SIAYNGCO - Reaction Paper

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Siayngco, Mary Rose Shelyn E.

HALIGI 7: Reaction Paper
The seminar "HALIGI 7" provided a captivating and insightful exploration
of architecture, social architecture, and the profound influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on
the field. It was a thought-provoking event that shed light on the essence of architecture, its
social significance, and the evolving landscape brought about by technological advancements.
The seminar began with a profound exploration of the very definition of architecture. It
went beyond the conventional understanding of designing buildings and
structures. Architecture was presented as a holistic discipline that encapsulates the art of creating
spaces that inspire and connect people. It emphasized the importance of architecture in shaping
human experiences, emotions, and interactions. This broader perspective deepened my
appreciation for the role of architects in shaping the built environment and creating spaces that
resonate with individuals and communities.
One of the most captivating aspects of the seminar was the focus on social architecture. It
highlighted the transformative power of architecture in addressing social issues and improving
the well-being of communities. Social architecture encourages architects to engage with local
communities, understand their needs and aspirations, and involve them actively in the design
process. This participatory approach ensures that the resulting structures truly serve the people
they are intended for. It was inspiring to learn about successful projects where architects
collaborated closely with communities, creating spaces that reflect their identities, promote
inclusivity, and foster a sense of pride and ownership.
Another significant topic discussed during the seminar was the impact of AI on the field
of architecture. The presentation highlighted both the opportunities and challenges brought about
by AI. On one hand, AI has the potential to revolutionize the design process, enabling architects
to explore innovative solutions, optimize energy efficiency, and analyze complex data. The
integration of AI technologies can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of design processes.
However, it also sparked important questions about the potential risks of relying too heavily
on AI and the potential loss of human creativity and intuition. The seminar emphasized the need
for architects to maintain a balance, harnessing the power of AI as a tool while preserving their
unique ability to think creatively and empathetically.
In conclusion, the seminar "HALIGI 7" provided a captivating exploration
of architecture, social architecture, and the impact of AI on the field. It broadened my
understanding of architecture beyond its physical aspects, emphasizing its profound social
implications. The seminar showcased the transformative potential of architecture in addressing
social issues, promoting inclusivity, and empowering communities. Moreover, it highlighted the
need for architects to embrace AI as a powerful tool while ensuring that human creativity and
empathy remain at the core of architectural practice. The seminar left me inspired and motivated
to explore the possibilities of architecture further, with a deepened appreciation for its role in
shaping the world we live in.

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