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[ Read the story below. Answer the questions CVC Words with Medial a that follow. Write your answer on the blank. J _ | rad | ag cab kab | bad had | bag mag Yuno has a toy car. It is big and = blue. Ii can run very fast. He plays it) J dab__leb_| cod lad | fag nag { with his brother in the yard. His fab nab | dad mad | gag rag grandfather gave it to him: last saa [gab tab | fad pad | hag sag f 4 | jab gad__sad | jag tag 1. Who has a toy car? lag wag 4 f° What kind of toy cars if? -am | -an ~ar | -at | -ax. 3. What can it do? dam | ban | cap | bar | bat | fax 4. Where do Yuno and his brother play it? gam | can | gap | car_| cat | lax ham | fan | tap_| far | fat | max jam | man | map | jar | hat_| sax {> When did his grandfather give it? ram | pan | nap | mar | mat ran_| pap | par | pat ~~ ~~ NN NM tan |'rap | tar | rat van | sap | war | sat Porent’s Signature Teacher’ Signature Read the following: Phrases a fat cat a sad man sat on a mat ran to the dam rat in a can map on the pad Sentences Dan has a cap. The man has a bat. The bag has a tag. The rat is fat. Sam has a bag. The jam is in the jar. f Read the story below. Answer the questions / that follow. Write your answer on the blank. f Chezka and firam are friends They have pretty dolls They play their dolls in the park. Every week, they buy new dress for them. They love their dolls os much as they love each f { other. 1. Who are friends? } fo What do they have? . Where do they play their dolls? } 4, When do they buy new dress for the dolls? } f. Do they love their dolls? } ~~ no no ~~ Porent’ Signature Teachers Signature a Write your answer ihe box. 1. The show starts today. i When does the show star? 2. Lola Toyang is calling now. i When is Lola Toyang calling? 3. Jing will buy a new dress next, k, i When will Jing buy anew dress? 4, Maureen went fo church last Sunday. i When did Maureen go to church? 5. Gerard will clean his room tomorrow. When will Gerard clean his room? J Parents Signature Teachers Signaiuee CVC Words with Medial e -eg zen set | beg Ben bet | fed | keg den led_ leg hen [ted peg ken Ted men pen ten yen Which is different? Encircle. I. pen pen den__ pen 2 beg bed bed bed 3. set set set sat 4 leg led leg —ieg 5. Ben Ben pen Ben Read the following: Phrases ten men a red pen pet in the den men on the bed a set of nets Sentences He fed his hen. The bed is wet. The net is red. Len and Ben met. Get a set. of pets. The men are ten. Read ihat follow. Write your answer in the box. 1. Birds fly in the sky. Where cio birds fly? 2. The blue pen is in the box. Where is the blue pen? 3. The cat sleeps under the b Where does the cat sleep? 4, The children read books in school. Where do children read books?| 5. Rina lives in Lucena City. Where does Rina live? Parent's Signature Teacher's Signature «pol folow. Wate your onsorn he box, 1. We wash our hands. What dowe wash? Ld 2. | found a green wallet. What did | find? 3. They saw an old jar. CVC Words with Medial i What did they see? 4. The story is about dogs. What is the story about? S. Alex plays basketball well, What does Alex play well? Parent's Signature -ib -id -ig ix bib | bid rid | big rig | fix fib | did dig wig | mix jib | hid fig pix nib_|_ kid gig six tib_|_ lid jig mid pig -in -ip -it bin dip bit din hip fit fin lip hit kin nip kit pin pip nit sin rip pit tin sip sit Teachers Signature win tip wit Prous oe semencer ener that follow. Write your answer in the box. Read the following: 1.He goes fo work. Phrases six pins Who goes to work? Dig a pit 2. She ran very fast. Bit his lip i Tip of the lid 10 ran very fast? Wig in the bin 3. We are all pretty. Sentences Who are all pretty? 4. They will play. Mix the gin. : She hid the kit. Who will play? The kid hit the pig 5. Edith buys some oranges 1 will fit the wig. J] Who buys some oranges? The pin is in the bin. Pareets Signature Teaches Signore sr a Words with medial o Sentences 1 Thankyou. || =ob -od <09 2 Can you draw? bob cod sod bog 2 Please help us. cob God cog «| The ballis round. mob hod fog s|__llive in Lucena Cit b : 7 nod ho «| Don't play after class. re b 4 es 7|_Make your work clean. So! Po Jeg 8 | Drink milk before you sleep. rod log 9 | You and | are always together. 10] | want to grow old with you. -op -ot -Ox Draw pictures that show the following action words: cop cot not box 1. sit 5. walk hop dot _ pot cox 2, jump é.wite lop got _ rot fox 3. sleep 7.8ing mop hot sot pox 4.te0d 8. oink pop jot___tot top lot Parents Signature Teachers Sgnatve Read the following Phrases a hot pot on the log has a top got a mop a lot of cobs hop on the log Sentences Do not sob. Bob got a mop. The lot has cobs. The pot has a dot. Rod is on the cot. ‘Sentences Tinzeadton [amas Wash if first. May I go out? We are pretty. Let us do our best. Draw some brown cups. He ate seven oranges. 1 2 3 4 s|_ Where are you going? ‘ 1 6 Think about it again. »| Never hurt anyone. 10 Sam has four, black shoes. Draw the folowing: 1. cat under the table 2. three, red apples in the basket 3, a blue bag on the chair Poren's Signature Teacher’ Signate 3% Seniences staat 1 ‘Are you done? ____ CVC Words with Medial u >| They run very fast. =ub -ud “ug | -um | Cc cub bud 9 -um | a carry those bags. hab ud | bug pug | bum 4 Lwish | could sing ut cud | dug rug um s| [found a green wallet. nub mud | hug tug 2 i |__ Tum off the light. pub jg um >|__We must start today. rub mum lug rum a| She came to see you. tub m >| How old are you now? mg. sum wo_Let us always thank God. con | Draw the following inside the box b CUP. cut | cbun | cup |b 1. thee red flowers dun ut ——— fan pup cut | 2. asmall orange: sup ut gun : oe So hut a.five blue cans ran jut Porent’s Signature Teacher's Signature sun nut tut _ Read the following: Phrases @ fun run pup in the tub gun in the hut sum of 1 and 2 a cup or a mug Sentences The rug has mud. The nun has a jug. The rum is in the mug. . The nut is in the cup. Let us run to the hut. Sentences se taadea [tenets | 1 Yes, we are. 2 How are you? | 3 Try it now. 4|__Can you open this? 5 Thatis my pen. 6 What is your wish? 2 Come over here. 8 She gave some. »| They saw their full show. 1| Did you see any can? Wiite In. on or under to make fhe sentence corect Sa the tingis___ the table. 2 F The birdis the cage. 3, Ff | the ratis the table Perens Signotve Teachers Sgrohie Seniences testing | rena Words [a Reasingl na Reoaig] Rema il itis hot. 1 a 2 Isaw a fly. 2 T [s| The red can is big. fi at la We can do it, foo. 7 if s|___ Why are you sad? { 3 in 6 Do not use it. é ‘on 1 Give me a call. 7 of 8 Do you like to play? 3 he 9. This is my bag. 9 to 10) _| will grow big and iall. | 0 up \Wiite the missing leliers fo complete the word that describes each picture. Paes 4 ofa onit ay eT Oo init upto 8 || eee Porent's Signoture Teachers Signature P Words Resa Re Teas i am Phrases "7 aaa 2 as think about _ : 3 me 2 would run to 4 4 be 2 seven red lighis 5 we 4 _Give us toda 3 is |s{___did a good work 7 no 6 always wash our 7 96 2{__ three funny shows 2 do. 8 goes to work a Us 2 laugh together toj _ $0 much fo thank for an Wiite the missing iellers fo compiete the word hal of me as of no to describes each picture. at us bei ison 4A, 5 Sentences Lhe oA WR tam. We do, Go up. > _ 2. 0. sie a pores inate Teachers Sonate a 30 p____t__y Parent Signatuce Teochers Slgnoture 2 a Words oe Raa RS Reais] Ranier Phrases ‘esq | seman | ' an 1 fall here i my 2 pull that 3 by 3 ask for help 4 if 4 which to cut s or s| sit upon the | 6 Ee) ‘ use those five { 2 the 2 ate these four 2 and 8 we 8 put your ten | as / io you 9 please clean the | 0 said no to him | Phrases Sentence Make the sentence complete, Choose from thie words in byme It was you. the box ifon ect fly wash ~—ride clink on the he was 1. Birds : you ond | 2. We want fo on o hone. 3 ik betore I seep Parents Signature Teacher's Signature 4. yourhands before you eat. . 5.they__________spaghet and cake, Parent Sancta Teachers signalee 3 a i Resaialne Reade! temas - Wont Phrases sakeasag Leama 2 her 1 keep warm 3 him 2 jump into 4 his. 3 got a drink 5 she 4 before | sleep ‘ all 5 all by myself r for ‘ could sing well 3 not 1 fell right away 9 but 8 gave eight oranges 1 oui | went up and down Phrases Sentences 10. take a long walk go out We go out, Write on the blank the action word for each picture had ail She had ail, ‘Choose your answer from the words in the box forher Itis for you. jump ° read sing waite not him. but she y B Parents Signature Teachers Signature “ ose Porents Signature Teachers Signature ” Word Boosie aang] — Rem i are Phrases vance | soma | 7 ‘ask i done fast 3 see 2 want to play | 7 its 3 over the white s get 4 before we eat 6 yes 5 bring a small | 7 big ‘ must hold on 8 did z work together. 8 now, 8 around the brown 10) one 2 came and found Phrases Sentences 10. don't want to stop are big Yes, we are. Box the correct action word for each picture. getnow ‘Ask him now. a see its Did you see it? a. run jump — donee aiions . yes orno b. & ect sing play Perens Sgnclre Teachers Signore ce A fide fly sit 7 Porents Signature Teachers Slonotre Words st Readina)and Re Remarks] Date 1 fon Phrases [iP ieates | Remais | 2 let 7 “get out 3|___ted z draw a red “ ax g far from a 5 got * where to find | s{ __put 5 call for help : foo g going to ride - < how 7 look so pretty _ = Sow 2 too big to carry _ ‘a old to read and write a Phrases Sentences every now and then ool ' wera Color the following objects with the color name in the box. how big ” jow ol 2 ie view 1, Lblack 3,{ brown putared Forents signotre Teachers Signature _ [amuse « [yelow Dote Words. fist Reeaing|andReacngl Remarks Phrases 1 any ' buy a new i 2 eat g only for you” | ot E will be there a q black 3 sit saw a blacl who : show a littl | : a little | 7 two) when to start 8 new 7 because of her 2 fly 7 open the green r9| in 7 o shall grow again Phrases Sentences L any of the two may! Who are you? any one Get one or two. Color the following objects with the colpr name in the box onoroff Let us eat now, & try to fly You may sit. C —— ae old and new reen Led Ce oe taetsSoncie Tah Sle 2.| blue ov | white Tee eee Seer Word: ieasnalina Roan] — Ren Phrases Lateodes | remary 1 has 1 yes or no 2 ten 2 ou and | 2 ate 5 get a-call 5 Tutt 4 know how to 6 cut 5 soon to come 7 buy é pick some six 8 why, many wish to ° ‘our | _makesome biue _| 194 Use 2 never been there | Phrases Sentences 10 under the yellow has two Do not run. Match the number with its number word. weer etme use i 5 si why run \ has to say c. 6 four d. 4 nine ocents Sgnctore Teachers Signature 7 eight 8 Porent’s Signature Teacher's Signature Date CET TINT I Phrases meet as fei feodira ina tec Rema 1 to be me 2 hot 124 a big can 3 Own 3 ran to the 4 have 4 on and off 5 that s hot or cold | every ’ fast 10] right so done Phrases Sentences Phrases Sentences could sing She could sing well. done fast Are you done? ater their ride Their show is the best. only once Hold it once, every greencan We have the right to live. made in the She gave some. about the new show She would go after seven. gave a warm Do you want it warm? come to find Potent Signature ‘Teacher’ Signature Parents Signature Teachers Signate 18 15 ware: Boe Words ft ReacinglenaRoodna) — Remarks Words si teoara[ina Recaral Rernons 1 wash, 1 wish 2 pick 2 live 3 sing 3 show 4 best 4 grow, 5 read 5 draw ‘ kind ‘ nine 7 both 1 many 8 fall a upon ° pull 2 there 20] hurt io} Where Phrases Sentences Phrases Sentences be the best Pullit once. many wish Draw nine cars, pick to sing We must be kind, where to live Wish upon a star. like to read Keep it cold and full. once upon a Theré will be a show. ‘are both kind Do you like to read? draw nine, big fall down from fall and get hurt. will go there Parents signotuce Teachers Signatre Potent Signature Teache’s signature 16 W

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