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Minutes of Meeting (MOM) dated review on 31/08/2021

Participant from FML :- Raviteja - TSM

Participant from Dealer :- Shankar Dandin - MD
Dealer Name - Shri Shivanand Motors - Gadag Location: Gadag
Plan Sep'21 & continously reviewed Aug 2021 & today 31/08/2021
Time line Action Plan of Sep'21
Heads (Done / Not Done)

Volume Volume
Billing Plan Aug'21: Trax -6 need to achive slab - 3 & Trax Amb - 1 billed
Retail Plan Aug'21 : Trax- 6 Retailed - 1 Trax

Actual physical stock of trax is only 3 vehcile but in FDMS shows trax 5 vehicle
10/9/2021 Done
stock need to declar retail in FDMS immediately

At present 4 trax billed &

Retailed - 4 trax
Billing Plan Mar - Trax - 4 Retail
Balance Billing 4 trax need to
Plan Aprl21 - Trax - 8
oftake & retail with in

Efforts Efforts

1)Every DSE should visit DHO of Gadag & Koppal district to collect contact no of Need to send DHO list of
DHO & generate enquiry for any ambualnce requierment refer to ur agenda 1 zilla 10/9/2021 Not done Gadag & Koppal with
5 trax amb contact no with in 10/09/21

2) Update the data of School & Hopitals regularly . Till now 103 School updated in
10/9/2021 Inprocess need to update regularly
Potential tracker need to kep on adding the School data

3) Every DSE & TL as to genertae trax enquiry & retail min 1 vehicle Trax with in
10/9/2021 Inprocess
Sep'21 to achive Retail incentives

4) Need to Send Pipe line enquiry daily base & booking enquiry should punch in
10/9/2021 Not done
Need to confirm on Demo vehicle poilicy on Trax Ambulance 10/9/2021

Each DSE & TL / SM Should

visit cooperative Bank &
5) Every SM & TL , DSE to visit PSU banks , cooperative bank , Gramina Bank branch
10/9/2021 only 2 banks visited Nationalize bank every
mangers to convay the incentive scheme for banks given by FML
alternate days to keep good
relation with Bank

enquiry punched but Every day need to follow up

6) All enquiry need to punch in FDMS & make regulary follow up in FDMS not followed up in enquiry & update the status
FDMS regularly in FDMS with out fail

Has updated to BM& RM sir

7) with out for knowlege you have kept Honda 2 wheeler spare parts on our FML
Not removed till regarding not adhering to
showroom which is unacceptable . Need to remove all stocks of Honda 2 wheeler 10/9/2021
date 31/09/21 SOP of FML. Actions will be
from our FML showroom immediately
8) Daily need to send finance tracker of trax daily base
Resources Resources
(A) Manpower (A) Manpower
Presently 1 SM / 2 executve in Koppal & 2 exective in Gadag for sales . need to
10/9/2021 Not done Need to appoint immedialty
appoint 1 DSE & 1 driver for Demo
Net work Net work

(B) Working Capital

(B) Working Capital as per BP Plan
as on 31/08/2020
Asper BP plan Trax - 6 , T1 - 1 , Amb - 1 need to be stock at any point of time

need ur action plan on 3 trax

As per stock audit dated 31/09/21 physical veh trax - 2 in gadag vehicle retail immediately
with in 15th of Sep

Pending Issues Pending Issues

* Action plan for the new month should include those action points that could not be done and also new/unique action points emanating from
the review of the last month - It is not necessary that the MOM Line Items for the Review Month and the Current Month are same

Mr . Shankar Dandin -DP

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