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Certificate ID: 31659 Nationality: Bangladesh University: University of Westminster
Language: ENG University Student ID: N/A
May 01, 2022 - 10:19 PM UTC

Overall Score: B2

Comment: Based on the assessment of all four skills, you exhibited appropriate use of English. In the writing task, the range of grammar structures and vocabulary was good. In
spoken form, your grammatical structures contained errors that impeded communication at times. You will benefit from finding a language exchange partner or joining an online
community of learners, and practising speaking in English in order to improve your speaking and pronunciation. Overall, I suggest a level of B2 is awarded.

Reading Score: B2+

Comment: This score indicates a strong understanding of the English language grammatically in conjunction with a well developed vocabulary. You showcase the ability to
summarise main points, in a text, draw conclusions, and determine an author's opinion.

Listening Score: C1+

Comment: Scoring in this range indicates a near native fluency that allows you to understand easily what you hear irrespective of accents, slang, and how many individuals are

Speaking Score: B1+

Comment: The presentation task response fully met the task requirements. All parts of the task were fully covered. The lexis and grammar selected were suitable but did not show a
great range or complexity. There were some errors ("many people are believe that...", "...because is the financial need", "money makes life lot of easier", "it basically a super booster").
Ideas were linked using simple linking devices. There was some hesitation and repetition. Pronunciation sometimes posed strain on the listener but the overall message was clear.

The response partially met the task and some content given was irrelevant. Responses were not sufficiently extended. The lexis and grammar used were basic, inappropriate for the
task and there was a high frequency of errors ("it's make...", "the technology", "we can communicate anyone", "we can contact with them", "10 to 15 year", "the outside of country",
"difficult to communicated"). There was frequent hesitation and repetition. The speech could generally be understood throughout, though mispronunciation of individual words
(/scientific/, /drastically/, /major/) reduced clarity at times.

Writing Score: B2

Comment: The writing addressed the task, and all content presented was relevant. The text was logically organised, it was coherent, and a good range of cohesive devices were used
effectively. There was a high degree of accuracy of the grammar structures and lexis used. A mix of simple and complex sentence forms were used. A good range of grammar
structures and vocabulary was demonstrated.

OI Digital Institute Mapping Diagram

OIDI 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

CEFR A2 A2+ B1 B1+ B2 B2+ C1 C1+

IELTS 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7

Your Final Recommendation

Your final result reflects an average of the reading, listening, writing and speaking
scores but no individual component can be more than 0.5 lower than your overall

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