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English I
Modality: Evaluation Type: d)
Written exam Unit: 3 Remedial: ________ Resit ( )
Academic Term: January- Group: Exam Date: March 31st 20223
April 2023
Student’s Name: h) Page: _1_of 4

Items: 30 Answers: _____ Score: ___30%


Instructions: Read. Then complete each sentence with two words from the text.

Arctic Expedition
In the darkness of the Arctic night, a helicopter landed on the north coast of Russia.
Boerge Ousland and Mike Horn were beginning one of the most amazing expeditions
in history. It was January 22nd, and they planned to walk 600 miles (965 kilometers)
to the North Pole—in winter.
There is no land at the North Pole, only water and ice that floats and moves. It's
always a dangerous place, but winter is the worst time of the year. The sun doesn't rise
for three months, and the temperature can be –40°F (–40°C). But Boerge grew up in
Norway—he loved skiing and climbing mountains, and Mike Horn was a champion
athlete from South Africa. They were ready for the challenge.
They set out on skis and pulled their equipment behind them. It wasn't light enough to
see, so they used headlamps. When they came to open water, they had to swim. They
put on waterproof suits over their clothes and got into the icy water five or six times a
day. When they weren't in the water, they were skiing.
Every day, they skied and swam north. And while they were sleeping, the ice carried
them south. But they kept on for ten hours every day, covering 15 miles (24
kilometers) each day.
On March 23rd, Boerge checked his GPS. The North Pole was 1000 yards (914
meters) away. “I've been there before,” Boerge told Mike. “You've never been. You
go first.” “No,” Mike said. “We'll do it together.” And together, the two explorers
walked to the Pole.

1. Boerge and Mike started their expedition from the ____________________ of Russia.
Professor Revised by Authorized by

Name L.L.I Rosa Anahí Gámez L.L.I Zita M. Alvarado L.L.I Brenda A. Gutiérrez
Signature Ortiz Fernández García
REV: 2 FOR-02-05b

English I
Modality: Evaluation Type: d)
Written exam Unit: 3 Remedial: ________ Resit ( )
Academic Term: January- Group: Exam Date: March 31st 20223
April 2023
Student’s Name: h) Page: _2_of 4

Items: 30 Answers: _____ Score: ___30%

2. In the winter at the North Pole, the sun doesn't rise for ____________________.
3. Boerge and Mike put on special clothes five or six times a day—they had_________________.
4. Each day Boerge and Mike traveled ____________________.

Listen. Complete the sentences about each speaker with the phrases from the list. You do not need
to use all the options.

appreciated college more after working first

didn't feel ready to start college at age 18
had life experience that helped them in the classroom
has a regret about going to college started college younger than people usually do
wanted to travel before going to college
was not used to being older than other students

5. Speaker A ___________________________________________________________.
6. Speaker A ___________________________________________________________.
7. Speaker B ___________________________________________________________.
8. Speaker B ___________________________________________________________.


Instructions: Complete each sentence with a word from the list. You do not need to use all the

achieve although challenge convinced deal goal make progress

result seem significant


9. Graduating college is a very ____________________ accomplishment, even when you are young.
10. So can you imagine what a(n) ____________________ it would be at the age of 95?
11. That's how old Nora Tinsdale was when she reached her _____________________: graduating
with a degree in general studies.
Professor Revised by Authorized by

Name L.L.I Rosa Anahí Gámez L.L.I Zita M. Alvarado L.L.I Brenda A. Gutiérrez
Signature Ortiz Fernández García
REV: 2 FOR-02-05b

English I
Modality: Evaluation Type: d)
Written exam Unit: 3 Remedial: ________ Resit ( )
Academic Term: January- Group: Exam Date: March 31st 20223
April 2023
Student’s Name: h) Page: _3_of 4

Items: 30 Answers: _____ Score: ___30%

12. When she was younger and raising children, it did not ____________________ like it would
ever be possible.
13. But at the age of 90, it was her children who ____________________ her to go back to school.

Instructions: Rewrite the sentences. Replace the words and phrases in bold with the correct
form of phrasal verbs from the list. You can use the phrasal verbs more than once.

break down give up grow up keep on put up with run out of

set out watch out

14. The old refrigerator stops working a lot; we need a new one.
15. If you want to finish the race, it's important to continue running.
16. We left on our trip very early.

Instructions: Put the words in order to complete the sentences.

17. dinner/ after /she /had finished /her/ work/ her/ friends /for
She met ____________________________________________________________.
18. news/ before/ I /heard /it /heard /the
He had ____________________________________________________________.
19. painted/ the/ after/ the/ floor/ my /brother/ had /kitchen
I washed ___________________________________________________________.
20. me/ gave/ my /meal/ free/ for/ had waited /over/ because /I /an /hour.
The waiter _________________________________________________________.
21. before /called/ Josh/ him /in /London/ he /went/ to/ see
Ben had ___________________________________________________________.

Professor Revised by Authorized by

Name L.L.I Rosa Anahí Gámez L.L.I Zita M. Alvarado L.L.I Brenda A. Gutiérrez
Signature Ortiz Fernández García
REV: 2 FOR-02-05b

English I
Modality: Evaluation Type: d)
Written exam Unit: 3 Remedial: ________ Resit ( )
Academic Term: January- Group: Exam Date: March 31st 20223
April 2023
Student’s Name: h) Page: _4_of 4

Items: 30 Answers: _____ Score: ___30%

Instructions: Complete each sentence with a word from the list. You do not need to use all the

clean difficult early fast often polite serious well young

22. A: How ____________________ is the hotel room?

B: Not very. I don't think housekeeping has come yet.

23. A: How ____________________ is it to learn a new language?

B: It takes a lot of work but it's not impossible.

24. A: How ____________________ were you?

B: I got there 45 minutes before the play started.

Instructions: Complete the chart with the simple past and past participle of the verbs. Each
correct line is equal to one correct item.

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

25. was/ were
26. Show
27. did
28. gone
30. take

Professor Revised by Authorized by

Name L.L.I Rosa Anahí Gámez L.L.I Zita M. Alvarado L.L.I Brenda A. Gutiérrez
Signature Ortiz Fernández García
REV: 2 FOR-02-05b

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