Week 09 Schedule Teacher's

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Arabic 201 Class Schedule and Assignments

Week #7
Entries with a (➤) refer to Egyptian Arabic (EA) activities. Entries with a (🔺) refer to Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) activities. All assignments with a line under
them, ( ➤ or 🔺 ), should be turned in by the next class period.
Date In Class After Class (to do before class the next day)

Sunday S11 ➤Listen to the S11 vocabulary words, make flash cards, and prepare for a S11 vocab quiz on Wednesday
12 Nov -Activate vocab ➤Record yourself using EACH S11 vocab word (all 27 words) in its own sentence (so, 27 sentences) and upload
-Story comprehension the audio file to DRIVE
AK19 🔺Listen to the AK19 vocabulary words and prepare for the AK19 Vocab Quiz on Thursday.
-Activate vocab 🔺Look over AK19:4 and start preparing to do it in class on Tuesday
including verbs, 19:1 🔺Write AK19:2 (remember to put ALL markings on 1-7)
-Preview AK19:2

Monday S11 ➤Listen to and read through the S11 vocabulary list and sentences, and prepare for the S11 vocab quiz Wednesday
13 Nov -Vocab work ➤Practice S11 sentences (25 sentences!) until smooth, then upload the audio file to DRIVE (S11S-1)
-Sentences 🔺Listen to the AK19 vocabulary words and prepare for the AK19 Vocab Quiz on Thursday
AK19 🔺Write AK19:3 (read the instructions – hard! – and then write one big paragraph with at least 6 parts and 6
-Review AK19:2 DIFFERENT connector words)
-Preview AK19:3-4 🔺Write AK19:4 (questions only, in “second person” (e.g. “do YOU think?”), in MSA, using ALL the new vocab
words in italics)

Tuesday S11 ➤Listen to and read through the S11 vocabulary list and sentences, and prepare for the S11 vocab quiz Wednesday
14 Nov -Sentences ➤Read through the S11 grammar notes (pg. 107)
-Grammar: pg. 107 ➤Practice S11 sentences AGAIN until smooth, then upload the audio file to DRIVE (S11S-2)
🔺Listen to the AK19 story and vocabulary words every day until the end of the unit
AK19 🔺Read AK19:5 once again
-AK19:4 discussion, 🔺Write AK19:6 (there are 11 questions and/or blanks)
-Preview story, AK19:6

Wednesday S11 ➤Listen to S11 Text Part 1 several times while reading along with the script
15 Nov -Vocab quiz ➤Read through the S11 grammar notes (pgs. 108-109)
-Grammar: pgs. 108-9 🔺Listen to the AK18 story and vocabulary words every day until the end of the unit
-Preview Story Part 1 🔺Prepare for the AK18 vocab quiz tomorrow–memorize ALL words in AK18 ARA<>ENG
AK19 🔺Review the grammar on pgs. 339-340, including the “Culture” section on pg. 340, until you “get it”
-Review AK19:5-6 and 🔺Review the expressions on pgs. 341
story 🔺Write AK19:7
-AK18:7 🔺Record AK19:8 (submit an audio file on Drive of you asking each question (in a 2nd person format) and then you
-Preview grammar on answering it in FUSHA (in a 1st person format) for yourself, making sure to use a “particle of similarity” in each
pgs. 362 question AND response)
-Preview AK19:7-8
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Thursday S11 ➤Listen to S11 Text Part 1 several times while reading along with the script
16 Nov -Vocab and sentence ➤Practice S11 Text Part 1 until smooth, then upload the audio file to DRIVE (S11T-1)
practice 🔺Listen to the AK19 story and prepare for the AK19 Cloze Quiz on Monday
-Text Part 1 🔺Review the grammar points on pg. 364-365 until you “get it”
🔺Write AK19:10 (remember to mark all case markings!)
AK18 🔺Record AK19:11 (submit an audio file on Drive of you making eight statements in FUSHA (four about men and
-AK19 Vocab Quiz four about women), making sure to use at least EIGHT of the vocab words provided and using the correct plural
-Review grammar on forms for MEN and WOMEN)
pgs. 362
-Review AK19:7-8
-Preview grammar on
pg. 364-365
-Preview AK19:10-11

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