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The Solution to HLF

To enhance the sales team to locate the customer in the Camp and Campaigns
conducted by Hinduja Leyland Finance and enter the details of the interested
customer and follow them to close the calls and requirements.
To enhance the management to monitor and manage the sales team movement and
calls report.

Sales Personal General Function

1. Visiting / Arranging Camps/Campaigns:

The Sales force will receive the camp or campaign to be conducted from the Sales or
department head. Every Day they will enter the customers detail and mark their status,
interested not interested.

2. Visiting Clients on Daily Basis:

Based on the customer data created, they will visit the customer for further process
On Visit if the call is converted into order they will take the order by filling the Sales
Order form or collect Order from Customer.

Mobile Application Features for Sales Personal

The Mobile Application enhances the sales force
1. View daily camp/campaign program for a week. Every day the location and
camp/campaign details will appear and they can continue the visit by entering
start time and close time.
2. The Sales force can select a location on the day start and the list of customers will
appear in the location and they can prioritize the call schedule.
3. The Sales force according to the list will visit the customer and will fill the form
and will complete the call.
4. DCR will have only remarks to be entered if the customer postpone the call for a
specific time.

5. The sales force can complete each call details after coming out of client place
6. The Day Start and Day End will mark the attendance.
7. The Sales force can create Sales order in the application by only entering the
Loan Product details.
8. Based on the Call Report the Sales Force can Claim the travelling allowance.
9. The Sales Force can view the following Reports
 Daily Call Reports
 Sales Confirmed

The Web Application Features for Admin / Management

The Admin / Management can manage the Sales force through the implementation of
system as follows:
1. Track the Sales force movement

2. View and Manage the Daily Camp/Campaigns

3. View and Manage the Daily Customer Calls

4. Mange Travelling Expenses.

5. Manage Customer details.

1. Sales Force Features and Functions in Mobile Application

1.1. Sales Call Process Diagram

1.2. Registration and Login

Have to register with following details

 Name:
 Employee ID:
 Email Id:
 Mobile Number:
 Designation
 Division
 Reporting To
 Location: City/District/State
 Password:

Sales Force Login

 Sales Force to login with Mobile Number and Password

 Login Page will have Forget Password feature.

On login the mobile application will lead to HLF Sales Force Dashboard

1.3. Sales Personal Dashboard Flow Diagram

The Dashboard will have following Features

1.4. Daily Camp/Campaign Schedule

 Click: Day Start

 Select: Location Visiting
 Select: Camp/Campaign
 Enter Customer details
 Select prospective status (Yes/No)
 Click: Day End

1.5. DCS – Daily Customer Call Sheet

 Auto Input:
 Date and Time
 Location
 Reporting
 Designation
 Division
 Select: Customer name
 If New Customer Enter Customer Details in Customer Form
 Select: Call Status (Prospective, Discussion, Order)
 Enter: Remarks
 Select: Marketing Material
 Enter: Qty
 Select Revisit details along with date and time.

1.6. Marketing Material (Brochure, Pamphlet, Gifts)

 Accept the Materials given by Office.

 On issue of materials to Customers the stock will reduce

1.7. Sales Order Form

 Select: Customer Name

 Select: Product
 Select: Amount
 Enter: Remarks

On Submission SOF is generated

1.8. Daily Call Schedule (END)

 Click End Day. Particular day Daily Call is closed

1.9. Travelling Allowance
On Click End Day,
 Automated Distance travelled for the day will appear. The Distance
travelled will be captured through GPS on offline mode and will push the
data once the device comes to online mode. Will try to implement GPS
enabling Programme in the application. Once a Sales Personal clicks start
of the day it will ask to turn on GPS.
 Select the Amount per Kilometer
 Click Accept

2. Admin Features and Functions in Web Application

(Back End for Mobile Application)

2.1. Registration and Login

 Registration will be created by Development Company and later
credentials can be changed
 Login with given credentials


On login the web portal / application will lead to HLF Admin Dashboard

2.2. Admin Dashboard Flow Diagram

The Dashboard will have following Features

2.3. Sales Personal Profile

 Add, Edit and Delete Sales Personal Details

2.4. Daily Camp /Campaign Schedule

 Create /Edit / Delete Daily Camp/Campaign Schedule for Sales Force

2.5. Daily Customer Call Schedule

 Edit / Delete Daily Customer Call Schedule for Sales Force

2.6. Masters
For Product (Sales Order Process)
 Division Master
 Create, Edit, Delete Division
 Category Master
 Create, Edit, Delete Category (Two Wheeler/Three Wheeler/ Trucks
 Sub Category Master
 Create, Edit, Delete Sub Category (Fleet/Individual)

 Product Master
 Select: Division
 Select: Category
 Select: Sub Category
 Enter: Loan

Marketing Material Masters

 MM Category Master
 Add, Delete, Enter MM Category Master (Brochure, Catalogue,
 Marketing Material Master
 Select: Division
 Select: MM Category
 Enter: Marketing Material Name (Loan Products Catalogue)
 Enter: Description of Marketing Material)

Customer Master
 Upload the Customer Data through Excel
 Add the Customer Details through Customer Form

2.7. Inward and Outward of Marketing Material

 Inward Register
 Select: Division
 Select: MM Category
 Select: Marketing Material Name
 Enter: Quantity Received

 Outward Register
 Select: Sales Force Name
 Select: Marketing Material Name
 Enter: Quantity Given

2.8. Reports

View the following Reports

1. Daily Call Sheets of Sales Force (Individual, Date wise, Period wise (From
Date - To Date) Weekly and Monthly)
2. Travelling Allowance
3. Sales Order
4. Marketing Material Stock Position with Office and Sale force

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