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February 03, 2021

( february third(3) twenty -twenty -one 2021)



Flat = plano
THROUGH = Através/
moving in one side and
out of the other side.

“she walked through the

doorway into the living

Doorway = vão da porta

ALONG = ao longo/

moving in a
constant direction
on (a road, path, or
any more or less
horizontal surface).

“soon we were driving

along a narrow road.”
Narrow road = estrada estreita

We're delighted to help you grow your skills and boost your career.
(Temos o prazer de ajudá-lo a desenvolver suas habilidades e impulsionar sua carreira.)

Boost = impulso, to boost = impulsionar

Delight = prazer, alegria, deleite.
Skills = habilidades/ the ability to do something well; expertise.

The first thing you need to do is to find a course that suits your interests and level. (“A primeira coisa que você precisa fazer é
encontrar um curso que se adapte aos seus interesses e nível.’’)

Phrasal Verb - Root for someone /something

torcer para/por alguém/alguma coisa/
to express your support for the success of someone or something.

“The crowds have been large, with the vast majority of the fans rooting for Mexico.”

“I'll be there and root for you!”

‘’Estarei lá e torcer por você!’’

‘’The weekly challenges will cover a wide range of technologies.’’

‘’ Os desafios semanais abrangerão uma ampla gama de tecnologias.’’

‘’The goal is to sharpen your overall skills.’’

‘’ O objetivo é aprimorar suas habilidades gerais. ’’

Sharp = afiar /melhorar/ improve or cause to improve.

Improve = melhorar / make or become better.

Transcript for Making plans

Sandra: Hi Celi. How’s it going?

Celi: Oh, hi Sandra. Fine, thanks. How are you?
Sandra: Yeah, I’m good. Listen, it’s Jack’s birthday next week and we’re going to have a surprise celebration this weekend. Do you want to
come with us?
Celi: Yeah, that would be great. What are you going to do?
Sandra: Well … I’m not sure … have you got any ideas?
Celi: Mmm … how about going to the cinema?
Sandra: Yeah, maybe … Are there any good films on at the moment?
Celi: Mmm … There’s that one comedy, Lucky Break.
Sandra: Oh, no … we saw that last week. It’s really not that funny.
Celi: Oh, right. Erm … How about going ice skating?
Sandra: Mmm, no … Jack doesn’t like ice skating.
Celi: Well ... what does he like?
Sandra: Well ... he likes bowling … What about bowling?
Celi: Yeah! That’s a great idea. Everyone likes bowling.
Sandra: OK.
Celi: When shall we go?
Sandra: How about Saturday afternoon?
Celi: All right. Where shall we meet?
Sandra: Let’s meet at the shopping centre in front of the bowling place.
Celi: OK. When shall we meet?
Sandra: Erm … 3 o’clock?
Celi: OK, that sounds great! So, Saturday afternoon, in front of the bowling place.
Sandra: Yeah, it’s a plan! I’ll tell the others.
Celi: Cool!

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