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Lenormand Reader’s


Starter Guide

Step 1 Clarify your intentions and formulate

your question.

Step 2 Select the most appropriate layout for

your question.

Step 3 Shuffle, draw, and lay out the cards.

Step 4 Interpret the cards individually and in


Step 5 Conclude your answer and take away


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Formulate The Question
Before starting a reading, think about why you want to
explore your concern with cards. Is it that you want more
information? You have ambiguous feelings? Or you just
want to have a conversation with your cards?

Next, take stock of the real-life events that surround your

question. What’s happened so far? How do you feel about it?
Would you have liked things to be different? If so, how?

With this background in mind, formulate your question and

write it down. Great questions to ask are proactive, like “How
can I improve my chances of… ?” or “What is my best course
of action with…?” because they help you take away
actionable insights from your reading.

➤ Clarify why you’re asking the cards.

➤ Take stock of the situation.

➤ Formulate your query.

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Select A Layout
With a clear question in mind, consider the different ways
the cards can answer it: What cards and card combinations
would respond precisely to your question? What different
scenarios might your cards communicate? How would you
feel if the reading turns out positive or negative?

Also, consider how much detail you want from your reading.
The more cards in a layout, the more detail it will offer.

There are plenty of layouts to choose from in Lenormand

Reader’s Handbook Of Layouts.

➤ Think about how the cards can answer your question.

➤ Consider how much detail you want from your reading.

➤ Select the most appropriate layout.

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Draw The Cards
Now that you’ve clarified your question and selected a
layout, you’re ready to draw the cards. This is another
opportunity to still your mind and relax into the process.

Shuffle the cards well and fan them out, then select the
cards. If your chosen layout is large, you might want to deal
them instead.

Place them face down, then turn them over. If your layout
includes several groups of cards, be sure to respect the order
of the cards.

➤ Shuffle the deck well.

➤ Fan the deck and select the cards, or deal them out.

➤ Turn over the cards.

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Interpret The Cards
With the cards all in view, scan them to get a feel for the
reading. Are they mostly bright, challenging, or neutral

Consider their individual meaning. Download Lenormand

Reader’s Card Keywords starter guide for an overview of the
card meanings.

Next, interpret the cards in combinations. You can be

creative and come up with interesting insights, but if you're
stuck at a tricky pair, consult Lenormand Reader’s detailed
Card Combinations Master.

➤ Get a general feel for the cards.

➤ Interpret the cards individually.

➤ Interpret the cards in combinations.

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Answer The Question
With an understanding of the cards, individually and in
combination, weave a story. The cards could be giving you a
unified meaning or describing some events, possibly in a
sequence. Consider how this story answers your question.

What key insights does it offer? What advice do the cards

give you? What can you take away from the reading and
apply in your life?

Take some notes and ponder your insights. Record the date,
question, background, cards, and your interpretation, so you
have a clear capture of your reading for future reference.

➤ Weave the story and outcome told by the cards.

➤ Answer your question through this story and outcome.

➤ Take some notes and reflect on the insights.

Lenormand Reader 7 Copyright © Lenormand Reader

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