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Idea: A startup in Nepal offers affordable healthcare

services in underserved areas by providing quality

services from experienced doctors and health
workers, giving them a competitive advantage over
traditional healthcare providers.
⚖️Validate your business
Business viability

Based on the information provided, I believe that this startup has the potential
to be viable. Here are some metrics from adjacent industries to validate my

 According to a report by Grand View Research, the global telemedicine

market size was valued at USD 41.4 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at
a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.1% from 2020 to 2027. This
indicates a growing demand for healthcare services that can be delivered
remotely, which aligns with the startup's goal of providing affordable
healthcare services in underserved areas.

 Another report by Allied Market Research states that the Asia-Pacific region is
expected to witness the highest growth rate in the telemedicine market during
the forecast period. This is significant because Nepal is located in the Asia-
Pacific region, which suggests that there may be a market for the startup's

 In terms of strategy, Zipline is a startup that delivers medical supplies,

including blood and vaccines, to remote areas in Rwanda and Ghana using
drones. This startup has been successful in improving healthcare access in
these areas and has received funding from investors such as Andreessen
Horowitz. This strategy of using technology to improve healthcare access
aligns with the Nepal startup's goal of providing affordable healthcare services
using experienced doctors and health workers.

This is just an opinion, not business advice. More analysis is available in the
other reports on this page.

Business overview
Company Description
Our company is a healthcare startup based in Nepal that aims to provide
affordable healthcare services to underserved areas.


Access to quality healthcare services is a major challenge in Nepal, especially

in rural areas. Traditional healthcare providers are often expensive and lack
experienced doctors and health workers. This results in a lack of access to
basic healthcare services, leading to poor health outcomes and increased
mortality rates.


Our eureka moment came when we realized that by leveraging technology

and experienced healthcare professionals, we could provide affordable and
quality healthcare services to underserved areas. Our value proposition is
unique and compelling because we offer a competitive advantage over
traditional healthcare providers by providing quality services from experienced
doctors and health workers at an affordable price. We believe that our solution
will endure because of the growing demand for affordable healthcare services
in Nepal.

Why Now?

The healthcare industry in Nepal is ripe for disruption. With the increasing
demand for affordable healthcare services, there is a need for innovative
solutions that can provide quality services to underserved areas. Our solution
is timely because we are leveraging technology to provide affordable
healthcare services, which was not possible before.

Market Potential

Our target customers are people living in underserved areas in Nepal who
lack access to quality healthcare services. We believe that there is a huge
market potential for our services, as there are millions of people in Nepal who
lack access to basic healthcare services. We are also creating a new market
by offering affordable healthcare services that were previously unavailable.

Our direct competitors are traditional healthcare providers who offer
expensive and often low-quality services. However, we have a plan to win by
offering quality services from experienced doctors and health workers at an
affordable price. We also have a competitive advantage over traditional
healthcare providers because we are leveraging technology to provide our

Business Model

Our business model is based on providing affordable healthcare services to

underserved areas in Nepal. We will generate revenue by charging a fee for
our services. We will also explore partnerships with government agencies and
NGOs to expand our reach and impact.


Our founding team consists of experienced healthcare professionals and

entrepreneurs who are passionate about improving healthcare outcomes in
Nepal. Our key team members have extensive experience in healthcare,
technology, and business.


We are currently in the process of raising seed funding to launch our services.
Our financial projections show that we will break even within the first two
years of operation.


In five years, we aim to have built a sustainable healthcare ecosystem in

Nepal that provides affordable and quality healthcare services to underserved
areas. We also aim to expand our services to other countries in the region.

Monetization strategies

3 Safe Ways to Monetize:

 Subscription-based model: Implement a monthly or yearly subscription plan

for patients to access medical services. This would give the startup a steady
revenue stream and incentivize patients to continue seeking healthcare
services from their platform.
 Commission-based model: Take a percentage fee for every doctor or health
worker who joins the platform and provides services to patients through it.
This would not require any upfront cost from patients and would be a reliable
channel of income for the platform.
 Sponsored partnerships: Partner with pharmaceutical companies or health
insurance providers, who could sponsor the platform and help promote its
services to the public.

3 Novel Ways to Monetize:

 Predictive analytics-based model: Use machine learning algorithms to analyze

patient data and provide insights to health workers about how to improve their
services. This data could then be monetized by licensing to other healthcare
providers who are looking to improve their offerings to patients.
 Crowdfunding-based model: Allow patients to donate to certain causes related
to healthcare, such as sponsoring the treatment of patients in rural areas who
cannot afford services, and take a small percentage of the donations made.
 Blockchain-based model: Use blockchain technology to create a secure
platform for medical transactions, where patients can pay for services without
worrying about fraud or security breaches. This platform could then tokenize
healthcare services, creating a new market for healthcare which the startup
could own and monetize.

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