Review of Pathways 3 (Vocabulary)

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Review of Pathways 3(Vocabulary)

Unit One——Social Relationship

Section One: The ape in the office

1. primate

2. behavior

3. conflict

4. specialist: a person highly skilled in a specific and restricted field

5. hierarchy

6. status

7. caring for

8. aggressive

9. groom: clean the fur or skin of animals

10. ambitious

11. cunning: having or showing skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion(狡猾的)

12. rival: enemy

13. intimidate: frighten or overawe someone

14. screech: same as scream

15. criticize

16. treat

17. motivation

18. interacting

Section Two: Gender in the wild

1. gender

2. social structure

3. extended

4. matriarchal: a social system in which females hold primary power

5. family
6. orphaned

7. generally: in most cases, usually

8. previously

9. intense: to describe something that is very great or extreme in strength or degree

10. mediator: the peacemaking guy

11. discipline

12. establish

13. observe

14. offspring: same as descendant

15. graze

16. replace

17. bachelor

18. mimicked

19. evolved: develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form

Unit Three——City Solutions

Section One: Living on an urban planet

1. dense: something is very thick

2. urban

3. aspect

4. slum: a squalid and overcrowded urban street or district inhabited by very poor people

5. productive

6. wage: salary

7. champion

8. suburb: an outlying district of a city, especially a residential one

9. sewer: an underground conduit for carrying off drainage water and waste matter

10. tend to

11. inevitable: something has to be happen, unavoidable

12. growth
13. investment: the action or process of investing money for profit or material result

14. infrastructure

15. spreading out

16. income

17. sprawl: spread

18. concentration

19. wreck: break/something that has been badly damaged or destroyed

Section Two: The urban visionary

1. majority

2. megacity: very large city like Beijing

3. standardize: cause something to conform to a standard

4. consumption

5. enhance

6. flock

7. phenomenon

8. scale

9. distribution: the action of sharing something out among a number of recipients

10. metropolis: the capital or chief city of a country

11. varied

12. industrial

13. basically

14. increasingly

15. bulldozer: a track used to deal with soil

16. attempt

17. safety

18. pop out: appear suddenly

Unit Five——The Travel Business

Section One: The new face of tourism

1. distinctive: characteristic of one person or thing and distinguish it from others

2. geo-tourism

3. maintain

4. overrun: spread over, continue beyond or above

5. alternative

6. harmful

7. chain restaurant: concatenated restaurant

8. economy

9. partnership

10. craftspeople: a worker skilled in a particular craft

11. earn a living

12. necessary

13. sustainable

14. ecotourism

15. niche: a shallow recess, especially one in a wall to display a statue or other ornament

16. aesthetic: concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty

17. vulnerable: exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed

18. pebble: a small stone made smooth and round by the action of water or sand

19. cuisine

20. franchise: give privileges to others

21. cannery

22. preserving

23. aquarium: a building containing such tanks, especially one that is open to the public
Section Two: Geo-tourism in action

1. awareness

2. renewable

3. tropical

4. glacier: a slowly moving mass or river of ice

5. enrich

6. trek: a long arduous journey, especially one made on foot

7. porter

8. comfort

9. ecological

10. vital: absolutely necessary, essential

11. landmark

12. icon: symbol

13. objective

14. official

15. steep

16. sacred

17. spiritual

Unit Seven——Global Challenges

Section One: A need for change

1. documentary

2. investigate: check or do a research about something

3. premiere: the first performance of a film or any other form of art

4. practical

5. hasten: be quick to do something

6. galvanize: shock or excite someone, typically into taking action

7. tremendous: very great in amount

8. at stake: same as at risk

9. focus on

10. immure

11. symptom

12. crucial

13. currently

14. shrink

15. retreat: withdraw\become smaller in size

16. worldwide

17. related to

18. unchecked: uncontrolled

19. vanish

20. survey: to check or to search

21. exceptional: something is rare and special

22. coral reef

23. generate

Section Two: Eight steps to a sustainable future

1. appetite

2. limited

3. exhaust

4. consume

5. oven

6. congestion: same as jam

7. avian flu

8. via: travelling through a place

9. convert

10. gigawatt: combined unit of giga and watt

11. major

12. cutting down on

13. landfill
14. regulated

15. turbine: a machine for producing continuous power in which a wheel or rotor

16. invested

17. jointly: in cooperation

18. emit

19. reduction

Unit Nine——World Languages

Section One: The future of English

1. considerably

2. constitute: be a part of a whole

3. linguistic

4. emerge: come into view

5. demographic: relating to the structure of populations

6. decline: decrease

7. native

8. peak

9. expanding

10. dynamism

11. lingua franca: a language that is adopted between speakers in different region

12. acquire

13. competence

14. lead to

15. bilingual: speaking two languages fluently

16. multilingual: speaking more than two languages fluently

17. anticipate

18. furthermore

19. monolingual: only can speak one language fluently

20. complacent: over self-satisfied

Section Two: Vanishing voices

1. roughly

2. combine

3. rapidly

4. critically

5. estimate: roughly calculate or judge the value

6. tongue

7. political

8. express

9. perspective

10. quantity

11. a miracle drug: drugs that are specifically work very well

12. die out

13. highly

14. nutritious

15. rate

16. sailor

17. hunter-gatherer: people who live by hunting and collecting food rather than farming

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