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Classroom Cell Phone Usage Contract

Cell phone use will not be permitted during class time.
By signing this contract, on this _______th day of February, 2023, I (student) whose name and
signature appeared on the second page of this contract, acknowledges the following rules:

❏ Upon the start of my Filipino class, I (the student) am required to place my cell phone into “my
backpack/phone holder.” The phone be set into silent mode and will stay safe and secure in my
backpack/phone holder NOT IN MY POCKET until the end of class.

❏ Cell phones will only be used at times for class/school/ lesson related purposes as directed by
the teacher.

❏ If I (the student) will be caught violating the rules above and/or engaging in activities that are
obviously inappropriate for cell phone use during class, the following consequences will occur:
1st offense - Upon a student’s first offense, the teacher will issue a verbal warning and redirect
the student to put the phone away.
2nd offense - After the second offense, the teacher will collect the phone and place it in a
locked box in the office where the student can pick it up from the teacher at the end of the day.
3rd offense and beyond - Third offense, teacher collects cell phone and parent/guardian will be
notified to pick up the phone; conference with the teacher, parent/guardian and student.

❏ Refusal to give up the phone after 2nd offense will automatically result in the 3rd offense.

❏ Additionally, the teacher reserves the right to ban any student from cell phone usage in the
room should the cell phone misuse become inappropriate in accordance to this contract.

I have reviewed the above information and agree to follow the classroom rule for cell phone usage
for my Filipino class. I understand that if I fail to follow the above rules, I will receive the
consequences listed above and/or possibly be banned from using my cell phone during class.

Student’s full name Signature Student’s full name Signature

1. 31.
2. 32.
3. 33.
4. 34.
5. 35.
6. 36.
7. 37.
8. 38.
9. 39.
10. 40.
11. 41.
12. 42.
13. 43.
14. 44.
15. 45.
16. 46.
17. 47.
18. 48.
19. 49.
20. 50.

Grade: ________

Section: _____________________

By signing this contract, on this _______th day of February, 2023, I (student) whose name and
signature appeared on this second page of this contract, acknowledges the following rules
mentioned on the first page.

The rules indicated in this contract will take effect on the day I signed it.

Daniel G. Fabian

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