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University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education



Writing is one of the macro-skills that needed to be mastered by the students

because it is an avenue for them to express their feelings. Some believed that there are

students who are good at writing, but they are not good speakers. This is supported by

Graham (2012) who argued that speaking is very hard because it is performance wherein

it means that there is no undo and no revision. In an article by Full Education, they said

that developing write skills will enable students to learn how to compose ideas, organize

their thoughts and arguments, support key points, and share information. Acquiring these

skills will also prepare students for their future academic and professional endeavors.

Jarvis (2000) emphasizes that many students do not enjoy writing because they

feel that if they cannot do it correctly at the first time then they will never get it.

Furthermore, since the subject of the research is still in senior high school, so the

researcher considers writing in English will make the students easier in writing the


Many students have difficulty in writing. According to Jamaludin et. Al (2006),

students are unable to write to the desired benchmark set due to a lack of general

knowledge to extend and expound the concerns provided in their writing. Language

accuracy, which encompasses spelling, punctuation, morphology, and syntax, is another

obvious issue that students encounter (Sabar 2008). As a result, writing have become

a severe problem for tertiary students.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

Basic writing patterns are difficult for second-language learners to master. Based

on the study by Cabansag (2013), the majority of students at the State University of

Cagayan make the most mistakes in grammar and mechanics in their papers, particularly

in the usage of verbs and verb tenses and capitalization regulations. Furthermore, as

evidenced in the classroom, many students continue to struggle with reading

comprehension and writing.

According to Forbes et al. (2010), student attitudes toward writing assessments

may affect their willingness to learn. Writing can be utilized as a human self-regulatory

expression to convey one's sentiments and opinions about a topic that is being read or

presented. Young people can use writing to reflect on their personal health behaviors and

consider their attitudes, reasons, and/or beliefs regarding their activities (Ubbes et al.,

2018). According to Akkaya et al. (2010), pupils who favor writing expend more energy

on work. Hence, writing attitudes were characterized by Williams (2012). According to

Graham et al. (2007), writing is an affective state in which the author feels a variety of

emotions ranging from pleasure to dissatisfaction

The focus of the research was on the English Writing Performance and Attitudes

of Grade 11 students at the University of Perpetual Help System Senior High School

Department. This topic was selected because it had not received maximum attention in

the learning activities conducted within the research context. Writing is a communicative,

productive, and expressive activity that utilizes written material as its medium. The

activity is meant to deliver a message from the author to the reader. In writing activity, a
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

student should have been able to utilize graphology, grammatical structure, and


The researcher became interested in conducting this study to improve and develop

learners' skills and abilities in writing as a result of the aforementioned challenges and

concerns regarding students' writing performance and attitudes.

Theoretical Framework

The role of grammar in writing is akin to the role of listening and speaking where

the two are mutually synergistic. In other words, writing and grammar are inextricably

intertwined as much of good writing derives its excellence from faultless grammar. This

is emphasized by Frodesen et. al (2000:23) who believe that,” a focus on form (grammar)

in composition can help writers develop rich linguistic resources needed to express ideas

effectively”. Based on these views, the researcher deduced that second language writers

need to pay attention to form in developing writing proficiency. Hence, the model of

grammar in this study was adopted from the model of grammar as proposed by James

(1998: 96), which is based on a descriptive view and,” stands between the two extremes

of scientific and pedagogic grammars”

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

Conceptual Framework


Profile of the respondents

in terms of English Writing
Performance of the
a. Sex Respondents
b. Strand
c. Previous School
 Public
 Private

Writing Attitude of the


Figure 1 Paradigm of the Study

This study aimed to investigate the intricate relationship between the demographic

profile of respondents, writing attitude and their writing performance of the respondents.

The demographic profile encompasses three key variables: age, strand, and previous

school attended. These variables serve as our independent variables. On the other hand,

writing performance and writing attitude serves as the dependent variable. The arrow in

the diagram, symbolized the connections between these independent variables and the

dependent variable. The primary aim of the research is to investigate how these

independent variables have relationship to the dependent variables.

Statement of the Problem

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

The main purpose of this study is to analyze the Englis

h Writing Performance and Attitudes of Grade 11 students at the University of Perpetual

Help System. It seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

1.1 Sex

1.2 Strand

1.3 Previous School

 Public

 Private

2. What is the English writing performance of the Grade 11 students?

3. What is the writing attitude of the respondents?

4. Is there a significant difference in the respondents’ writing performance when grouped

according to profile?

5. Is there a significant difference in the respondents’ writing attitude when grouped

according to profile?

6. Is there a significant relationship between the attitude of the respondents towards

writing and their writing performance?

Hypotheses of the Study

The study is anchored on the null hypotheses that:

1 There is no significant difference in the respondents’ writing performance when

grouped according to profile.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

2 There is no significant difference in the respondents’ writing attitude when grouped

according to profile.

3 There is no significant relationship between the attitude of the respondents towards

writing and their writing performance.

Scope and Delimitation

This research determined the English Writing Performance and Attitudes of

Grade 11 students who are taking up Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS),

Accountancy and Business Management (ABM), and Technical Vocational

Livelihood Track specialization in Home Economics and ICT who enrolled at the

University of Perpetual Help System-Senior High School Department during the

2023-2024 academic year. It encompassed various aspects of English writing


It focused solely on English writing competence and did not investigate

other language skills like speaking or listening. Extracurricular activities and non-

academic influences on writing competence were not considered. The findings

may not be generalized beyond the specific sample selected for this research.

Significance of the Study

This study on the English Writing Performance and Attitudes of Grade 11

students was intended to contribute significantly and offer useful knowledge to the

educational fields. In particular, the following will benefit from the study's results:
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

Students. The results of this study will help all Senior High School Students to

become a better communicator overall and it also improves their writing.

Teachers. This study will provide teachers with a way to share their ideas and

thoughts with others. This can help teachers build relationships with their students. It can

also lead to new ideas for instruction. Writing can also provide teachers with a way to be


University of Perpetual Help System- Isabela Campus Administrators. The

findings of this study will help the school administrators to develop programs for All

Senior High School students that will help them strengthen and enrich their writing


Future Researchers. The future researchers can use this study as the reference

for their related review literature. They may also use this as their basis for their future


Researchers. This study serves as a valuable resource for enhancing their

understanding of the relationships between demographic factors, writing performance,

and attitudes. It offers insights and data that can inform and enrich their ongoing research

projects and academic pursuits.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the discussions of this paper, the following terms

are defined operationally.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

Writing Competence. Writing competence refers to the overall ability of

individuals to write effectively. It includes the mastery of grammar, mechanics, and other

language-related skills, as well as the capacity to organize ideas coherently, support

arguments, and communicate effectively through written text.

Writing Skill. Refer to a set of learned abilities and proficiencies that enable

individuals to convey their thoughts, ideas, and messages effectively through written

communication. These skills encompass various elements, including grammar,

mechanics, vocabulary, organization, coherence, and clarity. Proficient writing skills

enable individuals to produce well-structured, grammatically correct, and compelling

written content that effectively conveys their intended message to the reader.

Grammar. Mechanics refers to the specific rules and conventions related to

spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and other technical aspects of writing. It

encompasses the use of correct spelling, proper punctuation marks, and adherence to

formatting rules to ensure clarity and readability in written text.

Writing Attitude. Pertains to individuals' feelings, perceptions, and attitudes

toward the act of writing. It encompasses their level of enthusiasm, motivation,

confidence, and overall disposition when engaging in writing tasks. Positive writing

attitudes can lead to greater writing engagement and proficiency.

Writing Performance. Indicates how well individuals can express themselves in

written form. It is a measure of their practical ability to produce coherent, grammatically

correct, and effectively written texts. Writing performance reflects the tangible output of

one's writing skills and competence.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

Mechanics. Refers to the specific rules and conventions related to spelling,

punctuation, capitalization, and other technical aspects of writing. It encompasses the use

of correct spelling, proper punctuation marks, and adherence to formatting rules to ensure

clarity and readability in written text.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education



State of the Art

The Researcher presented related literature and studies to provide a

comprehensive background of the problem under study. Concepts, findings, theories, and

notions from scholarly research and articles presented were improved by the additional

knowledge that this study provided.

Foreign Literature

Writing is one of the skills among speaking, reading and listening skills in

English. Writing is a multiplex activity claimed by Ling (2016). Writing activities need to

be conducted among students since elementary school so that the students can generate

good pieces of writing in the future. Even though there are many subjects in elementary

schools, writing is known as one of the most vital academic subjects for students.

Furthermore, Writing is a medium of communication that involves the depiction

of a language with written symbols. It is assumed to be a very productive skill; different

writers put their creative ideas and thoughts in writing forms. Writing provides learners

with numerous opportunities to seek modern ways to compose their different ideas and

thoughts in a foreign language (Rao, 2017).

While having good ability in spelling will lead to positive learning of writing

skill. If the students are struggling with spellings, it will hold them back to move forward.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

The students have the habit to spell according to their pronunciation and this will lead to

wrong spelling as mentioned by Afrin (2016).

In the research conducted by Misbah et al. (2017), it was found that students often

encounter challenges in acquiring writing skills due to their limited vocabulary. This

limitation in vocabulary poses difficulties because, as noted by Asep (2014), vocabulary

is considered the foundational element for constructing sentences, and it plays a central

role in developing effective writing skills. In simpler terms, not having a rich vocabulary

can make it challenging for students to become proficient writers.

In the research conducted by Nyang’au Benard (2014), it was observed that

students often experience anxiety when it comes to learning writing skills, with poor

spelling identified as a significant contributing factor.

In Foster's research (2015), it was revealed that students' readiness to learn

writing is a significant challenge. According to his findings, motivating and capturing

students' attention can enhance their readiness for learning how to write effectively.

According to Anyiendah (2017) lack of students’ interest is another challenge.

Developing writing skills is always challenging, however, it is always an interesting task.

Especially when it comes to writing, some students zone out. Students feel lack of

interest in writing because they need to know many aspects in order to produce a good

piece of work. The students need to know punctuations, grammar, vocabulary, spelling

and sentence structure in order to write a good piece of writing.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

McLean (2013) further notes that agreement in speech and in writing refers to the

proper grammatical match between words and phrases. Parts of sentences must agree, or

correspond with other parts, in number, person, case, and gender. Because subjects and

verbs are either singular or plural, the subject of a sentence and the verb of a sentence

must agree with each other in number. That is, a singular subject belongs with a singular

verb form, and a plural subject belongs with a plural verb form.

Local Literature

From research conducted to the Sophomore Engineering Students in Batangas

State University, it was found that there were four skills that undeveloped yet; the

stylistic skills, grammatical skills, and judgment skills. The respondents for example,

failed to identify correct adverb, article, subject-verb agreement, the use of inverted

sentences, appropriate punctuation marks as well as the use of contrasting ideas in

passage. Hikmah and Buffe (2019)

In an article written by Cabigon (2015), the Philippines is recognized globally as

one of the largest English-speaking nations, with the majority of its population having at

least some degree of fluency in the language. English has always been one of the

country’s official languages and is spoken by more than 14 million Filipinos. It is the

language of commerce and law, as well as the primary medium of instruction in

education. Cabigon further noted that key stakeholders from the government, academe,

private, and non government sectors acknowledged that even if Filipinos are generally

competent in English, concerns on how much of a competitive advantage have been

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

raised. The stakeholders agreed that the country needs to scale up with its efforts to

improve the teaching and learning of English, considering that these are vital skills of the

workforce. This is an initiative that can potentially strengthen the Philippines’ distinct

economic, political or educational advantage in this part of the world, particularly in the

ASEAN economic region

According to Gepila (2017), among the four macro skills, writing is considered to

be the hardest to teach and learn. It is very challenging for it is similar to teaching a child

how to swim. A child who wants to learn how to swim must be exposed to various

activities in swimming. Thus, several theories, principles, and practices must be taken

into account. Likewise, for a child to successfully learn how to write, he must be exposed

to different activities relating to writing. It is important to note that writing teachers must

identify the context of learning: this includes culture, literature, and identity.

In the research of Yaacob, (2014), the same findings were also noted. She found

that among the four macro skills, most of the students agree that that writing is the most

difficult skill of all. Errors are realized forms of the writing difficulties that can be seen

on paper. Thus, an error can be one of the forms of difficulties in writing.

According to Lousiana (2014: 10) the purpose of writing is simply the reason that

you are writing. An effective writer always reflects on the reason why he/she is writing

before actually composing a document. Writers can become wordy or unclear in their

communication because they do not have a clear idea of their own purpose. Determining
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

the main purpose of your writing will help a writer to express his/her thoughts more


The subject intends to improve students' reading and writing habits by exhibiting

them to academic and professional texts with applied applications in a real-life context

(Ocampo, 2018).

According to Lagayan (2018), students commonly make grammatical errors in

their writing. This means that when students write, they often make mistakes related to

grammar, which includes issues like using incorrect tenses, sentence structures, or

subject-verb agreements. Lagayan's research highlights the prevalence of such

grammatical errors in students' writing.

In their research on English Language Learners' (ELLs) perceptions of writing,

Garcia et. al (2014) documented a participant's statement, which emphasized, "I know

how to speak already. Writing, I just have a hard time with it, especially when it comes to

things like grammar and everything" (p. 308). This participant expressed the challenge

they faced in writing, particularly in areas related to grammar and other aspects of written


According to Tanyer (2015), the process of writing is a crucial mechanism for

transferring existing information across various academic subjects. In academic writing,

the initial step often involves engaging in higher-level composition, indicating that this is

a fundamental stage in effectively communicating and conveying knowledge across

academic disciplines.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

Umpa et al. (2019) define mechanics in writing as encompassing the standards of

paragraphing, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and handwriting. These elements

collectively influence the grammatical and aesthetic value of a written text. In other

words, the way these mechanical aspects are handled can significantly impact the overall

quality and presentation of a written piece.

Bustamante (2017) emphasized that developing favorable students’ writing

attitude backs success in their education and future career and help them become more

motivated to lead to academic success

Foreign Studies

According to The Grade Network (2019), different studies show positive results

in the proficiency of the learners who were taught at an early age. In other words,

language learners who are exposed to the different approaches in learning the target

language are less likely to struggle in overall literacy and to communicate. One way to

help students improve their writing skills is to increase writing activities that focus not

just on penmanship but on strategies, planning, and organization. Moreover, learners with

confidence and writing skills can help them to be more effective in communicating. This

allows them to express their thoughts by demonstrating their knowledge and by engaging

in informative discussions that would help them to further their personal understanding.

Concerns regarding the relationship between student communication skills and course

material we readdressed by Nadine Rice in her article, “Meeting the Reading Challenges

of Science Textbooks in the Primary Grades.”

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

Writer's decision making is a core component. Writers choose from among the

possibilities in their own repertoire of knowledge depending on such individual factors as

language proficiency, perceptions, and values, and such contextual factors as audience,

task, and topic (Kobayashi & Rinnert, 2013).

Written speech is a difficult language ability, for students. One reason for this

difficulty is the fact that school writing activities are mainly oriented towards

standardized characteristics. It is preferable to offer preference to the features of the

material in the act of writing which intends to convey a message. By comparison, having

bad error-related ratings just leads to frustration in learning for students (Bowcher &

Zhang, 2020; Chang, 2020; Daclin et al, 2016).

Li et al (2015) agrees that process writing evolved as a solution to the product

approach by fulfilling the need to conform to the writing processes involved in writing in

one's mother tongue, helping learners to express themselves better as persons.

The evaluation of written material is identified as a factor that can induce anxiety

in the process of writing, as noted by Yassin in 2017 and Lan et al. in 2020. This

suggests that when writers know their work will be assessed, it may lead to feelings of

unease or apprehension.

Rouka et. al (2020) propose that writing is a complex task with multiple

components, and this complexity may contribute to anxiety during the writing process. In

essence, the intricate nature of writing, which involves various elements and aspects, can

create a sense of unease in individuals as they strive to navigate and manage all these

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

Schroder et. al (2018) cite findings from Payant et al. (2019) and Jafari et.a al

(2014) to emphasize that experiencing negative anxiety related to writing can lead to a

range of adverse effects. This includes procrastination, fear, fatigue, loss of self-

confidence and motivation, and disruptions in the thought process. In other words, when

individuals feel anxious about their writing, it can hinder their ability to work effectively

and can have detrimental consequences on their overall well-being and cognitive


Xiao et. al (2014) discovered that a hasty or superficial review of written material can

foster a sense of distrust in one's writing abilities. This apprehension not only affects

students cognitively and effectively but also impacts their motivation. In essence, a lack

of thorough self-assessment and editing may lead to diminished confidence and

motivation in writing tasks.

Studies by Yang et al. (2015) indicate that the process writing technique has a significant

impact on the learning success and research attitudes of first-year Turkish language

students. This suggests that employing the process writing approach can enhance

students' academic achievements and their attitudes towards conducting research in the

context of language learning.

The evidence suggests that language instruction has the potential to reduce

students' negative attitudes toward writing when employing a process learning approach.

This is achieved through various methods such as teacher appraisal, peer review, and

self-evaluation. In particular, the study conducted by Al-Ahdal et al. (2019) demonstrates

that these techniques, when integrated into the learning process, can help students
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

develop a more positive outlook on writing. As a result, students may become more

confident and competent writers as they engage in these constructive and evaluative


Further reason for the effectiveness of the process writing technique in

minimizing writing pain may be the probability that during the study procedures a

significant amount of time was expended on writing. Study also found that writing

anxiety diminished as work time grew (Wollscheid et. Al- 2016)

Local Studies

Developing writing skills will enable students to learn how to compose ideas,

organize their thoughts and arguments, support critical points, and share information

(Domantay et. al, 2018). Moreover, in honing the skill of writing, the essence of grammar

teaching is to prepare the students for academic studies and professional activities, which

is directly relevant to producing written and academic text (Atashian et. Al 2018) attested


Academic writing is one aspect that has been focused on in the educational

context. It is a multiple construction that unites such essential elements as the

understanding of the scientific field and the understanding of scientific research

methodology, statistical knowledge and the understanding of the culture of native and

foreign languages (Lamanauskas, 2019).

National Commission on Writing (2014), reading is a widely needed skill, but

that writing is an elite skill. It is more than 90% of mid-career professionals indicate that
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

writing is vital in their work. Writing is essential for success in higher education, yet

more than 50% of first year college students have serious writing problems

Writing is a critical academic talent over the developmental lifespan, according to

Ubbes et al. (2018), as well as a self-regulated human expression to determine one's

sentiments and opinions.

David Nunan's definition in Afrin (2016), writing is the performance of delivering

words or ideas to a medium. From sentences to paragraphs, it is the mental process of

generating and expressing ideas.

Success in relevant professions is contingent on students' ability to manage

various writing types, such as summaries, essays, and reviews (Dudley-Evans and St.

John, 2013).

Ramos's (2019) study of first-year college students' common writing errors, the

errors were grouped into eight grammatical categories: articles, agreements, tenses,

pronouns, prepositions, incorrect word choice, spelling, singular and plural forms.

Ayachi (2017), writing is often overlooked because it is both productive and time-

consuming. As a result, bad grades on writing papers are frequently observed. Thus,

writing, as a skill, should be considered in various segments.

Lagayan (2018), writing composition activities help students enhance and guide

their writing talents. Writing composition entails essay writing, analysis, and reaction to a

certain subject, as well as just expressing one's feelings.

Synthesis of the Study

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

Researcher in Related Literature present that determining the English writing

performance and attitude of students made them to explores the multifaceted aspects of

students' writing skills, examining their proficiency, strategies, and organizational

abilities Additionally, the research delves into students' attitudes toward writing,

considering factors such as confidence, motivation, and potential anxiety during the

writing process. The findings aim to provide valuable insights into the challenges and

strengths of Grade 11 students in English writing, contributing to the development of

effective strategies for enhancing both performance and attitudes in Writing.

Gap/s Bridged by the Present Study

From the above review of related literature and studies, the following gaps were


The current research in the field of education focuses on various aspects of

writing skills, grammar, mechanics, and students' attitudes. However, these studies often

do not explore how these aspects are connected and how they are influenced by factors

like age, gender, and the specific academic track (strand), especially concerning grade 11

students. Both foreign and local studies stress the importance of writing proficiency,

grammar, and mechanics, but there is a lack of research that delves into the intricate

relationships between these elements and how they are impacted by the students'

demographic characteristics.

This study aims to fill these knowledge gaps by providing a comprehensive

understanding of how demographic factors, such as age, gender, and chosen academic

track, relate to English writing performance. Additionally, it seeks to uncover how these
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

demographic factors may affect students' attitudes towards writing. The findings of this

study have the potential to inform the development of more targeted and effective

educational strategies and interventions to enhance writing skills and attitudes among

grade 11 students. In simpler terms, researchers want to figure out how different factors

like age, gender, and the academic track students choose are connected to how well they

write and how they feel about writing. This information can help improve how to teach

and support these students.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education


Research Methodology

This chapter presents the methodology and general procedures used in gathering

the essential information needed for the accomplishment of the present study. This

includes the research design, population of the study, the locale of the study, instrument

and validation, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of the study.

Research design

This study used a descriptive-correlational research design to comprehensively

investigate the English writing performance and attitudes of Grade 11 students at the

University of Perpetual Help System-Isabela Campus. The study utilizes both descriptive

and correlational methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationships

between demographic factors, writing performance, and attitudes.

The descriptive aspect involves the administration of a writing activity to assess

writing performance, while a survey questionnaire is employed to gauge students'

attitudes towards writing. The correlational component examines the relationships and
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

potential associations between demographic profiles, writing skills, and writing attitudes,

allowing for a more in-depth analysis of how these variables interact.

Sources of Data

The primary data of this study was collected by the researchers or also known as

"first-hand" data sources. The advantage of primary data is collected more accurate

information from the respondents.

The secondary data that we used in this study are journals, articles,

research studies and internet information related to the topic.

Locale of the study

The research was carried out at the Basic Department of the University of

Perpetual Help System (UPHS) Laguna-Isabela Campus, Minante Uno, Cauayan City,

Isabela. The selection of this institution was purposeful, with a focus on Grade 11

students as the preferred respondents for the study. This choice was informed by the

belief that Grade 11 students at UPHS possess characteristics, knowledge, and

experiences that closely align with the research objectives. By concentrating on this

specific demographic within the UPHS setting, the aim was to gain valuable insights and

perspectives pertinent to the research questions. The deliberate selection of UPHS and

Grade 11 students sought to enhance the relevance and applicability of the study's

findings within the academic context under considerations.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

The University of Perpetual Help System (UPHS) - Isabela Campus Basic

Department is a private school located in the city of Cauayan, Isabela. UPHS Isabela now

offers programs ranging from kindergarten to college level. The Basic Department offers

Accountancy and Business Management, Science Technology Engineering and

Mathematics, Humanities and Social Sciences, Technical Vocational Livelihood Track

specialization in Home Economics and ICT.

Figure 2. Location of University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – Isabela Campus

Population of the study

The respondents of the study were Grade 11 students who enrolled in 2023-2024

academic year of the University of Perpetual Help System Laguna-Isabela Campus

consisting 51 students. The students came from the Accountancy and Business

Management, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Technical Vocational Livelihood

Track specializations in Home Economics and ICT.

Table 1: Population of the study

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

Population Sample
ABM 17 15
HUMSS 24 21
TVL HE 13 12
Total 59 52

Research Instrumentation and Validation

The researcher used an adapted survey questionnaire originally developed by

Totto and Ramos in 2021. The survey questionnaire serves as a valuable tool for

assessing the attitudes of Grade 11 students toward writing. The adaption of this

instrument ensures consistency with established research in the field and allows for

comparisons with prior findings. The questionnaire had undergone content validity

assessment by subject matter experts to ensure that the questions effectively measure the

intended constructs related to writing attitudes. This validation process ensures that the

questionnaire is appropriate and reliable in capturing students' attitudes toward writing in

the specific context of this research. The result of the pilot testing indicate that the

questionnaire is reliable.

Furthermore, three open-ended questions were given to the respondents to assess their

performance in writing. In checking the writing performance of the respondents, a

researcher-made rubric was used. The rubric highlighted Structure, Grammar, Mechanics,

Language or the use of vocabulary, and Content/Organization. The students' written

output was checked by two English teachers guided using the rubric. Furthermore, the

students' performance output was classified using the K to 12 Program's regular grading

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

Evaluation and Scoring

In order to assess the respondents’ English writing Performance and attitudes, the

Researcher conducts a survey questionnaire and they will utilize a descriptive rating


Table 2 Mean Distribution of Students According to their Attitude towards Writing

Likert Scale Interval Interpretation

1 1.00-1.74 Highly Unfavorable

2 1.75-2.49 Unfavorable
3 2.50-3.24 Favorable
4 3.25-4.00 Highly Favorable
Table 3 Percentage Distribution of Students based on their Writing Performance

Percentage Score Interpretation

90-100 Outstanding

85-89 Very Satisfactory

80-84 Satisfactory

75-79 Fairly Satisfactory

74 and below Did Not Meet Expectation

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers considered the following procedures in gathering data.

To collect the data, the researcher presented a letter of approval to conduct the

study on school premises to the school director of the University of Perpetual Help

System-Isabela Campus.
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College of Arts and Education

The respondents for this study were the Grade 11 students. The researchers

explained to the respondents the significance of the study, its purpose, effects, and its

confidentiality. The research involved the use of an adapted questionnaire by Totto and

Ramos (2021), tailored to assess the attitudes of Grade 11 students towards writing. A

random sampling was used for the students from the University of Perpetual Help

System-Isabela Campus, and the survey was administered with clear instructions for

participants to rate their writing attitudes on a 4-point scale. Collected responses were

carefully recorded, anonymized, and subjected to rigorous statistical analysis, following

ethical guidelines. This systematic approach ensured the acquisition of accurate data for a

comprehensive understanding of students' attitudes and performance towards writing.

Statistical Treatment

1. Frequency and percentage distribution. This was employed to determine the

profile of the respondents.

2. Mean. This was intended to determine the writing, grammar performance, and

attitude of students.

3. T-Test. This was utilized to test the comparison between students English writing

performance according to sex and previous school.

4. Anova. This was employed to test the comparison between students English

writing performance according to strand.

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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education



This chapter comprises the presentations, analysis, and the interpretation of the

findings resulting from this research study and the discussion of the data that the

researchers gathered.

The analysis and interpretation of data is carried out in six phases. The first part, which is

based on the results of Demographic Profile of the Respondents which are the sex, strand

and previous school. The second part is the Students Writing Performance of the

respondents. The third part is the Students Writing Attitudes of the respondents. The

fourth part, which is based on the interpretation of the Comparison between Students'

English Writing Performance according to profile. The fifth part, which is the

Comparison between Students' Writing Attitudes according to profile. The lastly, the
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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

relationship between Students' English Writing Performance and Writing Attitudes of the


Table 1
Profile of the Respondents
Frequency Percent
(n = 52) (100.0)
Female 36 69.2
Male 16 30.8
ABM 15 28.8
TVL-HE 12 23.1
HUMSS 21 40.4
TVL-ICT 4 7.7

Previous School

Public 24 46.2
Private 28 53.8

The table illustrates that 69.2 % of the respondents are female, with frequency of

36, while 30.8% are male, accounting for a frequency of 16. Regarding the strand, the

table indicates that 28.8% of respondents are enrolled in ABM with frequency of 15,

whereas 23.1% are pursuing TVL HE, with a frequency of 12. Additionally, 40.4% are

pursuing in HUMSS, with frequency of 21. whereas 7.7% are pursuing TVL ICT, with a

frequency of 4. There are 46.2% respondents who attended public school, with a

frequency of 24 , whereas 53.8% respondents who attended private school, with a

frequency of 28.
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Table 2
Students' Writing Performance (base 60)

Percentage Score Interpretation Mean Desc.

90-100 Outstanding 30

85-89 Very Satisfactory 14 Very

80-84 Satisfactory 4 Satisfactory

75-79 Fairly Satisfactory 4

Table 2 illustrates the writing performance of students on a base 60 scale. The

percentage score categories are accompanied by corresponding interpretations that

signify the quality of writing within each range. Noteworthy is the "Outstanding"

category, encompassing scores from 90 to 100, which includes 30 students and achieves a

remarkable mean score of 88.99, denoting a very satisfactory level. Similarly, the "Very

Satisfactory" range (85-89) showcases strong performance among 14 students. The

"Satisfactory" and "Fairly Satisfactory" categories, with scores of 80-84 and 75-79,

respectively, delineate the performance levels of 4 students in each group. This detailed

breakdown provides insights into the distribution of students across various performance

levels, offering a nuanced comprehension of their writing capabilities.

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The students' very satisfactory academic performance in the subject means that

they have received a passing grade and have met the subject's standard requirement/s.

This means that students are performing well academically, as no one is failing. On the

other hand, students will be motivated to study more and reach high literacy levels due to

the pressure to perform well.

According to Lasaten (2014), learners' common linguistic flaws in English works

include errors in articles, choice of words, verb tense, prepositions, sentence structure,

punctuation, and spelling. These faults affect the grammatical, mechanical/substance, and

syntactic components of writing English. The majority of these mistakes are the result of

learners' weak familiarity with the target language, notably their lack of understanding of

rule constraints. Others are brought on by the learners' carelessness, interference from

their first language, and a restricted vocabulary in the target language. However,

according to Lagayan (2018), the students' obligation in language acquisition is to check

for errors in their written discourse to increase effective communication.

Table 3
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Students' Writing Attitudes

Statements Mean Desc.

1.How do you feel about writing from someone
2.62 Favorable
else’s perspective?
2.How do you feel about writing about something
3.08 Favorable
you have heard or seen?
3. How do you feel about checking your own written
3.08 Favorable
4. How do you feel explaining to someone in
2.92 Favorable
5. How do you feel about writing during your free
2.83 Favorable
6. How do you feel about writing a diary? 2.81 Favorable
7. How do you feel about writing poetry for
2.69 Favorable
8. How do you feel about drafting a letter expressing
2.96 Favorable
your insight on a subject?
9. How do you feel being an author of certain books? Highly
10.How do you feel being a writer for a newspaper? 2.71 Favorable
11. How do you feel about being a better writer? Highly
12. How do you feel about composing a story instead
of doing your homework? 2.42 Unfavorable

13. How do you feel about composing a story while

2.46 Unfavorable
watching TV?
14.How do you feel when your friends read your
2.69 Favorable
15. How comfortable are you with writing about
3.04 Favorable
your life experiences?
16.How do you feel about writing more in school? 2.50 Favorable
17. How do you feel taking notes on significant
3.17 Favorable
points during discussion?
18. How do you feel about writing a lengthy story or
2.54 Favorable
report in school?
19. How do you feel your classmates discussing
2.92 Favorable
ways to improve their writing?
20. How do you feel your teacher is requesting you
2.92 Favorable
to revise your work?
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Grand Mean 2.86 Favorable

Table 3 provides insights into students' attitudes towards various aspects of

writing. The mean scores, categorized into descriptors ranging from

"Unfavorable" to "Highly Favorable," offer a comprehensive view of their

sentiments. The grand mean of 2.86 indicates an overall "Favorable" attitude

toward writing among the students. This suggests that, on average, students harbor

positive feelings and perceptions about various writing-related activities. Students

express particularly favorable sentiments (mean scores below 3.0) towards

activities such as writing from someone else's perspective, explaining in writing,

writing during free time, composing a diary, drafting letters, and discussing ways

to improve their writing. Notably, attitudes are highly favorable (mean scores well

below 3.0) towards being an author of books, becoming a better writer, and taking

notes during discussions.

On the other hand, students express a somewhat unfavorable attitude (mean

scores above 3.0) towards composing a story instead of doing homework, writing

while watching TV, and writing a lengthy story or report in school. The positive

attitudes revealed in Table 3 suggest that students generally approach writing with

enthusiasm and openness.

These positive attitudes may potentially contribute to a supportive

environment for English writing performance. Students who enjoy and feel

confident in various writing activities may be more likely to excel in their writing

tasks. Understanding these attitudes could be crucial for educators, as fostering

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positive attitudes towards writing may positively influence students' actual writing


A student with a good writing mindset organizes writing activities, exerts more

effort, perseveres in the face of obstacles, sets challenging targets, and believes in

his or her own accomplishment (Bandura 2006). Hence, the more enthusiastic

kids are about writing, the more time and effort they put into it (Akkay,


In summary, the findings from Table 3 underscore the generally positive attitudes

students hold towards various writing activities

Table 4

between Students' English Writing Performance according to Profile

T-test/ ANOVA F-
Profile Groups Mean p-value

Sex Male 88.13

t = -0.947ns 0.348
Female 89.44

Strand ABM 87.73

TVL-HE 87.75
F = 1.834ns 0.154
HUMSS 90.81

TVL-ICT 88.50

Previous School Public 89.50 t = 0.662ns 0.511

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Private 88.64

– Not Significant at 0.05 level
Table 4 mean scores for male and female students are 88.13 and 89.44,

respectively. The t-test results indicate that the difference in English writing performance

between male and female students is not statistically significant at the 0.05 level.

This suggests that there is no substantial evidence to support a difference in

writing performance between male and female students in the sample.

The mean scores for different academic strands (ABM, TVL-HE, HUMSS, TVL-

ICT) vary between 87.73 and 90.81. The F-test results show that the overall difference in

mean scores among the academic strands is not statistically significant at the 0.05 level.

This implies that there is no significant variation in English writing performance across

different academic strands.

While the mean scores for students from public and private schools are 89.50 and

88.64, respectively. The t-test results reveal that the difference in English writing

performance between students from public and private schools is not statistically

significant at the 0.05 level. Thus, there is no substantial evidence to suggest that the type

of previous school attended significantly influences English writing performance.

Overall, based on the findings, the study may conclude that there is no significant

difference in English writing performance based on gender, academic strand, or the type

of previous school attended among the sampled students.

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Table 5
Comparison between Students' Writing Attitudes according to Profile

T-test/ ANOVA F-
Profile Groups Mean p-value

Sex Male 2.74

t = -1.58ns 0.120
Female 2.90

Strand ABM 2.80

TVL-HE 2.84
F = 0.445ns 0.722
HUMSS 2.88
TVL-ICT 3.01

Previous School Public 2.82

t = -0.644ns 0.523
Private 2.89
– Not Significant at 0.05 level
Table 5 provides a comparison of students' writing attitudes based on different

demographic profiles, including sex, academic strand, and previous school attended. The

mean scores for male and female students' writing attitudes are 2.74 and 2.90,

respectively. The t-test results indicate that the difference in writing attitudes between
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male and female students is not statistically significant at the 0.05 level. This suggests

that there is no significant difference in writing attitudes between male and female

students in the sample.

The mean scores for different academic strands (ABM, TVL-HE, HUMSS, TVL-

ICT) range between 2.80 and 3.01. The F-test results showed that the overall difference

in mean scores among the academic strands is not statistically significant at the 0.05

level. This implies that there is no significant variation in writing attitudes across

different academic strands.

The mean scores for students from public and private schools are 2.82 and 2.89,

respectively. The t-test results reveal that the difference in writing attitudes between

students from public and private schools is not statistically significant at the 0.05 level.

There is no substantial evidence to suggest that the type of previous school attended

significantly influences students' writing attitudes.

The research may consider exploring other factors that could potentially influence

students' attitudes toward writing or delve deeper into understanding the relationship

between writing attitudes and actual writing performance. Additionally, the study could

examine how writing attitudes might differ across various grade levels or educational


Table 6
Relationship between Students' English Writing Performance and Writing
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

Writing Attitudes
Corr. p-value

English Writing Performance 0.751 0.62

– Not Significant at 0.05 level
The findings presented in Table 6 indicate that there is no statistically significant

relationship between students' English writing performance and their writing attitudes, as

evidenced by the p-value of 0.62, which fails to reach the conventional significance level

of 0.05. This implies that variations in students' writing attitudes do not appear to have a

discernible impact on their English writing performance, at least within the context of this


Several studies in the literature support and provide context for these

unexpected findings. (2018) conducted a similar investigation and discovered that while

positive attitudes towards writing were beneficial, they did not necessarily guarantee

higher performance. The authors emphasized the multifaceted nature of writing,

influenced by factors such as language proficiency, prior writing experiences, and task

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College of Arts and Education




This chapter contains the research summary, conclusions and recommendations of the

whole study. The findings of the study without so much detailed information is written on

the summary. Generalizations and other interference would be seen on the conclusion

while the recommendations of the researchers to the beneficiaries of this study can also

be seen on this chapter. Generally, this chapter aims to cover-up the end result of the


Summary of Findings

The salient findings of the study are enumerated as follows:

1. The demographic profile of the respondents reveals a predominant presence of females

(69.2%) compared to males (30.8%) in the sample. Academic strand distribution shows

that a significant portion is enrolled in HUMSS (40.4%), followed by ABM (28.8%),

TVL HE (23.1%), and TVL ICT (7.7%). Additionally, there is a relatively balanced

representation of students from public (46.2%) and private (53.8%) schools. These

findings provide an overview of the diverse demographics within the respondent group,

offering insights into gender, academic interests, and educational backgrounds.

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2. Writing performance results indicate a strong proficiency among students, with a

majority achieving an "Outstanding" level. This suggests a high level of competence in

writing skills within the surveyed group.

3. Students generally exhibit positive attitudes toward writing, as indicated by the overall

favorable grand mean. While they express enthusiasm for various writing activities, some

reservations are observed in tasks like writing stories instead of homework. Overall,

positive attitudes may positively impact actual writing performance.

4. The comparison of writing performance based on demographic profiles (gender,

academic strand, and type of school) reveals no statistically significant differences. This

implies that, within the sample, these factors do not substantially influence English

writing performance.

5. Similarly, the comparison of writing attitudes based on demographic profiles also lacks

statistical significance. This suggests that gender, academic strand, and type of school

attended may not be significant determinants of writing attitudes among the sampled


6. Lastly, there is no significant relationship between student’s English Writing

Performance and their attitudes towards writing. The data on table shows that, there was a

no significant Relationship between English Writing Performance and writing attitude.

Which the result led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis stating that there is no

significant relationship between the respondents’ attitudes toward writing and English

Writing performance.
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College of Arts and Education


Based on the salient findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn;

1. The demographic profile provides valuable insights into the composition of the

respondent group. The higher representation of females and the prevalence of students in

the HUMSS academic strand indicate specific trends within the sample.

2. The strong proficiency in writing, with a majority achieving an "Very Stisfactory"

level, is a positive indication of the overall writing skills within the surveyed group. This

suggests that, as a whole, the students possess a high level of competence in written


3. The positive attitudes toward writing, reflected in the favorable grand mean, are

encouraging. However, the reservations observed in specific writing tasks, such as

writing stories instead of homework, warrant further exploration to understand the

underlying reasons for these preferences or concerns.

4. The lack of statistically significant differences in writing performance based on

demographic factors (gender, academic strand, and type of school) suggests that, within

the sample, these variables do not play a substantial role in influencing English writing

performance. This challenges potential stereotypes or assumptions about the impact of

these demographic factors on writing abilities.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
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College of Arts and Education

5. Similarly, the absence of statistically significant differences in writing attitudes based

on demographic profiles implies that factors like gender, academic strand, and type of

school attended may not be significant determinants of writing attitudes among the

sampled students. This suggests a universality in positive attitudes toward writing

regardless of these demographic characteristics.

6. The key finding here is the lack of a significant relationship between students' English

writing performance and their attitudes toward writing. This suggests that, at least within

this sample, positive attitudes may not necessarily translate into higher writing

proficiency. This finding challenges the assumption that a positive attitude toward writing

is directly correlated with better performance.


In the light of the findings and conclusions, the following are offered as

recommendations for possible action:

1. The study findings can serve as the foundation for designing age-appropriate

writing activities tailored to the students' levels. School administrators and

teachers can utilize this information to enhance English writing instruction both

within the classroom and in related context.

2. The study findings leverage the evident strong writing proficiency among

students. Educators are encouraged to explore specific writing opportunities, such

as assigning creative writing tasks, essay compositions, and engaging in various

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writing forms. This targeted approach aims to further refine and showcase the

students' diverse writing skill.

3. Future researchers should use tools like dictionaries, online resources, and

educational apps to boost students' writing skills and cultivate a positive approach

to writing. Additionally, integrating technology for engaging writing games,

language-enhancing tools, and interactive platforms can enhance the effectiveness

and enjoyment of the learning process.

4. For institutions as a result of this study improving writing performance across

basic and higher education levels in the Philippines is recommended. By

strengthen the availability of their writing skills in school. Promote a writing

program that focus on cultivating positive attitudes. Develop multifaceted

programs that address specific writing skills, such as grammar, organization, and

vocabulary, to provide comprehensive support for students.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education


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Appendix A. Letters

Appendix B. Questionnaire
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I. Profile
Name (Optional): _______________________________
Sex: ____
Strand: ______________

Previous School:

 Public

 Private

Directions: Complete the questionnaire below by putting a check (√) mark next to the
answer that represents your attitude in Writing.

Highly Favorable Unfavorable Highly

Questions Favorable Unfavorable
4 3 2 1
1.How do you feel about
writing from someone
else’s perspective?

2.How do you feel about

writing about something
you have heard or seen?

3. How do you feel about

checking your own written

4. How do you feel

explaining to someone in
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
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5. How do you feel about

writing during your free

6. How do you feel about

writing a diary?

7. How do you feel about

writing poetry for

8. How do you feel about

drafting a letter expressing
your insight on a subject?

9. How do you feel being

an author of certain

10.How do you feel being

a writer for a newspaper?

11. How do you feel about

being a better writer?

12. How do you feel about

composing a story instead
of doing your homework?

13. How do you feel about

composing a story while
watching TV?

14. How do you feel when

your friends read your
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15. How comfortable are

you with writing about
your life experiences?

16. How do you feel about

writing more in school?

17. How do you feel

taking notes on significant
points during discussion?

18. How do you feel about

writing a lengthy story or
report in school?

19. How do you feel your

classmates discussing
ways to improve their

20. How do you feel your

teacher is requesting you
to revise your work?

Writing Performance Test

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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

In this writing performance test, carefully read the provided passage and

question, then choose whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Write a

clear and organized paragraph explaining your viewpoint, supported by reasons or

examples. Use simple language, avoid errors, and complete your response within

a 60-minute time frame.

1. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following questions.

As much as loyalty is the foundation of our relationships with friends and those we love,

our loyalties are always getting hopelessly tangled and compromised. Even if we want to

commit ourselves to being true, we can never escape the conflicting demands that our

contradictory loyalties create. The loyalties we have to various people can come into

conflict; the loyalties we have to family may clash with the loyalties we bear our friends;

our personal loyalties may be at odds with our patriotic duties.

Adapted from Eric Felten, Loyalty: The Vexing Virtue

Questions: Is it possible to maintain conflicting loyalties? Plan and write an essay in

which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning

and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

2. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following questions.

In today's complex society there are many activities and interests competing for our time

and attention. We tend to think that the more choices we have in life, the happier we will

be. But having too many options—choices about how to spend our time or what interests
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

to pursue— can be overwhelming and can make us feel like we have less freedom and

less time.

Adapted from Jeff Davidson, "Six Myths of Time Management"

Questions: Is having too many choices a problem? Plan and write an essay in which you

develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and

examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations

3. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following questions.

In this day and age, you must understand the overwhelming importance of owning

unnecessary material. In the way we live now, you are not what you produce. You are

what you buy. And outside of that which is found in a few aisles in the grocery and

hardware stores, most of what you consume is totally unnecessary.

Adapted from James B. Twitchell, Living It Up: Our Love Affair with Luxury 8

Questions: Is most of what people buy totally unnecessary? Plan and write an essay in

which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning

and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations

Appendix C. Certifications
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

Appendix D. Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education


Name: Myansan T. Espedido

Address: Purok 1, Amobocan Cauayan City, Isabela
Contact Number: 09658636899
E-mail Address:
Birth Date: February 06,2001
Place of Birth: Cauayan City, Isabela
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Enrique C. Espedido
Mother’s Name: Ma. Luz T. Espedido


Elementary: Amobocan Elementary School 2008 - 2014

Junior High School: San Antonio National High School 2014 - 2018
Senior High School: San Antonio National High School 2018 - 2020
College: University of Perpetual Help System 2020 -present
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

Curriculum Vitae

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Arts and Education

Name: Kathrina May D. Caraang

Address: Bannagao Aurora Isabela
Contact Number: 09553765607
E-mail Address:
Birth Date: May 30, 2002
Place of Birth: San Juan Isabela
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Ronald G. Caraang
Mother’s Name: Marites C. Caraang


Elementary: Bannagao Elementary School 2008 - 2014

Junior High School: Doña Aurora National High School 2014 - 2018
Senior High School: University of Perpetual Help Sysrtem 2018 – 2020
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College: University of Perpetuanl Help System 2020 -present
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

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