDduslry, Telefoalcl ed AftinJ. ltaHonal Building Researcb lnsUtllte,
Davidson House, Hales Road. Leeds 12 0532 639227 P.O. Box 395, Pretoria 0001. South Africa. 74-6011
National Association for Installers of Heating, VentiJa.
·lion, Plumbing. Sanitlry, EJectrical and Telephone NEW ZEALAND
~. .

V'a Philippa Turati 38, 20121 Milano, Italy New Zealand Society of Master PlumbelS (Inc),
~­ P.O. Box 6606, Wellington, New Zealand.
Tbe Plumbing lllformatloa Bureau,
Hardware- Federation House, 23 Palmer Street,
· 11 Overseas FederaHoiiS Reanla dn Patroas FerblantielS,
Wellington 1 P.O. Box 27-005
lastallateurs Sanllalrei elllislallatears lit Cbaullage
Common Market Commission, Directorate General lor Association of Tin Plate ManufactJJrers and Sanitlry
Internal Market, and Central Heating Engineers of the Grand Duchy
Rue de Ia loi 200, B-1049 Brussels of LJJXembourg,
7350040n35 80 40 41 Rue Glesener, LJJXembourg


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Page • Page
Sectio'n A Hot and cold water supplies Low density (Type 32) Polythene pipes 3.o.
Polythen11 pipe (Type 50) for cold watet services to BS 3284:
·British Standards and BS Codes of Practice Section A 45/46 1967 Table A31
.Polythena pipe (Type 32) lot cold water services to BS 7972:
Capacities of Cisterns. Tanks and Cylinders 1967 TableA32
Cisterns and tanks · . · Stu/ joists safe loads for Gtade 43 stee/Tab/e A43
· Asbestos cement cistern:s to 852777: 1974 TabJeA18 27 · Unpluticized.PVC pip11 for cold water services to BS 3505:
Galvanised·mild stu/ cisterns aild coven-to BS 417 Part 2: . 1968 Tablt~A33
· 1973 TableA16 26
· TableA19 27
· Loading tables for steel11nd timber joists 42
. Polyolefin or Olefin Copolymer Cister,n:s (Polythene or
Polyptopylene) to BS 4213: 1975 Table A17 27
Coppet cylinders to BS 699 1972 Teble A21 28 ;:
Dimension:s of cylinde11 to BS 417 Part 2: 1973 Table A20 . 28 ::
Double feed copper inditect cylindttt~ to BS 1566: Part 1:
1972 Tebles A22 A22a 29
... ~:~.. coJI.Type TsbleA24 ... 30
·Single feed copper indirect cylinders to BS 1566: Part 2: 1972

· .BoOSted .cold water innalladon:s 13 2
'· Boosted cold water supply from break tank Fig. AS 15 2
. CapacitY of pneumatic vessel 14
· · : Directly boosted header or enlarged pipe system 13
. Directly boosted system 13
Dtinking watet demand 15
lnditect boosting from breek tanks at low level 13
Ptoviiion of cold water storage to i:ovet 24 houtS interruption
·of supply Table A8 11

Hot Water Storage

Asse:ssment of ho.t water demand and stotage tequirements
(ba:sed on day of heaviest demand during the week) Table A 10 11
Auessing recovery/storage relationships for ho.t watet
storage vessels 12
Demtmd pattem histogram Fig. A3 12
Hot or cold. water storage based on :sanitary appfiance:s
(provisional) Table A9 11 . . .
. Peak hourly loeds Table A 11 12
Storage make-up ratio curve Fig. A4 12 Sizing of primary and Secondary Circulations
Circulating ptessute . 1:
Pressurized Hot .and Cold Water Systems Density of water Table A 12 1
Hoi water di:sttibuting pipes . '1·
With low level storage tanks 14 Maximum permis:sible lengths of hot water dnw-oH pipes 1t
Pipe sizing boo:sted tising main
Pneumatic boosted cold water supply Fig. A6
Pneumatic pressute vessel Fig. A7
Prlmety citcultltion pipes
Secondaty circulation pipes ,
. Pneumatic or pressurized system 14
Pressute- volume 14 Ther~al :Insulating Materials
Pumphead 14
Examples of insulating matetials Table A47
Sizing of pneumatic vessel 14
Minimum thickness of insuletion lot hot surfaces Table A45
Wotking voi!,Jme 15 Minimum· thickness of insulation for fro:st ptotection ,-:
TableA46 · 4-
Inspection and Testing of Water Mains and Water
Supply Systems 43
Pipes and Tubes Water Hammer
Asbestos-cement pressure pip11s to BS 486: 1973 Table A35 .36 Accumulatot sizing Fig. A 10 2
Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water. gas Acc,umulator Sizing 7 Table A 13 2
and sewage to BS 1217: 1958 TableA40 38 Accu!Tiulator Sizing 2 Table A14 2
Dimensions ttnd working pressures for half h~rd.light gauge Basic design principles .1
copper tubes to BS 2877: 1971 Table. X Part 1. T11ble A25 31 Flow tate:s from NB copper tubes in 1/ms at 3 .m/s and
Dimensions and working pressures for half hard and annealed equivalent lOP loading unit:s Table A 75 2
copper tubes to BS 2871: 1971 Table Y Part 1. Table A26 31 Hydto·pneumatic accumulatot Fig. A9 1
Dimensions and working pressures to hard drawn thin wall Hydto-pneumatic eccumulator selection chatt (single units)
copprt tubes to BS 2871: 1971 TableS Part 1. Table A27 31 GtaphA6 .
Ductile iron pipes for watet to BS 4772 (1971) Tables A41 Multiple units Gr11ph A7
A4111 . 38/39 (5-50 m pipe tun) Greph AS
Grey iron pipes for water to BS 4622 (1970) Tables A42 A42a 40/41 Shock pres:sure ti:se
, High density (Type 50) Polythene pipes . 34 Sizing of hydto-pneumetic accumulators.
/merna/ diameters. weig_hts and capacitie:s of copp~r tubes to Sr:stem pt.otection.. . _ . ::. .. . _ : .. . · ·
-·1/S 2877: P~rtf: t9,17abie A2ll · · J2 Velocity of shock weve pipe wall thicKness GrapnA5
Internal di&meters 11nd capacitie:s of medium and heavy :steel
· tubes to B S 7387: 1967 and weights when filled with water 111
4•c Table A30 33 Water quality
Lead pipes to BS 602: 1970. Servicr and distributing pipes to Deioni:sed watet 1
laid.above and below ground Tables A36. A37. A38. A39 37 · Operation of a base exchenge water softenet 1
st11inless srul tubes to BS 4127: Part 2: 1972 Recitculation Deionisation Sy:s~~.m Fig. A8· · 16/1

· '- 32 · Softened watft ····•· •.:; · · •· 1 ·" · •• ·'::- •.. • .. ; ; · 1

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Page Page
Section B Domestic central heating Capacities of stacks 66
Chemical Resistance of Laboratory ~nd Industrial Waste
·British Standards and BS Codes of Practice Section B 59 Systems 85-88
. . ·Cavity Wall Insulation ·eonar Boss· System 63
·Ell:n!;><.J~.._,·..·-·. ·:.. Properties Connection of washing appliances .62
· Biological 54 Without venung (to stack or back inlet gu/ley) Fig. C6
Chemical 54 With venting (to stack_ or back inlet gu/Jey).Fig. C7
· Density 54 Connections to drains· ' 67&68
Flammability 54 Design of single branches and·fittings 64
·sirength 54
Temperature stability 54 Discharge Pipe Systems 60
Thermal conductivity 54 Fully venulated one-pipe system Fig. C2
Water resistance 54 Modified one-pipe system Fig. C3
Vapour permeability 54 Modified one-pipe vented stack system Fig. C4
Single stack system Fig. C5
·C:orroslon in Domes1:ic Central Heating Systems 59 Modified single stack system Fig. C5 (a)
·Two-pipe system Fig. Ct ·
· .· ' .. iftow of Water in Pipes _ Discha~e pipes to.sanitary ap_pliances .62
:.--_;.,.,·,Small bore systems Table B2 47 Discharge units 67
;'·~· ~ ¥icrobore_ systems Table 83 48 · .. Discharge unit flow-rate graph
.· Drains ·re;eiving discharges from vertical stacks 67
. :&timatingstack loading·'' · · 66
. :-'~ .:, Gas central heating units or boilers installed in compartments ·57.& 58 foaming . 65&66
.'·:.~:"·Minimum free areas of openings to be provided into the
<:·.,.l:ompartmimt Table B13 ·sa · Inspection and testing~~~ discharge pipes . 65
. · ., :·Minimum free area of ventilauon to rooms provided with a gas Main stack connections · 64
·~~·ll''-""''-::'·-'::;,~;:::appliancB Table B14 .· · 58 . 71.
· Methods of Waste Collection
>),..Ventilation ofrooms in which are fitted conventionally flued
• ·~.·=:central heating appliances or boilers · 57 . Offsets on stack ~ '62
.-··. ·._Ventilation of living rooms in which is fitud a combined gas 1 Performance testing of systems .. . .. 70
· fire and gas fired back boiler 58 · NumbiN of appliances to be discharged.. simu/taneous/y for
- _. ·,:. '· temng stability of trap seals. Dwellings Table CB . ..
·Heat Emission from Pipes ' Number of appliances to be discharged simultaneously for
· Flow arid return temperatures etc. Table B5 48 testing stability of trap seals. Public Buildings Table C9
Heat emission from single horizontal uninsulated copper Permissible load on drains 67'
tubes to.BS 2871 when painted Graph B1 49 Sanitary Accommodation 71
·He11t emission from single horizontal uninsulated steel tubes .Accommo.dation for eldrtrly people Tabltt C12 76
to BS 13B7 -- ~ 50 Cinemas. concert halls. theatres and similar buildings used for
·Heat emission from vertical pipes as compared with horizontal public entertainment Table C76 79
pipes Table B7 51 Dwellings Table C11 · 76
Heat emission allowance from hot water storage Table B4 48 Factories Table C14 77
Heai emission allowance from tank sutfaces T11ble B6 51 80
lnsu/11tttd pipes Table 88 51
Hotels Table C17
Office buildings and shops Table C70
Residential Homes Table.C13
., 75
Heat losses Schools Table C15 78
Air change heat losses 54 Swimming Pools Table C19 81
. Air temperatures and rates of air changes Table B1 47 Separation of foul water and rain water 71
Calculation sheet Fig. B1 55 63
Due to infiltration of air 54 Sovent Syst~tm
Due to transmission through fabric 54 Traps 61
Effect of insulating building fabric Table 810 56 Minimum internal diameter of traps Table C1
Heat transmittance coefficients (U values) T11ble B9 52 & 53 Depth of trap seals
Space heating elements 56 Vacuum Systrtm 63
Ventilating pipes · 68
Sealed System Operation
Diameter and lengths of ventilating pipes Table C6
Approximate sizes of diaphragm expansion vttssels Table B12 56 Minimum sizes of dischatge stacks· and ventilating piptts for
Calculating vessel size 57 various loadings. Dwellings. Table C7
Connections 57 Sizes
- . Diaphragm expansion vessel 57 Termination of ventilating pipes
FHfingandcomm~sionmg 57 The sizing of long ventilaung piptts
Hot water supply cylinders 57 Ventilation of Internal Bathrooms and wc·s in Dwellings 82
Instruments 57
Radiators and convectors 57 Common-duct systems
Safety devices 57 Individual systems
Mechanical ventilation
Expansion cistern sizes Table 81 7 58 N«ural ventilation·
Recommended minimum capacity of oil storage tanks Table 815 58 Waste stack connections 64
Storage for solid fuel Table B1 6 58 Waste disposal units 62

R~tinw,ter Outl~ts: Pip':s and Gutters ,89.

Section C .··Sanitary plumbing and Capacities of half round and ogee gutters 92
· drainage Design of level. rectangular and trapezoidal industrial guners 92
Guttet engles
British Standards and Codes of Practice. Section C 11 1 · Gutter Depth
Guttet Width
60 Outlet and rainwater pipe sizing Graph C4 94
· 66 . . Relatio~ship ~~~en~r~~~~at~~.outl~t ind 9uner;di~~~~n~,r. :-,:.· ,~~
·:· ·~ '• ~; . ;. ··~i~t1~;~;:::~2~:t~::~·.:. :~![_::~t1~;~;~~?~~?2:¥~if4t~~-~~---·
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