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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Marinduque
Matalaba National High School

First Semester First Periodical Test
Table of Specification


LESSON 1: DEVELOPING 1.1 Identify and access sources of information on

2 4.44 2 1,2
AND UPDATING the industry.
LO1 Seek industry 1.2 Obtain information to assist effective work
2 4.44 2 3, 12
knowledge on the performance in line with job requirements.
 Industry information 1.3 Access and update specific information on
4 8.88 4 13, 14, 15, 28
sources: sector of work.
- media, union, industry
association, internet,
personal observation 1.4 Apply industry information correctly to day-
 Different sectors of the to-day work activities.
industry and services
available 2 4.44 2 4, 24
 Trade unions
environmental issues and 2.1 Use informal and/or formal research to
requirements update general knowledge of the industry.
2.2 Share updated knowledge with customers and
colleagues as appropriate and incorporated into TLE_HEBRT912DUI-Ib-2
LO 2. Update industry
day-to-day working activities.
 Time management
 Ready skills needed to
access industry information
 Basic competency skills
LO 1. Follow hygiene 1.1 Implement workplace hygiene procedures in TLE_HEBRT912OWH-Ib-
procedures. 2 4.44 2 5, 29
line with enterprise and legal requirements. c-3
 Hygiene procedures - safe
and hygienic handling of food
and beverage - regular hand
washing - correct food storage
- appropriate and clean clothing
- avoidance of
crosscontamination - safe
handling disposal of linen and 1.2 Carry out handling and storage of items in
laundry - appropriate handling 2 4.44 2 16, 30
line with enterprise and legal requirements.
and disposal of garbage -
cleaning and sanitizing
procedures - personal hygiene
 Overview of legislation and
1.5 Identify potential hygiene risks in line with
enterprise procedures. 2 4.44 2 46,47

1.6 Take action to minimize and remove risks

within scope of individual responsibility of 2 4.44 1 26
regulation in relation to food Ic-4
enterprise/legal requirements.
handling, personal and general
LO 2. Identify and prevent
hygiene risks
 Hygiene Risks:
 cleaning
 housekeeping
 food handling
 vermin 1.7 Report hygiene risks beyond the control of
 airborne dust - cross- individual staff members to the appropriate
contamination through person for follow up.
cleaning inappropriate cleaning
practices - inappropriate
handling of potentially
infectious linen - contaminated
1.1 Determine requirements of task. TLE_HEBRT912PCO-
LESSON 3: PERFORMING 4 8.88 4 7, , 33, 35
LO 1. Plan and prepare for 1.2 Select appropriate hardware and software
TLE_HEBRT912PCO-Id-6 4 8.88 4 27, 32,34, 36
task to be undertaken according to task assigned and required outcome.
1.3 Plan task to ensure OH & S guidelines and

1.3 Enter data into the computer using

appropriate program/application in accordance
with company procedures.

1.4 Check and save accuracy of information and

save in accordance with standard operating

1.5 Store Input data in storage media according

 Hardware and peripheral
to requirements.
 Software
 OHS guidelines 1.6 Perform work within ergonomic guidelines.
LO 2. Input data into
computer. 3.1 Select correct program/application based on
 Computer program and job requirements.
application 3.2 Access program/application containing the
 Storage media information required according to company
 Ergonomic guidelines procedures
LO 3. Access information . 3.3 Navigate desktop icons correctly.
using computer.
 Basic ergonomics of 3.4 Perform keyboard techniques out in line with
keyboard and computer use OH & S requirements for safe use of keyboards.
LO 4. Produce/output data TLE_HEBRT912PCO-
using computer system. 4.1 Process entered data using appropriate Ie-8
2 4.44 2 8, 37
 Computer software and software commands.
 Computer program and 4.2 Print- out data as required using computer 2 4.44 2 11, 38
application hardware/peripheral devices in accordance with
 Hardware and peripheral standard operating procedures.
4.3 Transfer files and data between compatible
systems using computer software, hardware/
peripheral devices in accordance with standard
operating procedures.
5.1 Implement systems for cleaning, minor
maintenance and replacement of consumables.
5.2 Execute procedures for ensuring security of
data, including regular back-ups and virus checks
in accordance with standard operating
procedures. 5.3 Apply basic file maintenance
procedures in line with the standard operating TLE_HEBRT912PCO-If-9 5 11.11 5 45 – 50
LO 5. Maintain computer
equipment and systems. 5.2 Execute procedures for ensuring security of
 Maintenance and data, including regular back-ups and virus checks
replacement of consumables in accordance with standard operating
 Creating more spaces in the procedures.
hard disk
 Reviewing programs
 Deleting unwanted files 5.3 Apply basic file maintenance procedures in
 Backing up files line with the standard operating procedures.
 Checking hard drive for
errors 1.1 Follow correct health, safety and security
WORKPLACE AND procedures in line with legislation, regulations 2 4.44 2 23, 39,
SAFETY PRACTICES and enterprise procedures.
(PWS) 1.2 Identify and report breaches of health, safety
LO 1. Follow workplace and security procedures and reported in line with
procedures for health, safety enterprise procedure.
and security practices. 1.3 Report suspicious behavior or unusual
TLE_HEBRT912PWS- 18, 19, 48-53
 Health, safety and security occurrence in line with enterprise. 4 8.88 11
procedures 2.1 Recognize and respond to emergency and
 Breaches of procedure potential emergency situations and take
 Communication - Interactive appropriate action within individual’s scope of
communication with others - responsibility.
Interpersonal skills - Good 2.2 Follow emergency procedures in line with
working attitude - ability to enterprise procedures. TLE_HEBRT912PWS-
40, 44, 54
work quietly; with cooperation; Ig-11
2.3 Respond to emergency situations.
2.4 Report details of emergency situations in line
with enterprise procedures.

patience, 3.1 Identify and follow safe personal standards in TLE_HEBRT912PWS-

2 4.44 4 20, 41, 55,56
carefulness, cleanliness and line with enterprise requirements. Ih-12
aesthetic values - Ability to
focus on task at hand
LO 2. Deal with emergency
 Systems, processes and
operations - Workplace health,
safety and security procedures -

LESSON 5: PROVIDING 1.1 Greet guests in line with enterprise

3 6.67 4 9, 25, 43, 57
LO 1. Greet customer. 1.2 Use appropriate verbal and non-verbal
 Effective communication communications to the given situation. TLE_HEBRT912PEC-
skills Ih-13
1.3 Observe non- verbal communication 10, 17, 42, 58-
 Non-verbal 3 6.67 6
responding to customer. 60
communication – body
language 1.4 Demonstrate sensitivity to cultural and social
 Good time management differences
TOTAL 47 100 60

Approved: Prepared by:


Principal II Senior High School Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Marinduque
Matalaba National High School

First Semester - First Periodical Test

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of your choice on your answer sheet. Avoid erasures.
1. What is the totality of all businesses that directly provide goods or services to facilitate business, pleasures and
leisure activities away from the home environment?
a. Tourism Industry b. BPO Company c. Technology Industry d. Media Industry
2. It is one of the sources of information in the service sector which are the people first in line sources of information.
a. Representatives b. Conference and Seminars c. Colleagues, Supervisor and Managers d. Product Launch
3. These events are good networking opportunities and they also provide product knowledge about product being
a. Trade Magazines b. Product Launch c. Article Database d. Newspaper
4. Increasing your _________________ gives you a competitive advantage and assists you in the growth of your
a. Capital b. Initiative c. Communication Skill d. Industry knowledge
5. It is a set of practices performed for the preservation of health. According to WHO, It refers to conditions and
practices that help maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases.
a. Hospitality b. Hygiene c. Toxins d. Food Services
6. These are the behavioral warning signs of a drunk customer EXCEPT one.
a. Reddish eyes c. More Talkative and louder voice
b. Stays calm d. Extremely defensive
7. What do you call a small pictures that represent files folders, programs and other items.
a. Icons b. Keyboard c. Mouse d. Pointer
8. It is the device that produces printed paper output, known in the computer industry as hard copy because it is
tangible and permanent.
a. Laptop b. Keyboard c. Printer d. Monitor
9. True or False. First impression last a life time or at least until the guest check out.
10. Who are the recipient of a good, service, product or idea obtained from a seller, vendor, or supplier for a monetary
or other consideration?
a. Customer b. Employee c. Employer d. Community
11. It is made up of columns and rows, have been used as business tools for centuries. It is used in computing
statistical data.
a. Word b. Spreadsheet c. Powerpoint d. Publisher
12. If you want to look for information from the person who visit the business for public relations (PR) purposes or to
introduce new products, to whom are you going to ask?
a. Colleagues b. Representatives c. Conferences and Seminars d. Managers
13. It is the important criterion for organizational outcomes and success.
a. Organization b. Job c. Position d. Performance
14. ___________________ are extremely useful because they are a great source of industry contacts, new ideas, new
products, and new industry thinking.
a. Colleagues b. Representatives c. Conferences and Seminars d. Managers
15. It defines Teamwork EXCEPT:
a. Working as an individual and as a member of a team
b. Completing individual tasks to support goals
c. Ability to develop effective work relationship
d. Articulating own ideas
16. All of these are groups of vulnerable people who may be at a greater risk of a food borne illness EXCEPT:
a. Elderly people b. Infants c. Players d. Sick People
17. These are the way that makes the customer want to buy and keep coming back EXCEPT:
a. Show that you don’t recognize them b. Ask if they have been in before
c. Complement appropriately d. Use a piece of conversation
18. It refers to work safety procedures and instruction that involves on how to handle chemicals in workplace where
these are used.
a. Handling Chemicals b. Housekeeping c. Working at Heights d. Lifting and moving objects
19. Ensuring the health, safety and security of all people in travel and tourism organization is most important concern
of all managers. In order to attain that, these documented procedures for performing task must be followed.
a. Safe work procedures
b. Personal Hygiene
c. Computer Maintenance
d. All of the above
20. It is a workplace safety procedure that pertain to safety procedure that should be in place to prevent slips, trips, and
fall accidents in the workplace.
a. Slips, trips and falls b. Housekeeping c. Working at Heights d. Lifting and moving objects
21. It is a workplace safety procedure that pertain to how housekeeping activities should be done while keeping in
mind safety, health and well-being of workers in a facility or workplace.
a. Handling Chemicals b. Housekeeping c. Working at Heights d. Lifting and moving objects
22. It is a workplace safety procedure that pertain to the installation, repair maintenance of electrical equipment.
a. Handling Chemicals b. Electrical Equipment c. Working at Heights d. Lifting and moving objects
23. It is a workplace safety procedure that underscore what a worker must observe to keep himself safe while
working in an elevated structure or environment.
a. Handling Chemicals b. Housekeeping c. Working at Heights d. Lifting and moving objects
24. If you want to update industry knowledge, this way is the traditional method of professional learning involves
securing the tutelage of an individual more established in your industry. It also means finding a mentor.
a. Mentoring b. Network c. Online Research d. Reading trade publications
25. True of False. Failing to communicate well with guests may result in lack of confidence among the staff
26. Equipment or surface which comes into _____________ with food must be thoroughly and effectively cleaned
after each task or usage.
a. Contact b. Spill c. Heated d. Planted
27. What do you call a managerial tool capable of processing large amount of data?
a. Computer b. Blender c. Calculator d. Refrigerator
28. It means you are developing creativity, innovative, and applying practical solutions to a problem.
a. Problem solving b. Self- management c. Teamwork d. Planning and organizing
29. Its aim is to prevent food spoilage and food contamination keeping people and food, healthy and safe.
a. Hygiene Procedures b. Self-management c. Hospitality d. Pest Control
30. If you are going to chop vegetables and fruits, what color of the chopping board will you use?
a. Blue b. Green c. White d. Brown
31. True or False. One of the problems faced by the Department heads is failing to process written documents such as
emails, reports and other collaterals.
32. Can you tell what passes into and out from the computer via its ports?
a. Data b. Bytes c. Graphics d. Pictures
33. Which of the following should the key criteria for the use of a mouse?
a. Placement of the user’s hand and upper limb in as neutral a posture as possible during use
b. Support of the weight of the arm by the desk and not by the user
c. Allowing fingers to rest on the push buttons between actions
d. All of the Above
34. It represents a link to an item, rather than the item itself.
a. Shortcut b. Recycle Bin c. Cd d. PC
35. What is the short cut key for COPY?
a. Ctrl + x b. Ctrl + b c. Ctrl + v d. Ctrl + c
36. When a user saves information or data to a storage medium he or she is storing a file and this process is called
a. Reading b. Writing c. Listening d. None of the above
37. It is a type of printer that places an image on a page without physically touching the page. It is either Laser or Ink
– jet.
a. Impact Printers b. Non – Impact c. Voice Output d. None of the above
38. If you are going to make maps, charts to help people compare data and spot trends more easily, what software will
you use?
a. Some Task – Oriented Software c. Graphics
b. Word Processing d. Electronic Spreadsheet
39. Workplace related injuries, illnesses and deaths impose cost upon?
a. Employers b. Employees c. The community d. All of the above
40. What are the most common injuries in the hospitality industry?
a. Sprains and strains b. Being hit by falling objects c. Falls d. All of the above
41. What does the provision of security of people’s assets while at the workplace entail?
a. Having all the assets under lock and key
b. Preventing theft, pilferage and damage of assets
c. Being vigilant with the security of the asset
d. b and c
42. Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want
or need is called _________________?
a. Idea b. Demand c. Product d. Service
43. True or False. Cultural sensitivity usually is limited to the use of the client’s language and literacy level, and
deference to major taboos.

44. True or False. Emergency procedures have been devised to keep everyone safe?

45. What is the role of the workplace’s health and safety representatives?
a. to represent the workers’ views and concern on the workplace’s OH&S practices to employer.
b. to document workplace’s OH & S policies and practices?
c. To check on whether all workers are complying with workplace’s OH & S policies and practices
d. To train and assess all workers in their knowledge of the workplace’s OH & S policies and practices
46. As a food handler, you must identify the vulnerable people who may be at a greater risk of a food borne illness.

Who are they:

a. Infants b. Gen X c. Gen Z d. Students

47. When food poisoning occurs in your establishment, what will you do?

a. Call a Police Officer b. Call an Investigator c. Send to Police Precinct d. Call a Doctor

48. To ensure that the microorganism in the food slowly grow, what are the things you need to do?

a. Reheat the food b. Place in the container c. Let it expose to the air d. Place it in the table

49. Pests, vermin and insects spread disease, cross contaminate surfaces and cause food spoilage wastage and food
contamination. How will you control pest?

a. Apply Chemicals b. Have a cats c. Use hygiene procedures d. Have a registered pest
control operator

50. When you buy stocks for a week, these are the perishable items you will be needing in the operation, how will
you store these items to prevent spoilage?

a. Place it in the display cabinets b. Wash it thoroughly c. Place it in the refrigerator with less than 5 degrees

51. One of the basic principles of preventing food safety hazards is “preventing food being contaminated”. What is
the meaning of these?

a. Follow the steps on how to prevent Physical Contamination c. Prevent biological and cross -

b. Follow the steps on how to prevent chemical contamination d. All of the choices
52. When Mr. Toto Lee comes to your establishment and ask for an assistance, how will you approach him?

a. Look at him from head to foot b. Greet him with a smile c. Don’t respond to him d. Shout at him to
come in

53. When speaking to Mr. Bob Uy, how will you support your verbal communication?

a. Point at him b. Turn your back to him c. Eye contact and smile d. Nod at him

54. When a customer argues with the service crew about something that is an accident nobody wants to happen, how
will you approach the situation as a manager?

a. Decide already b. assess the guest c. negotiate d. Use Verbal Communication

55. When there is a customer with disability falling in line in the counter, how will you help him/her as a manager?

a. Don’t look at him b. talk to him/her to wait c. give him/her a seat d. priority him/her in the lane

56. Mr. Justin Case come to your establishment and inquire about your services and offerings; how will you talk to

a. Let him know nothing b. Be assertive c. Be cautious d. Communicate without body language

57. Mr. Nilo Gaw did not satisfied with the actual item that was delivered to him, he complaints about the item, how
will you handle the situation?

a. Courteously apologize b. Defend the item c. always smile d. all of the choices

58. Mr. Eno Tang cancelled his hotel room booking just before he was supposed to check in. He demands to get back
his money. How will you handle the complaints?

a. Explain the cancellation policies to the guests c. Immediately offer discounts

b. Give him his money back d. Call an attorney

59. Ms. Tina Go complaints about the inconsistency of the images displayed on the website and brochures compared
to actual things. How will you put solution to the problem?

a. always provide update the information on your website c. don’t mind her complaints

b. Reject the complaints of the guests d. Give your guest a discount

60. Mr. Andy Lim experienced power interruption on his room and being charge full rates in his accommodation,
how will you handle the situation?

a. Courteously apologize and give c. Immediately offer discounts

b. Give him his money back d. inform the guest upon arrival

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