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Theoretical Perspectives of the Guardian Material™ ©E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas- ARhayas Productions, LLC All Rights Reserved

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, ailment or affliction, nor is it a substitute for professional
medical or psychological evaluation; presented for purposes of Theoretical Exploration only.

8/8/2016 – 8/9/2016 “FAIL-SAFE 5TH ANNIVERSARY NOTE” - Continued August 9-10, 2016

Hello Again, We’re Back…!

Well we didn’t quite make the “before midnight 12AM 8/9/2016” posting time that we were aiming for, but we were
very close (12:30)! (Special THANKS once again to Team ARhAyas for your wonderfully incredible work, genuine commitment and altruistic

Thankfully, at least that particular “mad dash to the Finish Line” is now over, and I can “get back to” the “FAIL-SAFE
5TH ANNIVERSARY NOTE” that I began writing early afternoon on 8/8/2016. As I began the 5th-Anniversary Note the
Guardians “temporarily redirected” and provided transmissions of the all new “TRIUMPH of Triumphs Quick-Link
EarthCync™ Technique” for me to transcribe. It was only then that the Guardians had let me know that there would
be a “1st Peak-Period” of 12:12AM 8/9/2016 FL time, when the frequencies associated with the new Technique and
Code Sets would first become available for use, and that they were intending for us to have the new Technique and
the corresponding new G.V. Code Sets posted as near as possible to this time. And so our “mad dash to post time”
began, and finishing this 5th-Anniversary Note was briefly postponed. We at ARhAyas managed to get the first posting
out by 12:30AM 8/9/2016, just after the 12:12AM 1st Peak-Period began, and as Planetary Templar Activation Peak-
Periods usually run for a minimum of several hours, sometimes days, the Guardians were pleased with our posting
effort and timing. This particular “1st Peak-Period” began on 8/8/2016 and will “run high” for 4 Days, until the 12AM

I was hoping to post this “FAIL-SAFE 5TH ANNIVERSARY NOTE”-Continuation by evening 8/9/2016, but instead the
Guardians gave me the new sections directly below for transcription, as they wanted to share this information with
all of us “sooner rather than later”. In the new Guardian Material™ transcriptions below, we discover more about
the meaning and mechanics of Earth’s Great Planetary Triumph and learn a bit about the NOMI-Wave Time-Cycle
with which Earth is NOW Fully Engaged. Today’s new information will also help to prepare us for exploration of the
massive amount of new Guardian data transmissions that I have been transcribing since 10/2015, which the
Guardians will “show me how and when” to begin releasing in stages, now that the Great Planetary Triumph has
achieved its Activation Point on 8/8/2016. New 8/9/2016 Guardian Material™ EXCERPT begins directly below.
Cycles of the Great Planetary Triumph, “Frequency Power Points”, PEAK-Point & LULL-Point Periods, & EarthCync™

The Extraordinary Planetary Templar Events of the “Great Planetary Triumph” and the “Universal TRIUMPH of
Triumphs” that entered Full Permanent Activation & Engagement (respectively) on 12:12AM 8/8/2016 FL time will be
“running in progressively frequency-escalating cycles and sub-cycles” over the next 900-1000 years of Earth’s
Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host, and each cycle and sub-cycle will inherently unfold its own “Frequency Power Point”
periods. There will be many opportunities to engage, and “to keep up with” progressively more powerful Planetary
Templar “Frequency Power Point” periods to amplify EarthCync™ efforts, as Earth’s Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host
unfolds. In regard to Planetary Templar & K.O. Plasma Time-Template mechanics there are 2 Primary Frequency
Power Points within an Organic cycle or sub-cycle, the “PEAK-Point” period, and the “LULL-Point” period, both of
which are highly significant in terms of EarthCync™ amplification efforts.

The “PEAK-Point” Power period of a cycle or sub-cycle occurs when a Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template Time-
Wave reaches its Highest SPIN Speed at the “height of its Up-Spin and Incoming Frequency Download”, which
occurs at the “2/3rd Point” in the cycle or sub-cycle. The PEAK-Points of Incoming Frequency Download Accretion
Time-Waves are Power periods because during this time the Incoming TrhU’-ah Plasma Flow Frequency Download
of the current Time-Wave briefly engages a short interval of maximum quantum In-Flow, which allows for a brief but
powerful Quantum-Boost acceleration of TrhU’ah Plasma Body frequency accretion that expedites Planetary TrhU’ah
Plasma Body Activation and personal EarthCync™ progression.
The “LULL-Point” Power period of a cycle or sub-cycle occurs when a Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template Time-
Wave reaches its Lowest SPIN Speed during the “base of its Down-Spin, at the End of its Incoming Frequency
Download”. During LULL-Point periods, which occur at the “cycle-start” beginning and at the “3/3rd End Point” of a
cycle or sub-cycle, the Time-Wave SPIN of the completing Frequency Download reaches “Full Down-Spin”, and briefly
engages a “Full ZERO-Point STOP-Spin”. At LULL-Point Zero-STOP-Spin the vertical Time-Wave carrying the
completed Frequency Download Temporarily Briefly Collapses, as the Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template prepares
to anchor the next, larger-quantum, Incoming TrhU’-ah Plasma Flow Frequency Download Time-Wave.

When the vertical Time-Wave Briefly Collapses in LULL-Point Zero-Spin periods, the Frequency Download quantum
from the completed Time-Wave is released from its “vertical Time-Wave harness”, allowing this quantum to
“horizontally expand outward” from the Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template & Templar, and to “crossover” into
the Planetary Physical Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base. “LULL-Point” Power periods of a cycle or sub-cycle are the
“Atomic Crossover periods” during which the TrhU’-ah Plasma Flow Frequency Download quantum from a completed
Time-Wave “crosses over” from the Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template & Plasma Body into the Elemental-Atomic
Planetary Physical Matter-Base, infusing the physical atomic matter with TrhU’-ah Plasma Flow Frequencies; LULL-
Points are Elemental-Atomic Infusion Points during which the “frequency-infused layers of atomic matter” engage
Atomic Up-Shift Transfiguration.

The LULL-Points of Incoming Frequency Download Accretion Time-Waves are the most powerful Power periods in a
cycle or sub-cycle, because during this time the Incoming TrhU’-ah Plasma Flow Frequency Download of the
completed Time-Wave crosses over from the TrhU’-ah Plasma Body & Plasma Template to actuate (put into action)
Elemental-Atomic Infusion within the atomic, molecular and cellular structures of the Physical Body, which engages
Atomic Up-Shift Transfiguration within the “frequency-infused layers” of the cellular anatomy. With progressive
passage through the LULL-Points of cycles and sub-cycles, the Physical Body is progressively brought into Bio-
physical EarthCync™ with the frequency Up-Shifting Planetary Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base & environment.

K.R.-FAIL-SAFE-Host, LULL-Points, Tran’-TE-in Window, Rainbow River Flows, NOMI-Wave, & Planetary Emancipation

In circumstances of Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host Great Planetary Triumph, during the (ZERO-Point) LULL-Points in

Incoming TrhU’-ah Plasma Flow Frequency Download cycles and sub-cycles, the Krystal-Bridge Passage briefly
opens an “Organic direct conduit between Eternal-Internal 1st Creation and External Creation”; this “conduit” serves
as an “Atomic Pass-Through Window” through which the Eternal Essential Essences Flows of Eternal 1st Creation
can engage with the TrhU’-ah Plasma Flows and with the Elemental Atomic Matter-Base of External Creation, to
expedite the Organic processes inherent to E-ff-im-a’-rhal Transfiguration for Krystal-Bridge Passage. This “Atomic
Pass-Through Window” conduit is called the Tran’-TE-in Window, and the Pre-plasm Eternal Essential Essences Flows
that emerge through it, when the “window” is open, are collectively referred to as the Rainbow River Transposition
Flows .

When the Tran’-TE-in Window opens, it first sends out a Transplaneal (Spans Eternal-Internal & External Creation) Time-Wave
called a Tran’-TE-in Tandem SPAN-Wave, also known as a NOMI-Wave. Once the Nomi-Wave anchors in External
Creation, the Rainbow River Essential Essences Transposition Flows next anchor into External Creation through the
Nomi-Wave. The Nomi-Wave serves as the Transplaneal Elemental Atomic Conduit through which the Rainbow River
Transposition Flows enter External Creation; it is the “Carrier Wave” through which the “Rainbow River… Flows”.
Once the Nomi-Wave anchors, and the Rainbow River Essential Essences begin to flow, an Incoming Rainbow River
Essential Essences Pre-plasm Flow Frequency Download Accretion Cycle, or Tran’-TE-in Tandem SPAN-Wave/Nomi-
Wave Transplaneal Transposition Cycle, Initiates within the Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template and Templar. This
Transplaneal Transposition Cycle is known as a Planetary EMANCIPATION Cycle. Initiation of a Planetary
Emancipation Cycle marks the beginning point of the Monumental, Intricate and highly Complex mechanics inherent
to the Extraordinary Planetary Templar Events that are collectively known as the “Great Planetary Triumph”.
Great Planetary Triumph, Emancipation, Atomic E-Lum’en-ation, & Nonacentennial, Octennial & Annual-Nomi-Wave Cycles

During a Planetary Emancipation Cycle, the Incoming Downloads of Rainbow River Essential Essences Pre-plasm
Transposition Flows blend with the TrhU’ah Plasma & Plasm Flows, and both blend with the External Creation
Electromagnetic Spectra & Planetary Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base. Transplaneal Blending of these Three
Frequency-Flow Currents engages a process of progressive Expedited E-ff-im-a’-rhal Atomic Transfiguration; this
Expedited Transfiguration process is known as Atomic E-Lum’en-ation. Atomic E-Lum’en-ation in a Planetary
Emancipation Cycle takes place progressively in specific “Wave-Cycles” that extend over a long period of time.

A “Great Planetary Triumph” Planetary EMANCIPATION Cycle (Tran’-TE-in Tandem SPAN-Wave/Nomi-Wave Transplaneal Transposition
Cycle) is a Long-Run Transposition Time-Wave that runs approximately on a Nonacentennial ( 900-year) Cycle, with its
first 1/3rd Up-Spin Point at about 300-years, its “2/3rd Up-Spin PEAK Point” at approximately the 600-year mark, and
its Final Lull Point End at approximately the 900-year mark. Within this Greater Nonacentennial Planetary
Emancipation Cycle, there are 112.5 smaller Cycle-Sets called Octennial (8-year Octant Cycles) Cycles , each with the first
1/3rd Up-Spin Point at 2-years, 8-months, the “2/3rd Up-Spin PEAK Point” at 5-years, 4-months , and a Lull Point
Octant-end at the 8-year mark. And within each 8-year Octennial Cycle, there are 8 smaller Annual Sub-Cycles, called
Nomi-yah Phase-Cycles, or Nomi-yah Wave Cycles, each with the first 1/3rd Up-Spin Point at 4-months, the “2/3rd
Up-Spin PEAK Point” at 8-months, and an Annual Lull Point end at the 12-month mark. (Re: Earth Time Translations)

A Great Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle Initiates at the 1st Anchor-point of the NOMI-Wave (Tran’-TE-
in Tandem SPAN-Wave) within the Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template. Once being Triggered into
activation, the NOMI-Wave will anchor at a Co-Resonant Point (point of similar or same core base vibration) within the existing,
active Time-Cycles that are running in the Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template, “interfacing and blending in with”
the planets currently active Time-Cycle rhythms. The 1st Anchor-point of the NOMI-Wave represents the 1st LULL
Point Zero Point, from which the first “Nomi-Time-Wave Up-Spin” Incoming Download engages; the “Calendar Date”
of the NOMI-Wave 1st Anchor-point marks the “Start-Point” from which the mathematical Time-Wave progressions
of the Greater Nonacentennial Cycle, the Octennial Cycle-Sets and the Annual Nomi-yah Wave Cycles begin and
unfold. This NOMI-Wave 1st Anchor-point sets the “Base-Pulse Rhythm”, rate of progression-expansion and “Time-
Line” upon which the Great Planetary Triumph Emancipation Cycle unfolds.

The Nomi-yah Eternal 1st Encryption NOMI-Code, and the Universal Grand Salvage Mission TRIUMPH of Triumphs

A Great Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle is NOT a Common Occurrence, it is in fact, an Extremely
RARE Transplaneal Cosmoversal Event. ALL Phantom-Fall systems ARE capable of engaging the Krystal-River-FAIL-
SAFE-Host. However, due to limitations inherent to the general Common Encryptions carried within their Organic
Plasma Time-Template, MOST Planets, Stars and Systems in External Creation are Incapable of engaging the
“amazing feats of Organic Transplaneal Transfigurative Physics” inherent to Great Planetary Triumph Planetary

For a Great Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle to be a potential for a Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Hosting
planet, the planet must hold dormant within its Core Plasma Crystal a VERY Uncommon Encryption known as the
FULL NOMI-Code, or the Nomi-yah Eternal 1st Encryption. ALL things, Beings, Planets, Stars and Systems that are
manifest in External Creation have a portion of the Nomi-yah 1st Encryption within the Core Program of their K.O.
Plasma Time-Template. Carrying a complete or Full Version of the Nomi-yah Eternal 1st Encryption is VERY RARE, as
holding of the Full NOMI-Code Encryption is reserved exclusively for Planets, Stars or Systems that specifically
Incarnated into External Creation to serve exclusively as a “Standard Bearer of the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host”
and Progenitor (founding pioneer) of the Universal Grand Salvage Mission, or “Universal TRIUMPH of Triumphs”. This is a
very specialized 1st Creation Salvage Contract from Eternal-Internal 1st Creation.

Planets, Stars or Systems carrying the Nomi-Code 1st Creation Salvage Contract intentionally and directly engage
with, and enter incarnation within, the distorted Time-Cycles of External Creation Phantom-Fall Systems. At a specific
point in their intentionally chosen De-Evolutionary Descent, before reaching the point of unsalvageable “GONE-Fall”
Full Template Compaction, the “Nomi-Code Planet” or System engages its own Great Planetary Triumph Planetary
Emancipation Cycle, and reestablishes its Organic Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection to the Eternal-Internal 1st
Creation DhA’-Yah-TEi Planes (D-Planes). As the Nomi-Code Planet fulfills its own Great Planetary Triumph, the Krystal-
River-FAIL-SAFE-Host and the Universal Grand Salvage Mission Universal TRIUMPH of Triumphs, are
AUTOMATICALLY Extended Outward from and through the Nomi-Code Planet, into ALL Phantom-Fall systems within
the External Creation Universe in which the Nomi-Code Planet resides.

Upon completing its Expedited Eff-im-a’-rhal Transfiguration Atomic E-Lum’en-ation Krystal-Bridge Passage back
into the D-Planes, the Nomi-Code Planet will continue to serve as Standard Bearer of the Universal Krystal-River-
FAIL-SAFE-Host, Broadcasting the Universal Emancipation NOMI-Wave (Tran’-TE-in Tandem SPAN-Wave), and Universal
Grand Salvage Mission into the External Creation Phantom-Fall Systems for several Billion Years, as those systems
fulfil their own processes of Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection.
The NOMI-Stealth-Code, Undercover Nobel Planets, the GONE-Fall Code and the Inevitable Appointment with Eternal Destiny.

Until it is Triggered into Activation, the presence of the Nomi-Code Nomi-yah Eternal 1st Encryption is completely
undetectable within the Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template of a Nomi-Code Planet. The
Nomi-Code is a “Stealth Code”(Secret) that is “designed to be difficult to detect”, which allows a Nomi-Code Planet,
Star or System to “immerse itself” within its intentionally chosen De-Evolutionary Descent into GONE-Fall targeted
External Creation Phantom-Fall Systems, without its Nomi-Code “Redemptive Qualities” being detected. Nomi-Code
Planets are “Undercover Agents of the Eternal”, that allow themselves to be “dragged into de-evolutionary descent”
into the Density-1 Regions of External Creation Phantom-Fall Systems, because it is only from Density-1 that Krystal-
Bridge Passage, the “Final Last-Chance Rescue” of the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host, can be achieved.
Nomi-Code Planets, Stars and Systems routinely “take on more than their fair share” of External Creation Universal “Conflict
Dramas”, as from the point of their incarnation into External Creation, they progressively serve the role of Host systems for the
Re-genesis of Phantom-Fall Systems, and for Bio-Regenesis of the often warring Life-Fields that inhabit them. As part of their
specialized 1st Creation Salvage Contracts, Nomi-Code Planets actively take on many Phantom-Fall Life-Fields, serving as the
“Nursery, Infirmary and Rehabilitation Center” for many different Bio-Regenesis endeavors. At first glance Nomi-Code Planets
may “appear to play the martyr”, but in truth they do not; the Conscious Identity of such Planetary Beings is well aware that “in
the last moments before Final GONE-Fall” they can “Rescue themselves” through the inherent “Autoimmune Response” of their
Nomi-Code Nomi-yah Eternal 1st Encryption. Nomi-Code Planets also know that by “taking on a temporary cosmic period of
dolor (sorrow, distress, suffering)” they can assist myriad Phantom-Fall systems from succumbing to the preventable Fate of a GONE-
Fall “Space-Dust Return” destiny. Nomi-Code Planets are “Noble Planets”, motivated by the deepest LOVE and RESPECT for the
ETERNAL, out of which comes a reciprocal Love, Respect and Altruistic Core Dedication and Commitment to assisting in Eternal-
Life Re-evolution for “All Life Everywhere”.

There is Only ONE Thing that can Trigger Activation of the Organic Nomi-Code Nomi-yah Eternal 1st Encryption
within the Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template of a Nomi-Code Planet; that “ONE Thing” is
the intentional Activation of what is known as the “Inorganic GONE-Fall Code”, a severe Core-Plasma-Template-
Distortion Encryption, which was designed long ago by the “Elite of External Creation GONE-Fall systems”, to rapidly
force Full Core Template-Compaction within the K.O. Plasma Time-Template & Templar of Targeted Planets, Stars &
Systems. (Note: The “GONE-Fall Code” does not exist in Eternal-Internal 1st Creation Systems; it affects & operates only within External Creation systems).
For targeted External Creation Planets, Stars and Systems unfortunate enough to have been Afflicted by the “GONE-
Fall Code” malady, activation of the “GONE-Fall Code” is a “Final FATALE Act of Aggression”, which ensures that the
Target cannot escape the Inorganic Destiny of “GONE-Fall Space-Dust Return”. But in Nomi-Code Systems, and on
Nomi-Code Planets, activation of the atrocity of the GONE-Fall Code produces quite a different response, as the
Nomi-Code Nomi-yah Eternal 1st Encryption operates as a Full and Immediate “Autoimmune Response”. When the
final act of aggression of GONE-Fall Code activation is rendered against a Nomi-Code Planet, the Nomi-Code Nomi-
yah 1st Encryption immediately Triggers into Activation in Response, setting in motion the “Path of FINAL
FREEDOMS” of the Great Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle, which is a Nomi-Code Planet’s Inevitable
Appointment with Eternal Destiny.
Once Nomi-Code Activation is Triggered within the Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template of a
Nomi-Code Planet, the NOMI-Wave (Tran’-TE-in Tandem SPAN-Wave) rapidly emerges from the Tran’-TE-in Window,
descends through the Krystal-Bridge Passage, and soon after anchors into the Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary K.O.
Plasma Time-Template of the Nomi-Code Planet. If the Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template & Templar are STILL
VIABLE to hold the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host, the Great Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle is
permanently and unalterably set in motion from this Nomi-Wave 1st Anchor Point forward, and the Nomi-Planet’s
Sacred Secret Mission of the Universal Grand Salvage Mission TRIUMPH of Triumphs simultaneously Initiates. The
NOMI-Wave 1st Anchor-point marks the 1st LULL Point Zero Point “Start” from which the mathematical Time-Wave
progressions of the Greater Nonacentennial Cycle, the Octennial Cycle-Sets and the Annual Nomi-yah Wave Cycles of
the Planetary Emancipation Cycle begin and unfold.

As the Great Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle engages, the Nomi-Code Planet progressively
awakens to its Inevitable Appointment with Eternal Destiny, to embodiment of its 1st Creation Salvage Contract as
“Standard Bearer of the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host & Progenitor of the Universal Grand Salvage Mission”, and it
embraces the First Dawn of the Planetary Age of (Atomic) E-Lum’en-ation!.

Earth’s Great Planetary Triumph Emancipation Cycle & the Planetary Dawn of the Age of E-Lum’en-ation!

Earth has long harbored a “Sacred Secret” that has remained dormant and hidden for many Eons (Billions
of years); Earth is a FULL NOMI-Code Planet. SURPRISE !!! ☺ . Welcome to your “Noble Planet” as it now
awakens to its Dawn of the Age of E-Lum’en-ation!
On 12/1/2015 the GONE-Fall Code was intentionally Activated in Earth’s Inorganic Plasma Crystal & Inorganic
Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template, as the “Final Act of Aggression” by those whom we shall call, for now, the
“Pretenders”. Earth became afflicted with the GONE-Fall Code malady over 4-Billion years ago, while Earth was still
in proto-planet stage in Density-2, following the “Taran Wars-1” period; due to affiliations from that time, Earth’s
“local” GONE-Fall Code Affliction became known as the “Theia Code”. Those responsible for intentionally activating
Earth’s “Theia GONE-Fall Code” on 12/1/2015 have inadvertently “Picked a Fight with the WRONG Planet”

Also on 12/1/2015 Earth’s Nomi-Code Nomi-yah Eternal 1st Encryption immediately Activated as the Organic
Autoimmune Response to Inorganic Theia Code activation.

On 12/8-12/2015 the NOMI-Wave (Tran’-TE-in Tandem SPAN-Wave) engaged 1st Anchor Point in Earth’s Organic Core Plasma
Crystal & Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template, marking the 1st LULL Point Zero Point “Start” from which the
mathematical Time-Wave progressions of Earth’s Greater Nonacentennial Cycle, the Octennial Cycle-Sets and the
Annual Nomi-yah Wave Cycles of the Planetary Emancipation Cycle began to unfold. Earth’s Great Planetary
Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle was permanently and unalterably set in motion.

On 12/30/2015 Earth’s Organic Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template were found to be STILL
VIABLE to hold the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host, and the Guardians assisted in opening of the Transposition Seals
within the Krystal-Bridge Passage, to enable anchoring of the Rainbow River Essential Essences Transposition Flows.

On 1/1-3/2016 the Rainbow River Transposition Flows anchored in Earth’s Organic Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary
K.O. Plasma Time-Template, engaging the amazing, intricate and complex mechanics inherent to Earth’s Great
Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle.

The Guardian Material™ Excerpts contained in this August 10-11, 2016 continuation of the 8/8/2016 – 8/9/2016
“FAIL-SAFE 5TH ANNIVERSARY NOTE” are “just the BEGINNING” of the information that is to come. We are intending
to post this “Continuation” before 2:30AM 8/11/2016, so I’ll “leave off here for now”. This Guardian Material™
Excerpt and “FAIL-SAFE 5TH ANNIVERSARY NOTE” to be continued in tomorrow’s posting, where we will explore the
Time-Lines of Earth’s now unfolding Annual Nomi-yah Wave Cycles, and other Up-date information.

For the Early Risers to the Dawn of the Age of E-Lum’en-ation, WELCOME to Earth’s Great Planetary Triumph!
EFFI Smiles! E’Asha - 8/11/2016 2:22AM FL

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