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Design of Dies - Unit 5

Design And Drawing Of a Component.

Forging design:-The tools necessary to produce a given forging can not be made
until the shape of the final forging has been determined.Therefore it is essential
that the tool designer has an understanding of the underlying principles of the
forging design.These will be considered in the following order.

1. Forging Draft.
2. Parting Planes.
3. Fillets and corner radii.
4. Shrinkage and die wear.
5. Mismatch.
6. Tolerances.
7. Finish Allowances.
Thickness tolerance apply to the forging dimensions which cross the parting
plane of the dies.They are applied both as plus and as minus value.If an excessive
flash is thrown between the die faces and becomes too cold ,the flash will tend to
keep the die from closing.To prevent this the flash thickness in the die is kept as
thick as possible.
Commercial plus tolerance on thickness dimensions are approximately +0.8 mm
on forging upto 4.5 kg +1.5 mm, forging from 2.5 kg to 10 kg and 2.5 mm from 10
kg to 25 kg.
Commercial minus tolerance on thickness dimensions are -0.25 mm upto 4.5 kg
,-0.58 mm from 2.5 kg to 10 kg and -0.8 mm from 10 kg to 25 kg.(contd)

The forging die designer can control the plus variations by providing ample flash
thickness in the die ,establishing a trimming operation to remove the majority of
the flash before finish forging or by designing a set of coin dies to force the excess
material down to size .Scale falling into the cavity can also cause an undersize
condition ,but the designer has little control over this factor.It is customarily
controlled by the inspection department during forging.

Forging Design
Before the dies are designed ,it is necessary to design the shape of the forging to be
obtained from the die.First step in the design of a drop forging is the decision regarding
what impressions (stages) are necessary to achieve the necessary fibre flow direction
so that the requisite strength is obtained.Normally fullering,edging, ,and finishing
impressions are necessary.The other types of impressions are only required in special
A blocking impression becomes a necessity only when the component is to be
accurately made or the component has deep pockets or thin ribs which are difficult to
be obtained in a single finishing impression.A bending impression is required when
the part is of bent nature and the grain direction is to be along the bend line. In such a
case,the bending impression is to be obtained before the blocking impression or
finishing impression when no blocking is used.Similarly a flattening impression is used
when the component is thin and perpendicular to one plane.
Die Design For Drop Forging And Press Forging
The art of forging die design aims at determining the minimum number of steps lead from the
starting material (usually a round or rectangular bar)to the finished shape.In a single impression
dies die impression is the finishing impression ,the preliminary forging operations are done on
other machines forging rolls.upsetter and benders etc. For a multi-impression die,the preliminary
forging operations or the preform operations that are usually required in shaping the part are are
generally classified are

1. Fullering or Swaging.
2. Edging or rolling.
3. Bending.
4. Drawing Down or Drawing Out or cogging.
5. Flattening.
6. Blocking

The other operations on such a die are

7.Finishing operation .8.Cut off.

Fuller Design.
The object of fullering is to reduce the cross sectional area of the forging stock and
to elongate it,to redistribute metal prior to further performing or forging operations
as shown in fig.

The stock is placed between horizontal faces on dies and is subjected to

repeated blows usually not more than 4 blows.the job is rotated through 90°after
each blow.Since the transverse flow of metal between fuller is controlled by the
friction set up between dies and bar stock and also depends on longitudinal flow
,the most important consideration of the fuller design is a set gap for particular bar.

Types of Fullers.
There are three types fullers which may be used.

(a).Flat fuller:-Flat fullers are the easiest and cheapest to make and are therefore
most often used,especially,for bar sizes above 25 mm as shown in fig.

(b).Grooved Fullers:-The grooved fullers as shown in fig also give improved

elongation especially on bars under 25 mm.However with this type of fuller large
reduction must be avoided since the oval preform produced by the first blow can
easily buckle when turned through 90°for the second blow.Because of this
grooved fullers are not recommended for fixed stroke hammers which strike full
blows even during performing.

(c).Crowned Fullers:-These fullers gives greater elongation of the forging stock

for a given gap than flat fullers as shown in fig. 20
Various Steps in Drop Forging.
The final shape desired in drop forging can not be obtained directly from the stock to the
desired size.Depending on the shape of the component,and the desired grain flow direction
the material should be manipulated in a number of passes.The various passes used are

● Fullering Impression:-It is usually the first operation performed on the heated bar ,its
primary function is to reduce the cross-sectional area of the stock.The fullering
impression looks like small mountain on each of the die block shown in fig.The stock is
turned 90O between each blow and is slowly progressed to obtain the required fullering
length.The impression machined in die to achieve this called fullering
impression.Sometimes it may be possible to obtain this without a special die
impression in open dies.
● As a rough rule the two impressions should be kept equal to the thickness of forging
less 1.6 mm to 5 mm.The length of the fullering impression depends upon the length of
the fullered stock.Generally it is taken as ¼ th the length of the fullered stock or ½ times
the length of the original stock required for fullering whichever is less.The distance
between the relief portions of the impressions should be twice the diameter of the stock.
Fullering Impression

General Consideration of Fuller Design.(contd)
When a bar is forged in a fullering tool some of the metal displaced flows sideways and
some longitudinally to produce a shape shown in fig.when the piece is turned through 90°for
the second fullering blow a tall narrow piece is presented.To prevent buckling of this piece
during the second blow the height to width ratio must not exceed 3.It is thus obvious that for
a given fullering operation there is maximum gap which can be used to allow successful
forging of the bar in the second blow.This minimum gap depends on the type of fuller ,its
length and the size and shape of the bar stock.

(a).Gap width:-The gap depth to be used in fullering is related to the cross sectional area
required in the fullered stock.Dr.J.Jyoce gives the following method for selecting the gap

G=√A -1.6 mm for small bars, G=√A -3.0 mm for larger bars. (contd)

Where A is cross sectional area of the forging without flash. 24

General Consideration Of Fuller Design(contd)
(b).Fuller Width:-The width of the fuller must be such that the spread of metal
which occurs on the first blow does not cause pinching which leads to folds during
subsequent blows.For flat fullers the width is usually a minimum of 1.4 to 1.5 times
the bar stock dimensions.The overall width of the grooved fullers tends to be
greater than this due to the need to provide generous roll of radii.the
recommendations for fuller design are summarised in fig.

Edging Impression:-Also called as
“PRE FORM”.This stage is required
to gather the exact amount of material
required at each cross section of the
finished component.This is the most
important stage in drop
forging.Properly designed pre-form
ensures a defect free flow of
metal,complete die fill and minimum
flash loss.

Rolling Or Edger Design (contd)
The main purpose of rolling tool is

1.To distribute metal as evenly as possible along the length of the forging to
correspond with the requirements of the moulding or finishing impression into
which the preformed bar is to be placed.

2.To gather metal to a limited extent thus increasing the cross section of the stock
locally and allowing the smallest possible bar size to be used.

3.To iron out any irregularities in the preform shape created in the fullering

4.This operation is also called edging,but it is preferable to use the term edging for
a side operation where the section of the stage is flat rather than radiused.(contd)
Rolling Or Edger Design.

Rolling Or Edger Design (contd)
The following procedure can be used to design the edging impression.
1. The plan view of the forging is traced out on a tracing paper ,if the forging is
complicated the side view may also be traced out.
2. Next layout is an estimated outline of the flash around the forging.Flash or excess
metal extruded from the finishing impression during forging acts as cushion for
impact blows and as a pressure relief valve for the almost incompressible work
material. The flash leaves the die cavity through a narrow passage provided all
round the die cavity.Due to this restrict the outward flow of the material and
thereby helps in the complete filling of the die cavity including the ribs and bosses.
Flash thickness or clearance=0.5 mm (minimum) upto 9.525 mm for forging
weighing upto 90 kg.
Or Reasonable guide guide for flash thickness=3% of the maximum forging
thickness.or minimum flash width per side=6.35 mm.
Design of edging (contd)
3.Draw a base line parallel to the longitudinal axis of the forging at a convenient
distance towards the right from the plan view.

4.In designing the edging impression ,the idea to calculate metal required at every
point along the length of the use .To find out the metal requirement,the forging is
assumed to be cut at every point along its length ,by planes perpendicular to the die
parting surface and the metal content of each of these planes is calculated.The usual
procedure is to take a section at every section change.The area of cross section at
each of the above planes is calculated.These areas are then plotted on the appropriate
cutting lines(horizontal) to some suitable as shown in fig.

5.Add the cross sectional area of the flash to the curve plotted in step 4 .
Area of flash=Flash width xflash thickness.
Edging design (contd)
6.The calculated area at each section is then converted into equivalent circular section by
using the formula. D=2x√ (A/𐍀) or Radius R=√(area/𐍀) where A =area of each section as
plotted in step 5.,D=diameter,R=radius
7.Next to trace the edging impression ,the centre line of the impression is drawn in the
extreme right corner.
8.Then corresponding to each section a point at a distance equal to the radius of the
equivalent circular section ,from the centre line of the edging impression is plotted on the
tracing paper.
When all such points have been plotted ,these are joined by a smooth curve.While joining
the points ,one should keep in mind the requirements of smooth metal flow.
9.From the edging impression ,the dimensions of the blank needed to produce a forging can
be calculated.Minimum diameter of the blank will be equal to the maximum diameter of
the preform and the length of the blank will be equal to the total volume of the preform
impression divided by the area of the largest cross section of the edging impression
Edging design (contd)
10.The next impression is to design the front and back portion of the edging
impression.In the front ,a necking impression is provided .In the rear ,the
impression is completely closed ,but it is not desirable, as the operator may not be
able to gauge the length exactly and some extra length may be there which may
introduce a defect in the forging if the space is not provided for its escape.This is
usually obtained by providing 6.5 mm opening between the two dies in their closed
position.While tracing the edging impression ,the centre line of the edging
impression is shifted to 3.25 mm towards the points to allow for the opening
between the dies in operation.If this is not provided ,the metal obtained in the
edging will be too much in excess and all the metal will be wasted in the form of
11.The edging impression is very important one and all the calculations must be
done carefully because, if the metal is less than what is required ,the die
cavity will not be filled up and the forging will have to be rejected.If on the
other hand ,the metal is more than required one the metal will be wasted
which will be very serious when the large number of forgings are to be 34
Various Steps in Drop Forging(contd)
Bending Impression:-This is required for those parts which have a bent
shape.The bent shapes can also be obtained without the bending impression,but
then ,the grain flow directions will not follow the bent shape and thus the point of
bend may become weak.To improve the grain flow ,therefore a bending
impression is incorporated after edging impression.One blow is generally required
for the bending operation.
Drawing out:-It is an operation similar to fullering with a difference that fullering
reduces the stock between the two ends of the stock at a central place,where as
the drawing operation reduces the stock size only at the ends.

Bender Design.
Many forgings after fullering and rolling must be bent before being presented to
the moulding or finishing die impression and thus a bending tool must be

The main consideration in bender design are to ensure that a rolled use can
easily located on the bending tool and also that the tool works on the whole of the
performed use.

The general basic shape of the bending tool is governed by the plain view of the
forging but the apex radius on the tool always be larger than the inside radius of
the forging as shown in fig.This ensures that the bent use will be outside the
forging impression at the inside of the bend so that flash will form here before it is
met by flash from the sides of the use.(contd)
Bender Design (contd)
It is also common when making severe bends such as right angles to grove the
apex of the male bending tool as shown in prevent any pinching of the use.

A convenient place to locate the use for bending is on the neck of the tool.Sinc
during rolling the neck of the rolling tool acts in the same way as fuller and
stretches the bar ,the neck on the bender must be greater than that on the fuller to
allow easy location.On deeply bent uses some stretching of the stock can occur
and in such cases it is advisable to design the bender first and then consider the
roller design.

Where a boss occurs in the forging at a bend the bender should be designed to
push the use towards the outside of the impression and to nip the bar at the point
as shown in fig.
Bender Design(contd)
If the bender design is such that the use metal is on the inside of the boss,metal
moves back to fill the boss in the finisher faster than the arm sections and a cold
shut can result.

The clearance between forging contour and bender contour usually varies
between 2 to 10 mm but actual dimensions of bender gap is governed by the
section of the “use”from fullering or rolling operations.The top die must be at
least 3 to 4 mm narrower than the bottom die and the width must be such
that the stamper does not feel difficulty in positioning the use.A minimum
width of 12 mm more than the width of largest steel section anticipated is
suggested.The female bender should be at least 3 mm wider than the
male.Bender edges must be well rolled off.
Various Steps In Drop Forging(contd)

Flattening:-Sometimes there is a need for flattening the stock before passing it onto to the
final impression.This is done in flattening impression,usually very simple and situated in one
of the front corners of the die block.In designing the flattening impression one should keep in
mind two things.

1. That the space provided must be large enough to accommodate the flattened stock.
2. The opening must be so designed to give the required height of the stock after

Blocking Impression or the Blocker:-Also
called as “semi finishing” impression,it is a step
before finishing.In forging,it is very difficult for
the material to flow to deep pockets,sharp
corners,etc.Hence before the actual shape is
obtained,the material is allowed to have one or
more blocking impressions where it acquires the
shape very nearer to the final one.The blocking
impression is characterised by large corner
radii,and fillets,but no flash.For complex shapes
more than one blocking impression may be

Blocker or Mould design
Where multiple impression dies are used for long running jobs the life of the
finishing impression can be greatly extended by incorporating a mould or blocker
in the die.The moulding impression serves several functions.Firstly it
converts a fullered and rolled use more closely to the final required
shape.Secondly it reduces wear on the finishing impression and finally it
facilitates filling of deep cavities by providing surplus metal at necessary
points in the die.
General Consideration of blocker or mould design:-The widest part of the
mould which occurs at the face should be 0.5 to 1.6 mm narrower than the
finishing impression.This prevents “chopping” of the moulded use by the finishing
die impression and also allow for the die growth due to wear of the die mould.To
preserve the required cross sectional area in the mould this reduced width must
be compensated by making the depth of the moulding impression greater than that
of the finisher. 46
Mould Design(contd)
For blocker or mould design following points can be considered.
1. Fillet and corner radii should be as larger as possible.
2. Rapid change of section should be eliminated by the use of large radii.
3. Thin walled section chill rapidly and should be avoided on the blocker.
4. Rib sections in the finisher should be starved of material by the blocker.
This narrower but deeper philosophy is however confined to sections which are
relatively wide,where tall narrow ribs occur in the finishing impression,making even
taller narrower ones in the mould is avoided due to the heat loss in such
sections.The objective of mould design in this case is to provide metal to fill ribs in
the finisher but to use a shape which conserves heat in the mould shape .Figs
shows this type of examples.

Various Steps In Drop Forging(contd)
Finishing Impression:-This is the actual impression Where the actual shape required is
obtained.The shape and size of the impression is checked in the process manufacture of
the die by lead test.In order to ensure that the metal completely fills the die cavity,a little
extra metal is added to the stock.The extra metal will form the flash and surrounds the
forging in the parting line.

The finishing impresion is located in the middle of the die block in such a way to
avoid side thrust and so it avoids the mismatch.

Trimming:-In this stage the extra flash present around the forging is trimmed to get the
forging in the usable form.

Cut Off
Cut off:-When the forgings are
made from the bar stock,they
must be cut off after the
operation is completed.This
done either by a special side
cutter of the trimming press or
by the cut off impression milled
usually in the left back corner
of the die block as shown in fig.

Flash And Gutter
The excess metal added to the stock to
ensure complete filling of the die cavity in
the finishing impression is called
flash.Flash acts as a cushion for impact blows
from the finishing impression and also helps to
restrict the outward flow of metal,thus helping
in filling of thin ribs and bosses in the upper
die.The amount of flash depends on the
forging size and may vary from 10 to 50%.The
flash flows around the forging in the parting
plane as shown in fig.The flash is provided
uniformly around the periphery of the forging
in the parting plane.The minimum flash
allowances suggested are given in 51
Flash And Gutter(contd)
It has been found that the forging load is generally influenced by the flash thickness and
width.The forging load can thus be decreased by increasing the flash
thickness.However,this increases the metal to be left in flash increasing the scrap
losses.Also the forging load decreases with an increase in the average thickness of the
component.Thus it is more difficult to forge thin components than the thicker one.

In addition to the flash,provision should be made in the die for additional space so that any
excess metal can flow and help in the complete closing of the die.This is called Gutter.
Without gutter,flash may become excessively thick,not allowing the dies to close
completely.The gutter shown in fig should be more than the flash provided.The preferred
gutter sizes are presented in table.The flash land provided in the die should be about 3%
of the maximum forging thickness(0.5 to 8.0 mm).If the flash land is too small,then the
energy required for the forging increases because of the excess metal trapped in the finishing
impression and the flash land wears out quickly.Similarly,too high a flash land lets the work
material to flow into the gutter and thus the die cavity gets unfilled. 54
Design of die layout.
Having decided the details of the performing ,mould and finished impressions the
designer must determine how they are to be laid out on the die surface.At this
stage many factors must be taken into account to ensure a satisfactory layout on
the minimum size of the die block.The checklist and procedure given below
describes briefly a pattern for die layout.
Die Layout Procedure:-
1.Check that the plan views of the finish and moulding impressions are correct
especially where the forging is not symmetrical about the parting line.
2.Trace the final impression together with flash land and gutter.Additional gutter
width should be allowed where excessive flash is anticipated often it will be possible
to join the gutter at the widest points of the impression by straight lines as shown
in fig.8.11 (contd)
Design of Die layout(contd)
3.Draw the mould impression to the right or left of the finisher with the flash land
and gutter mould impression is flashed where the mould is not flashed sprues
may be used to restrict the flash thrown.
As a general guide the widest part of the mould should be atleast from the edge
of the finisher flash,gutter as shown in fig 8.12.This distance however may need to
be increased if the mould and finish impressions are deep.The minimum wall
thickness (w) between impression may be decided from the table 8.13
If the required distance between the mould and finish impression is large it may
be possible to stagger the impressions to avoid having the deepest parts of the
mould and finish impressions in line with each other.Staggering of the impressions
is however confined to forgings with a straight parting line.

Design Of Die Layout(contd)
4.Once the position of the mould and finish impressions is established the width of the
register ,if one is used can be decided.The width is determined by deciding the wall
thickness required between the impression and the edge of the male register. The table in
fig 8.14 may be used as guide.The width of the female register wall should be at least equal
to the depth of the wall .

5.The rolling impression can next be added outside the register if one is used.The width of
the roller will be determined from the roller design.

6.The fuller or fullers are usually inclined at 10 to 15 °across the left hand corner of the die
block as shown in fig 8.15.This gives some saving on the die width and preserves cushion
face area.

7.If the forging is to cut off in the die the cut off tool should be placed on the back left of the
die and inclined at 10 to 15 °.A check should be made to ensure that the angle chosen does
not cause the bar to foul the hammer guides.
Design Of Die Layout(contd)
8.when the impressions have been laid out as described the size of the die block
can be determined.After deciding a trail die outline the crash area and its
distribution should be checked.

Before finally deciding the die block dimensions reference should be made to
standard die block sizes supplied by manufacturers.

9.Finally the position of the dovetail and dowel must be decided.

In multi impression dies it is not usually possible to have the centre line of the
finisher, directly over centre line of the dovetail.Jyoce recommends that the
distance between centres of the mould and finisher should be offset from the
centre line of the dovetail by a distance x/4 as shown in fig 8.16.
Multi impression Die Forging video Example :

Tools for Flash Trimming And Hole piercing.
After a forging produced in dies ,the flash around the edges of the forging must
be removed.This operation of flash trimming or removal is done on special
trimming dies of crank or eccentric type.

The set of flash trimming tools consists of a trimmer blade and a trimmer punch
as shown in fig.A trimmer blade is designed and machined to the contour of the
forging at the die parting line.The blade is made of tool steel and has a cavity both
in contour and dimensions to the finish impression of the forging die.For small and
medium forgings ,trimmer blades are usually made from one piece of steel,but for
large forgings it is preferable to make trimmer blades built up from small segments
mounted on the common base and accurately fitted together. (contd)

Trimming Tool(contd)
Forging of the trimmer blades used for small, medium sized forgings is usually made in
special holders known as shoes or bolsters which are fastened by 4 bolts to the table of
trimming press.Fastening part of the trimmer punches should be designed according to
the nature of the fastening elements provided on the slide of the press.In small,trimming
presses ,it is usually around hole with a setting screw which takes the shank of the
trimmer punch.Bigger presses have a rectangular slot with several .The large presses are
usually made with a dovetail slot and fastening of the punch to the press slide is made
exactly on the same principle as fixing die block on the hammers.
For trimming the flash ,the die forging is placed over the cavity of the trimmer blade ,the
flash serving as the support for the forging.When the press is started ,punch travels down
wards and cuts of the flash.The forging falls down into the slot and the flash remains on
the top of the trimmer blade.Trimming can be done with or without previous heating.
Forging of aluminium alloys ,copper,brass,bronze and of mild steel are usually trimmed in
unheated state .However the forgings of hard steels as well as those of larger dimensions
,should always be heated before trimming.(contd)
Trimming tools(contd)
The clearance between the trimmer blade cavity (die opening)and the trimmer punch is
0.8 to 1.5 mm.The angles of cutting edges of the trimmer blade ,that is taper of the cavity
are different,when provided for trimming the flash in hot or cold conditions.It is 10° for hot
work, 5° for cold work.
Minimum thickness of trimmer blade =50 mm
Minimum width or length of the trimmer blade =Cavity diameter + 100 mm, cavity
diameter will be the outer dimension of the forging.
Capacity of the trimming press C = 1/3 x px tx k/1000 tonnes where p = perimeter of
the forging in mm ,t =effective thickness of the flash,in mm,
=1.5 x flash thickness for normal trimming,2.5 xflash thickness for piercing,factor K =80
Kg per mm square.
When tools are designed for hot trimming,they must be with standard shrinkage
allowance of 1/100th of the nominal length. 71
Tools for piercing the holes
Tools for piercing the holes in forgings consists of piercing blades(die) and piercing
punches.Piercing blades may be designed with usual cutting edges but quite often they
are only serving as forging locating elements.In this case,piercing operation is
performed by punch,which gives a rather rough cut. Piercing punches must always
possess sharp cutting edges.The piercing punches used in forge for cold work are very
often simple loose punches.This type of punch is put on each forging by hand.The
punch locates itself on small cylindrical pegs,specially provided in the forging.If the
holes have an irregular shapes,two pegs are provided.The actual punching operation is
done by a power press on which table a piercing blade is placed.The slide of the press
on its downward stroke movement presses the punch and pushes it right through.For
hot piercing the punch is generally fastened to the slide of the press and the piercing
blade is usually provided with a suitable stripper to strip forging from the punch.

Combined Trimming and piercing tools.
Combined trimming and piercing tools ,which perform both operations
simultaneously ,are designed with the trimming blade and punch located on a suitable base
with tapered cavity and central peg.When lifting up the punch and the trimming blade ,it is
very easy to remove from the tool finished ,trimmed and punched forging.

For the piercing operation

● Diameter of the punch =Diameter of hole to be pierced and

● Diameter of the piercing =Diameter of hole + 0.8 to 1.5 mm.

Blade (die cavity)

● Minimum thickness of the piercing blade =40 mm

● Taper of piercing blade recess = 5°
● Thickness of the piercing punch =25 mm
● Total length of piercing punch, (minimum ) =Depth of forging + 20 mm
After the trimming operation ,the forging may get slightly distorted or deformed
,and must be straightened in this operation .Straightening operation can be done
cold or hot as the case may be.Straightening under the hammer is done with one
light blow in the finish forging impression of the die or in a special straightening

Die Design For Machine Forging(Upsetting)
In completing a forging in the forging machine, one or more steps comprise the sequence so
that metal may not fold upon itself producing a cold shut or cracks,in the forgings.These
steps are commonly termed as passes,blows,or shots.To use good forging design,It is
necessary to understand the practical laws that govern the action of metal in the forging
machine and cover the majority of the forging machine die design problems.
For practical purposes ,the laws have been translated into series of rules for use in forging
machine practice so as to be certain that the forgings do not develop cold shuts and other
injurious defects.The rules apply to all diameter stock to be upset.
Rule no.1:-The limit of length of unsupported stock that can be gathered or upset in one
blow without injurious buckling is not more than three times the diameter of the bar
shown in fig.If an attempt be made to upset a length of stock longer than 3 times the bar
diameter,instead of upsetting uniformly ,the stock will buckle at a point near the middle and
result in more of the upset forming on one side of the centre of the stock.In practice ,it is
better than the length of the unsupported stock is with in 2.5 times the bar diameter.
Die Design For Machine Forging(upsetting)(contd)
Rule no.2:-Length of stock more than 3 times the bar diameter that is within the
limits of the stroke of the machine can be successfully upset in one blow ,provided
the diameter of the upset made is not more than 1.5 times the bar diameter.If this
is kept more than 1.5d ,the buckling will be excessive and the stock will fold in .In
practice ,it is advisable not to exceed 1.3 times bar diameter as shown in fig.

Rule no.3:-In an upset requiring more than 3d in length when the diameter of the
upset is 1.5d ,the amount of unsupported stock beyond the face of the die must not
exceed one diameter(1d) of the bar.shown in fig.However ,if the diameter of the
hole in the die is required below 1.5d ,then the length of the unsupported stock
beyond the face of the die can be correspondingly increased.

Die Design For Machine Forging(upsetting)(contd)
Rule No4:-Avoid using head diameter greater than four times the stock
diameter.A maximum of 63.5 mm diameter can be upset one time.Selection of
correct size machine necessary to forge a part should be governed by the
following factors.

1. Volume of stock required in the finished forging.

2. Size of the stock used.
3. Maximum dimension of the finished forging.
4. Number of blows necessary to complete the forging.

The following sequences are formulated for the purpose of eliminating guesswork
and creating a more positive method of study for the forging problem.the steps are
as given below.(contd)
● Calculate the volume of metal in the part to be forged.
● Determine the proper cross section of metal and shape of the metal to be used
to make the forging.
● With the shape and area of the cross section as well as the volume of the
upset ,calculate the length of the metal necessary.
● Calculate the number of blows necessary to complete the forging ,using the
general rules that eliminate folding and buckling.
● Make a die layout to determine the size of the die blocks and heading tools
necessary to accommodate the required number of blows and cavity
● Determine the size of the forging machine to be used ,bearing in mind the size
of the bar to be used,size of the forging to be made ,size of the die blocks
necessary ,length of header slide,length of stroke,length of gather,length of die
opening etc. (contd)
● Use hot dimensions on all cavities.
● Provide for clearance between heading tools and their mating dies when
these tools enter the dies.
● Provision should be made for proper grip of the stock.The length of the grip
should not be less than 3d.Also,the cavity diameter in this area should
measure approximately 0.30 to 0.50 mm smaller than the diameter of the bar
to be forged.The cross section of a well designed gripping impression is
shown in fig.
● With the dies and tools designed and the impressions machined in the die
blocks ,it is advisable to place the tools in the tool holders and make a
preliminary set up of the dies and tools in a face plate for final checking before
placing them in the forging machine. (contd)
● Setting of the dies and tools in the forging machine requires a check of parallelism for
the die sets and also the travel of the header slide.
● A small stream of coolant should be directed on the dies and tools to dissipate the heat
and keep the dies free from scales,that may gather in the cavities.The best results may
be obtained from a solution of soluble oil and water.

Upsetters have the following plus points in addition to the advantages.

1. A high degree of accuracy in dimensional tolerances.

2. Die life is increased by minimising the contact time between the dies and the hot metal.
3. Die setting time is less than drop forging for similar jobs.
4. Reduction in the manpower required as compared to drop forging .
5. Die manufacturing cost is less as insert technology is very suitable for upsetter dies.
6. Preparation of raw material (preform design) is not needed as the bar stock is directly
used in dies. 82
Warm Working
Warm working is the plastic deformation of a metal at temperatures below the
temperature for recrystallization and above room temperature .It attempts to
combine the advantages of both hot and cold working into one operation.Warm
working has been applied most extensively to the forging of steel ,where it offers
the potential of fewer forging steps,reduced forging loads,and energy savings (due
to elimination of in-process anneals) compared with cold forging. When compared
with hot working it offers the advantage of improved dimensional control ,higher
quality surfaces ,and lower energy costs.Successful implementation of worm
working depends critically on using the proper lubricant and selecting a material
and die design that are optimized for the warm working conditions.

Shape of the forging and preform design
The preliminary or pre form operations (pre form design) needed will depend upon
the shape of the forging.In case of forgings of simple shapes ,pre form design
before finishing impression may not be necessary or economical.However ,for
forgings having wide variations in sections or of irregular shape,pre forming
operations before the finishing operations will be necessary for improving die life.
While designing pre form ,it must be ensured that minimum deformation is
required to achieve the final shape in the finishing impression.The forgings can be
classified as given below.
For class 1 and class 2 forgings ,only blocker impressions will be required,but for
forgings of class 3 fullering,edging /rolling or bending impressions may be needed
in addition to the blocker impression ,depending upon the nature of the forging.

Die block dimension
The dimensions of the die block depend upon the length of the finish forging impression
,depth of the impression and the number of impressions in the die block.For a single
impression die ,the length of die block may be taken as
L=l+3h(minimum), shown in fig and breadth
l=total length of the impression,h=maximum depth of the impression,
b=maximum width of the impression,c=constant,
c=3 for b upto 5 cm,2.5 for b upto 25 cm,2 for b above 25 cm.
The height of the die block determines the maximum impression depth,since adequate die
material must be there between the bottom of impression and bottom face of the die block to
provide strength in the die.
From the strength point of view of the dies and the die wear the ratio of h and b is given below
Die block dimensions (contd)
So, once the length,width and depth of forging impression are known(from the
design of forging),the dimension of the die block can be determined as explained
The face area of the die block may also be taken as 500 mm2 per 1000 of tup
weight. According to one manufacturer .for rams of standard forge alloy steel the
face area of the die block may be taken as given below.
Gravity drop hammer:-Minimum area of the upper die face =
30% of ram area for 2.3 to 11.5 KN hammer.
=35% of the ram area for 13.8 to 23 KN hammer.
=40% of ram area for 27.6 KN and over hammer.
The weight of upper die may be taken as equal to 25% to 30% of the falling
weight. 89
Die block dimensions (contd)
Power drop hammer:-Minimum area of upper die face=

50% of the ram area for 4.6 to 13.5 KN hammer.

60% of ram area for 18.4 KN 36.8 KN hammer.

70% of ram area for 46 KN and over hammer.

The forged blanks for top and bottom parts of dies ,known as die blocks may have
their sizes standardised.The smallest block may the size 200x140x300 mm
(width x height x length)and the largest ; 375 x 350 x 950 .

Size of the die block
For a multiple impression die ,the additional data needed is the minimum striking
surface ,that is the distance between impressions and between outer edges of end
impressions and the die edges (multi impression fig.),the edges or roller is placed
on the extreme right side of the die block(it can be left side also).The roller width is
taken as follows.
Roller width =Required steel size +19 mm, for sizes upto 50 mm round
=Required steel size + 25 mm ,for sizes from 50 to 75 mm round
=Required steel size +32 mm ,for sizes from 75 to 100 mm round
=Required steel size +38 mm,for sizes from 100 to 125 mm round.
Size of the die blocks (contd)
The next considerations are the distance between or around impressions.The area covered by
these distances serve two purposes .One is the striking surface and the other being a provision for
the excess metal.If the striking area between the impressions is too little ,rapid upsetting of the die
face will result ,causing an undersize conditions on the forging thickness .The striking surface
between cavities is considerably reduced by the flashing and guttering of the dies.

Distance between finishing and blocking impression or other impression

=flash width + gutter width +12.5 mm , the distance between impressions and also between edges
of the impressions and the edges of the block are kept equal to the value calculated above.

● Blocker width =maximum width of forging

● Finishing width= maximum width of forging.
● Length of the fuller =(1 to 1.5) x d +(5 to 10 ) mm.
● Width of the fuller =(1.25 to 1.50) x d + 20 mm for inclined impression where d
=side of the blank. 92
Determination Of Stock Size
The factors in estimating the stock size include the size and shape of the forging,the method
of heating,and the method of forging.The consideration which draws the attention of the
designer is the net weight of the forging,that is the weight of the forging finished to the
drawing dimensions.This can be easily found out by calculating the volume of the forging
and multiplying it by the density of the metal.The next step is to find the gross weight or the
amount of metal required to fabricate the forging.The gross weight is the sum of the net
weight and the losses due to flash,scale,tong hold,sprue and shear waste.The method of
finding these losses is explained below.

1.Flash loss:-Is a function of linear centimetres of flash,its width,and thickness.The machine

forged components generally will not have any flash in such cases flash loss should not be
taken into account.This holds good for some of the press forged components where very
little or no flash is formed.But in the case of drop forgings,flash loss is unavoidable and is
determined by flash thickness and area.In practice,a flash loss ranging from 15 to 20% of the
net weight is taken into account.
Determination Of Stock Size(contd)
2.Scale loss:-Scale loss due to the oxidation of the material and is a function of the surface
area exposed,the temperature of the heated piece and the length of time exposed.In
practice,the scale loss is considered as percentage of the net weight of the forging.for mild
steel it is taken as ,for forgings with net weight less than 45N,scale loss is 7.5%.For net
weight from 45 to 90 N scale loss is 6%,and for forgings with net weight above 90N the scale
loss is 5%.of the net weight.

3.Tong hold Loss:-In die forging a projection is often provided at one end of the forging to
facilitate for handling.In practice,about 50 to 60 mm projection is found ample.As a portion of
this is also used up in the sprue,for calculation purpose only 50% of this is taken into

4.Sprue Loss:-The connection between the tong hold and the forging is called the sprue and
this should be heavy enough to permit the lifting of the forging out of the impression without
any bending.Generally,7.5% of net weight is taken into account. 94
Determination Of Stock Size(contd)

Size of round or square Loss in %

Up to 5 cm 3%

5 cm to 7.5 cm 4%

7.5 cm to 10 cm 5%

Above 10 cm 6%

Determination Of Stock Size (contd)
1.Closed die forging:-The volume of metal required for closed die forging is calculated
from the following
V stock=Vforge+Vflash+Vsc+V tong hold+V sprue+V shear
● V stock =volume of bar stock in cm³
● Vforge =volume of forging in cm³
● Vflash =volume of flash in cm³
● Vsc =volume of scale in cm³
● V tong hold=volume of tong hold in cm³
● Vsprue =volume of sprue in cm³
● V shear =volume of shear loss in cm³

Determination Of Stock Size (contd)

The volume of the forging,Vforge is calculated from the drawing and includes all allowances.The volume
of flash is calculated from the formula

Vflash=pwt cm³

p =The perimeter of the forging along which the flash is located in cm,

w =average width of the flash in cm,

t =average thickness of flash in cm

Determination of Stock Size (contd)
The dimensions of flash are taken from standard tables and depend upon the forging
method.The shear loss occurs due to two factors.One is due to the factor that when forgings
are made from rolled sections,the bar stock can not be cut up in exact number of lengths for
forging.The remainder is shear loss.However the shear loss can be utilised for making other
forgings.Secondly the shear loss occurs equivalent to the thickness of the saw while cutting
individual length for each forging.

After determining all the losses, the volume of stock can be calculated.Then the length and
cross sectional area of the bar stock can be calculated.When calculating the dimensions of
the bar stock for drop forging without upsetting,it is to be ensured that the cross sectional
area of the is 10 to 15 % greater than that of the finished forging.

2.Open die forging:- The initial material in open die forging may be ingots,blooms,or rolled
billets of various cross sections and length.The billet weight for a forging may be determined
from the following formula.(contd) 98
Determination Of Stock Size (contd)

Win=Wf+Ws +Wc+Wt Newtons


● Win = weight of the initial material

● Wf = weight of the forging
● Ws = weight of the scale loss
● Wc = weight of the cropped ends
● Wt = weight of the trimming scrap
The weight of the forging,Win can be calculated from the part drawing .Scale loss is taken as 2 to
3% of the ingot or billet weight for each heating and from 1.5 to 2% for each subsequent
heating.The dimensions and the weight of the croppings will depend upon the shape and cross
sectional area of the stock.The volume of the croppings may be calculated from the following

Determination Of Stock Size (contd)
For Press forging

● For cylindrical section of diameter “d” Vc=0.21d³

● For rectangular section of width “b” and height “h” Vc=0.28b²h

For Hammer Forging

● For cylindrical section of diameter “d” Vc=0.23d³

● For rectangular section of width b,and height h Vc = 0.23b²h.

Determination Of Stock Size(contd)
In forging ingots,the weight of the cropped ends may be taken as 25 to 30% of the ingot weight of
the croppings may also taken from table,as a percentage of the weight of the forging,for various
types of forgings.

The weight of the trimming scrap depends upon the complexity of the forge and the method of the
forging employed.For forging of simple form, it is taken as 5 to 8 %.For certain intricate forgings it
may reach 30% of the billet weight.

Some loss of metal may also occur due to reminder.When making forgings,from rolled
sections,reminders occur as shear loss when the bar stock can not be cut in an exact number of
lengths for forgings.

After calculating the total initial weight of the material,the next step is to establish the shape and
dimension of the billet,this will depend on the degree of working which is defined as the ratio of
the cross sectional area of the billet to that of the finished forging.The ratio should be 3 to
5%for steel ingots,and from 1.1 to 1.5 for rolled billet.

Die Inserts
In closed die forging,the parts of the die which are subjected to excessive wear caused by
flow of metal are usually designed with exchangeable inserts .That is instead of one piece
solid die block,the impressions are sunk in inserts which are then secured in die holders.The
use of the inserts in closed die forging has the following advantages.

1. Instead of replacing the complete die block,only the insert will be replaced when it is
worn out.
2. They prolong the life of die block into which they fit.
3. The machine hours used for resinking are lesser.
4. Saving in die steel.
5. The die changing time is less as only inserts are to be taken out and replaced.
6. The same die holder can be used for many parts.
7. Handling of inserts is easier as compared to solid die blocks.(contd)

Die Inserts
Die Inserts(contd)
Against the above mentioned benefits the use of inserts has the following limitations.
1. The use of inserts is suitable only for round and symmetrical parts with a single parting
plane and which can be forged in a single die impression,for example the gear
blanks.In upset forging,the inserts are commonly used for heading tool faces.
2. The die life per sinking is lesser.
3. After resinking the packings below the inserts have to be readjusted properly otherwise
parts obtained will be outside the tolerance zone.
4. In drop forging the inserts tend to loosen due to impact force and the keys to be
tightened frequently.
The parts requiring pre form operations and having asymmetric parting line are preferably
are forged with solid dies.

The cavities and ribs including holes can be produced upto a certain depth only in
drop forging.The main reason for the limitation is that the punch needs to have the
necessary strength to withstand the forging load.Thin, long punches are likely to
wear out quickly and need reconditioning of the die.The common limits for the
depth of the rib to web enclosures and for cavities are presented in table with
reference to fig.

In addition to these allowances shown ,the various tolerances that are applicable
to forgings such as mismatch tolerance,weight tolerance,residual flash tolerance,
thickness tolerance,etc are given in hand books and standards.A sample
component after providing the necessary tolerances and allowances is shown in
Design a suitable tooling for upset forging of the component shown in fig.The
material is mild steel.
Solution:-The above fig shows the size and shape of the forging after giving 1.6
mm machining allowance on machined surface.All the dimensions shown above
are at room temperatures.for the design of the die,all the dimensions will be taken
on M.S contraction scale.
Justification for machine forging process. The following comparison justifies the above saving:

Sprue and gate design
A gate is cut at the front of the die on moulding and finishing impression to allow
handling of the bar.This gate is connected to the die cavity by sprue as shown in

Location of impressions
The final impression in a multi-impression die should be as for as possible located at the
centre of the die block.If it is not in the centre ,then there is a tendency for the die to shift and
it gives the shift of mismatch.The blocking and finishing impressions are cut in the block by
highly skilled men ,who use the milling machine,specially designed for sinking dies.(Now a
days using ECM and EDM are using for more accurate work.)Cutters of various types are
used according to the shape of each impression.But much of the accuracy of the die
depends upon hand work performed after it is sunk.When the forging die impressions are
completed ,the die blocks are clamped together in the position in which they will meet in the
forging operation and a lead antimony alloy is poured into the finishing impression.

The resulting lead cast is used to check the accuracy of the forging dimensions and is sent
to the customer for his approval.Since steel shrinks in cooling from its forging temperature
and the lead alloy does not ,it is necessary to allow for the shrinkage in checking the lead
cast.The correction amounts to about 16 mm per meter .After the lead cast has been
approved ,the dies are finished by machining the gutter and flash land etc.
Resinking of dies
Solid died must be resunk after they worn out of tolerance. For a block of given
,the number of resinkings depends mainly on the depth of the impression.In
general the thickness of block remaining beneath or above the impression should
be at least three times the depth of the impression.In practice cast dies are not
resunk when they become worn,but are melted and recast.

Extrusion process
Extrusion is the process of confining the metal in a closed cavity and then allowing it to flow
from only one opening so that the metal will take the shape of the opening.Ex:-squeezing of
toothpaste out of the toothpaste tube.
This process explained from the fig.The equipment consists of a cylinder or container
into which the heated metal billet is loaded.On one end of the container ,the die plate with
the necessary opening is fixed.From the other end ,a plunger or ram compresses the metal
billet against the container walls and the die plate.,thus forcing it to flow through the die
opening.The extruded metal is then carried by the metal handling system as it comes out of
the die.A dummy block which is a steel disc of about 40 mm (0.50 to 0.75 of diameter )thick
with a diameter slightly less than the container is kept between the hot billet and the ram to
protect it from the heat and pressure.
The flow of the metal in the extrusion process is shown in fig.The extrusion ratio is
defined as the ratio of cross sectional area of the billet to that of the extruded
section.The typical values of the extrusion ratios are 20 to 50.Low extrusion ratios are used
for intermediate operations when the billets are extruded to a given diameter before the final
extrusion. (contd)
Extrusion Process
Extrusion process (contd)
Since hot extrusion involves temperature in the
range of 500 to 1200℃ depending on the work
material extruded.,the cylinder and ram are
severely affected by the temperature as well as
the stresses.The pressure applied may range
from 35 to 1000 MPa. The extrusion
pressure for a given material depends on
the extrusion temperature ,the reduction in
area and the extrusion speed.

The extrusion speed depends on the work

material .Some of the light alloys may be
extruded at a speed of .05 M/sec, where as for
the copper alloys it may be as high as 4.5
M/sec.Too high an extrusion speed would
cause excessive heat generation in the
extruded metal causing lateral crack.
Extrusion (contd)
By the extrusion process ,it is possible to make components which have a
constant cross section over any length as can be had by rolling process.Some
typical parts that are extruded are shown in fig.The complexity of parts that can be
obtained by extrusion is more than that of rolling,because the die required being
very simple and easier to make.It is a single pass process unlike rolling.The
amount of reduction that is possible in extrusion is large i.e 60:1 .Generally brittle
materials can also be very easily extruded.It is possible to produce sharp corners
and re-entrant angles .It is also possible to get shapes with internal cavities in
extrusion by the use of spider dies .Large diameter ,thin walled tubular products
with excellent concentricity and tolerance characteristics can be produced.
Classification of Extrusion Process
Direct or forward extrusion process
In direct extrusion a metal billet is heated
to render it plastic ,and is placed in a
container .The billet is forced through a die
by the pressure applied from the
ram.During the process the container and
die are stationary ,and the billet moves
relative to the container.In this process the
flow of metal in the forward direction i.e the
same as that of ram.In forward extrusion
,the problem of friction prevalent because
of the relative motion between the heated
billet and the cylinder walls.To reduce the
friction lubricants are to be used.To reduce
the damage to the equipment ,extrusion is
finished quickly and the cylinder is cooled
before further extrusion.
Backward(Indirect) Extrusion Process
In order to completely overcome the friction ,the backward extrusion process is
used as shown in fig.In this the metal is confined fully by the cylinder .The
ram which houses the die ,also compresses the metal against
container,forcing it to flow backwards through the die in the hollow plunger
or ram.It is termed backward because of the opposite direction of the flow of
metal to that of ram movement. Thus the billet in the container remains
stationary and hence no friction.Also the extrusion pressure is not affected by the
length of the billet in this extrusion process since friction is not involved.The
surface quality is achieved generally good since no heat cracking due to the
friction between the billet and the extrusion cylinder interface.The disadvantage of
backward extrusion is that the surface defects of the billet would end up in the final
product unlike forward extrusion where these are discarded in the extrusion
container.Though advantageous,this process is not extensively used because of
the problem of handling extruding metal coming out through the moving ram.
Backward hot extrusion process
Tube Extrusion
Tube extrusion
It is a form of direct extrusion but uses mandrel to shape the inside of the tube.After the
heated billet is placed inside the container ,the die containing the mandrel is pushed through
the billet.The ram then advances and extrudes the metal through the die and around the
mandrel as shown in fig.

Cold Extrusion :-

1.Forward cold extrusion :-The forward cold extrusion process is similar to that of forward
hot extrusion except for the fact that the extrusion ratios possible are lower and extrusion
pressure is higher than that of hot is normally used for simple shapes requiring
better surface finish and to improve mechanical properties.Ex:-cans,various aluminium
brackets,shock absorber cylinders,rocket motors and heads etc.
Impact extrusion
Impact extrusion
The backward cold extrusion is much more common particularly with softer
materials such as aluminium and its alloys.In backward cold extrusion called the
impact extrusion ,the setup consists of a die and punch as shown in fig.The slug
for making the component is kept on the die and the punch strikes the slug against
the die. The metal is then extruded through the gap between the punch and the
die opposite to the punch movement.Because of the impact force ,the side walls
go straight along the punch though they are not confined.The height of the side
walls is controlled by the amount of the metal in the slug.This process is more
commonly used for making the collapsable tubes for housing pastes,liquids and
similar articles.
Hydrostatic Extrusion
Another extrusion process that is being used for special applications is the
hydrostatic extrusion.In this the metal billet is compressed from all sides by a fluid
rather than the ram.The presence of liquid inside the container eliminates the need
for any lubricant and also the material is more uniformly compressed from all sides
throughout the deformation zone .Because of this ,highly brittle materials such as
grey cast iron can also be extruded.Some of the pressure transmitting fluids used
are castor oil with 10% alcohol,SAE 30 mineral lubricating oil glycerine,ethyl glycol
and isopentane.The hydrostatic pressure range is from 1110 to 3150 MPa.The
commercial applications of the process are limited to the extrusion of reactor fuel
rods,cladding of metals and making wires of less ductile materials.
Roll Die Forging
Roll Die Forging
Plain rolling is done on the work of uniform cross section .Forging by rolling is the
production of discrete pieces of lengths of varying cross section by rollers.Roll forging
is considered one of the most modern forging processes.

Roll forging performs an impression die forging operation ,but in this system there are two
roll segments on parallel shafts as shown in fig. have one or more set of grooves.A piece of
stock is placed between the rolls which then turn and squeeze the stock in one set of
grooves.The stock is passed to a second of grooves ,the rolls turn again,and so on until the
work piece is finished. Each set of grooved segments is made to do a specific job.

Roll forging may be used to make reduction in cross section and distributing of the metal of
a billet,thus saving considerable work in the forging hammer or press.Because it is rapid ,roll
forging is of advantage in preparing some shapes for forging machines and hammers and
also for completely foreign parts like levers,leaf springs,cutlery and scissors and axles.The
most important use of this process is in the preparation of preformed blanks for
Roll Die Forging (Contd)
In a roll forging machine,circular bars,flats,and squares can be formed to tolerance grade
IT-15 .The straightness obtainable is in such cases is 1 mm per meter length.Similarly ,on
ring rolling mills the tolerance of ± 0.5 mm can be obtained.

Skew Rolling:- This is done with two rolls on cross axes as shown in fig.Each roll has as
outside helical pattern that arises the stock along and progressively shapes it as the rolls
turn.Such diverse products as steel balls and railway car axles are forged by skew rolling.

Ring Rolling:-It starts with a small ring blank and deforms it one or two work rolls and an
idler.The ring is increased in diameter and decrease and shaped in cross section.The blank
may be prepared by forging or punching.Pieces finished by this method range from small
roller bearing races to rings 5 m and more in diameter. This is shown in fig.
Cold extrusion Forging
The cold extrusion is similar to impact extrusion but with the main difference that
the side walls are much thicker and their height is smaller.This also contains a die
and punch set as shown in fig.The punch slowly descends over the slug kept on
the die,thus forging some metal between the punch and die and the rest being
extruded through the clearance between the punch and die side walls.The side
walls thus generated are short and thick with any profile in the end unlike the
impact extrusion .Afterwards ,the component is ejected by means of ejector pin
provided in the die.
The backward cold extrusion process are different from other extrusion
processes in that each stroke of the punch prepares a directly usable single
component which may not necessarily have a uniform cross section over its entire
length. Also ,these are limited to smaller sizes and for non-ferrous alloys only.
Selection of Forging Equipment
Factors considered for selection equipment for a particular job are as follows.

● Type of forging.
● Type of material to be forged.
● Quantity of forgings.
● Cost of the equipment.

1.Type of forging:-The shape and section of the part to forged will determine the
performance of the forging equipment and quality of forging as shown in table.

2.Type of Metal:-The choice between hammer and press will also depend upon the metal to
be forged as explained below.

● Metals and alloys of good forgeability such as carbon and alloy steels can be forged
under both hammer and presses.But for jobs which are in shape ,are of very small
thickness and are heavy ,hammers are preferred over presses. (contd) 157
Selection of forging Equipment (contd) type of metal
● Metals and alloys of poor forgeability ,such as brasses,bronges,magnesium, beryllium
etc.are sensitive to deformation rate and if forged under hammers are liable to
cracking.Such materials are preferred ,therefore to be forged under presses.
● Metals having high thermal conductivity such as copper ,aluminium,etc may cool during
the forging operations ,if forged under presses.Therefore for such metals ,hammers are
● For metals and alloys with high forging temperature ,such as molybdenum and its alloys
,tungsten ,Zirconium,titanium,etc. Hammers are preferred over presses.

3.Quantity of Forging:-The number forgings to be produced per die run is another important
factor.Where the quantity of production is comparatively small (upto 2000 parts per die run )
hammers are preferred.For large production runs ,presses are preferred.

4.Cost of equipment;- (contd)

Selection of forging equipment (contd)
4.Cost of equipment:-If the above technical factors give equal chance to hammer and
press ,the final selection will depend upon economic considerations.The total cost of
production will include the capital cost of forging unit,foundation cost, building cost,die
cost and labour cost.The capital cost including the installation cost of a press is higher
than that of a hammer.The higher cost of press is justified only when the press capacity
is utilized to a high degree above 80% and the annual production of parts is quite high
(30,000 to 40,000 forgings ).Presses and counterblow hammers require smaller and
cheaper foundation,where as fixed anvil block hammers (gravity drop,and double
acting) need costly heavy mass concrete foundations.The foundation cost and building
cost also depend upon the vibrations produced during forging operation ,being directly
proportional to these.The forging equipment arranged in order of increasing ground
vibrations are :crank press,screw press,vertical or horizontal counter blow hammer and
fixed anvil block hammer. 160
Selection of Sizes of Forging Equipment
1.Hammers:-Some of the factors that govern the selection of hammer size
include:Forging shape,its size,the number of forgings produced,and the material of the
forging.Consideration is also given to the die face area,total volume displacement of the
metal affected in a time etc.
The capacity of the hammer (C ) =10(1-0.005D)(1.1 +2/D)2(0.75 +0.001D)D2𝞼t
Where C is the capacity of the hammer in Kg
D is the diameter of the round forging at the parting line
𝞼t is the tensile strength of the material
Another empirical formula C =(3.5 to 5) x A, Kg where A =forging projection area in cm2

Selection of sizes of forging equipment
2.Presses:-For given capacity of press ,the output increases and forging cost decreases with
increase in section diameter to a maximum of optimum diameter.

Selection of sizes of forging equipment
3.Forging Machine:-Capacity of the horizontal forging machine depends upon the

Selection of sizes of forging equipment

Materials for Die Blocks
The materials used for making dies must be heat resistant,possess adequate strength of low
wear rate and high machinability etc.a compromise between hardness and ductility must be
struck since the dies are exposed to thermal shock.

Die blocks used for the production of forging dies are manufactured from high grade special
tool steels.The ingots are worked under large forging presses , varying from 20 to 40 MN
capacity, to achieve the utmost grain refinement and resistance to shock.After this,the die
blocks are normalised ,and usually heat treated in the final stage by quenching and
tempered to the required hardness. This double heat treatment insures a maximum
resistance to wear.

Composition and heat treatment of die blocks depend on the type of die and its application.
Hardness of the die blocks vary from 269 to 477 BHN,the most common range being 341 to
375 BHN. The hardness higher than 302 BHN ,these steels are difficult to machine and
machining is done only at sacrifice in cutting speed and tool life.
Design the upsetting tools required for the finished component shown in fig.The
forging after providing for the necessary allowances and tolerances as shown in
fig.To find the stock size ,we need to know the smallest size of the forging.
Solution ;-The smallest cross sectional area =𐍀(652 -352 ) =1865.32 mm square
Hence stock size A= 𐍀D2 /4 , D=(√A x4 ) /𐍀 =48.73 i.e 50 mm
Stock area of cross section =𐍀x 502 /4 =1963.495 mm2
Volume of A =𐍀D2 /4 x L= 𐍀 x 652 x 20 =66366.14 cubic mm2
Volume of B =𐍀D2 /4 x L=𐍀 x 1002 x 45 =353429.17 cubic mm
Volume of C =𐍀 h/3 (R12 + R22 +R1R2) =𐍀 x 25/3(31.52 +302 +31.5x30) =74249.03
Volume of D =𐍀D2 /4 x L =𐍀 x 352 x 52.5/4 =50510.81 cubic mm (contd)
Total volume =Volume of A +volume of B +Volume of C-Volume of D=
66366.14+353429..17+74249.03-50510.81 =440803.4 cubic mm
Stock length =total volume /area of stock =440803.4/1963.495 =224.41i.e=225mm
Total stock length =stock length x area =225 x1963.495 =441786.37 cubic mm
Length to diameter ratio =225/50 =4.5 Since it is more than 3 and also the fact
that the piercing is to be done ,the material is to be upset in more than one pass.
First pass:-while designing the die and punch cavity ,it should be seen that the
material only gets upset and no extrusion takes place.Also the punching should be
gradual ,which is achieved by a 60 degree punch in the first pass as shown in fig.
Volume of hole =𐍀d2/4 xL =𐍀 x35 2 x 27.5/4 =26458.1cubic mm (contd)

Length of stock =440803.53/𐍀x25 /3 (32.52 +32.5 x 30 + 302))
=470091.53/3214.47= 146.24 mm 146.24/50=2.9 mm

Second pass:-Now the length to diameter ratio is under 3 and hence it should be
possible to get the upsetting done in a single pass but for the pierced hole .Hence
one more pass is added before the final pass .As before the length L2 =66.21
mm(20 +45.8 +25.8 -25) =66.21

Third pass:-in the third pass the requisite forging shape is acquired .The
arrangement of die and the punch cavities are shown in figs.

Stock Length =
407130.773/962.1127 =
423.16 mm i.e 425 mm

To arrive at the die design,

assume that the final
shape is to be done in a
single stage applying rule

Length of the Stock to be

upset / Diameter of Stock
= 425/35 = 12.1429

This is a severe upsetting

operation and therefore
cannot be done in a single
pass. therefore a conical
gathering is tried as in fig


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