Sociology of Violence

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The Gendered and

Sexualised Nature of
Violence Against Children
Aakriti Nitika Raj
B.A. (Hons.) English B.A.(Hons.) English
SKG202E0035 SKG202E0058
Contents of the
presentation :
1. The bottom line : what is considered violence against children?
2. Child trafficking : a class issue?
3. Domestic violence against children : is it a form of ‘discipline’ or a
4. The gendered and the sexualised nature of both the types of violence
5. Social Ignorance or obliviousness?
6. References
The questions we’ve based our
research on:

Are the How are we

What is the
cases as a society
nature of the
being court
reported to proceedings? these forms
the police? of violence?

1. Discussions:

Introduction ● What are the

requirements for
The bottom line : what is us to say, ‘this is
considered violence violence against a
against children?
1. According to WHO, violence against children includes all forms of violence against people under 18 years
old, whether perpetrated by parents or other caregivers, peers, romantic partners, or strangers.
2. It is a mainly classified into three categories : physical, emotional and sexual.
3. It is not a regional issue but a global one. It can happen in any country and any setting-in a child's home,
community, school and online.
4. UNICEF data shows that 3 out of 4 children experience violence at the hands of their closest relatives, i.e.
children are more prone to experience violence at the hands of the people they are closest to.
5. This leads to an ongoing debate about how to reduce a form of violence that has such varied, deep lifelong
psychological impacts on the victims but no easy way to prosecute or even bring the matter into the public.
6. In an attempt to further delve into this idea, UNICEF started a debate on ‘violence against children’. We
would be discussing this in our conclusion.
Here’s the link for the same:
7. For the purpose of this presentation, we‘re going to look into two forms of violence against children :
A. Child trafficking
B. Domestic violence against children
● What is
deemed child

● The
seriousness of
the issue (a
look at the
Child trafficking: a data)
● What are the
class issue? causes? Is it a
class issue?
1. Child trafficking is defined as the “recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring
or receipt” of a child for purpose of exploitation.
2. According to International Labour Organisation, "Child trafficking is about taking
children out of their protective environment and preying on their vulnerability for
3. According to the Legal Service India E-Journal, there are three elements required for
the formation of trafficking:

Elements Explanation

Action the transportation, recruitment, transfer, and procurement of a person

Means the use of coercion, deception, force, abduction, abuse of the position of
the vulnerability of the victim, abuse of power enjoyed by the trafficker,
giving or receiving payments or benefits or some consideration

Purpose exploitation which includes forced labour in domestic, industrial, dance

bar, Prostitution, Pornography, commercial servile marriage, removal of
organs Etc.
4. The US Department of States issued a report titled ‘2022 Trafficking in Persons’ which stated that 22 of India’s
36 states and Union Territories (UTs) did not report identifying any bonded labour victims or filing any cases
under the relevant rules even as the acquittal rate for traffickers remained at 89 per cent. The report has also
stated that India does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking.
5. The section 370 of the Indian Penal Code still requires forde, fraud or coercion to prove child sex trafficking
and hasn’t been amended yet. The Indian government has been said to not update its national action plan to
fight trafficking and moreover is said to be involved in the act of not report investigating, prosecuting, or
convicting government officials for alleged involvement in trafficking crimes.
6. Globally, one in every three victims of human trafficking detected is a child, but in low income countries,
children account for half of the victims detected, most of them trafficked for forced labour.
7. In India, disadvantaged communities are most vulnerable to trafficking. Parents of children from these
communities are either misled or lured due to their poor socio-economic condition which eventually compel
them to ‘send’ or ‘sell’ their children for ‘better livelihood options’. Traffickers promise daily wages to parents
and transport them to big cities where they are often treated as commodities. Child trafficking, in
underdeveloped country hence, is a class issue.
8. There various other factors such as the rehabilitation of these children(considering they are found),
prosecution etc. which we would be discussing further.
3. Discussions:
● What comes
Domestic violence under Domestic
Violence against
against children : children?
● What is the
is it a form of global scenario?

‘discipline’ or a ● Does it depend

on the
problem? economic factor
of a country?
1. The term “domestic violence” comprises all forms of real abuse or threat of abuse of physical, sexual,
spoken, emotive and monetary nature that can harm, compromise the health, wellbeing, life or either
psychological or physical condition of the aggrieved person. (In this case, persons below the age of 18)
2. The growing concern with domestic violence against children is the alarming rate at which it is growing
and how it is perceived as a form of ‘Discipline’ in many household, especially in India.
3. If we look at it globally:
4. It can be seen that majority of the countries, including India is not included in the data
even though it has been taken globally. This is because in most countries, half the people do
not consider this as a form of ‘violence’ and the other half who do, don‘t necessarily report it.
5. In such conditions, it gets difficult to have data which shows the distribution correctly.
6. It has also been seen that Domestic violence against children is dependent of the GDP per
capita of the countries:
4. Discussions:
● How does
The gendered and gender
sexualised nature of influence the

‘Child Trafficking’ and nature of these

forms of
‘Domestic Violence violence?

against children’
4. Discussions:
● What comes
Domestic violence under Domestic
Violence against
against children : children?
● What is the
is it a form of global scenario?

‘discipline’ or a ● Does it depend

on the
problem? economic factor
of a country?
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