Chapter 3 Sago

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This chapter presents the core components of research that includes the details

of the research design, research environment, research participants, sampling

techniques, data gathering procedure, research materials and procedure, preparation

for the shelf-life determination, research preparation and presentation of samples

statistical treatment and ethical consideration of the study.

Research Design

The study will use the Quantitative-Descriptive Sensory Analysis Research

design with the instruments as the primary data. Using one survey questionnaire that

can transformed into usable statistics to determine the acceptability of Lumbia flour

(Sago starch) as alternative for making moron delicacy.

Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data. It

can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal relationships,

and generalize results to wider populations (Bhandari, 2021). Descriptive Sensory

Analysis may be conducted in parallel to define product characteristics. This allows

better prediction of descriptors that influence consumer acceptability, leading to

appropriate product modification and successful introduction (Yang and Lee, 2019).

Research Environment

This study will be conducted at J.H. Cerilles State College-Canuto MS Enerio

Campus, Poblacion, Lake Wood, Zamboanga Del Sur. This research will be conducted

in this institution because the respondents are the BTVTED-FSM students from 2nd

year to 4th year.

Figure 1. Geographical location of Lake Wood Zamboanga Del Sur

Photo Credit:

Figure 2. Geographical location of JHCSC-CMSE Campus

Photo Credit: google map


Research Participants

The participants will be from the BTVTED- FSM Students starting from 2nd year

to 4th year level. A total of 50 participants will be chosen randomly who are have the

background and experience relevant to the topic of the study. We would like to hear

from a variety of people to fully understand our research issue. By including them, we

hoped to gather a wide range of viewpoints and ideas that would advance our

investigations and improve our comprehension.

Research Instrument

For this study, the researchers will use a structured questionnaire adapted from

the study of Belmes, N. (2019). The study will use hedonic scale in collecting data. The

hedonic scale is a type of rating scale used to measure the degree of consumer

acceptance and satisfaction regarding product attributes. Researchers use a 5-points

hedonic scale: highly acceptable, acceptable, moderately acceptable, slightly

acceptable and not acceptable., where 1 is the highest and 5 is the lowest.

Sampling Techniques

The sampling techniques that will be use a simple random sampling. This

method is the most straightforward of all probability sampling methods since it only

involves a single random selection and requires little advanced knowledge about the

population (Thomas 2023).

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will write a letter of permission to the Campus Administrator.

After the approval of the school administrator/head of the school, the researchers asked

for available date to conduct the food tasting for the evaluators. The researchers will


the ingredients and materials needed for the experiment. Then, the researchers will ask

permission for the participants before the scheduled food tasting evaluation of the


and prepare the sanitation of the area as well. Researchers will conduct profiling to

determine who among the participants were available for an on-premises evaluation.

After that, the researchers will assign the participants to their designated rooms for the

food tasting evaluation. Every participant will be given a rubric to rate the product with a

brief orientation for the participants were given before the food tasting evaluation

started. Upon completion of the evaluation, the researcher retrieved the data. Then,

after the data were collected it will be calculated and tabulated for statistical analysis.

Research Materials

The following are the materials used in the research study for Making Moron


Mixing bowl Laddle

Cooking pan

Figure 2. The Research Materials Photo Credit: Google .com


Research Ingredients

These are the following ingredients used in the research study for making Moron


1/2 cup Sesame ¾ cup cassava flour


1 cup coconut milk ½ coconut sugar


Figure 3. Research Ingredients

Research Procedure

The following were the research procedures in making Moron delicacy using

lumbia flour.

Step 1. Lumbia (sago palm) tree


Figure 4. Lumbia tree

Step2. Clean and peel the palm tree.

Figure 5. Cleaning the Lumbia tree

Step 3. Cut the pith into perfect size for the shredding.

Figure 6. Cut the pith.

Step 4. Shred the pith of lumbia

Figure 7. Shredding pith


Step 5. Then drain water.

Figure 8. water drain

Step 6. Pour the liquid in the big basin.

Figure 9. Put in a big basin

Step 7. Put in the net then squeeze the water.

Figure 10. Finish product


Flow Chart

1 1/4 cup of lumbia (sago starch) glutinous flour, ¾ cup rice flour, ½ cup
condensed milk, 1 cup coconut milk, ½ cup white sugar should all be
combined in the same pan. Mix it well.

Turn on the medium heat and cook while constantly stirring until it forms a

Remove from the pan and set aside

Clean and slightly heat the banana leaves, place 2 tablespoons of the plain
mixture form into a log. Do the same procedure for the chocolate mixture.

Place the two-mixture side by side, add ¼ a cup mash peanuts and twist to form
a two-colored log. Tie a string on both ends to secure.

Steam for 20- 25 minutes. Serve while it’s warm.

Research preparation of samples


Effectively the acceptability level of moron delicacy will evaluate the

researchers conducted the food tasting evaluation on controlled portion and the manner

of serving to its identified participants.

Sample size. The first item is a native moron delicacy, of which each

participant got a one piece. This product will be offered as a culinary delicacy with

sesame seeds, and participants had ten seconds to consume it before it melted in their


Sample temperature. The Lumbia Moron product will be tested at room

temperature, which is roughly 20 degrees Celsius or 68 degrees Fahrenheit. However,

there are a number of variables to consider that can alter the temperature, such as

changes in the weather.

Order of samples presentation. Each sample will be given according to its

serving order. To minimize any prejudice about the participants' serving order position,

each will be given an equal number of times. The Lumbia Moron with Sesame Seeds is

the sample product that will be put to the test. To guarantee that cleaner flavor and

texture were accurately detected during the evaluation period, the participants were also

instructed to abstain from consuming any kind of food product 30 minutes before the

food tasting test will conduct.

Number of samples. There were three (3) samples served to the

participants. The process for determining shelf life was created by the researchers

themselves and is being used in this investigation appearance, aroma, taste, and

texture are all evaluated.


The products will be rated on a 1-5 hedonic scale. The highest rank is 5(Strongly

Acceptable) while the lowest is 1 (Slightly Acceptable).

Research Statistical Treatment

This study will use descriptive statistics in getting the weighted mean to

determine the innovation process of lumbia moron delicacy. To help researchers

analyze the statistical computations of this study. The researchers utilized the Statistical

Package for Social Science (SPSS) software to ensure the accuracy and validity of the

result of the study.

SPSS is short for Statistical Package for Social Science, and it is used by

various kinds of researchers for complex statistical data analytics. The SPSS software

package was created for the management and statistical analysis of social science

data. It was originally launched by SPSS Inc. and was later acquired by IBM in

2009(Alcher, 2021).

Research Ethical Consideration

This study considers the participants who were also the participants of this

research were students of Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education major in

Food Service Management II, III and IV of the JHCSC Canuto MS Enerio Campus,

during the conduct of this study we provide inform consent from every participant and

make sure that no one is being harm. We respect their privacy and keep their records

confidential. All participants are voluntarily response, and no one is being force.

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