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Table of Contents
Chapter 201 - Before the Departure

Chapter 202 - Before the Departure 2

Chapter 203 - Before the Departure 3

Chapter 204 - Before the Departure 4

Chapter 205 - Before the Departure 5

Chapter 206 - Departure

Chapter 207 - First…

Chapter 208 - Battle Eagle Valley

Chapter 209 - Battle Eagle Valley 2

Chapter 210 - To Kelm

Chapter 211 - Guiding

Chapter 212 - New Product

Chapter 213 - Baggage

Chapter 214 - Traveling Together

Chapter 201 - Before the Departure
After the unexpected excitement over shaved ice, Grandpa showed
me the hotplate magic tool next.

"I only made this guy larger than something that already exists, so
there weren't any problems with this one."

The hotplate was as I imagined too.

"I also received this, but… it's full of holes, just what is it for?"

What Grandpa took out next was the takoyaki plate I ordered
directly in the smithery.
It seems that it was delivered to this store along with the normal
iron plate and deep iron plate that can be used instead of pot I

"You have ordered it as a set with this magic tool, so you are using it
for cooking, right?"
"Yes, it would be difficult to explain in detail, but it's for pouring the
dough and baking a spherical kind of food."

He wouldn't know what "takoyaki" is even if I told him, so I told him

it's a spherical food.

"Are you going to join two halves to form a sphere?"

I see, because I said spherical, he thought that I would be putting

together the halves I baked with this iron plate.
It seems that he can't imagine baking while rotating the dough~

"I wonder? It might be full of holes like this, but I should be able to
manage with the application of heat."
"Well, as long as there's no problem. The heat can be adjusted, so
everything else depends on the skills of the chef. Now then, let's

move onto the White Wheat cooking device next."
"Ah, the rice cooker!"

Utilizing the tools well depend on the skill of the user, so I put the
takoyaki plate aside and got onto the main subject, checking the rice

"May I try cooking the White Wheat first?"

"I don't mind. Rather, do give it a try."
"Yes. Then, let's get cooking!"

I immediately prepared the White Wheat and activated the magic


"Then, shall we prepare early lunch again~?"

"Oh, is that fine! Actually, I was expecting a bit!"
"Is that so? But, I can only make something simple, you know? Err…
would curry and rice be fine?"
"Curry? Is that the seasoning that just started selling at Stefan's
place? You are going to make a dish using that?"

What Grandpa is talking about is the curry salt, right?

"The flavor is the same, but it's a bit different? Curry salt was
originally made to season the curry rice, so~"
"Hooh~ Is that so? I am looking forward to it then~"

It appears that curry rice has been approved.

"Then, wait for a bit please."

""Will help~""
"Thank you. Then, could I leave mixing to you guys?"
""Got it~""

I don't know how well the rice cooker Grandpa made cooks rice, but
let's get it done.

"What a pleasant fragrance~"
"You think so? I am glad to hear that.——Ah, the rice is finished."

When I finished cooking with magic, the rice just finished cooking as
well. It took about forty minutes?

"It's cooked evenly too…——there doesn't seem to be any problems.

Looks like it cooked deliciously."
""Smells good~ Onii~chan, quickly~""
"Yes, yes."

I tried it at once and there didn't seem to be any problems. In that

case, I will have to order more of these magic tools. Matthias-san
and others are eagerly waiting for these, after all!
I originally ordered several, but this is just a prototype, so I thought
of not spreading these, but——

"For starters, I made ten of these~"


Grandpa said that he already made ten rice cookers.

"… As expected of you~"

""As expected~""
"Fuo, fuo, fuo. I myself thought I did a good job. Of course, I already
made one more to take home."

Truly, as expected of him.

"What do you want to do? What are you taking with you?"

The Ruven mansion, the Ruven mansion in their fief, the Risner
mansion, and the castle are absolutely necessary. I would also like
one in reserve. I don't know how many Matthias-san is going to ask…
rather, wouldn't there be a need to make more?

"Err… may I take everything?"
"I don't mind. However, I have not received the pots for the rice
cookers yet. Ah, I did a few experiments with a pot I made, so there's
won't be any problems with using them in the magic tool."
"I will go get the pots later myself then. There are some things I
ordered for personal use too, after all."
"Sorry about that~"

I paid for the rice cookers and negotiated for more in case there
wasn't enough of them. We came to an agreement, but Grandpa
already arranged a middleman from the Fiji Company of his own
accord. Well, rather than this worn-out looking store, having a
person from the Fiji Company be the messenger of the Ruven family
might be much better.

◇ ◇ ◇

After leaving Grandpa's store, we made our way to the blacksmith.

The objective this time is to receive the rice cooker pots and
steaming pot I ordered.

""Where to next~?""
"Next is the blacksmith. Let's get the pots we ordered there."
""Steam buns!""
"Indeed, with that, we can make steamed buns whenever we like."

Other foods beside steamed buns would also be possible. In

addition, it will be easier to make a pudding that I was making in a
normal pot up until now too.

"Onii~chan, quickly~!"
"Let's hurry, to the blacksmith~!"
"The pot won't run even if we don't rush, you know?"

"Steamed buns!"
"Let's quickly make them~"

The children want to make steamed buns right away, so they urged
me to rush to get the steamer. They were trying to broke into a run
while pulling me by hands.

"Thank you, hello. I came to receive the items I have ordered. I have
also come to collect pots the Grandpa from the magic tool store
"Yes, I will bring it over immediately."

In the end, when I stated my business to the shopkeeper Van-san

after the children pulled me all the way to the blacksmith at a quick
pace, Van-san immediately brought the items I ordered over.

"Some pots I made for the first time, how are they looking?"
"Wow! They look really good!"

I ordered a three-layered pot with several small holes in them.

I also asked for lids. Van-san made them according to my order.

"I am glad they are to your satisfaction."

"Yes, I am completely satisfied. Thank you so much for all of them."

Other pots like the extra-large pot and narrow pot were to my
satisfaction too, so we received all the articles and left the
blacksmith with delighted mood.

Chapter 202 - Before the Departure 2
Somehow managing to persuade Allen and Elena who wanted to
quickly return to make steamed buns, we headed to the Fiji
Company next, where we told Stefan-san that we are leaving on a
He was feeling down that we were leaving the Capital, but knowing
that we are adventurers, Stefan-san had already contacted branches
in other towns, so he told us to "Drop by anywhere as you please."
Shopping was included, but Stefan-san implied to "Come to Fiji
Company, not other stores if I get some novel idea". Well, if I want
something made, I already know the Fiji Company's disposition, the
conditions are also good and they treat us favorably, so I nodded to
him, thinking that there was no need to expressly go to another

"Before I forget, Stefan-san, I have a frozen sweet called shaved ice,

if you—"
"Shaved ice! Frozen sweet!! Takumi-dono, what kind of thing is

Next, I tried talking about the shaved ice, but the moment Stefan-san
heard the name, he opened his eyes wide and urged inquiringly.
I tried to explain, but he didn't let me.

"This is it. Please, give it a try."

"Hooh! So this is shaved ice, I see!"

I wanted to explain in words, but thinking it would be faster if he

tried it, I handed the shaved ice I brought with me to him and Stefan-
san stared at it fixedly.

"The ice is finely shaved, I see. Additionally, is that boiled fruit on


"… Stefan-san, it's going to melt, so you better taste it first."
"Ohh, that's right! Well then, here I go."

When I urged Stefan-san who was staringly observing to eat, he

finally put the shaved ice into his mouth.

"Ohh! This is nice! Takumi-dono, this will sell!"

Stefan-san who ate a mouthful of shaved ice vigorously raised his


"Ah~ the magic tool store's Grandpa Sol said same, he said he would
like you to sell it."
"Is that fine!?"
"Err… what might be?"
"I was wondering whether it was fine for me to sell this shaved ice?"
"Ah, yes, I don't mind. It's just that I will be leaving the Capital soon,
so the decision-making would have to be left completely to you and
Grandpa Sol, so——"
"Please leave it to us!"

Again! Why won't he let me speak until the end!?

I remember having a similar experience before, but… was it Stefan-
san before as well? Was it someone else? Well, either one is fine~

"… Then, I will leave it to you."

Stefan-san already started planning this and that, so after telling him
to talk it through with Grandpa Sol, we left the Fiji Company.

Following that, we went to receive the mortar and mallet we

ordered, and also the pearl jewelry at the Jewellers.
Although we have already received the butterfly hair ornament
Elena wanted, I thought of dropping by before leaving the Capital.
The people from the store would always come to the Ruven
mansion, so I have never seen the store myself~

"This is it."
"My, my, isn't it Takumi-sama! Thank you very much for coming!"
"Hello. I have nothing in mind, but may we take a look around?"
"Of course! Please take your time."

A familiar merchant greeted us when we entered and guided us to

the shelves with goods on display.

"Heeh~ this is quite incredible."


Beautiful jewelry made with multicolored gems were lined up in

great number on the shelves.
Excited expressions formed on the children's faces when they saw
the glittering articles, but their expressions had different meanings.
Allen just seemed to show interest in the sparkling and glittering
things, while Elena clearly showed interest in the jewelry itself.

"Onii~chan! So amazing!"

Elena rushed to the lined-up goods and intensely stared at them.

"Ojousama seems to be fond of these."

"Yea, they are pretty~!"

Elena showed a whole-faced smile.

"Do you have something kids could wear every day?"

"Let's see. There will be fewer if you exclude young noble ladies and
daughters of wealthy families, but I will prepare them right away."
"Sorry, but please do so."

The merchant understood what rank of goods I had in mind, so he

immediately prepared several articles.

"The price of these is considerably lower, so I believe there won't be
problems with Ojousama's usual activities."

What the merchant showed us were articles that didn't use gems but
were mainly focused on the craftsmanship.

"Heeh~ there's many designs.——Elena, how about it? I will buy it

for you if there's something you like."
"Yeah. But, only one, okay?"

Elena earnestly observed the jewelry one at a time.

"How about you, Allen?"

"N~? Don't need~"

I tried talking to Allen while Elena was deciding, but he seemed to be

satisfied just by looking, so he watched Elena choose in silence.

"That so? Then, would you like to have a look at the Weapon's store
"Right, weapons. Do you have an interest in swords or things like
that, Allen?"
"Swords! Want! Like Al-sama's!"

The two's appearances are very similar, but their interests have
recently been branching off.
Even if they say "I love ice cream", Allen prefers chocolate while
Elena's favorite is the Ichi-flavored one. Picture books too, Allen
loves books about adventure, while Elena apparently likes books in
which princesses appear.
That being the case, when I tried asking Allen about swords, his
expression immediately changed.

"Like Al-sama's sword? N~ that kind of sword might be too early for
you. But, how about we look for a sword that you can practice with?"

As expected, it would be dangerous for Allen to wield a long sword

meant for adults, so it would be better to look for a short sword with
a dull blade.

"Onii~chan, I decided~!"

In the meanwhile, Elena apparently decided on the jewelry.

"You did? Which one?"

"This one~"

What Elena chose was a brooch in the shape of a snow crystal.

"Oh, you chose a cute one."


Not only cute. She did not choose a necklace or hair ornament, but a
type of accessory she didn't have yet… as expected of her.

"Then, we will take this one please."

"Yes, thank you for your business."

Elena wanted to wear the brooch right away, so when I fastened it to

her chest, she slowly turned around with a very nice smile.
Her expression that said "How do I look?" was truly adorable.

Chapter 203 - Before the Departure 3
After leaving the jewelry store, we looked for a smithery or store
that dealt mainly with weapons.

"That place~"
"N? Ah, you are right. Let's try going there then."

Allen and Elena found an authentic-looking store, so when we

entered it, various weapons that were lined up in the store interior
came to view.

"So many kinds~"


They had not only weapons like swords, daggers, bows, spears, and
axes, but even armor and protectors.

"W, welcome!"
"Sorry for intruding."
"What might you be looking for?"

When we entered the store, a vigorous young man appeared from

further inside.

"Do you deal with swords with blunt blades here?"

"Blunt blades? Sorry, we don't sell those. Ah, but…"

The young man told me that they don't sell what we wanted, but he
then started hesitating and his eyes swam around.
Looks like he has an idea~

"But, what is it?"

"The swords I… the swords I made…"

"The swords you made?"
"Yes… Boss often tells me that my swords are still 'dull' so…"

The young man seemed to be a blacksmith apprentice and told me in

a low voice that the dull blades he makes might be close to what I
It might be quite difficult for him to say that the swords he makes
are dull swords that "can't cut". Despite that, he responded to a
customer's requirements.

"Would you be able to show them to me?"

"The sword I made? Err, wait a moment please. I will go confirm
with Boss!"

The young man ran back to the inside of the store.

Well, he probably can't sell the sword he made on his own, so he
needed to confirm first.

"Is it you? The one who wanted a blunt sword?"

After a while, the young man returned together with a middle-aged

man. This person is most likely the Boss.

"Rather than blunt, I want a sword with a dull blade. A sword that
children could practice with."
"Ah, I see. A practice sword, huh. So that's why a blunt sword? In
that case, this fellow's swords would be perfect."
"I'm not sure whether they will be perfect, but can I take a look?"
"Well, I'm fine with that.——Mike, bring all there is."
"Y, yes!"

The young man——Mike-kun, rushed inside the store once again.

"Right, right, customer. My apprentice strikes and redoes the swords

many times over, so they won't be very strong."
"Well, even if they won't be usable in a battle, won't it be fine as

long as they can be practiced with?"
"Yeah, there won't be any problems then. By they way, by children,
did you mean these two? You are starting with them quite young~"
"They seem to be interested in swords, so I thought of letting them
get the feeling for it."
"Certainly… they do seem very intrigued."

Since a while ago, Elena and naturally Allen, have been going around
and staring at the weapons in the store.

"Allen, Elena, looking is fine, but don't be touching it now, it's


I got a reply back when I cautioned them, but they showed no signs
of coming back to me.

"T, thank you for waiting."

In the meantime, Mike-kun returned with a heavy-looking bag in his


"There's unexpectedly a variety of them, huh. I was sure you were

practicing making the same kind of a sword."

What Mike-kun took out from the bag were swords of various
lengths, starting from a long sword.

"That's right. I myself started with small articles like knives, and did
the same thing over and over again. Mike had already graduated
from knives and just started with swords, but even if making a knife
takes him half the time of a normal man, his swords end up dull even
if he puts in twice the effort."
"… I'm sorry."

Mike-kun hung his head down after hearing his Boss' words.

"Mike-kun, there is a path for everyone to follow. You will surely

become a blacksmith like your Boss if you keep working hard."
"T, thank you very much."
"Then, let's take a look.——Allen, come here."

First of all, I grabbed a short sword and called Allen over.

"Allen, try holding this."

"Is this Allen's sword?"

Allen grasped the sword's handle with a smile on his face and took a

"Allen, how nice~ Elena wants one too~"

Elena started having an interest in girly ornaments, but she seems to

have an interest in swords too. Looks like she wasn't just looking
around with curiosity.

"You want to try using a sword too, Elena?"

"Yeah, wanna try!"

When I took another short sword and handed it over to Elena, she
took a pose similar to Allen's.

"Allen, try this one next."

When I handed a longer sword to Allen, he was able to hold it

properly too.

"Is it not too heavy?"

"Is fine~"

Yep, our children have quite the strength, so they have no problems
taking a stance with sword in hands.

"They hold the posture quite well, don't they~"
"Whoa, truly. Swords like these should be too heavy for children of
this age, no!?"

The Boss and Mike-kun said words of admiration while looking at

Allen and Elena holding the swords stance.

"Then, can I take these three?"

Two of different lengths for Allen and one for Elena. I thought of
spending on Allen more in here.

"Also, let's see~… could you choose a sword, spear, bow and an ax
for me?"
"Not only one, but all varieties!? Oioi, you seem like an adventurer
from your appearances, but wouldn't it be better to not be overly
"Err… I wanted to try handling them all and narrow it to one."

I thought of taking lessons in weapons, but I quite didn't have the

opportunity. Since we are at a weapon's shop, I thought of taking the
occasion to buy "normal" kinds of weapons.
I mean, the only weapons I have are in a class of their own, such as
the Water Katana I received from a God and the Fire Magic Sword I
got in the Dungeon of Ripples.
Therefore, I wanted to get my hands on general weapons.

"You are buying so many weapons for that reason? You are quite
extravagant, oi."
"Fortunately, we have the money."
"Well, it's income for us, so I don't mind selling. Now then, what
quality are we talking about? Beginner stuff… it's not that, right?"
"Let's see~… something of average and above grade please."
"Roger that. Wait a moment."

The Boss chose various weapons after careful testing, so adding up
the cost of the swords Mike-kun made, I handed over the payment.

"Allen, Elena, you must not use the swords while I am not around,
okay? Promise me that."
""Yeah, promise!""

Allen and Elena cheerfully stored their swords in their own pouches
while I was paying, so when I cautioned them to not use the swords
without permission, the two properly promised.

"Then, thank you very much."

""Thank you.""

We got what we came for, so we decided to return to the mansion

for today.

Chapter 204 - Before the Departure 4
Immediately upon returning to the Ruven mansion, I reported to
Matthias-san regarding the magic tool.
Matthias-san was highly pleased by the magic tool's completion and
immediately brought one of the rice cookers to the kitchen. Then,
another one will be brought to Rebecca-san and others in the Ruven

The next day, we headed to the castle but were seized by Wald-sama
and Isaac-san when we entered through the gate. They then brought
us to the royal exclusive use lounge while I was still dumbfounded.

"Takumi, I heard you are leaving the Capital?"

"… Yes, very soon. I came to convey that, however… it seems that
you are already aware~"

The monarch couple Tristan-sama and Grace-sama, the three princes

Austin-sama, Felix-sama, Alfried-sama and also the crown princess
Aurora-sama, the royal grandson Julius-sama, and Lionel-sama were
there. That makes everyone from the royal family as far as I know.
Moreover, the guards were Wald-sama, Isaac-san, Najack-sama,
Kevin-sama, and Claudio-sama, all who are our acquaintances.
I did let them know that we will be visiting, but I didn't expect them
to gather in full force like this~

"Nii~ni, Nee~ne."
"Wead me a pictuwe book~"

It was quite an extravagant gathering, so as I was getting intimidated

to talk a little, Julius-sama who was sitting next to Aurora-sama
stared straight at Allen and Elena and started flapping his limbs.
Unaware to me, Julius-sama started recognizing Allen and Elena as
his siblings.

This is my first time seeing Julius-sama, but he looks exactly like

"My, oh my, Julius wants Allen-kun and Elena-chan to read him a

"Yes, that's right. He must have liked it when you read him a book
before. Allen-kun, Elena-chan, may I ask you to read Julius a book
again if you are okay with it?"

Grace-sama let out a chuckle seeing Julius-sama acting like that, and
made a proposal to Allen and Elena.

"Allen, Elena. It's fine to play with Julius-sama while we are talking,
you know?"

Allen and Elena looked alternatively between my and Julius-sama's

face and tilted their heads as if troubled.

"Fufu. You don't have to worry. Look, from over there, you will be
able to see your Oniichan, right? Wouldn't that be okay?"
""Yea, then, will read a book~""
"My, thank you——Julius, Allen-kun and Elena-chan say they will
read you a book. Will you thank them?"
"Yesh, thank you~"

Allen and Elena's worries were apparently the place for their playing.
Thus, Grace-sama showed them a place inside the room with a big
cushion where they could roll around a lot. I see stuffed toys too, so
it must be Julius-sama's playground.

"Les go~ les go kwikly~"
"Don't rush."
"The book won't escape."

Julius-sama promptly took Allen and Elena's hands and guided them
to the playground.
Although they were watched over by the servants, Aurora-sama was
worried about the children, so she went with them.

"Julius got completely attached to them, didn't he~"

Watching the three innocently play, Al-sama made a warmed


"Yeah, it has a good influence on Allen and Elena, so I am grateful."

"Ah~ the two are usually surrounded by adults, aren't they? Do they
have little opportunities to play with fellow kids?"
"Indeed. Allen and Elena don't know anyone younger than them
besides Julius-sama."
"Is that so? Considering that, don't the two look quite used to
playing the senior role?"
"Truly. I am surprised as well. I would like to increase their
interaction with other children in the future."

There are places for children to gather in every town, so I should take
them there.

"And so, Takumi. You will be going through towns and villages on
your way to the Ruven fief, is that correct?"
"Yes, it is. I plan on wandering around for a little, but the destination
is the town of Rubia."
"Have you decided on your plans after that?"
"No, I have not thought that far yet, ahh! Is this perhaps about

leaving outside the country and stuff?"
"U, umu."

I, more or less, am a high-ranking adventurer, after all. Tristan-sama

is worried about us leaving the country.

"I am interested so I thought I would like to go."

"… I see."

When talking about leaving the country, Tristan-sama made an

obviously disheartened expression.

"However, we have gotten people that we are close with and people
whom we received favors from, so I believe we will be surely
returning to Guardia in the end."
"Is that so!"

Guardia has already become my second home.

Therefore, even if I travel to different countries, I have no thoughts
of settling there.

"Sounds fun. How about I tag along with you, Takumi~"

Just as Tristan-sama felt relieved by my statement, Al-sama dropped

an outrageous joke.

"Oh my, why not?"


Then, Grace-sama gave her approval with a smile.

It wasn't just me who was startled by her statement, even Al-sama
who was just joking was shocked.

"I think it's fine if you accompany Takumi-san and the children on a

Grace-sama wasn't joking, she was truly suggesting Al-sama travels
with us.

"Mother, I am, more or less, this country's prince too, you know…"
"It's often the case for princes to travel to study, see?"
"That's to a different country's academy in pursuit of knowledge,
"Fufu. There are many who travel the world as adventurers too.
Therefore, you don't have to worry and do as you please."

Tristan-sama, Austin-sama, and Felix-sama were watching Al-sama

and Grace-sama's exchange attentively while Lionel-sama was rolling
on the floor in laughter.
They don't seem to have any intention of opposing, or rather,
stopping Grace-sama at all.

"Grace-sama, please stop the joke right there."

"Oh my, I am not joking. I mean, letting you get away would be a
loss of national interest. Therefore, wouldn't we form tighter
connections if we let Alfried accompany you?"
"""… Certainly."""

Grace-sama's real intentions appeared here!

Moreover "get away" she said! Letting me get away, am I a prey or
Besides, Tristan-sama and others! What are you nodding your heads
for! Lionel-sama is laughing even harder!!
This… who is going to put this under control?

Chapter 205 - Before the Departure 5
"Now, now, Grace. Stop playing around right about now. Trying to
trouble Takumi wasn't your intention, right?"
I was worried about how to deal with this situation, but Lionel-sama
who was laughing out loud stopped it.
"Indeed. Pardon me, Takumi-san."
Grace-sama who was chided by Lionel-sama apologized.
"Eh? So, you were joking in the end!?"
"No, I wasn't."
"She must have been thinking that if you had accepted, or
something like that~"
I thought she was joking, but it seems that she was half-serious, after
"The comment about national interest from a little while wasn't a
lie… saying losing you or letting you get away was rude, wasn't it? I
personally am really fond of you, Takumi-san. In truth, I would really
like to keep you in the Capital, but we wouldn't be able to hold you
back anyway. That's why I thought about sending Alfried with you, so
that you don't forget about us."
Grace-sama apologized once more.
"I was startled, but I didn't mind it that much! Please raise your head
I was taken aback just now, but apologizing to me again will make me
"Haah… not knowing just how serious Mother is, makes me
frightened. Mother, let me tell you something. I would only be a
burden to them if I tagged along."

"Oh my, is that so? Alfriend, were you so incompetent?"
"…! It's not me that is incompetent, it's just the standard of Takumi
and the children is way too high! I believe that the knights who know
about Takumi are of the same opinion!"
The guards, Wald-sama, Isaac-san, Najack-sama, Kevin-sama, and
Claudio-sama nodded with serious expressions.
"Oh my!"
Catching the sight of the knights, Grace-sama opened her eyes wide
in amazement.
"That much?"
"That much. When we went to the dungeon together, they were
matching my pace quite a lot, after all. Despite that, we arrived to
our destination in an astonishingly short time. Moreover, haven't you
also heard the rumors about how they captured the entire Dungeon
of Ripples in no time! Rather, didn't I inform you of this when I
returned from the dungeon before?"
"… Did you, I wonder? I have no recollection~"
As Al-sama said, I feel that the subject was changed at that time~
that was, erm… the first time I met Lionel-sama——Ah!
"Al-sama, Al-sama."
"N? What is it, Takumi?"
"When you were talking about it, didn't Grace-sama, umm… had a
talk with Tristan-sama about the hidden alcohol in his office?"
"Ahh! That reminds me, Father got a scolding then!"
Just in case, I lowered my voice when talking about this, but Al-sama
said it out loud.
That moment, Tristan-sama made a sour expression.

"Oh my, that time? Let's see~ I recall overhearing some things, but I
didn't hear most of it. Sorry."
Wouldn't that be normal? I would be rather shocked if she heard all
of our conversation properly while scolding another person.
"But, indeed. Takumi-san is an A-ranked adventurer. He must be
strong. Takumi-san has this 'I am not concerned with fights' face, so I
unconsciously forgot~"
"… I can't deny that."
It wasn't only Al-sama nodding to Grace-sama's words, as others
were nodding in agreement.
… Well, I originally was physically weak, and virtually never use most
of my strength when fighting, so it's not wrong.
"In Takumi's case, he does not concern himself with fighting and
other matters unless the other party comes knocking, no?"
"Certainly. Couldn't one say that he's already used to it?"
"… Eh~ that much?"
Felix-sama agreed with Al-sama's words and added to it.
I acknowledge that I get rolled up in various things, rather than
incidents coming knocking, but I don't want to say that I'm used to it
"Ha ha ha, you are used to it? So you are not only popular with
people, but with incidents too, I see~"
Lionel-sama burst into laughter again.
Being popular with people is a good thing, but being popular with
incidents… I wonder about that one?
"Well, it's not a bad thing. It's proof that you are cared for by many. I
am one of those people, though! That being the case, Takumi. When
you leave, be sure to contact us regularly… let see, at least once a
month? I might have to contact you regarding the alcohol too."

"Oh my, isn't once a month the minimum? I would like to be
contacted every time you find a place to stay for a while~"
Yep, they have decided on a periodical report without me~
But well, that much is fine with me. I just have to send a letter from
the Adventurer's Guild.
"There will be times we will be in the mountains, so please overlook
a few days at times."
"Fufu, we know."
After that, the silly conversation with the royalty continued for a
while, and Allen and Elena who were reading a picture book
""We are back!""
"Welcome back. What about Julius-sama?"
"It's Ju-chan's bed-time~"
"Ju-chan is sleeping~"
Julius-sama must have been satisfied with Allen and Elena's reading
as he apparently fell asleep.
That is good, but… what about the way Allen and Elena address
Julius-sama? No… it's fine, I guess?
Nobody seems to be rebuking them and are looking at the two
warmly too~
"Thank you very much for your time today."
"N? What, are you leaving already?"
"Yes, we will be leaving. Everyone here is a busy person, after all. It's
not like we can monopolize you all for ourselves."
Allen and Elena returned too, so I decided to leave after thanking
them for the hospitability and wishing them good health.
Ah, before leaving the castle, I made my way towards the kitchen to
deliver the rice cooker magic tool. Then, we went to visit the

McPhersons, Jake-san's bakery and other places to say goodbye, and
the farewell round was generally finished.

Chapter 206 - Departure
"Matthias-san, thank you for your hospitability."
"Oh my? Takumi-kun, aren't your words of parting wrong?"
""We are off~""
"Yeah, that's correct! Be careful that you don't hurt yourselves, you
"Be well~"
We, who finished making farewell rounds decided to leave the
Capital at last.
After Matthias-san saw us off, we stopped by the Adventurer's Guild
first. Since we are leaving the town for a long period of time, I
wanted to confirm whether I can report about the completion of
requests I took here in Adventurer's Guilds in other towns.
"Hey, Takumi-san! Come here!"
The moment we entered the guild, Keimi-san rushed up to me as
usual, but took me to the Guild Master's office this time.
"Dear, Dear! Takumi-san is here!"
"Ehh!? Already!?——Hey, Takumi-kun! I know that you are making
the rounds to say farewell, but you are surely not leaving the Capital
yet, are you!? You have come just to accept a request today, right!?"
It seems that they've heard about us making the rounds. As expected
of them.
But, we have apparently arrived earlier than expected as Andy-san
and Keimi-san were flustered.
"It's exactly that."
"W, what a thing!"

Andy-san stiffened with fright on his face.
I know that I don't need to report to the Adventurer's Guild when
going to travel in advance, but was it better to report earlier?
"Even though I wasn't able to play with the Pastel Rabbits yet!!"
"… Eh?"
… Yup, there was no reason to report beforehand.
Rather, you wanted to play with the Pastel Rabbits, Andy-san? He
was watching others play with the Pastel Rabbits when I brought the
fluffe, did he perhaps got interested in playing with them too or
N? Did I tell Andy-san that I own Pastel Rabbits of my own? Ahh,
that reminds me, I told Keimi-san, so she must have told him.
"I can't let you play for too long, but…"
"Ohh! Thank you, Takumi-kun!"
When I summoned Shiro and the other four Pastel Rabbits and
handed them over to Andy-san, he embraced them with a wide smile
on his face.
"Oh my, it's unfair for only you to enjoy them, Dear~"
Then, Keimi-san swiftly approached Andy-san from the side and
snatched Mimi and Reamu from his arms. Even though I said she
snatched them, her actions weren't rough at all, so Mimi and Reamu
obediently stayed in Keimi-san's arms.
"Please finish in ten minutes."
"Ehh! Ten minutes is too short~ Takumi-kun, one hour!"
"We have our plans, so ten minutes is enough. If you don't like it, I
can retrieve the children immediately and return to selecting
"A, at least twenty minutes… no, fifteen! Please! I will immediately
prepare requests that meet your requirements, Takumi-kun!"

"Roger that. Then, fifteen minutes and show me with the requests
That being the case, we sat on the sofa and watched the married
couple of Andy-san and Keimi-san play with Shiro and others…——
not really, I retrieved a book from Infinite Storage to kill time.
Then, fifteen minutes later.
"Time's up.——Allen, Elena, could you retrieve Shiro and others for
"… The time of supreme bliss passed way too fast."
When I requested Allen and Elena to collect Shiro and others, Andy-
san and Keimi-san handed over the rabbits with heartbreak. Keimi-
san then regretfully returned to work.

"Haah… wait a moment, Takumi-kun. Erm… regarding the requests,

you mainly want requests that are located to the East of the Capital,
"Yeah, that's right."
I have not told him our destination yet, but it seems he did his
"Then, are you planning to go to the town of Kelm in the Northeast?"
"Town of Kelm, is it? I have not decided in such detail, but can I hear
what you wanted to say?"
"Of course. That town is near mines, you see. It's a prosperous
mining town."
Heeh~ mines, huh. I might be interested a bit.
Err… the town of Kelm is halfway between the town of Saza and
Rubia. In that case, it shouldn't be a problem stopping by.

"Then, is the request about gathering minerals from those mines?"
"Nono, that's not it. Many experts at mining minerals live in that
town, after all."
Ah, that sounds true. It's a mining town after all, it would be crowded
with various mining craftsmen and miners. In that case, there's no
place for us to make appearance~
"You see, several kinds of herbs that are unique to the mines has
been recently very difficult to acquire. I would like to request you of
that, Takumi-kun."
"Ahh, herbs, huh."
""Ohh~ herbs!""
Hearing about herb gathering, Allen and Elena got instantly excited.
"Even if you say herbs unique to the mines, there must be several
kinds, right? Do you have anything specific in mind?"
"No, nothing specific. There's a shortage of all of them. If you
present this in the Adventurer's Guild in the town of Kelm, they will
arrange it for you to be fulfilled, so I'd like to ask you to complete this
request if you feel like it."
"Huh? If I feel like it… you sure?"
"Yeah. I cannot force you guys to do it, after all."
But well, me aside, Allen and Elena are already interested, so we will
probably be going to the town of Kelm to do some herb gathering.
"Let's go~"
"My, oh my, may I have some expectations then?"
Yep, I thought so. It seems that visiting the town of Kelm has been
"However, I'm not sure we will be able to find any, so I would be
happy if you did not have many expectations."
"I got it. I won't be over-expecting, but it's you guys, so it will surely

be fine."
Andy-san smiled in deceit, but his words were very contradictory,
"Ah, of course, we will take herbs and things like monster materials
you collect on the way as well."
Andy-san said "I will be having expectations." at last. Isn't he
expecting way too much! Even though I told him not to! Moreover,
the children replied with "Will work hard~" to him. Well, when it
comes to herbs, I have a feeling we will be fine, though~
"… I will sell off the materials in some guild when we come to accept
"Yep, please do so."
"Well then, Andy-san, thank you for your help until now. We should
depart soon."
"Is that so? I will be looking forward to the day we meet again, so
make sure to come back to the Capital again."
Saying goodbye to Andy-san, I went to look for Keimi-san at the
reception desk once more and told her and the other staff we were
acquaintances with goodbye and finally departed from the Capital.
The destination is in the Northeast. First, let's head for the town of
Kelm we decided on earlier.

Chapter 207 - First…
As usual, when we were a distance from the town, I called Joule and
others out.
Joule: (Oniichan, are we going out?)
Feat: (Where are we going this time, Niisama?)
Bolt: (Aniue, is it for work?)
Vector: (Yay~ going out!)
Mile: (So exciting!)
When I called everyone, they all raised their voices happily.
(And so, Oniichan, where are we going?)
"I was thinking of going Northeast to a town called Kelm."
It's safe to say that the place of destination is Kelm. It's safe to say,
"However, first, let's see… let's go North!"
The children opened their eyes wide after hearing my words.
"If we go to Kelm straight away, taking your running speed into
consideration… we would arrive there in about a day?"
(Ah, I see. We would arrive there too fast.)
"You are correct, Feat!"
The first to notice the problem was everyone's older sister-like
existence, Feat.
(Is arriving fast not good?)
"I won't say that it's not good, but unnatural? I did not tell everyone
that we travel on your guys' back."

Even going by carriage would take several days. Even more than that
on foot.
"I should have… exposed you guys sooner."
It's not like I want to hide the existence of Joule and others by any
means. I just thought it would be bothersome, so I kept them secret.
I did tell about Joule and others to people close to us, that's about it.
Well, they think that Joule, Feat and Vector are basically babies,
but… that's their charm.
(It would be bothersome… right?)
"Well, yes. I would like to avoid that, I guess."
Yep, I would absolutely love to avoid that. I believe that ruckus would
only follow.
(So the danger Allen and Elena would be in won't… increase?)
Hearing their names being called, the two were making curious
faces, so I patted Joule's head while talking.
"Well, it would be possible for people with bad intentions to chase
after us, but that's only a possibility. However, if we do make it
public, then you guys will be able to be by Allen and Elena's side all
the time, so it should be fine?"
It doesn't have only demerits, it has merits too.
(N~… I think I'm fine with how things are now.)
"… Is that so?"
Oh my? I thought he would agree with announcing their existence to
the public, but he unexpectedly refused.
Joule chose to stay in secret.

(I mean, it's troublesome when people kick up a fuss, and I wouldn't
like if bad fellows approached Allen and Elena just because of us.)
Well, I understand the feelings of not wanting Allen and Elena to
encounter more unnecessary danger… I understand~
(It's fun traveling all over the place like this and we can enter the
town in our small forms without any problems too. That's why I am
fine with things staying like this.)

Feat, Bolt, Vector, and Mile nodded in agreement with Joule's words.
(Indeed. Niisama, we are fine with things staying as they are.)
(Yes, we are!)
Our children really are good children~
"I see, thank you. I will call you as usual in place with no people, and I
will listen to your requests more than before, so don't hold back with
(Yay~! Then, at once! Oniichan, if you want to go somewhere, let's
go to the dungeon we found before!)
"A dungeon we found before?"
(That one. The advanced-level dungeon with tree roots covering the
(Err… Niisama, I think he means the Dungeon of Entwined
"Ahh, the Dungeon of Entwined Branches, huh~ Oy, the Dungeon of
Entwined Branches!?"
(Yes, that! Let's go there!)

Joule immediately stated his wish, or rather the place he would like
to visit. Allen and Elena raised their voices in agreement.
Still, the Dungeon of Entwined Branches… it matches the direction
well, but… that means going out of the country, you know!
Isn't that a little too off the road?
(Erm, if I am not mistaken… we could get there in two or three days?)
… Would these guys be satisfied just by "stopping by"?
"We have decided to go to the town of Kelm, so as expected isn't it
too little time to clear an Advanced-level dungeon?"
(You think so~?)
"I do~ one week. Rather, six days. Would you guys be able to stop
halfway if I told you we only have six days? It's just that if you want
to hunt monsters and gather herbs, there's plenty around the
mountain and in the forest, is what I think."
An Advanced-level dungeon is vast, it could take a day to capture a
floor. The lower floors would take even longer, so we would be able
to finish five floors at most? Well, it will be easy to get plant-based
materials there, so I won't object if they really wanted to go there.
(Wow~ this is troubling~)
(I'm fine either way.)
(I will leave the decision to Aniue.)
(I'm fine anywhere as long as I can play!)
(I'm also fine with either.)
Only Joule was hesitating as others were fine with going anywhere.
"What do you want to do, Allen, Elena?"
"Wanna meet!"
"Mr. Bird!"

I was sure the two were pondering whether they wanted to play in
the dungeon or in the forest, but Allen and Elena said "Wanna meet
Mr. Bird" instead.
(Mr. Bird? By Mr. Bird, do you mean Bolt?)
Bolt is indeed a bird, but I am sure that's not what they meant.
(Oh my, that's certainly not it. Are they not talking about the Battle
Eagles, by any chance?)
(Ahh, I see~)
Ah, that reminds me, the Battle Eagles did tell us to come to play
(Bird~ bird~… grilled bird on a skewer?)
(Vector, stop it! You can't eat the Battle Eagles!)
(Too bad~)
I felt a bit stuffy hearing Vector and Mile's exchange, but Joule did
not seem to object.
"If you are fine with it, how about going to see the Battle Eagles,
(Yes, I'm fine with that!)
"Alright! It's decided then."
That being the case, we decided to visit the Battle Eagle valley first.

Chapter 208 - Battle Eagle Valley
We came to the Battle Eagle Valley.
"Pyuru, pyuru~"
When we arrived at the valley, one of the Battle Eagles immediately
flew over to us.
It's probably the parent of the eaglet we helped, the Boss-like
existence in here. I can't recognize him for sure, but I think I'm
(Aniue, he says: "It has been a while. Thanks for coming.".)
"Hello. We took you up on your words and really came to play."
"Pyuru, pyuru."
("Ou, don't mind it. Enjoy your stay." Is what he said.)
… As I thought, I feel uncomfortable when Bolt starts translating.
"Thank you very much. Is your child doing well? I don't see them
When I looked in the direction where we found the eaglet before, I
couldn't find it. What I saw were eaglets that just were born.
"Pyuru, pyuru."
("My boy? He's over there, right over there." Is what he says. A,
Aniue, that over there.)
When I looked where the parent and Bolt were pointing to, I could
see several Battle Eagles returning.
(Aniue, the child at the front must be the eaglet from before~ He's
flying over here while shouting "It's Oniichan~".)
"Whoah! That's the eaglet from before?"
""Ohh~! He grew big~""
The eaglet that has totally grown up flew with his own wings.

The eaglet… is what it is not anymore, but let's keep using it for
convenience. When the eaglet arrived before us, he stopped on my
other shoulder, opposite of Bolt.
"You really grew up~"
"Pyui, pyui."
His chirping was still done in the high-pitched, lovely voice, but his
feathers have been replaced with new and his body's build became
"I'm glad you are doing well above all. Were you on a stroll just
"Pyui, pyui."
"You weren't? Then, to have a meal?"
The eaglet was gesturing in reaction to my words, so he was very
easy to understand.
(Aniue, you are amazing. You are having a proper conversation!)
(Oniichan's doing it~)
(As expected of Niisama, right?)
(You are so good, Niichan~ I did not understand a word!)
"… It was just a coincidence."
The eaglet was responding with gestures, so I somehow managed to
understand, we definitely weren't having a proper conversation.
""Say, say, Onii~chan.""
"What is it?"
"Feathers, you see~"
"So many of them~"

"Ah~… there certainly are many."
""Can we collect?""
It seems that Allen and Elena firmly remember that the feathers of
Battle Eagles can be used as materials. We picked up most of the
feathers that had fallen here before, but it was full of fallen feathers
again, so there were restless to pick the feathers up again. It's not
like we came here this time to pick feathers, though~
"Pyuru? Pyurururu~"
(Aniue he's asking: "Feathers? Why would you collect the feathers?".
Should I explain to him about the tools humans use?)
"Ah~ yeah. Can I leave it to you, Bolt?"
(Yes, leave it to me.)
The parent eagle tilted his head wonderingly at the children who
wanted to collect the feathers.
(Aniue, the Battle Eagles don't use fallen feathers for anything, so
you can apparently pick as much as you want.)
""Yay~! Will collect~""
Hearing Bolt's words, Allen and Elena rushed to pick up the feathers.
"It's not like we accepted a request to collect Battle Eagle feathers,
(Isn't it fine? You can't go wrong by stocking up~ Then, I'm going to
pick some too~)
(N~ I will go too~)
(Ah, wait for me! I'm going too!)
Joule, Vector, and Mile rushed after Allen and Elena.

(Niisama, how many feathers do you still have from the last time?)
"N? Feathers from last time? The person who placed the request
said they wanted as much as possible, so I gave them everything~"

(Is that so? Let's pick up lots then. You won't have to worry about
them becoming baggage, after all. I will go too.)
Feat left as well.
I'm the same too, but each and every one of my children has a
mania for collecting things, huh.
"I would like you to keep interpreting for me, so I would be glad if
you remained, Bolt."
(Yes, I will stay with you, Aniue!)
When I requested Bolt to not go pick feathers with the other
children, he acknowledged and nuzzled up against me.
Then, for some reason, the eaglet nuzzled against me just like Bolt.
"Pyui, pyui."
The conversation(?) Bolt and the eaglet held was getting quite
sharp? Anyhow, they started quarreling.
I was surprised by the unusual behavior of the calm Bolt, but… first
of all, I would like them to stop shouting in my ears.
"What is it? What's going on, Bolt?"
(Aniue is my, our Aniue.)
"N? Well, yes. Including Allen and Elena, I am the older brother of
Bolt and others. What about it?"
(This child…)
"This child? What about the eaglet?"
(He's trying to snatch you from us~)

Snatch me? He doesn't mean it in the physical way of meaning,
"Sorry, Bolt. I don't understand what you mean quite a bit…"
(This child is saying: "Please hand Aniue over."~)
I could only voice shock at the unexpected words.
… Still, Thunderhawk is a higher-ranked existence than Battle Eagle.
And yet, the eaglet is getting all confident towards Bolt~
And above all, what are you telling me to do, I wonder~
""No way-!!""
"Onii~chan is Allen's!"
"Onii~chan is Elena's!"
Before I could say anything, Allen and Elena who were picking up
feathers rushed vigorously back and embraced me. They apparently
heard Bolt's words. Ah, Joule and others returned too.
"Pyui, pyui!"
""No means no~!""
Allen and Elena argued with the eaglet without Bolt's interpretation.
Just what should I do about this~ I could not think of words to say.
"……… Pii."
At this time, the parent eagle let out the loudest voice yet. At that
moment, the eaglet dejectedly hung his head, left from my shoulder
and moved to the side of his parent.
(The parent bird said: "Don't be so selfish.". I'm glad~)
He was apparently getting scolded, so I held up Allen and Elena who
were uneasily clinging to my legs in my arms.

They have grown recently again~ It's still fine, but it will be difficult
to hold them both at once when they grow a little bigger than this.
"Don't want you."
"To leave—"
"Nono, I am not leaving, okay?"
Allen and Elena were sad because of their apparent
misunderstanding. I'm not something you can just "snatch" when
you like, okay~
"Really. Everything's fine, I have much more time to spend with
Allen and Elena. Of course with Joule, Feat, Bolt, Vector, and Mile
(Yeah! We will be together!)
(Of course, me too!)
(Me as well!)
(Me too!)
Joule and others followed-up on my words.
"With everyone~"
Then, hearing the words of Joule and others, a smile finally returned
to Allen and Elena's faces.

Chapter 209 - Battle Eagle Valley 2
"That reminds me, have you finished picking up the feathers?"
(Actually, we have managed to collect only a little~)
(But, Allen-chan and Elena-chan are like that, so it won't be possible
for them anymore. I will collect them all at once.)
Feat, who judged that Allen and Elena won't be able to continue
after seeing their state collected the feathers in one go by using wind
(And we are done! Niisama, how about you store these for now, we
can then select the pretty ones when we have time.)
"Hahaha. Thank you, Feat."
I did as told and placed the feathers Feat collected in my Infinite
Nevertheless, Feat is quite dexterous, isn't she~ To gather only the
feathers using magic with pinpoint accuracy, I feel that I won't be
able to do the same.
The parent bird apologized: "Sorry about our boy. It seems that he's
still just a chick who can't measure the strength of his opponent."
while poking the eaglet's head.
(Aniue, he said he has something to give you as an apology.)
"Apology?——Errr… there's no need for something like that?"
(You see, "I say 'apology' but I actually mean something I forgot to
give you the last time. I would be happy if you received it." is what he
"Is that so? Then, may I have a look first?"
(It's apparently over there.)

The place the parent bird guided us to was a place slightly further
away from the nests.
"These are… magic stones?"
There was a mountain of many little stones. Magic stones of all
attributes to be precise.
"You humans use feathers, so you probably use magic stones too,
no?" The parent bird asked.
"We certainly have use for them, but…"
Magic stones are indispensable for making magic tools, so I won't
lose out on having some on me no matter the amount, and even if I
don't use them, they will sell for certain.
(Wow~ there's so many~)
""So many~""
(Truly! So amazing!)
(The wind and earth magic stones make up about 80% while the rest
of the magic stones form the remaining 20%.)
(Indeed. Aniue, these are apparently from the monsters they eat. It
seems that most of the pelt and bones have decayed, so there's not
many left.)
(There's a bit of pelt and bones over there! Is this recent, perhaps?)
A predatory monster's magic stone mountain, huh~ Battle Eagles live
in masses, so they would definitely gather many magic stones every
"But, haven't you collected these because you like shiny things? I
heard that birds like shiny things, no?"
(Yes. I'm the same and the Battle Eagles like shiny things too.
However, magic stones are different.)
"Magic stones are different?"
(Yes, the magical power of different races dwell in the magic stones,

so they would bring discomfort near the nests.)
"Ah, I see. I get it now."
Magical power certainly dwells within the magic stones. They are
wild monsters, so they wouldn't be calm down with the presence of
different kinds of monsters nearby. That's why there is a mountain of
magic stones away from the nests, huh. The parent bird must be in
agreement with Bolt's words as he was nodding firmly to his words.
"If that's the case then I will gladly accept these magic stones."
"I will treat you for a meal as compensation, how about it?"
"Pyuru, pyu~!"
"Pyui, pyui!"
Although there was no price for the magic stones, the Battle Eagle
parent and child were chirping happily when I said I will treat them
for a meal.
Vector got happy too for some reason~
"Now then, what should I make?"
When we returned to the Battle Eagle nests, I immediately started
thinking of the menu.
When I asked about the menu, I wasn't asking anyone in particular,
but Vector vigorously replied.
The Battle Eagle parent and child were nodding in agreement. As
expected of birds of prey. Their favorite dish must be meat.

"All right, I got it. A meat dish it is. Then, how about a steak?"

It appears that there won't be any problems by making a steak. It's
easy to make so I can take it easy, but I feel that it's too simple. Well,
they may like "meat" better than an elaborate dish.
"Then, let's get cooking~"
""Will help~""
"Thank you, Allen, Elena. How about you distribute the steaks I finish
I grilled not only the steak but also veggies, so the menu turned into
a barbecue party, which got everyone in high spirits.
The lively party did not end when the children fell asleep, but
continued even after the dawn.
In the end, I pulled an all-nighter.
I am Syl's retainer and was given a healthy body, so there would be
apparently no problems if I didn't go to sleep, but I basically have
sleeping hours on daily basis. Therefore, even if there were no
problems physically, I feel sleepy.
(Oniichan, are you okay?)
"N? I'm fine. How about you, Joule? You have not slept much, have
Vector was fast asleep after stuffing his belly, Feat acted as Allen and
Elena's cushion, and I put Bolt and Mile to bed together with the
In the meanwhile, Joule stayed awake with me to associate with the
Battle Eagles.
(Me? I'm fine. I would have no problems continued for two or three
more days!)

"Well~… I would like to be spared from continuing for two or three
more days.)
(Hahaha~ Oniichan, I was just saying it. Don't make such an unwilling
face at me.)
"I know, but… I feel tired just by thinking about it."
Even if my physical condition is fine, my willpower certainly isn't.
(The Battle Eagles were frolicking all night, after all~ It was fun, but
the excitement was way too much~)
Most of the Battle Eagles are about to doze off from partying too
While talking to Joule, the parent bird who looked like he would fall
asleep at any moment flew over.
"Pyuru, pyu~"
"Thank you for today. We will be leaving when the children wake up,
but will it be safe for you guys?"
Feat and others are already awake, so the twins will surely wake up
soon as well. Therefore, when I informed the parent bird of our
departure, he puffed up his chest as if saying "It will be fine" proudly.
(Good morning, Aniue. Their lookout is set up properly, so they will
apparently be fine.)
"Is that so? As expected, there's no place for blunders in that
(Yes, they are wild monsters, after all."
The majority look sleep-deprived, but there are apparently some that
""… Uniyu~""
"Allen, Elena, are you awake? Let's say goodbye to everyone before
they fall asleep."

Allen and Elena came to my side while rubbing their eyes, but they
looked taken aback once they heard the words "goodbye".
"See you~"
"Will come to play again~"
After saying our goodbyes and finishing preparations, we left the
Battle Eagle Valley.

Chapter 210 - To Kelm
(I can see the town~) Joule
After meeting with the Battle Eagles, we arrived at the town of Kelm
after enjoying gathering and hunting monsters in the forest for a few
(Aniue, there are people from now on, aren't there?) Bolt
(Then, Niisama, this is as far as we can go.) Feat
(We arrived, huh~ I wanted to run some more, but it can't be
helped~) Vector
(Takumi Nii, call us immediately were something to happen, okay?)
"Thank you, everyone. I will call you again when it's time to play."
Although I told those we are close with about the existence of Joule
and others, I did not disclose it to the general public yet, so I decided
to thank everyone before returning them to the shadows.
""See you again~""
(See you soon, Allen, Elena.) Vector
(Allen-chan, Elena-chan, make sure to be good kids.) Feat
(Feat, the two are always good kids.) Bolt
(Oh my, I know that. However, you have to caution them just in
case.) Feat
(That's true too. Allen, Elena, be careful not to injure yourselves.)
(That's is also important. Also, make sure to take care of your
physical condition.) Feat
(Also, let's see…) Bolt
(Isn't that enough already? Allen, Elena, see you again~) Joule
(True! See you again!) Mile

Everyone had words to say to Allen and Elena before returning to the
shadows, but Feat and Bolt were especially worried about the
"N? What is it?"
"Allen will be fine!"
"Elena will be fine too!"
""Will be a good child!""
"Ah! Yes, I know that you guys are good children!"
Allen and Elena must have been concerned about what was said.
They insisted that they are "good children" so when I told them that I
know, they showed the faces of relief.
"Then, let's make our way to the town?"
We safely arrived in the town.
I thought there would be many shops selling ores because it was a
mining town, but that didn't seem to be the case as I looked around.
"What's the matter, brother?"
A gate guard noticed that I was tilting my head in puzzlement and
called out to me.
"I thought there would be more blacksmiths around, you see~"
"Oh, so it's about that? As you thought, there are more blacksmiths
here than in ordinary towns. Most of the stores are on the other side
of the market in the North."
"Heeh~ So it's divided into districts?"
"Yeah, the blacksmiths are banging on the metals all day, plus the
heat is unbearable."
"I see, I can fully understand now that you say it."

I asked the very easy-to-talk to gate guard about the inn he
recommends and where the Adventurer's Guild is.
"Now then, Allen, Elena. Shall we show our faces at the Adventurer's
Guild first?"
"Yep. Let's sell some materials we found on the way first. We were
requested to by Andy-san, weren't we?"
Allen and Elena declared ""Will work hard~"" to Andy-san, so they
defeated a lot of monsters and gathered many herbs.
"… You are Takumi, aren't you?"
"N?——Huh? Rudolf-san?"
My name was called immediately after entering the Adventurer's
Guild's building, so when I looked towards the direction the voice
came from, I saw Rudolph-san standing there with a very surprised
"Long time no see, Takumi."
"It truly has been a while. How are you doing?"

Rudolph-san is A-rank adventurer and a leader of an adventurer

party called "Dragon Breath", he's someone that accompanied us
with the Knights Order on the expedition to the Gaya Forest in Shirin.
Rudolph-san's party seemed to leave Shirin immediately after the
expedition finished, so we had not the opportunity to talk since
returning from the expedition. The expedition happened right after I
came to this world, so… it's been more than half a year?
"Ou, I'm good. I heard about it, Takumi. You have become an A-
"It's all thanks to your support, Rudolph-san."
"I saw that you had the ability, after all."

When Rudolph-san approached, he patted my head for some reason.
Not Allen or Elena, but me. Why~?
"W, wait, Rudolph-san, we are gathering a lot of attention on us~…"
The deed of Rudolph-san patting a stranger man's (adult) head would
naturally attract the attention of the adventurers inside the guild. Of
course, the guild staff also stared at us with shocked expressions.
"N? Ah, don't mind it."
Although I tried to tell Rudolph-san to stop patting my head in a
roundabout way, he didn't stop.
Don't mind it, he said!! Nono, you would normally mind it, right?
Once you become A-ranker, do you stop minding other people's
"Rudolph-san, what are you doi…——Oh my, Takumi-san?"
There, a member of Rudolph-san's party came over… Iris-san, was it?
"Zack, Gilm, this is great! Takumi-san is here!"
And then, Iris-san noticed me and called the other two members of
the party in a loud voice.
"What did you say, Iris? Who is Takumi again?"
"Oi, oi, Zack, was that supposed to be a joke? To forget such an
impressive person, just how dull is that head of yours?"
"Shuddup, Gilm!——Huh, so it's this Takumi! There's no way I would
forget a fellow like that. I just couldn't remember his name, that's
All of Rudolph-san's party gathered and it became lively at once.
"Gee~ you two are too loud. Err… You are Allen-kun and Elena-chan,
right? How have you been? Do you still remember me?"

"Healed us."
"Yeah, yeah. I am glad you still remember~"
"Not good."
"At cooking."
It seems that Allen and Elena remember even the bad things as they
properly reported.
Iris-san was silenced by the children's words while Rudolph-san,
Zack-san, and Gilm-san were laughing with their faces averted.
"T, the pipsqueaks have a wonderful memory, don't they~"
"Geez~ Allen-kun, Elena-chan! You can forget that part!"
"Yes! Forget it!"
""N~… might not be possible~?""
Iris-san was at a loss for words because of the children and Rudolph-
san and the other two burst into laughter.

Chapter 211 - Guiding
"Haah~ that was funny."
"You three laughed too much! Gee~ even though the three of you
can't cook either~~~"
Iris-san protested vehemently the three laughing people.
"We are better than you."
"Yep, yep. We can make something edible at the very least."
"It has no taste, though! There's not that much difference between
"It's a wide difference, ya know! Don't lump us together!"
"That's right. I don't know how you make a soup that's supposed to
be transparent, bubbling and pitch-black."
"That's not normal, right? Why don't you accept it already?"
However, her protesting was defeated by the words from Zack-san
and Gilm-san.
Still… I have heard that the food Iris-san makes could be considered
poison, but making a transparent soup pitch-black? It… doesn't look
like coal tar, does it? I mean, they said it's bubbly. That sounds
abnormal, doesn't it? It makes me very curious~
I have made a soup of dubious purple color before, but it was
normally edible. Therefore, judging by color isn't very reliable, but
making something that's supposed to be transparent into pitch-black
certainly arouses my curiosity.
"… Rudolph-san, Zack-san, Gilm-san, have you tried eating that
"… The moment it touched the spoon, the soup started smoking and
changed color, ya know? There's no way it was edible, right?"

It was apparently even more incredible thing than I imagined.
I would like to Appraise it to see whether what Iris-san made was
even considered a soup, but I stopped myself.
"That reminds me, I have not asked you about this yet. Have you
come to this town to complete a request, Takumi?"
As Rudolph-san remembered, he asked the reason we came to Kelm.
"Err… if you call it a request, then it can be considered one, I think? I
was asked for herbs within the mines."
"Searching for~"
"Hoh~ is that so?"
"Yes. Are you guys on a request too?"
"No, we came for weapons maintenance. This town is the best in the
country for that kind of stuff."
So Rudolph-san and his group came to repair their weapons, huh. As
I thought, this town is strong in the smithing department.
"Of course, there's plenty of stuff other than weapons, like pots.
Shall I buy you some?"
Is this… Rudolph-san teasing me? Or perhaps does he want me to
cook for him?
"We have~"
"A pot, you know~?"
"Oh? You guys have a pot on you too?"
"Allen doesn't."
"Elena doesn't."
""Onii~chan does~""
"Is that so…"
Hearing the children's words, Rudolph-san became a bit worried.

"Takumi, if you intend to keep traveling with the kids in the future, it
would be better to rethink their baggage. You can't be simply
thinking that you will always be by their side. You have to be
prepared for the worst-case scenario at all times. Even if the pot is
not for cooking, you need something to boil hot water in to wash
yourself. Even someone like me who can't cook is carrying a pot.
Your life can be tied by a simple pot. It would be a problem if the
baggage got too bulky, but… it won't be a problem with those
pouches the kids have, right?"
Rudolph-san advised me with a serious expression.
Of course, he reduced his volume when talking about the children's
"That's so, isn't it? I will revise their stuff as soon as possible."
"Yeah, do that."
During our time in a dungeon with Al-sama, I was reflecting on the
fact that I put too little dried meat in their pouches, but it seems that
I was still lacking in some departments.
Following the idiom "Well prepared means no worries", I should
pack more for Allen and Elena than they need.
Luckily, the two's pouches are magic bags, so I don't have to worry
about the capacity.
"That being the case, Rudolph-san. I will pay the request fee, so I
would like to ask you for guidance, or coaching…"
"Fumu… We don't have many requests at the moment, so I don't
really mind. It's just, me the fee your cooking instead."
"Cooking… is it?"
"Yeah, the dishes you made at the camp were quite good. I want to
eat the food you made in a proper place."
At higher ranks, adventurers receive requests to guide the children
of nobility. I heard they are fairly expensive!
When I think about that, isn't my cooking as fee quite cheap?

"Don't mind it. Think of it as an acquaintance discount. Right~ have
you decided on an inn already, Takumi?"
"No, not yet."
"Then, come to the same inn we are staying at. They should have
free rooms. It's of intermediate-level, but you guys should have no
trouble with the fees, right?"
"Yes, we will be fine."
"It's an inn called 'White Cat'. Well, we will take you there when you
finish your business here. I will check what things they have in their
pouches first."
"Yes, thank you very much."

Rudolph-san wants to coach me immediately, so we decided to stay

at the same inn to make things easier.
Moreover, the 'White Cat' is the same inn the gate guard
recommended to us.
"That being the case, finish your business fast. What did you come to
the guild for? You did not come here to accept a request, right?"
"Ah~ we came to sell material. We were collecting stuff on the way
here from the Capital."
"Oh, I see."
"Well, I am not in a hurry to dispose of it, so it doesn't have to be
done today. I would feel sorry for making you wait."
"Don't mind it. Rather, I'm curious what good stuff you have
brought, so show it to me. Come to the counter~"
"Hahaha, got it~"
Umm… they are all inoffensive materials this time, so it should be
"Allen, Elena, let's go sell the materials~"

Taking Allen and Elena's hands, I followed Rudolph-san to the
"Isn't it Rudolph-san? You have not received requests today, right?
Did something happen?"
As I thought, Rudolph-san is a well-known person. He just
approached the counter a little before the receptionist greeted him.
Ah, but, when we stepped inside the guild in the Capital, Keimi-san
would immediately rush over to welcome us~ is this the same?
"He's the one that has a business with you."
"Hello, I'm Takumi. I came to sell materials."
"I'm Allen."
"I'm Elena."
The staff member looked towards me when Rudolph-san spoke, so I
greeted them first.
"This is my first time seeing your face around here. You seem to be
close, Rudolph-san…"
"Yeah, we worked together in Shirin. I will say it just in case, but he's
not a low-ranked newbie, alright?"
Err… it's true that I am not a low-ranked, but it has not been even a
year since I registered, you know? Wouldn't I still be considered a
"Rudolph-san, Rudolph-san. We are still newbies, you know?"
"You may not have much experience, but you are not a newbie
anymore, alright! Well, I will allow the kids to be called newbies
because of their age, though! Although it's not true because of their
strength either!"
… I got scolded.
How cruel~ even though "not much experience = newbie."

"This fellow is 'Setsuna'."
"Eh!? Setsuna!? Isn't Setsuna the person who became A-rank in the
shortest time ever!?"
Rudolph-san introduced me to the staff member, but what kind of
introduction was that!?
"Wait a moment!? Seriously, hold up!! W, why do you know that,
"You mean the nickname?"
"Yes! That!"
Seriously, why does Rudolph-san know of that nickname!? Didn't
that spread only around the Capital-!?
"Takumi~… please have some self-awareness that you are a celebrity
"You are someone who became A-ranker in the shortest time, ya
know? It's only natural for a fellow like that to get a nickname and
become famous, right?"
Seriously… the speed information spread in this world can't be taken
lightly~ At this rate, it's quite possible that it already spread outside
the country, right?
"Now there, don't be hanging your head down and get the materials
"… Yeah~"

Chapter 212 - New Product
"Dunst, I have brought you customers~"
Once we finished selling off the materials to the guild, Rudolph-san
brought us to the White Cat inn.
"N? Rudolph? You've brought some young adventurers with you."
"Young but capable. Get a room for them please."
When Rudolph-san called after entering the inn, a man of the same
generation as Rudolph-san came out from the back.
"I'm Takumi. We will be in your care."
"I'm Dunst. Are those pipsqueaks your companions?"
"Yes, that's correct."
"A double room? No, a triple room?"
"If you have a room with a large bed then we will take that one. If
not, a double room is fine."
"It will be the first room on the second floor then. Sorry, but can you
settle the payment after my wife returns?"
"Yes, sure. Thank you for your hospitality."
Meals are apparently served only in the mornings, but you can order
lunch and dinner for extra fees.
"Also, Dunst, can you lend us your kitchen for a while?"
"A meal at this time? It's still early for business hours in the evening
and I have already finished the preparations, so there's no problem…
is this fellow going to cook?"
"Takumi's cooking is delicious. It definitely won't lose to yours,
"Hmm~ You said you are Takumi? Come this way."
Rudolph-san urged me to cook right away. Well, it's not like we have
any plans for today, so why not~

"What are you making~?"
"Let's see~ At this time… rather than something heavy, something
filling would be probably better~"
"Rather than something sweet, bread might be better. Ah, right!
Let's make pizza!"
"Right. Pizza."
I have bread dough and Tori fruit (tomato) sauce I made before. As
for the garnish… some vegetables and seafood?
"Then, let's prepare the garnish."
First, I start with the seafood.
The squid I'm going to use is not a monster, but a normal animal.
Although I say normal, it's a squid of one meter in length.
I thought of using the Little Kraken first, but… I left that idea behind.
I wouldn't like to cause a ruckus.
It was easy to remove the skin, so it didn't take much work, but it
would have been difficult to use if the skin was difficult to peel off.
Next, I cut it into bite-sizes. Hmm… should I parboil it first? It
depends on the baking time, but I am worried about half-baking it,
and I won't mess anything up by putting it in water for a few
minutes, so let's parboil it first~
Next are shrimps. I also boil red shrimps and peel off the shells.
For cheese, I grate the lump of cheese I bought from a store with a
knife, slice up some raw onions and tori fruit. Alright! The
preparations should be finished, I think.
"Otousan, we are home~!"
"Dear, we have returned.——Oh my, customers?"

"Sara, you guys are home? They are customers Rudolph brought.
They will be staying in the first room on the second floor. Collect the
payment later please."
They must be Dunst-san's wife and daughter? His wife——Sara-san
and their daughter seem to be Cat-ish Beastmen.
"I'm Iris. What are you making, Oniichan?"
Dunst-san's daughter——Iris-chan is a ten-year-old girl and spoke to
us, strangers, without showing any nervousness. She's a daughter of
inn owners, so she must be used to customers, I guess?
"This is something called pizza."
"Yeah. I would say it's bread's colleague?"
"Is it yummy?"
"I think so. Then, I will make a portion for you too, would you eat
with us, Iris-chan?"
"Yeah, I want to eat it! Thank you, Oniichan!"
I stretch the dough round and flat, making sure it's spread evenly.
"Alright, let's put the garnish on. Allen, Elena, help me out."
"Oniichan, I will help too."
"Thank you. Then, place it on the dough like this…"
I showed the kids how to place the ingredients on the dough and
Allen, Elena, and Iris-chan helped me.
And finally, I sprinkle plenty of cheese on top. And then, I put the
pizza into the oven I preheated.

"Alright, it seems to be done~"

"""Looks delish~"""

When I took out the pizza out of the oven, the fragrance of the
baked cheese immediately spread around.
"It smells incredible."
"Oh my, it truly does."
"Would you like some too, Dunst-san, Sara-san?"
"Is that fine?"
"Yes. I borrowed your kitchen, after all."
When I brought the pizza to the cafeteria and sliced it and placed on
plates, Rudolph-san was waiting while fidgeting.
"Thank you for waiting."
"This is it! I scent has gotten me all excited since a while ago!"
"Hahaha~ Then, go ahead.——Allen, Elena, Iris-chan, be careful as
it's hot."
Immediately, everyone reached for the pizza slices. Allen and Elena
blew on it first to cool it down before chomping down on it.
Then, the cheese stretched from their mouths, making the children a
bit frustrated at first, but they soon dealt with the problem.
""Onii~chan, this is delish~""
"I see. I am glad to hear that~"
Allen and Elena were overjoyed and quickly ate their slices.
"The hell is this! Takumi, it's too good!!"
"Oniichan, it's very yummy!"
"It's delicious."
"It truly tastes great."
The pizza was greatly received by Rudolph-san and Dunst-san and his

"Dear, this would really sell if you put it up on sale."
"… I have no doubts about that."
"What kind of ingredients would you put on top, Dunst-san?"
From what I know, making seafood pizza in this town would be
difficult due to the lack of seafood around here. If it was me, I would
start with bacon pizza.
But, I am curious what kind of pizza would Dunst-san, who just ate
his first pizza ever, would make. There might be a kind of pizza that is
unique to Aetherdia.
"Is that fine?"
"What is?"
"To sell this at our store."
"Ah, that? Sure, I don't mind."
Dunst-san fell silent when I gave a quick affirmation.
You can usually tell the ingredients of pizza after eating it. It's just
dough with tori sauce, suitable garnish and cheese after all. Anyone
with some experience would be able to reproduce it after trying.
That's why I thought there won't be problems like with the Cream
Bread, so it should be fine for Dunst-san to sell it at his store.
"… Tori sauce… ingredients to put on…"
"Oh no~ this person, he's already considering the menu~ Takumi-
san, this Pizza? Can we really sell it at our store?"
"Yes, I don't mind. However, I think you realize it by now, but the
ingredients and the preparation method is really easy to figure out,
so it will be considered rare at first, but anyone will be able to
reproduce it after a while, so I believe it will be difficult to keep it as
a signboard menu."
"All will depend on the skill of our people then. We have enough
dough in stock, so we can manage by evening if we hurry with the

tori sauce! Iris, quickly go buy some tori fruit after you finish eating."
Eh!? You want to start selling it this evening? That, I didn't expect!!

Chapter 213 - Baggage
"All right, lemme check it right away!"
After finishing eating the pizza, we moved together with Rudolph-san
to the room we rented, where Rudolph-san wanted to see the
children's baggage.
"Allen, Elena, take out everything in your bags and put it on the bed."
"Yes, that's right."
""Got it~""
Allen and Elena took out the contents of their bag and lined them up
on the bed.
Money, guild cards, change of clothes, overcoats, towels, leather
bags, air-dried fruit, dried meat, candies. Mithril knives, the swords
we bought just a little while ago, flask magic tools, ignition stones.
Ah… I forgot about the pearls and mermaid bracelets.
Well, it will be fine before Rudolph-san~
The things the two carry are mostly identical, the only difference
would be Allen's second sword and falconry glove, and Elena's
several kinds of ribbons and a mirror.
"… There are many things I want to say about these goods, oi."
Seeing the various items lined up, Rudolph-san made an
unimpressed expression.
He probably means the mithril knives, pearls and mermaid bracelets.
Anyhow, let's laugh and deceive.
"Haah… oh well. As I said before in the guild, it would be better to let
them carry a pot, even if it's a small one. Also, salt and a set of
"It would certainly be better for them to have a set!"

I immediately took out smallish pots and tableware from the Infinite
Storage, and added it to Allen and Elena's equipment. Also——
"Allen, Elena, this is a normal salt, okay? Also, pick a few of your
favorites, and place them in your bags as well."
I decided to give each a small bottle of salt and pick their favorites
from the Simple Salt Series.
"Allen likes… this and that!"
"Elena, you see~ This one and that one!"
For the time being, the two each picked two kinds of salt. Erm, Allen
picked curry salt and garlic salt, while Elena picked herb salt and
lemoné salt.
"What are these colored bottles?"
Rudolph-san showed interest in the colorful bottles.
"They are all salt. However, they each taste different."
"Taste different? What do you mean?"
"Err… the one with black lid is pepper, orange is curry, white is
garlic, brown is ginger, yellow is lemoné, blue is minsu, green is
herbs, red is chili, cream is oren, pink is yuzu, yellow-green is lime,
deep green is green tea——a salt flavored with tea. Sprinkling them
over cooked meat and vegetables is their most suitable use."
New salts were made before we left the Capital, so there was twelve
types in total. Stefan-san worked hard for this~
"Ohh! The hell is that! It sounds really convenient! If it's just
sprinkling it over cooked meat then even I can do it. Did you make
this by yourself, Takumi?"
"No, I did not. This is being sold by the Fiji Company."
"Seriously!? Fiji Company, huh. I believe they are in this town as
well. I have to buy it right away!"

"Eh!? Wai, wait a moment please! You don't have to be in such a
hurry, it's not like you are departing tomorrow, or are you?"
I hurriedly tried to stop Rudolph-san who was about to rush out of
the room.
"For Rudolph-san to go into the town in a state like this would be a
I would like to avoid Rudolph-san from leaving with the things still on
the bed and all.
"Ahh, right, sorry."
"If you'd like, I can give you what I have on me, okay!"

I immediately stuffed Rudolph-san arms with a set of Simple Salt

Series I took out from my Infinite Storage.
"Oh, you sure!?"
"Yes, we are indebted to you, after all."
I have bought several sets of the salts, so there's no problem in giving
one set away. Besides, I can always secure more by going to the Fiji
"Aight, let's continue then. If they still have enough space in their
bags, how about some blankets too? They are children, so some
thick ones that could protect them against cold would be good."
"They certainly only have overcoats against cold. Ah~… I will have to
buy the blankets."
I do have spare blankets, but they are all large ones. As expected, it
would be difficult for the kids to use adult-sized blankets.
"N? What were you doing up until now?"
"No, we have blankets, but something of their size, that is easier to
use would be better, no?"

"Ah, you mean that? That's right. If you have money to spend then
something the size of their bodies would be the best. Then, let's
move to the next thing. Takumi, you let the children carry mithril
knives… well, let's deem it acceptable. However, they must make
sure to never use them before other people. It will make them
walking targets."
"Of course, I understand that."
"You be careful about that too, pipsqueaks. It's fine when there's no
one else around, but don't use them before people you don't trust."
"It would be better to give them normal knives to use before
"Ah, you are correct. I will do that."
I can't tell at first glance, but a trained eye would be able to tell it's
made of mithril immediately.
"Also, I won't tell you to have them carry all kinds of potions on
them, but some kind of antidote would be good to have. Also, some
ointment, digestive medicine and some generic drugs would be good
to carry on their person."
"Ahh, medicine! Indeed. It would be better for them to carry
Now that he says it! Household medicine is important!
I as well as Allen and Elena possess Abnormal Status Resistance skill,
so it's unlikely we would get poisoned. However, that's only
"unlikely". It's not certain.
If am there, I could give them treatment with Light Magic, but I have
to make sure that I am at ease when Allen and Elena finally say "Is
fine alone" to me.
"Also… smoke bombs and or flares for emergencies? Wouldn't it hurt
to have that too? You would have to explain properly so they don't

play pranks with them, though."
"Ah, I don't have those either."
They certainly might be needed. We have already seen them in
action, and we might need to use them from this point onwards.
Err… red was a rescue call, blue was trouble ahead? Both smoke and
light are used. The smoke one is also used to obstruct sight with a
smokescreen, and the light can also be used to dazzle the enemy.
"That so? You better buy some then."
"Yes, I will do that."
"Takumi, do you have any plans tomorrow? If not, I can accompany
you to the stores."
"Is that okay with you?"
"Yeah, I'm free until my weapons are done. Just include the
shopping in the request."
That being the case, Rudolph-san will be accompanying us for
shopping tomorrow.
"Ah, one last thing! Don't ever show those huge pearls and bracelets
to people!"
At the last moment, Rudolph-san didn't forget to mention the pearls
and mermaid bracelets.
"Ah, I know that, but… I can't always manage to stop them in time~"
"So this was not the first time, oi! You are too careless!"
"… I have no excuses."
Every time, before I could say "Ah!", the pearls already entered other
people's sight.
"Buy toy boxes and put them inside! If you do that, you can stop
them before they open the boxes!"
"Ohh! That's a good idea! Let's buy that tomorrow too!"

Still, I was able to have this big harvest only from showing the
children's baggage~ As expected of a person with experience.

Chapter 214 - Traveling Together
The next day, we went with Rudolph-san to replenish the equipment.
First, we bought general medicine, smoke bombs and flares at a
Rather, I had no idea smoke bombs and flares were sold at the
pharmacy! Of course, stores that sell tools for adventurers
apparently sell them too, but pharmacy has more varieties, it seems.
I am seriously glad Rudolph-san went with us!
After that, I ordered a treasure chest-like toy box at a carpenter's
and bought small blankets in a bedding store. I also bought blankets
that were similar to bathrobes. They were wearable blankets. I
thought it would come in handy, so I bought three.
Lastly, Rudolph-san brought us to a weapon's shop to get the knives.
It was the shop that was repairing his weapons.
"Old man, we are intruding~"
"Oh, is it you, Rudolph? You came at the right time!"
"W, what is it? What's wrong, Old man?"
The moment we entered the workshop, a man that was sitting
behind the counter stood up as he hit the counter.
"I am lacking materials! Let's go to the mines! Right away!"
It appears that he wanted to visit the mines to restock on materials,
so he was thinking of hiring guards, and then, Rudolph-san appeared
just at the right time.
"Old man, look here~… my weapon is with you for repairs."
"Since it's you, you will be fine with a substitute."
"Well, I won't say it won't be fine, but…"
Are there perhaps no monsters in the mines that would make
Rudolph-san take it seriously?

"Which tunnel?"
"A-2 should be good."
"N~ right~… Old man, is it fine for these guys to tag along?"
Suddenly facing us, he let out a weird noise.
"These guys, you mean these kids?"
"I guarantee that they won't be a hindrance."
"Hooh~ They have enough skill for your warranty, huh. But, they
can't prove their skill without proof, I might reject?"
What is this… the discussion is advancing on its own. At this rate, we
will be going to the mines as we are?
"Takumi, what rank are the pipsqueaks?"
"… They are D-rank."
"You heard that. How about it, Old man?"
"You have said enough, Rudolph. I have no problems with it."
Rudolph-san's discussion with the blacksmith's Old man continued to
"Takumi, did you know that these mines are under Feudal Lord's
management and that you needed an application to enter and
"No, I wasn't aware."
"You could cave-in if you dug mindlessly, after all."
"Ah, I see."
Certainly, I can see that now that he mentioned it.
That said, it seems to take a lot of effort to dig in mines, so I feel that
you can't simply do it if it's not your main job… but, there seem to be
people managing it.
"I will tell you just in case, but you are free to collect materials
around the mountain as you please if you aren't planning on entering

the mines."
"I am glad to hear that."
I definitely planned to collect materials on the mountain after
entering the town, so I thought it might become a problem.
"And so, here's the real issue at hand. The mountain has several
tunnels that are numbered."
"Yes, I heard you talking about A-2 a little while ago."
"Yeah, what is important is that very 'A'. Tunnels with the best
materials are marked with A, then it's B as the quality goes down,
and lastly C."
"I see~"
"Anyone can enter C as long as they apply for it. B has some
conditions but they are not that severe. If you are not a problem
child and you don't lack fighting capability, you will get permission.
But, A tunnels are restricted to those who have a permit that can be
granted by a few authorized people in the town."
"And that person has a permit then?"
"Yeah, that's correct."

I see, it seems that you normally don't have the opportunity to enter
A tunnels. Is this why Rudolph-san is trying to make us tag along?
I feel that we would be able to enter if I asked Tristan-sama or
Matthias-san for permission, but…
I won't tell Rudolph-san that no matter what. Besides, I can't rely on
the two just because of something like this~
Ah, I have to send them letters that we have safely arrived in Kelm!
Would addressing them to the Ruven family and Castle be good?
Anyhow, I can't forget about this!
"I understand from the flow of the conversation that companions of
the one in possessions of the permit can enter too, but isn't there

like a limit of people that you can take or other conditions?"
"There is, but it won't be a problem for you guys."
He has confirmed the ranks of the children earlier… is that it? So it
means there is a minimum combat ability to enter. Therefore——
"So there are monsters in the tunnels then?"
"There are no big shots, but there are small fries here and there.
This Old man over here can take care of them himself, but his priority
is mining, after all."
"Ah, I see. When it comes to mining, you need to be facing the walls
with tools in hands. The time to react will be delayed no matter
what, so an escort is necessary."
"That's the case."
I understand why guards are needed when mining. I can also see the
merit of going to the A tunnels. However——
"Is there an advantage for the Old man to bring us, strangers, with
"Don't worry about that! I can tell that Rudolph is fond of you guys!"
The old man laughed "Gahahaha".
"I'm sure you don't know about this too, but there's a decent fee for
entering the mines. It depends on the number of people. But, on the
other hand, you can take as much as you can carry from the mines."
"So that means you don't have to pay anything to the fief from the
stuff you mined?"
"Indeed. There are many ways you can mislead others with the
amount of stuff you mined. That's why they collect entrance fees
Certainly, there's Infinite Storage and magic bags, so it would be
difficult to ascertain the amount you mined precisely.
"And so, here's the main problem. I'm not going to pay you any
escort fees. You must pay the entrance fees yourself if you want to

enter. Basically, I can leave the guard role to Rudolph, so you guys
can pick and mine in the meanwhile. You will surely be able to get
enough to pay back for the entrance fees, but it's up to you whether
you make a profit. Also, if you find something I need, sell it to me.
That is my only condition and advantage in taking you with me! You
will get things for cheaper from me than buying them in another
store that way! How about it?"
Old man's proposal was very easy for me to accept.
""Will do collecting!""
The children were already fully motivated.
"Please let us accompany you by all means."
"Alright, it's decided then. I'm Morgan. As you can see, I am the
shopkeeper of this smithery."
"I am Takumi, an adventurer. These children are Allen and Elena. We
just arrived to this town, so we are newbies around here. Please
treat us kindly."
""Treat us kindly.""
"Ou! Then, let us go right away!"
The Old man—— Morgan-san, was a man of action as he was ready
to leave immediately after things were decided.
"Ah, Morgan-san, I would like to buy knives before we leave. Also, a
hammer that I could use for mining?"
"Ah, that reminds me you came here for a purpose! There are knives
on the shelf over there. We can settle the accounts later! I don't sell
hammers, so I will lend you one of mine this time."
"Sorry about that. Thank you."
"Now, now, Rudolph, don't be so absentminded, we are leaving!"

… Morgan-san was really eager to go to the mines as he urged us out

of the store.

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