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7 MID TEST 2022-2023
Subject : General English (MPK 01)
Time : 100 Minutes
Day / Date : Friday, November 7th 2022

A. Choose a word or group of words which is the best option to complete the sentences.
1 Many newspapers printed the governor’s 6. Agus, who is shy and clever, likes
statement ……. would support a tax cut. spending his time by reading books.
a. that he b. which he What is Agus like?
c. was that he d. and it a. He is like to read books
2. It is believed ……. occur after rock b. He is like to spend his time.
strata break and before they settle into a c. He is shy and clever.
new position. d. He likes to be shy and clever.
a. to be earthquakes 7. Christopher Columbus, a famous Italian
b. earthquakes which navigator,….. until recently considered
c. that earthquakes to be the first European to sail the New
d. earthquakes that World.
3. …… his good performance as a student, a. has b. was
he is always nervous when doing exam. c. who has been d. that was
a. Despite b. Because 8. Each object ……. Jupiter magnetic field
c. Although d. Since is deluged with electrical charges.
4. Ivan: “I really still don’t understand a. enters b. it enters
about Fourier series in Mathematical c. entering d. enter
Physics”. Do you want to explain it to 9. The Dewey Decimal System, currently
me, Gede ? used in libraries throughout the world,
Gede Arjana : “Oh, I wish I could” …. all written works into ten classes
From the dialogue above, we know that according to subject.
Gede Arjana … ….. explain it. a. dividing b. was divided
a. is not unable to b. will c. it would divide d. divides
c. has no ability to d. can 10. Usually a bird species gains public
5, Sagung : “The dress really suits you. recognition ………. faces the danger of
Did you make it by yourself, Kania?” extinction.
Kania : “No, I …” a. which only b. only when
a. made it b. had to make it c. only when it d. which only it
c. had it made . d. had made it

B. Choose the letter of the underlined words or group of words which are not correct.
1. In her letter, she said that she was looking forward to see me at next holiday.
Why? ………

2. The first electric lamp had two carbon rods which vapor serves to conduct the current across
the gap

Why? ………

3. The neutron bomb provides the capable of a limited nuclear war in which buildings would be
preserved, but people would be destroyed

Why? ………

4. Before decide to have surgery, you should get a second opinion.

Why? ………

5. I wish we are living in a peaceful world with no war or dispute between countries.
Why? ………

C. Change the active sentences below to become passive sentences.

1. Do a large number of people in the world, especially in England and the USA, speak


2. Did a large number of people in Timor Leste, former of the 27 th province of Indonesia, speak

Bahasa Indonesia?

3. Did B.J. Habibie, the third president of Indonesia, design the CN 235 and the N 250


4. How many times has Indonesian people held general election since the first general election

in 1955?

5. What will happen if most people in Bali do not know the Balinese culture any more?

D. Make the three sentences below become one sentence

1. a. B.J. Habibie was the third President of Indonesia.

b. He used to get high mark in all subjects when he was a student.

c. He designed CN 235 & N250 aeroplanes.

2. a. Prof. Wayan Santyasa is one of four professors at Physics Education Department of

Undiksha Singaraja.

b. He was born 61 years ago in Nusa Penida.

c. He finished studying S3 only in 2.5 years long at Malang State University (UNM).

3. a. The woman is one of eight women physics lectures at Physics Education Study Program of

Undiksha Singaraja.

b. She was born 37 years ago in Singaraja.

c. She got “Cum Laude” predicate when graduating the S2 study at Gajah Mada University.

4. a. The girl was a graduation of physics department of Undiksha.

b. She is working at Mandiri Bank now.

c. She can play guitar as well as play piano.

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