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Seat No.

: _________

Republic of the Philippine



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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following

questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet


1. A resistance of 8 Ω is connected cross a 120 v source. When

a resistance R is connected in parallel, it is found that the
circuit draws a total current of 40 A. Find the value of R.
A. 2 Ω B. 4 Ω C. 6 Ω D. 8 Ω

2. When a welding transformer is used in a resistance welding,

it will
A. step up voltage C. atop up current
B. step down voltage D. stop down current

3. A copper wire whose resistivity is 0.00431/°C at 0°C has its

resistance increases by 25% of its initial value at 20°C. What
is the operating temperature?
A. 56.8°C B. 83.1°C C. 52.5°C D. 78.3°C

4. A parallel RLC circuit has a resonant frequency of 20,000

rad/sec. If C is equal to 1 uF, fine the value of L.
A. 2.5 mH B. 25 mH C. 0.63 mH D. 6.8 mH

5. Which of the following is used in power factor correction?

A. induction motor C. synchronous motor
B. long transmission line D. voltage regulator
6. Two equally charged spheres repel each other with a force of
0.1 kg. If their centers are 20 cm apart find the charge on
A. 2.09 x 10-6 coul B. 2.00 x 10-6 coul
G. 2.00 x 10-4 coul D. 2.00 x 10-6 coul

7. A transformer is rated 1 kVA, 220/110 V, 60 Hz. Because of an

emergency this transformer has to be used on a 50 Hz system. If
the flux density in the transformer core is to be kept the same
as at 60 Hz and 220 V, what is the kilovolt-ampere rating at 50
A. 0.871 kVA B. 0.890 kVA C. 0.833 kVA D. 0.909 kVA

8. The lighting load for a dwelling expressed in terms of a unit

load in volt-ampere per square meter must be at least
A. 24 B. 12 C. 16 D. 28

9. A hermetic motor compressor has a full-load current of 25 A.

What it the allowable rating for branch disconnecting means?
A. 28.75 A B. 30 A C. 31.25 A D. 37.5 A

10. A metal disk of 30 cm radius rotates at an angular velocity

of 1,200 rpm across a uniform vertical magnetic field of flux
density 0.5 Wb/m2. Calculate the voltage induced between the rim
and the canter of the disk.
A. 4.4 V B. 4.7 V C. 5.1 V D. 5.8 V

11. A coil draws 1,875 watts when connected to a 150 V DC

source. It consumes 3,072 watts when connected on 7.40 V, 60 Hz
AC source. Find the Inductance of the coil.
A. 0.0255 H B. 0.0153 H C. 0.0341 H D. 0.0240 H

12. What do you call the interior lighting where the roof
trusses or ceiling height is greater than 7.h m above floor
A. HID C. High bay
B. High mast D. High pressure sodium

13. Coil 1 of a pair of coupled coils has a continuous current

of 5 A, and the corresponding fluxes Φ11 and Φ12 are 0.2 and 0.4
mWb, respectively. Find the coupling coefficient k.
A. 0.5 B. 0.333 C. 0.667 D. 0.2

14. Which of the following is a vector quantity?

A. Magnetic flux C. Magnetic flux density
B. Magnetic reluctance D. Magnetic field intensity
15. A certain copper wire has resistance of 0.5 Ω when the
length is 10 m. What is its diameter in mils?
A. 573 B. 33 C. 29.4 D. 20

16. An unshaded lamp is placed at a distance r1 above the ground

and produces an illumination E1 at a point on the ground directly
below the lamp. At what angle must the lamp be aimed on the
ground to produce an illumination one-half of E1?
A. 45° C. 37.5°
B. 30° D. 27.5°

17. Two equal resistors when connected in series across a supply

draws a total of 20 watts. What is the total power drawn when
the two resistors are connected in parallel across the same
A. 20 W C. 40 W
B. 60 W D. 80 W

18. The Electrical Safety Month of the year is.

A. June C. April
B. February D. May

19. The area of one plate of a two-plate mica capacitor is

0.0025 m² and the separation between plates is 0.02 m. If the
dielectric constant of mics is 5, what is the capacitance of the
A. 5.55 µF C. 5.53 pF
B. 7.74 µF D. 7.74 pF

20. Which of the following produces a reactive power?

A. Incandescent lamp C. induction motor
B. flat iron D. heater

21. What capacitance must be placed in series with an inductance

of 0.05 H so that at 100 Hz, the impedance becomes equal to the
ohmic resistance?
A. 50.7 µF C. 70.7 µF
B. 35.5 µF D. 87 µF

22. Receptacle outlets shall be located above, but not more than
_________ mm above the countertop.
A. 300 C. 450
B. 250 D. 600

23. Permeance is analogous to

A. conductance C. resistance
B. reluctance D. Inductance
24. In dwelling units, hallways of __________ m or more in
length shall have at least one receptacle outlet.
A. 4 C. 2
B. 5 D. 3

25. A 16-ohm resistor is connected in series with a parallel

combination of two resistors, R and 48 ohms. Determine R if the
power consumed by the parallel connected resistor is equal to
the power consumed by the 16-ohm resistor.
A. 6 ohms C. 12 ohms
B. 24 ohms D. 38 ohms

26. The time constant of a series RL circuit is equal to

A. L/R C. RL
B. RL D. 1/RL

27. A commercial building with an aggregate three-phase load of

170 kVA is to be served using two single- phase transformers,
connected in V-V bank. What should be the minimum size of oach
transformer in KVA?
A. 167 C. 8.75
B. 100 D. 333

28. A 240 V to 120 V, 50 Hz step-down transformer is to be

operated at 60 Hz. What is the highest safe input voltage?
A. 258 v C. 240 v
B. 200 v D. 100 v

29. Heating effect of current has undesirable side effect in

A. electric oven C. Immersion heater
B. electric iron D. vacuum cleaner

30. In an electric system the available short-circuit MVA is 800

MVA. What is the Thevenin's equivalent reactance at 34.5 kV?
A. 1.14 Ω C. 2.29 Ω
B. 1.98 Ω D. 1.32 Ω

31. The net cross section of a transformer is 20 square inches.

The maximum flux density is 11 kilogausses. The frequency is 60
Hz. If there are 1,000 turns in the primary, determine the
primary induced emf.
A. 3,780 v C. 3,590 v
B. 3,850 v D. 3,945 v

32. The efficiency of thermal plant is approximately

A. 10% C. 30%
B. 80% D. 80%
33. A 15 MW, 132 kV, 80% power factor three-phase load is to be
served by a transmission line having conductors whose resistance
is 0.5 ohm/km. If the losses on the line shall not exceed 4.5%,
how long must this line be?
A. 66 km C. 68 km
B. 70 km D. 75 km

34. A parallel resonant circuit has R 100 kΩ, L = 20 mH, and C =

5 nF. Calculate the quality factor Q.
A. 150 C. 100
B. 75 D. 50

35. The frequency of the emf in the stator of a 4-pcle induction

motor is 50 HZ and that in the rotor is 2 HZ. At what speed is
the motor running?
A. 1,440 rpm C. 1,450 rpm
B. 1,460 rpm D. 1,470 rpm

36. A de motor takes an armature current of 100 A at 230 v. The

armature resistance is 0.03 0. The total number of lap connected
armature conductors is 500 and the number of poles is 4. The
flux per pole is 0.03 Wb. Find the speed.
A. 905 rpm C. 906 rpm
B. 907 rpm D. 908 rpm

37. The sparking at the brushes of a do generator is due to

A. reactance voltage
B. armature reaction
C. light load
D. high resistance of the brushes

38. A power plant consumes 3,600 tons of coal per day. If the
coal has an average energy content of 10,000 BTU/lb, what is the
plant's power output? Assume an overall efficiency of 15
A. 130 MW C. 132 MW
B. 134 MW D. 136 MW

39. Find the average power in a resistance R 10 ohms, if the

current in the Fourier series form is I = 12 sin ωt + 8 sin 3ωt
+ 3 sin 5ωt amperes.
A. 1,150 W C. 1,027 W
B. 1,085 W D. 1,203 W

40. In transmission voltage levels, 765 kV is categorized as

A. High Voltage C. Extra High Voltage
B. Ultra-High Voltage D. Medium Voltage
41. The positive, negative and zero sequence reactances of a 20
MVA, 13.2 kV synchronous generator are 0.3 pu, 0.2 pu and 0.1
pu, respectively. The generator is solidly grounded and is not
loaded. A line to ground fault occurs on phase a. Neglecting all
the resistances, determine the fault current.
A. 1.67 pu C - 2.89 pu
B. 5 pu D. -j 3.34 pu

42. A rectangular bus bar is made of aluminum and is 90 cm long,

10 cm wide and 1 cm thick. If the bus bar current flows along
its length, find the bus bar conductance provided the bus bar
conductivity is 3.6 x 10° s/m.
A. 0.25 x 106 s. C. 0.3 x 106 s
B. 0.4 x 106 D. 0.6 x 106 s

43. Two parallel long conductors will carry 100 A. If the

conductors are separated by 200 m, the force per meter length of
each conductor will be N.
A. 10 N C. 0.1 N
B. 1 N D. 100 N

44. To a series RLC circuit, a voltage of 10 v le applied. If Q

of the coil at resonant frequency is 20, the voltage across the
inductor will be
A. 2 v C. 100 v
B. 50 v D. 200 v

45. For a coil having a span of 2/3 of pole pitch, the coil span
factor is
A. 0.8 C. 0.866
B. 0.786 D. 0.386

46. The potential transformer of a line has a ratio 132,000/86.

These are connected wye-delta. The voltmeter reads 64 volts.
What is the voltage of the line?
A. 112.5 kV C. 135.2 kV
B. 132 kV D. 221.7 kv

47. What is the half-power bandwidth of a parallel resonant

circuit which has a resonant frequency of 3.6 MHz and Q of 218?
A. 1.65 kHz C. 16.5 MHz
B. 16.5 kHz D. 165 kHz

48. The number of parallel paths in a simplex lap winding is

equal to
A. 2 C. number of poles
C. 1 D. number of pair of poles
49. A 50 Hp, 440 v, 3-phase, 60 Hz, 6-pole squirrel cage
induction motor is operating at full load and 0.8 p.f. The full
load efficiency is 85% and the percentage slip la 5%. Determine
the full load torque.
A. 214.55 N-m C. 206.72 N-m
B. 312.47 N-m D. 323.24 N-m

50. The purposes of a grid system is to

A. interconnect the power stations
B. supply energy to remote areas
C. make extra high voltage available to consumers
D. make distribution of energy at reasonable cost

51. The power consumed by a heating element made of copper wire

is 250 W at 220 v and at 30°C. What is the power consumed by the
same element. at 220 v and 100°C. The temperature or efficient
of the element at 30 °C is 0.004 °C-1.
A. 274 w C. 233.33 w
B. 215.25 w D. 195.31 w

52. A generator rated 600 KVA, 2,400 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase, 6-poles

and wye-connected has 10% synchronous reactance. If a three-
phase fault occurs at its terminals, what will be the short-
circuit current?
A. 1,428 A B. 1,443 A
C. 1,532 A D. 1,435 A

53. A 200-Hp. 2,200 V, 3-phase star connected synchronous motor

has a synchronous impedance of 0.3 + 13 Ω per phase. Determine
the induced emf per phase if the motor works on frill-load with
an efficiency of 94% and a power factor of 0.8 leading.
A. 1,354 v C. 1,360 v
B. 1,522 v D. 1,402 v

54. If the load of a wye-connected transformer are:

Ia = 1-10 cis(-30°) Ib = 12 cis 215° = 15 cis 82°
What is the phase b positive sequence component?
A. 13.4 cis (-32.2°) C. 10.2 cis 240°
B. 12.27 cis 208.4° D. 12.27 cis (-31.6°)

55. If the input of the prime mover of an alternator is kept

constant but the excitation is increased then
A. KVA will be leading
B. KVA will be lagging
C. kW will be changed
D. the power factor of though load remains constant
56. A current of 10 A is flowing in a flexible conductor of
length 1.5 m. A force of 15 N acts on it when it is placed in a
uniform field of 2 T. Calculate the angle between the magnetic
field and the direction of the current.
A. 30° C. 45°
B. 60° D. 90°

57. The useful life of a diesel engine in a power plant is

expected to be _______ year/s.
A. 5 C. 1
B. 50 D. 15

58. An automatic device that operates at preset values is known

A. mercury switch C. fuse
B. relay D. contactor

59. A 240 v dc series motor develops a shaft torque of.200 N-m

at 92% efficiency while running at 600 rpm. Calculate the motor
A. 82.09 A C. 52.36 A
B. 48.17 A D. 55.91 A

60. A magnetic field exists around

A. copper C. Iron
B. moving charges D. aluminum

61. A voltage of 70.7 sin 50t v is applied to a series circuit

containing a resistance of 4 ohms and an Inductance of 60 mH.
What is the impedance of the circuit in ohms?
A. 5 ∠30° Ω C. 5∠60° Ω
B. 5∠53.13° Ω D. 5∠36.87° Ω

62. A 230 V, 3-phase, 3-wire system has two balanced 3-phase

loads. One, wye-connected has impedance of 6+18 Ω per phase and
the other one, delta connected has impedance of 24+ j16 per
phase. Find the line current in amperes.
A. 26.3 C. 23.9
B. 28.2 D. 20.8

63. It is desired to deliver 4,000 KW, three-phase at a distance

of 25 miles. The load voltage being 33 KV, 60 Hz and the power
factor of the load being 85% lagging. The reactance of the line
per phase is 0.692 ohm per mile. The line loss is 10% of the
power delivered. What is the voltage regulation of the line?
A. 12.3% C. 13.2%
B. 11.2% D. 14.8%
64. The voltage applied to the stator of a three-phase; 4-pole
induction motor has a frequency of 50 Hz. The frequency of the
emf induced in the rotor is 1.5 Hz. Determine the speed at which
motor is running.
A. 1,410 rpm C.1,425 rpm
B. 1,448 rpm D. 1,455 rpm

65. The applied voltage is increased by 50% and frequency is

reduced by 50%. The maximum core flux density will become
A. 1.5 times C. 3 times
A. 5 times D. the same

66. Surge impedance of transmission line is given by

A. √ C/L C. √ CL
B. √ L/C D. 1/√LC

67. Which of the following is not a type of the contactor for

circuit breakers?
A. Vacuum C. Pneumatic
B. Electro-pneumatic D. Electro-magnetic

68. A three-phase motor driven pump at 1,800 rpm is discharging

500 gpm of water at a head of 26 meters. The pump efficiency is
75%. Determine the horsepower of the motor.
A. 15 B. 12
C. 14 D. 10

69. The average weekly energy generated by a thermal plant is 7

x 10° KWHR. The peak load of the plant le 75,000 KW during the
week. If the plant has an installed capacity of 100 MW, solve
for the load factor of the plant.
A. 48.92% C. 56.34%
B. 50.44% D. 55.55%

70. Charging a lead-acid cell causes the electrolyte to become

A. stronger C. stable
B. weaker D. water

71. A 15 MVA, 34.5 kV/ 6.24 kV transformer is connected at an

infinite bus. The percent impedance of the transformer is 2.5%.
What is the current at the 34.5 KV side for a three-phase fault
at the 6.24 KV side?
A. 25,000 A C. 10,000 A
B. 5,000 A C. 55,500 A
72. A coil has a resistance of 5 ohms and an inductance of 1 H.
At t = 0 It is connected to a 2 V battery. Find the rate of rise
of current when i = 0.2 ampere.
A. 3 A/sec C. 0.5 A/sec
B. 2 A/sec D. 1 A/sec

73. A shunt motor has a rated armature current of 50 A where

connected to 200 V. The rated speed is 1,000 rpm and armature
resistance is 0.1 Ω. Find the speed if the total torque is
reduced to 70% of that at rated load and a 3 resistance is
inserted in series with the armature.
A. 474 rpm C. 409 rpm
B. 464 rpm D. 480 rpm

74. If the resistance of the field winding of a dc generator is

increased the output voltage will
A. decrease C. Increase
C. remain the same D. fluctuate heavily

75. Wye-wye power transformers are protected by current

transformers having _______ connection.
A. delta-delta C. wye-delta
B. delta-wye D. wye-wye

76. An unbalanced wye-connected load connected to a 3-phase, 4-

wire abc system consists of Za 10+j5 Ω, Zb = 8+j4 Ω, and Zc 20+
j0 Ω. if the line to neutral voltage is 120 V, find the total
power in watts.
A. 4,125 B. 3,312
C. 5,520 D. 2,843

77. A three-phase, 60 Hz, transmission line has its conductors

arranged in a triangular configuration so that the two distances
between conductors are 7.82 m and the third is 12.8 m. The
conductors are Dove with GMR of 0.0314 ft. If the line is 60 km
long, what is the inductive reactance of the line?
A. 38.73 Ω B. 37.18 Ω
C. 30.98 Ω D. 33.57 Ω

78. The luminous Intensity of a lamp is expressed in

A. lux C. lumens
B. candela D. foot-candle

79. The barrier potential for a silicon diode at 25 °C is

A. 0.4 v C. 0.3 v
B. 0.7 v D. 0.5 v
80. Ten oersted is equivalent to
A. 10 Gb/mi C. 1 Gb/m
B. 10 Gb/cm D. 100 Gb/cm

81. In a 230 V, 3-phase, 3-wire system, two wattmeters are

connected to measure the power. The ratio of the readings of the
wattmeters is 2.5 is to 1. What is the power factor of the
A. 80.3% C. 70.8%
B. 83.1% D. 86.8%

82. A 15-HP motor has a total loss of 1,310 watts when operating
at full-load. What is the percent efficiency?
A. 86.5 C. 87.5
B. 88.5 D. 89.5

83. A 25 KVA transformer supplies a load of 12 kW at a power

factor of 0.6 lagging: If additional unity power factor loads
are to be served with the same transformer, how many kW may be
added before the transformer is at full-load?
A. 5.4 C. 8.3
B. 3.6 D. 7.2

84. A 25-ohm resistance has an average power of 400 watts.

Determine the maximum value of the current function if it is
A. 6.93 A C. 5.66 A
B. 7.23 A D. 8.61 A

85. Calculate the error in the ammeter which reads 3.25 A in a

circuit having a series standard resistance of 0.012, the
potential difference measured across this standard resistance
being 0.035 v.
A. 4.1% C. 5.1%
B. 6.1% D. 7.1%

86. Electrical continuity is required by the Philippine

Electrical Code for metallic conduit
A. to assure equipment grounding
B. to reduce static electricity
C. to reduce inductive heat
D. to trace electrical wiring

87. The turn-on voltage of a Ge junction diode is _____ volt.

A. 0.7 C. 0.3
B. 0.1 D. 1.0
88. A conductor consists of seven identical strands each having
a radius of r. What is the factor by which r should be
multiplied to find the self GMD of the conductor?
A. 1.772 C. 1.277
B. 2.177 D. 2.771

89. A transformer is rated at 11 kV/0.4 kV, 500 kVA, 5%

reactance. Determine the short circuit MVA of the transformer
when connected to an Infinite bus.
A.2.5 C. 25
B. 5 D. 10

90. A three-phase transformer rated for 33 KV/6.6 kV is

connected Y- Δ and the protecting current transformer on the low
voltage side have a ratio of 400/5. What is the ratio of the
current transformer on the high voltage side?
A. 80: 2.89 C. 80:5
B. 46.19:5 D. 46.19:289

91. A synchronous motor absorbing 60 KW is connected in parallel

with a load of 240 KW having a lagging p.f. of 0.8. If the
combined load has a p.f. of 0.9, what is the value of the
leading KVAR supplied by the motor?
A. 48.3 C. 34.8
B. 33:4 D. 43.6

92. Brushes of de machine are usually made of

A. carbon C. hard copper
B. soft copper D. iron

93. Impurities in an electrolyte can cause an internal short

circuit condition called
A. depolarization C. electrolysis
B. local action D. polarization

94. Calculate the time taken by the capacitor of 1 uF and in

series with a 1 M resistance to be charged up to 80% of the
final value.
A. 0.8 sec C. 1.61 sec
B. 2.12 sec D. 1.98 sec

95. Determine the Inductance L of a coil of 500 turns wound on

an air cored toroidal ring having a mean diameter of 300 mm. The
ring has a circular cross section of diameter 50 mm.
A. 6.54 x 10 H C. 6.54 x 10 H
B. 3.27 x 10 H D. 3.27 x 10 H
96. What is the minimum number of wattmeters required to measure
unbalanced power for a three phase. system?
A. 2 C. 3
B. 4 D. 1

97. The rotor of a 220 v, 60 Hz, 4-pole induction motor has a

power input of 60 KW. It is observed that the rotor emf makes 90
cycles per minute. Calculate the rotor copper loss.
A. 2 kW C. 5 KW
C. 3 kW D. 4 kW

98. A certain station in Luzon has 36 kV, 3-phase, is to supply

12 MW load at 30 kV and 0.8 p.f. lagging over a 3-phase
transmission line. Find the resistance of the line if the length
of the transmission line is 4,000 meters and the efficiency is
A. 6.31 Ω C. 3.56 Ω
B. 4.45 Ω D. 5.33 Ω

99. A dc shunt generator has an Induced voltage of 220 v on open

circuit. When the machine is on load the voltage is 200 v. Find
the load current if the fold resistance is 100 2 and armature
resistance is 0.2 Ω.
A. 100 A C. 102 A
B. 98 A D. 96 A

100. A 100 MW power station delivers 100 MW for 2 hours, 50 MW

for 8 hours and is shut down for the rest of each day. It is
also shut down for maintenance for 60 days each year. Calculate
its annual load factor.
A. 19% C. 21%
B. 23% D. 25%

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