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(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)

Verification Notes

In relation to


The purpose of these verification notes is to provide a record of the steps which have been taken
to check the accuracy of the information given in the prospectus (the “Prospectus”) to be
published and issued in relation to the listing of the shares of US$0.01 each (the “Shares”) in
the capital of Fujing Holdings Co., Limited (the “Company”) on Main Board of The Stock
Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) by way of Public Offer and Placing
and to assist the directors (the “Directors”) of the Company in complying with the
responsibility statements contained in the Prospectus.

These verification notes are designed to protect the Company, the Directors and the other parties
involved in the Public Offer and Placing.

They are intended to ensure that:

(a) no incorrect statement is made because each person concerned in the preparation of the
Prospectus believes that some other person has checked it;
(b) the bases for every forecast, estimate or expression of opinion contained in the
Prospectus have been verified; and
(c) the implications and/or conclusions which a reader may reasonably draw from the
statements in the Prospectus are true (for it is not sufficient that a statement is itself
correct if an inference, implication or conclusion which may properly be drawn from it
is misleading or incorrect).

The Prospectus will constitute a prospectus for the purposes of the Companies (Winding Up
and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap.32) of the Laws of Hong Kong (“Companies
Ordinance”). Misleading statements and omissions may expose the Company, the individual
Directors and others to civil and criminal liabilities.

These verification notes and the replies thereto will be treated as confidential and will not be
filed with any authority in Hong Kong, the PRC or other jurisdictions including the Companies
Registry in Hong Kong, any stock exchange and the Securities and Futures Commission of
Hong Kong or be available for inspection.
Whilst these verification notes are drawn up to record that all statements of fact and the bases
for opinions, forecasts and estimates in the Prospectus have been verified, there are areas which
cannot be covered by notes of this nature and as a result it is important to ensure that the
Directors have disclosed all material facts in the Prospectus. It is important that each Director
should appreciate that he takes individual as well as collective responsibility with the other
Directors for ensuring that all material facts in relation to the Company are disclosed in the
Prospectus. Except where otherwise stated, expressions defined in the Prospectus have the same
meanings when used in these verification notes.

These verification notes do not purport to verify, other than minimally, Industry Overview,
Regulatory Overview set out in the relevant sections in the Prospectus, the Accountants’ Report,
Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information, Summary of the Constitution of the Company and
Cayman Islands Company Law set out in Appendices I, II and III respectively to the Prospectus
each of which is the primary (though not exclusive) responsibility of the relevant firm or
company which prepares and signs it.

In respect of certain matters in these verification notes it will be reasonable for the Directors to
delegate the mechanics of verification to employees of the Group or other appropriate persons.
Nevertheless, each Director must satisfy himself/herself that it is reasonable for him/her to rely
on the relevant person in relation to a particular statement and/or opinion, that the person to
whom consideration of these matters is delegated is a suitable person for that purpose and that
such person has adequately verified the statement. Delegation to suitable persons will not
relieve the Directors from their personal responsibility to ensure that each of those matters is
correctly stated in the Prospectus. In any event, each Director must read the entire Prospectus
and believe every statement therein to be true and accurate, the forecasts, estimates and opinions
are fair and reasonable and, to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, there are no other facts
the omission of which would make any statement, forecast, estimate and opinion misleading,
before authorising its issue. Answers should be given by reference to authoritative sources,
preferably independent sources but where appropriate from the Company’s own records.
Wherever possible, documentary evidence should be produced in support of the replies given
to the questions asked. If evidence or confirmation of any matter has been obtained from a third
party, the Directors must satisfy themselves that it is reasonable to rely on such third party for
this purpose and must also disclose any other reports of which they are aware which might give
indications or information to the contrary.

Where figures are not taken from published information or records (or normal management
information or records), a note of the method used to compile the figures should be added.
Historical figures should be looked at in the light of both previous and prospective figures.

Measurements of performance should be shown to be representative and alternative

measurements should be given to show that, overall, the measurement is not out of line with
others. Statements of fact must be examined with reference to the state of affairs in the past and,
so far as possible, in the future. If it is known that there is to be a change, a statement of fact
may not be sustainable.
Each recipient of these verification notes (whether in draft or final form) is asked to inform
Hastings & Co. if he/she believes that a question is incomplete or misleading or that there is
any material omission from these verification notes. Furthermore, if any of such recipients has,
or through his/her agent(s), associates(s), employee(s) or other person(s) authorised by him/her
so to do (the “Authorised Agent(s)”) has/have, given any information in the course of the
compilation of these verification notes and subsequently such information is discovered by such
recipient or his/her Authorised Agent(s), or comes to the attention of any of them, to be untrue,
incomplete or misleading, such recipient and/or his/her Authorised Agent(s) should notify
Grande Capital Limited without delay.



These verification notes are based on the Prospectus dated [*].

Hastings & Co.

Having read the items and reply set out against my/our names in these
verification notes and being satisfied that none of the items and reply is
misleading or that there is any material omission from them, I/we signify my
approval below:

Company Fujing Holdings Co., For and on behalf of

Limited Fujing Holdings Co., Limited

Directors of the Executive Director:

Zhang Yonggang ________________________

(張永剛) Director
Directors of the Executive Director:
Company (Con’t)

Cui Wei _________________________

(崔偉) Director
Directors of the Executive Director:
Company (Con’t)

Guo Zeqing _________________________

(郭澤清) Director
Directors of the Executive Director:
Company (Con’t)

Lyu Zhonghua _________________________

(呂鐘華) Director
Directors of the Executive Director:
Company (Con’t)

Pang Jinhong _________________________

(逄金洪) Director
Directors of the Independent Non-executive
Company (Con’t) Director:

Li Junliang Director
Directors of the Independent Non-executive
Company (Con’t) Director:

Lam Chik Tong _________________________

(林植棠) Director
Directors of the Independent Non-executive
Company (Con’t) Director:

Chow Wai Mee May ________________________

(周煒美) Director
Sole Sponsor Grande Capital Limited For and on behalf of
Grande Capital Limited

Name : Jeremy Lau
Position: Managing Director
Legal advisors to Patrick Mak & Tse For and on behalf of
Company on Hong Patrick Mak & Tse
Kong law

Legal advisors to Hylands Law Firm (Jinan) For and on behalf of
Company on PRC Hylands Law Firm (Jinan)

Legal advisors to Conyers Dill & Pearman For and on behalf of
Company on Conyers Dill & Pearman
Cayman Islands law

Legal advisers to Hastings & Co. For and on behalf of
the Sole Sponsor Hastings & Co.
and the
Underwriters on
Hong Kong law

Hastings & Co.
Legal advisers to Jia Yuan Law Offices For and on behalf of
the Sole Sponsor Jia Yuan Law Offices
and the
Underwriters on
PRC law

Auditor and McMillan Woods (Hong For and on behalf of
Reporting Kong) CPA Limited McMillan Woods (Hong
Accountant Kong) CPA Limited

Auditor and Crowe (HK) CPA Limited For and on behalf of
Reporting Crowe (HK) CPA Limited

Industry Consultant Frost & Sullivan (Beijing) For and on behalf of
Inc., Shanghai Branch Co. Frost & Sullivan (Beijing) Inc.,
Shanghai Branch Co.

Agricultural adviser Professor Cui Dejie

Professor Cui Dejie
Property valuer BMI Appraisals Limited For and on behalf of
BMI Appraisals Limited

Biological assets Savills Valuation and For and on behalf of
valuer Professional Services Savills Valuation and
(China) Professional Services (China)
Limited Limited


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