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With out combined experience of over 13 years we have created a 30 day fitness
program to help you start 2024 looking and feel your best. This program specialises
in weights, resistance and HIIT workouts. We can’t wait to see your results!


Day 1: Lower body workout 1

Day 2: Upper body workout

HIIT workout
Day 3:
Click ‘HERE’ to watch

Day 4: Rest + 10k Steps

Day 5: Lower body workout 2

Full body DB workout

Day 6:
click ‘HERE’ to watch

Day 7: Rest + 10k Steps

4x12 reps: Close stance leg press 1. Start seated on the leg press machine, with feet high on the
platform shoulder width apart
2. Slowly lower the weight towards your body, while keeping your
lower back in the seat, as low as you can comfortably and under
3. Push the weight back up to the start position. Avoid completely
straightening or "locking out" the knees at the top

4x10 reps: Smith machine squat 1. Start by standing in front of the bar, set to chest height
2. Rest the bar on your upper back, with hands grasping the bar
3. Hinge your hips back, pushing your knees out while bending
your knees and slowly descend into a squat - return to the start
position and repeat

4x8 each leg: DB bulgarian split squat 1. Step away from the bench with one foot and rest the other foot
on top of the bench, ensure your hips are squared
2. As you descend push your knee out and hinge at the hip, keeping
your back straight
3. Push through the outside of your foot to return to the starting

3 x super set DB deficit sumo squat:

10 DB deficit sumo squat 1. Place 2 plates or a step to elevate your feet and hold the
10 DB goblet squat dumbbell with your hands in between your legs
2. Once in position brace core and descend by pushing your needs
out to the side and your hips to the back
3. Squeeze your glutes and push through your heels back to the
starting position
Heels elevated goblet squat:
1. Place a large plate on the floor. Bring your heels onto of the plate
and keep your toes on the ground
2. Bring the dumbbell under your chin resting on the palms of your
3. Squeeze your core, back & glutes before beginning
4. To descend, push your knees forward and keep your torso as
upright as possible
5. Push through your heels and toes to get back to the starting

3x15 leg extension

1. For this exercise, ensure that the pad rests just above the ankle
2. Secondly, you wanna make sure that the weights don’t tap down
in between each repetition
3. Keep a tall body throughout the exercise
4. Extend your knees fully, raising your legs straight out
4 x Hip thrust 1. With your shoulder blades resting on top of a box, keep your
10 b-stance each leg then 10 Kas pelvis tucked and your core tight.
2. Begin seated on the ground with a loaded barbell over your hips.
Have the working leg in the standard position as you would for the
moment, then place the other leg on either your heel or your toe as
a stabiliser.
3. Roll the bar so that it is directly above your hips, and rest your
arms and back on a bench.
4. Begin the movement by driving through with your heels,
extending your hips vertically through the bar and squeezing your

4x10 DB RDL 1. Hold the dumbbells firm in your hands, placed in front, slightly
on the outside of your thighs.
2. Start by lowering the bar down by pushing your hips back,
hinging at the hip as your chest and shoulders move towards the
3. Keep lowering until you feel a stretch in the hamstrings
4. Stop when bar is in middle of knees and shin, pause, and return
to starting position.

4x8 Deficit DB reverse lunge 1. Place a large plate on the floor and bring one foot onto the plate.
Hold the dumbbell in one hand or hold a dumbbell in each hand.
2. Step one foot back and drop the knee to the ground - as you
descend, hinge at the hip and let your torso lean slightly forward.
3. Push up through the front heel and squeeze the glute - try not to
push yourself back up using the back leg.

3x12 cable kick back 1. Add the ankle strap cable attachment around your ankle.
2. Keep 1 foot stable on the ground and hover the other foot above
the ground, using that elevated foot to kick out to a 45 degree angle
leading with your heel - extend your leg straight at the top
squeezing your glutes.
3. Control the movement back to the starting position.

3x15 hamstring curl 1. Lay your stomach onto the machine with your legs under the pad
2. Push your hips towards the table by squeezing your glutes and
3. Bring your heels up to your bum and control the movement on
the way down.

3x15 good morning

1. Keep your feet at hip distance or slightly wider.
2. Keep your knees stable and inline with your feet.
3. Hinge at the hips and push them backwards while keeping a
tight core.
4. Squeeze your glutes and pull your hips back to centre.

5 sets: 10x Bent over row 1. Pick up the barbell with an under grip and bend your body over
by hinging from the hips and keeping your knees soft and in the
2. Starting with the barbell directly underneath your shoulders,
squeeze your lats back and follow through by rowing your elbows
towards your hips - push your chest out and squeeze your
shoulder blades together during this movement
3. Control the movement on the way back to the starting position.

Superset 4 sets: Wide grip:

10x Lat pulldown wide grip 1. Place your hands wider than your shoulder width on the bar
2. Push your chest up as you pull the bar towards your chest. Lean
back very slightly throughout the movement
3. As you pull the bar you want to squeeze your back muscles
together and keep your shoulders down not shrugged
4. Control the movement back to the to top.

10x Lat pulldown under grip Under grip:

1. Place your hands shoulder width griping under the bar
2. Push your chest up as you pull the bar towards your chest. Lean
back very slightly throughout the movement
3. As you pull the bar you want to squeeze your back muscles
together and keep your shoulders down not shrugged
4. Control the movement back to the to top

Superset 4 sets: Lateral raises 21’s:

(21 reps) Lateral raises 21’s 1. Hold the dumbbells by your side and keep your body upright
with a tight core
2. Bring the dumbbells up halfway through the movement for 7
3. Then bring the dumbbells all the way to the top and lower
down to half way for 7 reps
4. Then go all the way back to the bottom and do 7 full reps (top
to the bottom)
10x DB hammer curl Hammer Curls:
1. Hold the dumbbells by the side of your body and have your
palms facing your legs
2. Keep your hands in this neutral position as you curl your hands
up to your shoulders
3. Ensure your elbows stay by your side throughout the
Superset 3 sets: Skull crusher:
10x Skull crusher 1. Lay flat on your back with your feet on the bench
2. Hold the barbell directly above your shoulders and lower down
towards your face by bending through the elbows
3. Push through the palms to bring the barbell back to starting

10x Chest press Chest press:

1. Lay flat on your back with your feet resting on the bench or the
2. Hold the barbell directly above your chest - as you lower the
barbell to your chest keep your elbows at a 45 degree angle from
your body
3. Push through your plans to bring the barbell back to the
starting position.

3 sets: 15x bent over cable

back fly

1. Adjust the cables all the way to the bottom. Bend over from the
hips so that your back is flat & horizontal.
2. Keep a slight bend in your elbows throughout the movement.
Swing your
arms out to the side by hinging from the shoulders and squeezing
your back
muscles. Keep your elbows & pinky’s facing the roof.

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