Presentation List

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Literature Presentation List

Topic 3: Setting the policy agenda (Jan 25)

• Lodge, Martin, and Kira Matus. "Science, badgers, politics: Advocacy coalitions and
policy change in bovine tuberculosis policy in Britain." Policy Studies Journal 42.3
(2014): 367-390.
• Jones, Bryan D., and Frank R. Baumgartner. "Representation and agenda setting." Policy
Studies Journal 32.1 (2004): 1-24.

Topic 4: Controlling the bureaucracy (Feb 1)

• Li, Hongbin, and Li-An Zhou. 2005. “Political turnover and economic performance: the
incentive role of personnel control in China.” Journal of Public Economics 89.9: 1743-
• McCubbins, Mathew D., and Thomas Schwartz. "Congressional oversight overlooked:
Police patrols versus fire alarms." American Journal of Political Science (1984): 165-

Topic 5: Governing under information overload (Feb 8)

• Li, Yiran, Shuo Chen, and Yaohui Peng. "In the Shadow of Administrative
Decentralization: The Impact of Devolution on Subnational Service Provision." The
American Review of Public Administration 53.7-8 (2023): 280-295.
• True, James L., Bryan D. Jones, and Frank R. Baumgartner. "Punctuated-equilibrium
theory: explaining stability and change in public policymaking." Theories of the Policy
Process, Second Edition. Routledge, 2019. 155-187.

Topic 6: Policy dynamics: policy change and policy diffusion (Feb 22)

• Shipan, Charles R., and Craig Volden. "The mechanisms of policy diffusion." American
Journal of Political Science 52.4 (2008): 840-857.
• Zhang, Youlang, and Xufeng Zhu. "Multiple mechanisms of policy diffusion in
China." Public Management Review 21.4 (2019): 495-514.

Topic 7: Policy analysis and evaluation (Feb 29)
• Howlett, Michael. "Moving policy implementation theory forward: A multiple
streams/critical juncture approach." Public Policy and Administration 34.4 (2019): 405-
• Chen, Shuo, Yiran Li, and Qin Yao. 2018. “The Cost of Industrial Leap Forward in
China: Evidence from SO2 and Public Health.” China Economic Review, Vol.49 (C), 68-

Topic 8: Public policy and entrepreneurship (Mar 7)

• Mintrom, Michael, and Phillipa Norman. "Policy entrepreneurship and policy

change." Policy Studies Journal 37.4 (2009): 649-667.
• Mazzucato, Mariana, and H. Li. "The entrepreneurial state: socializing both risks and
rewards." Real-World Economics Review 84 (2018): 201-217.
Topic 9: Smart city transformation (Mar 14)
Keywords: smart city, open data, big data, IoTs, surveillance, privacy, digital citizenship

• Angelidou, Margarita. "Smart city policies: A spatial approach." Cities 41 (2014): S3-
• Cole, Alistair, and É milie Tran. "Trust and the smart city: The Hong Kong
paradox." China Perspectives (2022): 9-20.
• Chen, Shuo and Yiran Li. 2023. Accountability from cyberspace? Scandal exposure on
the Internet and official governance in China. Political Science Research and Methods: 1-

Topic 10: Emergency Management (Mar 21)

• Kapucu, Naim. "Collaborative emergency management: better community organising,
better public preparedness and response." Disasters 32.2 (2008): 239-262.
• Niu, Yifan, Zhigang Tao, and Haibo Zhang. "Dynamics of interagency networks under
stress in public health emergencies: Evidence from China." Public Performance &
Management Review 45.4 (2022): 799-827.

Yiran Li, Hong Kong Baptist University 2

Topic 11: Environment policy (Mar 28)
• Chen, Shuo, Yiran Li, Tao Shi, and Zhitao Zhu. "Gone with the wind? Emissions of
neighboring coal-fired power plants and local public health in China." China Economic
Review 69 (2021): 101660.
• Zhang, Pan. "Target interactions and target aspiration level adaptation: How do
government leaders tackle the “environment‐economy” nexus?." Public Administration
Review 81.2 (2021): 220-230.

Yiran Li, Hong Kong Baptist University 3

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