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551 F Jhocson St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro

Manila College of Architecture

“ModuFlex: Transformable Transitional Living”

A Research Proposal Presented in

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Building Technology
5: Alternative Building Construction Systems

Kyla Faye A. Ofilada

Mary Rose Shelyn E. Siayngco

November 2023

1.1 Background of the Study

The Philippines is an archipelago located in Southeast Asia, consisting of 7,641 islands. It is

situated in the western Pacific Ocean, bordered by the South China Sea to the west and
the Philippine Sea to the east. The country has a total land area of approximately 300,000
square kilometers or 115,831 square miles (United Nations, n.d.)

Located along the typhoon belt in the Pacific, the Philippines is visited by an average
of 20 typhoons every year, five of which are destructive. Being situated in the “Pacific Ring
of Fire” makes it vulnerable to frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Its geographical
location and physical environment also contribute to its high susceptibility to tsunami, sea
level rise, storm surges, landslides, flood/flashflood/flooding, and drought.

1.1.1 Impact of Philippines Geography

The geography of the Philippines plays a significant role in its susceptibility to

earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The country is located along the Pacific Ring of
Fire, a major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean known for its high seismic and
volcanic activity. This region is characterized by the convergence of several tectonic
plates, resulting in intense geological activity. The Philippine archipelago sits at the
intersection of the Philippine Sea Plate, Eurasian Plate, and Indo-Australian Plate,
making it prone to seismic events (Asian Disaster Reduction Center, 2013)

The subduction zones created by the movement of these tectonic plates are a
key factor contributing to the occurrence of earthquakes in the Philippines.
Subduction occurs when one tectonic plate is forced beneath another, leading to the
accumulation of stress and energy. When this stress is released, it causes the Earth's
crust to shake, resulting in earthquakes. The subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate
beneath the Eurasian Plate and the Indo-Australian Plate gives rise to powerful
seismic activity in the region.
In addition to earthquakes, the Philippines is renowned for its active
volcanoes. The subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate beneath the other plates leads to
the formation of volcanic arcs in the country. This subduction process generates
magma, which rises to the surface and fuels volcanic eruptions. The Philippines is
home to approximately 20 active volcanoes, including Mount Mayon, Mount
Pinatubo, and Taal Volcano. These volcanoes pose significant risks, as eruptions can
cause ashfall, pyroclastic flows, and lahars, which can be highly destructive to
surrounding areas (World Data, n.d.)
Table 1. Active Volcanoes in the Philippines

To monitor and mitigate the risks associated with earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions, the Philippines has established institutions such as the Philippine Institute
of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). These organizations play a crucial
role in monitoring seismic and volcanic activity, providing early warnings, conducting
research, and implementing measures to ensure the safety of the population. Despite
the challenges posed by its geography, the Philippines continues to develop strategies
to minimize the impact of these natural hazards on its communities.

1.1.2 Climate Conditions

In terms of climate, the Philippines has a tropical climate characterized by high

humidity and relatively high temperatures throughout the year. The country has two
distinct seasons: the wet season, which typically runs from June to November, and the
dry season, which spans from December to May. The wet season brings heavy
rainfall, especially during the months of July to September, with typhoons
occasionally hitting the archipelago. The dry season, on the other hand, is marked by
sunny and warm weather. The average annual temperature ranges from 25°C to 32°C
(77°F to 90°F), with cooler temperatures experienced at higher elevations.
The Philippines is highly prone to typhoons due to its geographical location in
the western Pacific Ocean, along the Pacific Ring of Fire. Typhoons, also known as
tropical cyclones, are powerful weather systems characterized by strong winds, heavy
rainfall, and storm surges (PAGASA, 2022)
Table 2. Monthly Tropical Cyclone Forecast as of 2023.

The warm waters of the Pacific Ocean provide the necessary energy for the
formation and intensification of these storms. Typhoons in the Philippines are often
accompanied by torrential rains, leading to flooding, landslides, and widespread
damage. The coastal regions are particularly vulnerable to storm surges, which are
large ocean waves pushed inland by the strong winds of the typhoon. These storm
surges can cause extensive coastal erosion and result in devastating impacts on coastal
The Philippine government, along with various agencies and organizations,
has implemented measures to mitigate the impact of typhoons. Early warning
systems, evacuation plans, and disaster preparedness initiatives are in place to help
communities brace for the arrival of these storms. However, the sheer power and
unpredictability of typhoons make them a significant natural hazard that requires
constant monitoring and preparedness.
Despite the destructive nature of typhoons, they also play a role in
the Philippines' ecology. The rainfall brought by these storms contributes to the
country's water supply and supports its agriculture. However, the intensity and
frequency of typhoons in recent years have raised concerns about their potential
impact on vulnerable communities and infrastructure.
1.1.3 Timeline of Philippine Typhoons

According to Novio (2022), due to how frequent typhoons are in the country,
the archipelago of the Philippines experienced some of the strongest and most
destructive typhoons in Philippine history, which includes:

Figure 1. Historic Timeline of Typhoons in the Philippines

1. Typhoon Reming (Durian): November 30, 2006 - Reming struck the Bicol region,
triggering massive mudslides and flash floods. It caused significant damage to
property and infrastructure, as well as the loss of thousands of lives.

2. Typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana): September 26, 2009 - Ondoy brought record-breaking

rainfall to Metro Manila and nearby provinces, causing widespread flooding and
landslides. It resulted in the loss of hundreds of lives and extensive damage to
homes and infrastructure.

3. Typhoon Pepeng (Parma): October 3, 2009 - Pepeng brought heavy rainfall to

Luzon, resulting in severe flooding and landslides. It caused significant damage to
agriculture and infrastructure, particularly in the northern part of the country.

4. Typhoon Pablo (Bopha): December 3, 2012 - Pablo made landfall in Mindanao,

causing extensive damage, and claiming hundreds of lives. It triggered flash
floods and landslides, particularly in the provinces of Compostela Valley and
Davao Oriental.
5. Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda): November 8, 2013 - Haiyan is one of the strongest
typhoons ever recorded, with winds reaching up to 195 mph (315 km/h). It caused
widespread devastation, particularly in the Eastern Visayas region, resulting in the
loss of thousands of lives and significant damage to infrastructure.

The Philippines has experienced several devastating typhoons in its history,

causing significant damage and loss of lives. During those typhoons, people in
vulnerable areas are often evacuated to designated evacuation centers or seek refuge
in makeshift shelters. After the typhoon passes, efforts are made to ensure that people
have safe and suitable temporary shelters or are assisted in returning to their homes if
conditions permit.

1.1.4 Temporary Shelters in the Philippines

The Philippines, being prone to natural disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes, and
volcanic eruptions, has a history of establishing temporary shelters as part of
emergency response efforts. As early as the 1980s, after devastating typhoons and
other calamities, the government and humanitarian organizations started setting up
temporary shelters to provide immediate relief and protection to affected individuals.
These shelters were often basic structures made from local materials, such as bamboo
and wood, and were designed to be quickly assembled and disassembled (CFE-DM,

Figure 2. Evacuation Center Located in a Gymnasium

Over time, the concept of temporary shelters evolved, leading to the

establishment of evacuation centers. Evacuation centers serve as safe spaces where
displaced individuals can seek refuge during emergencies. These centers are typically
located in schools, gymnasiums, or other public buildings and are equipped with
sleeping areas, sanitation facilities, and communal spaces. Local government units
and humanitarian organizations work together to manage and provide assistance in
these centers, ensuring the well-being of those affected.
Figure 3. Transitional Housing for Marawi Evacuees

In recent years, there has been a shift towards transitional housing programs as
a more sustainable solution for displaced individuals. Transitional housing initiatives
aim to bridge the gap between emergency shelters and permanent housing solutions.
These programs provide temporary shelter and support, along with access to basic
amenities and services. Transitional shelters are often constructed using more durable
materials and offer a more stable and secure living environment. They also include
livelihood support, skills training, and counseling to help individuals rebuild their
lives and transition to permanent housing options.
Overall, the development of emergency shelters in the Philippines is essential
to address the challenges posed by natural disasters and to enhance the country's
disaster response capabilities. By investing in better infrastructure, resilient
construction techniques, and improved facilities, the Philippines can provide safer and
more dignified temporary shelter options for those affected by emergencies, thereby
mitigating the impact of disasters and supporting the recovery and rebuilding process.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The project aims to redevelop outdated temporary or emergency shelters into something
that will enhance and aid the evacuees’ needs to get back on their feet and rebuild their
homes and quality of life. Specifically, this will seek to answer the following research

1. How can transitional housing initiatives be effectively integrated into disaster

response and recovery strategies in the Philippines?

2. What are the essential features and design considerations for transitional shelters
that promote resilience, sustainability, and the well-being of displaced individuals?

3. What are the necessary infrastructure and construction improvements required to

enhance the safety and durability of transitional housing in disaster-prone areas?
4. How can livelihood support, skills training, and counseling services be integrated
into transitional housing programs to facilitate the successful transition of
individuals to permanent housing solutions?

5. What are the social, economic, and environmental impacts of implementing

transitional housing initiatives in disaster-affected communities?

6. How can community participation and engagement be effectively incorporated into

the design and implementation of transitional housing projects?

These research questions will help guide the study and analysis of the
architectural project, providing insights and recommendations for the development of
innovative and impactful transitional housing solutions in the Philippines.

1.3 Research Goal and Objectives

The goal of this architectural project is to develop effective strategies and design
principles for the redevelopment of temporary or emergency shelters into transitional
housing solutions that enhance the well-being, resilience, and successful transition of
displaced individuals in disaster-affected communities in the Philippines.


1. Investigate and identify best practices for the integration of transitional housing
initiatives into disaster response and recovery strategies in the Philippines.

2. Determine the essential features and design considerations that promote resilience,
sustainability, and the well-being of individuals residing in transitional shelters.

3. Explore the necessary infrastructure and construction improvements required to

enhance the safety and durability of transitional housing in disaster-prone areas.

4. Examine effective methods for integrating livelihood support, skills training, and
counseling services into transitional housing programs to facilitate the successful
transition of individuals to permanent housing solutions.

5. Assess the social, economic, and environmental impacts of implementing

transitional housing initiatives in disaster-affected communities.

6. Develop strategies for community participation and engagement, ensuring that the
design and implementation of transitional housing projects reflect the needs and
preferences of the affected communities.

By achieving these objectives, the research aims to provide actionable insights and
recommendations for the redevelopment of temporary shelters, ultimately contributing to
the creation of sustainable and supportive transitional housing solutions that pave the
way for individuals to rebuild their homes and improve their quality of life after
experiencing displacement due to natural disasters.

2.1 Coconut as Building Material

Coconut, a versatile and sustainable resource, has been explored as a potential building
material in various regions. Its utilization can provide numerous benefits, including
environmental sustainability, local economic development, and disaster resilience (The
CoConut Company, 2022) Here are some potential aspects and advantages of using
coconut as a building material:

1. Renewable and Sustainable: Coconut trees are abundant in tropical regions, making
coconut a renewable and readily available resource for construction. Using coconut
as a building material reduces the reliance on traditional materials like timber,
contributing to environmental sustainability.

2. Strength and Durability: Coconut timber possesses excellent strength-to-weight

ratio properties, making it suitable for structural applications. Its natural fibers
provide good tensile strength and stiffness, contributing to the durability of
coconut-based structures.

3. Resilience to Natural Disasters: Coconut timber has shown promising resilience to

natural disasters. It has demonstrated the ability to withstand earthquakes, storms,
and even fire, making it a viable option for disaster-prone areas.

4. Low Cost and Local Economy: Utilizing coconut as a building material can have
economic advantages, especially in areas where coconut trees are abundant. This
approach promotes local sourcing and manufacturing, creating job opportunities
and supporting the local economy.

5. Thermal Performance: Coconut timber exhibits good thermal insulation properties

due to its low thermal conductivity. This can contribute to energy efficiency and
improved comfort in buildings.

6. Aesthetics and Versatility: Coconut timber has an attractive appearance, with a

warm and natural texture. It can be used in various architectural designs, from
structural elements to interior finishes, providing versatility and aesthetic appeal.

7. Environmental Benefits: Coconut trees contribute to carbon sequestration, helping

to mitigate climate change. Using coconut as a building material promotes
sustainable practices and reduces the carbon footprint associated with traditional
construction materials.

While coconut has promising characteristics as a building material, further research and
development are needed to explore its full potential. Testing its structural performance,
optimizing processing techniques, and addressing potential challenges such as
susceptibility to pests and decay are areas that require attention. Overall, incorporating
coconut as a building material can offer environmental, economic, and social benefits,
making it a valuable resource for sustainable construction practices.
2.2 Cocoboards

Cocoboards are a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional construction

materials, made from natural fibers sourced from coconut husks. They are created by
shredding the husks and pressing them together with a natural binder, resulting in sturdy
boards that have various applications in construction. Cocoboards are known for their
durability and strength, making them suitable for structural use. They have been considered
pioneers in the field of coconut-based panels (Conelly, 2022)

Figure 4. Cocoboards made from coconut husks

One of the key advantages of cocoboards is their sustainable production process. The
utilization of abundant coconut husks helps reduce waste and promote environmental
conservation. Additionally, cocoboards offer an affordable building material option,
particularly in regions where coconuts are abundant. They have been used in sustainable
building projects and have shown promise as a renewable resource. Overall, the utilization
of cocoboards not only provides a practical solution for construction needs but also
promotes sustainable practices and contributes to a greener environment.

Specifications and Applications

Cocoboard, a highly resistant building material, offers a range of applications in interior

architecture and furniture. With its moisture and wood-decaying insect resistance, it
ensures durability and longevity. Compatible with woodworking tools, cocoboard can be
easily worked on and further enhanced with coatings or dyes such as lacquer and veneer
(Naturloop, n.d.)

 It also absorbs 30% less coating.

 Density - 750 kg/m3
 Dimensions - 2.44 x 1.83 m and 3.66 x 1.83 m
 Thickness - 6-25 mm
 Thickness swelling - 11%
 Bending strength - 22.5 N/mm2
The versatility of cocoboard shines through its applications in interior
architecture, including partition walls, ceiling and wall panels, and flooring.
Additionally, cocoboard finds use in furniture design, such as cabinetry, tabletops, doors,
shelving, and trim. With its sustainable and eco-friendly properties, cocoboard offers both
aesthetic appeal and functional strength, making it an excellent choice for various
construction and design projects.


In the bustling city of the Philippines, where resilience meets innovation, the architectural
project "ModuFlex: Transformable Transitional Living" comes to life. This visionary concept
seeks to revolutionize transitional housing by integrating a cutting-edge modular design that
adapts to the evolving needs of displaced individuals.

3.1 Concept and Layout

ModuFlex is more than just a shelter; it is a symbol of hope and transformation. Its
modular concept provides a flexible framework that can be easily customized and
reconfigured to accommodate different family sizes and dynamics. According to PSA (2022),
the average household size is 4.1 people per household in the Philippines. Hence, this project
is calculated by dividing the household population by total households. Whether it's a single
individual or a large family, ModuFlex offers a transformative living space that fosters a sense
of belonging and dignity.

MODULES: There will be (3) three phases for this project with modular spaces that can
be configurated based on the number of users.
Figure 5. The Phases of the Modules from 1-3

The heart of ModuFlex lies in its versatility. The modular units can be expanded or contracted,
allowing residents to have control over their living spaces. As families rebuild their lives, the
flexible layout adapts to their changing needs, providing a seamless transition from temporary
to permanent housing.
3.2 Materials and Features

Constructed with sustainable materials, ModuFlex ensures environmental

responsibility without compromising on durability and safety. The modular units are
designed to withstand the challenges posed by natural disasters, providing a secure and
resilient living environment. Rainwater harvesting systems, solar panels, and micro-farming
that promotes sustainability and self-sufficiency.

3.2.1 Structural Axonometric

Figure 6. Materials used in the Module

3.2.2 Rainwater Harvesting System and Micro-Farming

ModuFlex integrates a rainwater harvesting system that harnesses the power of nature to
provide a vital resource for its residents. Amidst the unpredictable weather patterns of
the Philippines, this innovative system collects and stores rainwater, ensuring a reliable
water source during both normal times and emergencies (Maxwell-Gaines, 2018) The
modular units are equipped with efficient rainwater collection channels, directing the water
into storage tanks located within the structure's framework.

Figure 7. Rainwater Harvesting System connection to a structure

This integrated rainwater harvesting system serves multiple purposes within ModuFlex. Not
only does it provide residents with access to clean and safe water, but it also promotes self-
sufficiency and reduces dependence on external water sources. The stored rainwater can be
utilized for various household activities, such as cooking, cleaning, and personal hygiene,
making it a valuable asset in the daily lives of the residents.

Figure 8. Micro-Farming that will be watered by the Rainwater Harvesting System

Moreover, the rainwater harvesting system contributes to the overall sustainability of
ModuFlex. By reducing the strain on traditional water sources and minimizing water
wastage, the project actively supports environmental conservation efforts. The collected
rainwater can also be used for irrigation purposes, facilitating the growth of community
gardens, and promoting a green and nurturing environment for the residents.

3.2.3 Solar Panels

In its commitment to sustainability and harnessing renewable energy sources, ModuFlex

incorporates solar panels as a key component of its design. These solar panels adorn the
rooftops of the modular units, silently capturing the abundant sunlight that graces the
Philippines (Holowka, 2017) Through this integration, ModuFlex not only provides shelter
but also becomes a source of clean and renewable energy for its residents.

Figure 9. Solar Panels attached to the roof of the modules

The solar panels serve as a beacon of hope, symbolizing the project's dedication to
environmental responsibility. They convert sunlight into electricity, powering the daily
energy needs of the residents and reducing reliance on traditional energy sources. The
generated solar energy can be utilized for lighting, charging electronic devices, and running
essential household appliances, ensuring a sustainable and self-sufficient living

By integrating solar panels, ModuFlex not only promotes energy efficiency and cost savings
but also contributes to the reduction of carbon emissions. The project's commitment to clean
energy aligns with the broader goal of combating climate change and building a more
sustainable future. The solar panels also serve as a visible reminder of the transformative
power of renewable energy, inspiring residents to embrace green living practices and
cultivate a sense of environmental stewardship.
3.3 ModuFlex as a Community

ModuFlex goes beyond physical shelter. It embraces the holistic development of its residents,
offering comprehensive support systems. Community spaces foster social interaction, while
educational and vocational training programs empower individuals to acquire new skills and
pursue livelihood opportunities. Counseling services provide emotional support, helping
residents navigate the path towards stability and independence.

As the Philippines faces the ever-present threat of natural disasters, ModuFlex stands tall as a
beacon of resilience. By investing in resilient infrastructure and improved facilities, the project
aims to enhance the country's disaster response capabilities. Rapid deployment of modular units
ensures a swift and efficient response to emergencies, providing safer and more dignified
temporary housing for those in need.

"ModuFlex: Transformable Transitional Living" represents the fusion of architectural

innovation and compassionate design. It embodies the belief that transitional housing should be
adaptable, sustainable, and empowering. Through its transformative modular concept,
ModuFlex paves the way for a brighter future, where displaced individuals can rebuild their
lives with dignity, stability, and the freedom to dream.

 United Nations. (n.d.). The Philippines at a Glance | Philippines.
 ‌Asian Disaster Reduction Center. (2013). Information on disaster risk reduction of the
member countries.

 ‌10.4 Plates, Plate Motions, and Plate-Boundary Processes – Physical Geology. (2015,


 ‌PAGASA. (2022). About Tropical Cyclones.
 ‌Novio, E. B. (2022, January 21). Climate Change and Disasters in the Philippines |

Heinrich Böll Foundation | Southeast Asia Regional Office. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.
 ‌Philippines: Disaster Management Reference Handbook (March 2018) - Philippines.

(2018). ReliefWeb.

 ‌Does the coconut industry have a sustainable future? (2022, November 28). The

Coconut Company.

 ‌Cocoboard: Sustainable coconut-based panels. (2022, May 18). Material Source.
 ‌Product – NaturLoop. (n.d.).

 ‌Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size of the

Philippines (2020 Census of Population and Housing) | Philippine Statistics Authority.

(2022, March 23).

 ‌Maxwell-Gaines, C. (2018, May 5). What are the Benefits and Advantages of
Rainwater... Innovative Water Solutions LLC; Innovative Water Solutions LLC.
 ‌Holowka, T. (2017, April 5). Top four benefits of installing solar panels on your home |

U.S. Green Building Council.


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