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ETABS 19.1.

0 License #*1T8996YU7UYAQRW

ETABS Steel Frame Design

AS 4100-1998 Steel Section Check (Strength Summary)

Element Details

Level Element Unique Name Location (mm) Combo Element Type Section Classification
N+4.00m C5 5 0 1.2D+1.5L Sway Frame 89X89X5SHS Compact

Design Code Parameters

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

Section Properties

A (mm²) I 33 (mm⁴) r 33 (mm) S 33 (mm³) A v3 (mm²) Z 33 (mm³)

1590 1810000 33.7 40674.2 890 49100
J (mm⁴) I 22 (mm⁴) r 22 (mm) S 22 (mm³) A v2 (mm²) Z 22 (mm³) I w (mm⁶)
3050000 1810000 33.7 40674.2 890 49100

Material Properties

E (kgf/mm²) f y (kgf/mm²) α
20904.18 25.49 NA

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (6.1b)

D/C Ratio = N* /ϕN s or N* /ϕN c

0.72 = 0.72

Stress Check Forces and Moments (6.1b) (Combo 1.2D+1.5L)

Location (mm) N* (tonf) M* 33 (tonf-m) M* 22 (tonf-m) V* 2 (tonf) V* 3 (tonf)

0 -4.1821 0 0 0.0126 0

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ETABS 19.1.0 License #*1T8996YU7UYAQRW

Basic Factors (6.1b)

Buckling Mode K Factor L Factor L Length (mm) KL/r

Major Bending 2.01 0.926 3702 220.557
Minor Bending 2.01 0.926 3702 220.561
Major Braced 0.71 0.926 3702 77.927
Minor Braced 0.71 0.926 3702 77.931
LTB 1.4 0.926 3702 153.612

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (6.1b)

L Factor Braced k e Sway k e Δb Δs Cm βm

Major Bending 0.926 0.71 2.01 1 1 0.6 0
Minor Bending 0.926 0.71 2.01 1.084 1 1 -1
L ltb kt kl kr αm αs
LTB 0.926 1 1.4 1 1.817 0.999

Axial Factors

Steel Type Kf Kt αa αb αc
Hot Rolled 1 1 9.189 -1 0.159

Slenderness Factors

Slenderness λe λ ep λ ey λ ew λ e / λ ey Compactness
Major Flange 15.8 30 45 180 0.351 Compact
Major Web 15.8 82 115 180 0.137 Compact
Minor Flange 15.8 82 115 180 0.137 Compact
Minor Web 15.8 30 45 180 0.351 Compact
Axial Flange 15.8 45 0.351 Compact
Axial Web 15.8 45 0.351 Compact

Effective Properties

Z eMajor (mm³) Z eMinor (mm³) b - b e (mm) d - d e (mm) A eff (mm²)

49100 49100 0 0 1590

Moments and Capacities

M* (tonf-m) M s (tonf-m) M r (tonf-m) M i (tonf-m) N c (tonf)

Major Moment 0 1.2517 1.2517 1.1128 33.1363
Minor Moment 0 1.2517 1.2517 1.0762 33.1354

Flexural Capacities

M o,cr (tonf-m) M b (tonf-m) M o (tonf-m) M c (tonf-m) M t (tonf-m)

Major Moment 18.4638 1.2517 1.0762 1.0762 1.0762

Axial Capacities

N* (tonf) N s (tonf) N c (tonf) N t (tonf) N oz (tonf)

Axial 4.1821 40.5337 6.4513 40.5337 10770.8065

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ETABS 19.1.0 License #*1T8996YU7UYAQRW

Shear Design

V* Force (tonf) V v Capacity (tonf) Stress Ratio

Major Shear 0.0126 12.2519 0.001
Minor Shear 0 12.2519 0

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