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1. With your partner analyse how the writer has made the text vivid?
a) What kind of adjectives are used?
b) Why do you think there are so many compound (hyphenated) adjectives
c) What type of sound effects are created?
d) Where is personification used?
e) Which words are repeated and what is the effect?
f) What can you say about the sentences?

2. With your partner, discuss the following pairs of sentences. For each pair, say which sentence is
more effective. Be prepared to explain your choice:
a) It was autumn and the trees were aflame.
It was autumn and the leaves were reddish-brown.
b) The old man's fate was wrinkled.
The old man's face was like a withered apple
c) Her laugh tinkled like ice in a glass.
Her laugh was high-pitched.
d) The waiting passengers pushed onto the train.
The waiting passengers stormed the train
e) The rain drummed on the roof.
The rain beat loudly on the roof.

3. Say whether each sentence above is a simile or a metaphor

a) The hail stung the windows.
b) The sun stalked across the fields, as stealthily as a tiger
c) The hillside bloomed with scarlet men marching
d) Life's but a walking shadow.
e) The sea is like a giant, grey, hungry dog
f) A lake is a river curled and asleep like a snake.

4. Which image do you find the most effective as description? Why?

5. Copy and complete the following similes and metaphors using original but appropriate comparisons,
a) The baby's skin was as soft as....
b) He leaped across the stream like....
c) The train... its way through the mountain pass
d) She is as dangerous as a…….

6. Rewrite the following sentences, using imagery to make the descriptions more detailed and specific.
a) The soldiers marched as if they....
b) The child was crying
c) The house looked empty.
d) It started to rain,
e) The football stadium was crowded.
f) The woman got angry.

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