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Riwa- structure.

Visual structure
- We see a lot of conversation happening towards the end of the short story.
- A brief explanation of the main character's life in paragraphs at the beginning.

Aural structure
- Exclamation marks (!?) to spark up the conversation between the protagonist and

Developmental structure
- a) Mr. Leonard Mead was casually walking at night, in this dystopian life in the
year 2053, passing by other citizens' houses.
- b) The other citizens in the houses were as seen by Mr. Leonard, watching TV.
he's been doing this for ten years, never encountering another citizen ever.
- c) the citizens are so mesmerized by the screens on their TVs that they don't
bother going outside.
- d) as mr. mead was walking and he met a robotic police car which then stopped
him from taking another step, the robot officers started questioning what mr.
mead was doing this late.
- e) without hesitation the robot police took mr.mead and quickly into the car. Mr.
Mead being innocent.

Developmental structure
Order ( chronological, argumentative, fragmented, starting somewhere other than the
beginning and using techniques such as flashbacks to tell the narrative).
Riwa- perspective
My argumentative question:
Point: independence and secretive actions

Our story is in third person. The narration takes us through the main character’s
perspective, as he was wandering through the city. taking the reader through the
thoughts and feelings of Mr. Mead, without expressing it himself, we are limited to
knowing Mr. Mead’s true intentions. “to step over grassy seams and make your way,
hands in pockets, through the silences, that was what Mr. Leonard Mead most dearly
loved to do” (Rathbury, 1951, pg.1) . This was describing when Mr. Mead was
peacefully walking through the empty, dystopian city. Watching the other citizens Going
through the story, we then feel that Mr. Mead isn't bothered by the other citizens who
seem to be mesmerized by the screens on their televisions.

“He would stand upon the corner of an intersection and peer down long moonlit
avenues of sidewalk in four directions, deciding which way to go, but it really made no
difference; he was alone in this world of 2053 A.D., or as good as alone, and with a final
decision made, a path selected, he would stride off, sending patterns of frosty air before
him like the smoke of a cigar.” (Bradbury, 1951, pg.1) In this quote from the book the
narrator is taking the readers through Mr. Mead's thoughts and perspectives on each of
the following steps and decisions he takes as he is passing the intersection on his
street, which did not bother him to go anywhere. What we can also get from Mr. Mead is
that he doesn't have too much on his mind, in the quote, at first Mr. Mead did not
express his feelings too much and the reader wouldn't really worry too much about what
others are doing rather than watching a screen like a zombie. Some citizens i would say
that their perspectives on life is that they are unresponsive to anything but technology
because there aren't many things alive beside them, like going outside seeing the sun
or any plant, which would be a living thing, i would express them as living robots.

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