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2023 Basic Information List of Registered Student Groups (for public use) / Information of Registered Student Groups
As of September 1, 2020
University of Tokyo

·Notified student organizations are student organizations that have been notified based on the "Regulations for Extracurricular Activities Groups," and are managed independently by their members. (Each organization is not a university corporation, and we do not review or certify the activities based on the notification.)
Please note that if you wish to contact each organization, please do so directly through the email address or website listed on this table. (Except in unavoidable cases such as emergencies, the university does not act as a communication intermediary.) - The information in this table is based on the notifications
submitted by each organization, and is listed in the order of reception for each field of activity. Thing. (The columns after "Activity Summary" are only listed for those items for which "Publication" has been selected on the notification form submitted via electronic media.)

No. Organization name (abbreviation) Year of establishment Field of activity Activity overview (introduction by each organization)
member home Group email address Group website
Total (people) University students (Note) @ has been replaced with ○. (Note) This is not managed by the university.

University of Tokyo Music Department Choir Cole Academy The call academy
1 1920 Music/Chorus Chorus performance 16 16 todai.chor〇
University of Tokyo Choir Chor Akademie Chor Akademie

2 University of Tokyo Music Department Orchestra Tokyo University Orchestra 1920 Music/Chorus The orchestra holds various musical activities such as concerts. - - info〇

The University of Tokyo Japanese harp club

3 University of Tokyo Koto Research 1949 Music/Chorus This is a circle that plays Ikuta-style koto and migen. - - utsoukyokuken〇 -

University of Tokyo Shirobara Group Choir Shirobarakai Choir 1945 Music/Chorus Choral circle centered around the University of Tokyo and Ocha University 61 twenty three choirshirobara〇 -

FiveUniversity of Tokyo Piano Society 1974 - - -

Tokyo University Piano Society,
Music/Chorus This is an intercollegiate circle where people who love the piano can interact.
University of Tokyo p-kai, p-kai

6 - - -
University of Tokyo Jazz Research Group
Music/Chorus Performing combo jazz utokyojazz〇
The University of Tokyo JAZZ CLUB
University of Tokyo Jazz Lab

Shakuhachi Club of the University of Tokyo This is a circle that practices and plays the shakuhachi. /We practice and
7 Toshaku 1919 Music/Chorus 14 11 toshakuhachi〇
play the shakuhachi.

This is the only women's chorus on campus, consisting only of women from the
8 Colo Letizia, Women's Chorus, Faculty of Music, University of Tokyo Letizia 2009 Music/Chorus 19 19 info.letizia〇
University of Tokyo. / We're the Women's Choir at The University of Tokyo.

9 Coro Sono Choir, University of Tokyo Sono/Sono 1953 Music/Chorus Pursuit of choral art. /Pursuing choral art. 34 13 info〇

Ten University of Tokyo Brass Band University of Tokyo Fukibu 1972 Music/Chorus This is an intercollegiate wind band circle that mainly performs at concerts. - - todai_wind_mail〇

11 Midorikai chorus club, Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo Midorikai Choir 1956 Music/Chorus Performance and presentation of choral music 35 9 midorikai.chorus〇

We practice flamenco, sing a song and play music

12 University of Tokyo Flamenco Dance Troupe 1999 Arts/Culture Ten Five tokyouniv.flamenco〇 University of Tokyo Flamenco Dance Company (〇B_flamenco) / Twitter
Tokyo University Flamenco

13 UT Fusuma Club fusuma club 1954 Arts/Culture We are reupholstering sliding doors and shoji screens. twenty three twenty two fusuma.club〇

Management of business contests by students

Business Contest KING Executive Committee/The Executive
14 KING 1996 Arts/Culture for students 42 Ten businesscontestking〇
Committee of Business Contest KING

15 UTokyo KANZE Noh Club University of Tokyo Kanze Society 1949 Arts/Culture We will be involved in the rehearsal, performance, and appreciation of Noh (Kanze school). 8 6 todaikanze〇

16 University of Tokyo Tea Ceremony Club University of Tokyo Tea Ceremony Club 1949 Arts/Culture We will be practicing with the Omotesenke Tea Ceremony Club. 78 78 utsadou73〇

Students who enjoy photography interact with each

17 University of Tokyo Photography Culture Society Photo / UTPiCS 1946 Arts/Culture other and improve their skills. 81 81 todaishabun〇

University of Tokyo Graduate School of Performing Arts/University of Tokyo Geiken

18 2023 - -
Research and practice (performances, performances, etc.) will be carried out by dividing into research groups for each
University of Tokyo Institute of Arts Arts/Culture todaigeiken〇
Society performing arts field, such as theater, film, and classical performing arts. - g&s=09

19 University of Tokyo Bonsai Club/U-Tokyo Bonsai Club UTBC 2020 Arts/Culture Maintenance and management of bonsai, exhibitions, holding workshops, visiting external exhibitions, etc. 7 7 utokyobonsai〇

University of Tokyo Calligraphy Club This is the only calligraphy club at the University of Tokyo. /We are
20 University of Tokyo Shoken - Arts/Culture 91 51 todai.shoken〇 h
the only Shodo(Calligraphy) club in the University of Tokyo.

twenty one
Traditional martial arts Kashima Shinryu University of Tokyo Kashima Shinryu Club 1972 Arts/Culture Japanese traditional martial arts 37 27 ut.kashimashinryu.shinkan〇
University of Tokyo Flower Arrangement
1960 Arts/Culture Practice of Japanese flower arrangement - - ut-kadou〇 -
twenty two Tokyo University Flower Arrangement Club

The University of Tokyo Broadcasting Club

78 2007 63
University of Tokyo Radiological Research Institute /
Arts/Culture This is the only broadcasting intercollegiate club at the University of Tokyo. utbc.web〇
twenty four

The only intercollegiate art circle on campus with a

University of Tokyo Art Circle Misaku
79 1967 Arts/Culture long tradition 33 28 today_bisaku〇
UT Art Club Art Club

Foundation of Intercultural Cooperation by Students

twenty three FICS 2012 Hobbies/Interaction Academic and exchange circle for students from the University of Tokyo and Seoul National University 11 11 - -

The University of Tokyo Amateur Radio Club Interaction through amateur radio
twenty four University of Tokyo Radio Department 1966 Hobbies/Interaction 29 twenty two zlo.utokyo〇

twenty five topos 2011 Hobbies/Interaction Exchanges and study sessions - - ut.topos.lgbtplus〇

To promote exchanges among law students and faculty. /To promote

26 Law 3rd Course Party Three meetings 1947 Hobbies/Interaction - - ut.sankon〇 -
friendship in the Faculty of Law

A student organization with branches in Japan, China, and Korea, with the goal of
27 Student group OVAL JAPAN OVAL JAPAN 2003 Hobbies/Interaction 50 Five ovaljapan.gakusei〇
``producing global leaders from East Asia.''

28 2020 research for economic security 3 3 -

University of Tokyo Rule Formation Strategy Organization
University of Tokyo Rule Laboratory Academic/Science rulemaking.utokyo〇
UTokyo Association for Rule-Making Strategies
The University of Tokyo Makaizo Laboratory Maken/
29 2020 - - - -
Participants seriously modify home appliances and toys and compete in technological development ability.
Makaizo Lab.

30 2008 - - - -
Young Brain Science Association Kanto Branch
Young Brain Kanto Academic/Science Exchange of young researchers in brain science related fields
Society for Young researchers on Neuroscience
AI Mock Trial Executive Committee Prepare for planning and execution of AI mock trial. To prepare
31 AI simulation permanent 2023 Academic/Science - - - -
and execute AI Mock trial.

UTokyo Modern International Law Participating in moot court competitions and holding study sessions on
32 1968 Academic/Science - - utmilcstudents〇
International Law Research Institute
international law. ∕Participation in moot courts, study on international law.

33 University of Tokyo Science Communication Circle CAST University of Tokyo CAST 2009 Academic/Science We carry out activities to convey the fun of science to as many people as possible. 170 170 info〇

34 University of Tokyo VR Circle UT-virtual UT-virtual 2017 Academic/Science An intercollegiate circle where you learn VR/AR technology and create things. 96 50 contact〇

35 1998 We aim to win ABU Robocon 105 105

Choyukai RoboTech, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
RoboTech Academic/Science robotech〇
/ The University of Tokyo Teiyukai RoboTech

36 Daiichi High School/University of Tokyo Speech Club University of Tokyo Speech Department, ITB 1889 Academic/Science It centers around three activities: speeches, debates, and reading groups. 54 54 ichiko.todai.benronbu〇

Conducting study sessions, on-site training, etc., and disseminating information

37 Millennium Promise Japan Youth Association MPJ Youth 2009 Academic/Science 94 52 mpj.youth.2009〇
regarding Africa /Seminar, lecture, and fieldwork regarding Africa

This circle holds individual visits to law firms and joint briefing sessions
38 University of Tokyo Law School Legal Practice Research Circle UTLS TIX 2010 Academic/Science 120 120 utsltix〇 -
inviting members of the law firm and corporate legal department.

Student organization that runs the TEDxUTokyo

TEDxUTokyo Executive Committee
39 TEDxUTokyo 2012 Academic/Science conference event 19 11 info〇

40 material material 2023 Academic/Science Engage in a wide range of social activities in materials science. - - - -

41 University of Tokyo Aerospace Technologies UTAT 2020 Academic/Science Microsatellite and rocket manufacturing organizations 19 19〇 -

42 2022 16 16
Activities with the theme of “100 things that University of Tokyo students should learn while attending school”
The University of Tokyo Diligent/The University of Tokyo Diligent Diligent Academic/Science〇

43 University of Tokyo Bible Study Group University of Tokyo Seiken 1925 philosophy/religion This is the University of Tokyo Bible Study Group that has continued since Tadao Yanaihara. 15 Four utbible〇 -

Young Men's Christian Association at the University

44 of Tokyo University of Tokyo YMCA 1888 philosophy/religion An organization that preaches Christianity and aims for physical and mental growth through communal living. 19 19 todaiymca〇

Bible study in English and Japanese

45 Chi Alpha Todai XA Today 1997 philosophy/religion 11 6 chialphatodai〇
46 Tetsumon Basketball Club Tetsumon Basketball Club Tetsumon Basketball Club 1946 sports play basketball playing basketball 3 3 - -

The University of Tokyo Orientierungs Lauf Klub This is a club that performs a competition called orienteering. /We do a
47 University of Tokyo OLK 1978 sports - - -
sport called orienteering.

48 A relaxed table tennis meeting Yuru table 2023 sports This is a group where you can play table tennis whenever you feel like it. - - - -

UTokyo Hongo Sports Club - L'espoir / Sports club for students active at Hongo campus.
49 L'espoir 2023 sports - - utokyohgs〇 Scheduled to be established in the future
UTokyo Hongo Sports Club - L'espoir

50 May Festival Standing Committee MFSC 1988 public interest activities This is an organization that runs the May Festival. 262 262 contact〇

51 Student organization GEIL GEIL 1998 public interest activities Japan's largest policy planning contest attracting students from all over the country 100 17 waavgeil2023〇

52 University of Tokyo Album Editorial Committee Album editorial group 1972 public interest activities Production and sale of graduation albums for undergraduate graduates 20 20 info〇

53 Komaba Association for Children - 1963 public interest activities We will play with children. - - -

We manage a web media that has a wide range of

54 UT-BASE - 2020 public interest activities useful information for campus life. 3 3〇

Volunteer organization supporting Todai House

55 My House/MyHouse my house 2011 public interest activities 15 Four myhouse0125〇

56 University of Tokyo Legal Consultation Center Minister of Justice 1947 public interest activities Academic study and contribution to the local community through legal consultation - - -

57 - - -
The Faculty of Engineering Choyukai is an official social group of the Faculty of Engineering, the University of
University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering Choyukai Choyukai public interest activities〇
Tokyo, whose purpose is to connect the Faculty of Engineering, students, and society.

Japanese Sign Language club of Utokyo

58 Shuwatch 1996 Learn sign language. / Study Japanese Sign Language. - - hongo.shuwatchi〇
public interest activities

Educational support for children

59 FOS Tokyo University Branch F.O.S. 2022 public interest activities - - utokyo〇

University of Tokyo Peer Support Room/ Support Activities for UTokyo students
60 University of Tokyo Peer Support 2015 public interest activities 116 114 mail〇
Utokyo Peer Support Room

61 Student group ALOHA ALOHA 2023 public interest activities Learning support for junior high and high school students in rural areas (currently mainly in Okinawa Prefecture). 3 3 aloha.edu23〇 -

Make events and management the community to

62 ichihime ichihime 2020 public interest activities support career choices for 16 16 contact〇

63 UTES UTES 2004 public interest activities This is an organization that coordinates and coordinates extracurricular activities among related students. - - utes2021.1gou〇 -

Publishing newspapers and books, distributing articles on online sites, and

64 The Todai Shimbun Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Tokyo University Newspaper 1920 public interest activities 64 64 np〇
holding events.

An educational NPO that operates with the philosophy of "Creating the

The Renaissance of Japanese Education UTokyo
NPO ROJE Higashi future through education." ∕We are a non-profit organization specializing in
65 Office 2023 public interest activities 9 9 -
large branch education, and our philosophy is to "create the future through education."

66 Todai Murajuku Mura Juku 2015 public interest activities We are mainly working on regional revitalization through agriculture. 114 113 ut.murajuku〇

67 Fairwind/FairWind - 2009 public interest activities Support for local high school students in taking entrance exams 230 230 fairwind.ut〇

77 Komaba Festival Committee KFC 1950 Unclassifiable Advance preparations and day-of operations for the 74th Komaba Festival 268 268 committee〇

68 University of Tokyo Korean Student Association U-Tokyo KSA 1977 Association

International student association, etc. for Korean international students studying at the University of Tokyo 20 20 tokyoksa.president〇

Student association for Indonesian students of the

69 PERSATUAN PELAJAR INDONESIA, THE UNIVERSITY PPI Today - International student association, etc. - - ppi.utokyo〇
University of Tokyo

Group of Thai students studying at the University of Tokyo

70 "Thai Students' Association in 2016 Group of Thai students studying at the University of
International student association, etc. twenty three 19 thai.utokyo〇 -
Tokyo Thai Student Association
Vietnam people
71 Vietnamese Students Association n 2008 Foundation
International student association, etc. for Vietnamese students and staff enrolled at the University of Tokyo - - public public
International student association

72 Bangladeshi Student Association of The University of TBSAUT 2015 Represents Bangladeshi students at UTokyo
International student association, etc. twenty one 16 bsa.utokyo〇

We unite Chinese students from all over the university and plan a variety of
73 University of Tokyo Chinese Students Alumni Association Tokyo University Friends Association 1983 International student association, etc. twenty one twenty one utokyocssa2022〇 -

74 University of Tokyo Taiwanese International Student Association University of Tokyo Taishokai 1997 An etc.
International student association, exchange group for Taiwanese students and students from other countries. 31 29 taiwan.todai〇 -

75 University of Tokyo Indian Student Association UTISA 2010 Support Indian Students and introduce culture
International student association, etc. 37 31 utisa.india〇

76 University of Tokyo Chinese Science and Technology Promotion Association 2015 - -

A Chinese academic group at the University of Tokyo that engages in research activities, international exchange, social activities,
Tokyo University Kashokai International student association, etc. castjp-office〇

80 The University of Tokyo Nepalese Society UTNeS 2016 Association of Nepalese students
International student association, etc. - - -

81 Tokyo University Islamic Cultural Society TUICS 1993 Introduce the Islamic culture and experience to students
International student association, etc. 37 26 tuics2000〇

PSAT is the student association for students from

82 Pakistan Student Association - The University of Tokyo oPSAT 2012 International student association, etc. 3 3 - -
pakistan who come to study in Japan.

83 TUTIA TUTIA - Holding an event about the culture of the country of Iran.
International student association, etc. 3 3 tutia.board〇 -

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