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Requesting Entity : WCI/WLC/DRL DEROGATION

Date : 13 July 2020 DETAIL REQUEST

Drilling 6" section with minimum Kick Margin limit 4 m3 in

Derogation Title :
Exploration HPHT TDE C-1x


Concern Referential : MHK-COMP-PED-EP-DW-0411 Casing Point Selection

Paragraph of concern :
Rule 4 & Appendix 1: Kick Margin Volume 8 m3 Requirement of
referential Technical or Production Casing on Exploration Well.


Tunu / Exploration HPHT / TDE C-1x


1) Background
TDE C-1x is an exploration well that will be drilled by Maera Swamp Rig. The well will be targeting
on the upper slope reservoir developed during the U5 and U6. The well status is a keeper well.
There will be two cases PPFG in the well; most-likely and commitment cases with detail as at
Appendix 2. Refer to the PPFG cases, the well scopes could be summarized as follows:
Reservoir Max TD Max MW MEWHP BHST
Target (mSS/mVD/mMD) (SG) (Psi) (oC)

Most-Likely Case U5 & U6 5268 / 5287 / 5589 1.56 9850 188

U5 4556 / 4575 / 4759 2.09 11000 167

Referring to PPFG cases, three architectures option are prepared to complete TDE C-1x
exploration well. (1) Most-likely architecture is designed to cover Most-likely PPFG with 8-1/2” OH
to drill reservoir section. (2) Commitment Case 1 architecture is to cover Commitment PPFG with
8-1/2” OH to drill reservoir section. (3) Commitment Case 2 architecture is designed for
Commitment PPFG with 6” OH to drill contingent reservoir section. The details are as follows:
Requesting Entity : WCI/WLC/DRL DEROGATION
Date : 13 July 2020 DETAIL REQUEST

30” CP 30” CP 30” CP

26” OH section 20” CSG 26” OH section 20” CSG 20” CSG
26” OH section

17-1/2” OH section 13-3/8” CSG 17-1/2” OH section 13-3/8” CSG 13-3/8” CSG
17-1/2” OH section

9-7/8 ” CSG
12-1/4” OH section 9-7/8 ” CSG 12-1/4” OH section 9-7/8 ” CSG 12-1/4” OH section
7” Liner
8-1/2” OH section

8-1/2” OH section 7” Liner 4-1/2” Liner

6” OH section

8-1/2” OH section 7” Liner

(1) Most-Likely Architecture (2) Commitment Case Option 1 (3) Commitment Case Option 2

A 6” section is required as contingent case to complete TDE C-1x in Commitment Case Option 2. This
contingency section will be utilized in case 12-1/4” section cloud not covering all depletions. As
consequence, 8-1/2” with 7” liner has to be set to cover remain depletion prior entering HPHT reservoir
section. Therefore, 6” section has to be drilled with 4-1/2” liner to cover HPHT reservoir section at depth
3839 to 4556 mSS.
Based on calculation, maximum influx volume could be handled by current Fracture Gradient at 7” liner
shoe is 4.6 m3. This kick margin is less than Company Rule requirement. KM Company Rule requirement for
an exploration well is 8 m3.
The 7” liners shoe might set deeper to get stronger FG however it cannot be done due to narrow drilling
limitation at narrow mud window.
The Kick Margin limitation is affected by small OH section size (6” section) also. For example, with same
influx volume, influx height in 6” section open hole will be higher than influx height in 8-1/2” section. Higher
influx height higher back pressure will be generated at the system. KM limitation can be improved by having
bigger open hole. It can be achieved by applying heavier architecture or utilizing hole opener.
In TDE C-1X particular case, applying heavier architecture and utilizing hole opener are not the option.
Having heavier architecture will create another problem regarding casing design and budget. While, using
hole opener at HPHT section become very risky. No circulation and movement at OH might lead to
Based on TDE C-1x architecture design limitations, derogation have to be proposed to drill 6” OH section
with 4 m³ kick margin. As consequence, kick detection during drilling 6” section has to be reinforced. Early
Kick Detection will be applied in this section. Moreover, based on experience, ROP at 6” section at the depth
(deeper than 3800 mSS) is up to 15m/hr. this slow ROP give benefit for kick detection and well control
response. Completed mitigation will be discussed at next section.
Requesting Entity : WCI/WLC/DRL DEROGATION
Date : 13 July 2020 DETAIL REQUEST

2) Objective
To request a derogation to drill 6” OH reservoir section with 4 m³ kick margin on HPHT Exploration TDE C-1x

- To drill Exploration HPHT TDE C-1x well. This opportunity could confirm presence of HC in slope channel
deposits situated at base of SU-5 until base of SU-6 (U9-U9.5).
- To avoid cost generated by additional section to complete TDE C-1x CC2 architecture with 8-1/2” section.
Est. Cost saving is about 1.5 MUSD.
- To avoid 6” hole enlargement operation that created additional cost. Moreover, dropping ball operation on
an Exploration HPHT 6” OH section is very risky. Est. hole enlargement cost saving is 580,000 USD.
- To avoid Exploration HPHT TDE C-1x well project delay as part as PHM commitment.


'Well kick with volume more than 4 m³ might lead to Fracture Gradient failure at previous casing shoe during
gas evacuation. It becomes kick and losses situation that make well control become complicated. It could lead to
blowout. In other hand, influx might penetrate to weaker formation and become uncontrollable. influx might
supercharge upper zone and create abnormal pressure. This abnormal pressure could be geological hazard for
future well drilled near the location.
Possible Scenarios of Influx that lead to blow-out:
1. During drilling, Well control situation with kick volume > 4.6 m3 leads to blow out.
2. Well Swabbing while tripping out Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) induces kick that leads to blow out.
3. Well Surging while tripping in Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) induces losses and loss of hydrostatic pressure which possible to
induce kick that leads to blow out.
4. Influx enters into wellbore slowly (due to swabbing) and high reservoir permeability reduces wellbore hydrostatic pressure and
induces kick that leads to blow out
5. Well Surging while tripping in tubing induces losses and loss of hydrostatic pressure possible to induce kick that leads to blow
6. Well Swabing while tripping out tubing induces influx which possible to induce kick leading to blow out

Required mitigations measure to be applied refers to JRA as attached with main mitigation summary as follows:
1. Utilize Annulus Pressure While Drilling (APWD)- (Equivalent Static Density (ESD) - Equivalent Circulating
Density (ECD)) data or MW simulation to know actual / estimated MW at TD.
2. Use high accuracy of EKD (Early Kick Detection) system during 6” section drilling to improve return flow
monitoring. Very accurate flow meter “Coriolis” is utilized to monitor the return flow. By
implementing EKD system, kick could be detected earlier compared to normal system. EKD
Configuration is as attachment 3. Finger Print will be done prior drilling 6” section.
3. BHA & tubing tripping out of hole with "pumping on " mode is mandatory to avoid swab kick. By
Circulating fluid during tripping out, Cavity below BHA & Tubing created by sudden upward movement
could be always filled by fluids. Therefore, no suction effect occurs below BHA/tubing.
4. Minimum 1 key personel (Coman/OIM/tool pusher/ Ass. OIM) on rig floor all the time :
- starting 6" drilling until reaching TD
- BHA in between TD and 7" TOL (Tripping out - in)
Requesting Entity : WCI/WLC/DRL DEROGATION
Date : 13 July 2020 DETAIL REQUEST

- logging tool in between TD and 7" TOL

- tubing in between 7" TOL and well TD
5. Abandon Safety Drill will be done specially prior HPHT section (8-1/2" section) drilling to ensure rig
personnel awareness to BOCP. Perform drills (kick drill, tripping drill, pit drill, and regarding wire line
operation), prior 6" drilling operation / wireline operation) witnessed by Superintendent / COMAN.
6. Third Company Man will be onboard to support the operation.

Risk Mitigation that already included in current procedure:

1. Drilling condition is designed in overbalance mode with at least 5 point (0.05 SG) higher from pore pressure
based Commitment case PPFH.
2. Mud properties as per F&C program to avoid balling possibility and mud too thick (too viscous) - higher swabbing
3. Understanding of the well barrier and associated risk on 6” section phase, included in TDP, and discussed during
pre-spud & pre-job meeting
4. Experience and competence personnel - IWCF/IADC certified for main crew
5. Ensure proper handover during coffee break, shift changed, and crew changed
6. Minimum driller level to handle drilling brake. He has full authority to close the well
7. Minimize number of active pits while drilling for better sensitivity of pit level monitoring
8. Avoid mud transfer during connection.
9. Minimum safety stock inventory and kill mud are available prior to start drilling
10. Background Gas (BG) and Total Gas (TG) are continuously monitored by Coman, WGO and Mud Logger. Any doubt
performs LCT.
11. Emphasize general Blow Out Contingency Plan (BOCP) procedure
12. Drop in Check Valve (DICV), Full Opening Safety Valve (FOSV) available on rig floor with adequate X-Overs & Key
13. BOP & Choke Manifold configurations available at dog house
14. Well Control Equipment is P/Tested, certified, maintained, function tested. Ensure BOP system hydraulic control is
in good condition prior to drill
15. Proper hole filling based on metal displacement calculation
16. Install oil boom around platform prior to start drilling operation.
17. Good communication between driller, MPD engineer, and mud logging unit.
18. Well sentinel personnel and responsible are clearly defined. Refreshed during pre-spud meeting and workshop.
19. Inform RSES and OSR team prior to drill 6" section, discuss the hazard, Oil spill calculation, oil spill model and
ensure the readiness of OSCP.
20. Control speed of BHA / tubing / wireline logging during trip out and in to minimize swab and surge effect. Tripping
/ running speed simulation will be conducted as reference.
21. SCR's to be taken as per Joint Well Control Procedures
22. Kill Sheets to be developed and updated every 100m drilled
23. PVT's alarms to be set at +/- 5% or +/- 5 bbls. Applicable Action to be taken if this alarm is encountered
Requesting Entity : WCI/WLC/DRL DEROGATION
Date : 13 July 2020 DETAIL REQUEST

Reducing KM derogation has been granted for Tunu shallow Development which used as reference:
a. H-L-265 – Drilling 8-1/2” section with 3 m³ kick margin for Tunu & Handil Shallow Development (Oil/ Gas
Wells), Reference Number : 2018 – DEOG – PHM – 0022
b. TN-N82 – Drilling 8-1/2” section with 3 m³ kick margin for TTH Shallow wells TN-N82, Reference Number :
2018 – DEOG – PHM – FP – 008
c. TN-S176 – Drilling to reduce 3 m³ Kick Margin for TTH Shallow Wells TN-S176, Reference Number
d. TN-G70 – to drill development well TN-G70-D 8-1/2” hole with reduced kick tolerance (3 m³), Reference
Number WLC/TTH/DR/13-014
In addition, this derogation will be applied only in case contingent 6” section is required to complete TDE C-1x


1. JRA Drilling shallow well development reservoir in 8.5” OH size with 3 m3 kick margin
2. TDE C-1x overview presentation
3. EKD Configuration
4. Finger Printing Procedure
5. Summary of Kick Experience in Swamp drilling environment

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